Field Problems of Fruit Crops
Field Problems of Fruit Crops
Field Problems of Fruit Crops
Xanthomonas campestris pv. Citri
Canker is one of the most devastating disease of citrus. It assumes serious proportions
after the rainy season.
Symptoms :
The disease affects all the above ground parts of the plant. On leaves the canker
appears as circular water-soaked yellowish spots, which gradually enlarge to 3-4 mm,
turn rough, corky, brownish, raised on both the sides of the leaf, and are surrounded by
yellow halo (Pic. 1). The spots on the twigs are more prominent as irregular and corky
brown. Lesions. The lesions may coalesce to from large necrotic areas which lead to
drying of twigs. The fruit lesions become rough and corky, sometimes resulting in to
cracks in the skin (Pic. 2). These are confined only to the rind. Portion.
Canker is severe on kaghzi lime, lemons, grapefruits, sour orange and citranges. Sweet
orange, Baramasi lemon-1 and mandarins are less susceptible.
Control :
1 Do not use infected nursery plants and also destroy the infected Jatti Khatti plants.
2 Prune and burn the infected parts of the trees during May-June. Disinfect the cut
ends with Bordeaux paste.
3 Give three sprays of 50 gm of Streptocycline + 25 gm copper sulphate in 500
litres of water/acre, one each during the month of October, December and
February. Bordeaux mixture (2:2:250) or copper oxy-chloride 50 WP (0.3%) can
also be sprayed. Also spray the nursery plants with the above chemicals
particularly during July-August.
Elsinoe fawceti
Scab becomes serious on many commercial citrus cultivars during periods of high
humidity and rainy season.
Symptoms :
Leaves, twigs and fruits are attacked. On young leaves, lesions start as small pale
orange elevated spots, becoming sharply defined. With the hardening of the leaf the
lesions become rough, corky and wart-like and are brown to dark brown in colour (Pic.
3). These may be single or irregularly grouped and are raised, thorny on the underside of
the leaf. Affected leaves become distorted, wrinkled, stunted and mis-shapen. On twigs,
lesions arise as small slightly raised warts with almost similar appearance as on the
leaves. The lesions on fruits are corky having projections which become brittle and break
into incrustations.
Scab can be distinguished from canker in the following ways :
1. Canker spots are typically circular, bigger and on the leaves these are surrounded
by a yellow halo.
2. Canker lesions are not thorny on the lower surface of the leaf.
3. Canker infected leaves are not distorted.
Sour orange, lemons, grapefruits, some mandarins including kinnow are susceptible.
Sweet oranges and limes are, however, less susceptible.
Control :
1. Do not use infected nursery plants.
2. Prune and burn the infected leaves and twigs. Destroy the infected and fallen
3. Give three sprays with Ziram 27 SC (0.25%) or Dithane M-45 (0.25%) or
Bordeaux mixture (2:2:250) or copper oxychloride 50 WP (0.3%) starting
from last week of June to August at 15 days interval.
Phytophthora parasitica
Gummosis (foot rot) is a serious problem in kinnow orchards in Hoshiarpur and
Abohar areas. The disease is more common in heavy, ill drained and high water table
Symptoms :
The first indication of infection is the appearance of gum drops on the bark surface of
the trunk usually below or just above the bud-union. Infected bark and wood below it
becomes brown to dark brown. The bark develops vertical cracks. The infection spreads
rapidly to the upper trunk (Pic. 4.). When gumming starts close to the soil, the disease
spreads on the main roots and there is girdling of the base of the trunk as a result of which
the tree starts declining. Prior to death the tree usually blossoms heavily and dies before
the fruit matures.
Control :
1. Use resistant/tolerant rootstocks and bud union should be above the soil level;
2. Avoid injuries to the trunk and crowns roots. Don’t pile soil around the trunk and
provide proper drainage conditions.
3. When infection is detected decorticate the infected bark along with some healthy
part and disinfect the wounds with disinfectant solution on the trunk and cover
them with Bordeaux paste. After about a week when the paste has dried up, apply
Bordeaux paint to these wounds. Alternatively apply Ridomil MZ 75 WP @ 2 gm
per 100 ml of linseed oil to the infected portion twice, in February-March and
July-August. Drench the soil around the tree base with 25 gm Ridomil MZ in 10
litres of water per tree during February-March and repeat in July-August.
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
Die-back appears generally on weak trees in the neglected orchards throughout the
Symptoms :
The disease appears in several forms, including die-back of twigs, leaf-spotting (Pic.
5) and rooting and dropping of fruits (Pic. 6). When twigs are attacked drying starts from
tip downwards producing typical die back symptoms. Numerous minute black fruiting
bodies of the fungus appear on the dead twigs which appear silvery grey in colour. On
leaves faded green spots appear which turn brown and finally become grey in the centre
with brown margins. The grayish areas are embedded with numerous fruiting bodies
arranged in concentric rings. The fungus also attacks the fruit stalks. The stalks dry up
and fruits rot from the stem end and drops off.
Sweet oranges, mandarins especially kinnow, limes and grapefruits are highly
susceptible to this disease.
Control :
1. In the affected orchards, the dead-wood should be pruned during February and
destroyed by burning to reduce the primary source of inoculum.
2. Spray the plants with Bordeaux mixture (2:2:250) or copper oxy-chloride 50 WP
(0.3 per cent) in March and again during July and September.
Colletotrichum limetticola
Pre-harvested fruit drop in September-October causes serious losses to the citrus
growers in Punjab.
Symptoms :
Pre-harvested fruits start falling from trees in the month of September and continue up
to December. The stalks of the diseased fruits turn grey and become embedded with
numerous black dot-like fruiting bodies of the fungus (Pic. 7). The immature fruits turn
yellow. A brown abscission layer is formed and the infected fruits fall down. In case of
late infection, the diseased fruits shrink, become black, light in weight called mummified
fruits which remain attached to the stalks for a longer time. The twigs of the infected trees
show die-back symptoms.
Control :
1. Prune and burn infected twigs in January-February.
2. Disinfect cut ends with Bordeaux paste.
3. Give four sprays of Aureofungin (20 g) or Bavistin (500 g) in 500 liters of water
per acre at 15 day interval or Bordeaux mixture (2:2:250) starting from Ist week
of August.
Bacterium-like organism (BLO)
Greening is one of the major causes of citrus decline in the Punjab. The pathogen
attacks almost all the citrus species and cultivars grown in the state. It has been found to
be present in more than 70 % of the citrus trees in the State.
Symptoms :
Leaves show a chlorotic pattern. These may be completely yellow or yellow with
green veins and small green dots (Pci. 8) Chlorosis is bound on one side by mid-rib and
on the other side by the lateral vein. The chlorosis diffuses towards the leaf margins. Leaf
blade may be dwarfed and thickened. Leaves show upright growth and drop prematurely.
Twigs show short internodes, multiple bud formation and die-back symptoms. Infected
mature plants show symptoms of decline. Fruits on such trees are small, lopsided and
break colour first on the sides exposed to the sun. When such fruits are cut open, they
have curved columellas and aborted seeds. Sweet orange cvs. Pineapple, Valencia and
Orlando tangelo seedlings show characteristic symptoms and are used as indicator plants
for detection of greening.
No root stock or scion is known to be resistant to the greening pathogen.
The disease is transmitted by citrus psylla (Diaphorina citri) and through budwood
from infected trees which is used for propagation.
Control :
1. Use disease-free bud-wood which should be obtained from certified disease free
2. Control citrus psylla by spraying 625 ml of monocrotophos (Nuvacron 36 EC) or
670 ml of dimethoate. (Rogor 30 EC) in 500 liters of water during March-April
and again in September-October when the insect is quite active and its population
is high.
Citrus tristeza virus
Tristeza us caused by a citrus tristeza virus, its pathogenic activity leads to sieve-tube
necrosis at the bud-union in certain stock-scion combinations.
Symptoms :
Tristeza symptoms are similar to those caused by any root disease. The blocking of
food conducting vessels leads to starvation of the roots which results in defoliation, die-
back of twigs and stunting of the tree. A specific symptom of tristeza is ‘honey-combing’
which consists of fine holes in the wood portion and thorny outgrowths on the
corresponding inner bark surface of root stocks just below the bud union. Vein clearing in
infected Kagzi lime is the characteristic symptom. Kagzi lime seedlings are used as an
indictor for detecting this virus. Tristeza also causes stempitting (Pic. 9a & 9b) in lime
and grapefruit. Rough lemon, sweet orange, Rangpur lime, Cleopatra mandarin are
tolerant whereas sour orange grapefruits, sweet lime and some tangelo are susceptible.
The disease is transmitted by various aphid spices viz. Toxoptera citricida, Aphis
gossypii, A spriaecola, A. cracivora, Myzus persicae etc. with different degrees of
efficiency and through infected bud-wood.
Control :
1. Use tolerant rootstocks, like rough lemon and virus-free bud-wood for raising new
2. Check insect vectors by spraying dimethoate (Rogor 30 EC) at the rate of 670 ml
in 500 liters of water at the time of new flush in March.
Citrus exocortis viroid (naked RNA)
Exocortis has been found to be present in the Punjab State as bark shelling disorder of
certain rootstocks.
Symptoms :
Field symptoms of exocortis are characterized by scaling of the bark (Pic. 10). Scaling
commonly appears at first on the rootstocks near the soil line and it gradually extends up
to the bud-union and down to the larger roots. The bark becomes dead and dry. The
disease also causes noticeable stunting on susceptible trees. The scaling of the bark
interferes with the natural translocation of food materials to the roots which get starved
and the infected portion does not receive proper nutrition. As a result the infected trees
show sings of general malnutrition and decline prematurely.
Diagnostic symptoms on Etrog citron, Gynura aurantica (Velvet plant) and Petunia
hybrida include epinasty (drooping down) and curling of leaves, browning of petiole
basis, cracking of lower side of mid-veins and stunting of plants (Pic. 11).
Rangpur lime, trifoliate orange and its hybrids (citranges) such as Troyer and Carrizo,
sweet lime and citron are highly susceptible whereas rough lemon, sour orange, sweet
orange, grapefruit and Cleopetra mandarin are tolerant to exocortis pathogen.
The disease is transmitted through infected buds (used for propagating), contaminated
budding knives and other tools used for various operations in the citrus orchards. No
insect vector is known to transmit the viroid.
Control :
1. Use certified virus free budwood on tolerant root stock such as rough lemon for
further multiplication of citrus trees.
2. Tools should be frequently disinfected by dipping them in 1% solution of sodium
hypochlorite during budding and other operations.
Citrus ring spot virus (CRSV)
The incidence of the disease is high in kinnow and sweet oranges. The infected plants
produce poor quality fruits. It causes 42% yield losses in kinnow mandarin and 26% in
jaffa in Punjab.
Symptoms :
Infected leaves show typical yellow rings of variable diameter ranging from 2.0-2.4
mm with green tissue in the centre. Chloroitic spots appear more on mature leaves of
kinnow and varieties of sweet orange (Pic. 12). Ring number varies from one to several
per leaf. Fruits on the affected trees also show such ring spots. Infected leaves drop
prematurely and dieback and declining symptoms appear. Vein flecking symptoms may
also appear in the terminal leaves of sweet oranges infected trees bear less fruits which
are of small size. Ring spot symptoms may also appear on fruits.
Transmission :
The disease is transmitted through infected buds, dodder (parasitic plant) and by
mechanical means.
Control :
Use virus-free bud-wood for raising new plants. CRSV free nursery can be raised by
eliminating the disease by exposing the bud sticks to hot air treatment and shoot tip
Gloeosporium ampelophagum
Anthracnose is the most serious and wide spread disease in all the grape growing areas
of Panjab. It can become a limiting factor in getting desired yield level if rains occurs in
April-May. Yield losses have been estimated up to the extent of 10-15 % in Punjab.
Symptoms :
The symptoms of anthracnose appear on all the above ground parts of the vine.
Reddish brown circular spots appear on young leaves which later turn brown and develop
shot-holes. Affected leaves fall prematurely. On twigs, tendrils and petioles brown
sunken spots mature into cankers with dark purple raised margins (Pic. 13). During moist
weather, a pink spore mass consisting of fungal spores ooze out from the cankers and is a
conspicuous sign of the disease. Young canes with many lesions often die prematurely. If
rains occur in April, circular, dark brown, sunken spots also appear on berries (Pic. 14).
Control :
1. Prune infected twigs in January and burn the pruned wood as it acts as source of
primary inoculum for the new shoots.
2. Give one dormant spray of Bordeaux mixture (2:2:250) after pruning using 125
liters water/acre.
3. Spray Bavistin 50WP @ 400 gm/acre in the last week of April using 400 liters of
4. Spray Bordeaux mixture (2:2:250) in the last week of May using 400 liters
5. Spray Bavistin 50WP @ 400 gm/acre in mid July in 400 liters of water.
6. Spray Bordeaux mixture (2:2:250) in mid-August using 400 liters of water.
7. Spray Bavistin 50 WP @ 400 gm/acre in first week of September using 400 liters
of water.
Uncinula necator
It is wide-spread in all the grape growing areas of the Punjab and causes serious
damage during early stages of berry formation (April-May. In Punjab, the disease is
prevalent in moderate to severe form with disease severely ranging from 25-80% on
Symptoms :
White powdery growth appears on young berries (Pic. 5) and leaves. On leaves the
disease manifests itself as dark coloured patches with white powdery mass of growth of
the fungus (Pic. 16). Young inflorescence also catches infection and fruit bearing is
adversely affected. Affected berries develop cracks and become unmarketable and
unsuitable for consumption.
Control :
1. Spray the vines with wettable sulphur (0.25 per cent) or Bayleton/Topas (0.04%).
Three sprays, one in mid March, second in the end of April and third in the first
week of May are enough.
2. Dense growth of the vines should be avoided by proper pruning. The training
system should allow proper sunlight and air circulation through the crop canopy
which reduces powdery mildew development. An open canopy not only reduces
the disease severity but also allows better penetration of fungicides.
3. Excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers should be avoided as it promotes
succulent growth and increase disease severity.
Symptoms :
Small angular to circular necrotic spots with straw coloured centers and reddish brown
margins (Pic. 17) appear only on the leaves. Black dot like masses of conidia are visible
in the centre of spots. Some spots become dark tan-coloured. Severe attack results into
drying of leaves and early defoliation.
Control :
1. The infected leaves fallen on the ground should be collected and destroyed by
burning as the fungus survives in these leaves which serve as the primary source
of inoculum.
2. Follow the same spray schedule as given under grape anthracnose.
Aspergillus niger, Penicillium sp. and Rhizopus sp.
In the compact bunch varieties like Perlette berry rot is a common problem. The skin is
broken or ruptured due to pressure by the swelling of maturing berries, thus exposing the
berry contents which facilitate the entry of saprophytic fungi.
Symptoms :
Soft rot symptoms appear in May-June with or without visible growth of moulds on
affected berries (Pic. 18). The juice released by various types of injuries (due to insects or
faulty packing or handling during storage) provides good substrate for the growth of these
fungi. Growth pressure in the compact bunches, especially in varieties like Perlette may
also rupture the berries releasing juice which encourages the growth of various fungi
causing further rotting. Symptoms are more pronounced on ripened berries.
Control :
1. Thinning of the berries in compact bunch varieties, like Perlette should be done in
the initial stages.
