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Integrated Reaty Corp. Vs PNB

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VS PNB person by common agreement was complied with by the execution of the deed of
assignment in favor of PNB.
VOL. 174, JUNE 28, 1989 295 Same; Same; Loans; A contract of simple loan or mutuum is created when
Santos invested his money in time deposit with petitioner-bank.—Thus, when PNB
Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank demanded from OBM payment of the amounts due on the two time deposits which
G.R. No. 60705. June 28, 1989. * matured on January 11, 1968 and February 6, 1968, respectively, there was as yet
INTEGRATED REALTY CORPORATION and RAUL L. SANTOS, no obstacle to the faithful compliance by OBM of its liabilities thereunder.
petitioners, vs. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, OVERSEAS BANK OF Consequently, for having incurred in delay in the performance of its obligation,
MANILA and THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS, respondents. OBM should be held liable for damages. When respondent Santos invested his
money in time deposits with OBM, they entered into a contract of simple loan
G.R. No. 60907. June 28, 1989. *
or mutuum, not a contract of deposit.
OVERSEAS BANK OF MANILA, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS, Same; Obligations and Contracts; Default; Damages; Legal interest in the
INTEGRATED REALTY CORPORATION, and RAUL L. SANTOS, nature of damages for non-compliance with an obligation to pay a sum of money is
respondents. recoverable even if not expressly stipulated in writing.—While it is true that under
Civil Law; Credit Transactions; Pledge; Deed of Assignment; The deed of Article 1956 of the Civil Code no interest shall be due unless it has been expressly
assignment in the instant case is actually a pledge.—For all intents and purposes, stipulated in writing, this applies only to interest for the use of money. It does not
the deed of assignment in this case is actually a pledge. Adverting again to the comprehend interest paid as damages. OBM contends that it had agreed to pay
Court’s pronouncements in Lopez, supra, we quote therefrom: “The character of the interest only up to the dates of maturity of the certificates of time deposit and that
transaction between the parties is to be determined by their intention, regardless respondent Santos is not entitled to interest after the maturity dates had expired,
of what language was used or what the form of the transfer was. If it was intended unless the contracts are renewed. This is true with respect to the stipulated
to secure the payment of money, it must be construed as a pledge; but if there was interest, but the obligations consisting as they did in the payment of money, under
some other intention, it is not a pledge. However, even though a transfer, if Article 1108 of the Civil Code he has the right to recover damages
regarded by itself, appears to have absolute, its object and character might still be 297
qualified and explained by contemporaneous writing declaring it to have been a VOL. 174, JUNE 28, 1989 297
deposit of the property as collateral security. It has been said that a transfer of Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank
property by the debtor to a creditor, even if sufficient on its face to make an absolute
resulting from the default of OBM, and the measure of such damages is
conveyance, should be treated as a pledge if the debt continues in existence and is
interest at the legal rate of six percent (6%) per annum on the amounts due and
not discharged by the transfer, and that accordingly, the use of the terms ordinarily
unpaid at the expiration of the periods respectively provided in the contracts. In
importing conveyance, of absolute ownership will not be given that effect in such a
fine, OBM is being required to pay such interest, not as interest income stipulated
transaction if they are also commonly used in pledges and mortgages and therefore
in the certificates of time deposit, but as damages for failure and delay in the
do not unqualifiedly indicate a transfer of absolute
payment of its obligations which thereby compelled IRC and Santos to resort to the
courts. The applicable rule is that legal interest, in the nature of damages for non-
compliance with an obligation to pay a sum of money, is recoverable from the date
*SECOND DIVISION. judicial or extrajudicial demand is made, which latter mode of demand was made
296 by PNB, after the maturity of the certificates of time deposit, on March 1, 1968.
296 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED The measure of such damages, there being no stipulation to the contrary, shall be
the payment of the interest agreed upon in the certificates of deposit which is six
Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank and one-half percent (6-1/2%). Such interest due or accrued shall further earn legal
ownership, in the absence of clear and unambiguous language or other interest from the time of judicial demand.
circumstances excluding an intent to pledge.” Banking; Interest on Deposits; The bank’s obligation to pay interest on the
Same; Same; Same; Requisites of a Contract of Pledge.—The facts and deposit ceases the moment its operation is completely suspended by the Central
circumstances leading to the execution of the deed of assignment, as found by the Bank.—On the issue of whether OBM should be held liable for interests on the time
court a quo and the respondent court, yield said conclusion that it is in fact a deposits of IRC and Santos from the time it ceased operations until it resumed its
pledge. The deed of assignment has satisfied the requirements of a contract of business, the answer is in the negative. We have held in The Overseas Bank of
pledge (1) that it be constituted to secure the fulfillment of a principal obligation; Manila vs. Court of Appeals and Tony D. Tapia, that: “It is a matter of common
(2) that the pledgor be the absolute owner of the thing pledged; (3) that the persons knowledge which We take judicial notice of, that what enables a bank to pay
constituting the pledge have the free disposal of their property, and in the absence stipulated interest on money deposited with it is that thru the other aspects of its
thereof, that they be legally authorized for the purpose. The further requirement operation it is able to generate funds to cover the payment of such interest. Unless
that the thing pledged be placed in the possession of the creditor, or of a third a bank can lend money, engage in international transactions, acquire foreclosed
Page 1 of 8
mortgaged properties or their proceeds and generally engage in other banking and 1CA-G.R. No. 60005, penned by Associate Justice Carolina C. Griño-Aquino, with the
financing activities from which it can derive income, it is inconceivable how it can concurrence of Associate Justices Milagros A. German and Vicente V. Mendoza, Tenth
carry on as a depository obligated to pay stipulated interest. Conventional wisdom Division; Annex A, Petition, G.R. No. 60705; Rollo, 36.
Petition, G.R. No. 60705, p. 24; Rollo, 32.
dictates this inexorable fair and just conclusion. And it can be said that all who

