Parameter Optimization of Tube Hydroforming: Edina Karabegović Miran Brezočnik
Parameter Optimization of Tube Hydroforming: Edina Karabegović Miran Brezočnik
Parameter Optimization of Tube Hydroforming: Edina Karabegović Miran Brezočnik
Tube hydroforming is mostly applied in automotive industry. In this respect, necessity for the procedure
improvement of flu id forming is constant. One of the reasons of its improvement is the procedure performance in optimal
conditions. The process parameters have the direct in fluen ce on quality and optimal of forming procedure. This paper
provides an example of the fluid p ressure optimization in T-shape tube hydroforming. Three types of material have been
analysed, with three wall thickness and three course levels of axial printers. For the optimizat ion, the evolutional method
with applied genetic algorith m (GA) was utilized. The applicat ion of GA is significant in solving of many problems in
engineering practice. The simp licity and adaptability of the genetic algorithm to the engine ering problem results with the
increasing volume of applications in a research work. In this paper we investigated interactions of the internal parameters
of the T tube hydroforming process, towards achieving the GA model fo r the optimal internal pressure, necessary for
1. Introduction
A significant development of unconventional procedure processing has brought up by the market demands for
the rapid part changes in automotive industry, whereas economic and market demands couldn't be satisfied with the
conventional method of automotive part manufacturing. The demand that lays for nowadays products is a very high level
of quality which imp lies product manufacturing, with lesser number of constituent elements and lesser quantity of
materials (thin-walled elements). The automotive manufacturers are faced with this problem, where apart fro m functional,
the securing and ergonomic product demands lays. It justifies the increasing application of hydroforming in automotive and
aviation industry. Hydroforming in that area has showed as satisfying, as besides technological process advantages
(possibilities for amplification, narrowing, tube calibration), th eir advantage is significant in different material applicat ion,
large d imension parts and complex shape. One of the procedure improving methods is the parameter optimizat ion of the
tube hydroforming process. Fro m previous researches, it is observed that th e parameter process analyses of element tube
hydroforming have been carried out by many other researchers. Investigations were related on modelling and the parameter
optimization and considered as the most effective on element tube forming. Fo r modelling a nd optimization, there are
applied analytic methods, numerical methods, evolutional methods, artificial neural networks, finite neural method and
alike. A group of researchers, Giuseppe Ingaro and the others (2009) have been investigating and optimizing th e internal
pressure functioning and printer-counter in Y string hydroforming process in the surging zone, considering the tube wall
thickness change. The applied methods are numerical and experimental. Researchers Nader Abedrabo and the others
(2009) are analysing and optimizing the internal flu id pressure and axial shift in symmetrical tube amp lificat ion, using the
fin ite element method and genetic algorith m. Researchers Zhan Yong and the others (2009) apply FE simu lation and GS
method for the internal pressure optimizat ion and axial shift in element tube hydroforming. The results of all investigations
have influence on the improvement and development of the hydroforming process. This paper provides an example of the
internal flu id pressure optimisation in T-shape tube hydroforming, with three wall th ickness levels (s=1-2-3mm), three
materials (σ0.2 = 164-290-412 N/ mm2 ) and three axial shifts (10-15-20mm). The genetic algorith m method has been applied
(1-3,10 - 15).
Some of the examp les of element tube forming are given in Figure 1.
p p
2. 1. T tube Hydroforming
In T tube forming, without drain narrowing, the deformation of the drain terminate in the initial forming stage,
while rising of the drain height is obtained by plastic tube deformat ion, i.e. material inflow fro m th e tube to the drain.
p d
F1 F1
A successful tube forming doesn't depend only on dimensions and contact stress distribution, i.e. the stress -strain
states in certain zones of plastic forming part. It also depends on th e requisite forces for the operation achievement and the
other parameters like: material characteristics, tribological conditions and geometry setup. With defining of the block
scheme in process of the input/output sizes, the mutual dependence of the influ ential parameters of the hydroforming
process is recognized (4, 7, 8. 10).
pressure of the cylinder, p c (N/mm2 )
C = const.
stress of the flow, 0.2 (N/mm2 )
diameter of the tube, d i (mm)
a device(machine tool)
diameter of the bulge, d (mm)
a tool,
height of the bulge, h 1 (mm)
the fluid,
wall thickness, si (mm)
the outer diameter d v=const.
the shift, l (mm)
an abrasion.
length of the tube, l0 (mm)
The internal fluid tube pressure (p uc) via T-shape tube is obtained and represents a cost function for modelling and
optimisation of parameter forming process.
