CI Vol40No5 Full

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MAY 2018 V. 40 No.

David A. Lange
ACI President 2018-2019
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MAY 2018 V. 40 No. 5
The Magazine of the Concrete Community


25 Everything is Bigger in Texas

How the Mega Slab went down
by Adrian Rojas

28 Effect of Water-Cement Ratio on Concrete Weight Coatings

Density and compressive strength are evaluated for three mixtures
compacted using two pressures
by Eugene Alymov

32 Specifying for Performance

Case studies show that cooperative efforts lead to success
by Karthik H. Obla, Daniel J. Gancarz, William R. (Rusty) Owings III,
Fouad H. Yazbeck, and David G. Tepke


15 ACI Officers and Board of Direction Members for

Lange, Coleman, and four new Directors elected

20 ACI’s Award-Winning Papers and Articles

Authors honored at The ACI Concrete Convention and Exposition –
Spring 2018
22 ACI Technical Committee Chairs Appointed

56 Concrete Q&A
Allowable Tolerances for Suspended Slab Edge

29 | Ci | MAY 2018 3


Concrete international
John C. Glumb, CAE

Rex C. Donahey, PE
( departments
W. Agata Pyc
8 ACI Committee Document
Keith A. Tosolt
( 14 Knowledge to Practice:
ACI Foundation
Lacey J. Stachel
37 Products & Practice
( 40 Product Showcase
David A. Lange, FACI, is the 42 Chapter Reports
95th President of the American
Meredith Schwartz 45 On the Move
Network Media Partners Concrete Institute. The building in
( the background is the University of 46 Calls for Papers
Illinois State Farm Center, formerly
known as Assembly Hall. Historically, 49 Industry Focus
it has been ranked as one of the
MANAGER 50 What’s New from ACI
largest domed structures in North
Barry M. Bergin America, and the claim could be 51 Meetings
made that it is the largest “concrete”
EDITORS dome in the world now standing. 52 Sinopsis en español
Carl R. Bischof, Kaitlyn J. Dobberteen, Lange’s 1-year term as ACI President 53 Public Discussion
Tiesha Elam, Angela R. Matthews, began at the conclusion of The ACI
Kelli R. Slayden Concrete Convention and Exposition 54 Membership Application
– Spring 2018 in Salt Lake City, UT. 55 Advertiser Index
GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Biographies of ACI’s new officers and
Susan K. Esper, Ryan M. Jay, Board of Direction members can be
Gail L. Tatum found starting on p. 15.

Copyright © 2018 American Concrete Institute. Printed in the United States of America. All correspondence should be directed to the
headquarters office: 38800 Country Club Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48331. Telephone: +1.248.848.3700. Facsimile (FAX): +1.248.848.3701.
Concrete International (US ISSN 0162-4075) is published monthly by the American Concrete Institute, 38800 Country Club Drive,
Farmington Hills, MI 48331. Periodicals postage paid at Farmington, MI, and at additional mailing offices. Concrete
International has title registration ® with the U.S. Patent Trademark Office. Subscription rates: $172 per year (U.S. and
possessions); $181 (elsewhere) payable in advance: single copy price is $27.00 plus shipping, prepaid. POSTMASTER: send ad-
dress changes to Concrete International, 38800 Country Club Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48331. The Institute is not responsible
for the statements or opinions expressed in its publications. Institute publications are not able to, nor intended to supplant
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4 MAY 2018 | Ci |

American Concrete Institute
Board of Direction
IN President Directors
David A. Lange Heather J. Brown William M. Klorman
Mark A. Cheek Neven Krstulovic-Opara
Delivery Systems Past President
Frances T. Griffith Tracy D. Marcotte
Board Members
H.R. Trey Hamilton Antonio Nanni

Sharon L. Wood
n this month’s CI, contributors Michael J. Schneider R. Doug Hooton Michael J. Paul
summarize four projects Khaled W. Awad Joe Hug Michelle L. Wilson
constructed under performance
specifications. The works include a
pavement replacement project for the Vice Presidents Executive Vice President
Randall W. Poston Jeffrey W. Coleman Ronald Burg
Illinois Tollway. This application of
performance criteria led to a lower bid
price for the owner and a bonus to the
Technical Activities Educational Activities Certification Programs
contractor. The project also served as a Committee Committee Committee
research platform, as data was acquired chair chair chair
to evaluate the formation factor, a Lawrence F. Kahn Thomas M. Greene Joe Hug
promising measure for quantifying secretary staff liaison staff liaison
penetrability and thus evaluating Matthew R. Senecal Kathryn A. Amelio John W. Nehasil
the durability of concrete. These are Michael C. Brown Diana Arboleda Bryan Castles
important lessons. First, initiating Harry A. Gleich Seamus Freyne William Ciggelakis
and maintaining change requires Fred R. Goodwin Arturo Gaytan Covarrubias Werner Hellmer
Kamal H. Khayat Joe Hug Augusto H. Holmberg
incentives for multiple stakeholders. Neven Krstulovic-Opara Kimberly Kramer Steve Lloyd
Second, research can be implemented Kimberly Kurtis Anthony Lamanna Warren E. McPherson Jr.
as an ongoing and unobtrusive part of Carl J. Larosche Jackie Sempel Christopher Robinson
the construction process. The Illinois Tracy D. Marcotte John B. Robertson Thomas L. Rozsits
Barzin Mobasher Ronald Vaughn Xiomara Sapon
Tollway should be commended for Michael Stenko David M. Suchorski
taking these initiatives. Bruce A. Suprenant Wayne M. Wilson
The works also include the Kit Andrew W. Taylor
Bond Bridge in Kansas City, MO. This
application of performance criteria took
place under a design-build contract, a
system in which the owner manages
only one contract with single point of
ACI Staff & Departments
responsibility. As this project delivery
Executive Vice President: Ronald Burg (
method gains market share in the United
Senior Managing Director: John C. Glumb (
States, performance specifications can be
expected to become more common. ACI Foundation: Human Resources:
Transportation infrastructure projects
are inspected daily by the traveling Certification: Information Systems:
public—the ultimate success or failure
of their specifications will be evident to Chapter Activities: Marketing:
all. Given that these projects are also in
relatively harsh environments, they are Engineering: Member/Customer Services:
bold statements of confidence in the use
of performance specifications. Event Services: Professional Development:
Rex C. Donahey
Finance and Administration: Publishing Services:

Sustaining Members
See pages 12-13 for a list of ACI’s Sustaining Members.
To learn more about our sustaining members, visit the ACI website at | Ci | MAY 2018 5

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Our Common, Noble Cause
he Concrete Convention Research impacts everyone in ACI. Of course, there are
and Exposition in Salt students and academics at ACI who conduct research projects,
Lake City, UT, was but there are also leaders of industry who put research into
especially memorable for me. The practice. Research is important to the industry because it can
many words of congratulations improve design, reduce risk, and increase quality.
for my upcoming year as ACI Things are a-changing in the concrete industry. Venture
President were encouraging and capital is coming into the construction space because investors
inspiring. I intend to use the believe opportunities exist for innovative products, increases
presidential platform to share in productivity, and accelerated construction. Let’s help make
ACI’s vision, affirm its technical it happen.
strength, and invite partnership Teaching is a priority because educating the next
with open arms. ACI thrives generation is a core mission of ACI. ACI has enjoyed great
David A. Lange when its membership is strong success in its certification programs, and ACI needs to
ACI President and active. continue to build on that success. ACI has increased its
ACI is a great and healthy student membership and number of student chapters, and the
organization. The Institute brings together the best minds of ACI Foundation has increased its scholarship levels. ACI staff
industry, we have drawn the contributions of outstanding engineers are increasing their role at ACI Chapter meetings,
researchers, we have an amazing following of energetic and the ACI Ambassador program is aiding our program for
students, and we have a top-notch professional staff under the professional development.
leadership of Ron Burg, ACI Executive Vice President. Service is a priority because helping others in pursuing the
Together we are the American Concrete Institute, the most best use of concrete provides a higher purpose for individual
powerful advocate for concrete construction in the world. We members and the Institute. While international outreach has
are joined by many organizations who are friends and allies in been an ACI goal for some years, a new urgency is evident in
the cause, but ACI stands out as a leader in its size, scale, and the dramatic expansion and investment seen in the
reach. Our forward-looking attitude and commitment to international marketplace. One immediate challenge is to
creating new knowledge places us in service to all the achieve successful launch of the new ACI international office
communities of the world. in Dubai in 2018. ACI has strong allies around the world and
Every year, the incoming President is given the opportunity we need to invest in those friendships. They include: our
to highlight important themes, so I would like to follow that friends at RILEM and fib in Europe; our friends at the
tradition. Concrete Institute of Australia; our new connections to
The priorities I want to emphasize are urgent aspects of Vietnam; our loyal old friends in Canada, South America, and
the ACI strategic plan. As a university professor, I’m Mexico; our friends in Korea at KCI and Japan at JCI; and our
inclined to frame these priorities in terms of research, strong international chapters in India and around the world.
teaching, and service—the pillars of academic work and the We are ACI and our members represent the entire world.
criteria universities commonly consider for promotion of As a final thought, I want everyone to see their work at
faculty members. ACI as a noble cause that draws us together as a community
Research is priority one. If ACI aspires to be the with common purpose. It is noble because at the end of the
knowledge center for all things concrete, research should be a day, we are all working to advance the quality of life of people
cornerstone. Research embodies our curiosity, creativity, and all around the world. Buildings, bridges, roads, and the rest of
discovery of new ways of looking at old problems. ACI needs the built infrastructure make commerce possible, jobs
to up the ante in support of research, and the plans to do so possible, education possible, and health and safety possible.
are in motion today, by the infusion of additional resources We build the world, and we come together in ACI to do it at
into the ACI Foundation. This research funding is directed to the highest level.
address technical needs identified by ACI committees. The
potential long-term impact of funding from the ACI Foundation
is tremendous, and I encourage you all to see how you might David A. Lange
personally contribute to its success. American Concrete Institute | Ci | MAY 2018 7

ACI Committee Document
The following ACI documents will soon be available: Robert S. Jenkins, Jose Damazo Juarez, David Savage,
George R. Wargo, and Michelle L. Wilson, Members;
“Practitioner’s Guide for Alternative Cements Joseph F. Artuso, Ann Balogh, and Roger E. Wilson,
(ACI ITG.10R)” Consulting Members.
Reported by ACI ITG-10, Alternative Cementitious *
Task group preparing this specification
Lawrence L. Sutter, Chair; Mary U. Christiansen, Abstract: This reference specification covers quality
Jonathan E. Dongell, James K. Hicks, R. Douglas Hooton, assurance inspection services for preplacement, placement,
Kevin A. MacDonald, Claudio E. Manissero, Anol K. and post-placement of concrete construction. This reference
Mukhopadhyay, and Deepak Ravikumar, Members. specification can be made applicable to a particular
construction project by citing it in the inspection services
Abstract: This document reviews available and emerging contract. The specifier shall supplement the provisions of this
alternative cements, presenting guidelines and cast studies to reference specification as needed by specifying individual
practitioners seeking to implement them. As performance project requirements in the inspection services contract.
demands of concrete increase, and with the recent initiatives
to address sustainability of construction, alternatives to “Design Guide for Twisting Moments in Slabs
portland cement for concrete are more sought after by owners, (ACI 447R-18)”
architects, and engineers. An alternative cement is intended to Reported by Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 447, Finite
be a replacement for portland cement in certain applications. Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures
In some cases, alternative cements are also used in Ganesh Thiagarajan, Chair; Jian Zhao, Secretary; Riadh S.
combination with portland or blended hydraulic cements. Al-Mahaidi, Ashraf S. Ayoub, Zdeněk P. Bažant, Allan P.
Bommer, Mi-Geum Chorzepa, Carlos Arturo Coronado,
“Specification for Inspection of Concrete Gianluca Cusatis, Mukti L. Das, James B. Deaton, Jason L.
Construction (ACI 311.7-18)” Draper, Serhan Guner, Trevor D. Hrynyk, John F. Jakovich,
An ACI standard, reported by ACI Committee 311, Song F. Jan, Ioannis Koutromanos, Laura N. Lowes, Yong Lu,
Inspection of Concrete Yi-Lung Mo, Wassim I. Naguib, Dan Palermo, Gangolu Appa
Michael C. Jaycox,* Chair; Tracy Grover, Secretary; Rao, Guillermo Alberto Riveros, Mohammad Sharafbayani,
Joseph W. Clendenen, Mario R. Diaz, Robert L. Henry, Hazim Sharhan, Sri Sritharan, and Abbas Mokhtar Zadeh,
Venkatesh S. Iyer, Woodward L. Vogt, Claude E. Jaycox,* Members; Ahmet Emin Aktan, Sarah L. Billington, Johan
Blaauwendraad, Oral Buyukozturk, Ignacio Carol, Luigi
Cedolin, Wai F. Chen, Christopher H. Conley, Robert A.
Dameron, Filip C. Filippou, Kurt H. Gerstle, Walter H.

ACI 318-14: Gerstle, Robert Iding, Anthony R. Ingraffea, Feng-Bao Lin,

Christian Meyer, Hiroshi Noguchi, Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot,

REORGANIZED Syed Mizanur Rahman, Victor E. Saouma, Frank J. Vecchio,

and Kaspar J. Willam, Consulting Members.

for greater Abstract: This guide assists practitioners in understanding

twisting moments in two-way slabs, when twisting moments
EASE OF are an essential consideration; methods that can be used to
account for twisting moments in design; and options
USE available for each method of the various system geometries.
Descriptions of twisting moments are provided theoretically
and visually in the guide, and six methods of accounting for
twisting moments in design are discussed. Applicability of
the various methods is evaluated through a comparison of
designs resulting from each method for a variety of two-way
slab types and geometries. The theories described in the
guide also apply to the design of two-way wall and two-way
dome systems.

8 MAY 2018 | Ci |

ACI Sponsors Building Safety Month 2018 engineering, with significant experience in prestressed
ACI is supporting the International Code Council’s 2018 concrete, technical committee work, and technical writing/
Building Safety Month. Specifically, ACI is a sponsor of the editing. The Editor will work closely with the committee
week of May 1-5, 2018, focusing on partnering with code officers to develop a plan and schedule for the work, manage
officials to build stronger communities, improving education, the work to the schedule, and advise the committee routinely
and promoting standards for a safer tomorrow. Week 1’s as to status. The Editor’s role will be primarily that of a
purpose aligns with ACI’s mission of advancing the concrete Senior/Technical Editor, organizing the work of up to 50
industry through the development, dissemination, and members of the PCI Industry Handbook Committee, who are
adoption of its consensus-based codes, specifications, and responsible for the development and review of the material.
practices that detail concrete materials, design, and construction. The basis of the 9th Edition PCI Design Handbook will be
ACI documents, such as “Code Requirements for the 8th Edition PCI Design Handbook: Precast and
Assessment, Repair and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Prestressed Concrete, with updates based on IBC 2024, ACI
Structures (ACI 562-16),” parallel the topics of Building 318-22, and ASCE 7-22. Target completion date is January
Safety Month. ACI 562-16 was developed to provide a code 2024 for publication of the 9th Edition PCI Design Handbook,
for design professionals involved in the assessment of existing which requires substantial completion of content by March 2023.
concrete structures for damage and deterioration and the For a more detailed project description, contact Jason J.
design of appropriate repair and rehabilitation strategies. This Krohn, PCI Managing Director, Technical Activities, at
code provides the minimum standards needed to ensure proper Proposals for the work should be submitted
assessment, repair, and rehabilitation of existing structural to PCI, attention J. Krohn, by no later than July 1, 2018.
concrete buildings, members, systems and, where applicable,
nonbuilding structures.
Learn more about Building Safety Month at

Work Continues on ACI 318 Code Update

First published in 1908, ACI’s “Building Code Requirements
for Structural Concrete,” commonly known as ACI 318, has
been published every 3 years for the past several decades.
Concrete professionals may be wondering, “If ACI 318 was last
published in 2014, when will the next version be published?”
Due to changes in the International Code Council’s
schedule for reviewing and publishing the International
Building Code, a new version of ACI 318 is on track to be
published in Summer 2019. ACI 318-19 is expected to be
included as a referenced standard in the 2021 edition of the
International Building Code.
The 130+ members who serve on ACI Committee 318,
Structural Concrete Building Code, and its 15 subcommittees
are now updating the code requirements. A complete draft of
ACI 318-19 is expected to be available for public review by
early 2019, prior to its official publication in Summer 2019.
Additional information on ACI 318-19 will be made
available on as details are finalized.

