Revised BSC Gen Pass Course Syllabus

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B. Sc. (Gen/Pass) IN PHYSICS (under CBCS) w.e.f.

Course Structure

Course Name Full Marks

PHY-G.E.-1.T. MECHANICS (04 Credits, 60 Lectures) 75
PHY-G.E.-1.P. (PRACTICAL) (02credits) 25
DSC- 2A & 3A from other discipline (06 Credits/(04 + 02 Credits)) 100/(75+25) &
PHY-G.E.-2.T. ELECTRICITY & MAGNETISM (04 Credits, 60 Lectures) 75
PHY-G.E.-2.P. (PRACTICAL) (02credits) 25
DSC -2B & 3B from other disciplines (06 Credits/(04 + 02 Credits)) 100/(75+25) &
(04 Credits, 60 Lectures)
PHY-GE-3.P . (PRACTICAL) (02 credits) 25
DSC -2C & 3C from other disciplines (06 Credits/(04 + 02 Credits)) 100/(75+25) &
(Credits: 02; Theory: 30 Lectures)
PHY-G.E.-4.T. WAVES & OPTICS (04 Credits, 60 Lectures) 75
PHY-GE-4.P (PRACTICAL)(02 Credits) 25
DSC- 2D & 3D from other disciplines (06 Credits/(04 + 02 Credits)) 100/(75+25) &
PHY-SEC-2 APPLIED OPTICS (Credits: 02) THEORY: 30 Lectures 50
INSTRUMENTATION (04 Credits, 60 Lectures)
INSTRUMENTATION (02 Credits, 30 Lectures)
DSE- 2A & 3A from other disciplines (06 Credits/(04 + 02 Credits)) 100/(75+25) &
(02 Credits, 30 Lectures)
(04 Credits, 60 Lectures)

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(02 Credits, 30 Lectures)
DSE- 2B & 3B from other disciplines (06 Credits/(04 + 02 Credits)) 100/(75+25) &
PHY-SEC-4 RADIATION SAFETY (02 Credits, 30 Lectures) 50

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Important Instructions for faculty members and questions setters
(see Table-09 of UG regulation).

Para I:
A paper having 06 credits carry 100 marks; 80 marks for end semester exam and 20 marks for
internal exam (mid term), which further divided as 15 (internal exam-theory/practical) + 05
(attendance and other activities).

A candidate has to answer Five Questions out of Nine Questions of which Question no. 1 is
compulsory and will be of short answer type to be answered in about 100 words (4 Questions to
be answered out of 8). Out of the remaining 08 (eight) Questions, 04 (four) are to be answered.
Each question carries 16 marks.

Para II:
A paper having 04 credits carry 75 marks; 60 marks for end semester exam and 15 marks for
internal exam (mid term), which further divided as 10 (internal exam-theory/practical) + 05
(attendance and other activities).

A candidate has to answer Five Questions out of Nine Questions of which Question no. 1 is
compulsory and will be of short answer type to be answered in about 100 words (3 Questions to
be answered out of 6). Out of the remaining 08 (eight) Questions, 04 (four) are to be answered.
Each question carries 12 marks.

Para III:
A paper having 02 credits carry 50 marks; 40 marks for end semester exam and 10 marks for
internal exam (mid term), which further divided as 05 (internal exam-theory/practical) + 05
(attendance and other activities).

A candidate has to answer Three Questions out of Five Questions of which Question no. 1 is
compulsory and will be of short answer type to be answered in about 100 words (2 Questions to
be answered out of 4) and carry 05 marks each. Out of the remaining 04 (four) Questions, 02
(two) are to be answered and carries 15 marks.

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PHY-G.E.-1.T. MECHANICS (04 Credits, 60 Lectures)

Vectors: Vector algebra. Scalar and vector products. Derivatives of a vector with respect to a
parameter. (4 Lectures)

Ordinary Differential Equations: 1st order homogeneous differential equations. 2ndorder

homogeneous differential equations with constant coefficients.(6 Lectures)

Laws of Motion: Frames of reference. Newton’s Laws of motion.Dynamics of asystem of

particles.Centre of Mass.(10 Lectures)

Momentum and Energy: Conservation of momentum. Work and energy.Conservation of

energy.Motion of rockets. (6 Lectures)

Rotational Motion: Angular velocity and angular momentum. Torque. Conservationof

angular momentum. (5 Lectures)

Gravitation: Newton’s Law of Gravitation. Motion of a particle in a central force field

(motion is in a plane, angular momentum is conserved, areal velocity is constant).Kepler’s
Laws (statement only).Satellite in circular orbit and applications. Geosynchronous orbits. (8

Oscillations: Simple harmonic motion. Differential equation of SHM and its solutions.
Kinetic and Potential Energy, Total Energy and their time averages. Damped oscillations. (6