3Petition, G.R. No. 60907, p. 1; Rollo, 8.

deposit money in banks are aware of such a simple economic proposition. 4Civil Case No. 72557, Court of First Instance of Manila, Branch XIX, Judge Victorino A.
Consequently, it should be deemed read into every contract of deposit with a bank Savellano, presiding.
that the obligation to pay interest on the deposit ceases the moment the operation 299
of the bank is completely suspended by the duly constituted authority, the Central VOL. 174, JUNE 28, 1989 299
Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank
PETITIONS for certiorari to review the decision of the Court of cedents of this case in this wise:
“The facts of this case are not seriously disputed by any of the parties. They are set
298 forth in the decision of the trial court as follows:
Under date 11 January 1967 defendant Raul L. Santos made a time deposit with defendant
298 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED OBM in the amount of P500,000.00. (Exhibit-10 OBM) and was issued a Certificate of Time
Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank Deposit No. 2308 (Exhibit 1-Santos, Exhibit D). Under date 6 February 1967 defendant Raul
L. Santos also made a time deposit with defendant OBM in the amount of P200,000.00
Appeals. (Exhibit 11-OBM) and was issued certificate of Time Deposit No. 2367 (Exhibit 2-Santos,
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. Exhibit E).
Under date 9 February 1967 defendant IRC, thru its President—defendant Raul L.
REGALADO, J.: Santos, applied for a loan and/or credit line (Exhibit A) in the amount of P700,000.00 with
plaintiff bank. To secure the said loan, defendant Raul L. Santos executed on August 11, 1967
a Deed of Assignment (Exhibit C) of the two time deposits (Exhibits 1-Santos and 2-Santos,
In these petitions for review on certiorari, Integrated Realty Corporation also Exhibits D and E) in favor of plaintiff. Defendant OBM gave its conformity to the
and Raul Santos (G.R. No. 60705), and Overseas Bank of Manila (G.R. No. assignment thru letter dated 11 August 1967 (Exhibit F). On the same date, defendant IRC,
60907) appeal from the decision of the Court of Appeals, the decretal
thru its President Raul L. Santos, also executed a Deed of Conformity to Loan Conditions
(Exhibit G).
portion of which states: The defendant OBM, after the due dates of the time deposit certificates, did not pay
“WHEREFORE, with the modification that appellee Overseas Bank of Manila is plaintiff PNB. Plaintiff demanded payment from defendants IRC and Raul L. Santos (Exhibit
ordered to pay to the appellant Raul Santos the sum of P700,000.00 due under the K) and from defendant OBM (Exhibit L). Defendants IRC and Raul L. Santos replied that the
time deposit certificates Nos. 2308 and 2367 with 6 1/2 (sic) interest per annum obligation (loan) of defendant IRC was deemed paid with the irrevocable assignment of the
from date of issue until fully paid, the appealed decision is affirmed in all other time deposit certificates (Exhibits 5-Santos, 6-Santos and 7-Santos).
respects.” “On April 6, 1969 (sic), PNB filed a complaint to collect from IRC and Santos

