A corporation is a company that is a separate legal entity owned by stockholders. In other words, the corporation functions like a single person separate from its owners (stockholders). Thus, the stockholders have limited liability, (the investment in the stock they own). Common stock represents ownership in a corporation. When you buy common stock, you are buying the corporation's factories, buildings, and products. Common stock is sold in shares. Each share of common stock represents the basic unit of ownership of the corporation. Stockis like a Pizza, Shares each share of stock represents an equal piece of the pie (company). Price appreciation Dividends are occurs when you the portion of a sell your stock for corporation’s more than you paid profit that is for the stock. paid to shareholders. As the company grows, your piece of the pie grows as well. If the company is successful and grows by 25%, the value of your shares will grow as well. Dividends are paid out of a corporation's profit after taxes have been paid. The corporation can, however, retain part of the profit and reinvest it in the corporation. This portion is known as retained earnings and it is frequently used for research and development or expansion. A corporation doesn't have to pay dividends. Dividends do not even have to be paid with money. The board of directors can elect to issue stock dividends. When this is done, the current stockholders would receive more shares of the corporation's stock rather than cash. When investors When a stock sell stocks for sells for less more than they than the paid, the profit investor paid for made from the it, the investor sale is the suffers a capital investor's loss. capital gain. The money an investor uses to buy stocks is called equity capital. Because you can make or lose money through investments, you must determine the amount of money that you can afford to lose without harming your standard of living. The amount of money an investor can afford to lose is called risk capital, and that is the amount that should be invested. Remember, invest only what you can afford to lose. Corporations may be classified in many ways. If stock is available for purchase by the public, it is an open corporation. The corporation is required by law to disclose its financial condition. Most large corporations are open corporations. A closed corporation is one whose stock is not available to outsiders, it does not issue stock to the public and is not required to disclose publicly its financial condition. Allcorporations must issue stock. The state issuing the Articles of Incorporation authorizes the number of shares a corporation can issue. That number represents all the shares a corporation can issue without going back to the state and requesting that the state allow more shares to be issued. These are the shares of stock that the company has sold (issued). The issued shares represent ownership. Authorized but not issued are held for future sales to raise funds (capital) for future growth. When a company wants to go public, or to be traded on stock exchanges, it must meet some strict standards. The New York Stock Exchange (you don’t start here) A pre-tax income of $2.5 million for the previous year or $2.0 million a year for two previous years Net tangible assets of $18 million Two thousand shareholders who each have 100 or more shares At least 1.1 million publicly held shares Outstanding shares with a value of $18 million An annual report is a financial report issued to stockholders at the end of each operating year. An annual report will present the financial condition of the corporation, the names of the board of directors, the location and date of the next stockholder's annual meeting, an auditor's report verifying the authenticity of the financial data, and the shareholder's letter. The balance sheet lists the corporation's assets and liabilities. (What they own less what they owe) The income statement lists the revenue (income), expenses, and profit or loss for the year. (How much money did they make) A stockholder can get a good idea of the financial condition of a corporation from analyzing the balance sheet and the income statement. Some corporations will even include a five-year financial summary. Section II The Securities and Exchange Commission is a watchdog agency. It helps to protect the investor by enforcing federal laws pertaining to the stock market. The SEC monitors securities, stock exchanges, corporate reporting, investment firms, stockbrokers, and public utility holding companies. Authorized shares are the shares a corporation is allowed to issue. Issued shares are the shares actually issued and sold to investors. Shares repurchased by a corpora-tion are called treasury shares, or treasury stock. Shares purchased by stockholders are called outstanding shares, shares standing out in the hands of the public. The market value of a stock is the price people are willing to pay for the stock at present. The market value is determined by the demand for the corporation's stock. The book value of a corporation is equal to its total assets minus its total liabilities. (Balance Sheet) When stock is issued to the public for the first time by a corporation, it is called a primary distribution. (IPO) The company is purchased by an investment bank and they sell shares to investors. After the primary distribution of stock, all subsequent sales of the stock take place in secondary markets (for example, the New York Stock Exchange or the Over- the-Counter Market). People who buy stocks are stockholders. When either preferred or common stocks are purchased, the stockholder receives a stock certificate. Section III A security exchange, commonly called a stock exchange, is a non-profit organization that provides facilities for its members to buy and sell securities. The members of a stock