Elasticity: Hooke’s law - Stress-strain diagram - Elastic moduli-Relation between elastic

constants - Poisson’s Ratio-Expression for Poisson’s ratio in terms of elastic constants -
Work done in stretching and work done in twisting a wire - Twisting couple on a cylinder -
Determination of Rigidity modulus by static torsion –Torsional pendulum-Determination of
Rigidity modulus and moment of inertia - , and by Searles method. (8 Lectures)
Special Theory of Relativity: Constancy of speed of light. Postulates of Special Theory of
Relativity. Length contraction. Time dilation. Relativistic addition of velocities. (7

Reference Books:
1. University Physics. F.W. Sears, M.W. Zemansky and H.D. Young, 13/e, 1986.
2. Mechanics Berkeley Physics, v.1: Charles Kittel, et. al. 2007, Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. Physics – Resnick, Halliday & Walker 9/e, 2010, Wiley
4. University Physics, Ronald Lane Reese, 2003, Thomson Brooks/Cole.

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PHY-G.E.-1.P. (PRACTICAL) (02 credits)
1. Measurements of length (or diameter) using vernier caliper, screw gauge and
travelling microscope.
2. To determine the Height of a Building using a Sextant.
3. To determine the Moment of Inertia of a Flywheel.
4. To determine the Young's Modulus of a Wire by Optical Lever Method.
5. To determine the Modulus of Rigidity of a Wire by Maxwell’s needle.
6. To determine the Elastic Constants of a Wire by Searle’s method.
7. To determine g by Bar Pendulum.
8. To determine g by Kater’s Pendulum.
9. To study the Motion of a Spring and calculate (a) Spring Constant, (b) g.

Reference Books:
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop, 1971, Asia
Publishing House.
2. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn, 4th Edition,
reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers.
3. A Text Book of Practical Physics, Indu Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11th Edition, 2011,
Kitab Mahal, New Delhi.

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PHY-G.E.-2.T. ELECTRICITY & MAGNETISM (04 Credits, 60 Lectures)

Vector Analysis: Scalar and Vector product, gradient, divergence, Curl and their
significance, Vector Integration, Line, surface and volume integrals of Vector fields, Gauss-
divergence theorem and Stoke's theorem of vectors (statement only).(12 Lectures)

Electrostatics: Electrostatic Field, electric flux, Gauss's theorem of electrostatics.

Applications of Gauss theorem- Electric field due to point charge, infinite line of charge,
uniformly charged spherical shell and solid sphere, plane charged sheet, charged conductor.
Electric potential as line integral of electric field, potential due to a point charge, electric
dipole, uniformly charged spherical shell and solid sphere.Calculation of electric field from
potential.Capacitance of an isolated spherical conductor.Parallel plate, spherical and
cylindrical condenser.Energy per unit volume in electrostatic field.Dielectric medium,
Polarisation, Displacement vector.Gauss's theorem in dielectrics. Parallel plate capacitor
completely filled with dielectric.(22 Lectures)

Magnetostatics: Biot-Savart's law and its applications- straight conductor, circular coil,
solenoid carrying current. Divergence and curl of magnetic field.Magnetic vector
potential.Ampere's circuital law. Magnetic properties of materials: Magnetic intensity,
magnetic induction, permeability, magnetic susceptibility. Brief introduction of dia-, para-and
ferro- magnetic materials. (10 Lectures)

Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction, Lenz's law, self

and mutual inductance, L of single coil, M of two coils. Energy stored in magnetic field.
(6 Lectures)

Maxwell`s equations and Electromagnetic wave propagation: Equation of continuity of

current, Displacement current, Maxwell's equations, Poynting vector, energy density in
electromagnetic field, electromagnetic wave propagation through vacuum and isotropic
dielectric medium, transverse nature of EM waves.(10 Lectures)
Reference Books:
1. Electricity and Magnetism, Edward M. Purcell, 1986, McGraw-Hill Education
2. Electricity & Magnetism, J.H. Fewkes & J.Yarwood. Vol. I, 1991, Oxford Univ. Press
3. Electricity and Magnetism, D C Tayal, 1988, Himalaya Publishing House.
4. University Physics, Ronald Lane Reese, 2003, Thomson Brooks/Cole.
5. D.J.Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd Edn, 1998, Benjamin Cummings.

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PHY-G.E.-2.P. (PRACTICAL) (02 Credits)

1. To use a Multimeter for measuring (a) Resistances, (b) AC and DC Voltages, (c) DC
Current, and (d) checking electrical fuses.
2. Ballistic Galvanometer: (i) Measurement of charge and current sensitivity (ii)
Measurement of CDR (iii) Determine a high resistance by Leakage Method (iv) To
determine Self Inductance of a Coil by Rayleigh’s Method.
3. To compare capacitances using De’Sauty’s bridge.
4. Measurement of field strength B and its variation in a Solenoid (Determine dB/dx)
5. To study the Characteristics of a Series RC Circuit.
6. To study a series LCR circuit LCR circuit and determine its (a) Resonant
frequency, (b) Quality factor
7. To study a parallel LCR circuit and determine its (a) Anti-resonant frequency and
(b) Quality factor Q
8. To determine a Low Resistance by Carey Foster’s Bridge.
9. To verify the Thevenin and Norton theorems
10. To verify the Superposition, and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems

