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Emergency Planning.

qxp 8/06/07 17:02 Page 1

Emergency Planning
Prepared to respond to a major accident situation

Whilst the aim of safety management is to prevent accidents and incidents, there are
a few occasions when the safeguards in place are overwhelmed by the scale or
speed of development of a major accident.
An effective emergency plan is the last line of defence during a major accident.
The evidence from many sources is that most organisations without a well-structured
emergency response plan may never recover from a major accident. Emergency
response plans are now required by regulators in many cases.

What is Emergency Planning?
Emergency planning is carried out by two bodies, the operating company whose site may suffer an incident,
and the local or state authorities who may have to deal with offsite impacts and provision of emergency services.
The on-site emergency plan typically establishes procedures for dealing with emergency situations involving loss of
containment of hazardous material. The offsite emergency plan gives detail of personnel responsible for particular
activities in support of emergency action.
The emergency plans should be simple and straightforward, to a defined layout to prevent confusion, and they need
to be flexible and achieve necessary compliance with legislative requirements.
Effective emergency response plans are based on the identified risks, they are understood by all, and they are
rehearsed and improved by feedback from drills.
What are the key benefits?
An emergency plan is required by most regulators, and has to be put in place by the operator prior to permission to
start-up a unit.
A well thought out and tested emergency response plan means that you are fully prepared for the most serious
hazard situations. While some disruption is inevitable, a tested plan means that the consequences can be minimized
and you maximize the opportunity for rapid recovery.


■ Bureau Veritas has a very wide experience in emergency planning in the • Legislative awareness
• Emergency equipment survivability
USA and South America, European Union, Australia and New Zealand, and
• Emergency control facility audit
the Middle East. • Fire & toxic refuge design audit
■ The company operates a Technical Centre operation to support its • Fire & explosion consequence
operations in 140 countries, so that emergency plan development can be
• Toxic release dispersion assessment
carried out by people who understand the business climate, legislation, and • Fire-fighting water systems audit
culture of people in the countries concerned. (API, BS, etc.)
• Fire-fighting systems, basis of
• Signs & Signals specification
• Emergency alarm audibility and
Emergency Planning.qxp 8/06/07 17:02 Page 2

Bureau Veritas supports national and International guidelines in its
delivery of emergency plan consultancy, and always gains the
involvement of front-line operations personnel to ensure the usability
of the plans.

Bureau Veritas also assists the testing of the plans in simulated

“table top” emergency exercises. These exercises train site personnel CASE STUDY
in procedures, ensure good interfacing with external emergency
services, and check the coverage and relevance of the plan itself. Bureau Veritas assisted with the
development of an Emergency
Management Plan (EMP) for an LNG
Amongst a number of suitable starting points, Bureau Veritas often terminal. The plan provides an
uses the framework of requirements issued by authorities such as effective emergency management
FERC in the USA, and the UK HSE. structure and plan to respond in a
timely manner to an emergency at or
near the terminal.

The Plan was based on an incident

command structure with an Incident
Management Team identified and
responsibilities assigned. A Unified
FAQ Command structure was established
in the event the emergency escalated
What is meant by a “hierarchy of protection”? further requiring the support of
The fundamental aim behind emergency management is to safeguard external resources. The Plan detailed
people from immediate and chronic effects to their lives. A secondary the reporting procedures, alarm
but essential aim is also to protect the environment. Whilst survival of system, control centers, protective
shelters, and evacuation assembly
the plant may be an important business priority, it comes lower in areas. The Plan also included a
importance than the other two. description of the terminal's Safety
Emergency simulation exercises are stressful. Are there any Instrumented System (SIS) which was
designed to allow the safe, sequential
downsides? emergency shutdown (ESD) and
Yes. Emergency simulations can be highly stressful due the isolation of rotating equipment, fired
“information overload” which often occurs. Incident controllers need equipment and the LNG storage
to be experienced, but above-all they need to be medically fit. facilities.


For details about this service, please contact Bureau Veritas please visit:
The Oil & Gas Business Line
By phone: + 33 1 42 91 28 82 www.bureauveritas.com
By e-mail: oil&gas@bureauveritas.com

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