INFM10 Master Thesis Athul Dilip
INFM10 Master Thesis Athul Dilip
INFM10 Master Thesis Athul Dilip
Number of pages: 99
We are living in an age of information in which organizations are crumbling under the pres-
sure of exponentially growing data. Increased data quality ensures better decision making,
thereby enabling companies to stay competitive in the market. To improve data quality, it is
imperative to identify all the characteristics that describe data. And, building on one charac-
teristic results in compromising another, creating a trade-off. There are many well established
and interesting theories regarding data quality and data characteristics. However, we found
that there is a lack of research and literature regarding how trade-offs are handled between the
different types of data that is stored by an organization. To understand how organisations deal
with trade-offs, we chose a framework formulated by Eppler, where various data characteris-
tics trade-offs are discussed. After a pre-study with experts in this field, we narrowed it down
to three main data characteristic trade-offs and these were further analysed through inter-
views. Based on the interviews conducted and the literature review, we could prioritize data
types under different data characteristics. This research gives insight to how data characteris-
tics trade-offs should be accomplished in organizations.
Data Quality Management Athul Vijayan Nambiar and Dilip Prasad Nair
We would like to express our gratitude to our supervisor Olgerta Tona for her assistance and
contributions without which this thesis would not have been possible. We would like to thank
our interview candidates, Beth Benzie, Jyothsna Raj, Kiran Kumar, Sandipan Ghosh, Suyash
Kumar and Santhosh Meenhallimath for their participation. We also like to thank Ales Pop-
ovic who helped us in identifying the problem area of our study. Special thanks to Styliani
Zafeiropoulou for providing suggestions for our thesis. Finally, we like to thank everyone
who was involved and helped us to complete this research.
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Data Quality Management Athul Vijayan Nambiar and Dilip Prasad Nair
1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Area ................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Purpose of the Study and Research Question ................................................................ 3
1.4 Delimitations .................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Research design/ Thesis structure ................................................................................... 3
2 Literature Review .................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Introduction to Data Quality ........................................................................................... 5
2.2 Data Quality Dimension .................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Data Quality Standards: Frameworks to Assess Data Quality...................................... 8
2.3.1 Framework by Wand and Wang (1996) ................................................................. 8
2.3.2 Conceptual Model for Data Quality Measurement (Stvilia et al., 2007).............. 9
2.3.3 Cai and Zhu’s Framework (2015) ........................................................................... 9
2.3.4 Eppler’s Framework (2006) .................................................................................. 10
2.4 Data Characteristics Trade-offs .................................................................................... 11
2.4.1 Accuracy and Timeliness....................................................................................... 11
2.4.2 Consistency and Timeliness .................................................................................. 12
2.4.3 Accessible and Secure ........................................................................................... 13
2.4.4 Convenience and Secure........................................................................................ 13
2.4.5 Accuracy and Conciseness .................................................................................... 13
2.4.6 Secure and Fast/ Speed .......................................................................................... 14
2.4.7 Comprehensive and Concise ................................................................................. 14
2.4.8 Comprehensive and Maintainable......................................................................... 14
2.4.9 Comprehensive and Clear...................................................................................... 15
2.4.10 Timeliness and Correctness ................................................................................... 15
2.5 Result of Literature Review .......................................................................................... 15
3 Research Method ................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Method Selection ........................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Data Collection .............................................................................................................. 17
3.3 Informant Selection ....................................................................................................... 18
3.4 Pre-Study ........................................................................................................................ 19
3.5 Writing up the Study...................................................................................................... 21
3.6 Interview Procedure ....................................................................................................... 22
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Data Quality Management Athul Vijayan Nambiar and Dilip Prasad Nair
1 Introduction
This chapter gives an insight to our study. Initially, we discuss the background and problem
area of our study. Then the purpose, research question and limitations of this thesis are dis-
cussed. This chapter concludes with describing research design and structure of the thesis.