Figure 5: Measuring amp lifier device, Spider 8, P3M B – Flu id pressure sensor in the tube
The device contains eight independent measuring channels, where various sensors can be connected, based on principle of
the electronic dimension change. The fluid pressure sensor P3MB, differs with small dimensions, and has been fitted at the
flu id output of the multip lier (10).
Figure 6: Init ial tube shapes for the aluminiu m alloy, brass and steel
In Table 1 there are the basic material characteristics of which the initial tube shapes have been made.
Table 1. Properties of Materials
Aluminium alloy Brass Steel
AlMgSi0.5 Cu63Zn Ck10 (soft annealed)
Mechanical Chemical Mechanical properties Chemical Mechanical Chemical
Properties properties properties Properties properties
σ0.2 σm Al 98.5% σ0.2 σm Cu 63% σ0.2 σm C=0.10%
164 175 Mg≤1 164 164 Zn 37% 164 164 Si≤0.10%
N/mm2 N/mm2 Si=0.5 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 Mn≤0.30%
Evolutionary algorithm
t : 0
Generate the initial random population of the solution P(t)
evaluate P(t)
P Pt 1
edit t
evaluate t 1
t : t 1
Till the criteria for the evaluation abruption is not achieved
In the evaluation phase of population P(t), in the generation time t, an absolute deviation D( i,t) of the individual model
(organism) i for all measurements has to be calculated:
Di,t E( j ) Pi, j (4)
j 1
E(j)-experimental values for j measuring
P(i,j) prediction value of individual model i, for j measuring
n- a maximu m nu mber of measurements
The equation (4) is a raw adaptive measure. The aim of the optimizat ion by GA is to achieve the equation solution (4) with
the lack of deviation. But the smallest given absolute solution value doesn't indicate that the smallest percentage model
deviation is achieved. Therefore, the average percentage deviation, for all measurements and for individual model i was
D i,t
100% (5)
E f n
The equation (5) was not utilized as an adequate measure for the evaluation population, but is utilized in order to obtain th e
best organism in the population after the settled optimisation.
2 3 164 10 1220
3 1 412 10 1120
4 3 412 10 2940
5 1 164 20 477
6 3 164 20 1298
7 1 412 20 1210
8 3 412 20 3090
9 2 290 15 1603.75
The diagram of experimental values for the fluid press ure of T tube forming, made of steel, wall thickness s0 =2 mm,
obtained by measuring on Spider 8 device.
3 00 0
2 50 0
2 00 0
1m m
1 50 0
2m m
1 00 0 3m m
50 0
Al Cu Ck1 0
Figure 8: Fluid pressure in the tube by experimental measurement,fluid pressure in the tube
The flu id pressure in the tube for three types of material has been given in Figure 8.
Greška [%]
1 10 100 1000 10000
Table 3: Co mparat ive data of the experimental and obtained GA model values
of Input values of Output values GA model
exp. parameters
s0 l p uc p uc
The mean percentage deviation within experimental and prediction values, obtained by the GA model is Δi = 0.85148%.
4. Conclusion
Plastic forming with the fluid application has been known since the last century, and researches in this area are
significant for the process improvement. With the process parameter optimization of the plastic forming, the techno-
economic justification of the process is achieved.With the mathematical modelling and optimization of the experimental
values for the fluid pressure in the tube, with the applied genetic algorith m (GA), the mathematical model equation is
obtained, with the percentage deviation Δi = 0.85148%. The mathematical model for the fluid pressure in the tube refers to
the optimal work area, describ ing the solution regression for the derived experiment. The solutions in this area ensure the
forming efficacy, with the optimal internal press ure for the generated dimension lines: s 0 1mm 3mm ,
0.2 164 412 N / mm 2 i l 10mm 20mm .
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