Reference Books
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L.Flint & H.T.Worsnop, 1971,
Asia Publishing House.
2. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn, 4th
Edition, reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers
3. A Text Book of Practical Physics, I.Prakash & Ramakrishna, 11th Ed.2011, Kitab

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(04 Credits, 60 Lectures)

Laws of Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Description of system: Zeroth Law of

thermodynamics and temperature. First law and internal energy, conversion of heat into
work, Various Thermodynamical Processes, Applications of First Law: General Relation
between CP and CV, Work Done during Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes, Compressibility
and Expansion Coefficient, Reversible and irreversible processes, Second law and Entropy,
Carnot’s cycle & theorem, Entropy changes in reversible & irreversible processes, Entropy-
temperature diagrams, Third law of thermodynamics (statement only), Unattainability of
absolute zero. (22 Lectures)
Thermodynamical Potentials: Enthalpy, Gibbs, Helmholtz and Internal Energy functions,
Maxwell’s relations and applications - Joule-Thompson Effect, Clausius- Clapeyron
Equation, Expression for (CP – CV), CP/CV, TdS equations. (10 Lectures)
Kinetic Theory of Gases: Derivation of Maxwell’s law of distribution of velocities and its
experimental verification, Mean free path (Zeroth Order), Transport Phenomena: Viscosity,
Conduction and Diffusion (for vertical case), Law of equipartition of energy (no derivation)
and its applications to specific heat of gases; mono-atomic and diatomic gases.
(10 Lectures)
Theory of Radiation: Blackbody radiation, Spectral distribution, Concept of Energy
Density, Derivation of Planck's law, Deduction from Planck’s law-Rayleigh- Jeans Law,
Stefan Boltzmann Law and Wien’s displacement law.(6 Lectures)
Statistical Mechanics: Maxwell-Boltzmann law - distribution of velocity - Quantum
statistics - Phase space - Fermi-Dirac distribution law - electron gas - Bose-Einstein
distribution law - photon gas - comparison of three statistics. (12 Lectures)

Reference Books:
1. Thermal Physics, S. Garg, R. Bansal and C. Ghosh, 1993, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. A Treatise on Heat, Meghnad Saha, and B.N. Srivastava, 1969, Indian Press.
3. Thermodynamics, Enrico Fermi, 1956, Courier Dover Publications.
4. Thermodynamics, Kinetic theory & Statistical thermodynamics, F.W.Sears and
G.L. Salinger. 1988, Narosa
5. University Physics, Ronald Lane Reese, 2003, Thomson Brooks/Cole.

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PHY-GE-3.P. (PRACTICAL)(02 Credits)
1. To determine Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, J, by Callender and Barne’s
constant flow method.
2. Measurement of Planck’s constant using black body radiation.
3. To determine Stefan’s Constant.
4. To determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity of Cu by Searle’s Apparatus.
5. To determine the Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity of Cu by Angstrom’s Method.
6. To determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee
and Charlton’s disc method.
6. To determine the temperature co-efficient of resistance by Platinum resistance
7. To study the variation of thermo emf across two junctions of a thermocouple with
8. To record and analyze the cooling temperature of an hot object as a function of
time using a thermocouple and suitable data acquisition system
9. To calibrate Resistance Temperature Device (RTD) using Null Method/Off-
Balance Bridge

Reference Books:
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L.Flint & H.T.Worsnop, 1971,
Asia Publishing House.
2. A Text Book of Practical Physics, Indu Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11th Edition,
2011, Kitab Mahal, New Delhi.
3. A Laboratory Manual of Physics for Undergraduate Classes, D.P.Khandelwal,
1985, Vani Publication.

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(02 Credits, 30 Lectures)
Basic Electricity Principles: Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Power. Ohm's law.Series,
parallel, and series-parallel combinations. AC Electricity and DC Electricity. Familiarization
with multimeter, voltmeter and ammeter. (5 Lectures)
Understanding Electrical Circuits: Main electric circuit elements and their combination.
Rules to analyze DC sourced electrical circuits. Current and voltage drop across the DC
circuit elements. Single-phase and three-phase alternating current sources. Rules to analyze
AC sourced electrical circuits. Real, imaginary and complex power components of AC
source. Power factor. Saving energy and money.(6 Lectures)
Generators and Transformers: DC Power sources. AC/DC generators. Inductance,
capacitance, and impedance.Operation of transformers. (3 Lectures)
Solid-State Devices: Resistors, inductors and capacitors. Diode and rectifiers.Components in
Series or in shunt. Response of inductors and capacitors with DC or AC sources (3
Electrical Protection: Relays. Fuses and disconnect switches. Circuit breakers. Overload
devices. Ground-fault protection. Grounding and isolating. Phase reversal. Surge protection.
Interfacing DC or AC sources to control elements (relay protection device)(6 Lectures)
Electrical Wiring: Different types of conductors and cables. Basics of wiring-Star and delta
connection.Voltage drop and losses across cables and conductors. Instruments to measure
current, voltage, power in DC and AC circuits. Insulation. Solid and stranded cable. Conduit.
Cable trays. Splices: wirenuts, crimps, terminal blocks, split bolts, and solder. Preparation of
extension board.
(7 Lectures)