2. Injuries to berries during storage should be avoided and packing should be done
3. Pre-harvest spraying of the berries with captaf or ziram (0.2 per cent) checks the
spread of the disease in field as well as in storage. Spray one kg ziram/500 liters
of water/acre starting from June and repeat at seven days interval. Stop spraying
one week before harvesting.
Control :
1. Use disease free cuttings procured from certified nurseries.
2. Preventive spray of Bordeaux mixture (2:2:250) provides effective control of this
Rhizoctonia sp.
Collar rot disease has been observed in the neglected orchards with poor drainage.
Symptoms :
During July-August, roots and the collar region of the vines turn brownish with the
shredding of bark. The infected plants degenerate and decline. The fungal growth also
becomes visible on the outer infected root surface (Pic. 20). It affects plants in nursery
and young vines of 2-3 years of age in the orchard which ultimately wilt and die.
Control :
1. All the infected parts should be removed and burnt at an early stage.
2. The moisture content of the soil should be kept low and the soil should be kept
3. Application of Captaf as drench @ 20g in 5 liters of water/vine keeps the disease
under check.
Plasmopara viticola
Downy mildew is a less important disease and seldom occurs in Punjab. It does not
appear on berries under Punjab conditions due to high temperature and dry climatic
conditions during May-June so it does not cause any direct loss of yield.
Symptoms :
Greenish yellow, oily spots appear on upper surface of leaves (Pic. 21) which on the
lower side are covered with whitish downy fungal growth. Under the favorable weather
conditions, uniform whitish growth (Pci. 22) is seen on the under surface of the leaves.
The spots later on become brown and brittle. Leaves with many active spots dry-up and
drop pre-maturely and may adversely affect the new growth in next season.
Control :
1. For raising grape orchards, plants should be obtained from disease free nurseries.
2. Follow the spray schedule as given under grape anthracnose disease. In addition,
give one spray of Bordeaux mixture (2:2:250) during mid September.
Fusarium moniliforme f. sp. subglutinans, F. oxysporum
Malformation s a serious disease of all the commercial cultivars and poses threat to
mango cultivation in Punjab.
Symptoms :
Depending upon the plant part affected, this disease can be divided in two categories
i.e. vegetative and floral malformation. In vegetative malformation, complete loss of
apical dominance of the seedlings occurs (Pic. 23). It leads to the formation of numerous
small thickened shoots and secondary branch-lets with substantially reduced internodal
length and tiny leaf rudiments, which are crowded together in to a compact head resulting
in a “Witches broom’ like appearance, also called ‘bunchy top’. Floral malformation is
characterized by deformation of panicles, suppression of apical dominance, shortened
primary and secondary axes, thickened rachis of panicles, giving the flowers a clustered
appearance (Pic. 24). These panicles usually do not set fruits, ultimately dry up, become
black and persist as such on the tree for a long time.
Control :
1. Remove the affected shoots every month and destroy them.
2. Application of NAA (naphthalene acetic acid) @ 200 ppm i.e. 20 g/100 litres of
water, prior to flower bud differentiation during the first week of October
substantially reduces the floral malformation. Dissolve NAA in small amount of
alcohol before making further volume in water.
3. If the disease occurs in young seedlings, it is better to replace the plants with
healthy ones rather than going for spray of NAA.
Microsphaera alphitoides f. sp. mangiferae
Powdery mildew has become a limiting factor in getting good yields of mango. It gets
very serious after flowering in sub-mountaneous districts of the Punjab State.
Symptoms :
The disease starts appearing as soon as flowers develop. The inflorescence becomes
covered with white powdery mass of the fungus. Tender flowers and their stalks are more
prone to disease attack (Pic. 25). Premature drop of flowers results in the naked floral
axis. The young fruits infected by mildew also drop off. Newly formed leaves are also
attacked occasionally. On leaves, the white growth of the fungus appears and infected
tissues become necrotic.
Control :
This disease can be controlled by spraying Karathane (0.1 per cent) or wettable
sulphur (0.25 per cent). Spray once before flowering, again during flowering and then
after fruit set. Another spray after 10-15 days can be given, if necessary.
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
This disease assumes serious proportions in mango orchards of the state during and
after rainy season.
Symptoms :
The disease occurs on young leaves, stems, inflorescence and fruits. Leaves show oval
to irregular grayish brown spots which may coalesce to cover large area of the leaf-
lamina (Pic. 26). The affected tissues dries up and shred. Infected petioles may result into
pre-mature leaf fall. In young twigs, grayish-brown, oval to irregular spots develop which
may soon enlarge and cause girdling and drying of the affected shoots.
In humid weather, minute black dots develop on the leaves and floral organs. The
infected flowers ultimately shed resulting in partial or complete deblossoming. Latent
infection are established on the fruits before harvest. The ripening fruits show typical
small raised, dark brown or black anthracnose lesions (Pic. 27).
Control :
1. Prune and destroy the shoots showing spots of canker and dead branches. Apply
Bordeaux paste and then paint to the cut ends.
2. Protective sprays with Bordeaux mixture (2:2:250) or copper oxychloride (0.3 per
cent) help in reducing the spread of the disease.
Symptoms :
The disease is characterized by the death of twigs from the downwards particularly of
the older trees followed by complete defoliation (Pic. 28). Discolouration and darkening
of the bark on or a certain distance from the tip is the external evidence of the disease.
Before shedding, the leaves turn brown accompanied by upward rolling of the margins.
The bark of the dead twigs becomes completely discoloured and shriveled (Pic. 29).
Cracks may also appear in partially dead bark of the affected twigs from where gum may
exude before death. This disease may result into complete death of a young plant if the
graft union is affected.
Control :
1. The incidence of the disease can be minimized by adopting preventive measures
viz. selection of scion from healthy trees and adoption of sanitary measures.
2. Pruning and destruction of diseased twigs up to about 5 cm below the site of
infection and protecting the cut surface with Bordeaux mixture (2:2:250) or 50%
copper oxychloride (0.3%) can effectively check the disease.
Schizophyllum commune
It is a major disease problem of old and neglected orchards.
Symptoms :
Cankers are formed on the stem which leads to discoloration and drying of foliage of
one or more branches. Gum exudation from the affected branches is common. Branches
may be killed in due course. Small shell like dirty white fruiting bodies of the fungus
appear in rows on the dead main branches with gills on the lower side (Pic. 30).
Control :
1. Spray trees with copper oxychloride 50 WP @ 0.3% or Bordeaux mixture
(2:2:250) at fortnightly intervals. Spray particularly if untimely rains are received
2. Affected branches should be covered with Bordeaux paste followed by paint after
removing the disease parts.
Toxic gases
The orchards near brick kilns are affected. As many as 90% of the fruits on trees near
brick kilns may bear necrotic lesions and fruits become unmarketable.
Symptoms :
The tip of the fruits becomes abnormally long and it may cover half of the fruit. Black
tip may results in premature ripening. The characteristic symptom of the disease is the
necrosis of tissues at the distal end of the fruits. In the beginning there is a development
of small etiolated area at the distal end which gradually spreads, turn black and covers the
tip (Pic. 31) completely. The tip is flattened with the outer skin turning hard and sunken.
Saprophytic bacteria induce rotting of the inner soft portion which giver out dark brown
liquid in the form of ooze. The disease is more common in 6-8 weeks old fruits or when
they are reaching maturity.
Control :
1. Spray Borax (0.6%) before flowering and during flowering. The third spray should
be given at fruit set with Bordeaux mixture (2:2:250) or copper oxychloride 50
WP @ 0.25%.
Phoma glomerata and Phomopsis sp.
This disease is severe in old and neglected orchards.
Symptoms :
Cankers appear on bud scars, twigs, stubs or in crotches. Cankers are generally
elliptical. Small circular brown spots appear around a leaf scar or superficial wound. As
the canker enlarges the centre becomes sunken with the edges raised above the
surrounding healthy bark. The bark is loosened and becomes brown and papery (Pic. 33).
Wood below the bark is stained brown. The spurs and branches above the canker are
killed (Pic. 32). Attacked leaves turn black. Infection of the young fruits which generally
starts from the stem-end results in its blackening.
Control :
1. Cankers on the trunk and in the crotches should be removed and the dead bark
decorticated along with 2 cm of the healthy bark.
2. All the dead wood and prunings should be destroyed.
3. Cover the wounds with disinfecting solution and apply Bordeaux paste.
4. Give dormant spray of Bordeaux mixture (2:2:250) in January and two more
sprays with the same or copper oxychloride 50 WP @ 0.3% in March and in June.
Control :
1. Each affected tree showing distress sings should be treated with 10g of Bavistin
50WP + 5 g of Vitavax 75 WP mixed together in 10 litres of water at the trunk
base and the drip area twice, once before the monsoon (April-May) and then after
the monsoon (September-October) Apply light irrigation after the treatment.
2. Avoid deep hoeing to prevent injuries to the roots, though which the fungus gains
entry. Also avoid growing intercrops which require excessive irrigation during
3. Avoid piling up of the soil around the trunk of the trees.
4. In a newly cleared forest area, orchard should be planted only after taking
agricultural crops for 2-3 years so that residual diseased roots in the soil rot
Note :
This disease is also serious on peaches.
Symptoms :
The main trunk as well as other parts are attacked. Circular to elongated water-soaked
gummy lesions similar to borer injury appear on the stem/branches and the outer bark
splits (Pic. 35). The bark becomes brown, gummy and sour smelling. The attacked limbs
are girdled which results into their death (Pic. 36). The bark and sapwood may show
circular to elongated water-soak lesions.
Control :
Clean the wounds and apply Mashobra paste before the rains start in summer.
Continue treating the new lesions which appear. Mashobra paste can be prepared by
mixing 225 g lanolin, steric acid 425 gm, morpholin 150 gm and streptocycline 25 cm in
5.5 litres of water.
Symptoms :
In nurseries, infected plants show poor growth indicated by yellowing and reduction in
size of the leaves, stunting of plants and formation of galls or knots on roots. Gall
formation on root system is a characteristic symptom of the attack of these nematodes
(Pic. 37).
In infected orchards plants show uneven growth. General symptoms in infected plants
are growth retardation, yellowing, reduction in size and pre-mature falling of leaves,
flower shedding, pre-mature drop and reduction in fruit size. Under severe infection, root
show gall formation and excessive branching which gives bushy appearance to the roots.
Ability of the infected plants to withstand environmental stresses is impaired and such
plants wilt more readily under water stress.
Control :
1. Use only nematode free nursery plants and raise nursery in root knot nematode
free soil.
2. Do not plant peach in infested soil.
3. Avoid green manuring with Dhaincha as it increases nematode population.
4. Do not intercrop with susceptible crops like cucurbits and pulses.
5. Keep soil free from weeds in nursery and orchard.
6. Three application of Furadan 3G each at the rate of 40 kg/acre in nursery, 2-3
applications @ 100-150 g per plant in the orchard every year are known to control
root knot nematode.
Microsphaera alphitoides f. sp. ziziphi
Powdery mildew is a serious disease of Ber in the Punjab which appears at the time of
fruit set in all the commercial cultivars and causes heavy losses.
Symptoms :
The symptoms appear as powdery coating of the fungal growth on young and tender
leaves. Young and developing fruits, however, are more susceptible to powdery mildew
infection resulting in pre-harvest fruit drop (Pic. 38). The fruits supporting infection, even
if escape dropping, show discolouration of skin and crackings, rendering them
commercially unacceptable.
Control :
The disease can be controlled by three sprays of Karathane (0.05%) or wettable
sulphur (0.25%) or Bayleton (0.05%) starting from the flowering time in September
followed by a spray in mid October and mid November.
Symptoms :
The disease starts as pinhead fly specks which gradually enlarge to irregular and raised
spots with smoky black, fluffy, mouldy fungal growth on the lower surface of the leaves
(Pic. 39). Later such spots coalesce to form bigger lesion and may cover almost entire leaf
lamina resulting into pre-mature leaf fall. The corresponding upper areas of the infected
leaves turn brown and necrotic. Under humid weather conditions, fruits may also get
Control :
Give 3-4 sprays with Bordeaux mixture (2:2:250) or copper oxychloride 50 WP
(0.3%) at fortnightly intervals starting from first week of November.
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. psidii and Cephalosporium sp.
Wilt is more serious in neglected guava orchards in the State.
Symptoms :
Die-back and sudden wilt type of symptoms are observed in the orchards. Die back
symptoms appear as defoliation of the twigs from top downwards. As a result the
branches are left bare and dark in colour (Pic. 40). In sudden wilt symptoms appear as
drooping followed by drying of leaves which later turn straw to brown in colour. Such
leaves remain intact with the plant after drying. Sometimes only a branch or part of the
plant is affected (wilted) and the other parts remain healthy.
Control :
1. The guava orchards should be given adequate doses of fertilizer and manures.
2. The wilted trees should be uprooted and burnt. Replant the healthy seedlings after
sterilizing the soil with 2 per cent formalin solution.
3. Drenching of soil with Bavistin at the rate of 0.2 per helps in reducing the disease.
Symptoms :
Phytophthora fruit rot is common in fully mature fruits. On the blossom end of the
fruits circular, slightly brown spots with definite margins appear. The fruits rot within a
week after infection (Pic. 41), while cottony growth can also be seen on the lesions.
Sunken brown spots with pink slimy spore mass in the centre appear on unripe fruits
which are characteristics of anthracnose disease (Pic. 42). The spots enlarge and cover
whole of the fruit and cause rotting. This fungus also attacks young branches during rainy
season and causes die-back symptoms. The fungus has wide host range.
Control :
1. Prune the dead twigs and remove mummified fruits from the trees and burn them.
2. After pruning, spray with copper oxychloride 50 WP or captaf @ 0.3%. Repeat
the spray after fruit set and continue spraying at fourteen days interval upto
3. Bury the rotten and fallen fruits deep into the soil.
4. Avoid bruising and injuries of the fruits.
Papaya leaf curl virus (PLCV)
This disease occurs frequently wherever papaya is cultivated in the state.
Symptoms :
Infected plants show severe curling, crinkling and distortion of leaves, reduction of
petioles, internodes and also the main shoot. Affected leaves are much raised on the upper
surface due to uneven growth and twisting of veins (Pic. 43 & 44). Later on they become
dark green, leathery and brittle. Infected plant fails to flower and may bear a few fruits.
Severally damaged plants do not bear any fruits.
Control :
1. Uproot the infected plants and destroy them to avoid secondary spread of the
2. Use only virus free nursery ploants.
3. Spray 250 ml of Malathion 50 EC in 250 litres of water to keep white fly
population under check.
4. Do not allow susceptible hosts to grow near the papaya plantation.
Papaya mosaic virus (PMV)
This disease is prevalent on all the varieties of papaya cultivated in Punjab.
Symptoms :
Mottling of the leaves with prominent raised dark green blisters are the characteristic
symptoms (Pic. 45). Oily light green streaks appear on the stem and petioles. Fruits on
affected trees are small, often with circular ring spots and do not mature properly.
Diseased fruits are insipid and occasionally bitter. During severe summer or winter
months the symptoms are masked.
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Gloeosporium sp.
Symptoms :
Symptoms are more pronounced on fruits, which are severally affected at all stages of
growth. The spots are circular in shape, brown to black in colour and become depressed.
