Solar Collectors

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International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]

ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 5,May -2017
U.G. Research scholar in Mechanical Engineering, ZES’s Zeal college of Engineering & Research, Narhe -Pune, India,

U.G. Research scholar in Mechanical Engineering, ZES’s Zeal college of Engineering & Research, Narhe -Pune, India.

U.G. Research scholar in Mechanical Engineering, ZES’s Zeal college of Engineering & Research, Narhe -Pune, India.

U.G. Research scholar in Mechanical Engineering, ZES’s Zeal college of Engineering & Research, Narhe -Pune, India.

Assistant professor in Mechanical Engineering Department, ZES’s Zeal college of Engineering & Research, Narhe -Pune,
Savitribai Phule Pune University,

ABSTRACT: India is blessed with abundant solar radiation

Parabolic trough concentrators are one available almost throughout the year and over
type of concentrators which reflects the sunlight on throughout its domain. One of the areas where solar
the receiver (Line type) and gives us wet steam for energy is extensively used at presently is water heating.
water. It can be tried with any type of fluid. Presently Solar water heaters are getting popularity, since they are
solar collectors are used for residential and relatively in expensive and simple to fabricate and
commercial use. These solar collectors require high maintain. They are viable supplement or alternative to
maintenance and high installation cost, solar electric or gas geysers. A solar water heater of 100 liters
concentrators help us in these disadvantages. This per day capacity can prevent over 30 tons of carbon
review paper concentrates on solar concentrators dioxide emissions during 20 years of its life span.
and various fluids that can be used in receiver. It also The energy from the sun is virtually free, except
focuses on surface shape measurement of solar the initial cost of the system The use of solar energy not
concentrator in solar thermal power application. In only bridges the gap between the demand and supply of
order to capture maximum amount of solar energy it electricity but also reduces the use of conventional
is required to orient the concentrator as per the energy, reduces the use of conventional energy, usually
position of the sun i.e. tracking is required .However results in a decrease in GHG emissions compared to the
some of the concentrators do not track and are present rate of consumption. Use of solar energy in India
referred as fixed concentrators. The objective of the is merely 0.5% compared to other energy resources.
project is to track the receiver instead of solar Flat plate collectors are used for low
concentrator. temperature applications. Many industrial applications
require temp. more than 100 degree Celsius, which is
INTRODUCTION: obtained by using concentrators line focus systems have
Increasing energy demands, shortage of fossil cylindrical symmetry and are generally used when
fuels, and the continuous increase in the level of green medium conc. Ratio is sufficient to provide the desired
house gas emissions are the main driving forces to utilize operating temp. Obtainable reaches to 500 degree
various sources of renewable energy. Solar energy is Celsius.
environmentally clean, free and inexhaustible source of A parabolic trough is a type of concentrating
energy. The power from the sun reaching the earth is solar thermal technology, concentrating solar power
many thousands time larger than present consumption (CSP) uses a reflector to focus direct normal solar
rate of all commercial energy sources. This makes it one radiation onto a receiver. The conventional solar trough
of energy sources. This makes it one of the most tracks the sun during the day by rotating about a single
promising renewable energy sources. axis. Typical collectors track sun from east to west by
rotating about a north-south axis.
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International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 5,May -2017
LITERATURE REVIEW: uncertainty in the design stage, leading to different
The authors Iuliana sorgia & viorel badescu [1] combinations of complexity, completeness and
states that ‘The instantaneous performance of solar robustness’. The author jun xiao Xiudong wei zhenwu lu
collectors depends on the thermal inertia of their Weixing yu & Hongsheng Wu[6] States that ‘Three types
components. The objective of their paper is to estimate for surface measurement methods of solar concentrators
how much dependent are the thermal inertia effects on are discussed. The video scanning Hartman optical test is
the weathers characteristics. A mathematical model was a procedure directly measure surface slopes and it is
been developed to describe the dynamic behavior of a suitable to characterizes the optics of dishes and
flat plate water heating collector. The model was parabolic trough where it is sufficiently accurate .