Reference Books:
1. A text book in Electrical Technology - B L Theraja - S Chand & Co.
2. A text book of Electrical Technology - A K Theraja
3. Performance and design of AC machines - M G Say ELBS Edn.

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PHY-G.E.-4.T. WAVES & OPTICS (04 Credits, 60 Lectures)

Superposition of Two Collinear Harmonic oscillations: Linearity & Superposition

Principle. (1) Oscillations having equal frequencies and (2) Oscillations having different
frequencies (Beats). (4 Lectures)
Superposition of Two Perpendicular Harmonic Oscillations: Graphical and Analytical
Methods. Lissajous Figures (1:1 and 1:2) and their uses. (2 Lectures)
Waves Motion- General: Transverse waves on a string. Travelling and standing waves on a
string. Normal Modes of a string. Group velocity, Phase velocity. (7 Lectures)
Fluids: Surface Tension: Excess of pressure - Application to spherical and cylindrical drops
and bubbles - variation of surface tension with temperature. Viscosity - Rate flow of liquid in
a capillary tube - Poiseuille’s formula - Determination of coefficient of viscosity of a liquid -
Variations of viscosity of liquid with temperature, lubrication.(6 Lectures)
Sound: Simple harmonic motion - forced vibrations and resonance - Fourier’s Theorem -
Application to saw tooth wave and square wave - Intensity and loudness of sound - Decibels -
Intensity levels - musical notes - musical scale. Acoustics of buildings: Reverberation and
time of reverberation - Absorption coefficient - Sabine’s formula - measurement of
reverberation time - Acoustic aspects of halls and auditoria.(6 Lectures)
Wave Optics: Electromagnetic nature of light. Definition and Properties of wave
front. Huygens Principle. (3 Lectures)
Interference: Interference: Division of amplitude and division of wavefront. Young’s
Double Slit experiment. Lloyd’s Mirror and Fresnel’s Biprism. Phase change on reflection:
Stokes’ treatment. Interference in Thin Films: parallel and wedge-shaped films. Fringes of
equal inclination (Haidinger Fringes); Fringes of equal thickness (Fizeau Fringes). Newton’s
Rings: measurement of wavelength and refractive index.(10 Lectures)
Michelson’s Interferometer: (1) Idea of form of fringes (no theory needed), (2)
Determination of wavelength, (3) Wavelength difference, (4) Refractive index, and (5)
Visibility of fringes.(3 Lectures)
Diffraction: Fraunhofer diffraction- Single slit; Double Slit. Multiple slits and Diffraction
grating. Fresnel Diffraction: Half-period zones. Zone plate. Fresnel Diffraction pattern of a
straight edge, a slit and a wire using half-period zone analysis.(14 Lectures)
Polarization: Transverse nature of light waves. Plane polarized light – productionand
analysis. Circular and elliptical polarization. (5 Lectures)

Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Optics, F.A Jenkins and H.E White, 1976, McGraw-Hill
2. Principles of Optics, B.K. Mathur, 1995, Gopal Printing
3. Fundamentals of Optics, H.R. Gulati and D.R. Khanna, 1991, R. Chand Publications
4. University Physics. F.W. Sears, M.W. Zemansky and H.D. Young. 13/e, 1986.

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PHY-GE-4.P. (PRACTICAL)(02 Credits)
1. To investigate the motion of coupled oscillators
2. To determine the Frequency of an Electrically Maintained Tuning Fork by
3. Melde’s Experiment and to verify λ2 – T Law.
4. To study Lissajous Figures
5. Familiarization with Schuster`s focussing; determination of angle of prism.
6. To determine the Coefficient of Viscosity of water by Capillary Flow Method
7. (Poiseuille’s method).
8. To determine the Refractive Index of the Material of a Prism using Sodium Light.
9. To determine Dispersive Power of the Material of a Prism using Mercury Light
10. To determine the value of Cauchy Constants.
11. To determine the Resolving Power of a Prism.
12. To determine wavelength of sodium light using Fresnel Biprism.
13. To determine wavelength of sodium light using Newton’s Rings.
14. To determine the wavelength of Laser light using Diffraction of Single Slit.
15. To determine wavelength of (1) Sodium and (2) Spectral lines of the Mercury
16. light using plane diffraction Grating
17. To determine the Resolving Power of a Plane Diffraction Grating.
18. To measure the intensity using photosensor and laser in diffraction patterns of
19. single and double slits.