Spots may coalesce to cover most part of the fruit (Pic. 46). Fruits infected in the early
stages of growth become mummified and fall prematurely. Sometimes this disease also
occurs as stem end rot. On leaves, spots are brownish in colour and show shredded
Control :
1. The infected fruits and leaves should be destroyed.
2. Spray Indofil M-45 @ 0.2% at fortnightly intervals during dry spells in the rainy
Symptoms :
The disease is characterized by the appearance of spongy, water-soaked patches on the
bark at the collar region or at the soil level. The yellowing of leaves, stunted plant growth
and poor fruit development are observed. The patches enlarge rapidly and girdle the stem
causing rotting of the trunk (Pic. 47) and roots. The fungus advances upwards on the
trunk. The tissues become black and the entire tree topples down with a slight wind
pressure. If the bark is opened, the internal tissues appear dry and give honey comb
Control :
1. The plants should be grown in well drained soil.
2. Avoid any injury to the basal portion of the trunk.
3. Uproot and destroy the affected plants immediately. Do not replant in the same pit
without treating the pit with 2% formalin.
Xanthomonas oxonopodis pv. Punicae
This disease is a limitation in commercial cultivation of pomegranate.
Symptoms :
The bacterium infects all the above ground parts including flowers and fruits. On
leaves water-soaked spots appear which turn brown and necrotic, ultimately leaves turn
yellow and fall prematurely. Cankerous lesions develop on branches at the nodes which
are depressed and elliptical in shape. Lesions may girdle resulting in the death of
branches. Water-soaked spots turning into brown necrotic lesions also develop on floral
parts resulting into premature dropping of flowers. On young fruits numerous small,
depressed water-soaked spots appear which gradually increase in size to form irregular
patches. In mature fruits necrotic corky black cankers develop (Pic. 48) with prominent
cracks. The fruits ultimately rot completely and fall.
Control :
1. Bordeaux mixture (2:2:250) spray can control the disease.
Symptoms :
In most fruit plants, the deficiency of nitrogen results in reduced growth rate and
decomposition of chlorophyll. The visual deficiency symptoms of nitrogen are first
noticed on the older/lower leaves which are yellowish green to pale yellowish in early
stages but develop highly coloured tints of yellow, orange and red if the deficiency is not
treated in time. The symptoms then proceed towards the younger leaves also (Pic. 49).
First half Jan Feb (full) Early Feb May-June Jan Dec
Symptoms :
The symptoms of phosphorus deficiency first appear on the older leaves while new
leaves appear to be healthy. The leaves develop a dull dark to bluish green colour during
early stages. If the deficiency is allowed to continue for a longer time, the margins of
older leaves develop brown or dark brown dead spots (necrosis) which later die and fall.
In peach the lower leaves on the fruit bearing twigs exhibit symptoms first and in acute
and prolonged deficiency the entire plant may become dark purple and premature
defoliation takes place. (Pic. 50 & 51).
Corrective measures :
It is generally recommended to be applied as single super phosphate, the dose of
which also depends on the age and type of the fruit plants (Table 2)
Time of application
Symptoms :
The visual symptoms of potassium deficiency may differ in different fruit crops. These
first appear on the older leaves as the yellowing of tips and margins and are particularly
marked in the dry season. As the growing period advances the yellow part of the leaves
becomes dead (necrosis) turning reddish brown or brownish grey. The yellow and
necrotic areas and the healthy tissues are demarked sharply. The leaves may show
necrotic spots or marginal burns. The symptoms spread to younger leaves and finally the
entire plant may die (Pic. 52-56).
Corrective measures :
It is applied in the form of muriate of potash (MOP) at the rates and time of
application shown in the table 3.
Time of application
Symptoms :
The deficiency symptoms of sulphur first appear as yellowing of leaves in the new
growth in contrast to those of nitrogen in which the older leaves are the first to show
yellow colour. Later the leaves become thick and leathery and finally attain a dull green
colour (Pic. 57-58).
Corrective measures :
Soil application of sulphur containing fertilizers such as single super phosphate or
ammonium sulphate as source of phosphorus and nitrogen respectively ensures the
adequate supply of sulphur to meet the plant requirement. However, gypsum is a very
cheap source of sulphur. A rate of 2 to 5 quintals per acre has been used for controlling
the sulphur deficiency in citrus plants.
Symptoms :
Growing points become brown and necrotic (dead), which slowly die-back for some
distance. Older leaves also develop small necrotic areas and become irregularly shaped
which drop out later resulting in perforations in the lamina. Most of the leaves are
somewhat chlorotic with yellowing along the midrib and lateral veins. Defoliation occurs
early proceeding from the tip to the base.
In pear orchards, the plants suffer from blossom blight. The wilted. Flower clusters
wither, turn brown or black but remain attached to the tree even throughout the season.
Boron deficiency also causes dry corky lesions in pear fruit with or without external
depressions (pitting). The lesions may develop at any stage until the fruit is fully grown.
Such fruits tend do drop early or become badly distorted / mis-shapened (Pic. 59).
Corrective measures :
Depending upon the extent, the boron deficiency can be corrected by foliar sprays of
0.5 to 0.2% (50 to 200 g sodium borate in 100 litres of water) solution of sodium borate.
Symptoms :
The most distinctive feature of the zinc deficiency is “little leaf”. The affected leaves
are somewhat undersized, pointed and narrow with interveinal chlorosis. Shortening of
the internodes results in crowding of the small leaves together in clusters (rosettes) on the
short terminals and the lateral shoots of the current seasons’ growth. In most fruits “little
leaf” and the “rosettes” usually occur on the same branch.
In kinnow, mild deficiency of zinc causes interveinal chlorosis of young leaves. The
veins and some area around them remain green giving the leaf a “mottle leaf” appearance.
The affected leaves become entirely yellow but usually the irregular areas along the veins
remain green. Thus, there is a sharp colour contrast between the veins and the interveinal
areas. The acute deficiency of zinc causes severe twig die-back resulting in bushy
appearance of the plant and defoliation/death may also take place at this stage.
In pear, the symptoms first appear at the time of flowering as diffused interveinal
chlorosis, reduced leaf size, shortened internodes with leaf rosettes and die back. Only
few branches on the tree exhibit such type of symptoms. In peach, the leaves have
characteristic wavy margins. Larger leaves on shoots arising from below the stunted
portion show typical “herring bone” chlorotic pattern The fruits are small and mis-shapen.
In mango, the deficiency symptoms appear on new leave which become narrow, stiff and
deformed. The affected leave curl backwards giving a cup shaped appearance.
In Guava, symptoms of zinc appear gradually on terminal growth as sharp colour
contrast between veins and the interveinal areas of the leaves leading to interveinal
chlorosis. In the subsequent growth, very small leaves appear with narrow and pointed
tips and the twigs start dying back. The affected plants produce small sized fruit leading
to reduced fruit yield.
Dwarfing of the leaves may be caused by other physiological or pathological disorders
but the simultaneous appearance of the interveinal chlorosis and the narrow shape of the
small leaves provide and infallible indication of the zinc deficiency (Pic. 60-65).
Corrective measures :
The deficiency of zinc can be controlled by soil as well as spray application of zinc
sulphate. Depending upon the age of tree apply 0.25 to 1.0 kg zinc sulphate per tree in
soil or three-four foliar sprays of 0.3% (300g zinc sulphate in 100 litre of water) solution
of zinc sulphate. Under acute deficiency conditions 0.45% zinc sulphate solution can be
sprayed on the leaves.
Symptoms :
The general symptoms of the copper deficiency include a sudden withering and die
back of the terminal portion of the vigorously growing shoots. Multiple bud development
induces abnormal branching.
In citrus, the leaves of copper deficient trees are deep green, over-sized and coarse.
The leaves may also develop brown stained areas. Multiple buds may form at the nodes.
Severely affected twigs usually die back from the tip and new wig growth appears from
nay multiple buds giving a bushy appearance. The dying tips curve in a characteristic
manner. In citrus the most reliable symptoms are the gum pockets at the nodes of the
twigs and the brownish excrescence on fruit, twigs and leaves. (Pic. 66). There are dark
reddish brown gum soaked areas of irregular shape on the fruit surfaces.
In pear, the first signs of copper deficiency usually appear as necrosis of the terminal
leaves of actively growing shoots. The leaf tips turn black. The affected branches die
back and multiple bud formation takes place (Pic. 67).
Symptoms :
Iron deficiency first appears as yellowing of young leaves (chlorosis) at the tip of the
shoot. The leaves have a uniform yellow colour with a green network of veins which have
no green margins beside them (as is observed in manganese deficiency). The size of the
leaves is not reduced significantly as in case of zinc deficiency. Young terminal leaves
are completely yellow with chlorosis progressively less intense towards the base of the
shoots. Total bleaching of the young leaves may occur under severe deficiency conditions
(Pic. 68-74).
In peach, the most characteristic symptom is the absence of chlorophy11 in fully
expanded new leaves. The affected leaves have a network of green midrib and the veins
on a yellowed surface. The smaller veins and the areas in between them also become
yellow. In the prolonged deficiency conditions, all the veins also turn yellow. The
margins of the leaves exhibit browning.
Corrective measures :
The deficiency of iron is corrected by spraying the iron containing materials on the
plant leaves because the soil applications are of no value. Three to four sprays of 0.4 to
2.4% solution of ferrous sulphate (400 to 2400g ferrous sulphate in 100 litres of water) at
7-10 days interval are recommended.
Symptoms :
In kinnow, a marginal and interveinal chlorosis appears first on the middle fully
expanded leaves at the base of the current shoots and on spurs in contrast to that of zinc
and iron which appears on the young leaves at the shoot tips. In the initial stage, leaf
lamina becomes light green with fine network of green veins. Later, the whole leaf lamina
becomes yellow or chlorotic except narrow green bands along with the mid rib and lateral
veins. In acute deficiency the light green/yellow areas change to grey or even whitish
which are more pronounced on sunny side of the trees.
A narrow margin on either side of the main veins remains green and the interveinal
area changes to a pale green or dull yellowish colour in contrast to the deficiency of zinc
in which almost white discolouration occurs. Unlike zinc deficiency, the leaves are
normal in size and shape though under severe deficiency the leaves may be somewhat
smaller than normal. The growing points of the shoots are not affected at first so that the
extension growth proceeds normally.
The distinctive pattern of manganese chlorosis is typical in all the fruit species except
for pear in which the interveinal chlorosis is much less pronounced and the leaves usually
show a more uniform yellowing as in the case of nitrogen deficiency (Pic. 75a, 75b, 75c).
Corrective measures :
Soil applied materials containing manganese have little effect, if any. Therefore, the
deficiency of manganese is corrected by 3 to 4 sprays of 0.1 to 0.2% (100 to 200g
manganese sulphate in 100 litre of water) solutions of manganese sulphate at 4-6 week’s
Corrective measures :
The problem can be checked by following certain cultural practices and with the use of
1. Provide partial shading by sowing of Jantar or any other crop around the plants.
Apply frequent and light irrigation during April, May and June.
2. Early harvesting of mature fruits also escapes cracking.
3. Two sprays of 20 ppm NAA or 40 ppm GA3 or 8.0% potassium sulphate during
second fortnight of May also reduce fruit cracking.
Symptoms :
Heat injury occurs on the most exposed fruits on the south side of the tree. It appears
as a visible spot on the peel on the exposed side as a light yellow to dark brown area.
Flattening of the affected area is also observed. The yellow or brown spot is devoid of
chlorophyll, has ruptured skin glands and necrotic cells in varying degrees. In lemons, the
affected skin becomes brown and sunken (Pic. 77a, 77b). In severely head injured citrus
fruits juice vesicles become dehydrated. In litchi heat injured fruits show dark brown
blotches on the skin without any damage to pulp. In pear and mango fruit, the heat injured
portion becomes dark brown and sunken.
Corrective measures :
1. Regulate crop load on the tree to prevent over exposure of fruits to the sun
2. Follow judicious irrigation as recommended for sensitive crops.
3. In certain fruits like lemon, creating partial shade by certain intercrops
(Dhaincha) is useful.
4. White-wash tree trunks and limbs during April-May.
Corrective measures :
1. Maintain 15 leaves per bunch and practice berry thinning of individual bunches.
2. Apply irrigation and fertilizers as per the recommendations of P.A.U. only.
3. Avoid injury to wood while girdling, which is recommended to improve fruit
quality in grapes.
4. Ensure proper moisture in the vineyard throughout the course of healing of
Corrective measures :
1. Do not apply GA between fruit set and shatter stage of berries.
2. Keep only 100-120 berries per bunch after thinning with plastic brush.
3. Correct the boron and zinc deficiencies.
Symptoms :
In the plants affected by cold, leaves are charred and folded upward along mid-rib
(Pic. 80). With increasing cold severity, twigs become wrinkled, show vertical cracks and
gum exudation from the twigs and terminal buds. With warming up of the season, bark
cracks and limbs may dry up. The young plants of 1-4 years of age may be killed totally,
or partially depending upon the severity and duration of cold.
Corrective measures :
1. Cover the young plants (1-3 years of age) with thatches made from locally
2. available material.
3. Irrigated the plants during the expected period of frost.
4. Creating smoke screens in the orchard is also helpful.
Corrective measures :
It is important that high humidity be maintained through regular and copious irrigation
throughout the fruiting season. To reduce cracking of litchi fruits, two irrigations per
week, between second week of May to the end of June are recommended.
Diaphorina citri
Citrus psylla, a serious pest of citrus plantations, is of utmost importance of all the
pests, as it acts as a vector of greening virus. Besides citrus, it is known to thrive well on
Murraya paniculata, M. koenigi, Cordia cordata, C. cordifoila, cleusenia lansium and
many other wild species of plants of family rutaceae.
Identification :
Females lay orange coloured and almond shape eggs. The nymphs are normally flat,
circular, orange-yellow coloured body and louse like in appearance, usually found
congregated on the site of oviposition or on terminal shoots and buds. The adults are
brownish and rest on the underside of leaves with closed wings; their light brown and
pointed heads almost touching the leaf surface and the hind end is raised upwards (Pic.
82). The male can be identified by the upturned tip of its abdomen. Forewings of adult are
semi-transparent and possess brown band in apical half, whereas hind wings are shorter
and thinner than the forewings.
Damage :
The nymphs and adults suck the sap from the floral buds, young leaves and tender
shoots. The curling down of leaves is a characteristic feature of its damage. The infested
twigs die off from tip backwards and adjacent branches also dry up due to toxin injected
by the insect (Pic. 83). The honeydew secreted by the nymphs encourages the growth of
black sootymould. Before the development of sootymould, the leaves are sticky to touch.
Numerous flies, which feed on the sugary substance can be seen hovering around tree
canopy. Besides its damage as a pest, the insect is also a potential vector of greening
virus. The pest is active from March to November. During the hottest and coldest parts of
the year, only adults are found in the field. There are three peaks of the pest in a year
during March-April, June-August, and September-October.
Life history :
The female lays about 500 almond shaped eggs singly or in clusters in the folds of half
opened leaves, axils of tender leaves and in the flower-buds. The eggs hatch n 10-12 day
in winter and 4-6 days in summer. The insect passes through 5 nymphal in about 9-37
days before attaining adult stage. All the stages are available throughout the year, except
during December-January, when only adults are met with. There are nine overlapping
Control :
1. The pest can be managed to desired level by conserving the biocontrol agents
which are in abundance in citrus ecosystem.