In G.R. No. 60705, petitioners Integrated Realty Corporation (hereafter, the loan of P700,000.00 with interest as well as attorney’s fees. It impleaded OBM
IRC) and Raul L. Santos (hereafter, Santos) seek the dismissal of the as a defendant to compel it to redeem and pay to it Santos’ time deposit certificates
with interest, plus exemplary and corrective damages, attorney’s fees, and costs.
complaint filed by the Philippine National Bank (hereafter, PNB), or in the
“In their answer to the complaint, IRC and Santos alleged that PNB has no
event that they be held liable thereunder, to revive and affirm that portion
cause of action against them because their obligation to PNB was fully paid or
of the decision of the trial court ordering Overseas Bank of Manila extinguished upon the ‘irrevocable’ assignment
(hereafter, OBM) to pay IRC and Santos whatever amounts the latter will
pay to PNB, with interest from the date of payment. 2
On the other hand, in G.R. No. 60907, petitioner OBM challenges the
decision of respondent court insofar as it holds OBM liable for interest on ** This should be April 6, 1968.
the time deposit with it of Santos corresponding to the period of its closure
by order of the Central Bank. 3
In its assailed decision, the respondent Court of Appeals, quoting from Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank
the decision of the lower court, narrated the ante-
4 of the time deposit certificates, and that they are not answerable for the insolvency
of OBM. They filed a counterclaim for damages against PNB and a cross-claim
______________ against OBM, alleging that OBM acted fraudulently in refusing to pay the time
deposit certificates to PNB resulting in the filing of the suit against them by PNB,
and that, therefore, OBM should pay them whatever amount they may be ordered
Page 2 of 8
by the court to pay PNB with interest. They also asked that OBM be ordered to pay IRC, Santos and OBM all appealed to the respondent Court of Appeals. As
them compensatory, moral, exemplary and corrective damages. stated in limine, on March 16, 1982 respondent court promulgated its
“In its answer to the complaint, OBM denied knowledge of the time deposit appealed decision, with a modification and the deletion of that portion of
certificates because the alleged time deposit of Santos ‘does not appear’ in its books
the judgment of the trial court ordering OBM to pay IRC and Santos
of account.
whatever amounts they will pay to PNB with interest from the date of
“Whereupon, IRC and Santos, with leave of court, filed a third-party complaint
against Emerito B. Ramos, Jr., president of OBM, and Rodolfo R. Sunico, treasurer payment.
of said bank, who allegedly received the time deposits of Santos and issued the Therein defendants-appellants, through separate petitions, have
certificates therefor. brought the said decision to this Court for review.
“Answering the third-party complaint, Ramos and Sunico alleged that IRC and 1. The first issue posed before Us for resolution is whether the liability
Santos have no cause of action against them because they received and signed the of IRC and Santos with PNB should be deemed to have been paid by virtue
time deposit certificates as officers of OBM, that the time deposits are recorded in of the deed of assignment made by the former in favor of PNB, which reads:
the subsidiary ledgers of the bank and are ‘civil liabilities of the defendant OBM.’ “KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS;
“On November 18, 1970, OBM filed an amended or supplemental answer to the I, RAUL L. SANTOS, of legal age, Filipino, with residence and postal address
complaint, acknowledging the certificates of time deposit that it issued to Santos, at 661 Richmond St., Mandaluyong, Rizal for and in consideration of certain loans,
and admitting its failure to pay the same due to its distressed financial situation. overdrafts and other credit accommodations granted or those that may hereafter
As affirmative defenses, it alleged that by reason of its state of insolvency its be granted to me/us by the PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, have assigned,
operations have been suspended by the Central Bank since August 1, 1968; that transferred and conveyed and by these presents, do hereby assign, transfer and
the time deposits ceased to earn interest from that date; that it may not give convey by way of security unto said PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK its successors
preference to any depositor or creditor; and that payment of the plaintiffs claim is and assigns the following Certificates of Time Deposit issued by the OVERSEAS
prohibited. BANK OF MANILA, its CONFORMITY issued on August 11, 1967, hereto enclosed
“On January 30, 1976, the lower court rendered judgment for the plaintiff, the as Annex ‘A,’ in favor of RAUL L. SANTOS and/or NORA S. SANTOS, in the
dispositive portion of which reads as follows: aggregate sum of
“WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered, ordering:
1. 1.The defendant Integrated Realty Corporation and Raul L. Santos to pay the
plaintiff, jointly and solidarily, the total amount of P700,000.00 plus interest at 5 Annex A, Petition, G.R. No. 60705; Rollo, 36-39.
the rate of 9% per annum from maturity dates of the two promissory notes on 302
January 11 and February 6, 1968, respectively (Exhibits M and I), plus 1-1/ 2%
additional interest effective February 28, 1968 and additional penalty interest of
1% per annum of the said amount of P700,000.00 from the time of maturity of said Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank
loan up to the time the said amount of P700,000.00 is actually paid to the plaintiff; SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS ONLY (P700,000.00), Philippine
The defendants to pay 10% of the amount of P700,000.00
Currency, xxx.
x x x
301 “It is also understood that the herein Assignor/s shall remain liable for any
VOL. 174, JUNE 28, 1989 301 outstanding balance of his/their obligation if the Bank is unable to actually receive
or collect the above assigned sums, monies or properties resulting from any
Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank
agreements, orders or decisions of the court or for any other cause whatsoever.” 6

