The Fake People PDF
The Fake People PDF
The Fake People PDF
ABSTRACT: The profit of Construction Industry has been tremendously reduced for recent years in Taiwan. In
order to survive in this difficult environment, “Management” becomes the key issue to achieve company’s target.
We need a powerful tool that can help us to handle complicate process such as estimation, bidding, purchasing
and site-management in the life-circle of a construction project. In this research, we develop a Daily Report Mo-
dule for Construction Management Information System. In this module, we use Object Oriented concept to mi-
mic project schema by dividing each item into building-floor-room hierarchy. In this system, all constructed
items will be calculated and converged into money request data. This will heavily save the key-in time and pre-
vent human mistakes from multiple-input. Through the help of this tool, we can effectively calculate the cash
flow for a construction project and accurately control the amount that we can claim from owner and pay to sub-
contractors. It can also provide warning message to prevent overcharge or overpayment in construction operati-
on. Through the help this system, we can integrate construction data and transport site information to the head
quarter through world-wide-web immediately. This can help us to improve administrating capabilities, increase
competition and make profit for construction companies.
KEYWORDS: Cash Flow, Construction Management, Daily Report, Object Oriented, and Site-Management
This study is mainly aimed for developing the
The poor atmosphere of the construction business Daily Report Module, Estimation And Pricing
in recent years is putting a lot of local contractors System, Design Modification Control System and
into severe competition; improvement of man- Project Accounting System so as to compile the
agement so as to uplift competitiveness is neces- daily site management information into the current
sary for survival. While on the construction site engineering value estimation, for the solution of
side, there are indeed a lot of improvements that problems of inaccurate input of site logs,
can be reached by refining the managing layers repetitive works, high human errors in typing,
and cutting down costs; such as, via computer, a over estimates or under estimates of engineering
lot of manpower and man-hours can be saved. In value etc. It is also for recording work items and
welcoming the information-prompt age of net- quantities resulting from the design modification
works, the construction industry must be able to activated by the client or designer, as well as the
follow the pace so as to compile a great amount of finalizing quantity and amount of each project, so
information into useful information in a short as to control the actual costs of projects.
time, and so that competitiveness can be created.
Therefore it is a necessary trend that the construc- 3. FUNCTION REQUIREMENTS
tion industry be informationized.
The System Structure of CMIS consists the
2. OBJECTIVE following items (Fig. 1):
In [1], we have constructed the Basic Database, 1. Basic data structure for building up the system:
Budget Module, Procurement Module, Price Cal- database used is categorized into large, medium
culation Module, and Settlement Management and small items.
Module for CMIS-I. In this research, we use Ob- 2. To develop a Budget System program, to be
ject Oriented concept, Visual Modeling tech- able to generate project budget automatically.
niques with Delphi and ER/Studio environment to
develop following modules for CMIS-II.
3. To develop a Purchasing And Contracting Relationship) Model; by defining the relationship
System program, to be able to screen between the databases, the substantial database is
subcontractors and execute contracting. then built up and becomes the actual relationship
4. To develop a Fund Auditing System program, database (Fig. 2)
to be able to place alarm for items exceeding
the budget. (Above items have been completed
in 2001.)
5. To develop a program of Daily Report System,
to be able to record daily site work items,
quantities and use of manpower and materials.
6. To develop a Estimation And Pricing System
program, to be able to compile, from site daily
log, quantities of the current finished items.
7. To develop a Design Modification Control
System program, to be able to record items and
quantities of every design change.
8. To develop a Project Accounting System
program, to be able to control the finished
items, costs and income, and expenditure for Figure 2. Database Structure Diagram
each project. (Items 5-8 are for the study of the
present year.)
After establishing ER/Model, the user can, with
the tools provided by the program, translate the
database structure into a Script File which can be
retrieved by the general database systems (Fig. 3)
so that Database Console loads the data list of the
system, fields of the data list and the attributes of
each field, as well as the relationship between the
Primary Key and Foreign Key needed for the sys-
tem database.
Site Daily Report, the record of daily site events, on work items; therefore the item in the pricing
records a variety of occurrences around the site; system derives directly from the work items com-
this study categorizes the event information into piled into the pricing list. Yet in reality, some pro-
engineering info, engineer info, manpower, jects are subdivided into several subcontracts and
equipment, material, quantity accomplished, loca- are separately carried out by different subcontrac-
tion of work, test item, site event, and form filling tors in different scheduling. If this is done in terms
etc. of work items, the quantity in the log will not be
able to combine with the item, and this can cause
The site daily report is not only a daily report disputes when the subcontractor applies for pay-
sheet; it shall be used together with other forms ment. This is the reason that in this study we add
such as climate record, engineer progress sched- the building-floor-room structure, so that subcon-
ule, daily work-hour, equipment use record, steel tracting is done according to work item and work
bar use quantity, concrete poring quantity, quan- location, and the work accomplished can combine
tity of form, earthwork quantity etc., and most im- with the work item input and can be translated into
portantly, the engineering progress schedule and pricing and estimation.
the work flowchart.