PCI Seeks Technical Editor for Design

Handbook Update
To support the development of the 9th Edition PCI Design
Handbook: Precast and Prestressed Concrete, the Precast/
Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) seeks a Technical Editor.
The individual (or firm) should be experienced in structural | Ci | MAY 2018 9


Winner of the Spring 2018 WACI Young has evaluated the time each process takes to impact actual
Professional Contest construction activity. As a result, the timing of PCA’s impact
The Women in ACI (WACI) are dedicated to sharing the of an infrastructure program on actual construction is later
experience of professional and technical collaboration with than most economists estimate.”
emerging leaders in the concrete industry by offering one full While interest rates and inflation are expected to see slight
registration to The ACI Concrete Convention and Exposition, increases, consumer debt is low, thereby adding to potential
valued at $835. This award is available one to two times per growth in consumer spending. “These factors suggest a
year based on available funds. modest acceleration in real GDP, construction markets, and
Catherine Chen, a Structural Engineer with Arup North cement consumption,” said Sullivan. “Add in benefits from
America in California, was the winner for the Spring 2018 tax reform and we will likely see the economy improving at a
contest. She received free registration to attend the ACI more brisk pace.”
Convention in Salt Lake City, UT.
“As a young professional, attending an In Memoriam
ACI Convention will be beneficial in that ACI member Benjamin Koo passed away on March 1,
it will allow me to stay up to date with 2018, in Toledo, OH, at the age of 97. Koo, a Professor
current concrete research and practice,” Emeritus of Civil Engineering at the University of Toledo,
Chen explained in her application. Toledo, OH, was an inventor, and he designed dams and
In addition to networking, the Women bridges before his teaching career. He received his degree in
in ACI hosted a silent auction fundraiser civil engineering from St. John’s University, Shanghai, China,
during the ACI Convention. Applications and his master’s and doctoral degrees in structural engineering
for the next WACI Young Professional from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Koo was a licensed
Contest will be available at professional engineer in Ohio and New York. He was a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
otherawards.aspx. ACI Past President and Honorary
Member Russell S. Fling passed away on
Cement Manufacturers Forecast Modest March 23, 2018, at the age of 91. He was
Growth in 2018 and 2019 an entrepreneur and engineer with an
The Portland Cement Association (PCA) has released its appreciation for aesthetics. He spent most
annual Spring Forecast, and it envisions modest growth for of his life in Columbus, OH, where he
cement consumption over the next 2 years. PCA’s Market studied architecture and structural
Intelligence Group estimates consumption to grow by 2.8% in engineering at The Ohio State University
both 2018 and 2019, and then to climb by 4% in 2020, as (‘49), and where he began building his
impacts from potential federal infrastructure spending are engineering business, R.S. Fling &
likely to take effect. The analysis estimates consumption at Partners, in the 1950s.
99.3 million metric tons in 2018, 102.1 million in 2019, and Fling was always true to his passions as well as his
106.1 million by the end of 2020. integrity. As ACI President in 1976, he declared in a
A variety of positive factors—such as a strong economy, a President’s Memo that “concrete is beautiful.” He made
healthy job market, and an anticipated increase in infrastructure technical contributions to the Institute as a member of ACI
spending—“suggest a modest acceleration in real GDP, Committees 301, Specifications for Structural Concrete; 318,
construction markets, and cement consumption,” said Ed Structural Concrete Building Code; and 435, Deflection of
Sullivan, PCA Senior Vice President and Chief Economist. Concrete Building Structures. He also served on the ACI
The PCA analysis projects that robust infrastructure Technical Activities Committee and the ACI Board of
spending is not likely to occur until the fourth quarter of 2019, Direction. Fling received the 1970 ACI Delmar L. Bloem
given the key steps that must occur—including passage of an Distinguished Service Award and the 1981 ACI Wason Medal
infrastructure bill, federal and state paperwork, bid letting and for the Most Meritorious Paper. He was named a Fellow of
review, and finally contract awards leading to construction. ACI in 1973 and an ACI Honorary Member in 1982.
Whatever infrastructure plan actually materializes, “it will For his business, Fling hired engineers from many
take time to implement a construction infrastructure program locations, making the firm truly a “world-class” operation. As
from passage in Congress to the first shovel. This is an aspect his clients expanded throughout the United States and
often neglected by many economists,” Sullivan noted. “PCA globally, he had opportunities to travel and interact with other

10 MAY 2018 | Ci |


cultures. He remained active in the Ohio Society of Concrete Institute (PCI), and the Earthquake Engineering
Professional Engineers. He was pragmatic and practical in his Research Institute (EERI), and he was Chair of the U.S.
engineering and authored the book Practical Design of National Committee on Natural Disasters. For research related
Reinforced Concrete. After semi-retiring, Fling became an to earthquake issues, he served on the Joint U.S.-People’s
expert consultant for many years. Republic of China Committee and the U.S.-Japan Committee.
ACI Honorary Member Mete A. He chaired the Joint U.S.-Japan Coordination Committee on
Sozen (1930-2018) died April 4, in Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Research and the
London, UK. Sozen was Kettelhut National Academy of Sciences Committee on Blast Effects.
Distinguished Professor of Structural Sozen received many awards during his career. His most
Engineering at Purdue University, West recent research focused on vulnerability assessment of
Lafayette, IN. He helped shape the ACI building, transportation, and massive structures; development
318 Building Code Requirements for of numerical nonlinear models for spatial dynamic response of
Structural Concrete, serving on ACI reinforced concrete structures; effects of fire and explosions
Committee 318 for several years and as on buildings; and uses of high-strength concrete in
Chair in 1980 when the first set of earthquake-resistant design. Sozen received his undergraduate
specifications for earthquake resistance was prepared. He was education at Robert College, Istanbul, Turkey, and his
active on many other ACI technical committees. Sozen was master’s and doctoral degrees from the University of Illinois
also active with the American Society of Civil Engineers at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, where he served on the
(ASCE), the European Concrete Committee, the Prestressed faculty from 1957 through 1992.

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are the foundation of our success.
To provide additional exposure to ACI Sustaining Members, Concrete
International includes a 1/3-page member profile and a listing of all Sustaining
Member organizations. All Sustaining Members receive the 1/3-page profile
section on a rotating basis.

Cantera Concrete provides concrete

Advanced Construction Technology Lithko Contracting, Inc. placement and preconstruction services
Services Meadow Burke Products LLC on projects throughout Arkansas, Texas,
Kansas, and Oklahoma. With headquarters
American Society of Concrete W. R. Meadows, Inc. in Tulsa and a branch office in Oklahoma
Contractors Metromont Corporation City, Cantera continues to deliver
Ash Grove Cement Company quality projects at an outstanding value.
Minova USA, INC. By providing an array of services,
Baker Concrete Construction, Inc. Modern Technology Laboratories - MTL including foundations, flatwork,
Barrier-1, Inc. structural, tilt-up, architectural, sitework,
Multiquip Inc. and place and finish, Cantera consistently
BASF Corporation Municipal Testing maintains its award-winning reputation.
Bauman Landscape & Construction As a privately held company, Cantera
North S.Tarr Concrete Consulting PC maintains a strong financial position
Boral Resources Oztec Industries, Inc. with virtually unlimited bonding
Braun Intertec Corporation capacity. Their strong foundations have
Penetron International Ltd allowed them to complete every contract
Cantera Concrete Company PERI Formworks Systems, Inc. and continue to perform above industry
CHRYSO, Inc. standards. The key factor in exceeding
Portland Cement Association those standards is Cantera’s commitment
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute to safety. They consider it the ultimate
CTLGroup measure of professionalism and pride
QuakeWrap Inc. themselves on strict adherence to
Curecrete Distribution, Inc. Saudi Building Code National maintaining a safety program that puts
Dayton Superior Corporation their employees first by focusing on
education and prevention.
Doka USA Ltd Seretta Construction Inc. At Cantera, they want their clients,
Ductilcrete Slab Systems, LLC suppliers, subcontractors, and employees
Sika Corporation
to know that they aim to provide the
The Euclid Chemical Company Specialty Products Group, Inc. highest quality concrete placement
Full-Tilt Constructors, Inc. services possible.
Future Tech Consultants Structural Services, Inc. For more information about Cantera
GCP Applied Technologies Concrete, please visit their website at
Tekna Chem
Keystone Structural Concrete LLC TWC Concrete Services LLC
Kleinfelder Twining Concrete Insight
Kryton International Inc. Wacker Neuson
LafargeHolcim (US) Inc.
Lehigh Hanson

To learn more about our sustaining members, visit our website at
Municipal Testing is Accredited to Multiquip Inc. is a manufacturer and Structural Services, Inc. was estab-
ISO/IEC 17020 and 17025 as a special distributor of construction, power, and lished in 1988 to provide a full range of
inspection agency, nondestructive lighting equipment. Founded in 1973, concrete consulting services for on-
testing, engineering firm, geotechnical with headquarters based in Carson, CA, ground, suspended floor, and pavement
firm and materials testing laboratory its principal manufacturing facility is construction. For over 25 years, their
headquartered in Hicksville, NY, with located in Boise, ID. firm has pioneered the development of
offices in Florida and several eastern Recognized for its diverse range of new placing, finishing, and monitoring
states. Their primary focus is the concrete finishing, compaction, procedures which make construction of
inspection, NDT, and testing of building dewatering and power equipment, superior on-ground and suspended slabs
construction and transportation materials Multiquip branded products are widely both possible and practical.
for major construction, R&D, and new utilized and highly respected within the As a consultant in the area of
technologies. concrete and masonry construction concrete construction, the SSI Team
Established in 1960, Municipal industry. works with owners, designers, general
Testing is one of the oldest accredited MQ Whiteman power trowels are contractors, concrete contractors, and
inspection agencies and construction regarded as the industry’s premier line ready mix and materials suppliers
laboratories in the northeast. Accreditations of concrete finishing equipment and throughout the world. Defining excel-
include ASTM C1077/E329, C1093/ have been in production for over 75 years. lence, overcoming obstacles, and
E329, D3666/E329, C1093, and D3740/ The MQ Essick brand of mixers, in delivering solutions is the SSI credo.
E329. In Florida, they are authorized/ continuous production since 1923, is the Consulting Services:
certified as an Engineering Firm and leading plaster-mortar mixer among Preconstruction, construction, post
Geotechnical Business. Their engineers, masonry contractors. MQ Mayco construction, educational seminars,
inspectors, and technicians are certified concrete pumps have been in production forensic/expert witness assignments,
by nationally recognized certification since 1964. and concrete colleges.
agencies. Multiquip has a well-established SSI Team
Municipal Testing is proud to be network of field service managers and Rick Smith, President
involved in the technician/inspector field application specialists, and Pat Harrison, Vice President
training and certification programs as an supports its equipment with a worldwide Jerry Holland, Vice President
ACI Sponsoring Group, in technical network of distributors and authorized Eldon Tipping, Vice Chairman
writing and committee work with the service centers. Bob Simonelli, Partner
American Concrete Institute (ACl) and Wayne Walker, Partner
ASTM International, and in shaping new For more information about the Associates:
building code revisions to improve the Multiquip family of products, visit their Denny Bartz, Joel Burgess, and
quality of construction for the industry. website at or call Blaine Nye
They offer their clients a vast +1.800.421.1244. Tressie Escamilla, Office Mgr.
institutional memory and forensic technical Jodi Trevino, Admin. Assistant
expertise in engineering, geotechnical,
inspection, testing, and construction for For more information about Structural
all sizes of projects and types. Services, Inc., please visit their website
To learn more about Municipal
Testing, please visit their website at or call +1-631-761-5555.
Knowledge to Practice:

ACI Foundation is Growing •• Engaging inspired students and future leaders to our
Members of ACI and the concrete industry inherently industry and ACI.
understand the importance of concrete to our civilization and
how concrete is essential to safe, strong, and resilient ACI Foundation Announces New Trustees
structures. Underlying the important work of ACI’s members The ACI Foundation is pleased to announce the addition of
is knowing why you do what you do every day, which is two new trustees: Cary Kopczynski and Michael Paul.
making our communities better. Over the last couple of years, Kopczynski is CEO and Founding
the ACI Foundation has positioned itself to more fully support Principal of Cary Kopczynski &
this work. I’m happy to share some exciting news for the Company. He has served on ACI’s Board
Foundation that show its transformation, growth, and how it is of Direction; Financial Advisory
positioning itself to inspire ideas and leadership, to lead Committee; ACI Committee 318,
innovation, and to create legacy and community for the Structural Concrete Building Code; and
concrete industry. Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 352, Joints
To facilitate financial growth, the ACI and Connections in Monolithic Concrete
Foundation has employed Jennifer Kopczynski Structures. He is also a Past President of
DeWall for a newly created position, the Washington Chapter – ACI. An ACI
Development Director. DeWall will lead Fellow and recognized expert in the design of major urban
the design and execution of the overall building structures, Kopczynski has received ACI’s Charles S.
fundraising strategy for the ACI Whitney Medal and Alfred E. Lindau Award.
Foundation. Prior to joining the ACI Paul is a Principal Structural Engineer
Foundation, she was with the American for Larsen and Landis. He is an ACI
DeWall Cancer Society as Development Manager. Fellow and has served on several ACI
As our opportunities for research, committees, including the Board of
innovation, and scholarship grow, we have Direction, Financial Advisory Board, and
created a new position of Assistant Membership Committee, along with ACI
Director in the Foundation, and have Committees 120, History of Concrete; 124,
hired Ashley Mayra to take on this role. Concrete Aesthetics; 229, Controlled Low-
Mayra will manage the current programs Paul
Strength Materials; and 533, Precast Panels.
and help to grow and create new The ACI Foundation is honored to have
programs, as well as raise awareness of these two outstanding ACI members as the newest ACI
the ACI Foundation and its mission. She Foundation Trustees.
Mayra previously worked at ACI as the Exhibit
and Sponsorship Coordinator. Ann Daugherty is the Director
I welcome their experience, enthusiasm, and energy to the of the ACI Foundation, a not-for-
ACI Foundation team. profit subsidiary of ACI. The
Foundation facilitates collaboration
ACI Foundation Receives Additional among a cross section of concrete
Unanticipated Funding from ACI industry leaders to problem-solve
Last year, we announced the unprecedented commitment technical issues, accelerate the
by ACI to contribute $500,000 annually to the Foundation for acceptance of innovative
5 years for our mission-based programs. Now, I am thrilled to technologies, and bring more young
report that the ACI Board, in an unanticipated additional show people into the concrete industry. For more information,
of support, approved an additional one-time contribution of contact
$364,000. The concrete industry and ACI will benefit from the
long-term impact of the infusion of new resources to bring the
industry together to collaborate on opportunities for: Have an idea for research that will benefit the concrete
•• Research, which can improve design and quality, while industry or support an ACI document or code change?
reducing risk; Visit and fill out an
•• Innovative methods and products, which can improve online concrete research need form.
productivity; and

14 MAY 2018 | Ci |

ACI Officers and Board of
Direction Members for
Lange, Coleman, and four new Directors elected

s elected by the ACI membership, David A. Lange, 2018-2019 include: Frances T. Griffith, Center for Training
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Transportation Professionals, Department of Civil
and Narbey Khachaturian Faculty Scholar at the Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR;
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, will H.R. Trey Hamilton, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL;
serve as ACI President in 2018-2019. He succeeds Khaled W. R. Doug Hooton, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON,
Awad, Chairman and Founder of ACTS, Beirut, Lebanon. Canada; Joe Hug, The Monarch Cement Company,
Awad’s 1-year term as ACI President and Lange’s 2-year term Humboldt, KS; William M. Klorman, W.M. Klorman
as ACI Vice President both expired at the conclusion of The Construction Corporation, Woodland Hills, CA; Neven
ACI Concrete Convention and Exposition – Spring 2018 in Krstulovic-Opara, ExxonMobil, Spring, TX; Tracy D.
Salt Lake City, UT. Marcotte, CVM, King of Prussia, PA; and Antonio Nanni,
Jeffrey W. Coleman, Principal, The Coleman Law Firm, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL.
LLC, Minneapolis, MN, has been elected as ACI Vice With the conclusion of his term as ACI President, Awad
President. He fills the vacant seat that Lange previously held automatically assumes a position on the ACI Board of
and began a 2-year term as a Vice President at the conclusion Direction as a Past President member. In doing so, he replaces
of the ACI Convention – Spring 2018. Randall W. Poston, William E. Rushing Jr., ACI President in 2014, who will no
Senior Principal, Pivot Engineers, Austin, TX, is the Institute’s longer be one of the three Past Presidents of ACI serving on
other current Vice President. His 2-year term ends at the ACI the Board. Awad will serve with Sharon L. Wood, ACI
Convention – Spring 2019 in Quebec City, QC, Canada. President in 2015, and Michael J. Schneider, ACI President
Four members have been elected to serve on the ACI in 2016, as stipulated by the Institute’s Bylaws.
Board of Direction, each for 3-year terms that commenced at The new ACI officers in 2018-2019 are:
the conclusion of the ACI Convention – Spring 2018. They are:
•• Heather J. Brown, Director and Professor, School of President
David A. Lange, FACI, is Professor
Concrete and Construction Management at Middle
Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN; of Civil and Environmental Engineering
•• Mark A. Cheek, Vice President, The Beta Group, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, Urbana, IL. He joined the
Engineering and Construction Services, Gretna, LA;
•• Michael J. Paul, Principal Structural Engineer, Larsen & faculty of the Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering in 1992. He
Landis, Philadelphia, PA; and
•• Michelle L. Wilson, Director of Concrete Technology, is Director of the Center of Excellence
for Airport Technology, a research center
Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL.
The individuals leaving the Board of Direction after 3-year working in partnership with the Chicago
terms are: JoAnn P. Browning, The University of Texas at Department of Aviation and the O’Hare
San Antonio, San Antonio, TX; Cesar A. Constantino, International Airport. A long-time ACI member, Lange has
Separation Technologies, LLC, a Titan America Business, served on the ACI Board of Direction and is a Past Chair of
Deerfield Beach, FL; and Roberto Stark, Consultant, Mexico the ACI Technical Activities Committee, the Publications
City, Mexico. Committee, and the Board Outlook 2030 Task Group. Lange
ACI Board members who will continue to serve during has also served on the ACI Foundation Board of Trustees and | Ci | MAY 2018 15