Respondent Court of Appeals did not consider the aforesaid assignment as

1. as and for attorney’s fees;
payment, thus:
2. 3.The defendant Overseas Bank of Manila to pay cross-plaintiffs Integrated Realty
Corporation and Raul L. Santos whatever amounts the latter will pay to the “The contention of IRC and Santos that the irrevocable assignment of the time
plaintiff with interest from date of payment; deposit certificates to PNB constituted ‘payment’ of their obligation to the latter is
3. 4.The defendant Overseas Bank of Manila to pay cross-plaintiffs Integrated Realty not well taken.
Corporation and Raul L. Santos the amount of P10,000.00 as and for attorney’s ‘Where a certificate of deposit in a bank, payable at a future day, was handed over by a debtor
fees; to his creditor, it was not payment, unless there was an express agreement on the part of the
4. 5.The third-party complaint and cross-claim dismissed; creditor to receive it as such, and the question whether there was or was not such an
5. 6.The defendant Overseas Bank of Manila to pay the costs. agreement, was one of facts to be decided by the jury.’ (Downey vs. Hicks, 55 U.S. [14 How.]
240 L. Ed. 404; See also Michie, Vol. 5B Banks and Banking, p. 200).” 7

We uphold respondent court on this score.

Page 3 of 8
In Lopez vs. Court of Appeals, et al., petitioner Benito Lopez obtained a
8 “The indemnity agreement and stock assignment must be considered together
loan for P20,000.00 from the Prudential Bank and Trust Company. On the as related transactions because in order to judge the intention of the contracting
same day, he executed a promissory note in favor of the bank and, in parties, their contemporaneous and subsequent acts shall be principally
considered. (Article 1371, New Civil Code). Thus, considering that the indemnity
addition, he executed a surety bond in which he, as principal, and
agreement connotes a continuing obligation of Lopez towards Philamgen while the
Philippine American General Insurance Co., Inc. (Philamgen), as surety,
stock assignment indicates a complete discharge of the same obligation, the
bound themselves jointly and severally in favor of the bank for the payment existence of the indemnity agreement whereby Lopez had to pay a
of the loan. On the same occasion, Lopez also executed in favor of 304
Philamgen an indemnity agreement whereby he agreed to indemnify the 304 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
company against any damages which the latter
Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank
______________ premium of P1,000.00 for a period of one year and agreed at all times to indemnify
Philamgen of any and all kinds of losses which the latter might sustain by reason
6Record on Appeal, CA-G.R. No. 60005, 13-17. of it becoming a surety, is inconsistent with the theory of an absolute sale for and
7Rollo, G.R. No. 60705, 42. in consideration of the same undertaking of Philamgen. There would have been no
8114 SCRA 671 (1982). necessity for the execution of the indemnity agreement if the stock assignment was
303 really intended as an absolute conveyance, xxx”
VOL. 174, JUNE 28, 1989 303 Along the same vein, in the case at bar it would not have been necessary
Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank on the part of IRC and Santos to execute promissory notes in favor of PNB
if the assignment of the time deposits of Santos was really intended as an
may sustain in consequence of having become a surety upon the bond. At
absolute conveyance.
the same time, Lopez executed a deed of assignment of his shares of stock
There are cogent reasons to conclude that the parties intended said
in the Baguio Military Institute, Inc. in favor of Philamgen. When Lopez’
deed of assignment to complement the promissory notes. In declaring that
obligation matured without being settled, Philamgen caused the transfer
the deed of assignment did not operate as payment of the loan so as to
of the shares of stocks to its name in order that it may sell the same and
extinguish the obligations of IRC and Santos with PNB, the trial court
apply the proceeds thereof in payment of the loan to the bank. However,
advanced several valid bases, to wit:
when no payment was still made by the principal debtor or surety, the bank
filed a complaint which compelled Philamgen to pay the bank. Thereafter,
1. “a.It is clear from the Deed of Assignment that it was only by way of
Philamgen filed an action to recover the amount of the loan against Lopez.