2. Spray 1250 ml Rogor 30 EC (dimethoate) or 625 ml Nuvacron 36 SL
(monocrotophos) or 10000 ml Metasystox 25 EC (oxydemetonmethyl) or 1140 ml
Thiodan 35 EC/(Endosulfan or 1250 ml Hostathion 40 EC (triazophos) in 500
litres of water per acre in the second week of March and again in the first week of
September to manage this key pest of citrus plantation
Identification :
The eggs are minute, round and yellowish green. Full-grown caterpillar is 5.1 mm in
length, cylindrical, dull greenish-yellow and apodous. The adult is a tiny silvery white
moth with black eyes, heavily fringed wings; fore wings possess brown stripes and a
prominent black spot near apical margin while hind wings are pure white.
Damage :
Larvae of leaf miner attack tender leaves and feed by making zigzag shining silvery
serpentine mines (Pic. 84). The larva feeds on the leaf epidermal cells leaving behind the
remaining tissues intact. Due to leaf mines, leaves become mis-shapen, distorted and
crumpled with considerable reduction in the growth of the seedlings (Pic. 85). The
larva/pupa can also be seen at the terminal end of mine in the leaf/tender twig. The larva
also mines the epidermis of the tender twigs/branches. The attack of citrus leaf miner is a
pre-disposing factor for the development of citrus canker/scab. The pest remains active
from March to November with its two peaks of infestation during April-May and again
during September-October. The pest prefers dry and hot climatic conditions.
Life history :
Month lays minute flattened eggs singly, generally near the mid-rib or prominent vein
of young leaves and shoots. Eggs hatch in about 2-10 days. Larval stage is 5-30 days. The
brownish pupa is formed within the mine and it remains in the mine in a cocoon. The
entire life cycle is completed in 20 to 60 days depending upon the climatic conditions.
There are about 16 overlapping generations in a year. Warming up of the season form
March onwards is accompanied by increase in its population, whereas fall of temperature
form November onwards, recedes its population.
Control :
1. Heavy pruning of infested leaves and their burning during winter months helps in
reducing leaf miner population.
2. Spray 250 ml Sumicidin 20 EC (fenvalerate) or 500 ml Ripcord 10 EC
(cypermethrin) or 1750 ml Decis 2.8 EC (deltamethrin) or 625 ml Nuvacron 36
SL (monocrotophos) in 500 litres of water per acre at fortnight intervals during
flushing period of citrus is recommended. Avoid the continuous use of synthetic
pyrethroids as their excessive use induces the development of insecticide
resistance and encourages the appearance of secondary pests, particularly mites.
Dialeurodes citri
The whitefly is among the major pests of citrus. It feeds on all Citrus species besides
a large number of fruit plants such as coffee, Melia, Gardenia, pomegranate and jamun
including ornamentals and shrubs.
Identification :
The eggs are oval and pale yellow in colour. The nymph is pale yellow with purple
eyes and its body is marginally fringed with bristles. The adult is tiny (1.52 mm) and
when at rest folds its wing, which are held over the body in roof like manner. Its wings
and body are covered completely with white mealy powder giving it a whitish
appearance. Antennae are six segmented.
Damage :
Both nymphs and adults (Pic. 86) suck the sap from the leaves, thereby reduce the
plant vigour. Severely infested foliage turns pale green to brown, get badly curled and
even shed. Honeydew excreted by nymphs serves as a substrate for the growth of black
sooty mould on the upper surface of the leaves thereby affects the photosynthetic activity
of the plant (Pic. 86a). In general, the plants give sickly appearance. It prefers hot and dry
climatic conditions. It is active from April to November with its peak period of infestation
during May-June and September-October.
Life history :
Pest is active throughout the year. In February, adult flies lay pale yellow eggs
parthenogenetically irregularly scattered on the underside of soft leaves and each leaf
may harbour several hundred of individuals. The eggs hatch in about 10-20 days. Freshly
emerged nymphs crawl for few hours. After sometime, they settle at one place and insert
their proboscis and become sessile and turn into pupal stage. The nymphs suck the cell
sap from leaves and become full fed within 25-71 days. The pest passes the coldest
(October-February) and hottest part (June-July) in pupal stage (Pic. 87) and it lasts for
114-159 days. Whereas, all the stages are present between March to September. The pest
has three broods, the first occurring in March-April, whereas second and third in July-
August to October.
Control :
1. Avoid closer plantation to reduce pest incidence.
2. Pruning and destruction of affected twigs help to a greater extent under low
intensity attack.
3. Excessive irrigation, nitrogen or drought favours its multiplication, thus such
conditions should be avoided.
4. Spray of 1000 ml Fosmite 50 EC (ethion) or 1250 ml Hostathion 40 Ec
(triazophos) or 1140 ml of Thiodan 35 Ec (endosulfan) in 500 litres of water per
acre during April-May again during September-October.
Aleurocanthus woglumi
Citrus blackfly used to be a major problem in Maharashtra State only. However,
during the recent years it has gained significant importance in Punjab too. Apart from
citrus, it also feeds on many other plants such as grapevine, mango, guava, pear, plum,
pomegranate, sapota, etc.
Identification :
Oval shaped yellowish eggs are laid in spiral pattern on under side of leaves. Crawlers
(nymphs) are flattened, oval, scale like, dark brown to shiny black in colour,
conspicuously spiny, bordered by a white fringe of wax. Pupae are black and the pupation
takes place on the leaves. The dorsum of pupa (Pic. 88) is arched with long black spines
and the margins are provided with stout teeths. The adults on emergence have heavy
pulverulence that gives a slaty-bluish look to them. Wings wear black patches on whitish
background. In freshly emerged adults, the head and thorax are bright red and eyes are
redish brown.
Damage :
Both the nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from the leaves (Pic. 89). In case of
heavy infestation leaves turn brown, wither and affect fruit setting. The attack of this pest
leads to the development of rust fungi, which effect the growth of the tree. Besides, it also
excretes honeydew, on which a black fungus grows that interferes with the photosynthetic
activity of the plant.
Life history :
Eggs are laid on the underside of the leaves. Eggs are attached to the leaf by a short
pedicel situated near the posterior end. Hatching of eggs takes place in 7-14 days.
Nymphal stage is 38-60 days. The nymphs turn into pupae on the leaves and the pupal
stage lasts for 100 to 131 days. The pest over winters in nymphal stage. The total life
cycle is completed in 150 to 235 days depending upon the prevailing climatic conditions.
The activity of nymphal period is more severe during May-June and August to October.
The pest completes two generations in a year.
Control :
(Control measures same as in citrus whitefly).
Psorosticha zizyphi
In punjab, leaf folder appears as a sporadic pest and cause heavy damage to the young
foliage in the nursery. Apart from citrus, it also attacks ber and bael plants.
Identification :
The eggs are oval, somewhat flattened and pale yellow in colour. Full-grown
caterpillar is active, yellowish green with black head and a brownish line on the body.
The adult is yellowish green in colour.
Damage :
Young caterpillars start feeding in congregation on tender and succulent leaves or
sprouting buds. Later on, they secrete silken strands to roll up the leaves longitudinally
and start feeding from the tip downwards (Pic. 90). In severely attacked plants, the apical
buds wither resulting in reduced growth. Though the pest is active from April to October
but it causes heavy damage during monsoon season on young citrus plantations.
Life history :
The female lays eggs singly or in linear groups along the mid-rib of dorsal side of leaf.
The total life cycle from egg to adult varies from 20 to 31 days. There are nine
overlapping generations in a year. Pupal stage is passed from November to March either
in soil or in rolled leaves fallen on the ground. The pest is found on citrus plants from
April to October and, on ber and bael from June to August.
Control :
1. Clipping off of the rolled leaves is effective at initiation of damage.
2. Spray 625 ml of Nuvacron 36SL (monocrotophos) or 1250 ml Dursban 20EC
(chlorpyriphos) or one litre Ekalux 25EC (quinalphos) in 500 litres of water per
acre to manage the pest.
Toxoptera aurantii, Aphis gossypii, Myzus persicae
Aphids are likely to attain a status of regular pests on citrus. Their activity generally
coincides with the on set of mild weather conditions. Toxoptera aurantii (specific on
citrus) and Myzus persicae (polyphagous) are the two species, which cause noticeable
damage to citrus plantation during February-April and again during September-October.
These species are also acting as vector of citrus tristeza virus. Besides these two species,
A. gossypii (polyphagous) is also active during September-October on citrus.
Identification :
Toxoptera aurantii : the alate or apterous forms of T. aurantii are shiny black,
whereas nymphs are dark brown in colour. In winged aphids, a prominent black spot like
stigma is present on each wing with a median vein on forewings. The adult aphids have
short tubes like cornicles on the dorsal side of the abdomen.
Myzus persicae : Aphids are usually green but can be pale brown or pinkish, antennae
as long as body and siphunculi (cornicles) fairly long and clavate. Appearance of alate
and apterous forms depend on the environmental conditions. The alate forms possess dark
sclerotic patch on the mid abdominal dorsum.
Aphis gossypii : Adults are pear shaped but of variable colour. At high temperature
and over crowded conditions, adults are pale yellowish-green while winter forms are
bigger in size with dark green colour. Antennae are half the size of body, eyes red and
siphunculi are black. Females are mostly wingless. Nymphs are greenish brown or yellow
in colour.
Damage :
Aphids in general suck the sap from the tender shoots and foliage during adult and
nymphal stages and cause stunting of growth (Pic. 91).
Toxoptera aurantii : the nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from the phloem vessels
of the leaf tissues of young leaves and tender twigs (Pic. 92). Their feeding impairs the
vitality of the tree and causes severe curling and deformation of young leaves coupled
with stunted growth. Aphids also excrete honeydew, which provides a good substrate for
the growth of sootymould, thereby affecting the photosynthetic activity of the plant.
Besides, it acts as a vector of citrus tristeza virus.
Myzus persicae : the species feed on leaves, flower buds and young fruits (Pic. 93). As
a result, the infested leaves become pitted and curled; flower buds wither and young fruits
shrivel and drop off prematurely. The infestation at flowering stage affects the fruit
setting as well.
Both the above species damage citrus during February to mid April and again in
Ahis gossypii : Nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from ventral surface of leaves,
apical shoots and tender twigs during September-October. The leaves get curled, cupped,
distorted and dry up (Pic. 94) Growing of sootymould on honeydew affects the
photosynthetic activity of the plants.
Life history :
Toxoptera aurantii : Black aphids are parthengentic and viviparous in nature. A
female reproduces 1 to 16 young immature nymphs per day and lays more than 100
young ones in a life span of 12 to 33 days. The nymphs moult four times. Winged forms
commonly develop when colony of aphids become crowded or when leaves become old
and hard, whereas winged forms do no develop as long as aphids feed on very tender
leaves. The entire cycle is completed in 3 weeks and there are 12 generations in a year.
Myzus persicae : In sub-tropics, the species lose its sexual cycle and reproduces
parthenogenetically. Each gynopara produces 5-15 oviparae.
Aphis gossypi : the reproduction in this species is through parthenogenetical and
viviparous means. A female produces 20-140 young ones during its life span. High
humidity and cloudy weather with little rainfall enhances the reproduction potential.
Control :
Spray 625 ml Nuvacron 36 SL (monocrotophos) or 1250 ml Rogor 30 EC
(dimethoate) or 1000 ml Metasystox 25 EC (oxydemeton-methyl) in 500 litres of water
per acre in the second week of March and again in the first week of September.
Papilio demoleus
It is a sporadic pest and the attack is generally confined to nurseries and young
plantation of citrus. Besides feeding on citrus sp., it also attacks bael, ber, wood apple
and many other species of plants of rutaceae family.
Identification :
Eggs are pale yellow, though, smooth, round and big in size. The young caterpillar is
brown to black with milky white markings, possesses horn like structure on dorsal side of
abdomen, resembles like bird droppings (Pic. 95). When full grown (40mm long), it
changes to yellowish-green (Pic. 96), smooth and velvety with dusky brown oblique
bands on lateral abdominal segments that do not meet on the dorsum. Pupae are parrot
green. The adult is a beautiful butterfly, ventrally yellow with small black and yellow
hairs covers its body. Its wings are dull black and the four wings possess yellow and
black markings. The hind wings bear a small brick red oval patch near the upper margin
but there is no tail like projection on it. Adult has black head and thorax while ventral
side of abdomen is creamy yellow. Antennae are club like and blackish in colour.
Damage :
The caterpillar is a voracious feeder of young, shinny tender leaves and terminal
shoots and generally starts gnawing the leaf lamina from margins inwards reaching the
mid-rib. (Pic. 97). In case of severe infestation, entire tree gets defoliated. Young
seedlings and nurseries are preferred by this pest.
Life history :
The female lays eggs singly on tender shoots and young tender leaves. The entire life
cycle ranges from 20 to 100 days according to season. It passes through ten generations
from March to November. From December to February only pupae are seen. Damage is
most severe during April-May and August-October.
Control :
1. Hand picking of different stages of the pest and their destruction particularly in
nurseries and newly planted orchards is recommended.
2. Encourage the predators like yellow wasp, preying mantids and spiders in
3. To manage the pest, spray of 750 ml Thiodan 35 EC (endosulfan) in 500 litres of
water/acre is advocated.
Aonidiella aurantii
It is a cosmopolitan pest and is found on citrus throughout the world. In Punjab, it has
been observed as a sporadic pest of citrus. Semi-arid climate is suitable for its
development. It is polyphagous in nature. It feeds on citrus spices, fig, grape, rose,
willow, shisham, Acacia, eucalyptus and many other trees and shrubs.
Identification :
Female scale is redish, circular in shape, leg less (sedentary) and flattened with raised
centre. Gravid female scale is kidney shaped and appears yellowish-orange. The male
scale is elongated, winged and possesses one pair of distinct purplish eyes.
Damage :
The scales congregate in large numbers on leaves, twigs (Pic. 98) and fruits (Pic. 99),
and suck the sap resulting in yellow spots, at the feeding site. The scale injects the toxic
saliva in the cell sap before ingestion. Black mark indicates the point at which the scale
has inserted its stylet. The branches soon lose their vigour, turn scurfy and gradually dry
up. It also secretes waxy covering over its dorsal surface. In case of heavy infestation the
leaves become pale. Parenchyma tissues are normally punctured for feeding. Infested
fruits fetch low market price. The activity of this scale is maximum during March-April
and August and October.
Life history :
The scale insects are abundant during autumn and are available throughout the year. In
spring, ale emerges from the elongated scale, develop into winged adult in 30-60 days
and approaches the female scale slowly for fertilizing it on the spot. The young ones are
produced through ovoviviparous means. Crawlers emerge from beneath the female,
moves for a short period and finally fix them to the plant tissues and start covering with a
white waxy secretion. The scale moults twice in 10-15 weeks and becomes enlarged
armour. In case of male scales, a pre-pupal and pupal stage intervenes before attaining the
adult stage, which has wings and legs. The life cycle is completed in about 40 days in
summer. It passes through three generations in a year.
Control :
Control of red scale can be obtained by spraying 300 ml methyl parathion in 500 litres
of water per acre at frequent intervals.