1.1 Background
Research has shown that nearly half of all the anticipated values of all business projects is
never achieved (Friedman and Smith, 2011). This is attributed to poor data quality in both
planning and execution phases of these initiatives as the primary cause of failure. Poor data
quality affects efficiency, risk mitigation and agility by compromising the decisions made in
each of these areas (Friedman and Smith, 2011). To identify these issues, we need to recog-
nize what is data quality and understand how it affects business. With the advent of big data,
volumes on the range of exabytes and more are generated every day. Data, information and
knowledge are created, collected and utilized at an extreme rate that is rapidly increasing by
the day (Labrinidis and Jagadish, 2012). With its increase, data analysis is considerably more
challenging in locating, identifying, understanding and citing data (Labrinidis and Jagadish,
Organizations that use high quantity of data face numerous challenges in maintaining the data
quality and it is also difficult to come up with business decisions based on the inaccurate and
unstructured data (Aloysius et al., 2016). High data quality is the pre-condition to any organi-
zation’s success in guaranteeing the value of data. With the advent of significant technologies
like cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and social media, the amount of data generated
is growing exponentially (Cai and Zhu, 2015). This makes it important to have better man-
agement of the data quality and thereby improve the quality of their decisions and solutions.
Decisions making based on data is a phenomenon that is rapidly growing within the business
world. And currently with the success of big data and its associated technologies, a decision
maker or a manager can make business decisions more effectively (Chaudhuri et al., 2011).
As specified earlier taking decisions can sometimes be risky with the possibility of data being
inaccurate or inadequate (Chaudhuri et al., 2011). However, maintaining and governing the
data is of vital importance for organizations because of the data being unstructured and too
complex sometimes (Blumberg and Atre, 2003). Hence, multiple data quality assessment
frameworks are available that can provide guidelines to determine data quality in various in-
There are many characteristics that determine data quality. According to Eppler (2006), ac-
cessibility, traceability, accuracy, timeliness, comprehensiveness, convenience, correctness,
security, applicability, and maintainability are some of them. But these factors can be conflict-
ing to each other and there will be some trade-offs required between the characteristics in cer-
tain scenarios. For instance, let us consider the characteristics, accuracy and timeliness. When
Data Quality Management Athul Vijayan Nambiar and Dilip Prasad Nair
the information has to be current, the time available to check the accuracy of the information
is less and the outcome may not be as expected (Eppler, 2006). Similarly, there exists a trade-
off between accessibility and security. Organizations must decide what all data should be ac-
cessible and what need to be secured. Therefore, it is up to organizations to decide the charac-
teristics that determine data quality that are relevant to them for making right business deci-
How good is a company’s data quality? Answering this question requires usable data quality
metrics. Currently, most data quality measures are developed on an ad hoc basis to solve spe-
cific problems, and fundamental principles necessary for developing usable metrics in prac-
tice are lacking (Kaisler et al., 2013). In this article, we describe principles that can help or-
ganizations categorize data content under usable data quality metrics.
A new challenge emerging for organizations is ‘quality vs quantity’ with companies acquiring
more and more data every day. (Kaisler et al., 2013). This can be because companies consider
that with more data, they can perfectly explain whatever phenomena they are interested in.
But this is not always true. With more data, sometimes there is more uncertainty and confu-
sion. Organizations, both large and small, should ideally be investing in better understanding
their data rather than spending enormous amounts of time and money in trying to correct the
parts that are unable to provide its worth.
The field of our study is retail industry and it is an environment which is changing more rap-
idly than ever before. There is a need for retailers to differentiate themselves by exceeding
their customer’s expectations and thereby exceeding their competitors (Dabholkar et al.,
1995). Every industry needs to understand what is data quality and how good quality data can
deliver them better results. Particularly in the retail industry, with data generated from multi-
ple sources, organizations must be on their alert to maintain and enhance the quality of data
(Aloysius et al., 2016). In the retail domain, huge investment on data quality maintenance
processes is worth to have as it can affect the business of the organization.