Reference Books:
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L. Flint and H.T.Worsnop, 1971,
Asia Publishing House.
2. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn, 4th
Edition, reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers
3. A Text Book of Practical Physics, Indu Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11th
Edition, 2011, Kitab Mahal, New Delhi.

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PHY-SEC-2 APPLIED OPTICS (Credits: 02) THEORY: 30 Lectures
Theory includes only qualitative explanation. Minimum five experiments should be
performed covering minimum three sections.
(i) Sources and Detectors (9 Periods)
Lasers, Spontaneous and stimulated emissions, Theory of laser action, Einstein’s coefficients,
Light amplification, Characterization of laser beam, He-Ne laser, Semiconductor lasers.
Experiments on Lasers:
a. Determination of the grating radial spacing of the Compact Disc (CD) by reflection using
He-Ne or solid state laser. b. To find the width of the wire or width of the slit using
diffraction pattern
obtained by a He-Ne or solid state laser. c. To find the polarization angle of laser light
using polarizer and analyzer d. Thermal expansion of quartz using laser

Experiments on Semiconductor Sources and Detectors:

a. V-I characteristics of LED b. Study the characteristics of solid state laser
c. Study the characteristics of LDR d. Photovoltaic Cell e. Characteristics of IR sensor
(ii) Fourier Optics (6 Periods)
Concept of Spatial frequency filtering, Fourier transforming property of a thin lens
Experiments on Fourier Optics: a. Fourier optic and image processing
1. Optical image addition/subtraction
2. Optical image differentiation
3. Fourier optical filtering
4. Construction of an optical 4f system
b. Fourier Transform Spectroscopy
Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) is a powerful method for measuring emission and
absorption spectra, with wide application in atmospheric remote sensing, NMR spectrometry
and forensic science.
To study the interference pattern from a Michelson interferometer as a function of mirror
separation in the interferometer. The resulting interferogram is the Fourier transform of the
power spectrum of the source. Analysis of experimental interferograms allows one to
determine the transmission characteristics of several interference filters. Computer simulation
can also be done.
(iii) Holography (6 Periods) Basic principle and theory: coherence, resolution, Types
of holograms, white light reflection hologram, application of holography in microscopy,
interferometry, and character recognition
Experiments on Holography and interferometry:
1. Recording and reconstructing holograms
2. Constructing a Michelson interferometer or a Fabry Perot interferometer
3. Measuring the refractive index of air
4. Constructing a Sagnac interferometer
5. Constructing a Mach-Zehnder interferometer
6. White light Hologram

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(iv) Photonics: Fibre Optics (9 Periods)
Optical fibres and their properties, Principal of light propagation through a fibre, The
numerical aperture, Attenuation in optical fibre and attenuation limit, Single mode and
multimode fibres, Fibre optic sensors: Fibre Bragg Grating
Experiments on Photonics: Fibre Optics
a. To measure the numerical aperture of an optical fibre
b. To study the variation of the bending loss in a multimode fibre
c. To determine the mode field diameter (MFD) of fundamental mode in a
single-mode fibre by measurements of its far field Gaussian pattern
d. To measure the near field intensity profile of a fibre and study its refractive
index profile
e. To determine the power loss at a splice between two multimode fibre

Reference Books:
1. Fundamental of optics, F. A. Jenkins & H. E. White, 1981, Tata McGraw hill.
2. LASERS: Fundamentals & applications, K.Thyagrajan & A.K.Ghatak, 2010,
Tata McGraw Hill
3. Fibre optics through experiments, M.R.Shenoy, S.K.Khijwania, 2009, Viva
4. Nonlinear Optics, Robert W. Boyd, (Chapter-I), 2008, Elsevier.
5. Optics, Karl Dieter Moller, Learning by computing with model examples, 2007,
6. Optical Systems and Processes, Joseph Shamir, 2009, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
7. Optoelectronic Devices and Systems, S.C. Gupta, 2005, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
8. Optical Physics, A.Lipson, S.G.Lipson, H.Lipson, 4th Edn., 1996, Cambridge Univ.

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INSTRUMENTATION (04 Credits, 60 Lectures)