Planoccocus citri
It is a polyphagous pest confined to South Indian but recently gained importance in
Punjab. Besides citrus, it has also been recorded as a pest of fern, begonia, cactus,
poinsettia, etc.
Identification :
The nymphs are pale yellow with waxy coating and filaments. The adult female is
wingless and elongate ovate, covered with white mealy waxy filaments, whereas midge
like male is winged with long antennae and atrophied mouthparts. Female has piercing
and sucking type of mouthparts.
Damage :
The nymphs and adult female inflict injury by sucking juices from the cells of leaves,
tender branches (Pic. 100) and fruits (Pic. 101) ( at the base near the fruit stalk) and in
some cases roots as well. The plants turn pale, wilt and consequently dry up. Besides,
they also excrete honeydew on which sootymold grows. Black ants create nuisance as
they visit to feed on honeydew excretion. The fruits fall off prematurely in case of severe
attack. The activity of this pest is more from April to June on grown up trees.
Life history :
The fertilized females lay light creamy-yellow eggs in clusters and each cluster may
contains more than 300 eggs, clusters are enclosed in a protective cottony mass. On
emergence the young nymphs are pale yellow with no waxy coating, crawl about and start
sucking sap from underside of leaf tissues. Soon they develop themselves with white
mealy wax and having 34 wax covered appendages round the entire periphery. The male
undergoes four moults and after passing through pre-pupal stage emerges as winged
Control :
1. For effective management of mealy bugs, orchard sanitation is extremely
important as weeds serve as additional hosts.
2. The infested shoots should be pruned and destroyed.
3. The ant colonies should be destroyed by ploughing the soil around trees and by
application of quinalphos or carbaryl dust.
Identification :
The caterpillar is cylindrical, stout body, semilooper, having dorsal hump on last
abdominal segement and cryptic markings on velvety dark brown body. It has a
prominent yellow spot on head with lateral yellow or red spots. The head and thorax of
the adult are redish brown. The forewings of moth are variegated and striated with dark
grey brown and a triangular white marks on them. Hind wings are orange red in colour
with kidney shaped/large black “C” curved black blotch in the centre.
Damage :
The moths have well-developed proboscis with denate tips with which they are able to
pierce the ripening fruits from the adjoining bushes/forest areas. The moth punctures the
rind of fruit (Pic. 102). Infested fruits invariably fell to the ground prematurely perhaps
due to toxins injected by the moth while feeding. A circular pinhole appears at the site of
feeding. Fermented juice oozes out when fruit is swueezed. The attacked fruits are easily
infected with bacteria and fungi.
Life history :
The moths on emergence swarm in enormous numbers towards the odour released by
ripened fruits. This pest is active from July to October. The female lays eggs singly on the
underside of leaves of wild creepers belonging to the family menispermaceae and
anacardiaceae. Eggs hatch within 2 weeks. The larvae become full-grown in 4 weeks.
Larvae pupates in fallen leaves and pupal period is 2 week. The entire life cycle is
completed in 4 to 6 weeks. There are 2-3 generations in a year. Winter is passed in larval
Control :
1. Destructin of alternate hosts like wild weeds and creepers, especially Tinospora
cordifolia around the orchards.
2. Dispose off fallen fruits, which attract the moths.
3. The bagging of fruits is also effective but is is slightly laborious and expensive.
4. Creating smoke in the orchards after sunset may also keep the pest at bay.
5. Spray trees with 1 kg of Sevin 50 WP (carbaryl) in 500 litres of water per acre at
the time of maturity of fruits.
6. Dusting the fruits with methyl parathion 2 per cent dust, during evening also
checks the fruit drop 50 per cent.
Scirtothrips citri
It is mainly a pest of citrus but also attacks acacia. It prefers dry and hot conditions
during May-June.
Identification :
Nymphs are cigar-shaped and orange-yellow in colour. Adults are redish-orange.
Males are rare.
Damage :
Eggs are laid into soft tissues of fruits. On hatching, nymphs feed on small fruits near
peduncle or tender leaves. Feeding on fruit results a ring of scaly-brownish tissues around
the peduncle or as irregular areas of scarred tissues on fruit (Pic. 103). The affected fruits
lose market value due to blemish rind.
Life history :
As the males are scanty, therefore, reproduce parthenogenetically. Eggs are bean
shaped with an incubation period of 7 days. Nymphal and pupal periods varied from 7-15
days depending upon weather conditions. Pupation takes place in the soil.
Control :
Spray 715 ml Thiodan 35 EC (endosulfan) or 835 ml Rogor 30 EC (dimethoate) in
500 litres of water per acre.
Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus
In Punjab, it is a key pest wherever the grape is grown. Being highly polyphagous, it
also thrives on rose, jamm, calotropis, almond, cashewnut, guava, mango etc.
Identification :
The adult is tiny (1.4 mm long) and elongated winged insect that does not use its
wings readily. The females are bright yellow white the males are dark brown. The last
three abdominal segments are bright yellow in male and pale in female. The nymphs are
pale yellow with red sides of the abdomen but otherwise similar to adults. Besides, the
nymphs possess wing pads.
Damage :
Both the adults and nymphs feed by rasping and sucking the oozing out cell sap from
the ventral side of the leaves and flower-stalks. The attacked portion of the leaves turns
silvery white scortchy patches (Pic. 104) with curly tips, get deformed and fall down.
Attack on flower-stalks results in shedding of flowers. They also damage the developing
berries and impart rusty or scaly appearance or result in scab formation on berries (Pic.
105). The severe attack occurs during March-May and again in September-October
otherwise active from March-October.
Life history :
Female lays about 50 white bean shaped eggs singly in slits on the underside of the
leaves. The egg, nymphal and pupal stages are completed in 3-8, 11-25 and 2-5 days,
respectively. The pest remains in the soil as pupae during winter months. The pest is
active from March to October under Punjab conditions. Females are produced from the
fertilized eggs and males from unfertilized eggs. The male dies within 2-7 days after
copulation while the life of the female is about 20 days. There are five to eight
generations of this pest in a year.
Control :
To control this pest, spray 500 ml of Malathian 50 EC or 1.5 kg of Sevin/Hexavin 50
WP (carbaryl) in 500 litres of water per 100 vines, once before flowering and again after
the fruit set. In Perlett, carbaryl should be preferred, as it also has thinning effect on
berries. If necessary, repeat the spray after 15 days.
Arboridia viniferata
In recent years, the grapevine jassid has attained pest status in Punjab. It is serious
after rainy season.
Identification :
The adults are a small wedge-shaped, light green to grey in colour. The full-grown
nymphs are yellowish brown and the nymphs resemble the adults and possess well-
developed wing pads.
Damage :
The nymphs and adults suck the plant sap usually from the underside of the leaves.
The damage first appears as scattering of small white spots (Pic. 106). In case of severe
infestation, the affected leaves turn yellow, gradually start curling, become brown and
ultimately fall down. It is also responsible for an indirect loss by producing honeydew,
which serves as a substrate for the growth of sooty mould fungus on foliage and fruits and
which affects the production and quality of grapes. Maximum damage occurs during July-
Life history :
This pest builds up a heavy population during a short period. Female inserts eggs in
the veins on the underside of the leaf which hatch in about two weeks. There are five
nymphal instars before attaining the adult stage. Nymphs become full-grown in 3-5
weeks. The pest remains active on vines from mid-February to mid-November but the
highest multiplication occurs during September-October. There are two to three
generations of the pest in the season.
Control :
Spray the vines with 500 ml of Folithion/Sumithion/Accothion 50 EC (fenitrothion) or
1.5 kg of Sevin/Hexavin 50 WP (carbaryl) in 500 litres of water/acre to check its
Polistes hebraceus, Vespa orientalis
This type of wasps are commonly found in plains of Northern India and cause damage
to various ripe fruits such as grape, peach, pear and plum.
Identification :
The adults of P. herbraeus are either yellow or fulvous-brown while V. orientalis are
larger in size, light chestnut-red with third and fourth abdominal segments pale-sulphur
yellow which gives it a shiny appearance.
Damage :
The adult wasps inflict damage to different kinds of ripe fruits but the attack is most
serious in grapes (Pic. 107). They also attack the honeybees and cause nuisance during
harvesting by stinging the human beings. Wasps live in colonies in the combs (Pic. 107a).
Life history :
The wasps remain active during summer months and hibernate as fertilized queens
during the winter in cracks and crevices in the ground or in the other places of protection.
They emerge from their hideouts during spring and lay eggs in the cells of an old or new
nest in March. The larvae on hatching remain in the cells and are fed and reared by the
queen. The first generation adults are only workers. The foraging and brood rearing
activities are performed by workers. The full-grown larvae pupate in the cells, which are
then capped by the workers. The adults on emergence bite their way out of the capped
cells. The brood rearing continues till autumn. The last brood consists of both the males
and females. The workers and males die during the winter. The fertilized females
hibernate till the next spring. There are several overlapping generations of wasp in a year.
Control :
1. To avoid damage buy wasps, cover the grape bunches with muslin bags.
2. Burn or smoke the wasp nests on hedges or trees, etc. at sun set.
Amritodus atkinsoni, Idioscopus clypealis
These hoppers are widely distributed and serious pests of the entire mango growing
regions of India. There are two mango hoppers. A. atkinsoni is comparatively more
abundant in North India while I. clypealis is more serious in South. The pest remains
active throughout the year but maximum damage is inflicted during February-April.
During the extreme climate only adults are met with. It is mainly a pest of mango.
Identification :
Eggs and nymphs of two species are difficult to distinguish from each other. Young
nymphs are wedge shaped, whitish in colour and have two small red eyes. At each
moulting the colour changes to yellow, yellowish green, green and ultimately to greenish
brown. Nymphs of I. clypealis are dust yellow and less active, wheareas nymphs of A.
atkinsoni are pale yellow and more active. Adults are wedge shaped and greenish brown
body and pale yellow vertex. Forewings are thicker than hind wings. The adult of I.
clypealis is smaller and has three dark brown spots on head, a prominent white median
band and two black spots on pronotum. Besides, back triangular marking on scutellum
and a central longitudinal dark streak dilated both anteriorly and posteriorly is noticeable
identification mark of this species. Whereas, the adult of A. atkinsoni is without central
longitudinal streak on scutellum. This species, however, possesses two spots on scutellum
in adult stage.
Damage :
The damage is inflicted by both nymphs and adults through sucking cell sap. The
nymphs are found clustering on the inflorescence and suck the sap during spring. The
infested flowers shrivel, turn brown (Pic. 108) and ultimately fall off. These hoppers also
excrete honeydew, which encourages the growth of soothymould on leaves, branches and
even on fruits. Heavy egg laying within florets and stalklets cause physical injury,
resulting in withering of affected parts. These hoppers can cause a loss upto 40-60 per
Life history :
Adults are available throughout the year under bark of the tree. With the onset of
winter season, insect appears in large umbers. Female lays 200 eggs singly in flowering
shoots, flower buds or tender leaves from end January till March which hatch in about 4-7
days. After moulting thrice, the nymphs turn into adults in 8-13 days. The total life cycle
from egg to adult varies from 18-20 days. There are two broods in a year viz. spring brood
(February to April) and summer brood (June to August). The spring brood is more
destructive as the hoppers feed on inflorescence. Hoppers prefer damp and shady places
and multiply in large numbers in neglected orchards. The pest hibernates in adult stage.
Control :
1. In dense orchards, prune some of the branches during winter to have better light
2. Do not go for high density planting.
3. Spray twice, once in the end of February and second time during the end of March
with 1 Kg Hexavin 50 WP (carbaryl) or 800 ml of Malathion 50 EC or 700 ml
Thiodan 35 EC (endosulfan) in 500 litres of water per acre.
Drosicha mangiferae
Earlier, it was considered as pest of mango in U.P. and Bihar. At present, it is widely
distributed in Northern India. Apart from mango, it feeds on ber, citrus, falsa, fig,
grapevine, guava, jamun, litchi, peach, plum, pomegranate, apricot, cherry, jackfruit,
papaya, pear, mulberry, banyan, tec.
Identification :
Both the nymphs and adult females are flat, oval, waxy-whitish and sometimes
mistaken for fungal growth (Pic. 109). Females are wingless while males are crimson red
colour bugs with two dark brownish black wings.
Damage :
Soon after hatching, the nymphs start crawling up the tree trunks and clusters of
population can be seen these may be seen sucking the cell sap from young shoots,
panicles and fruits (Pic. 109a). These are more active during sunny day. Only the nymphs
are destructive and cause the tender shoots and flowers to dry up. The young fruits also
become juiceless and drop off pre-maturely. During heavy attack, the trees retain
absolutely no fruit. Males are harmless creatures.
Life cycle :
The winged males mate with apterous females only once. The gravid females soon
crawl down the trees during end of March to end May and enter the soil 8 to 15 cm deep,
wherein they excrete whitish foam in which the eggs ranging between 400-500 are
deposited within 7 to 16 days. Soon after completing the oviposition, the females die. The
eggs remain in diapause from end May to December. The hatching starts in early
December and continues till January. After passing through three nymphal instars, the
nymphs turn into adults. Total life cycle is 65-120 days in case of males and 75 to 135
days in case of females. There is only one generation of the pest during the year.
Control :
1. Dig or plough around mango trees during summer to kill the hibernating eggs.
2. Nymphs should be prevented from crawling up the trunk by applying a slippery
band by mid December. The slippery band consists of 15-20 cm wide sheet of
alkathene to be applied the basal end of the stem and secure both its upper and
lower edges with 1-3 nails (2 cm). The lower end should be covered with compact
soil so as to prevent nymphs from climbing up the tree trunk. Occasional wiping
of the band during rains is also desirable. In case of large-scale emergence of
nymphs, apply 50 gm Follidol 2% dust (methyl parathion) on the compact soil
around the tree trunk to kill the nymphs.
Batocera rufomaculata
The beetles have been recorded as serious pests of mango, fig and other trees. Besides
these, it also infests jackfruit, papaya, apple, rubber, eucalyptus, mulberry etc.
Identification :
Full-grown grub is 6 cm long, white, stout, yellowish-ivory and fleshy with well
defined body segmentation and dark head. The adult beetles are stout, dark brown
longicorn with yellowish-green pubescence; prothorax with two large kidney shaped
orange spot and a short thick spine like projection on either side. The antennae are long
extending from the head to tie tip of abdomen. Elytra is provided with dull yellowish
spots. Besides, two crescent orange yellow spots are present on pronotum.
Damage :
The borer is not very common, yet when it appears in the main trunk or a branch, it
generally kills the host. On hatching, the grubs make zig-zag burrows beneath the bark
and tunnel into the trunks or main stems and move upwards and continue feeding, on the
internal tissues. The attack of the pest is known from the frass that comes out of the
entrance hole made by the grub (Pic. 110). The adult beetles damage by feeding on the
bark of young twigs and petioles. The pest causes considerable damage during March-
Life history :
The adults appear during monsoon. Eggs are deposited after mating under the loose
bark in a wounded or diseased portion of the tree trunk. The grubs after hatching bore into
the woody tissues or even the roots. The winter is passed in grub stage in burrows and
starts feeding as soon as the weather warms up and remains active for 140-160 days. The
full-grown larvae pupate within the cell and pupal stage lasts for one month. The adult
longevity is around 60-100 days. The life cycle is completed in 1-2 years.