4.5 The Building-Floor-Room Structure
4.3 Process of Daily Report
The study incorporated the Building-Floor-Room
This system constructs data structure of the daily Structure [5], as described above and that is shown
report [4] as shown in Fig. 4. The system retrieves in Fig. 5, and combined with items in the project
items from the basic database and translates them database. Items in the system contain work
into “Project Work Items”; by combining with the locations, in case of different subcontractors with
daily activities logged in the report system and different prices, this system is able to simulate the
other related data -such as “manpower and actual fulfillment by the said structure, which
material analysis database” and “contractor makes the information control more appropriate
basics”-, information for project work items are for work items. Formulas 1 to 3 are the
compiled; in a building-floor-room format, the relationships between building-floor-room and the
work items are entered according to their work work item; room works are compiled into floor
site locations and are compiled and output as the work, and floors into building. Final summation is
site daily report. This log can be further compiled indicated as the accomplished quantity of the work
for set period of dates as the monthly log that item.
provides information for pricing the estimation
Vfloor = ∑V
i =1
room --------------------------------- (Formula 1)
Vbuilding= ∑V
i =1
floor ------------------------------------- (Formula
Figure 4. Daily Report Data Structure
VSum of work item = ∑V
i =1
building---------------------(Formula 3)
4.4 Process of Pricing Estimation
Vroom: Quantity of work of each room, n1: number
of rooms on the floor.
Pricing Estimation is closely related to procure-
Vfloor: Quantity of work of each floor, n2: number
ment and tender process as well as the daily log.
of floors in the building.
The study finds that items of the procurement pro-
Vbuilding: Quantity of work of each building, n3:
grams in popular software on the market are base
number of buildings in the project.
V sum of work item: Quantity of the work item in the Daily Report System consists of 3 modules-
project Project Info (Fig.6), Work Item Info (Fig. 7), and
Daily Report Input module (Fig. 8) –to record site
5. SYSTEM STRUCTURE AND CONTENT events and work items accomplished; it also
OF WORK provides input of work location info. Besides,
through company intranet via Client/Server
Following completion of the Basic Database, structure, input can also be made by way of the
Budget System, Procurement and Subcontracting browser input to upload daily log info to the main
System, and Cost Accounting System of the “Ob- system at the headquarters.
ject Oriented Visualization-Simulated Structure of
Constructional Information Compiling System System developed in the study provides 2 input
(I)”, this study continues to develop the following methods: Direct Input (Intranet, shown as Fig. 8)
subsystems: and input through browser (Internet, as in Fig. 9)
time, quantity, and price and its payment term or
every change in complete details, so that a better
control of design change can be achieved.
D. To develop a Fund Auditing System program,
to be able to place an alarm on items exceeding
the budget.
E. To develop a Daily Report System program, to
be able to record daily site work items,
quantities, and use of manpower and material.
F. To develop a program of Estimation And
Pricing System, to be able to compile, from
site daily log, quantities of the current finished
G. To develop a Design Modification and Control
System program, to be able to record items and
Figure 13. Project Accounting System quantity of every design change.
H. To develop a Project Accounting System
program, to be able to control the finished
items, cost and income, and expenditure for
each project.
6.2 Contributions
A. To build up a basic data structure and present Subsequent study of this research can extend to
the system in the database categorized into combine the “Progress Control Software” (such as
large, medium and small items. MS-Project, P3 etc.) to achieve automatic
B. To develop a Budget System program, to be compilation of the construction progress, update
able to generate project budget automatically. the Daily Report info into the Schedule Control
C. To develop a Purchasing And Contracting Software so as to achieve real-time integrated
System program, to be able to screen construction management.
subcontractors and execute contracting.
1. Yan-Chyuan Shiau, Ming-Teh Wang, Tsung-
Pin Tsai, Wen-Chian Wang, ”Developing A
Construction Integrated Management
System”, ISARC 2002,September 23-25
Washington D.C., USA.
2. Jiang Duan-Shiang, “The Control of
Estimation”, Construction Engr.,2001/09.
3. Yang-Wang-Jing, “The Application of Object-
Oriented in Project Cost Control”, Master
Thesis of Civil Engineering,National Taiwan