validated for a common collector geometry both in Photogrammetric is a method based on photographic
steady conditions, against data provided by process and widely used for the 3-D dimensional
manufacturer..The effect of thermal inertia and has been measurements of objects. It allows the measurements of
estimated in days characterized by different radiative objects. It allows the independent measurement the
regimes’. The authors H.Benoit, L.S.preafico ,D.Gauthier deflectometry is suitable for measuring large surfaces
& G.Flamient[2] mention that’ Thermodynamic cycle with high resolution particularly for measuring
efficiency in the range 35-42% may be achieved with heliostats of a central tower system with a typical focal
current liquid and two phase heat transfer fluids used in length of 100 or larger. Solar collector and thermal
solar thermal power plants. Cycle efficiency of 50% and energy storage system are the two components.
more are attainable with new HTF are stable at 700 Different metal firms affect heat transfer in PCM’. The
degree Celsius in order to predict these fluids heat author Ojajunmao[7] states that ‘Main geometrical
transfer coefficients ,Nusselt correlations can be applied. configurations of IES system in CSP plants are cylinder
The coupling between heat transfer fluid characteristics and rectangle . Rectangular storage tank is popular for
liquid metal are efficient heat transfer that could lead to sensible heat storage in large scale system and cylinder
further development. It’s also deals with recent storage tank is more extensive for latent heat storage in
development on HTF’. The authors Sh.Ghadarijifarbeigo, labscale system. Packed-bed encapsulated PCMs is future
A.H.zamzamia, & M.yaghoub[3] stated that ‘new trend in TES system’. The author Ming liu N.H.steven tay
perforated louvered twisted tape on the heat transfer stuart bell Martin belusko Rhys Jacob &Geoffrey
coefficient and friction factor for an absorber tube of will[8]States that ‘The paper overviews the technical
solar parabolic trough collector is determined development in high temperature TES over the last
numerically. High Nusselt number and friction factor are decade to achieve cost effective TES for CSP Recent
observed for lTT with respect to plain tube. ‘With developments in latent TES aim to maximize the
decreasing the value of the Reynolds number and twist extraction rate of the stored heat from storage systems
ratio’. The authors Gianculuca Searle, Sara baronetto, by reducing the thermal resistance between the PCM and
Francesco goia,& Marco perino[4] states that ‘The results the HTF through encapsulation ,utilizing heat pipes and
of the numerical characterization and performance making PCMs mobile. High temperature corrosion of the
analysis of the slurry phase change materials based solar containment material is a severe problem experienced
thermal collectors demonstrates that this system by all types of TES. The cost of the thermal storage is a
presents promising energy efficiency Improvements at function of both the storage and containment materials
least from the theoretical point of view. On average the and the configuration associated with storage system.
instantaneous efficiency can increase up to 0.08 if The author Gianpero colangeb,Ernani favale,Paola
compared to conventional, water based technology. It mighietta,Arturo de risi [9] stated that ‘This paper has
shows that temp. of slurry PCM heat carrier fluid is been focused on the recent development in the field of
always lower than that of the water solution one. The flat plate solar thermal collectors. These type of solar
authors-R.Silva M.pefez M.Berenguel L.Vannzuela & collectors are the most widely used in the world because
E.Zarza[5]States that ‘ The results show that although of low cost and easy maintenance. In this paper different
several low-level modeling factors of parabolic trough schemes of operation during summer day summer night
DSG solar plants carry relatively large magnitudes of winter day and winter night.Nanofluids can be employed
uncertainty, most of them show a negligible influence on in flat solar panels in order to increase efficiency of
integrated higher level output design indicators after systems. Innovative materials, innovative heat transfer
being propagated through model. Therefore a key fluids in solar thermal collectors’.The authors Ricardo
finding in this work is that the selection of a particular Vasquez dadilla,Gokmen demirkaya,D,yogi Goswami,Eias
design indicator has a very significant influence on the stefamaskos, Muhammad N.Rahman[10] states that ‘A
relative importance distribution of the sources of comprehensive heat transfer model for thermal analysis
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International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 5,May -2017
of parabolic trough solar receivers was developed. The power generation sources in the near future. World
heat collection element consists of an absorber governments are actively announcing incentives for
surrounded by a glass envelope. In this paper a detailed development of solar thermal power plants and
one dimensional heat transfer analysis of a PTC is establishing policy frameworks. The launch of The