Control :
Removal of frass followed by injection of spray fluid (4 ml of methyl parathion 50 EC
dissolved in a litre of water) into the hole with wash bottle and plugging with mid is
advocated to control the pest.
Identification :
Young larvae are yellowish-orange in colour with characteristic dark brown
prothoracic shield whereas grown up caterpillars are dark pink with dirty spots and
measure 20-24 mm in length. Adult moth has thorax and abdomen clothed with rufous
and grey scales. Forewings are dark grey beautifully patterned with wavy designs. Hind
wings are fuscous, apical side being darker than proximal side.
Damage :
Freshly hatched caterpillars bore into midribs of tender leaves or the tender shoots
near the growing point, tunneling downwards, leaving excreta outside the entrance hole
(Pic. 111, 11a). Leaves of affected shoots wither and droop down and are conspicuous
from a distance. Young grafted seedlings are severely affected and may even be killed.
The pest is active from August to October.
Life history :
The activity of the pest can be seen from August to October. Eggs are laid on tender
leaves. Freshly hatched larvae bore into midribs of tender leaves and feed for a few days
there. Subsequently, they come out and bore into the growing shoots moving downward.
The larval stage lasts for about 14 days. They pupate for 15 to 21 days in the bark or dried
inflorescence or crevices in the soil. Borer remains active from July to October and from
October to March. It over winters in pupal stage. It has four overlapping generations
during the year.
Control :
1. Removal and burning of the dried up shoots reduces population pressure of pest.
2. Spray the new growth with 700 ml of Thiodan 35 EC (endosulfan) in 500 litres of
water per acre to check the spread of attack subsequently.
Aspidiotus destructor
The scale insect becoming a serious pest of mango. It also causes damage to citrus,
guava, jamun and banana. Grafted mangoes are the preferred ones. The pest is active
during summer and affects the fruit setting adversely.
Identification :
The nymphs of the scale are oval, translucent, yellowish-brown crawlers and can be
located on tender shoots and on the underside of leaves which remain covered with waxy
material and are sessile. As a result, the infested leaves turn light pale and the scales can
be easily scraped off the leaf surfaces. The females are circular, semi-transparent and pale
Damage :
Nymphs generally suck the sap from the leaves, twigs (Pic. 112, 112a) and
occasionally from the fruits. The chlorophyll of the attacked portion is destroyed and
attacked spot appears yellow. In case of severe infestation, the sooty mould develops,
which greatly retard the photosynthetic activity of the plant. The scales can be easily
removed from the attacked part of the tree.
Life history :
The reproduction in scales is through oviparity. A female lays about 30 eggs and after
hatching, the crawlers crawl a bit in search of succulent spot. The movement of the pest is
through wing. Total life cycle is completed in 32 to 35 days.
Control :
Spray of 500 ml of methyl parathion 50 EC in 500 litres of water/acre in March and
September to control infestation of scale insects.
Identification :
Nymphs are dark green in colour and the adult that fees on leaves are green or yellow,
while those feed on bark are chocolate coloured. Adult has dark stripes on head.
Damage :
Both the nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from leaves, blossoms, leaf petioles and
fruits. Leaves infested with aphid acquire a characteristic curly appearance (Pic. 113)
generally from March to May in the plains. Blossoms wither and fruits do not develop
into normal size. Heavily infested plants bear very limited number of fruits.
Life history :
Though, it is a pest of crop during winter season, yet it cannot withstand severe cold,
which it passes in egg stage. With the rise in temperature, there is rapid multiplication.
Reproduction is sexual as well as parthenogenetic, depending upon climatic factors. A
female gives birth to about 50 young ones in her lifetime of two weeks. Female requires
10 days to mature and reproduce during March-April. After producing 3 to 4 asexual
generations, the winged aphids migrate to alternate hosts to pass summer.
Control :
Spray 800 ml of Rogor 30 EC (dimethoate) in 500 litres of water/acre immediately
after fruit-set. Repeat spraying, after 15 days, if necessary.
Damage :
The colonies of aphid may be seen sucking the sap from the young leaves, flowers
buds and young-fruits (Pic. 114, 114a). The infestation usually occurs during flowering
stage and the fruit setting is adversely affected. The infested leaves become pitted and
curled; flower-buds wither and young fruits shrivel and drop off prematurely. Apart from
feeding on the foliage, the pest causes great loss by transmitting around 120 plant viruses.
Life history :
The winged forms return to pear and peach in October. In November when the trees
shed their leaves, the aphids migrate to young-trees or nursery plants till mid-February.
The aphid migrates to cool and shady places in May and again appear on pear and peach
plants in autumn.
Control :
Spray 500 ml Rogor 30 EC (dimethoate) in 500 litres of water per acre for the
management of aphid.
Schizaphis spp., Toxoptera spp.
In recent years, pear trees are being infested heavily by aphids during February-April.
Detailed identification and life history have not been studied yet.
Identification :
Damage :
Aphids cause damage to tender, growing shoots, flowers buds, flowers (Pic. 115),
leaves (Pic. 115a) and fruits. The sootymould growing on honeydew affects the
photosynthetic activity of the plant.
Life history :
For its management, spray 1250 ml Rogor 30 EC (dimethoate) or 695 ml Nuvacron 36
SL (monocrotophos) or 1000 ml Metasystox 25 EC (oxydemeton methyl) in 500 litres of
water per acre.
Bactrocera dorsalis
Fruit fly causes serious damage to peaches and pears. On peaches, its infestation
occurs during May-June while on pears, it is active from mid June to July (for
identification, nature of damage (Pic. 115b, 115c) and life history, see under guava).
Control :
1. Plant early maturing ultivars i.e. Partap, Florda Prince, Earli Grande Flordasun
and Shan-e-Punjab.
2. Harvest the ripening fruits and do not allow the ripe fruits to continue on the tree.
3. Regular removal of fallen fruits from the ground and bury the infested fruits
atleast at 60 cm depth.
4. Shallow ploughing with cultivator immediately after harvest is effective in
exposing and killing the pupating larvae/pupae which are mostly present at 4-6 cm
5. In orchards of pear, only with history of severe fruit fly infestation, spray 1250 ml
Sumicidin 20 EC (fenvalerate) in 500 litres of water/acre in the end of June and
repeat the spray at weekly intervals, if required while, it can be sprayed on
peaches in mid May.
Identification :
Male moth is small delicate with dusky or hyaline wings with prominent pectinate
antennae but proboscis is absent. Female moth is wingless and remains in the larval case.
The anterior portion of larvae is broad while posterior part is tapering.
Damage :
The larva hides in the self-made small, triangular, silken case and, only the trained eye
knows the presence of insects, as the caseworm mimics buds on the branches. The larva
protrudes the anterior region including its thoracic legs through the anterior opening and
crawls about dragging along its case, which is firmly held over its body. It nibbles on the
base of tender twigs, branches and stem (Pic. 116). The gum oozes out of the affected
sites. The severely attacked parts show profuse gummosis. The afftected sites. The
severely attacked parts show profuse gummosis. The affected plants are unable to bear
foliage and fruit-bearing buds, which reduces the yield. The pest starts its activity from
March onwards and remains active till October.
Life history :
The female lays egg within the larval case. Each female lays 500 to 1000 small eggs.
The eggs hatch in 10-15 days after oviposition. The small larvae creep out of the mother’s
case and begin to feed on the leaf tissues. Each larva begins to construct its own
protective case. The larval period lasts 8-10 months. When full-grown, the male larva
closes its case and pupates therein with head downward. The female larva moults inside
the larval case and pupates therein. The moth emerges through the lower end of the larval
Control :
i) Prunning of severly-infested twigs should be done.
ii) The damaged materials alongwith the larval cases must be destroyed or burnt.
iii) Spray 1 kg of Sevin 50 WP (carbaryl) or 570 ml Thiodan 35 EC (endosulfan)
in 500 litres of water/acre for its management.
Identification :
The adults are bronze coloured, the female usually bigger than the male. Both sexes
are sturdy, elongated, flattened and round at both the ends. Eggs are generally oval
shaped and black in colour. Full-grown grub is club shaped and is shining-white with a
broad head and thorax and a narrow abdomen.
Damage :
Both the grubs and the adults are harmful but the grubs make shallow, broad, irregular
galleries which make the bark loose and block the flow of sap thus causing the death of
limb above it (Pic. 117). Oval exit holes appear on the bark after the emergence of beetles
(Pic. 118). Badly riddled bark breaks, loose after sometimes, exposing the wood (pic.
119). In case of severe infestation, the branches and even the entire tree die. The attacked
branches are easily broken by the strong wind. Pest is active throughout the year.
Life history :
This pest hibernates in winter under the bark either as a larva or pre-pupa. The adults
start emerging in March. After mating the beetles start laying white and oval eggs are laid
on cracks and sides of the branches. The eggs hatch in about 15 days. The larval stage is
completed in 67 to 192 days. The full-grown grub constructs a cylindrical chamber in the
wood and pupates for 8-16 days. Total development period varies from 77 to 206 days.
This pest passes through three overlapping generations i.e. first form March to July,
second from June to September and third from September to April.
Control :
1. Heading back of severely infested trees and destruction of dead wood should be
done in February.
2. The grubs of flat headed borer be effectively controlled by drench spray of 1000
ml Durmet 20 EC (chlorpyriphos) or 1000 ml Kanodane 20 EC (lindane) in 500
litres of water/acre during February-March and September-October.
Carpomyia vesuviana
It is a specific pest of ber both on cultivated and wild varieties and is active during
January to March.
Identification :
Eggs are dull-creamy-white and spindle shaped. Full grown maggots are creamy white
in colour, while pupae are barrel shaped. Adult flies are small brownish-yellow, with
brown longitudinal stripes on the thorax, surrounded by black spots. Wings are hyaline
and transparent with four yellowish cross bands.
Damage :
The female files puncture the ripening fruits and lay eggs inside the epidermis. The
attacked frit assumes rugged appearance and does not readily fall on the ground. The
maggots feed on pulp of the fruit (Pic. 120) making galleries running towards the centre
and rendering fruit unfit for human consumption. Numerous legless maggots can be seen
after dissecting the fruit. As many as 18 maggots have been recorded in a fruit. Fleshy
and late muting varieties are comparatively more susceptible. Maximum damage is
during January to March.
Life history :
The female fly punctures the ripening fruit during February-March and lays eggs
inside the epidermis (1 mm deep). The eggs hatch in about 2-3 days. The maggots after
feeding on fruit pulp become fully fed in 7-10 days. They pupate in the soil and the pupal
period is 30 days. Life cycle is completed in about 24 days. There are 3-4 generations in a
year. The pest is active from November to April. Hibernation of pest is in the pupal stage
form April to August.
Control :
1. Clean cultivation/sanitation of orchards by picking an destroying the infested fruit.
2. To escape egg laying on fruits, harvest green and firm stage fruits and do not
allow the fruits to ripe on the tree.
3. Ranking of the soil around the trees during summer to expose the pupae to head
and natural enemies is a useful practice.
4. Spray 500 ml of Rogor 30 EC (dimethoate) in 300 litres of water/acre during
February-March. Stop spraying at least 15 days before fruit picking.
Kerria lacca
In India, lac insect flourishes well in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, but also found in
Punjab. In Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, it is used for commercial lac production. The host
plants of this pest are ber, kusum, palas and khair.
Identification :
Lac is a resinous material secreated mostly by the females, but young males also
secrete, the raw lac in the form of scales, which covers and protects the individuals. The
females are highly degenerated with an irregular globular body enclosed in a thick
resinous cell. The antennae and legs are reduced.
Damage :
Lac cause scale like appearance on twigs and infested twigs usually dry up (Pic. 121).
The fruit yield is considerably reduced.
Life history :
Tiny young lac insects called crawlers move freely about after hatching from eggs and
settle down on the bark of the host shoot. Once they are settled on the shoot, they cannot
move from there. It immediately starts secreting a resinous cover or lac. The nymphs of
both male and female undergo three moults before reaching adult stage. The males come
out and mate with the females for 3 to 4 days. The females lay eggs under the cover. Its
peak periods of activity are January-February and June-July.
Control :
1. Remove and destroy the infested dry parts and scrape of the infested twigs before
2. Spray of 250 ml of Rogor 30 EC (dimethoate) in 250 liters of water/acre in April
and again in September.
Bactrocera dorsalis
There are four species of fruit flies present in Punjab and out f which B. dorsalis is
predominant. It has a wide range of fruit host plants and attacks peach, guava, mango,
pear, plum, citrus, loquat, melon, etc.
Identification :
Maggot is legless, cylindrical and yellow in colour and measures 5-8 mm in length.
The adult is stout and possesses brown body, yellow legs, dark red thorax and hyaline
transparent wings. Thorax is without yellow middle stripe.
Damage :
The adult female punctures the rind of near ripe fruit at colour break stage with its
needle like ovipositor. The infested fruits show depressions with dark greenish punctures
(Pic. 122). The maggots after hatching, bore and feed on soft pulp (Pic. 123). The infested
fruits rot and fall down and are unfit for human consumption. Unripe fruits are rarely
attacked. Fruit files are serious during rainy season.
Life history :
The female fly lays eggs in small cluster, just underneath the skin of the fruit, 1-4 mm
deep in the rind. Eggs hatch in about 1-4 days. Larval stage lasts for 4-5 days. Maggots
pupate in soil and pupal period is about 7-13 days. Te total life cycle is completed in 15 to
75 days depending upon the season. There are many overlapping generations in a year.
The pest is more active during May to August especially on peach and guava. The insect
over winters in adult stage.
Control :
1. Avoid taking rainy season crop only in orchards with history of severe fruit fly
2. Regular removal and burying of fallen fruits at least at 60 cm depth is advocated.
3. Shallow ploughing with cultivator immediately after harvest is effective in
exposing and killing the pupating larvae/pupae which are mostly present at 4-6 cm
4. Spray 1250 ml Sumicidin 20 EC (fenvalerate) in 500 litres of water/acre at weekly
intervals on ripening fruits commencing from July onwards till the rainy season is
Damage :
Larva damages the tender shoots of nursery/adult trees of guava (Pic. 124, 124a)
which result in side sprouting of the vegetative buds just below the larval gallery which
impairs the quality of the seedlings as the buds below the damaged portion produce
lateral shoots and give the plants a bushy look. Secondly, infested shoots dry up which
can be located from a distance by the presence of fine black frass on the leaves/shoot
beneath the site of infestation. Peak activity is between March to December.
Control :
Spray the nursery plants with 280 ml Monocil 36 SL (monocrotophos) or 500 ml
Durmet 20 EC (chlorpyriphos) or 400 ml Ekalux 25 EC (quinalphos) in 100 litres of
Life history :
The pest is active form April to October. Egg incubation period is 5-7 days while
larval and pupal durations vary from 2-3 weeks and 1-2 weeks, respectively. Longevity of
moths vary form 3-7 days. Life cycle is completed in 30-37 days. There are three
generations in a year.
Control :
1. Remove and destroy the infested fruits, buds and shoots.
2. In case of severe infestation, spray the crop with 1 Kg Sevin 50 WP (carbaryl) in
250 litres of water/acre and repeat the sprays at an interval of 15 days.
Aphis gossypii
This aphid is polyphagous and causing serious damage to papaya. (For identification,
and life cycle, see under citrus).