UNIT-1: Digital Circuits

Difference between Analog and Digital Circuits. Binary Numbers. Decimal to Binary and
Binary to Decimal Conversion, AND, OR and NOT Gates (Realization using Diodes and
Transistor). NAND and NOR Gates as Universal Gates. XOR and XNOR Gates. (7
De Morgan's Theorems. Boolean Laws. Simplification of Logic Circuit using Boolean
Algebra. Fundamental Products. Minterms and Maxterms. Conversion of a Truth Table into
an Equivalent Logic Circuit by (1) Sum of Products Method and (2) Karnaugh Map. (8
Binary Addition. Binary Subtraction using 2's Complement Method).Half Adders and Full
Adders and Subtractors, 4-bit binary Adder-Subtractor. (4 Lectures)
UNIT-2: Semiconductor Devices and Amplifiers:
Semiconductor Diodes: p and n type semiconductors. Barrier Formation in PN Junction
Diode. Qualitative Idea of Current Flow Mechanism in Forward and Reverse Biased Diode.
PN junction and its characteristics. Static and Dynamic Resistance. Principle and structure of
(1) LEDs (2) Photodiode (3) Solar Cell. (7 Lectures)
Bipolar Junction transistors: n-p-n and p-n-p Transistors. Characteristics of CB, CE and CC
Configurations. Current gains " and #. Relations between " and #. Load Line analysis of
Transistors. DC Load line and Q-point. Active, Cutoff, and Saturation Regions. Voltage
Divider Bias Circuit for CE Amplifier. h-parameter Equivalent Circuit. Analysis of a single-
stage CE amplifier using Hybrid Model. Input and Output Impedance. Current, Voltage and
Power Gains. Class A, B, and C Amplifiers. (17 Lectures)
Sinusoidal Oscillators: Barkhausen's Criterion for Self-sustained Oscillations.
Determination of Frequency of RC Oscillator (5 Lectures)
UNIT-4: Instrumentations:
Introduction to CRO: Block Diagram of CRO. Applications of CRO: (1) Study of Waveform,
(2) Measurement of Voltage, Current, Frequency, and Phase Difference. (4 Lectures)
Power Supply: Half-wave Rectifiers. Centre-tapped and Bridge Full-wave Rectifiers
Calculation of Ripple Factor and Rectification Efficiency, Basic idea about capacitor filter,
Zener Diode and Voltage Regulation (8 Lectures)

Reference Books:
1. Integrated Electronics, J. Millman and C.C. Halkias, 1991, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
2. Electronic devices and circuits, S. Salivahanan and N.Suresh Kumar, 2012, Tata Mc-
Graw Hill.
3. Microelectronic Circuits, M.H. Rashid, 2nd Edn.,2011, Cengage Learning.
4. Modern Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Tech., Helfrick &Cooper,1990,

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PHI Learning
5. Digital Principles & Applications, A.P.Malvino, D.P.Leach & Saha, 7th Ed.,2011, Tata
McGraw Hill
6. Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, A. Anand Kumar, 2nd Edition, 2009, PHI Learning
Pvt. Ltd.
7. OP-AMP and Linear Digital Circuits, R.A. Gayakwad, 2000, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.


(02 Credits, 30 Lectures)
1. To measure (a) Voltage, and (b) Frequency of a periodic waveform using a CRO
2. To verify and design AND, OR, NOT and XOR gates using NAND gates.
3. To minimize a given logic circuit.
4. Half adder, Full adder and 4-bit Binary Adder.
5. Adder-Subtractor using Full Adder I.C.
6. To design an astable multivibrator of given specifications using 555 Timer.
7. To design a monostable multivibrator of given specifications using 555 Timer.
8. To study IV characteristics of PN diode, Zener and Light emitting diode
9. To study the characteristics of a Transistor in CE configuration.
10. To design a CE amplifier of a given gain (mid-gain) using voltage divider bias.
11. To design an inverting amplifier of given gain using Op-amp 741 and study its
frequency response.
12. To design a non-inverting amplifier of given gain using Op-amp 741 and study
its Frequency Response.
13. To study a precision Differential Amplifier of given I/O specification using Opamp.
14. To investigate the use of an op-amp as a Differentiator
15. To design a Wien Bridge Oscillator using an op-amp.

Reference Books:
1. Basic Electronics: A text lab manual, P.B.Zbar, A.P.Malvino, M.A.Miller, 1994,
Mc-Graw Hill.
2. Electronics: Fundamentals and Applications, J.D. Ryder, 2004, Prentice Hall.
3. OP-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuit, R. A. Gayakwad, 4th edition, 2000,
4. Electronic Principle, Albert Malvino, 2008, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.

