Siddha Kundalini Yoga
Siddha Kundalini Yoga
Siddha Kundalini Yoga
Let us look at the words "Siddha", "Kundalini" and "Yoga" in the reverse order. While
the ultimate goal of Yoga is experiencing one’s true self, the ardent Yogi attains this goal
by a science known as Yoga, which could be of many types and involves various
practices and lifestyle adoptions that cause the integrated purification of body, mind and
spirit, making the aspirant increasingly free from the dualities of nature.
Such purification paves the way towards the ultimate goal of experiencing one's true
nature, while simultaneously making the aspirant increasingly deserving along the way,
in all respects.
Kundalini is the name of that primal and living force within us all, which ordinarily lies
spiritually dormant, but has the explosive potential to transform our existence from
inharmonious to harmonious; from imperfect to perfect and thus in other words, from
ordinary to divine.
Siddha here means “ready”. Like in ready-to-eat, ready-to-serve and so on. Most yoga
practices aim at awakening the dormant Kundalini. Quite contrarily, Siddha Kundalini
Yoga is a ready-to-experience Yoga, in which the awakened Kundalini is the starting
point of the aspirant’s journey of self-purification.
There are various ways of awakening one’s dormant Kundalini. Swami Satyanand
Saraswati of The Bihar School of Yoga mentions many ways, all which have to be under
a Guru, such as, by Mantra, or by Tapasya i.e. the practice of austerities, or through the
use of specific herbs, or by following Raja Yoga, or by Pranayama, or by Kriya Yoga, or
by Tantric Initiation, or by self-surrender.
Spiritual Awakening or Kundalini Awakening essentially is possible only when the mind
becomes subservient to the primal energy above referred. All the above mentioned
methods involve doing something. This doer-ship means functioning through the mind
and ego, the very elements which need to become subservient to another higher aspect
within us. Needless to say, few can overcome this paradoxical situation.
Kundalini Initiation is also possible through some Gurus who do not have precedence of
a lineage. Although such Gurus could be adepts, in such cases, the aspirant stands to lose
the chance of uninterruptedly having behind him or her, the collective strength and
guidance of the entire tradition through subtle spheres.