Damage :
Nymphs and adults inject their saliva in the plant tissues and suck the cell sap and
cause serious damage to papaya trees. Besides, this aphid acts as a vector of papaya
mosaic virus (Pic. 128), which affects the trees phenomenal and the affected trees seldom
recover from the disease and gradually die away.
Control :
It is quite easy to control the pest with usual chemical protection. However, it is very
difficult to control when aphids act as vector of virus. It is, therefore, important to give
the prophylactic spray to saver the trees. For its control, the following practices of control
measures should be adopted:
1. Spray 250 ml Malathion 50EC in 250 litres of water/acre before the insect attack
2. Uproot and destroy the infected plants, immediately.
Bemisia tabaci
It is a polyphagus pest and causes a substantial damage to papaya trees.
Identification :
Eggs are pear shaped, stalked and stand upright on the leaves. Nymphs are oval, scale
like and greenish-white in colour. Adults are minute yellow files with poor wing
veination, body covered with a white waxy bloom.
Damage :
Tiny-white scale-like objects cluster in between the veins on ventral surface of leaf.
Shake the leaf slightly and a herd of tiny whiteflies flutter out for a few seconds and
resettle rapidly on the leaf. As a result of their sucking the sap from leaves, the affected
leaves become yellowish, curl downwards, wrinkle and there is early shedding of such
leaves. In addition, this whitefly also acts as vector by leaf curl virus (Pic. 129). The pest
activity is more common during dry season and declines rapidly with the onset of rains.
Life history :
Eggs are laid on undersigned of the young leaves. Incubation period of eggs is 3-5
days in summer and 7-16 days during winter. Nymphal and pupal periods are 17-73 and
2-8 days, respectively. There are about 12 overlapping generations in a year.
Control :
(See under aphid.)
Deudorix isocrater
Fruit borer popularly known as anar butterfly is a serious pest of pomegranate. It has a
wide rang of host plants like citrus, guava, litchi, peach, pear, ber, etc.
Identification :
Full grown caterpillars are dark brown with short hairs and body covered with whitish
patches. Adults are glossy-bluish-violet (males to brownish-violet (females) with an
conspicuous orange patch on the forewings.
Damage :
Caterpillars feed inside the fruit and riddle through the ripening seeds. The infested
fruits are prone to bacteria and fungal infection Pic. 130, 131, 132), which leads the fruits
to rot. The fruits fall pre-maturely and give offensive smell.
Life history :
Eggs are shiny white, oval shaped laid singly on calyx of flowers and on small fruits.
The young larvae bore in fruits. Larval period varies from 2-7 weeks. Pupation occurs in
fruits or outside the fruit and last for 1-5 weeks. There are 4-5 overlapping generations.
Control :
1. Bagging of fruits before maturity should be done in isolated small scale pest
1. Collection and destruction of infested fruit is useful.
2. Spray 700 ml Thiodan 35 EC (endosulfan) in 500 litres of water/acre during May-
June at 15 days interval. In all, 2-3 sprays are enough during the season.
Gatesclarkeana erotias, Blastobasis sp.
In recent years, it has become an important pest of litchi and thus reduces the market
value of the fruit. The detailed identification and life history are yet to be worked out.
Damage :
The creamy white caterpillars bore into the developing fruits and tunnelling
through the pulp, attack the seeds and feed inside (Pic. 133). The tunnel gets filled with
the excreta of caterpillars which initiates fruit rot (Pic. 134). The entrance hole of the
newly attacked fruit often heals. The infested fruit may, thus apparently appear healthy.
The pest feeds on the nut (Pic.135) and in that process damage the edible fleshy part of
the fruit. The fully ripe fruits, because of serious damage, sometimes begin to ooze.
Serious damage of the pest is from May-July.
Life history :
The pest starts its activity in March and is on the peak during May-July. The pest
passes winter in fallen fruits known as ‘mummies’.
Control :
1. Clean cultivation i.e. collecting and destroying the affected/fallen fruits is useful
to prevent the carryover of the pest.
2. Ploughing the orchards aloso destroys the pest population considerably.
3. Two sprays of 625 ml Sumicidin 20 EC (fenvalerate) or 715 ml Thiodan 35 EC
(endosulfan) in 400 litres of water/acre at fruit setting stage followed by another
spray 20 days, thereafter check infestation of pest.
Termites or white ants, as they are popularly called, are serious enemies of fruit crops
grown in sandy and sandy loam soils. They are social insects and their colonies consist of
several castes known as king, queen, workers and soldiers. Their nests may be under or
above the ground.
Identification :
Termites are yellowish soft bodies insects. The queen is biggest member of the colony.
The king is much smaller then queen, but is bigger than soldiers and workers. The soldier
has large head and produces some secretions. The workers are smaller and constitute the
main population of the colony.
Damage :
Only the workers of white ants are destructive. The termites at first attack the dead
bark and then the major trunk and the branches (Pic. 13). The damage is evident from
March to October when mud galleries are found on the infested trees (Pic. 137). The
young plants in fruit nursery may die quickly as white ants eat their roots (Pic. 138). The
major causes of high infestation in fruit trees are (i) undisturbed soil for long time (ii)
non-usage of soil pesticides, (iii) use of unrotten Farm Yard Manure, and (iv) sufficient of
organic matter.
Life history :
The winged reproductive castes leave the nests in swarms during rainy season. After
pairing, they shed their wings and start building up a colony into the ground. A queen can
lay 30,000 eggs per day during her life span of 6-8 year, eggs hatch in one week and
within 6 weeks the larvae develop to form workers or soldiers. The reproductive castes
mature in 1-2 years.
Control :
1. White ant incidence can be reduced by cultural practices such as clean cultivation,
frequent irrigations, hoeing and avoiding use of partially decomposed farm yard
2. Spray of 1000 ml Durmet 20 EC (chlorpyriphos) per acre followed by irrigation,
protects the fruit trees from white ants.
Identification :
The freshly hatched larvae are dirty brown, while the full-grown caterpillars have pale
brown bodies with dark brown heads. The adults are stout and pale brown moths with
brown spots and streaks on forewings and whitish hind wings. Moths have rufous head
and thorax.
Damage :
Thick, ribbon like, silken webs are seen running on the bark of the main stem
especially near the forks. The larvae have the habit of making webs (Pic. 139) along the
feeding galleries and above the holes where they bore deeper into the wood. The galleries
and the webs above them have a zig-zag shape and contain wooden frass and excreta. The
larvae make as many as 16 holes on a tree and generally one caterpillar or pupa occupy at
each hole. Severe infestation may result in the death of the attacked stem but not of the
main trunk. There may be interference with the translocation of cell sap and thus arresting
the growth of the tree, and considerable reduction in its fruiting capacity.
Life history :
With the start of the summer season the moths emerge and become active. The
females start laying eggs in clusters in cuts and crevices present in the bark. The freshly
hatched larvae nibble at the bark. The larvae take as many as 9-11 months to complete
development. When full-grown, they make holes into the wood and pupate inside. The
moths emerge in summer and they are short lived. Only one generation is completed in a
Control :
1. Treat all alternate host plants in the vicinity the orchard.
2. Treating the holes with kerosene gave complete control to the pest. Best time for
its control is September-October and again in January-February.
Adoretus duvanceli
Defoliating beetles are general feeders of fruit plants, but they have preference for
grapes, ber, peach an plum.
Identification :
The adult beetle is brick red in colour. Full-grown creamy white coloured grub
measures 15 mm in length.
Damage :
Only the adults are destructive. The beetles are attracted to light and appear in large
numbers late in the spring and again during the monsoon. They destroy the leaves at night
by skeletonizing or biting holes in them (Pic. 140). The attack of beetles can be
ascertained by their presence of irregular, zig-zag holes in the leaves.
Life history :
The pest is active during summer and passes the winter in larval stage. The females lay
white, smooth, elongate eggs singly in the soil near the host plants during May-August.
The eggs hatch in 6-8 days. The grubs feed on soil humus, roots of grasses and other
vegetative matter. The full-fed grub rests in earthen cells, until April, when it turns into
pupa. There is a single generation of this pest in a year.
Control :
Spray in the evening, 1 kg of Hexavin 50 WP (carbaryl) in 500 litres of water/acre as
soon as the damage starts. Repeat the spray after 5 or 6 days, if the attack of beetles
continues or the insecticidal deposit is washed away by rain.
Euproctis fraternal
Hairy caterpillars attack a variety of fruit plants like plum, ber, peach pear, apricot,
pomegranate, grape-wines, citrus, amla (Pic. 141), etc. Other hairy caterpillar species like
E. lunata and E. faba also attack the fruit plants and their life cycle and mode of attack is
more or less the same as that of E. fraternal
Identification :
The full-grown larva has a red head, redish brown body with white hairs surrounding
the head. The moth is yellow with pale transverse lines on the fore wings.
Damage :
The young caterpillars feed gregariously and scrape off the epidermis and the
mesophyll, leaving behind a network of veins and the tissues beyond them. The grown up
larvae consume the whole leaf (Pic. 142). The presence of corky patches on the fruit is an
indication of the damage by this pest (Pic. 143, 143a). They also possess glandular hairs,
which cause unpleasant irritation to the workers.
Life history :
The over-wintering caterpillars slowly grow and feed on the bark. The moths appear
by end of April and lay flat, circular and yellow eggs in masses covered with buff brown
coloured hairs, generally on the lower side of the leaf. The larvae are full grown in 29-35
days during summer. The larva aestivates as pre-pupa in webbed up mass of buff brown
silken coverings with leaves. The pupation is completed in 10-12 days. The total life
cycle lasts 45-57 days during active period of this pest. There are three generations of this
insect in a year.
Control :
1. In case of low infestation, the egg masses and gregarious caterpillars should be
picked up and destroyed.
2. When the caterpillars have scattered all over the orchard, the fruit trees should be
sprayed with 700 ml Thiodan 35 EC (endosulfan) or 1.5 kg Hexavin 50 WP
(carbaryl) in 500 litres of water/acre as soon as the damage is noticed.
Eutertranychus orientalis
It is more prevalent in arid zone than sub-montane areas, whereas attack is moderate in
central zone. It has a wide rang of fruit host plants but is more serious on peach, pear,
citrus, almond, etc.
Identification :
The newly hatched larva is a light yellowish-brown in colour and has three pairs of
legs which become four during course of development. The protonymph is orange brown
and develops into deutonymph with a greenish tinge. The adult is orange or dark red in
colour with deep brown patches on the dorsal side of its body.
Damage :
Both nymphs and adults abrade the surface and suck the cell contents from the upper
surface of the leaves, bark of tender shoots and fruits (Pic. 144). Affected surface loses
normal colour. Become yellowish-brown and tend to collect lot of dust (Pic. 145), which
impairs photosynthetic activity of leaves (Pic. 146).
Life history :
The female mite lays egg on underside of the leaves deep into the leaf tissues along the
midribs and other prominent veins. The entire life cycle takes 17 to 20 days. The
population of this mite reaches at it peak during monsoon period. It is active from April to
October. There are several overlapping generations in a year.
Control :
Spray 500 ml Rogor 30 EC (dimethoate) or 1000 ml Kelthane 18.5 EC (dicofol) or
500 ml Fosmite 50 EC (ethion) in 500 litres of water/acre.
Commelina benghalensis
A kharif weed especially associated with field crops and also orchards. It prefers sandy
loam soils. Stem branches, diffuse or straggling, creeping or rooting below. Leaves ovate
to oblong, broader, obtuse, rounded, cuneate or cordate at the base. Flowers dimorphic,
blue to bluish violet, Capsules 5 seeded. Seeds wrinkled, pitted. Underground flowers
bisexual, usually solitary. The seeds start germinating in July and the plant completes its
life cycle by the end of September to early October. (Pic. 156).
Poa annua
A tufted, glabrous, prostrate or sub erect, grass 15-25 cm tall profusely tillering from
the base. Leaves linear, flat, flaccid, with scaberlous margins. Panicles ovate or lax, up to
8 cm long, smooth with filiform branches. Spiklets 4-6 x 2 mm long in size oblong, ovate
or lower lanceolate, usually green, 3-7 flowered. Flowers flumes oblong, Palea with
ciliate keels caryopsis oblong. A very common annual weed in the lawns, gardens, parks,
orchards, around buildings especially in cool shady places near hedges and water
channels. It forms a bright green, handsome turf on the grounds by its dense growth, but
soon withers with the advent of summer Flowers and fruits from December to March.
Lantana camara
A straggling or scandant, aromatic shrub, with small recurved, prickles on most of the
branches. Leaves ovate or ovate lanceolate, crenata-serrate, scabrid, petiolate, about 2.5-
7.5 x 2.5-5.0 cm in size. Flowers usually orange, varying to white and purple in axillary
long-penduncled, spicate heads; bracts distinct, much exceeding calyse. Calyse 4-5
tothed. Corrolla 4-lobed tubular. Fruit a drupe, greenish-blue or black, shining with 2 (one
seeded) pyrenes. It is an ornamental plant found growing in the submountaneous areas.
Around 1860, it was introduced as an ornamental plant in the Hawiian Islands, Escaping
from the gardens, it was controlled there, by biological methods. A nature of Tropical
America was introduced in India as an ornamental plant by the Britishers. It is a
prominent weed in submountaneous areas and also in forests. Flowers and fruits almost
all the year round. Propagation by seeds. Spreads to other areas through birds who feed
on the fruit of this weed and fly to other places. The seeds pass through their alimentary
canal undigested and viable. (Pic. 169).
Leucas aspera
An erect, diffuse, hairy throughout, much branched herb 20-60 cm tall stem 4 angled,
deeply grooved. Leaves subsessile, linear or oblong, subentire or cranate 5-8 cm long.
Flowers white, sub-sessible, in terminal and axillary whorls, upto 2.5 cm across bracts
nearly as long as the calyx, linear, acute and tipped with a, briateia, margins ciliate calyx
tube curved, lobes unequal. Corolla white, enlarged and hairy above, annulate within;
under lip densely white-woolly; lower longer than upper. Nutlets oblong smooth, brown.
A common weed in uncultivated fallow fields and also gardens. Grows over a variety of
soils, prefers light fertile soils. Flowers and fruits from August to October. Propagation is
by seeds. (Pic. 171).
Rhyncosia capitata
A slender plant with wide trailing hairy stems. Leaves 3-foliate, leaflets variable in
shape, roundish, minutely gland-dotted beneath, with a cuneate base. Petiole about as
long as the leaves. Flowers yellow, in 6-20 flowered racemes, ultimately becoming
twisted and forming round head of flowers. Peduncles longer than the leaves. Calyx
segments long, subulate, pods sub compressed, with transverse veins and terminated by
the hooked base of the style, laxly pilosa, 2 seeded. Prefers sandy light irrigated or un
irrigated soils. Also found in fallow and uncultivated fields and sometimes even around
the road side. Flowers and fruits from September to October. Propagates by seed. (Pic.
Physalis minima
An erect or somewhat prostrate, herbaceous plant. Stem striate, oftern viscidly
pubscent. Leaves petioled, thin, long, ovate, acute, entire or distantly crenate, more or less
pubescent about 4-10 x 2.5-6.5 cm long in size. Flowers solitary light yellow, on slender
deflexed pedicel, calyx flower 5 mm long, not angular. Corolla often spotted at the base
within. Berries enclosed within the inflated about 5-10 mm ribbed calyx. Berries round
about 8-11 x 8-13 mm in size, seeds discoid or reniform, murriculate. It grows on a
variety of soil types, however prefers loamy soil. It is also found growing on uncultivated,
waste places and in orchards. Flowers and fruits from August to November. Propagation
is by seeds. (Pic. 182).