Financial Advisory Committee. He currently is a member of Wichita State University, Wichita, KS; and his BS in civil
ACI Committees 236, Material Science of Concrete; 237, engineering from Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN.
Self-Consolidating Concrete; 241, Nanotechnology of Lange and his wife Risë have three children plus a
Concrete; 544, Fiber-Reinforced Concrete; S802, Teaching granddaughter, and they are looking forward to the arrival of
Methods and Educational Materials; and S803, Faculty another granddaughter in June.
Network. Lange received the 2003 and 2018 ACI Wason
Medal for Most Meritorious Paper. Vice President
Lange is a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society (ACS) Jeffrey W. Coleman, FACI, is a
and he received a J. William Fulbright Scholar Award in 2013. licensed professional engineer and
He served as Associate Department Head for Civil and Attorney at Law and Principal Partner
Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois at of The Coleman Law Firm, LLC,
Urbana-Champaign from 2004-2010. Minneapolis, MN. He has been an ACI
Lange received his PhD in civil engineering from member for over 37 years. Coleman is the
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL; his MBA from author of the book Legal Issues in
Concrete Construction, published by
Coleman ACI in 2004 (second edition published in
Committee on Nominations 2014), and previously authored the
Six ACI members will serve on the Committee on “Concrete Legal Notes” section of Concrete International.
Nominations for 2018-2019. They are: Coleman is a Past Chair and current member of ACI
•• Scott M. Anderson, Keystone Structural Concrete, Committee 132, Responsibility in Concrete Construction. He
LLC, Jersey Village, TX; is the Past Chair and a Trustee of the ACI Foundation Board
•• Tara Cavalline, University of North Carolina, of Trustees, and a member of the ACI Financial Advisory
Charlotte, Charlotte, NC; Committee, TAC Construction Standards Committee, and ACI
•• Heather Caya, Southern California Chapter – ACI, Committee 563, Specifications for Repair of Structural
Santee, CA; Concrete in Buildings. He has also served on the ACI Board
•• James H. Hanson, Rose-Hulman Institute of of Direction and has been a member of the ACI Construction
Technology, Terre Haute, IN; Liaison Committee, TAC Specifications Committee, Convention
•• Hani H. Nassif, Rutgers, The State University of New Committee, and ACI Committees 215, Fatigue of Concrete,
Jersey, Piscataway, NJ; and and 301, Specifications for Structural Concrete. He received
•• George W. Seegebrecht, Concrete Consulting the 2016 ACI Delmar L. Bloem Distinguished Service Award.
Engineers, LLC, Westchester, IL. Coleman received his BS in civil engineering in 1976 and
These individuals will join the three ACI Past his MS in structural engineering in 1977 from Iowa State
Presidents to comprise a nine-member Committee on University, Ames, IA. He is a licensed engineer in Iowa,
Nominations. The three ACI Past Presidents serving on Minnesota, and Wisconsin, and a lawyer in Minnesota,
this committee will be Sharon L. Wood, President in Wisconsin, North Dakota, and Iowa; he practices regularly in
2015-2016; Michael J. Schneider, President in 2016- other states through admission “Pro Hac Vice.”
2017, and Khaled W. Awad, President in 2017-2018. As After completing his law degree in 1984, Coleman served
the second-year Past President, Schneider automatically as General Counsel for Ellerbe Associates, Inc. (later Ellerbe
serves as the Chair of the Committee on Nominations. Becket, Inc., and now part of AECOM). He started his own
The Committee on Nominations began deliberations at firm in 1991, which was quickly merged and renamed
the conclusion of the ACI Convention – Spring 2018 in Coleman, Hull & van Vliet, PLLP. In 2013, he founded The
Salt Lake City, UT. Coleman Law Firm, LLC—committed to continuing his
This new committee will nominate Institute officers representation of engineers, architects, and the concrete
and Board of Direction members for terms starting at the construction industry.
conclusion of the ACI Convention – Spring 2019 in Coleman represents engineers, architects, concrete
Quebec City, QC, Canada. Chosen annually, the contractors and suppliers, and building owners in all aspects
Committee on Nominations submits recommendations of construction. He is a Past President of the Minnesota
for these positions: President, 1-year term; one Vice Concrete Council (MCC) and a former Board member. He
President, 2-year term; four members of the Board of is also a Sustaining Member of the American Society of
Direction, each with 3-year terms; and 20 candidates for Concrete Contractors (ASCC). Coleman served five terms
the Committee on Nominations, all to serve 1-year terms. on the Board of Directors of the American Council of
The Committee’s nominations for the year 2019 are to be Engineering Companies, Minnesota, and has recently been
submitted to the Executive Vice President before August 1, appointed to a sixth term. He is one of the only two
2018, as provided in the Institute’s Bylaws. nonpracticing engineers to receive the Tom Roach Award
for Outstanding Service and Motivation to the Consulting

16 MAY 2018 | Ci |

Engineering Professional Community. Coleman is a past Fellow of ACI in 2015, Brown also received the 2008 ACI
member of the Minnesota Board of Architecture, Engineering, Walter P. Moore, Jr. Faculty Achievement Award.
Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience, and Brown has authored and coauthored more than 30 papers
Interior Design (the Minnesota Licensing Board), and the and has been published in Concrete International, ASTM’s
University of Minnesota Concrete Conference Planning Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Transportation Research
Committee. He is a frequent lecturer on topics involving Record, International Center for Aggregate Research Journal,
construction law, but is also a regular practitioner American Chemical Society Journal, and Tennessee Concrete.
involved with construction disputes involving concrete. She has been a presenter and guest lecturer on topics such as
factors affecting concrete strength, pervious pavements, fiber-
Board of Direction reinforced concrete, whitetopping pavements, high-
Heather J. Brown, FACI, joined the performance concrete, flowable fill, skid-resistant aggregates,
Concrete Industry Management (CIM) and concrete construction tolerances.
Program in August 2001 and is currently Brown has been honored as a recipient of the MTSU
Director and Professor of the newly Outstanding Grantsmanship, MTSU Overall Excellence, and
formed School of Concrete and MTSU Faculty Who Make a Difference Awards. She was
Construction Management at Middle named as one of the Influential Women in Business in
Tennessee State University (MTSU), Rutherford County in 2015 and one of the Most Influential
Murfreesboro, TN. She is a member of People in Concrete Construction in 2017.
the ACI Foundation Scholarship Council, She received her BS, MS, and PhD in civil engineering, all
and ACI Committees 522, Pervious from Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.
Concrete, and C655, Foundation Constructor Certification. Her technical experience also includes 5 years of material
She has also served on ACI Committee 544, Fiber-Reinforced research for the Tennessee Department of Transportation as a
Concrete, and as a Student Chapter Advisor. Named a graduate student.

Congratulations to Award
Euclid Chemical’s 2018 ACI Winners

Amir Bonakdar
Business Development
Bill Lyons Manager, Western Region Mike Mahoney
National Business ACI Young Member Award Director, Fiber Marketing
Development Manager for Professional Achievement and Technology
Chapter Activities
Act i vities Award
Acti ACI
AC I Fellow | Ci | MAY 2018 17

Mark A. Cheek, FACI, is Vice Cheek received his BS in civil engineering from the
President of The Beta Group, Engineering University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, and is a
and Construction Services in Gretna, LA, licensed professional engineer in Louisiana and Mississippi.
where he has served for 19 years. Cheek
has over 29 years of experience in the Michael J. Paul, FACI, is Principal
construction industry, including Structural Engineer in the Philadelphia, PA,
construction materials testing and office of Larsen & Landis, where he
inspection and geotechnical and civil provides engineering for building
Cheek engineering. projects. With more than 40 years of
He has been an active ACI member construction and engineering experience,
since 1991 and was named a Fellow of ACI in 2006. Cheek is Paul’s work includes troubleshooting,
the Chair of ACI Committee C620, Laboratory Technician repair, restoration, and rehabilitation of
Certification, and a member of ACI Committees 214, Paul concrete, in addition to the design of new
Evaluation of Results of Tests Used to Determine the Strength structures of all types. Brandywine Shoal
of Concrete; 228, Nondestructive Testing of Concrete; C610, Lighthouse and the Caesar Rodney Monument are two of his
Field Technician Certification; E905, Training Programs; and repair and restoration projects that have been featured in
ACI Subcommittee C610-FQR, Field Testing Technician Concrete International.
Grade I Quality Reviewer. He previously served on the ACI Paul is the Chair of the ACI Membership Committee and a
Certification Programs Committee; Chapter Activities past Chair of the International Project Awards Committee and
Committee; Convention Committee; Honors and Awards Committee 124, Concrete Aesthetics, for which he continues
Committee; International Project Awards Committee; to edit the “Notable Concrete” series produced for ACI
Membership Committee; Student and Young Professional conventions and excerpted in Concrete International. He
Activities Committee (of which he is a past Chair); and E702, served on the editorial review panel for both Sustainable
Designing Concrete Structures. Concrete Guides of the U.S. Green Concrete Council. He is a
Cheek received the 2011 ACI Chapter Activities Award. member of several other ACI committees, including 120,
He has been a member of the Louisiana Chapter – ACI since History of Concrete, as well as ASTM International
1989, serving on the Board and as President in 2001. He has committees.
also been on the chapter’s certification committee since 1989 Concluding 20 years of undergraduate teaching, Paul
and currently serves as the committee’s Chief Examiner. He recently stepped down as coordinator for the Senior Design
received the Louisiana Chapter’s Chapter Activities Award in capstone course in the Department of Civil and Environmental
2005 and the Distinguished Chapter Member Award in 2012. Engineering at the University of Delaware, Newark, DE. The
Also, Cheek was Co-Chair of the 2005 and 2009 ACI course received the National Council of Examiners for
Conventions in New Orleans, LA. Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) Engineering Award
He is a member of ASTM International Committee C09, Grand Prize in 2010. He was named Engineer of the Year in
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates; American Society of Civil 2008 by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Engineers (ASCE); and Concrete and Aggregate Association Delaware Section and has received numerous service awards
of Louisiana (CAAL). Cheek is the Chair of CAAL’s from professional, technical, and community organizations.
Technical Committee. He is also an Examiner for the National Paul received his MSCE and MArch from the
Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) Pervious Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, and
Concrete Contractor Certification program and an approved his BA from Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH. He is a
NRMCA Plant Inspecting Engineer. He conducts training licensed professional engineer, a licensed architect (American
programs for both ACI and NRMCA throughout Louisiana Institute of Architects), and is LEED-AP accredited.
and Mississippi.
Michelle L. Wilson, FACI, is Director

of Concrete Technology at the Portland
Advertise Cement Association (PCA), Skokie, IL.

She has over 20 years of experience

For more information, contact relating to concrete materials, specifications,
performance, troubleshooting, and repair.
Meredith Schwartz, Account Executive She is responsible for the development,
E-mail: content, and delivery of PCA’s
Wilson educational programs and products
+1.410.584.8487 covering the entire spectrum of concrete
technology, and she is co-author of PCA’s Design and Control
of Concrete Mixtures. She has given numerous workshops and

18 MAY 2018 | Ci |

presentations around North America including World of Concrete,
International Builder’s Show, and CONAGG/CON-EXPO. Board Committee Chairs
Wilson is Chair of ACI Committee 301, Specifications for The following individuals will serve as Chairs of the
Structural Concrete, and a member of the TAC Construction Standing Board Committees of ACI:
Standards Committee, and ACI Committees 201, Durability of Joe Hug, Certification Programs Committee
Concrete; 329, Performance Criteria for Ready Mixed William E. Rushing Jr., Chapter Activities Committee
Concrete; and E707, Specification Education; and serves as a James K. Wight, Codes and Standards Advocacy and
consulting member on ACI Committee 311, Inspection of Outreach
Concrete, and Joint ACI-ASCC Committee 117, Tolerances. Beverly Garnant, Construction Liaison Committee
She received the 2008 ACI Young Member Award for Thomas M. Greene, Educational Activities Committee
Professional Achievement and became a Fellow of the Michael E. Ahern, Financial Advisory Committee
Institute in 2011. Wilson is a member of ASTM International William E. Rushing Jr., Honors and Awards Committee
Committee C09, Concrete and Concrete Aggregates, and Neven Krstulovic-Opara, International Advisory
serves on the C09 Executive Committee. Committee
Prior to joining PCA in 1999, she worked for Construction Anne M. Ellis, International Project Awards Committee
Technology Laboratories (now CTLGroup), PCA’s sole W. Jason Weiss, Materials Journal Editorial Board
subsidiary, specializing in concrete evaluation and Michael J. Paul, Membership Committee
troubleshooting on various projects throughout the United William E. Rushing Jr., Standards Board
States. Wilson has also worked as a field inspector performing Robert J. Frosch, Structural Journal Editorial Board
quality control for STS Consultants, Ltd., in Milwaukee, WI. Karla Kruse, Student and Young Professional Activities
Wilson received her BS in architectural engineering from Committee
Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee, WI, with an Lawrence F. Kahn, Technical Activities Committee
emphasis in structural engineering and concrete materials.

Interact with others from around
the world.

ACI Leadership Training for Chapter Officers

May 21-22, 2018

ACI Headquarters

to register.

training | Ci | MAY 2018 19

ACI’s Award-Winning
Papers and Articles
Authors honored at The ACI Concrete Convention and Exposition – Spring 2018

t The ACI Concrete Convention and Exposition – pressures are compared with values calculated using various
Spring 2018 in Salt Lake City, UT, awards of predictive approaches available in the published literature.
excellence were bestowed on 20 authors and A key recommendation: Unless the stiffening characteristics
researchers for their published works. The Institute’s of the SCC mixture are prequalified and verified by field
annual paper awards include: measurements, formwork should be designed to resist full
•• Wason Medal for Most Meritorious Paper, founded hydrostatic pressure.
in 1917 by ACI Past President Leonard C. Wason and
awarded each year to the author or authors of the most “The New NY Bridge Construction”—winner of the ACI
meritorious paper published by the Institute; Construction Award
•• ACI Construction Award, intended to enrich the literature Author: Brian P. Cresenzi
Published in: Concrete International, September 2016,
in construction practices and to honor the workers whose
resourcefulness produces a completed structure from pp. 29-34
drawings and specifications; Abstract: The existing Tappan Zee Bridge across the
•• ACI Design Award, given for advanced concepts and Hudson River between Westchester and Rockland Counties
techniques applied to a specific design project; in New York State is being replaced with the New NY Bridge.
•• Chester Paul Siess Award for Excellence in Structural A central requirement of the project is to achieve a 100-year
Research, recognizing notable achievement in experi­ service life without major rehabilitation. Cast-in-place
mental or analytical research that advances structural concrete is a major material in the new bridge and will be in
engineering and, most importantly, recommends how severe exposure conditions. The article discusses concrete
the research can be applied to design; and production and concrete quality organization, as well as
•• Wason Medal for Materials Research, bestowed for a oversight testing and evaluation.
peer-reviewed paper published by the Institute on original
research work on concrete materials and their uses, or a “An Insight into the Space Building Collapse”—winner
discovery that advances the state of knowledge of materials of the ACI Design Award
used in the construction industry. Authors: Luis E. García, Mete A. Sozen, Anthony E.
The ACI Committee on Awards for Papers selected the Fiorato, Luis E. Yamín, and Juan F. Correal
following manuscripts from the 2016 calendar year for honors: Published in: James K. Wight: A Tribute from his Students
and Colleagues, SP-311, September 2016, pp. 13.1-13.14
“Field Measurements of SCC Lateral Pressure— Abstract: On October 12, 2013, a 27-story building
Toronto 2014”—winner of the Wason Medal for Most collapsed in Medellín, Colombia, with no apparent evidence
Meritorious Paper of vertical or horizontal overload. The building was shaped
Authors: N.J. (John) Gardner, Lloyd Keller, Kamal H. in plan as a circular arc whose gravity load-resisting
Khayat, David A. Lange, and Ahmed Omran structure can be described as a three-dimensional structural
Published in: Concrete International, June 2016, concrete moment resisting frame consisting of columns
pp. 42-50 and a grid of beams running in both radial and tangential
Abstract: A large-scale experimental investigation to directions that meet at the vertical structural member
measure the form pressures exerted by self-consolidating locations. The building structure was designed using the
concrete (SCC) was performed in Toronto, ON, Canada. Colombian NSR-98 Code1, which is based on the ACI
The experimental program is described and measured lateral 318-95 Code. An assessment of the structure, as built, was

20 MAY 2018 | Ci |

performed by the Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, and biaxial stresses. The results demonstrate that high-
Colombia. Material samples of concrete and reinforcing bars strength bars can be effectively used in place of lower-
were secured and tested for compliance with the materials strength reinforcement patterns.
properties specified in the construction documents. An
evaluation of the strength of the structural members as built “Preconditioning Method for Accelerated Testing of
was performed and a comparison with the gravity load Concrete under Sulfate Attack”—winner of the Wason
demands was performed. This evaluation identified a Medal for Materials Research
strength deficiency of the vertical supporting elements of the Authors: Hocine Siad, Mohamed Lachemi, Mustafa
structure. The driving reason for the collapse of the structure Şahmaran, and Khandaker M. Anwar Hossain
was that the self-weight of the structure resulted in axial Published in: ACI Materials Journal, July-August 2016,
loads that were comparable to the nominal axial capacities pp. 493-504
of the columns. Abstract: A new supplementary preconditioning
procedure that can accelerate the degradation process
“Influence of High-Strength Bars on Shear Response of concrete specimens when exposed to sulfate attack is
of Containment Walls”—winner of the Chester Paul Siess described in this paper. Several specimens obtained from
Award for Excellence in Structural Research 30 and 60 MPa (4.4 and 8.7 ksi) strength concretes were
Authors: Giorgio Talotti Proestos, Gwang-Min Bae, tested. Expansion, mass change, and ultrasonic pulse
Jae-Yeol Cho, Evan C. Bentz, and Michael P. Collins velocity measurements were conducted for specimens
Published in: ACI Structural Journal, September-October subjected to two primary methods of presaturation using
2016, pp. 917-927 sulfate solution and desiccators, then immersed in sulfate
Abstract: Current ACI Code shear provisions include solution. A complementary microstructural analysis was
some requirements that make the construction of complex also carried out to define the degradation mechanism.
heavily reinforced concrete structures more challenging. In When compared to the control method, which had the same
particular, the 60 ksi (420 MPa) limit on the usable yield immersion conditions without primary presaturation, test
strength of shear reinforcement means it is not permissible results showed an important acceleration of the degradation
to reduce shear reinforcement congestion by using high- process with the use of supplementary preconditioning in
strength bars. To investigate the consequences of using desiccators. In addition to the remarkable acceleration in the
high-strength bars, 12 reinforced concrete specimens, degradation process, the microstructure study confirmed that
representing wall elements of nuclear containment the degradation mechanism of concrete specimens subjected
structures, were constructed with varying steel strengths to supplementary preconditioning by desiccators reflected
and were loaded under different combinations of shear the field observations in sulfate attack environments.