presented. The receiver and envelope were divided into JNNSM by MNRE, Government of India is the first step in
several segments and mass and energy balance were the promotion and establishment of solar energy as a
carried out in each control volume’.The author Fatigun viable alternative to conventional sources.The author
A.T,Fauneya E.B,Aduloju K.A,Falaiye O.A.[11] states that Neha Jain[14] studied that, The concentrated solar
‘The line focus solar thermal collector was constructed power technology (CSPT) is being looked upon as
using flexible plywood, wooden planks, silver coated solution of increasing energy requirement of the world
acrylic mirror ,copper tube and glue. Experimental of today. Parabolic-trough collectors can also drive
investigation was carried out on a three segment line absorption cooling systems or other equipment that runs
focus concentrating collector in stationary mode. Study off a thermal load. A dark surface is positioned to absorb
show that the effect of structural geometry is significant sunlight and convert it to heat. Water or another heat
on the performance efficiency of a line focus collector transfer fluid passes along that hot surface to pick up the
.The useful gain rate of the system was estimated to be heat—either for direct use or for transfer through a heat
9.6 kw while the heat loss coefficient was exchanger to the end use. From the standpoints of
4.637w/mk.The author G.O.G lof, D.A Feser technological feasibility, compatibility with existing
,J.A.Duffie[12] states that ‘The shape factor is defined as facilities, conventional energy use reduction, and
the fraction of radiation specularly reflected from pollution and climate-change-gas emission reduction,
reflector which is intercepted by the receiver. The most the outlook is quite good. The technology is more limited
probable reasons for the receiver size are mis geographically to areas of high solar resource and to
positioning of the receiver and misalignment of the larger facilities than technologies, but the economics are
reflector.If a small receiver is centered a slight distance better. This is largely the reason for the fact that 97% of
from the theoretical focus, the actual shape factor would the total energy generated in the world through CSPT
differ from the measured shape factor used in calculating utilizes parabolic trough solar power.In India, Cargo
energy balances. The reflector focal length was one foot Solar Power project in Kutch (Gujarat) and Corporate
,the rim angle was 114 degrees and the FIA was Ispat Alloys Limited project in Nokh (Rajasthan) are
0101.Incident solar radiations were measured with an targeted to be finished by 2013, both being parabolic
eppley pyrheliometer mounted with sensing element trough type plants. Parabolic-trough collectors can also
parallel to aperture of reflector’. The author Devander drive absorption cooling systems or other equipment
Kumar Lamba[13] stated about parabolic trough that runs off a thermal load. A dark surface is positioned
collectors that, Parabolic trough technology is the most to absorb sunlight and convert it to heat. Water or
mature concentrated solar power design. PTCs another heat transfer fluid passes along that hot surface
effectively produce heat at temperatures ranging From to pick up the heat—either for direct use or for transfer
50 to 4000 C. These temperatures are generally high through a heat exchanger to the end use. From the
enough for most industrial heating processes and standpoints of technological feasibility, compatibility
applications, the great majority of which run below3000 with existing facilities, conventional energy use
C. There is a series of curved mirrors in each parabolic reduction, and pollution and climate-change-gas
trough which are used to concentrate sunlight on to emission reduction, the outlook is quite good. The
thermally efficient receiver tubes placed in the trough’s technology is more limited geographically to areas of
focal line through which synthetic oil, heated to high solarresource and to larger facilities than
approximately 400 ◦C by the concentrated sun’s rays, is technologies, but the economics are better.This is largely
used as a heat transfer medium. As reviewed in the the reason for the fact that 97% of the total energy
paper the key sectors are food and beverages including generated in the world throughCSPT utilizes parabolic
wine, textile, transport equipment, metal and plastic trough solar power.In India, Cargo Solar Power project
treatment,and chemicals. And the most suitable in Kutch (Gujarat) and Corporate Ispat Alloys Limited
processes are cleaning, drying, evaporation and project in Nokh (Rajasthan) are targeted to be finished
distillation, blanching, pasteurisation, sterilisation, by 2013, both being parabolic trough type plants. The
cooking, melting, painting, and surface treatment,it can parabolic trough collectors are generally limited to 150-
also be used in refrigeration and air conditioning. India 200 MW of electrical power generation, the associated
have taken up the opportunity to harvest the solar pumping losses being the major driving factor for that.