The trial court therein held that the obligation of Lopez was deemed paid xxx
when his shares of stocks were transferred in the name of Philamgen. On 2. “b.The promissory notes (Exhibits H and I) were executed on August 16,
appeal, the Court of Appeals ruled that Lopez was still liable to Philamgen 1967. If defendants IRC and Raul L. Santos, upon executing the Deed of
because, pending payment, Philamgen was merely holding the stock as Assignment on August 11, 1967 had already paid their loan of
security for the payment of Lopez’ obligation. P700,000.00 or otherwise extinguished the same, why were the
In upholding the finding therein of the Court of Appeals, We held that: promissory notes made on August 16, 1967 still executed by IRC and
“Notwithstanding the express terms of the ‘Stock Assignment Separate from signed by Raul L. Santos as President?
Certificate’, however, We hold and rule that the transaction should not be regarded 3. “c.In the application for a credit line (Exhibit A), the time deposits were
as an absolute conveyance in view of the circumstances obtaining at the time of the offered as collateral.”

execution thereof.
“It should be remembered that on June 2, 1959, the day Lopez obtained a loan For all intents and purposes, the deed of assignment in this case is actually
of P20,000.00 from Prudential Bank, Lopez executed a promissory note for a pledge. Adverting again to the Court’s pronouncements in Lopez,
P20,000.00, plus interest at the rate often (10%) per cent per annum, in favor of
supra, we quote therefrom:
said Bank. He likewise posted a surety bond to secure his full and faithful
“The character of the transaction between the parties is to be determined by their
performance of his obligation under the promissory note with Philamgen as his
intention, regardless of what language was used or what the form of the transfer
surety. In return for the undertaking of Philamgen under the surety bond, Lopez
was. If it was intended to secure the
executed on the same day not only an indemnity agreement but also a stock
assignment. _______________

Page 4 of 8
9 Record on Appeal, 267-268. Under the foregoing circumstances and considerations, the unavoidable
conclusion is that IRC and Santos should be held liable to PNB for the
VOL. 174, JUNE 28, 1989 305 amount of the loan with the corresponding interest thereon.
Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank 2. We find nothing illegal in the interest of one and one-half percent (1-
payment of money, it must be construed as a pledge; but if there was some other 1/2%) imposed by PNB pursuant to the resolution of its Board which
intention, it is not a pledge. However, even though a transfer, if regarded by itself, presumably was done in accordance with ordinary banking procedures. Not
appears to have been absolute, its object and character might still be qualified and only did IRC and Santos fail to overcome the presumption of regularity of
explained by a contemporaneous writing declaring it to have been a deposit of the business transactions, but they are likewise estopped from questioning the
property as collateral security. It has been said that a transfer of property by the
validity thereof for the first time in this petition. There is nothing in the
debtor to a creditor, even if sufficient on its face to make an absolute conveyance,
should be treated as a pledge if the debt continues in existence and is not records to show that they raised this issue during the trial by presenting
discharged by the transfer, and that accordingly, the use of the terms ordinarily countervailing evidence. What was merely touched upon during the
importing conveyance, of absolute ownership will not be given that effect in such a proceedings in the court below was the alleged lack of notice to them of the
transaction if they are also commonly used in pledges and mortgages and therefore board resolution, but not the veracity or validity thereof.
do not unqualifiedly indicate a transfer of absolute ownership, in the absence of 3. On the issue of whether OBM should be held liable for interests on
clear and unambiguous language or other circumstances excluding an intent to the time deposits of IRC and Santos from the time it ceased operations
pledge.” 10
until it resumed its business, the answer is in the negative.
The facts and circumstances leading to the execution of the deed of We have held in The Overseas Bank of Manila vs. Court of Appeals and
assignment, as found by the court a quo and the respondent court, yield Tony D. Tapia, that:13