Concrete Craftsman Series

CCS-0(16) Concrete Fundamentals
This book is intended for anyone who wants an introduction to concrete and concrete
construction, whether they are an apprentice, a journeyman, a foreman, a material
supplier, or even a young engineer without field experience. Craftsmen in the concrete
field may find it particularly useful as a guide for good practice.
Member: $29 / Nonmember: $49

CCS-5(16) Placing and Finishing Decorative Concrete Flatwork

This document was produced with the intent of raising the quality of education
for the decorative concrete industry and supplements existing resources by
providing knowledge of the materials, equipment, and techniques required
to successfully install decorative concrete flatwork.
Member: $39 / Nonmember: $65 | Ci | MAY 2018 21
ACI Technical Committee
Chairs Appointed

efore The ACI Concrete Convention and Exposition – 345, Concrete Bridge Construction, Maintenance, and
Spring 2018, the ACI Technical Activities Repair: Mark E. Williams, Walter P Moore and Associates,
Committee (TAC) selected Chairs for 44 ACI Inc., Houston, TX; replaced Yail Jimmy Kim, University of
technical committees. These actions became effective after Colorado Denver, Denver, CO.
the convention. 347, Formwork for Concrete: Jeffery C. Jack, RedBuilt
LLC, Boise, ID; replaced Robert G. McCracken, EFCO Corp.,
New Appointments Des Moines, IA.
120, History of Concrete: Richard Yelton, World of 355, Anchorage to Concrete: Robert R. McGlohn,
Concrete, South Haven, MI; replaced Luke M. Snell, McGlohn Engineering, Hoover, AL; replaced Lee W. Mattis,
Edwardsville, IL. CEL Consulting, Danville, CA.
130, Sustainability of Concrete: Sean Monkman, 370, Blast and Impact Load Effects: Ganesh
CarbonCure Technologies, Dartmouth, NS, Canada; replaced Thiagarajan, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas
Julie K. Buffenbarger, Beton Consulting Engineers, Medina, OH. City, MO; replaced David Kerins, ExxonMobil, The
201, Durability of Concrete: R. Douglas Hooton, Woodlands, TX.
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; replaced Thomas 408, Bond and Development of Steel Reinforcement
J. Van Dam, Nichols Consulting Engineers, Reno, NV. (Joint ACI-ASCE): Remy D. Lequesne, University of
215, Fatigue of Concrete: Martin Noel, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS; replaced Lisa R. Feldman, University
Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; replaced Clifford N. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
MacDonald, FORTA Corporation, Inver Grove Heights, MN. 423, Prestressed Concrete (Joint ACI-ASCE): Jeffery S.
228, Nondestructive Testing of Concrete: John S. Volz, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; replaced Carin L.
Popovics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Roberts-Wollmann, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
Urbana, IL; replaced Andrew J. Boyd, McGill University, 444, Structural Health Monitoring and
Montreal, QC, Canada. Instrumentation: Thomas Schumacher, Portland State
233, Ground Slag in Concrete: Henry B. Prenger, University, Portland, OR; replaced Hani H. Nassif, Rutgers,
Baltimore, MD; replaced R. Douglas Hooton, University of The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ.
Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. 447, Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete
236, Material Science of Concrete: Zachary C. Grasley, Structures (Joint ACI-ASCE): Jian Zhao, University of
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; replaced Maria Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI; replaced Ganesh
C.G. Juenger, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. Thiagarajan, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas
306, Cold Weather Concreting: Erik Holck, Denver Water, City, MO.
Denver, CO; replaced William J. Lyons III, The Euclid 522, Pervious Concrete: Norbert J. Delatte, Oklahoma
Chemical Co., East Brunswick, NJ. State University, Stillwater, OK; replaced Narayanan
310, Decorative Concrete: Clark Branum, Diamatic USA, Neithalath, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Marysville, WA; replaced Larry Rowland, Lehigh White 550, Precast Concrete Structures (Joint ACI-ASCE):
Cement Company, Allentown, PA. Suzanne Aultman, Metromont Corporation, Greenville, SC;
311, Inspection: Tracy Grover, Terracon, Tempe, AZ; replaced Larbi M. Sennour, The Consulting Engineers Group,
replaced Michael C. Jaycox, Municipal Testing Corp., Inc., San Antonio, TX.
Hauppauge, NY. 551, Tilt-up Concrete Construction: Andrew S.
329, Performance Criteria for Ready Mixed Concrete: McPherson, Seretta Construction, Inc., Apopka, FL; replaced
J. Scott Keim, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO; Jeff Griffin, LJB, Inc., Oakwood, OH.
replaced David G. Tepke, SKA Consulting Engineers, Inc., 555, Concrete with Recycled Materials: Moncef L.
Charleston, SC. Nehdi, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada;

22 MAY 2018 | Ci |

replaced Mohamed A. Mahgoub, New Structures: Mohammad S. Khan, High BASF Corporation, Cleveland, OH.
Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ. Performance Technologies, Inc., Oak 526, Autoclaved Aerated Concrete:
Hill, VA. Jennifer E. Tanner, University of
Reappointments 375, Performance-Based Design of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.
118, Use of Digital Technology: Concrete Buildings for Wind Load: 548, Polymers and Adhesives for
Rita K. Oglesby, St. Petersburg, FL. Esteban Anzola, WSP, Coral Gables, FL. Concrete: Mahmoud M. Reda Taha,
131, Building Information 440, Fiber-Reinforced Polymer University of New Mexico,
Modeling of Concrete Structures: Reinforcement: William J. Gold, Albuquerque, NM.
Christopher D. Brown, Skidmore
Owings & Merrill LLP, Chicago, IL.
132, Responsibility in Concrete
Construction: Kevin A. MacDonald,
Beton Consulting Engineers LLC, Prior
Lake, MN.
213, Lightweight Aggregate and
Formwork for
Concrete: Jeffrey F. Speck, Trinity
Lightweight, Kennesaw, GA.
229, Controlled Low-Strength
Concrete 8th Edition
Materials: Thomas H. Adams, American
Coal Ash Association, Bloomington, IN.
232, Fly Ash in Concrete: Lawrence L.
Sutter, Michigan Technological Updated to
University, Houghton, MI.
234, Silica Fume in Concrete:
 current standards.

Robert C. Lewis, Elkem Silicon

Materials, Reading, Berkshire, UK. Allowable strength
237, Self-Consolidating Concrete:
Anton Karel Schindler, Auburn  design, load, and
resistance factor
University, Auburn, AL. design examples.
240, Pozzolans: Robert E. Neal,
Lehigh Portland Cement Co.,
Richmond, VA. Chapter problems
241, Nanotechnology of Concrete:
Konstantin Sobolev, University of
 for classroom
Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.
304, Measuring, Mixing,
Transporting, and Placing Concrete:
Tarek S. Khan, BASF Construction available at
Chemicals, Granite Bay, CA.
305, Hot Weather Concreting:
Oscar R. Antommattei, Kiewit Member Price: $149.00
Regular Price: $249.50
Engineering Group, Englewood, CO.
308, Curing Concrete: Lawrence H.
Taber, Black & Veatch, Overland Park, KS.
341, Earthquake-Resistant
Concrete Bridges: Kevin R. Mackie,
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
342, Evaluation of Concrete
Bridges and Bridge Elements: Devin
K. Harris, University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, VA.
350, Environmental Engineering
Concrete Structures: M. Reza Kianoush,
Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada.
357, Offshore and Marine Concrete | Ci | MAY 2018 23


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Everything is Bigger in Texas
How the Mega Slab went down

by Adrian Rojas

he Mega Slab placement at the General Motors (GM) Barton Malow flew in crew members from Lloyd Concrete
Arlington Assembly Plant, Arlington, TX, was a Services, Inc., Lynchburg, VA; Unlimited Concrete Solutions,
successful exercise in planning. At 256,000 ft2 (23,780 m2) LLC, Central Ohio; and its own team from Southfield, MI.
and 8 in. (203 mm) thick, the slab placement was a massive Structural Services, Inc. (SSI), Dallas, TX, served as a
endeavor. To meet the scheduled completion date, Barton consultant to help ensure every step of quality was covered.
Malow elected to make one large placement instead of According to John J. Raad, Project Manager at GM,
multiple 20,000 ft2 (1858 m2) placements that would be used “Previously, GM limited placements to no more than 40,000 ft2
on a more typical job. The commitment to bringing the best to (3716 m2). By working as a team with SSI, a plan was crafted
the Mega Slab project—led by Barton Malow’s team of Brian and approved to make one pour separated into two lanes by
Willard, Superintendent; Ethan Uhl, Placement and Finish using an armor edge. This helped control the shrinkage and
Superintendent; Chris Hofe, Project Director; Josiah Goins, pour geometry to give the team confidence to proceed.”
Senior Project Manager; and Craig Lowell, Construction
Manager—was showcased throughout the weekend of Planning for Quality
January 13-15, 2018. When the 62 concrete finishers, 42 laborers, eight carpenters,
The project required 6470 yd3 (4950 m3) of concrete seven equipment operators, four supervisors, four safety
provided by Redi-Mix Concrete (Fort Worth, Dallas, and representatives, two rodbusters, and two layout engineers
Kennadale, TX). The concrete was a 4000 psi (27.6 MPa) gathered at the jobsite, they joked and laughed about the
blended aggregate mixture with a mid-range water-reducing mundane: “Was that coffee too weak?” But they also bonded,
admixture and a steel fiber content of 23 lb/yd3 (13.6 kg/m3). with comments such as: “Let’s make some history!” After
Finishing operations involved nearly 33 consecutive hours of brief introductions, the workers listened to the project leaders
placing, raking, leveling, troweling, and sawing. To do it, talk about toughness (“Don’t get complacent. Stick with the

Prior to the placement of the Mega Slab, the crew assembled inside GM’s Arlington Assembly Plant, Arlington, TX (photo courtesy of Jon Humphrey) | Ci | MAY 2018 25

Preconstruction meeting before the Mega Slab placement (photos courtesy of Jon Humphrey)

Project Credits
•• General Motors, Owner;
•• Lloyd ConcreteCompany,
Barton Malow General Contractor;
•• Solutions, LLC, Concrete Subcontractors;
Services, Inc., and Unlimited Concrete

•• Intertek PSI, Testing Agency;

•• Structural Concrete,
Redi-Mix Concrete Supplier;
•• Control Consultants; Floor System and Quality
Services, Inc.,

•• Bekaert, Steel Fiber Reinforcement Supplier;

•• Inc., Somero Enterprises,
Allen Engineering Corp., Husqvarna AB, Multiquip,
Inc., United Rentals, Inc.,
and Wacker Neuson Group, Construction Equipment
Before each concrete truck entered the building, steel fibers were •• Ram Tool Construction Supply Co., Construction
added at a dosage of 23 lb/yd3 (13.6 kg/m3) (photo courtesy of Jon Materials Supplier; and
•• Teplis Travel Company, Travel Agency.

plan!”), the importance of safety, and the need for quality

control. By going over potential hazards and dutifully crossing
off each bullet point in their pre-task list, the team leaders set Then there was a familiar sound at the entrance—the
the stage for something monumental. rumble of engines as dozens of concrete trucks awaited orders
Teams were assigned work positions according to a to enter. Soon, traffic directors wearing head lamps on their
color-coordinated pattern on the floor plan. They were also hard hats raised their batons and directed the trucks to the
assigned staggered times at the placement “front” to ensure workers. As the first trucks discharged their loads and left the
each worker was well-rested over the extended placement. building, the relatively small floor area covered by each load
The job was divided into three 12-hour shifts. The first and dramatically illustrated the immense size of the project.
third shift required 53 workers each, while the second shift Like a marching band in sync, the workers began an
called for 78 workers. intricate pattern of controlling the placement in preparation
for laser screeds to begin leveling. Although the Mega Slab
Jumping into Action started with a relatively small section, nearly two-thirds of the
As the sun set on Saturday, planning turned into realization. entire slab was in place by the next morning. The staggered
The project leaders gathered the first rotation of workers shifts ensured that everyone got the rest, food, and hydration
together for a final safety reminder and a much-needed stretch they needed before jumping back into the action.
before the hard work got started. They then excitedly filed into As teams started the second half of the placement, concrete
the jobsite—a multi-bay industrial building illuminated by finishers on ride-on trowels started blading their way across
overhead LED fixtures. They walked the full length of the the surface of the concrete that had been placed the night
building and then put on their kneepads and hardhats, before. As the trowels moved into adjacent bays, saws
stopping for a group photo to commemorate the event, right soon followed, cutting joints in the slab on a 25 x 25 ft
before it started. (7.62 x 7.62 m) grid.

26 MAY 2018 | Ci |

Throughout the Mega Slab placement, personnel intently focused on their tasks and equipment use was tightly coordinated (photo courtesy of
Jon Humphrey)

Four laser screeds were used during the placement, helping to

provide a slab surface that was within 3/16 in. (5 mm) of plane over The operators of 38 ride-on trowels made sure that the finished floor
the huge floor area (photo courtesy of Jon Humphrey) had high FF/FL numbers—achieved values were 56/42 (photo courtesy
of Jon Humphrey)

considering that 647 concrete trucks had driven across the

subgrade throughout the placement.
For the 131 workers and the project leaders, the Mega Slab
project was truly a unique event. For many, it felt like the
beginning of something even bigger. Nearing the end of the
project, one worker exclaimed that he was ready for another
enormous placement: “Man, I don’t wanna stop. Let’s do
500,000 ft2 next time.”

Selected for reader interest by the editors.

Curing of the finished Mega Slab was accomplished using
polyethylene sheeting with a saturated superabsorbent polymer
backing. The sheeting was left in place for 7 days (photo courtesy of
Jon Humphrey) Adrian Rojas is a resident of Detroit, MI,
and Communications Coordinator at Barton
Malow Company, Southfield, MI. Founded
Completing the Mega Slab in 1924, Barton Malow Company is a
By the morning of January 15, the work finished almost as contractor serving North America in market
specialties that include commercial,
abruptly as it began. And it was a massive success. Not only
industrial, education, energy, healthcare,
did the teams place 315 yd3 (241 m3) of concrete per hour,
manufacturing, sports, and entertainment
they completed a slab that achieved overall floor flatness and
facilities. With more than 2000 employees
levelness (FF/FL) numbers of 56/42. Moreover, a surveying
and 16 offices, the company’s core purpose is to “Build with the
crew found that the floor was within 3/16 in. (5 mm) of plane
American Spirit: People, Projects, and Communities.”
across the placement’s entire area—an impressive feat | Ci | MAY 2018 27

Effect of Water-Cement
Ratio on Concrete Weight
Density and compressive strength are evaluated for three mixtures compacted
using two pressures

by Eugene Alymov

ero-slump concrete is used for many applications, Quality Assessment
including slipformed or roller-compacted pavement, Most CWC specifications call for a minimum compressive
precast slab elements, and roller-compacted dams. strength, a maximum water absorption, and an acceptable
A less well-known application of zero-slump concrete is density range. Specifications commonly call for a compressive
for weight coating of steel pipes used for the underwater strength of 40 MPa (5800 psi), measured using cores extracted
transmission of natural gas. In this application, the concrete from the concrete coating.3 Like any other concrete, the
provides both negative buoyancy and mechanical protection compressive strength of CWC is affected by the gradations
for the pipe sections. While more common zero-slump and morphology of the aggregates, the amount of cement
mixtures generally comprise locally available aggregates and paste, and the air content. In addition to the strength, these
have modest cement contents, concrete weight coating (CWC) factors affect the absorption and density of CWC. However,
mixtures comprise heavyweight aggregates—normally iron the dominant factor is the amount of air entrapped in the
ores but in some cases heavyweight slags—and high cement CWC, as the air content is normally about 9 to 10% but can
contents—generally in the range of 450 to 550 kg/m3 (760 to go even higher. Entrapped air thus presents the biggest
930 lb/yd3).1,2 These unique features are needed to ensure the obstacle in the way of producing quality CWC, not only
CWC achieves the required density and strength. because it can lead to low compressive strengths, but also
because it may force the producer to increase the heavyweight
Application Methods aggregate content in the mixture to achieve the specified
There are two methods used to apply CWC. In the wrap density and negative buoyancy. Heavyweight aggregates are
coating process (Fig. 1(a)), zero-slump concrete is discharged much more expensive than sand, so lowering the air content
onto a moving belt called the applicator. Concrete falls in the mixture will reduce costs as well as improve quality.
through a wire mesh onto polyethylene sheeting. Both the The present study is focused on CWC mixtures designed for
mesh and the sheeting are attached to the pipe and are wrap coating. The water-cement ratio (w/c) is evaluated within
wrapped around the pipe as it advances and rotates. Because the typical range of 0.3 to 0.36, with the goal of finding the w/c
the mesh is tensioned, it is embedded in the concrete as the that results in minimal voids and acceptable concrete quality.
pipe moves; however, the concrete is kept in place by the
outer wrap of polyethylene sheeting, which also serves as Materials
a curing membrane. The study was performed using magnetite (iron ore),
In the impingement coating process (Fig. 1(b)), zero- produced by LKAB Minerals in the northern part of Sweden.
slump concrete is discharged between rapidly spinning The magnetite aggregate has a specific gravity (SG) of 4.72,
rollers that propel the concrete through a pre-installed and its grading is as indicated in Fig. 2 and Table 1. Other
reinforcing cage onto the pipe. The thickness of concrete is constituents in the concrete include sand from Goodwood,
controlled by the height of the concrete feed gate on the belt ON, Canada (SG = 2.65), and Type I/II cement from St Marys
immediately prior to the rollers. As the pipe rotates and Cement. As shown in Fig. 2 and Table 1, the sand falls slightly
advances, a scraper screeds the concrete, removing minor outside the fine aggregate grading requirements of ASTM
surface imperfections. C33/C33M, “Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates.”