resource. Projects based on PTC have the potential for They use 12- 13% of energy in the smaller plants and the
69 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 5,May -2017
efficiency can be scaled higher in larger plants,however, product of the power plant. The collector, the parabolic
the land requirement for the same also increases trough, is a trough the cross-section of which has the
proportionally.7 The thermal losses during the transfer shape of a part of a parabola. More exactly, it is a
of synthetic oil in the pipes mesh also affects the symmetrical section of a parabola around its vertex. The
efficiency of the system, a problem combated in power main requirements for appropriate mirror materials are
towers. The greatest and the most visible advantage of a their reflective properties. The reflectivity must be high.
solar power tower design above the parabolic trough The reflectivity of a surface is a number that indicates
design is attainment of higher temperature. Author Falah the fraction of the incident radiation that is reflected by
Abd Alhasan Mutlak [15],in this paper he carried out a the surface. In general, the reflectivity is different for
experiment in which he formed a system in which it different wavelengths so that it has to be specified for a
includes, construction of a matrix of mirrors to form the given wavelength or a given wavelength range, for
parabolic reflector (1.8 2.8 m). They are aligned by a instance for the visible light range. In the case of solar
laser beam. Solar tracker has been constructed (using applications, the solar spectrum is of interest. Generally,
two-axis) to track PTSC according to the direction of a “solar weighted reflectivity” is indicated that takes into
solar radiation. Synthetic oil is used as a heat transfer consideration that there are different energy contents at
medium because of its capability to have load of high different wavelengths in the solar spectrum. The solar
temperature (400 oC). The storage tank has been weighted reflectivity indicates, hence, the fraction of
fabricated of stainless steel of size 50 litre.He also gave solar energy that is reflected on a mirror. The bearing
load two loads to it, the first load is designed as a solar structure of a parabolic trough has the function to carry
cooker and the second one for space heating. In order to the mirrors in the right position, to give stability to the
track the sun throughout the day for every day of the troughs and to allow an exact Sun tracking.
year, there are geometric relationships for the position Theoretically, the parabolic troughs in the solar field of a
of the collector with respect to the time that is needed to CSP plant can have any horizontal orientation. Sun
be known. The earth revolves around the sun every tracking is always possible. However, there is a
365.25 day in an elliptical orbital called eclliptic plane, preferred orientation, which is the north-south
and it completes a full rotation about its axis every 24 alignment with the respective east-west tracking. East-
hours. The earth – sun distance is smallest on December west alignment with the respective north-south tracking
21 (perihelion, 1.47 1011 m) and highest on June 21 was applied only for experimental purposes. The reasons
(aphelion, 1.52  1011 m) . The axis of rotation of the for the preference of the north-south alignment will be
earth is tilted at an angle of 23.45° with respect to its explained in the section “Solar field”. Receivers for
orbital plane, as shown in figure. This tilt remains fixed parabolic trough power plants have the task to convert
and is the cause for the seasons throughout the year. A the radiation that is projected onto them into heat and to
parabolic trough solar collector with automatic two-axis transport the heat to the pipes, which leads it further to
solar tracking system was constructed, operated and the power block. Important are high radiation
tested to overcome the need for frequent manual absorption and low heat losses. A constructive challenge
tracking. This procedure causes an increase in the out is the heat expansion of the receiver due to the changing
put power of the PTSC by making the solar angle of temperatures between operation and non-operating
incidence between the beam of the solar radiation and state. It has also to be taken into account that the
the normal on the surface of the trough equal to zero receivers in a parabolic trough power plant are
(the geometrical losses becomes zero). Results indicate a moveable parts which require flexible pipe connections.