said conclusion that it is in fact a pledge. The deed of assignment has “It is a matter of common knowledge, which We take judicial notice of, that what
satisfied the requirements of a contract of pledge (1) that it be constituted enables a bank to pay stipulated interest on money deposited with it is that thru
to secure the fulfillment of a principal obligation; (2) that the pledgor be the other aspects of its operation it is able to generate funds to cover the payment
the absolute owner of the thing pledged; (3) that the persons constituting of such interest. Unless a bank can lend money, engage in international
the pledge have the free disposal of their property, and in the absence transactions, acquire foreclosed mortgaged properties or their proceeds and
thereof, that they be legally authorized for the purpose. The further 11
generally engage in other banking and financing activities from which it can derive
income, it is inconceivable how it can carry on as a depository obligated to pay
requirement that the thing pledged be placed in the possession of the
stipulated interest. Conventional wisdom dictates this inexorable fair and just
creditor, or of a third person by common agreement was complied with by

conclusion. And it can be said that all who deposit money in banks are aware of
the execution of the deed of assignment in favor of PNB. such a simple economic proposi-
It must also be emphasized that Santos, as assignor, made an express
undertaking that he would remain liable for any outstanding balance of _______________
his obligation should PNB be unable to actually receive or collect the
13 105 SCRA 49 (1981); See also The Overseas Bank of Manila vs. Court of Appeals, et al., 113 SCRA
assigned sums resulting from any agreements, orders or decisions of the
778 (1982).
court or for any other cause whatsoever. The term “for any cause 307
whatsoever” is VOL. 174, JUNE 28, 1989 307
_______________ Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank
tion. Consequently, it should be deemed read into every contract of deposit with a
Footnote 8, at p. 683, citing Am. Jur. 2d, Secured Transactions, Sec. 50.
10 bank that the obligation to pay interest on the deposit ceases the moment the
Art. 2085, Civil Code.
11 operation of the bank is completely suspended by the duly constituted authority,
Art. 2093, Civil Code.
the Central Bank.
306 “We consider it of trivial consequence that the stoppage of the bank’s operation
306 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED by the Central Bank has been subsequently declared illegal by the Supreme Court,
for before the Court’s order, the bank had no alternative under the law than to obey
Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank
the orders of the Central Bank. Whatever be the juridical significance of the
broad enough to include the situation involved in the present case. subsequent action of the Supreme Court, the stubborn fact remained that the
petitioner was totally crippled from then on from earning the income needed to
meet its obligations to its depositors. If such a situation cannot, strictly speaking,
Page 5 of 8
be legally denominated as ‘force majeure,’ as maintained by private respondent, We the continued payment of the interest on his deposit during the period of cessation
hold it is a matter of simple equity that it be treated as such.” is concerned.
The Court further adjured that: “In the light of the peculiar circumstances of this particular case, We disagree.
“Parenthetically, We may add for the guidance of those who might be concerned, It is Our considered view, after mature deliberation, that it is utterly unfair to
and so that unnecessary litigations be avoided from further clogging the dockets of award private respondent his prayer for payment of interest on his deposit during
the courts, that in the light of the considerations expounded in the above opinion, the period that petitioner bank was not allowed by the Central Bank to operate.”
the same formula that exempts petitioner from the payment of interest to its 309
depositors during the whole period of factual stoppage of its operations by orders of VOL. 174, JUNE 28, 1989 309
the Central Bank, modified in effect by the decision as well as the approval of a
Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank
formula of rehabilitation by this Court, should be, as a matter of consistency,
applicable or followed in respect to all other obligations of petitioner which could 4. Lastly, IRC and Santos claim that OBM should reimburse them for
not be paid during the period of its actual complete closure.” whatever amounts they may be adjudged to pay PNB by way of
We cannot accept the holding of the respondent Court of Appeals that the compensation for damages incurred, pursuant to Articles 1170 and 2201 of
above-cited decisions apply only where the bank is in a state of liquidation. the Civil Code.
In the very case aforecited, this issue was likewise raised and We resolved: It appears that as early as April, 1967, the financial situation of OBM
“Thus, Our task is narrowed down to the resolution of the legal problem of whether had already caused mounting concern in the Central Bank. On December 14

or not, for purposes of the payment of the interest here in question, stoppage of the 5, 1967, new directors and officers drafted from the Central Bank (CB)
operations of a bank by a legal order of liquidation may be equated with actual itself, the Philippine National Bank (PNB) and the Development Bank of
cessation of the bank’s operation, not different, factually speaking, in its effects, the Philippines (DBP) were elected and installed and they took over the
from legal liquidation the factual cessation having been ordered by the Central management and control of the Overseas Bank. However, it was only on