28 MAY 2018 | Ci |

(a) (b)
Fig. 1: Methods used to apply concrete weight coating (CWC) to steel pipe: (a) wrap coating; and (b) impingement coating (source of schematics:
Bredero Shaw website)

Procedures ASTM C33/C33M limits
To evaluate density and strength as functions of w/c,
Cummulative passing, %

80 Iron ore
concrete cylinders were made by using a compression testing Sand
machine to compact concrete into a 4 in. (102 mm) diameter 60
proctor mold (refer to ASTM D558, “Standard Test Methods
for Moisture-Density (Unit Weight) Relations of Soil-Cement 40
Mixtures”). Three mixtures were used (shown in Table 2), all
with a target density of 3040 kg/m3 (190 lb/ft3) and a target air 20
content (void content) of 9%. A slight adjustment of the ore/
sand proportions was needed to maintain the same target 0
density (Table 2). 0.15 0.3 0.6 1.18 2.36 4.75 9.5
No. 100 No. 50 No. 30 No. 16 No. 8 No. 4 3/8 in.
Two force levels were used to compact the mixtures in the
Nominal sieve size, mm (U.S. customary)
Proctor mold: 32 and 48 kN (7200 and 10,800 lb), resulting in
Fig. 2: Gradings of aggregates used in study
Table 1:
Sieve analyses of aggregates used in the study
Description Sieve size or cumulative amount passing, %
Sieve size, mm 0.15 0.3 0.6 1.18 2.36 4.75 9.5
Sieve size, U.S. customary No. 100 No. 50 No. 30 No. 16 No. 8 No. 4 3/8 in.
ASTM C33/C33M minimum 0 5 25 50 80 95 100
ASTM C33/C33M maximum 10 30 60 85 100 100 100
Sand 8.9 30.6 53.3 66.5 83.1 92.7 100
Iron ore 20.5 26.1 32.4 41 56.9 83 100 | Ci | MAY 2018 29

Table 2:
Mixture proportions used in study
Mixture 1 Mixture 2 Mixture 3
Cement content, kg/m 3
470 470 470
w/c 0.30 0.33 0.36
Iron ore/sand, % of aggregate volume 61/39 65/35 68/32
Note: 1 kg/m3 = 1.7 lb/yd3

pressures of 3.9 and 5.6 MPa (570 and 810 psi), respectively. Discussion
The mass of concrete required to charge the mold was deter­­ Conventional concrete loses compressive strength and
mined by trials, using mixtures that were compacted to air gains permeability with increasing w/c.4 However, experience
contents of around 10%. The selected mass was sufficient to with roller-compacted concrete, which resembles CWC
ensure that the compacted sample size was large enough for applied using the wrap concrete coating method, shows that
subsequent coring. paste volume increases with w/c, and this results in better
After compaction, cylinder height was measured. Concrete consolidation.5 The relationships between w/c, paste volume,
density was found by dividing the mass of the cylinder by the and void content are presented in Fig. 3.
calculated volume. Void content was found using: One can observe from Fig. 3 that an inverse relationship
(albeit not a perfect one) exists between paste volume and
void contents at the three w/c values. Thus, compactability
of concrete increases with w/c, and this is likely due to the
associated increase in paste volume.
Although increasing w/c negatively affects compressive
strength and permeability in concrete mixtures with

Compressive strength was measured using three cores

(each 30 mm [1.2 in.] diameter) extracted from each cylinder.
Cores were cured in a standard curing environment for
27 days, followed by a day of air drying. Capping and
testing were performed at 28 days.

The results of the study are summarized in Table 3. Exper­­
ience with plant-applied concrete has shown that a typical
mixture with w/c = 0.33 has a void content of about 10%.
Therefore, the 32 kN compaction force (3.9 MPa pressure) Fig 3: Effect of w/c on void content and paste volume. Specimens
resulted in a compaction level that is most represen­tative of compacted using 3.9 MPa (570 psi) pressure are considered
plant-applied concrete (9.9% void content at w/c = 0.33). representative of plant-applied concrete (Note: 1 MPa = 145 psi;
1 L/m3 = 0.96 fl oz/ft3)

Table 3:
Void content and compressive strength results
Change in void Change in strength
Compaction force, Calculated void content relative to Average compressive relative to
Mixture w/c kN content, % Mixture 1, % strength, MPa Mixture 1, %
1 0.30 32 11.6 — 55.3 —
2 0.33 32 9.9 −14.7 57.2 +3.4
3 0.36 32 7.3 −37.1 55.9 +1.1
1 0.30 45 10.4 — 59.1 —
2 0.33 45 7.9 −24.0 61.5 +4.1
3 0.36 45 6.7 −35.6 66.2 +12.0
Note: 1 kN = 225 lbf; 1 MPa = 145 psi

30 MAY 2018 | Ci |

conventional consistency,6 it results in decreasing voids in dry 2. Burns, C., “Compaction Study of Zero Slump Concrete,” U.S.
mixtures such as CWC. As presented in Table 3, the net effect Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experimental Station, 1976, 10 pp.
is a nearly constant (or increasing) compressive strength as w/c 3. “DNVGL-ST-F101 Submarine Pipeline Systems,” DNV GL,
increases. The three mixtures compacted with 3.9 MPa pressure Høvik, Norway, 2017, 520 pp.
had nearly equivalent compressive strength, and the three 4. Caldarone, M.A., High-Strength Concrete: A Practical Guide,
mixtures compacted with 5.6 MPa pressure exhibited a 12% CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2008, 252 pp.
increase in compressive strength over the tested w/c range. 5. Neville, A.M., Concrete: Neville’s Insights and Issues, Thomas
The current study has significance for CWC on two fronts: Telford, London, UK, 2006, 314 pp.
concrete quality and cost reduction. For example, if a certain 6. Taylor, P.; Yurdakul, E.; Ceylan, H.; and Bektas, F., “Effect of Paste
aggregate combination results in a mixture that is poorly Quality on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Ternary Mixtures,” Report
compactable or has low compressive strengths, an increase in No. DTFH61-06-H-00011 Work Plans 19 and 25, Federal Highway
water content might result in concrete that meets density and Administration, Washington, DC, 2012, 55 pp.
strength targets. There is a caveat to this, however, as the
workability of CWC mixtures will decrease when the concrete Additional information on the ASTM standards discussed in this article
becomes “sticky.” For the aggregate combination in the study, can be found at
the limiting w/c was estimated to be around 0.36. For mixtures
with a higher coarse aggregate content than those tested in this Selected for reader interest by the editors.
study, a lower limiting w/c value will be required to avoid the
need for “manual work” to break up concrete clumps and
maintain production speed. Eugene Alymov is a Civil Engineer and
Cement and heavyweight aggregate are the most expensive a Professional Engineer in the province
components of CWC. Cement content must remain at a of Ontario, Canada. He has worked for
certain level to meet compressive strength and workability a pipe coating company in Toronto, ON,
requirements. If a plant can reduce the voids by using Canada, for 7 years and has taken part
mixtures with increased w/c, the target density can be in various research and concrete weight
achieved using a smaller proportion of heavyweight coating improvement initiatives. He has
also actively participated in concrete
aggregate. This will lead to cost savings.
materials testing and approval for major
pipeline projects, focusing on quality and cost savings. He
Summary and Conclusions
received his BEng in civil engineering from Ryerson University,
Lab-produced CWC mixtures were compacted in 4 in.
Toronto, ON, Canada.
proctor molds using compaction pressures of 3.9 and 5.6 MPa.
Three w/c values were used for the tested CWC mixtures:
0.30, 0.33, and 0.36. The measured densities of the cylinders
were used to estimate the air content (void content).
The tests showed that specimen height, density, and void
content varied with compaction pressure and w/c. Specifically,
Sign up for Concrete
the void content decreased with increasing w/c. Further, a
nonlinear, inverse relationship was established between the
void content and paste volume. For specimens compacted
using 3.9 MPa pressure, compressive strength was unaffected
by changes in w/c. For specimens compacted using 5.6 MPa
pressure, compressive strength increased with increasing w/c. The smart way to stay on top of
The study showed that CWC can be applied at w/c values concrete industry news.
that exceed the typical value of 0.33, as the resulting mixtures
exhibited improved concrete compressibility and strength. Created by SmartBrief in partnership with ACI,
Lastly, the improvements in compressibility provide the Concrete SmartBrief provides a daily e-mail
opportunity for cost savings through reductions in the snapshot of the concrete industry with news
proportion of heavyweight aggregate in CWC mixtures.
from leading global sources. Summaries of what
References matters to you, written by expert editors, to save
1. Kalantari, B., “Various Types of Portland Cement Concrete Used you time and keep you informed and prepared.
in Pavement and Dam Constructions,” International Symposium on
Advances in Science and Technology, Mar. 2013,
Welcome to Concrete SmartBrief; sign up at:
used_in_pavement_and_dam_constructions. | Ci | MAY 2018 31

32 MAY 2018 | Ci |
Specifying for Performance
Case studies show that cooperative efforts lead to success

by Karthik H. Obla, Daniel J. Gancarz, William R. (Rusty) Owings III, Fouad H. Yazbeck, and David G. Tepke

design professional’s essential responsibility is to Performance is Fundamental
ensure that a completed project will attain the level of Performance-based specifications that meet explicit
performance required by the owner. Globally durability goals can be successfully used on different types of
imposing overly conservative requirements (for example, using projects. The following sections describe four examples.
the harshest environment to set the durability requirements for
an entire project) will add needless cost and detract from Pavement
sustainability goals. Rather, design professionals should define Since 2008, the Illinois Tollway has been using
performance-based requirements for the concrete used in the performance-based specifications for concrete mixture
project based on the use and exposure for specific portions. proportions to ensure durability and sustainability while
This could be accomplished using a performance specification minimizing cost. A recent example, completed in 2016, was a
in lieu of stating prescriptive requirements. For example, portion of the $2.5 billion Jane Addams Memorial Tollway
Provision 1.10.1 of ACI 318-141 states: (I-90) Rebuilding and Widening Project, from Roselle Road to
“Sponsors of any system of design, construction, or Illinois Route 53/I-290 in Schaumburg, IL.
alternative construction materials within the scope of this Performance-related mixture and construction special
Code, the adequacy of which has been shown by successful provisions were incorporated into the contract documents, and
use or by analysis or test, but which does not conform to or is an outreach program was implemented at the beginning of the
not covered by this Code, shall have the right to present the project to ensure that the stakeholders (Tollway representatives,
data on which their design is based to the building official, or contractor, and concrete producer) understood and properly
to a board of examiners appointed by the building official. implemented the provisions. The performance criteria for
This board shall be composed of competent engineers and mixture qualification included compressive strength, flexural
shall have authority to investigate the data so submitted, strength, and plastic and hardened air contents. Jobsite
require tests, and formulate rules governing design and acceptance tests for the concrete included compressive
construction of such systems to meet the intent of this Code. strength and plastic air content. Jobsite acceptance criteria
These rules, when approved by the building official and also included edge-slump of the slip-formed pavement,
promulgated, shall be of the same force and effect as the pavement thickness and smoothness, and dowel alignment.
provisions of this Code.” Bulk resistivity testing was performed as a research effort to
determine the formation factor. The formation factor may be
included in future versions of the special provisions.
The mission of ACI Committee 329, Performance
By using performance criteria, the Tollway allowed greater
Criteria for Ready Mixed Concrete, is to develop and
use of cementitious materials and eliminated restrictions on
report information on performance criteria for ready
water-cementitious material ratio (w/cm). It also allowed the
mixed concrete. This article provides summaries of four
implementation of nonstandard aggregate gradations, thus
projects discussed at a session, Case Studies of
encouraging the use of local materials. To ensure a high-
Performance-Based Specifications, sponsored by
quality mixture, however, prescriptive limits were still placed
Committee 329 at The ACI Concrete Convention and
on specific supplementary cementitious material (SCM)
Exposition – Spring 2017 in Detroit, MI.
contents, aggregate grading, and aggregate susceptibility to
alkali-silica reaction (ASR). | Ci | MAY 2018 33

The contractor chose to use a ternary cementitious material worked with Missouri Department of Transportation
mixture with an optimized aggregate gradation. Because the (MoDOT) officials to develop the project using design-build
selected mixture had 24% less portland cement and 15% less project delivery and a performance-based specification. To
total cementitious material than a typical Illinois pavement achieve the specified performance requirements, the concrete
mixture, the Tollway realized a lower bid price. The mixture producer used mixture proportions with optimized aggregate
exceeded the performance criteria and, as a result, the gradations and ternary blends of cement and SCMs.
contractor received a bonus. Performance criteria on the project included:

•• Drilled shaft foundations—specified compressive strength
of 4000 psi (28 MPa) at 56 days, low heat of hydration
The Christopher S. Bond Bridge was completed in 2010 in (158°F [<70°C] maximum per ASTM C150/C150M,
Kansas City, MO. Parsons, the engineer for the project, “Standard Specification for Portland Cement”), and slump
of 8 ± 1 in. (200 ± 25 mm) or spread flow of 26 ± 4 in.
(660 ± 100 mm);
•• Pylon (center vertical structure)—specified compressive
strength of 7000 psi (48 MPa) at 56 days, moderate
permeability (<2000 coulombs per ASTM C1202,
“Standard Test Method for Electrical Indication of
Concrete’s Ability to Resist Chloride Ion Penetration”),
ASR expansion below 0.08% at 16 and 30 days (ASTM
C1567, “Standard Test Method for Determining the
Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Combinations of
Cementitious Materials and Aggregate (Accelerated
Mortar-Bar Method)”), and slump of 8 ± 1 in. or spread
flow of 26 ± 4 in.; and
•• Bridge deck—structural pour strips between precast panels
and the deck topping with specified compressive strength
of 8000 psi (55 MPa) at 56 days, low permeability (<1000
coulombs per ASTM C1202), ASR expansion below 0.08%
at 16 and 30 days (ASTM C1567), pass scaling resistance
Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) Rebuilding and Widening (visual rating of 0-1 per ASTM C672/C672M, “Standard
project credits: Illinois Tollway, Owner/Engineer; Walsh Construction Test Method for Scaling Resistance of Concrete Surfaces
Company, Contractor; and Terrell Materials Corporation, Concrete Exposed to Deicing Chemicals”), microwave oven water
content test (AASHTO TP 23, “Standard Test Method for
Water Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete Using
Microwave Oven Drying”) on each day of placement, and
slump of 8 ± 1 in. or spread flow of 26 ± 4 in.
Each concrete mixture design was prequalified using
laboratory tests and tested as required per the project
specification from concrete placed for the structure (ASTM
C1202 and C672/C672M testing every 30 days, and ASR
testing every 6 months). The microwave test was required on
the first load for every placement for the deck structure
concrete mixture and had to be completed prior to allowing
the concrete to be placed. Testing was done at the plant and
the results were communicated to the team on site.
Initially, the contractor conducted quality control tests and
MoDOT conducted random quality assurance (QA) tests in
the field. This resulted in a lot of testing of concrete mixtures.
Effective communication and sharing of information was
important to keep on schedule and address any issues. The QA
Christopher S. Bond Bridge project credits: MoDOT, Owner; Parsons testing program was relaxed after passing QA test results were
Corp., Engineer; Paseo Corridor Constructors (a partnership of consistently reported. The performance specification led to
Massman Construction Co, Clarkson Construction Co, and Kiewit significant cost savings, as the contractor was able to use lower
Construction Co), Contractor; and Fordyce Concrete, A Division of cementitious material contents in comparison to prescriptive
Ashgrove Materials Corp, Concrete Supplier mixtures from MoDOT’s standard specification.

34 MAY 2018 | Ci |

The 2012 project, Al Raha Beach Development – Phase 1,
Abu Dhabi, UAE, involved several types of structures
(infrastructure, seawalls, bridges, residential buildings, and
services and utilities). The project’s wide range of exposures
led to the use of performance specifications to streamline
production, testing, and acceptance of concrete. Another
motivation was the potential for reduction of waste due to
over-ordering or on-site breakdowns.
The performance requirements were two-fold, with
stringent testing for mixture qualification and identity testing
(mainly strength and some durability) at the time of supply.
All prescriptive requirements (minimum and maximum
cement contents, maximum w/cm, SCM types and dosage
limits, and aggregate grading limits) were removed to allow
mixtures to be designed as “fit for purpose.” The resulting
mixtures had elevated cement replacement levels to enhance
Al Raha Beach Development – Phase 1 project credits: ALDAR
service life and reduce the carbon footprint. Multiple Properties, Owner/Engineer; ALDAR Laing O’Rourke, Main
subproject specifications were replaced with a single Contractor; and ALDAR Readymix, Concrete Supplier
document that was enforced sitewide.
There was some reluctance to remove prescriptive
elements completely from the specification. This was
recognized early on, and some requirements (especially
durability testing on site) were incorporated into the
performance specifications to alleviate the concerns.
Many advantages were realized, including reduction of
waste, better consistency of concrete due to the reduction of
number of mixtures produced, and lower CO2 emissions due
to a high SCM content.