exchange are brokers who buy memberships (called seats) so that they may use the exchange. Only members can trade on the floor of the exchange. The nation's largest stock exchange is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) located in New York City. The American Stock Exchange (AMEX), also located in New York City, is the nation's second largest exchange. There are also smaller regional exchanges, such as the Pacific, Midwest, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, and Boston exchanges. In addition to exchanges based in the United States, there are also various international exchanges, such as those located in Tokyo, London, Frankfurt, Zurich, Paris, Milan, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Brussels, Sydney, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Toronto. A stock exchange is very similar to a large swap meet or flea market. According to legend, it originated in 1792 when businessmen met under a buttonwood tree on Wall Street and signed an agreement that they would trade stocks. A company's name was called out and bids on that company's stock were exchanged. Eventually the exchange moved indoors and became known as the New York Stock Exchange (also referred to as the Big Board). An investor who wishes to buy stock will most likely place an order with a stockbroker. A stockbroker is an agent licensed by the SEC to buy and sell securities for clients. A stockbroker who works for a full-service brokerage firm provides research information, suggests investment strategies, and offers advice on market conditions. A stockbroker who passes a very com-prehensive securities test known as the "Series 7 Exam" is called a registered representative. A stockbroker receives a commission based on the total dollar volume of each order. The commission rate varies with each brokerage firm. Discount brokerage firms are an alternative to paying the full price commis-sions that full- service brokerage firms charge investors. Discount brokerage firms often offer no advice or consultation about investing; they simply execute a client's orders. Three of the common types of stock orders are market orders (spot orders), limit orders, and stop loss orders. A market order is an order to buy or sell a stock at the best price possible. The broker will execute the investor's instructions at whatever price the trade demands on that day. Most orders are market orders and are carried out the same day. A limit order is an order to a broker to buy or sell shares at a specific price no greater than a specific amount. A limit order is not executed unless the stock market price reaches the limit the investor has set. A stop loss order is an order to a broker to sell a stock if the price drops to a predetermined level. This limits the investor's losses or guarantees a certain profit. When an order is placed with a stockbroker, the investor also must tell the stockbroker how long that order should stand. A day order tells the stockbroker to fill the order that day. At the end of the day, the order is cancelled. A good 'til cancelled (GTC) order stands until it is filled or until the investor cancels it. Stock orders are generally placed in increments called round lots. A round lot is a multiple of 100 (100, 200, 300, 400, etc.) shares. An odd lot is a number of shares that is not a multiple of 100, such as 50 shares or 322 shares. Section IV TheDow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), often called the Dow, is an index of 30 major corporate stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Another major index is the Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Index. This index of 500 key stocks also deals with corporations listed on other exchanges and is a much broader based index than the Dow Jones Industrial Average. A company risk is a risk that affects the stock prices of one company or industry. Demand for a product is a company risk. If a company's product or service is in high demand, the price of its stocks will generally rise. If a company's product or service is not in demand, the price of its stocks will generally fall. Rules $50,000.00 to invest 5 Stock max in a portfolio 3 trades per week (5 first week to load) Stocks must sell for $5.00 or more Stocks must be bought in 25 share increments $10.00 brokerage fee per trade No mathematical mistakes ( if you exceed your $50,000 limit, your purchase will be canceled and it will cost you $100.00) The group that accumulates the most profits will get a 10 point boost to the last nine week’s grade. Second Place will get 5 points to the last nine weeks. Last place gets a deduction of 5 points (just kidding) Firstwe go to YAHOO finance and type in a company name to get its trading symbol. Everything about the stock comes from this symbol.
Coca-Cola Company (The) Common
The trading symbol for Coke is “KO”
Common (NYSE: KO)
Last Trade: 51.78
Trade Time: 12:08PM EDT Change: 0.22 (0.43%) Prev Close: 51.56 Open: 51.56 Bid: 51.77 x 700 Ask: 51.78 x 400 1y Target Est: 61.80 Common (NYSE: KO)
Day's Range: 51.40 - 51.79
52wk Range: 47.18 - 59.45 Volume: 2,448,328 Avg Vol (3m): 11,522,600 Market Cap: 119.46B P/E (ttm): 17.02 EPS (ttm): 3.04 Div & Yield: 1.76 (3.40% 6 Month Chart 5 Year Chart 1 Year Chart Coke to McDonalds Where is KO’s stock price in comparison to its 52 week high and low? Last Trade: 51.78 52wk Range:47.18 - 59.45
What is the P/E Ratio – this is the current price divided by its earnings. You should have a P/E Ratio under 20 if the n/a appears this stock lost money last quarter. EPS:3.04 P/E: 17.02
Letslook at the analysis’ estimates of where it should be trading. 1y Target Est:61.80 THE CURRENT STOCK PRICE IS BELOW THE ESTIMATE What about the 6 month chart?
Allthings point to an increase in Coke Stock except the 6 month chart. All things considered this stock should looked at.