July 31, 1968 when OBM was excluded from clearing with the CB under
Monetary Board Resolution No. 1263. Subsequently, on August 2, 1968,
pursuant to Resolution No. 1290 of the CB, OBM’s operations were
Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank suspended. These CB resolutions were eventually annulled and set aside

“In the case of Chinese Grocer’s Association, et al. vs. American Apothecaries, 65 by this Court on October 4, 1971 in the decision rendered in the herein
Phil. 395, this Court held: cited case of Ramos.
“As to the second assignment of error, this Court, in G.R. No. 43682, In re
Thus, when PNB demanded from OBM payment of the amounts due on
Liquidation of the Mercantile Bank of China, Tan Tiong Tick, claimant and
the two time deposits which matured on January 11, 1968 and February 6,
appellant, vs. American Apothecaries, C, et al., claimants and appellees, through
Justice Imperial, held the following: 1968, respectively, there was as yet no obstacle to the faithful compliance
‘4. The court held that the appellant is not entitled to charge interest on the amounts of his by OBM of its liabilities thereunder. Consequently, for having incurred in
claims, and this is the object of the second assignment of error. Upon this point a distinction delay in the performance of its obligation, OBM should be held liable for
must be made between the interest which the deposits should earn from their existence until damages. When respondent Santos invested his money in time deposits

the bank ceased to operate, and that which they may earn from the time the bank’s operations
were stopped until the date of payment of the deposits. As to the first-class, we hold that it
with OBM, they entered into a contract of simple loan or mutuum, not a 18

should be paid because such interest has been earned in the ordinary course of the bank’s contract of deposit.
business and before the latter has been declared in a state of liquidation. Moreover, the bank
While it is true that under Article 1956 of the Civil Code no interest
being authorized by law to make use of the deposits with the limitation stated, to invest the shall be due unless it has been expressly stipulated in writing, this applies
same in its business and other operations, it may be presumed that it bound itself to pay
interest to the depositors as in fact it paid interest prior to the dates of the said claims. As to
only to interest for the use of money. It does not comprehend interest paid
the interest which may be charged from the date the bank ceased to do business because it as damages. OBM con- 19

was declared in a state of liquidation, we hold that the said interest should not be paid.’
“The Court of Appeals considered this ruling inapplicable to the instant case, ______________
precisely because, as contended by private respondent, the said Apothecaries case
had in fact in contemplation a valid order of liquidation of the bank concerned, 14 Ramos, et al. vs. Central Bank of the Philippines, 41 SCRA 565, 573 (1971).
whereas here, the order of the Central Bank of August 13, 1968 completely 15 Id., 579.
forbidding herein petitioner to do business preparatory to its liquidation was first 16 Id., 572.
restrained and then nullified by this Supreme Court. In other words, as far as 17 Art. 1170, Civil Code.
Art. 1980, Civil Code.
private respondent is concerned, it is the legal reason for cessation of operations,

19 Civil Code of the Philippines Annotated, Paras, 10th Ed., Vol.

not the actual cessation thereof, that matters and is decisive insofar as his right to
Page 6 of 8
310 be strictly confined to and within the provisions of the certificates of time
310 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED deposit involved in this case. In fact, as noted by respondent court, when
Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank OBM assigned as error that portion of the judgment of the court a
tends that it had agreed to pay interest only up to the dates of maturity of quo requiring OBM to make the disputed reimbursement, IRC and Santos
the certificates of time deposit and that respondent Santos is not entitled did not dispute that objection of OBM. Besides, IRC and Santos are not
to interest after the maturity dates had expired, unless the contracts are without fault. They likewise acted in bad faith when they refused to comply
renewed. This is true with respect to the stipulated interest, but the with their obligations under the promissory notes, thus incurring liability
obligations consisting as they did in the payment of money, under Article for all damages reasonably attributable to the non-payment of said
1108 of the Civil Code he has the right to recover damages resulting from obligations. 24