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(02 Credits, 30 Lectures)
The aim of this course is not just to impart theoretical knowledge to the students but to
provide them with exposure and hands-on learning wherever possible
Fossil fuels and Alternate Sources of energy: Fossil fuels and Nuclear Energy, their
limitation, need of renewable energy, non-conventional energy sources. An overview of
developments in Offshore Wind Energy, Tidal Energy, Wave energy systems, Ocean
Thermal Energy Conversion, solar energy, biomass, biochemical conversion, biogas
generation, geothermal energy tidal energy, Hydroelectricity. (3 Lectures)
Solar energy: Solar energy, its importance, storage of solar energy, solar pond, non-
convective solar pond, applications of solar pond and solar energy, solar water heater, flat
plate collector, solar distillation, solar cooker, solar green houses, solar cell, absorption air
conditioning. Need and characteristics of photovoltaic (PV) systems, PV models and
equivalent circuits, and sun tracking systems. (6 Lectures)
Wind Energy harvesting: Fundamentals of Wind energy, Wind Turbines and different
electrical machines in wind turbines, Power electronic interfaces, and grid interconnection
topologies. (3 Lectures)
Ocean Energy: Ocean Energy Potential against Wind and Solar, Wave Characteristics and
Statistics, Wave Energy Devices. (3 Lectures)
Tide characteristics and Statistics, Tide Energy Technologies, Ocean Thermal Energy,
Osmotic Power, Ocean Bio-mass. (2 Lectures)
Geothermal Energy: Geothermal Resources, Geothermal Technologies. (2 Lectures)
Hydro Energy: Hydropower resources, hydropower technologies, environmental impact of
hydro power sources. (2 Lectures)
Piezoelectric Energy harvesting: Introduction, Physics and characteristics of piezoelectric
effect, materials and mathematical description of piezoelectricity, Piezoelectric parameters
and modeling piezoelectric generators, Piezoelectric energy harvesting applications, Human
power (4 Lectures)
Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting: Linear generators, physics mathematical models,
recent applications (2 Lectures)
Carbon captured technologies, cell, batteries, power consumption (2 Lectures)
Environmental issues and Renewable sources of energy, sustainability. (1 Lecture)
Demonstrations and Experiments
1. Demonstration of Training modules on Solar energy, wind energy, etc.
2. Conversion of vibration to voltage using piezoelectric materials
3. Conversion of thermal energy into voltage using thermoelectric modules.
Reference Books:
1. Non-conventional energy sources - G.D Rai - Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
2. Solar energy - M P Agarwal - S Chand and Co. Ltd.
3. Solar energy - Suhas P Sukhative Tata McGraw - Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
4. Godfrey Boyle, “Renewable Energy, Power for a sustainable future”, 2004, Oxford
University Press, in association with The Open University.
5. Dr. P Jayakumar, Solar Energy: Resource Assesment Handbook, 2009
6. J.Balfour, M.Shaw and S. Jarosek, Photovoltaics, Lawrence J Goodrich (USA).

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PHY-DSE-1B.T ELMENTS OF MODERN PHYSICS (04 Credits, 60 Lectures)

Planck’s quantum, Planck’s constant and light as a collection of photons; Photo-electric

effect and Compton scattering. De Broglie wavelength and matter waves; Davisson-Germer
experiment. (8 Lectures)
Problems with Rutherford model- instability of atoms and observation of discrete atomic
spectra; Bohr's quantization rule and atomic stability; calculation of energy levels for
hydrogen like atoms and their spectra. (4 Lectures)
Position measurement- gamma ray microscope thought experiment; Wave-particle duality,
Heisenberg uncertainty principle- impossibility of a particle following a trajectory;
Estimating minimum energy of a confined particle using uncertainty principle; Energy-time
uncertainty principle. (4 Lectures)
Two slit interference experiment with photons, atoms and particles; linear superposition
principle as a consequence; Matter waves and wave amplitude; Schrodinger equation for non-
relativistic particles; Momentum and Energy operators; stationary states; physical
interpretation of wavefunction, probabilities and normalization; Probability and probability
current densities in one dimension. (11 Lectures)
One dimensional infinitely rigid box- energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, normalization;
Quantum mechanical scattering and tunnelling in one dimension - across a step potential and
across a rectangular potential barrier. (12 Lectures)
Size and structure of atomic nucleus and its relation with atomic weight; Impossibility of an
electron being in the nucleus as a consequence of the uncertainty principle. Nature of nuclear
force, NZ graph, semi-empirical mass formula and binding energy. (6 Lectures)
Radioactivity: stability of nucleus; Law of radioactive decay; Mean life & half-life; α decay;
(11 Lectures)
Fission and fusion - mass deficit, relativity and generation of energy; Fission - nature of
fragments and emission of neutrons. Nuclear reactor: slow neutrons interacting with Uranium
235; Fusion and thermonuclear reactions. (4 Lectures)

Reference Books:
1. Concepts of Modern Physics, Arthur Beiser, 2009, McGraw-Hill
2. Modern Physics, John R.Taylor, Chris D.Zafiratos, Michael A.Dubson,2009, PHI
3. Six Ideas that Shaped Physics:Particle Behave like Waves, Thomas A. Moore, 2003,
McGraw Hill
4. Quantum Physics, Berkeley Physics Course Vol.4. E.H. Wichman, 2008, Tata
McGraw-Hill Co.
5. Modern Physics, R.A. Serway, C.J. Moses, and C.A.Moyer, 2005, Cengage Learning

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PHY-DSE-1B.P ELMENTS OF MODERN PHYSICS (02 Credits, 60 Lectures)
1. To determine value of Boltzmann constant using V-I characteristic of PN diode.
2. To determine work function of material of filament of directly heated vacuum
3. To determine value of Planck’s constant using LEDs of at least 4 different
4. To determine the ionization potential of mercury.
5. To determine the wavelength of H-alpha emission line of Hydrogen atom.
6. To determine the absorption lines in the rotational spectrum of Iodine vapour.
7. To study the diffraction patterns of single and double slits using laser source and
measure its intensity variation using Photosensor and compare with incoherent
source – Na light.
8. Photo-electric effect: photo current versus intensity and wavelength of light;maximum
energy of photo-electrons versus frequency of light
9. To determine the value of e/m by magnetic focusing.
10. To setup the Millikan oil drop apparatus and determine the charge of an electron.