Cucumis trigonus
A procumbent and trailing kharif season seed, scarcely climbing, with scabrous stems.
Leaves scabrous on both sides. Flowers yellow. Male flowers sometimes solitary. Fruit
usually ellipsoid, rarely ovoid-globose, striped green and white or green and paler green,
quite smooth becomes yellowish on ripening. Flowers and fruits during rainy season.
Found growing in crops including sugarcane, cotton, groundnut and maize crop when
grown in light textured soils. It is also a very serious weeds of orchards planted on light
textured soils. (Pic. 190).
Digera arvensis
It is a common pot herb 1-2 feet high. It is quite a serious weed in kharif crop and
orchards. The plants are erect and slender. The lower branches are prostrate. Leaves are
simple, alternate, flowers red and small and it flowers and fruits from July to September.
It propagates through seeds. Grows abundantly in fallow and cultivated fields. Also used
as pot herb. (Pic. 194).
2. There is very less or even no smothering effect of young trees plants on weeds.
Preventive method could be used more easily and effectively for fruit crops since
weed infection through impure crop seeds does not exist as in field crops. Tree samplings
should be free from the reproductive parts of perennial weeds. In case any new annual or
perennial weed develop in close vicinity of a newly panted sampling, it must be
eradicated. So keep a close watch on appearance of a new weed species in your area. Also
seed production of annual or perennial weeds should be discouraged or prevented by
mechanical mowing or by any other method. Reduced seed bank will make weed control
much easier for next years.
Physical control
Physical methods include had hoeing, mechanical cultivation, mulching, mowing and
slashing, burning and solarization. Weeds from young orchards can be very effectively
controlled with mechanical cultivations as and when required. However, this practice in
grown up orchards can do damage of feeding roots as well as of foliage including flowers
and fruit buds. Somethering with straw, saw dust or other mulches provides some control
of weed establishment from seed but is ineffective against established perennials,
however, use of plastic sheets or tarpaper is very effective for the control of small
infestations of perennial weeds.
Cultural control
Although a limited number of cultural techniques can be employed in orchards but
growing of inter crops is the best cultural technique in these crops. Selection of quick
growing and less exhaustive crops such as cowpeas, moong, mash, sengi, metha, oats,
peas, gram, guara etc. can help in smothering weeds particularly in inter row areas of
young orchards which have not started bearing apart from these some vegetable crops
like onion, tomato, cabbage, reddish, beans, and leafy vegetables can also be grown.
Avoid intercropping of tall growing exhaustive crops like cotton, sorghum, bajra, maize,
sugarcane, okra etc. if under compelling circumstances, few exhaustive crops are to be
raised, then take care of their nutritional as well as irrigation requirements separately.
Timely management of fertilization and watering in the orchard could be also a good
measure to control weeds.
Keeping sod (living mulch) on entire orchard floor or between tree rows is a common
weed management practice in orchards. The sod is usually suppressed by mechanical or
chemical mowing to keep weed controlled without competing with fruit trees for
nutrients and water and in such a way that weeds are unable to produce seeds.
Biological control
Biological control includes classical (inoculative) approach, bioherbicide (inundative)
approach and herbivore management. Insects, mites, nematodes, plant pathogens and
herbivorus are major weed control biotic agents. DEVINE, a bioherbicide (Phytophthora
palmivora Buff.), has been used to control strangler vine (Morrenia odorata Lindl.) in
Florida from citrus groves. After the initial treatment, there would be no need to retreat
the grove for 10 or more years. Using grazing animals could be a good practice to control
weeds in orchards. Examples of grazing animals as biological control agents are sheep,
goat and geese. It has been reported that geese are used to control weeds in orchards and
vineyards in California and Oregon. Some allelochemicals isolated from plants and
microbial compounds can be exploited as herbicides. For example residues from Lantana
camara L. shoots significantly reduced the growth of velvet leaf and virginia pepper
Chemical control
The bases of the fruit trees are not easily accessible to mechanical cultivation as it may
do harm to shallow feeding roots as well as to lower fruiting branches. So, use of
herbicides especially for ring weeding under the fruit trees is very useful. Weeds which
are growing in between the tree. Rows can be controlled mechanically or chemically.
There has been considerable progress in the development and use of herbicides in
orchards for the control of weeds. The selectivity of herbicides may be achieved in the
following ways :
1. The inherent tolerance of the plant to the herbicide e.g. apple can tolerate
application of simazine, grapes and ber to diuron.
1. Directed and protected application of herbicide on weeds only e.g. glyphosate and
2. Selection of herbicides with minimum leaching behavior such as dichlobenil.
The more persistence nature of herbicide will lead to more chances of herbicide
hazards to orchard trees. So, such herbicides should be avoided in orchards particularly
when trees are in bearing stage. Apart from this the sprayers used for herbicides should
never be used to spray insecticides or fungicides on the fruit trees. Selection of herbicides
in orchards should be made with great caution so that safety of trees can be ensured.
Following herbicidal treatments are recommended by Punjab Agricultural University
in different types of orchards to keep them free from weeds.
Application of Glycil 41Sl or Round-up 41 SL (glyphosate) at 1.6 lit/acre can be done
in the end of March when weeds have germinated. This spray is repeated in the month of
July. Glyphosate is very effective herbicide for the control of actively growing annual
and perennial weeds. If perennial weeds are not present, Gramoxone 24 WSC (paraquat)
at 1.2 lit/ac. can be used as a substitute to glyphosate. Use 150-200 lit. of water for
spraying these herbicides.
Remove the well established weeds and spray Hexuron 80 WP (diuron) at 1.6 kg/acre
in the first fortnight of March. Alternatively on grown up weeds (15-20 cm height) apply
Glycil 41 SL/Round-up 41 SL or Gramoxone 24 WSC at 1.2 lit/acre during March and
can also be repeated during monsoon period. Dissolve these herbicides in 150-200 lit. of
water for spraying.
Remove all weeds mechanically during 1st week of March. Apply Hexauron 80 WP
(diuron) at 2.0 kg/ha by dissolving in 500 lit of water. On grown up weeds Glycil/Round-
up or Gramoxone can be applied at 1.5-2.0 lit/ha during the month of March and it can
also be repeated if need be during rainy season.
Apply Hexuron 80 WP at 1.2 kg/acre during the first fortnight of March after
removing the germinated weeds. On grown up weeds (15-20 cm high) apply Glycil 41
SL/Round-up 41 SL or Gramoxone 24 WSC at 1.6 lit/acre by dissolving in 200 lit. of
Apply 1.6 kg/acre of Hexuron 80 WP (diuron) during first fortnight of March for rainy
season crop and in the first fortnight of September for winter season crop. Spray should
be done before the germination of weeds and after removing the grown up weed plants.
Alternatively Glycil 41 SL/Round-up 41 SL at 1.6 lit/acre during last fortnight of March
and September for rainy and winter season crops respectively, on the actively growing
weeds when they are 15-20 cm tall, after dissolving in 200 lit/acre of water.
Uproot all grown up weeds during the first fortnight of August and apply Hexuron 80
WP (diuron) at 1.2 kg/ac as pre-emergence to weeds. Alternatively Glycil/Round-up or
Gramoxone at 1.2 lit/acre can be sprayed on actively growing weeds after dissolving any
one of these herbicides in 200 lit. of water.
If Hexuron brand of diuron is not available, then Karmex 80WP or Klass 80WP can be
Precautions –
- Always use flat fan of flood zet nozzle for spraying. Do not use cone type
- Do not move the nozzle too and fro. Always spray in bands.
- Always spray on clam day.
- Do calibration before applying the herbicide.
- Use of spray hood is beneficial in orchard.
- Always use recommended dose of herbicide.
- Do not use herbicide contaminated spray pump for spraying insecticides or
fungicides in orchards.
- Do not store the left-out herbicides in the insecticide store/shelve.
- Do not go for any intercropping in the herbicide sprayed zone (except
glyphosate and paraquat)
Due to faulty (wrong) application of herbicides, an orchard grower has to bear more
economic loss, as compared to the farmer growing field crops. So, selection of herbicides
to control weeds in orchards must be made very wisely so that there should not be any
toxic effect on fruit trees and at the same time weeds must be controlled satisfactorily.
Safe use of herbicide will depend upon type and age of fruit tree, kind of herbicide and its
dose, frequency and method of its application etc. in general young fruit plants due to
their shallow root system are more prone to herbicide toxicity as compared to the aged
trees. Under certain situations following type of toxicity symptoms may be observed :
Atrataf 50 WP (atrazine) belong to S-triazine group of herbicide is commercially
available in the market and is comparatively cheap herbicide. Depending upon the dose,
soil type and environmental conditions it can persist in the soil from 2-6 months. This
herbicide provides good control of all annual grasses and broad leaf weeds. This group of
herbicide inhibits photosynthesis by blocking hill reaction which is very vital step in the
process of photosynthesis. So, the affected plants, mostly tender tissues first show
chlorosis and with the passage of time necrosis of leaves will take place. Under high
toxicity situation, drying up of leaves along with growing meristems will take place.
The uptake of atrazine is mainly through the roots, however, shoot absorption also
takes place. So, while spraying this herbicide, a part of spray fluid can be intercepted by
young orchard plants or lower branches of grown up trees. On the other hand with
irrigation or rainfall this herbicide can be taken up by the roots of fruit trees. Sometimes
due to misuse of this herbicide by the orchard growers few tree plants may show
herbicide toxicity symptoms. For instance, a young guava plant (as shown in Pic. 197)
shows severe toxicity symptoms of higher dose of atrazine. The plant leaves shows loss
of dark green colour followed by necrosis especially on tips and leaf margins and
ultimately death of leaves and growing meristems will tak place. Similarly as shown in
Pic. 198 a grown up peach tree showing toxicity symptoms of atrazine. The colour of
green leaves of peach fruit tree turn to light green and with passage of time to yellow and
ultimately bleaching followed by necrosis of leaves.
Diuron 80 WP (Hexauron/Karmex/Klass) is very effective and widely used herbicide
in many orchards for controlling the weeds chemically. It belong to the substituted urea
group of herbicides and is of moderate persistence in nature. Like atrazine, diuron inhibits
photosynthesis in the sensitive plants. Its uptake is through roots so applied as pre-
emergence to weeds. Toxicity symptoms resembles with that of Triazine herbicides i.e.
yellowing followed by bleaching and ultimately death of plant tissues. Appearance of
these type of symptoms will depend upon type and age of fruit tree type of soil, o.m.
content of soil, dose of herbicide, frequency of application of herbicide, amount of
rainfall, prevailing temperature etc.
Toxicity symptoms of diuron on peach trees are shown in Pic. 199. This herbicide is
taken up by the tree through roots and via xylem vessels it is translocated to foliage
which is the site of action of this herbicide. As in inhibits photosynthesis, the affected
plants loose their green colour (chlorophyll pigments) and ultimately scortching of leaves
takes place. Damage to fruit tree may depend upon age of tree, dose applied, time and
method of application prevailing climatic conditions etc.
2, 4-d is the oldest chemical known for its activity as weed killer. This herbicide
belongs to phenoxy group and is very safe to monocot plants whereas dicots and sedges
are very susceptible to this herbicide. At very low rates (ppm) 2, 4-D acts as growth
regulator, at moderate rates (0.5 to 2 kg/ha) as herbicide and very higher rates it acts as
soil sterillant. 2, 4-D is available as sodium salt and ethyl esters. It is foliar uptake
herbicide, so generally applied as post-emergence. This herbicide is very cheap herbicide
and is recommended in many field crops. However, in orchards, if need be, it can be used
as directed spray. The main risk in the use of this herbicide is that it is very volatile in
nature and even small amounts (traces) of this herbicide can destroy sensitive crops. So,
avoid to spray on windy days and in fields which are close to broad leaf crops,
vegetables, orchards, etc. During hot months of May and June even vapour drift of 2, 4-D
is also very common phenomenon.
2, 4-D is primarily responsible for excessive and abnormal cell elongation leading to
epinastic growth with abnormal growth of leaves. For instance an papaya plant (Pic. 200)
and guava plant (Pic. 201) are showing typical symptoms of 2, 4-D which may be either
due to drift of 2, 4-D or its direct application in orchards. The phloem vessels are blocked
due to abnormal cell growth, so blocking the transport of carbohydrates to lower portion
of plants. This abnormal leaf growth is primarily due to abnormal cell differentiation in
sensitive plants due to 2, 4-D. These type of symptoms appear even with wind/vapour
drift or with the use of contaminated pump or containers. With the passage of time
growth affected plants will return to normal growth which may be due to dilution effects.
The only cheap and best remedial measure to reduce adverse effect of 2, 4-D is plucking
the affected portion of plant(s). 2, 4-D affected plants will remain green and the plant part
joining stem with root will show swelling. 2, 4-D is not common herbicide for weed
control in orchards. However, to control root suckers chemically in few orchards trees
especially pear, sodium salt of 2, 4-D can be used as directed spray only on root suckers
on a very calm day. This herbicide provides very effective control of root suckers in Pear
(Pic. 202) without harming the main orchard trees.
Gramoxone (paraquat) is a non-selective herbicide and very effective for the control of
annual grasses and broad leaf weeds in any type of orchards. This herbicide can be used
in orchards of every age provided it should not come in direct contact with growing
meristem. The use of spray hood should be made while using paraquat in young orchards.
Only the plant or plant part which will come in direct contact with this herbicide will be
killed. As paraquat is non-translocated herbicide, so, perennials are not killed as these
weeds show resprouting from the deep underlying root stocks. However, above ground
foliage of perennials is killed temporarily.
Toxicity symptoms due to paraquat includes complete burning (drying) of foliage
coming in contact with this herbicide. Some times, while spraying on windy days, drift of
paraquat falls on lower branches or leaves of trees showing there by necrotic spots on the
leaves particularly of young Guava plants. Guava leaves are showing necrotic spots due
to drift of paraquat with wind (Pic. 203). The plant is not going to suffer much due to
slight drift of paraquat provided its growing point is intact. Another good point of this
herbicide is that it is non-residual herbicide and it has absolutely no carry over effects in
soil, thus, it is very safe to orchard trees as well as intercrops, if a farmer wants to grow.
Like paraquat, glyphosate is also contact herbicide but the main difference is that the
former is non-translocated herbicide while the latter one is translocated in nature. So,
glyphosate had an edge over paraquat that it controls perennial weeds by destroying their
food reserves in the underground reproductive parts. So, to control all types of weeds
glyphosate at 1 to 2.0 lit per acre (of commercial product) can be sprayed on actively
growing weeds. Its application can be repeated as and when required. Glyphosate is very
widely used herbicide in orchards throughout the world. However, its direct contact with
foliage should be avoided otherwise chronic type of toxicity may appear particularly in
young trees. A plant of Guava showing toxicity symptoms of glyphosate (Pic. 204) due to
its direct application or due to drift. Better to use spray hood while using glyphosate in
order to avoid its direct contact with leaves and even with the green colour stem (trunk).