the default of OBM, and the measure of such damages is interest at the WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered, ordering:
legal rate of six percent (6%) per annum on the amounts due and unpaid
at the expiration of the periods respectively provided in the contracts. In 1. 1.Integrated Realty Corporation and Raul L. Santos to pay Philippine
fine, OBM is being required to pay such interest, not as interest income National Bank, jointly and severally, the total amount of seven hundred
thousand pesos (P700,000.00), with interest thereon at the rate of nine
stipulated in the certificates of time deposit, but as damages for failure and
percent (9%) per annum from the maturity dates of the two promissory
delay in the payment of its obligations which thereby compelled IRC and notes on January 11 and February 6, 1968, respectively, plus one and
Santos to resort to the courts. one-half percent (1-1/2%) additional interest per annum effective
The applicable rule is that legal interest, in the nature of damages for February 28, 1968 and additional penalty interest of one percent (1%)
non-compliance with an obligation to pay a sum of money, is recoverable per annum of the said amount of seven hundred thousand pesos
from the date judicial or extrajudicial demand is made, which latter mode
20 (P700,000.00) from the time of maturity of said loan up to the time the
of demand was made by PNB, after the maturity of the certificates of time said amount of seven hundred thousand pesos (P700,000.00) is fully paid
deposit, on March 1, 1968. The measure of such damages, there being no
to Philippine National Bank.
stipulation to the contrary, shall be the payment of the interest agreed 2. 2.Integrated Realty Corporation and Raul L. Santos to pay solidarily
Philippine National Bank ten percent (10%) of the amount of seven
upon in the certificates of deposit which is six and one-half percent (6-

hundred thousand pesos (P700,000.00) as and for attorney’s fees.

1/2%). Such interest due or accrued shall further earn legal interest from 3. 3.Overseas Bank of Manila to pay Integrated Realty Corporation and Raul
the time of judicial demand. 23
L. Santos the sum of seven hundred thousand pesos (P700,000.00) due
We reject the proposition of IRC and Santos that OBM should under Time Deposit Certificates Nos. 2308 and 2367, with interest
reimburse them the entire amount they may be adjudged to pay PNB. It thereon of six and one-half percent (6-1/2%) per annum from their dates
must be noted that their liability to pay the various interests of nine of issue on January 11, 1967 and February 6, 1967, respectively, until
percent (9%) on the principal obligation, one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) the same are
additional interest and one percent (1%) penalty interest is an offshoot of
their failure to pay under the terms of the two promissory notes executed ______________
in favor V, 695.
Art. 2201, Civil Code.

Art. 1169, Civil Code.
Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank
Exhibit L, Original Record, 317.

Art. 2209, Civil Code.


Art. 2212, Civil Code.

1. fully paid, except that no interest shall be paid during the entire period of
311 actual cessation of operations by Overseas Bank of Manila;
VOL. 174, JUNE 28, 1989 311 2. 4.Overseas Bank of Manila to pay Integrated Realty Corporation and Raul
L. Santos six and one-half per cent (6-1/2%) interest in the concept of
Integrated Realty Corporation vs. Philippine National Bank
damages on the principal amounts of said certificates of time deposit
of PNB. OBM was never a party to said promissory notes. There is, from the date of extrajudicial demand by PNB on March 1, 1968, plus
therefore, no privity of contract between OBM and PNB which will justify legal interest of six percent (6%) on said interest from April 6, 1968, until
the imposition of the aforesaid interests upon OBM whose liability should
Page 7 of 8
full payment thereof, except during the entire period of actual cessation
of operations of said bank.
3. 5.Overseas Bank of Manila to pay Integrated Realty Corporation and Raul
L. Santos ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) as and for attorney’s fees.

Melencio-Herrera, (Chairman), Paras, Padilla and Sarmiento,
JJ., concur.
Note.—The requisites for the contract of pledge are: (1) that it be
constituted to secure the fulfillment of a principle obligation; (2) that the
pledgor be the absolute owner of the thing pledged; and (3) that the person
constituting the pledge has the free disposal of the property, and in the
absence thereof, that he be legally authorized for the purpose. (Lopez vs.
Court of Appeals, 114 SCRA 671.)


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