Reference Books:
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L.Flint & H.T.Worsnop, 1971, Asia
Publishing House.
2. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn, 4th Edition,
reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers
3. A Text Book of Practical Physics, Indu Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11th Edition,
2011, Kitab Mahal, New Delhi.

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PHY-SEC-4 RADIATION SAFETY (02 Credits, 30 Lectures)

The aim of this course is for awareness and understanding regarding radiation hazards and
safety. The list of laboratory skills and experiments listed below the course are to be done in
continuation of the topics.
Basics of Atomic and Nuclear Physics: Basic concept of atomic structure; X rays
characteristic and production; concept of bremsstrahlung and auger electron, The
composition of nucleus and its properties, mass number, isotopes of element, spin, binding
energy, stable and unstable isotopes, law of radioactive decay, Mean life and half life, basic
concept of alpha, beta and gamma decay, concept of cross section and kinematics of nuclear
reactions, types of nuclear reaction, Fusion, fission. (6 Lectures)
Interaction of Radiation with matter: Types of Radiation: Alpha, Beta, Gamma and
Neutron and their sources, sealed and unsealed sources, Interaction of Photons –
Photoelectric effect, Compton Scattering, Pair Production, Linear and Mass Attenuation
Coefficients, Interaction of Charged Particles: Heavy charged particles - Beth-Bloch
Formula, Scaling laws, Mass Stopping Power, Range, Straggling, Channeling and Cherenkov
radiation. Beta Particles- Collision and Radiation loss (Bremsstrahlung), Interaction of
Neutrons- Collision, slowing down and Moderation. (7 Lectures)
Radiation detection and monitoring devices: Radiation Quantities and Units: Basic idea
of different units of activity, KERMA, exposure, absorbed dose, equivalent dose, effective
dose, collective equivalent dose, Annual Limit of Intake (ALI) and derived Air Concentration
(DAC). Radiation detection: Basic concept and working principle of gas detectors
(Ionization Chambers, Proportional Counter, Multi-Wire Proportional Counters (MWPC) and
Gieger Muller Counter), Scintillation Detectors (Inorganic and Organic Scintillators), Solid
States Detectors and Neutron Detectors, Thermo luminescent Dosimetry. (7 Lectures)
Radiation safety management: Biological effects of ionizing radiation, Operational limits
and basics of radiation hazards evaluation and control: radiation protection standards,
International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) principles, justification,
optimization, limitation, introduction of safety and risk management of radiation. Nuclear
waste and disposal management. Brief idea about Accelerator driven Sub-critical system
(ADS) for waste management. (5 Lectures)
Application of nuclear techniques: Application in medical science (e.g., MRI, PET,
Projection Imaging Gamma Camera, radiation therapy), Archaeology, Art, Crime detection,
Mining and oil. Industrial Uses: Tracing, Gauging, Material Modification, Sterization, Food
preservation. (5 Lectures)

1. Study the background radiation levels using Radiation meter
2. Characteristics of Geiger Muller (GM) Counter:
 Study of characteristics of GM tube and determination of operating voltage and
plateau length using background radiation as source (without commercial source).
 Study of counting statistics using background radiation using GM counter.

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 Study of radiation in various materials (e.g. KSO4 etc.). Investigation of possible
radiation in different routine materials by operating GM at operating voltage.
 Study of absorption of beta particles in Aluminum using GM counter.
3. Detection of α particles using reference source & determining its half life using spark
4. Gamma spectrum of Gas Light mantle (Source of Thorium)

Reference Books:
1. W.E. Burcham and M. Jobes – Nuclear and Particle Physics – Longman (1995)
2. G.F.Knoll, Radiation detection and measurements
3. Thermoluninescense Dosimetry, Mcknlay, A.F., Bristol, Adam Hilger (Medical
Physics Handbook 5)
4. W.J. Meredith and J.B. Massey, “Fundamental Physics of Radiology”. John
Wright and Sons, UK, 1989.
5. J.R. Greening, “Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry”, Medical Physics Hand
Book Series, No.6, Adam Hilger Ltd., Bristol 1981.
6. Practical Applications of Radioactivity and Nuclear Radiations, G.C. Lowental
and P.L. Airey, Cambridge University Press, U.K., 2001
7. Martin and S.A. Harbisor, An Introduction to Radiation Protection, John Willey &
Sons, Inc. New York, 1981.
8. NCRP, ICRP, ICRU, IAEA, AERB Publications.
9. W.R. Hendee, “Medical Radiation Physics”, Year Book – Medical Publishers Inc.
London, 1981

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