Retail is involved in many development processes to improve data quality and with the hu-
mongous amount of data generated through customer transactions, vendor information, and
internal and external feeds, it is imperative to leverage the data for business growth (Aloysius
et al., 2016). Currently, retail incorporates both Brick and Mortar and Ecommerce. Brick and
Mortar incorporates physical retail stores and Ecommerce comprises of retail in online world.
Data Quality Management Athul Vijayan Nambiar and Dilip Prasad Nair
The data quality measures can have minor variance between these two. We have identified
that there lacks an extensive research on data quality characteristics in retail domain. There-
fore, our study aims to explore on these lines.
1.4 Delimitations
Data quality is a very wide spread topic of discussion and is important to many fields such as
healthcare, manufacturing, banking and insurance etc. There are many characteristics that
contribute to good data quality and they change based on the domain where certain character-
istics of data are more important over the others. The scope of this research work concentrates
entirely on understanding the characteristics that constitute to data quality in the retail do-
main. Also, there are multiple frameworks that help in understanding data quality for retail
industry. In this research, a few frameworks have been chosen to cater to the needs of the
topic with respect to the selected industry.
We have identified a few candidates who will be able to contribute significantly in our re-
search work. These candidates have key role in data quality management and data analysis in
the retail domain. This research is based on their insights and knowledge regarding the impor-
tance of data quality management in their organizations. Since there is a time limitation for
this study, only a few companies have been chosen. The retail organisations selected for this
study are either American or Indian. One of the markets leaders, Target that deals with enor-
mous data transactions will be the primary focus for this study. Therefore, generalizability for
this research is restricted due to all these delimitations.
Data Quality Management Athul Vijayan Nambiar and Dilip Prasad Nair
Introduction – We will discuss the background of this study and then followed by illustration
of problem area. Further, the purpose and research question of the study will be identified.
Finally, the delimitations of this thesis will be discussed.
Literature Review – The thesis is focusing on identifying key characteristics that decide data
quality in organizations. Hence, the important frameworks on data quality will be found out in
this section and we will decide what are the key characteristics or factors that affect data qual-
Research Method – In this section, we will discuss how the study was conducted. Important
aspects like data collection methods, selection of informants and data analysis methods will
be explained.
Empirical Studies – This chapter includes the analysis of the interviews conducted.
Discussion – The analysis from the chapter, Empirical Studies is examined based on the theo-
ries from literature review to answer the research question.
Conclusion – This section concludes our findings of the study, the answer of our research
question and contributions to future studies in this field.
Data Quality Management Athul Vijayan Nambiar and Dilip Prasad Nair
2 Literature Review
Data can be described as “primary base of information that describes real world objects in a
format that can be stored, retrieved, and processed by a software procedure, and communi-
cated through a network” (Zahedi Nooghabi and Fathian Dastgerdi, 2016, p.185). Data can be
structured, semi-structured and unstructured (Zahedi Nooghabi and Fathian Dastgerdi, 2016).
The diagram in figure two (2) shows data categorization based on its quality.
Valid data is considered as perfect and erroneous data is marked as false. (Laitio, 2011). The
imperfect data can be transformed to valid, but it fails sometimes and thus become erroneous.
The imperfect data can be categorized to different types and they are incomplete, imprecise,
ambiguous and uncertainty data. Incomplete data is not satisfactory for making decisions even
if they are transformed to valid data. Imprecise data is inaccurate and it is unusable in most of
the organizational business scenarios. When there are multiple interpretations of the same
data, possibly from various sources, then the data is ambiguous. The final category, uncertain
data is due to lack of truthfulness. If the data is subjected to rapid changes, then it becomes
Data Quality Management Athul Vijayan Nambiar and Dilip Prasad Nair
volatile data and organizations don’t want to depend on these categories as decisions made on
these may not be valid long term.
