CH 77
CH 77
CH 77
Definitions “The capacity of the facility is the maximum hourly rate at which persons or vehicles reasonably
Volume – number of vehicles (persons) passing a point during a specified time period which is usually one can be expected to traverse a point or a uniform section of a lane or roadway during a given time
period under prevailing roadway, traffic, and control conditions”
%HCM [Highway Capacity Manual] – It is a standard for capacity analysis
Capacity – maximum and repeatable volume of vehicles/travelers that can traverse a point or short
segment during a specified time period. For most cases, the rate used is for the peak 15 minutes of the peak %Highway capacity analysis serves three general purposes
hour. ÈTransportation planning: capacity of the network
Demand – number of vehicles (persons) that desire to travel past a point during a specified period also
ÈHighway design: to select the highway type and to determine dimensions
usually one hour. It is a volume not influenced by highway capacity
ÈTraffic operational analysis: for identifying bottleneck locations and identifying improvements
%Theoretically, actual volume can never be observed at levels higher than the true capacity of the section. %The two-lane, two-way rural highway is the only type of highway link on which traffic in one direction
has a distinct operational impact on traffic in the other direction.
Capacity Demand %Rural two-lane highways serve two primary functions in the nation’s highway network:
Traffic Intensity
È Mobility
È Accessibility
%Many two-lane rural highways, however, serve low volumes, sometimes under 100 veh/day.
Congestion %There are two distinct classes of rural two-lane, two-way highways:
Class I: These are highways on which motorists expect to travel at relatively high speeds, including
major intercity routes, primary arterials, and daily commuter routes.
È Serve primarily for mobility needs.
Time 2