beneficial effect when the receiver is painted black. The receiver has to fulfil several geometrical and
Moreover, using glass cover protective apparently physical requirements. The reflected radiation has to hit
proved benefit to the overall performance. Authors the absorber surface, which implies geometric
namrly Matthias Günther, Michael Joemann , Simon constraints. The radiation has to be converted as
Csambor [16] and reviewers Amenallah Guizani Dirk completely as possible into heat and the optical and
Krüger Tobisas Hirsch reviewed and studied the thermal losses at the surfaces of the receiver
parabolic trough technology. The energy flow in a components should be as small as possible. Special
parabolic trough power plant has the following coatings and thermal insulation measures are applied to
structure: Direct solar radiation is concentrated and achieve this. The authors, Charles Wyman, James castle &
converted into thermal energy. The thermal energy is Frank Kreith [17] stated that collector technology is
converted into pressure energy of vapour, which is available temperature up to 350 degree F .the
converted into kinetic energy. The kinetic energy is technology and thermal performance of intermediate
finally transformed into electrical energy, the final temperature solar collector is summarized and status of
70 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 5,May -2017
thermal and thermo technology storage method revived 8) Ming liu,N.H.steven tay,stuart bell,Martin
.current collector technology can provide linear belusko,Rhys Jacob,Geoffrey will “ Review on
concentrating collector for capable of heating a working concentrating solar power plants and new
fluid to 300 degree centigrade at peak efficiency up to developments in high temperature thermal energy
60%.heliostat with central receiver can be used for solar technologies”
higher intermediate temperature. Thermal energy can be 9) Gianpero colangeb,Ernani favale,Paola
stored in internal energy of a material as S.H and L.H mighietta,Arturo de risi “Innovation in flat solar
heat of reaction or combination. Solar radiation is thermal collectors-A review of the last ten years
intermitted fissile fuel backup for energy storage must experimental results”
meet energy need at night during cloud cover. The 10) Ricardo Vasquez dadilla,Gokmen demirkaya,D,yogi
optimum energy storage duration is usually that which Goswami,Eias stefamaskos,Muhammad N.Rahman “
provide minimum final delivered energy cost. Heat transfer analysis of parabolic trough solar
CONCLUSION: 11) Fatigun A.T,Fauneya E.B,Aduloju K.A,Falaiye O.A.
Considering the low carbon emission there will “Experimental investigation of effect of geometric
be huge demand for solar systems in the future, as curvature on the performance of a line focus
current non-conventional sources of energy are concentrating collectors”
satisfying only 6.9% of the total potential of the 12) G.O.G lof,D.A Feser,J.A.Duffie “Energy balances on a
renewable sources in India. A current study shows that parabolic cylinder solar collector”
maximum 60% efficiencies can be achieved with current 13) Devander Kumar Lamba “A review on parabolic type
collector technology. solar collectors innovation, applications and thermal
The evacuated receiver is preferable to get energy storage”
temperature in the range of 130-140OC, its cylindrical 14) Jain Neha “Comparative Study of Parabolic Trough
shape leads to receive reflected and deflected radiations Collector and Solar Power Tower Technology”
from the focus [15] 15) Falah Abd Alhasan Mutlak “Design and Fabrication of
Parabolic Trough Solar Collector for Thermal Energy
REFERENCES: Applications”
1) luliana sorgia,viorel badescu “Thermal inertia of flat 16) Matthias Günther,Michael Joemann,Simon
plate solar collectors in different radiative regimes” Csambor“Parabolic Trough Technology”
2) H.Benoit, L.S.preafico,D.Gauthier,G.Flamient “Review 17) Charles Wyman, James castle, Frank Kreith “Review
of heat transfer fluids in tube receivers used in of collector and energy storage technology for
concentrating solar thermal systems: properties and intermediate temperatiure application”
heat transfer coefficient”.
3) Sh.Ghadarijifarbeigo,A.H.zamzami-,M.yaghoubi”3-D
numerical simulation of heat transfer and turbulent
flow in a receiver tube of solar parabolic trough
concentrator with louvered twisted tape inserts”.
4) Gianculuca serale,Sara baronetto,Franceso
goia,Marco perino “Characterization and energy
performance of a slurry PCM based solar thermal
collector a numerical analysis”
5) R.Silva,M.pefez, M.Berenguel ,L.Vannzuela,E.Zarza
“Uncertainty and global sensitivity analysis in the
design of parabolic trough direct steam generation
plants for process heat generation plants for process
heat applications”
6) jun xiao,Xiudong wei,zhenwu lu,Weixing
yu,Hongsheng Wu “A review of available methods for
surface shape measurement of solar concentrator in
solar thermal power applications”
7) Ojajunmao “ Recent developments in geometrical
configurations of thermal energy storage for
concentrating solar power plant”
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