Steel column encasement

Lower-level columns of Hyperion Towers, North Myrtle
Beach, SC, were heavily corroded. The columns support a
seven-story condominium, so rehabilitation was urgent.
Concrete jacketing was selected as a practical method for
addressing structural concerns, and the engineer decided to
use a performance specification to obtain the necessary
Hyperion Towers project credits: Hyperion Towers Homeowners
concrete characteristics. Concrete that could adequately
Association, Owner; SKA Consulting Engineers, Inc., Engineer; Heard
protect and supplement steel, while providing durability for Ratzlaff Construction, Inc., Contractor; and Ready Mixed Concrete
the severe coastal environment, was needed. A team approach Company, Concrete Supplier
was used—the engineer worked with the contractor to define
the QA process, including small batch testing, full-scale trials,
and mockup placements. •• Maximum ASR expansion of 0.10% at 14 days per ASTM
A self-consolidating concrete (SCC) was used on the C1260, “Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali
project. Some of the key mixture qualification requirements Reactivity of Aggregates (Mortar-Bar Method)”;
included: •• Maximum column static segregation of 10% per ASTM
•• Minimum compressive strength of 5000 psi (35 MPa); C1610/C1610M, “Standard Test Method for Static
•• Minimum 28-day to 7-day compressive strength ratio of 1.3; Segregation of Self-Consolidating Concrete Using Column
•• Maximum rapid indication of chloride-ion penetrability Technique”;
(RCP) of 1200 coulombs (7-day standard cure followed by •• Maximum Visual Stability Index (VSI) value of 1 per
21 days at 100°F [38°C]), per ASTM C1202; ASTM C1611/C1611M, “Standard Test Method for Slump
•• Maximum shrinkage of 300 microstrain (7-day cure Flow of Self-Consolidating Concrete”; and
followed by 28-day drying) per ASTM C157/C157M, •• Minimum air content of 5% per ASTM C231/C231M,
“Standard Test Method for Length Change of Hardened “Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed
Hydraulic-Cement Mortar and Concrete”; Concrete by the Pressure Method.” | Ci | MAY 2018 35

A level of training was required to provide relevance for
ACI member William R. (Rusty) Owings III
the types, implementation, importance, and execution of is Quality Control General Manager at
specifications and tests. Specifications were set up such that Geiger Ready-Mix Co., Inc., Kansas City,
performance characteristics were required, but prescriptive KS. He has over 18 years of experience
provisions were included to provide guidance on meeting working in the design and construction
performance. This allowed the construction team to price the industry, specifically with concrete related
work adequately and consult with the engineer during the projects. He is a member of ACI
mixture development phase. The SCC mixture meeting Committee 329, Performance Criteria for
specifications included 30% Class F fly ash, 5% silica fume, Ready Mixed Concrete. He is also a
optimized gradation of locally available aggregates, and member of NRMCA’s Research and Specification Committee and
shrinkage-reducing admixture, with a slump flow of Chair of the Kansas Ready Mixed Concrete Association’s Technical
approximately 25 to 28 in. (640 to 710 mm). Quality Committee. Owings is the Past President of the Kansas
Chapter – ACI. He received his bachelor’s of architecture from the
References University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, and is a licensed architect.
1. ACI Committee 318, “Building Code Requirements for Structural
Concrete (ACI 318-14) and Commentary (ACI 318R-14),” American ACI member Fouad H. Yazbeck is
Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2014, 519 pp. Technical and Commercial Director at
Unimix, LLC (Universal Concrete Products
Note: Additional information on the ASTM and AASHTO standards Co.), Dubai, UAE, with over 20 years of
experience in the concrete industry. He is
discussed in this article can be found at and www.
a member of the ACI International, respectively.
Advisory Committee and Committees 130,
Sustainability of Concrete; 207, Mass and
Selected for reader interest by the editors.
Thermally Controlled Concrete; 234, Silica
Fume in Concrete; and 329, Performance
Criteria for Ready Mixed Concrete. He is a founding member of
Lebanon Chapter – ACI and UAE-Dubai Chapter – ACI, and a
Karthik H. Obla, FACI, is Vice President member of the Beirut Order of Engineers. He received his civil
of Technical Services at the National engineer diploma from Saint Joseph University, Beirut, Lebanon,
Ready Mixed Concrete Association and MBA from ESSEC Business School, Cergy-Pontoise, France.
(NRMCA), Silver Spring, MD. He serves
on several ACI committees, including ACI member David G. Tepke is Building
ACI Committees 201, Durability of Solutions Group Manager and Senior
Concrete; and 329, Performance Criteria Engineer at SKA Consulting Engineers
for Ready Mixed Concrete. He is a Inc., Charleston, SC. He is Secretary of
recipient of ACI’s Young Professional ACI Committee 222, Corrosion of Metals
Achievement Award and served as in Concrete; and immediate past Chair
President of the San Antonio Chapter – ACI. He received his BS of ACI Committee 329, Performance
in civil engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Criteria for Ready Mixed Concrete. He
Varanasi, India, and his MS and PhD in civil engineering from the is also a member of ACI Committees
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 201, Durability of Concrete, and 301,
Specifications for Structural Concrete. He is a NACE International
ACI member Daniel J. Gancarz has Certified Corrosion Specialist and Protective Coating Specialist.
been with Applied Research Associates, Tepke received his BS and MS in civil engineering from the
Inc., since 2013 as an On-Site Project Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, and is a licensed
Engineer with the Materials Group professional engineer in several states.
at the Illinois Tollway. He supports
design and construction reviews for
materials and pavements and leads the
Tollway’s review and approval process
of concrete mixture designs. Gancarz
Advertise in Ci
is a member of ACI Committees 325, For more information, contact
Concrete Pavements, and 329, Performance Criteria for Ready
Meredith Schwartz,
Mixed Concrete. He received his BS and MS in civil engineering
Account Executive
from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.
He is a licensed professional engineer in Illinois.
Network Media Partners: +1.410.584.8487

36 MAY 2018 | Ci |

Products &
Minnich M-Box
The Minnich M-Box is a controlled speed, high-cycle power
converter that enables high-cycle vibrator operators to control the
speed/vibrations per minute (VPM) of up to two vibrators. The
M-Box minimizes time and cost associated with patching structural
concrete surface blemishes caused by excessive vibrator speeds.
Operators can select from speeds of 6000, 8000, and 10,800 VPM.
The product converts the 230-volt, single-phase outlet of a 3500-
watt generator to 230-volt, three-phase output, allowing the operator
to choose a uniform and compatible constant speed under different
concrete loads.
—Minnich Manufacturing,

Nightstick DICATA XPP-5462 Series Cyclo

Intrinsically Safe Headlamp Cyclo is a high-performance collision avoidance
With heavy-duty rubber straps and a low-profile system for drones (unmanned aerial systems [UAS]).
design, Nightstick DICATA™ XPP-5462 headlamps are Size, weight, power, computation, cooling, and cost can
ideal for hard hats. Each has an LED spotlight and be minimized, without sacrificing performance. Cyclo
floodlight designed to optimize output. With a beam can be employed as a software module implemented in
distance of 120 m (394 ft), the spotlight emits 275 hardware by drone manufacturers. The system allows
lumens, and the floodlight emits 205 lumens. When true 360- or 720-degree collision protection—even
operating simultaneously in dual-light mode, the during high-speed flight under adverse lighting
headlamp emits 310 lumens. An independently controlled conditions—using only a single passive camera and the
amber rear-facing light helps identify team members in drone’s built-in processor. Cyclo extends collision
dark, hazardous places. Two large front-mounted buttons avoidance capabilities to small, low-cost drones, and it
allow users to easily toggle through the high/low beam requires no calibration.
options or have the spot and floodlight on simultaneously, —Binderr,
even when wearing gloves.
—Bayco Products, Inc.,

Brokk 500 Demolition Machine

The Brokk 500 has 40% more breaking power than its
predecessor. The machine delivers 1086 ft-lb (1472 J) with each
blow of the 1510 lb (6.7 kN) Atlas Copco SB 702 hydraulic
breaker. Brokk’s three-part arm system reaches 24.3 ft (7.4 m)
vertically and 23 ft (7 m) horizontally. The Brokk 500 retains
most of the compact proportions of the Brokk 400 and weighs
11,464 lb (5200 kg). All the tools and attachments used for the
Brokk 400 can also be used on the Brokk 500. It includes Brokk
SmartPower, an intelligent electrical system that maximizes
power output of the machine based on both environmental and
operating factors. SmartPower is designed for the extremely
tough operating environments of a demolition robot. In addition,
it helps the operator start the machine on a poor power supply
while simultaneously protecting the machine from harmful
faulty power.
—Brokk Inc., | Ci | MAY 2018 37

Products & Practice

Spot-r EquipTag
Triax Technologies’ Spot-r EquipTag tracks operator
identity, equipment location, and equipment use both
indoors and outdoors and in areas without clear line of
sight to the sky. The plug-and-play, non-GPS solution
integrates with the company’s Spot-r network and its
wearable sensor technology to provide digital visibility
into worker and equipment activity, location, and safety
in real-time and without restrictions such as equipment
size or indoor/outdoor location. EquipTags work with
Spot-r Clips to identify worker certification information
Wagman Metal Products Mondo Poly Brush
Wagman Metal Products’ Mondo Poly Brush features stiff
and send immediate alerts if there is an unknown or
polypropylene bristles for general scrubbing on smooth
unauthorized operator. Spot-r Clips layer in workforce
concrete including cleaning floors after tilt-up construction
and certification data, showing how the equipment is
and applying densifiers. The brush will not rust and is resistant
being operated across the jobsite and by whom. The
to many chemicals. The Mondo Poly brush can be used on 36
Spot-r EquipTag adheres to any piece of equipment to
and 46 in. (914 and 1168 mm) walk-behind as well as 6 and
track activity and data to help users coordinate rentals,
8 ft (1.8 and 2.4 m) ride-on power trowels. The 11 in. (279
optimize schedules, and improve safety and compliance.
mm) size can be used on the Wagman LP230.
—Triax Technologies, Inc.,
—Wagman Metal Products Inc.,

Spancrete Plotter
Fully automatic and battery driven, the Spancrete Plotter runs on top of the casting bed rails and draws marks for
straight cuts, angle cuts, electrical sockets, slab number, manufacturer logo, and different cut-outs on fresh concrete.
Software systems can remotely send files to the Spancrete Plotter to provide for full automation and immediate production
capabilities. The plotter can drill weep holes. It can print on the top and side of products and on concrete and steel.

BinMaster 3DMultiVision
BinMaster’s 3DMultiVision software uses 3DLevelScanners to
identify the location of the center of gravity, display it graphically,
and send an alert when the center of gravity falls outside of a
predefined area. A 3DLevelScanner is mounted on the roof of the
silo in an optimal location to view the material surface in the silo.
Level measurements are used to determine the X, Y, and Z
coordinates of the center of gravity based upon the material
topography. The coordinates are processed in the 3DMultiVision
software via a proprietary RS-485 communication protocol. Users
define the alert parameters and accepted area into which the center
of gravity must fall. A 3D visual will indicate where the center of
gravity is located and show the acceptable area. The preventive
maintenance tool alerts the need for inspection or cleaning and can
be used over time to prolong silo integrity and create a safer
environment by alerting operators to potential structural stress
caused by uneven loading.

38 MAY 2018 | Ci |

Products & Practice

Web Notes GSSI Launches New Website

Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. (GSSI),
launched a website that features a product
configurator, training class calendar, and news and updates, including recent case studies and
videos. The Innovation Lab section spotlights GSSI’s engineering initiatives and custom
solutions. The product pages feature equipment action pictures and explanations of
applications for which it is most useful. Users will find data examples for each application and
product, detailed product specifications, and support materials. The expanded training section,
now called GSSI Academy, includes an enhanced class schedule, trainer bios, training request
form, and ground-penetrating radar explanations and electromagnetic induction technology.
The website also features an expanded support page, which includes direct access to user
manuals and software updates.
—Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc.,

Fiber Reinforced Cement and Concrete Composites

Book Notes by Antoine E. Naaman
Fiber Reinforced Cement and Concrete
Composites stresses the fundamental understanding
of behavior and modeling of fiber-reinforced cement (FRC) composites, and provides readers
with a strong basis to design FRC composites and structures with FRC composites. The book is
organized into 15 chapters. Chapter 1 presents a general background and overview of historical
evolution of fibers and FRC composites. The following three chapters address the question: What
do fibers do to concrete as a material? They provide information on the behavior and properties
of the resulting composite. Chapter 5 describes different classes of applications, their purpose,
and examples to answer the question: What do fibers do to structural concrete? Chapter 6 deals
with fabrication methods and mixture design of FRC composites; potential challenges in
manufacturing the composite, including proper fiber dispersion and mixture workability; and
suggested solutions. Chapter 7 develops the fundamental relationships associated with fiber and
matrix volumes or weights and their fractions, fiber count, fiber spacing, specific surface, equivalence relations, and the like.
Chapters 8 to 14 focus specifically on analytical modeling, and Chapter 15 offers a look at the challenges ahead.
—Techno Press 3000,
Price: $200; 765 pp.; ISBN: 978-0-9674939-3-0

ASTM C1851-18
Standard Practice for Determining the Extent of Cracking in a Sealant using the Difference
between the Compressive and Tensile Modulus
ASTM C1851-18 outlines a way to quantitatively determine the extent and causes of cracking in a building sealant
by evaluating the difference between the measured compressive and tensile modulus of a sealant relative to an
unexposed or uncracked version of the same sealant. During measurements, cracks will reduce the area of the sealant in
the tensile test, but they will not change the area of the sealant in the compressive test. Manufacturers could use the new
standard to determine and ultimately enhance durability. The standard was developed by ASTM International
Committee C24, Building Seals and Sealants.
—ASTM International, | Ci | MAY 2018 39

Coatings, Sealers, &
Surface Preparation
KARNAK K-NRG Seal™ VP is a liquid-applied, elastomeric membrane designed to provide a vapor permeable air and
water barrier when applied to above-grade wall assemblies. This product is a single-component, water-based acrylic
coating that cures to a monolithic rubber-like membrane with expansion and contraction properties, which resists air
leakage. K-NRG Seal VP incorporates antimicrobial technology to produce a mold-resistant membrane.


component, breathable, fiber-reinforced cementitious
coating. Designed for positive and negative dampproofing,
CEM-KOTE FLEX ST can be used in new construction and
restoration projects. It can be applied by brush or sprayed to
suit the application. CEM-KOTE FLEX ST provides
excellent adhesion and crack bridging and is an approved
NSF/ANSI 61 barrier material. This permeable membrane
allows substrate moisture to escape.

Watco Cold Set Coating

Watco Floors’ Cold Set Coating is a floor paint designed to withstand wear and tear from heavy warehouse traffic.
The coating can be applied to most concrete surfaces at temperatures as low as 14°F (−10°C), and it is ready for foot
traffic after 24 hours at 32°F (0°C). Cold Set Coating is a polyaspartic floor paint that provides stain resistance and is
low in VOCs. It can be applied indoors or outdoors. It resists fading or yellowing due to UV radiation and can be used
in areas with direct sunlight exposure.
—Watco Floors,

40 MAY 2018 | Ci |

Product Showcase

APV NeverFade Exterior Coatings

APV NeverFade® Exterior Coatings are water-based and
low-VOC façade restoration coating systems. The topcoats
contain Kynar Aquatec® PVDF resin, a tough, engineered
thermoplastic that maintains high stability when exposed to
harsh thermal, chemical, and ultraviolet environments.
NeverFade contains complex inorganic pigments and UV
blocking additives to inhibit fading and extend lifecycles of
building façades. The chemistry also resists staining, dirt
pickup, and mold growth. NeverFade can be color matched to
bold colors, even metallic tones. APV offers a 15-year warranty
on color performance when applied by a certified contractor.
—APV Engineered Coatings,

Hempadur Multi-Strength 35530

Hempadur Multi-Strength 35530 is a solvent-free, two-
component, high-build, polyamine adduct cured epoxy paint.
It cures to a coating with good resistance to abrasion,
seawater, and fresh water. It can be applied as a lining in
potable water tanks and pipelines.

SCOFIELD SelectSeal Plus

SCOFIELD® SelectSeal Plus™ waterborne concrete
sealer produces a gloss with low odor. It can be used
within most buildings. This high-solids formulation
provides wet slip resistance while forming a tough stain-
and abrasion-resistant finish. The sealer can be used on
interior or exterior colored or uncolored concrete. SelectSeal
Plus can be applied using a brush, roller, or sprayer.

