2 Manometers

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Fluid Mechanics

Fluid Mechanics

Pressure Measurement
Pressure Head
Pressure in fluids may arise from many sources, for example pumps,
gravity, momentum, etc. Since p = ρgh, a height of liquid column can be
associated with the pressure p arising from such sources. This height, h,
is known as the pressure head.
The gauge pressure in a water pipe is 50 kN/m2, what is the pressure

So the pressure at the bottom of a 5.1 m deep swimming pool is the

same as the pressure in this pipe.
ME33 : Fluid Flow 3 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Pressure Measurement

ME33 : Fluid Flow 4 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Pressure Measurement
A manometer (or liquid gauge) is a pressure measurement device
which uses the relationship between pressure and head to give

In the following, we wish to measure the pressure of fluid in a pipe.

This is the simplest gauge. A small vertical tube is connected to the
pipe and its top is left open to the atmosphere, as shown.

ME33 : Fluid Flow 5 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Pressure Measurement
The pressure at A is equal to the pressure due
to the column of liquid of height h1:


The problem with this type of gauge is that for

usual civil engineering applications the
pressure is large (e.g. 100 kN/m2) and so the
height of the column is impractical (e.g. 10 m).

Also, obviously, such a gauge is useless for

measuring gas pressures.

ME33 : Fluid Flow 6 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Pressure Measurement
U-tube Manometer (Open Type)
To overcome the problems with the piezometer, the U-tube manometer
seals the fluid by using a measuring (manometric) liquid:

ME33 : Fluid Flow 7 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Pressure Measurement
U-tube Manometer
Choosing the line BC as the interface between the measuring liquid and
the fluid, we know:
For the left-hand side of the U-tube:

For the right-hand side:

Where we have ignored atmospheric pressure and are thus dealing

with gauge pressures. Thus:

Notice that we have used the fact that in any continuous fluid, the
pressure is the same at any horizontal level.

ME33 : Fluid Flow 8 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Pressure Measurement
Differential Manometer
To measure the pressure difference between two points we use a U-
tube as shown:

Using the same approach as before:

Hence the pressure difference is:

ME33 : Fluid Flow 9 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Pressure Measurement
Problem Set 3
Problem 1
For the tank shown in the figure, h1 = 3 m and h3 = 4 m. Determine the
value of h2.

(s = 0.84)

Water h3
h1 Water

Ans: h2 = 1.19 m

ME33 : Fluid Flow 10 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Pressure Measurement
Problem Set 3
Problem 2
In the manometer shown, the fluid from A to B is mercury (s = 13.6) and
from B to C is oil (s = 0.8). What height h of mercury will give a pressure
of 226.30 g/cm2 at C. A


120 cm

Ans: h = 9.58 cm

ME33 : Fluid Flow 11 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Pressure Measurement
Problem Set 3 Gage

Problem 3 Air
For a gage reading of -17.2 El. 15 m
kPa, determine the (a)
s = 0.70
elevations of the liquids in El. 11.6 m
the open piezometer
columns E, F, and G and (b) Water
the deflection of the El. 8 m
mercury in the U-tube s = 1.6
manometer neglecting the
weight of air.

El. 4 m h

ME33 : Fluid Flow 12 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Pressure Measurement
Problem Set 3 1mǿ
Problem 4
For the configuration shown, 1m
calculate the weight of the Piston
piston if the pressure gage
reading is 70 kPa.
s = 0.86

Ans: W = 61.61 kN

ME33 : Fluid Flow 13 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Pressure Measurement
Problem Set 3
Problem 5 Water
The pressure at point m in
the figure shown was m
increased from 70 kPa to
105 kPa. This causes the
top level of mercury to
move 20 cm in the sloping
tube. What is the inclination,

Ans: ϴ = 22.66 deg.

ME33 : Fluid Flow 14 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; lift and drag
Pressure in a Fluid
Problem Set 3
Problem 6
For the manometer setup
shown, determine the
difference in pressure between
A and B.

Ans: pA - pB = 15.68 kPa

ME33 : Fluid Flow 21 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; ENGR

lift and VONCY
Pressure in a Fluid
Problem Set 3
Problem 7
In the figure shown, the
deflection of mercury is initially
250mm. If the pressure at A is
increased by 40kPa, while
maintaining the pressure at B
constant, what will be the new
mercury deflection.

pA ௣஻
Ans: - = 1.65m of water
ஓ ஓ

ME33 : Fluid Flow 21 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; ENGR

lift and VONCY
Pressure in a Fluid
Problem Set 3
Problem 8
In the figure shown, determine
the difference in pressure
between points A and B.

Ans: pA - pB = 10.32kPa

ME33 : Fluid Flow 21 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; ENGR

lift and VONCY
Pressure in a Fluid
Problem Set 3
Problem 9
For the tank shown in the
figure, compute the pressure
at points B,C,D, and E in kPa.
Neglect the unit weight of air.

ME33 : Fluid Flow 21 Chapter 11: Flow over bodies; ENGR

lift and VONCY

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