Vexcon Chemicals STARSEAL GUARD DC can be used
as a penetrating water-repellent sealer and a dissipating white
curing compound for fresh concrete. This water-based product
forms a temporary film that restricts moisture loss. After the
curing compound wears off, the concrete remains protected
from freezing-and-thawing cycles, salts, and deicer chemicals.
It meets ASTM C309 curing requirements and the chloride
ion penetration requirements of NCHRP 244.
—Vexcon Chemicals, | Ci | MAY 2018 41

Southern California Chapter – Nebraska Chapter – ACI •• East Norfolk Avenue Paving and
ACI Sam Hobbs Service Elections and Project Awards Bridge Improvements Project,
Award The Nebraska Chapter – ACI Norfolk, NE—City of Norfolk,
The Southern California Chapter – announced its 2018 Officers and Board Owner; Olsson Associates, Structural
ACI donated $10,000 to the ACE Members at the chapter’s 2017 Awards Engineer; Dixon Construction
Mentor program in Los Angeles, CA, at of Excellence Banquet, held in Omaha, Company, Contractor; A&R
the Sam Hobbs Service Award event NE, on February 2, 2018. The officers Construction, Concrete Contractor;
January 18, 2018. This is an annual and board members are: and Gerhold Concrete Company,
donation from the chapter. The Sam •• Officers—Josh Kankovsky, Concrete Supplier;
Hobbs Service Award was founded in President, Thiele Geotech, Inc.; Kyle ••FLOOD, Omaha, NE—Mike Nesbit
1973. The award honors Sam Hobbs, Poff, President Elect, Kearney Studio, Owner; Enterprise Precast
who was one of the founders of the ACI Concrete Company; Tom Trumble, Concrete, Inc., Structural Engineer;
chapter system and the moving force in Vice President, Olsson Associates; and Ross Miller, Contractor;
establishing the first chapter. Bryan Kratky, Secretary, Lamp ••Stenciled Concrete Drive, Private
The Sam Hobbs Service Award is Rynearson; Michael Willman, Residence, Lincoln, NE—Private
given to an individual who has Treasurer, W. R. Grace; Kristi Residence, Owner; Stephens &
dedicated years of service to the chapter Nohavec, Past President, Leo A. Smith Construction Company,
and to the concrete industry. Each year, Daly; and Jereme Montgomery, Concrete Contractor; and Ready-
the previous winner chooses the Executive Secretary, Stephens & Mixed Concrete Co., Inc. – Lincoln,
recipient of this great honor. This year’s Smith Construction. Concrete Supplier; and
Sam Hobbs recipient is Neal Lynch, •• Board Members—Jiong Hu, ••Central Community College,
who recently retired from Cemex in University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Kearney Center, Kearney, NE—
the Los Angeles area. David Thibault, Stephens & Smith Central Community College –
Construction; Tyler Jensen, Ash Kearney, Owner; Wilkins ADP,
Grove; Kelly Naslund, Paulsen Architect; Lange Structural Group,
Concrete; Paul Kostal, Beatrice LLC, Structural Engineer; Sampson
Concrete; and Cal Splattstoeser, Construction, Contractor; Bigzby
Nebraska Department of Transportation. Concrete Inc., Concrete Contractor;
The chapter also acknowledged Ready Mixed Concrete Company –
outstanding projects at the banquet. The Kearney, Concrete Supplier; and
chapter’s Awards of Excellence Enterprise Precast Concrete, Inc.,
competition recognizes concrete Precast Supplier.
construction and practices completed in The 2017 Award of Excellence
2016-2017 within the state of Nebraska. winners were:

Rob Graine, Southern California Chapter –

Five projects were granted “Outstanding ••Pelican Bay Backyard Remodel,
Achievement” awards, and three Lincoln, NE—Lynn Leach, Owner;
ACI President, presented ACE Mentor
projects were granted the chapter’s Loeck Design, Architect; Lincoln
representative Steve Smith with a donation
“Award of Excellence,” the highest honor. Concrete, Specialist General
The 2017 Outstanding Achievement Contractor; and Husker Ready-Mixed
winners were: Concrete, Concrete Contractor;
•• University of Nebraska Scott ••UNMC Fred & Pamela Buffett
Campus Parking Structure, Omaha, Cancer Center, Omaha, NE—
NE—University of Nebraska Omaha, University of Nebraska Medical
Owner; HDR, Architect; AGA Center, Owner; HDR, Architect and
Consulting, Structural Engineer; Structural Engineer; Kiewit Building
Sampson Construction, General Group, Contractor; Daedalus
Contractor; Stephens and Smith, Construction Company, Concrete
Southern California Chapter – ACI Sam Concrete Contractor; and Ready Contractor; and Ready Mixed
Hobbs Service Awardee Neal Lynch with his Mixed Concrete Co. Omaha, Concrete Co.- Omaha, Concrete
wife and two sons Concrete Supplier; Supplier; and

42 MAY 2018 | Ci |

Chapter Reports

•• Omaha Marriott Downtown at the Capitol District, Omaha,

NE—Shamrock Development, LLC, Owner; LEO A
DALY, Architect and Structural Engineer; JE Dunn
Construction, Contractor; Chad Springborg Construction, Inc.,
Concrete Contractor; Ready Mixed Concrete Co., Concrete
Supplier; and Coreslab Structures, Inc., Precast Supplier.
The Nebraska Chapter – ACI congratulates all the project
participants for their contributions to the advancement of the
concrete industry. The chapter also thanks the 2017 awards
banquet sponsors: Shamrock Development LLC and Boral
Resources, as well as annual sponsors: Ash Grove Cement
Company; Kearney Concrete Company; Stephens & Smith
Construction Company, Inc.; GCP Applied Technologies;
ECONSTRUCT USA; LLA; BASF Construction Chemicals; Nebraska Chapter – ACI 2018 Officers and Board Members: (back
Nebraska Concrete and Aggregates Association; Lyman- row, from left) Jiong Hu, David Thibault, Josh Kankovsky, Bryan
Richey Corporation; Paulsen, Inc.; Brett Admixtures; Thiele Kratky, and Kristi Nohavec; (front row, from left) Jereme Montgomery,
Geotech; and Thrasher, Inc. Michael Willman, Kelly Naslund, and Tom Trumble; (not pictured)
For more information, visit Kyle Poff, Tyler Jensen, Paul Kostal, and Cal Splattstoeser


To supplement on-the-job training, ACI has developed the ACI Physical Testing of
Cement Training Video as a resource for new testers and a refresher for experienced
testers. The following tests are included:

ASTM C109 – Compressive Strength ASTM C191 – Vicat Time of Setting

ASTM C151 – Autoclave Expansion ASTM C204 – Blaine Fineness
ASTM C185 – Air Content ASTM C266 – Gillmore Time of Setting
ASTM C187 – Normal Consistency ASTM C1437 – Flow of Mortar

Additionally, the video includes a review of safety, equipment, and the laboratory
environment. Each chapter reviews the equipment specific to the ASTM test, the test
procedure to follow, and the calculation of the result. Helpful tips are provided throughout
to improve the technicians’ knowledge and technique.
Check out a preview clip on YouTube; search for “ACI testing cement training

Details can be found at; search the
bookstore for “EDPTCT13.“ | Ci | MAY 2018 43

Now Introducing
ACI Collection of Concrete Codes,
Specifications, and Practices

he American Concrete Institute
introduces the ACI Collection of
Concrete Codes, Specifications,
and Practices (formerly the Manual
of Concrete Practice). With nearly
50 codes and specifications and more
than 200 practices—the ACI Collection
is the most comprehensive and
largest single source of information
on concrete materials, design,
and construction.

The ACI Collection includes ACI 318-14, ACI 301, Regular Price Member Price

and ACI 562. The ACI Collection also covers concrete

Guide and Reports:
materials, properties, design, construction, reinforce- FREE with ACI
ment, repair, structural analysis, and innovation— Membership
plus popular topics such as slabs, formwork, masonry, Annual Online Standards:
and more. (Continuously $235.00/year
The ACI Collection is available in three formats—
an online subscription that is always up-to-date and
includes historic editions of codes and specifications; $849.50 $525.00
a USB drive for convenient digital access anywhere,
USB Drive
with or without an internet connection; and an
eight-volume set of books.
Please visit to subscribe $1083.60 $648.96
or purchase. 8-Volume Books
On the
Sanders Fosnough Wood Kim

David Sanders, FACI, joined Iowa State University leadership and sales roles at US LBM Holdings, Steeler,
(ISU), Ames, IA, as Chair of the of Civil, Construction and BlueLinx, and Hitachi Power Tools. Mackall has over
Environmental Engineering Department. He was recently 15 years of experience in sales and regional development.
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, at the University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV. Honors and Awards
Sanders received the 2017 ACI Joe W. Kelly Award. He is Sharon L. Wood, FACI, Dean of the Cockrell School
also a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin, was
(ASCE) and the ASCE Structural Engineering Institute. He honored by ASCE as the 2018 Outstanding Projects and
received his BS from ISU, and his MS and PhD from The Leaders (OPAL) award-winner in education. The ASCE
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. Sanders is Chair OPAL awards honor outstanding civil engineering leaders
of ACI Subcommittees 318-E, Section and Member for their lifetime accomplishments. Wood leads a school
Strength, and 445-A, Shear & Torsion-Strut & Tie. He also with nearly 8000 students and 280 faculty. She has
serves on ACI Committees 318, Structural Concrete promoted project-based learning in the undergraduate
Building Code; 341, Earthquake-Resistant Concrete Bridges; curricula, launched a new 10-year strategic research plan,
369, Seismic Repair and Rehabilitation; the Structural and initiated BS programs in environmental engineering
Journal Editorial Board; and Joint ACI-ASCE Committees and computational engineering. For ASCE/SEI, she has
423, Prestressed Concrete; and 445, Shear and Torsion. served on the Department Heads Council Executive
Committee, as Chair of the Task Committee on
ACI member Pete Fosnough is Managing Director of The Accreditation of Structural Engineering Programs, and on
Epoxy Interest Group of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel several other committees. Wood received the 1993 ASCE
Institute (CRSI). Fosnough will be responsible for all Alfred Noble Award, and the following year she was
operations of the Epoxy Interest Group, promoting the recognized with the Director’s Award for Distinguished
interests and advantages of epoxy-coated reinforcing steel to Public Service by the U.S. Army Construction Engineering
the user community. Prior to joining CRSI, Fosnough was Research Laboratory, Champaign, IL. She received her
with Harris Rebar, Auburn, IN, where he managed the BS in civil engineering from the University of Virginia,
installation and start-up of the company’s Bourbonnais epoxy and her MS and PhD from the University of Illinois. An
coating operation. Fosnough received his BA in computer ACI Past President (2015-2016), Wood serves on various
science/mathematics from DePauw University, Greencastle, ACI committees.
IN, and his MSM in operations and strategic management
from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. Throughout his Yail Jimmy Kim, FACI, Professor in the Department of
career, Fosnough has been active on industry technical Civil Engineering at the University of Colorado Denver,
committees supporting sustainability, codes, and standards Denver, CO, was inaugurated as President of the Bridge
initiatives. He serves on ACI Committee 222, Corrosion of Engineering Institute. Kim is organizing the Bridge
Metals in Concrete; Joint ACI-ASCC Committee 117, Engineering Institute Conference 2019, to be held in
Tolerances; and Joint ACI-CRSI Committee 315, Details of Honolulu, HI, July 22-25, 2019, along with the Organizing
Concrete Reinforcement. Committee and the International Scientific Committee.
Kim’s research interests encompass advanced composite
Doug Leng joined Vector Corrosion Technologies as Vice materials for rehabilitation, structural informatics, complex
President, Business Development (Marine/Waterfront). Leng systems, and science-based structural engineering, including
received his degree in metallurgical engineering from statistical, interfacial, and quantum physics. Kim is a
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI. He has Council Member of the International Institute for FRP in
over 25 years of corrosion experience and is a member of Construction, and he serves as an Associate Editor/Editorial
NACE International, serving on 15 technical committees. Board Member for two international journals. He is Chair of
Leng is also a member of the International Concrete Repair ACI Committee 345, Concrete Bridge Construction,
Institute (ICRI) and ASCE. Maintenance, and Repair; and ACI Subcommittee 440-I,
FRP-Prestressed Concrete. He also serves on ACI
iQ Power Tools appointed Jim Mackall to Vice President Committee 342, Evaluation of Concrete Bridges and Bridge
of Sales. Mackall will be responsible for the company’s Elements; ACI Committee 440, Fiber-Reinforced Polymer
nationwide sales team, new business development, and Reinforcement; Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 343, Concrete
expansion of existing markets. He has previously served in Bridge Design; and various subcommittees of ACI 440. | Ci | MAY 2018 45

Calls for Calls for Papers: Submission Guidelines

Calls for papers should be submitted no later than 3 months prior to the
deadline for abstracts. Please send meeting information, papers/presentations
being solicited, abstract requirements, and deadline, along with full contact
information to: Keith A. Tosolt, Managing Editor, Concrete International,
e-mail: Visit for
more information.

Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent crypts, furniture, retaining walls, utility poles, tanks,
Infrastructure sculpture, culverts, plazas, and whatever else has caught your
Meeting: 9th International Conference on Structural attention. Significance may be historical, aesthetic,
Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-9), sustainable, functional, structural, construction-related,
August 4-7, 2019, in St. Louis, MO; organized by Missouri S&T. unusual use or application, or simply personal affection.
Solicited: SHMII-9 will address the theme of “Transferring Requirements: 1) Name and location of submission;
Research into Practice.” Abstracts and papers are solicited to 2) image (photograph, drawing, or sketch) that is not
report research on emerging technologies, approaches to copyrighted; 3) brief description that establishes significance
facilitate technology transfer, and the unique field and lists credits; and 4) submitter’s name, title, organization,
demonstrations of existing and new technologies. Preference city and state, telephone, and e-mail address. Location
will be given to papers focused on transferring research into information should include zip code. Submit all information
practice. Visit for more information. in electronic format: image as JPG or TIFF file at least 1 MB
Deadline: Abstracts are due by June 1, 2018. (but no more than 4 MB); text in e-mail or as Microsoft Word
Technical inquiries: Genda Chen, SHMII-9 Conference document (120 words maximum). No PDF files, please.
Chair, e-mail:, telephone: +1.573.341.4462. Deadline: Materials are due by July 1, 2018.
Send to: Michael J. Paul, Larsen & Landis, 11 W. Thompson
Sustainable Construction Materials and St., Philadelphia, PA 19125,
Meeting: Fifth International Conference on Sustainable Prestressed Concrete with Conventional and
Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT5), July 14-17, Nonconventional Materials
2019, Kingston University London, Kingston Hill Campus, Meeting: Technical session on “Prestressed Concrete with
Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK; sponsored by Coventry Conventional and Nonconventional Materials” at The ACI
University, the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Center for Concrete Convention and Exposition – Fall 2019, October 20-24,
By-products Utilization, and local hosts. 2019, Cincinnati, OH; sponsored by ACI Committee 345,
Solicited: Technical themes are efficient and sustainable Concrete Bridge Construction, Maintenance, and Repair.
use of construction materials, technological advances for Solicited: The special session will focus on the recent
sustainable practice, designing structures and building for advancement of prestressed concrete for bridges and structures
sustainability, and regulatory framework and government using conventional and nonconventional materials. Presentations
initiatives. Visit for more information. and technical papers will include the conceptual development
Requirements: Abstracts of 200 to 300 words as a of innovative prestressed concrete, laboratory experiments,
Microsoft Word file are invited. numerical modeling, and case studies. State-of-the-art
Deadlines: Abstracts are due by June 30, 2018; final prestressing techniques and nonconventional materials such as
papers are due by March 11, 2019. fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites to address the
Send to: sustainable performance of concrete members will also be
considered. An ACI Special Publication will be published.
Notable Concrete in Las Vegas and Vicinity Requirements: 1) Presentation/paper title; 2) author/
Document: Compendium of notable concrete in Las Vegas and speaker name(s), title, affiliation, and contact information; and
vicinity for e-publication at The ACI Concrete Convention and 3) an abstract of 200 words.
Exposition – Fall 2018 in Las Vegas, NV, October 14-18, 2018; Deadlines: Abstracts are due by July 31, 2018; final papers
compiled by ACI Committee 124, Concrete Aesthetics, and are due by November 30, 2018.
co-sponsored by the Las Vegas Chapter – ACI, AIA Las Vegas/ Send to: Yail Jimmy Kim, University of Colorado Denver,
AIA Nevada, and SEASoN. The document will also be available e-mail:; and Hiroshi Mutsuyoshi,
as an electronic file on the ACI website, and may be excerpted in Saitama University, e-mail:
Concrete International. Images submitted will be stored and
available as electronic files on the ACI website and may be used in Self-Compacting Concrete and Rheology
ACI educational and promotional materials. Exceptional images Meeting: Ninth International RILEM Symposium on
may merit placement on the cover of Concrete International. Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC9) and second International
Solicited: Image and brief description of notable concrete RILEM Conference on Rheology and Processing of
(cast-in-place, precast, post-tensioned, masonry, or tilt-up) in all Construction Materials (RheoCon2), September 8-11, 2019, at
types of uses—buildings, monuments, pavement, silos, bridges, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany. The event is

46 MAY 2018 | Ci |

Calls for Papers

supported by RILEM, fib, ACI, Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft, Bridge Engineering

Deutsche Rheologische Gesellschaft, and DAfStb. Meeting: Bridge Engineering Institute Conference 2019
Solicited: The aim of these two parallel and closely (BEI-2019), July 22-25, 2019, in Honolulu, HI; organized by
interconnected events is to exchange ideas and experience the Bridge Engineering Institute.
about the development, testing, and applications of cement- Solicited: The main theme of BEI-2019 is “Frontiers of
based and other building materials with their specific Bridge Engineering.” Abstracts are invited on topics including
rheological properties. The SCC9 conference is expected to construction materials; mechanics of materials; laboratory-
cover the following topics: material design and materials and large-scale testing; modeling and analysis; construction,
science; rheology and workability; production and placement; maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation; application of fiber-
mechanical properties and structural design; durability and reinforced polymer (FRP) composites; reliability
sustainability; modeling and numerical simulations; and case investigations; soil-structure interaction; dynamics, earthquake,
studies. In addition to contributions on concrete and wind, impact, and vibration control; structural health
cementitious binders, RheoCon2 technical topics will include monitoring/nondestructive testing; design and innovation; and
grouts, renders, plasters, bitumen, paints, and adhesives. Visit accelerated bridge construction. Further details are available for more information. at
Requirements: Submit abstracts online at https://tu- Requirements: Submit abstracts online at Submission_BEI2019.html.
Deadline: Abstracts are due by October 30, 2018. Deadline: Abstracts are due by October 31, 2018.
Contact: Martina Awassi, Conference Secretary, e-mail: Contact: Yail Jimmy Kim, University of Colorado Denver; e-mail:


ACI offers dozens of
FRP resources including
codes, standards,
SP documents, published
journal articles, and
ACI University
on-demand courses.
Photo courtsey Simpson Strong-Tie

Learn more at

+1.248.848.3800 | | | | Ci | MAY 2018 47

Hey PEs:
need year-end
As the year comes to a close, professional engineers seeking continuing
education credits should look no further than the on-demand courses in
the online ACI University. Over 130 courses are available 24 hours a day,
7 days a week, on topics including ACI 301-16, 318-14, 562-16, and more.
ACI members can even use their member credits to take most of the
courses for free. Learn more at

Interstate 10 at 70 Years Celebratory Event slurry type (bentonite, polymer, and natural slurry) and
State legislators, leadership of the California Department laitance channel formation. Two runners-up were also selected
of Transportation (Caltrans), and construction industry leaders for the 2017 Student Paper Competition: Jennifer Ostrowsky,
gathered to commemorate the 70-year anniversary of a section Utah State University, Logan, UT, for “A New Approach for
of Interstate 10 (I-10) between Ontario and San Bernardino, Evaluating the Ductility, Volumetric Stiffness and
CA. The concrete pavement freeway is a vital link to business, Permeability of Cutoff Wall Backfill Materials,” and Martijn
commerce, and personal mobility in the region, and it is van Wijngaarden, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the
crucial to the provision of goods and services nationwide. The Netherlands, for “Gravity Based Foundations for Offshore
California Senate and State Assembly recognized the freeway Wind Turbines: Cyclic Loading and Liquefaction.” In
with a formal proclamation, calling attention to the pavement’s addition, four student papers received special recognition:
longevity and remarkable service. The pavement was also the “Statistical Analysis of Design Method for the Axial Capacity
first in the United States that was restored using diamond of Single Driven Piles in Glacial Tills,” by Markus Jesswein,
grinding. The event was co-hosted by CalPortland, Caltrans EIT, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada; “Physical
Region 8, California Nevada Cement Association, Southwest Modelling of Lime Stabilisation in Soft Soils Around Deep
Concrete Pavement Association, with additional support from Excavations,” by Jignasha Panchal, City, University of
the American Concrete Pavement Association and Portland London, London, UK; “Challenges Associated with the
Cement Association. Regional Calibration of Resistance Factors for Drilled
Shafts,” by Philippe Kalmogo, Iowa State University, Ames,
CMC Acquires Assets of MMFX Technologies IA; and “Field Study of Blast-induced Liquefaction Dragloads
Corporation on Drilled Shaft Foundations,” by Elvis Ishimwe and Richard A.
Commercial Metals Company (CMC) announced that its Coffman, Associate Professor, University of Arkansas,
wholly owned subsidiary, CMC Steel Fabricators, Inc., has Fayetteville, AR.
acquired substantially all assets of MMFX Technologies The DFI and DFI Educational Trust 2017 Young Professor
Corporation (MMFX). MMFX markets, sells, and licenses the Paper Competition winner is Arash Khosravifar, Portland
production of proprietary specialty steel products, including State University (PSU), Portland, OR. In the paper
its ChrōmX line of high strength, corrosion-resistant “Development of a Design Guideline for Bridge Pile
reinforcing bars. MMFX operates out of Irvine, CA, and its Foundations subjected to Liquefaction-induced Lateral
products are sold throughout the United States and Canada. Spreading,” Khosravifar and his co-author Jonathan Nasr,
graduate student researcher at PSU, describe new equivalent
Schnabel Engineering Opens Seattle Office static analysis (ESA) methods that combine inertial and
Schnabel opened its first office on the West Coast in lateral spreading loads for estimating elastic and inelastic
Seattle, WA. Alex Rutledge and Robert Indri will relocate to pile demands.
open the company’s 20th location. Both engineers have each The first runner-up of the Young Professor Paper
been with Schnabel’s Greensboro, NC, office for more than Competition is Hoyoung Seo, Texas Tech University,
10 years. Rutledge and Indri will be supported by a national Lubbock, TX. Seo, along with co-author Mintae Kim, of
team of skilled technical professionals as they provide dam Texas Tech University. Their paper is titled “Soil Plug
and levee, geotechnical, and geostructural engineering design Behavior of Open-Ended Pipe Piles during Installation.”
services in the region. The awards were presented at the DFI 42nd Annual
Conference on Deep Foundations in October 2017 in New
DFI Winners of 2017 Student Paper Competition Orleans, LA.
and Young Professor Paper Competition
Sarah Mobley and Kelly Costello, graduate students in the TRC Worldwide Celebrated 50 Years
department of civil and environmental engineering at the TRC Worldwide Engineering (TRC) celebrated its
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, are the winners of the 50th year of providing engineering services. It has three
2017 DFI and DFI Educational Trust Student Paper international offices and 12 domestic offices across the
Competition. Their paper, “The Effect of Slurry Type on United States. TRC’s services include design of new
Drilled Shaft Cover Quality,” presented the findings of construction; restoration engineering; threshold and special
laboratory experiments on 24 tremie-placed concrete inspections; project management; and forensic evaluations,
specimens designed to investigate the correlation between reports, and testimony. | Ci | MAY 2018 49

New from
ACI 351.3R-18: Report on Foundations for On-Demand Course: Vertical and Overhead
Dynamic Equipment Spall Repair by Hand Application (RAP 6S)—
This report presents to industry practitioners the various Spanish Language
design criteria and methods and procedures of analysis, design, Learning Objectives
and construction applied to foundations for dynamic equipment. 1. Explain the importance of reviewing the root cause of
damage prior to selection of a repair material and application
CP-18, 7th Edition: ACI Certification method;
Technician Workbook for Laboratory Testing 2. Recognize the undercutting recommendations for concrete
Technician—Level 2 with corroded reinforcing steel;
This workbook provides information to prepare ACI 3. Provide examples of the types of repairs for which this
Laboratory Level 1 technicians for the Level 2 certification application is useful; and
process and provides all of the documents referenced by the 4. Identify the proper treatment of exposed reinforcement
written and performance examinations. Also included are when repairing concrete with corroded reinforcing steel.
study questions, sample checklists, and a practice exam. Level
2 certification covers ACI documents 214R and 211.1 and the Continuing Education Credit: 0.1 CEU (1 PDH)
following ASTM standards: C192/C192M, C470/C470M,
C496/C496M, C42/C42M, and C157/C157M. On-Demand Course: Spall Repair of Horizontal
Concrete Structures (RAP 7S)—Spanish
CP-44, 7th Edition: ACI Certification Technician Language
Workbook for Aggregate Testing Technician – Learning Objectives
Level 1 1. Provide examples of the types of repairs for which this
This workbook contains information about the ACI Aggregate application is useful;
Testing Technician – Level 1 (ATT1) certification program, 2. Recognize the undercutting recommendations for concrete
performance checklists, and reprints of all the resource with corroded reinforcing steel;
materials referenced by the certification examinations. The 3. Explain the guidelines for sawcutting size and depth for a
ATT1 program includes the following AASHTO and ASTM horizontal concrete surface repair; and
standards: T 2/D75, R 76/C702, T 11/C117, T 27/C136, T 85/ 4. Discuss curing and protection considerations for spall
C127, T 84/C128, T 255/C566, and T 21/C40. repairs.

Continuing Education Credit: 0.1 CEU (1 PDH)

Get On-Demand Course: Engineering Ethics

Learning Objectives

1. Discuss various codes of ethics and their application.
2. Discuss reporting requirements and potential penalties for
ethical violations.

with 3. List and explain the professional and ethical responsibilities

of a civil engineer.
4. Apply standards of professional and ethical responsibility to
determine an appropriate course of action.

Continuing Education Credit: 0.1 CEU (1 PDH)


50 MAY 2018 | Ci |

MAY 25-29 - 11th National Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, Los Angeles, CA
6-9 - PTI Convention 2018, Minneapolis, MN
27-29 - SuperPile ’18, New York, NY
6-10 - 60th IEEE-IAS/PCA 2018 Cement Conference,
Nashville, TN 28-30 - 3rd FRC International Workshop, Desenzano,
Lake Garda, Italy
24-26 - 2018 Construction History Society of America
(CHSA) Biennial Meeting, College Park, MD JULY

JUNE 9-11 - 10th International Masonry Conference (IMC),

Milan, Italy
4-6 - International Workshop on Calcium Sulfoaluminate
Cements, Murten, Switzerland 9-13 - 9th International Conference on Bridge
event.php?vnr=84-106 Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2018),
Melbourne, Australia
5-8 - International Conference on Deep Foundations and
Ground Improvement, Rome, Italy 18-20 - Sixth International Conference on Durability of
Concrete Structures (ICDCS 2018), Leeds, UK
6-7 - 2nd International Workshop on Durability and
Sustainability of Concrete Structures, Moscow, Russia 19-22 - ASCC Concrete Executive Leadership Forum,
Park City, UT
11-12 - 9th Advances in Cement Based Materials
(Cements 2018), State College, PA

19-22 - 13th International Symposium on Concrete THE CONCRETE CONVENTION AND

2018 — O
 ctober 14-18, Rio All-Suite Hotel &
21-23 - AIA Conference on Architecture 2018 (A’18), Casino, Las Vegas, NV
New York, NY 2019 — M
 arch 24-28, Quebec City Convention Centre and Hilton Quebec
Quebec City, QC, Canada
25-26 - Final Conference of RILEM TC-253 MCI 2019 — O
 ctober 20-24, Duke Energy Convention
(Microorganisms-Cementitious Materials Interactions), Center and Hyatt Regency Cincinnati
Toulouse, France Cincinnati, OH
For additional information, contact:
ACI Industry Events Calendar: Event Services, ACI, 38800 Country Club Drive,
For more information and a listing of additional upcoming events, visit Farmington Hills, MI 48331 To submit meeting Telephone: +1.248.848.3795
information, e-mail Lacey Stachel, Editorial Coordinator, Concrete
International, at | Ci | MAY 2018 51

Sinopsis en español

Todo es más grande en Texas transmisión submarina de gas natural, principalmente para
proporcionar flotabilidad negativa para las secciones de
Rojas, A., Concrete International, V. 40, No. 5, mayo de tubería. Este concreto se prepara usando agregados de peso
2018, págs. 25-27 pesado (mineral de hierro) y típicamente tiene una relación
de agua-cemento de 0.33. Los resultados del estudio descrito
La colocación de Mega Slab en la General Motors (GM, por en este artículo indican que el contenido de vacío se puede
sus siglas en inglés) Arlington Assembly Plant, Arlington, reducir usando relaciones de agua-cemento que exceden el
TX, fue un ejercicio exitoso de planificación y ejecución. El valor típico. Esto permitirá el ahorro de costos a través de
proyecto, una losa de 203 mm de espesor que cubre 23,780 reducciones en la proporción de agregado pesado en la mezcla.
m2, requerido 4950 m3 de concreto para ser colocado y
terminado dentro de tres turnos de 12 horas. El primer y tercer Especificando para el desempeño
turno exigieron 53 trabajadores cada uno, mientras que el
segundo turno exigió 78 trabajadores. Juntos, completaron una Obla, K.H.; Gancarz, D.J.; Owings III, W.R.; Yazbeck,
losa que alcanzó niveles excelentes de planitud y nivelación F.H.; y Tepke, D.G., Concrete International, V. 40, No. 5,
del piso (FF / FL) de 56/42. mayo 2018, págs. 32-36

Efecto de la relación agua-cemento en el revestimiento de Las especificaciones basadas en el desempeño que definen
peso de concreto los objetivos de durabilidad explícita se pueden usar con
éxito en diversos tipos de proyectos. Este artículo resume
Alymov, E., Concrete International, V. 40, No. 5, mayo de cuatro ejemplos de tales proyectos (pavimentación, puente,
2018, págs. 28-31 desarrollo y reparación de columnas) que se presentaron en
una sesión, Estudios de caso de especificaciones basadas en
Concreto de asentamiento cero puede ser usado para el desempeño, en la Convención y exposición concreto ACI -
revestimiento de pesas de tubos de acero utilizados para la primavera de 2017 en Detroit, MI.

Global • Certificate programs and online webinars.

• Hundreds of on-demand courses
available 24/7 .

Online • Topics include concrete materials, design,

construction, and MORE.

Learning Resource

52 MAY 2018 | Ci |

The ACI draft standard open for public discussion that is being processed can be found at
This is not yet an official ACI standard.

Public Discussion and Closure

Specification for Inspection of Concrete Construction
The ACI Technical Activities Committee (TAC) approved the draft standard subject to satisfactory committee response to
TAC comments in April 2016. The committee responded adequately to TAC’s comments and all balloting rules were adhered
to. In October 2016, the Standards Board granted approval to release the draft standard for public discussion and to process it as
an ACI standard. Public discussion was announced on October 16, 2016, and closed on December 10, 2016. The committee
responded to the public discussion. TAC reviewed the closure and approved it in March 2018. The Standards Board approved
publication of the ACI standard in March 2018.
The public discussion and the committee’s response to the discussion are available on ACI’s website,

FREE Education Resources

Online Education Presentations Documents
Browse from a large selection of recorded Visit the ACI Store at and
presentations from ACI Conventions and other download free documents from ACI’s Educational
concrete industry events available for viewing Committees.
These documents,
Presentations are available in digital
also available on editions, cover:
ACI’s YouTube
Concrete Channel •• Materials
•• Design examples for
concrete structures
•• Repair application
procedure | Ci | MAY 2018 53
2018 ACI Membership Application
American Concrete Institute • 38800 Country Club Drive • Farmington Hills, MI 48331 • USA
Phone: +1.248.848.3800 • Fax: +1.248.848.3801 • Web:

Please print or type all information requested below:

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Includes one set of the ACI Collection of Concrete Codes, Specificications and Practices (formerly MCP), digital access to the ACI Materials Journal and
a wall plaque, and a subscription to Concrete International and both ACI Materials and Structural Journals. ACI Structural Journal and ACI Guides & Reports.
ACI COLLECTION: – Select a format and include applicable shipping fee:
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SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP – ACI Sustaining Members receive all membership benefits of online subscriptions for additional ACI resources:
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exposure, positioning them as a leader in the concrete industry, and much more. For complete details
 ACI Collection (formerly MCP), $235
or to join, visit or call +1.248.848.3800.
 ACI University Digital Subscription, $99

Profile Information (Select all that apply.)

Markets Occupations
 Design  Management  Inspector  Researcher
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54 MAY 2018 | Ci |
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Allowable Tolerances for
Suspended Slab Edge
What are the allowable tolerances for an a lot to consider, including the effects of shrinkage and
exterior edge of an elevated concrete deck slab? post-tensioning. I have included a few references that provide
ACI 117-10(15), Provision 4.2.1,1 states that information on slab edge displacements over time. In general,
“vertical elements” are allowed up to ±1 in. (25 mm) but also it is not unreasonable to anticipate that the combined effects
says that “edge locations of all openings” are allowed only of shrinkage and post-tensioning can total about 1 in. in 100 ft
±1/2 in. (13 mm). Would the exterior edge of slab be or 25 mm in 30.5 m (1/2 in. on each edge).2-5 It is also
considered a vertical element or would it fall under the more important to discuss with the designers and system installers
stringent tolerance for edge location of all openings? the effect of long-term vertical deflection.
From understanding the initial tolerances and the behavior

Unfortunately, the current version of ACI 117 does of the slab after placement, an appropriate design can be
not explicitly identify the edge of a concrete slab prepared with a comprehensive approach to slab edge
as an element with tolerances for horizontal conditions. In my company, we frequently work with curtain
deviation. It also does not define the timing of measurements. wall installers and have found that an initial tolerance of ±3/4 in.
I expect that these issues will be clarified in the next edition. (19 mm) works well. I have also seen tolerances specified by
As of now, the intent of ACI 117-10(15), with respect to slab other designers that allow the overall tolerance of ±1 in. but
edges, is to consider them in the category of “other elements” restrict the relative deviation between adjacent floor levels.
with horizontal tolerances of ±1 in.
That said, it is highly advisable that slab edge location be References
one of the primary discussion points of the preconstruction 1. ACI Committee 117, “Specification for Tolerances for Concrete
tolerance coordination meeting (refer to ACI 117-10(15), Construction and Materials (ACI 117-10) and Commentary (ACI 117R-10)
Provision 1.1.3 and Commentary Provision R1.1.3). There is (Reapproved 2015),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI,
2010, 76 pp.
2. Suprenant, B.A., and Malisch, W.R, “Movements That Affect
Tolerance Measurements,” Concrete International, V. 38, No. 7, July
Errata for 2016, pp. 27-32.

ACI Publications 3. Bondy, K., “Shortening Problems in Post-Tensioned Concrete

Buildings,” SEAOSC Seminar Proceedings: Design Review and Inspection
of Prestressed Concrete Building Projects, Jan. 1989, 20 pp.
Available Online 4. Aalami, B.O., and Barth, F.G., “Cracking in Prestressed Concrete
Structures,” Cracking in Prestressed Concrete Structures, SP-113, G.T.
Halvorsen and N.H. Burns, eds., Amercan Concrete Institute, Farmington
Hills, MI, 1989, pp. 157-202.
Under the menu for “Publications” at 5. Allred, B., “Common Post-Tensioning and Construction Issues,”, document errata can be Structure, July 2005, pp. 22-25.
searched by document number or keywords.
Thanks to Eric S. Peterson, Webcor Builders, Knightsen, CA, Chair of
Call ACI Customer Service at Joint ACI-ASCC Committee 117, Tolerances, for providing the answer.
+1.248.848.3700 for more information.
Questions in this column were asked by users of ACI documents and have
been answered by ACI staff or by a member or members of ACI technical
committees. The answers do not represent the official position of an ACI
committee. Comments should be sent to

56 MAY 2018 | Ci |

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