The direct access of information by users have increased the importance of data quality in
organizations (Lee et al., 2002). The issues of poor data quality include time loss, delay in
deployment, revenue loss, customer dissatisfaction and loss of credibility for the brand (Eck-
erson, 2002). A few important reasons for data quality issues are (The Interaction Design
Foundation, 2017, p.1):
“Widespread data
Simplicity of creating, duplicating and sharing of information online
The exponential increase in channels to receive information by; radio, television, print
media, websites, e-mail, mobile telephony, RSS feeds, etc.
The increasing weight of historical data available
High volumes of conflicting, contradictory and plain old inaccurate information
No simple methodologies for quickly processing, comparing and evaluating informa-
tion sources
A lack of clear structure in groups of information and poor clues as to the relationships
between those groups”
There are instances where data quality becomes important during processes such as customer
matching, corporate house-holding and organization fusion. (Batini and Scannapieco, 2016).
Since the source is heterogeneous in most of the cases, the data provided by those systems can
be overlapping. Same customer profile can be in different source systems. Retrieving unique
list of customers can become a complex task in organizations. Corporate house-holding re-
lates to establishment of relationship between members of households to reconstruct relation-
ship and improve marketing strategies. Here also, merging similar data becomes an issue.
Another instance is organization fusion which requires integration of organization’s legacy
systems, be it merging of different organizations or inter department fusion. This integration
demands high quality effort and system compatibility to handle the increased volume of data.
The processes like data quality benchmarking, maintenance and assessment gain more impor-
tance than ever before as data quality impacts business processes, productivity and business
decision making (Friedman and Smith, 2011). The challenge for organizations is to develop a
model to assess the quality of the data they are dealing with (Lee et al., 2002). A disciplined
approach for data quality management will improve organization’s productivity and customer
satisfaction (Geiger, 2004).
Data Quality Management Athul Vijayan Nambiar and Dilip Prasad Nair
measure of the quality of data, the organisation will need to determine how much each dimen-
sion contributes to the data quality.
According to Askham et al. (2013, p.5) a typical data quality assessment approach will have
the following stages:
“Identify which data items need to be assessed for data quality, typically this will be
data items deemed as critical to business operations and associated management re-
Assess which data quality dimensions to use and their associated importance.
For each data quality dimension, define values or ranges representing good and bad
quality data.
Apply the assessment criteria to the data items.
Review the results and determine if data quality is acceptable or not.
Where necessary, take corrective actions; e.g. clean the data and improve data han-
dling processes to prevent future recurrences.
Repeat the above on a periodic basis to monitor trends in Data Quality”.
For any retail organization, it is important to take consumer viewpoint of quality because ul-
timately it is the consumer who will judge whether a product is fit for use. Wang and Strong
(1996) defined a data quality dimension as a set of data quality attributes that represent a sin-
gle aspect or construct of data quality. Eppler (2006) identified the important characteristics
that determine data quality and those characteristics are shown in the figure three (3). Our
study will be focusing on some of these characteristics that are important in the retail domain.
Data Quality Management Athul Vijayan Nambiar and Dilip Prasad Nair
What degree of effort and time is needed before the consumer could achieve de-
sired outcome from data?”
There is not enough specific framework or criterion to measure the quality of the data by an-
swering the above questions. Researchers have come up with many models or frameworks in
these years. We examine some of the important frameworks that are relevant to our study. The
frameworks that are considered have many commonalities between them and categorized
similar data quality dimensions under different taxonomies.
One of the initial and well accepted frameworks in this field is developed by Wand and Wang
(1996). They came up with a set of dimensions to measure the characteristics that define data
quality. As shown in figure four (4), the Wand and Wang’s framework is divided into two;
external and internal view of the data quality dimensions. Internal view is related to design
and operation of the information system. (Wand and Wang, 1996). It includes data character-
istics like accuracy, timeliness, completeness, consistency, precision and reliability as system
characteristic. External view determines the use and value of the data provided by the infor-
mation system. Some of the data related characteristics are timeliness, content, usefulness,
scope, interpretability and understandability. System related characteristics include timeliness,
flexibility, format and efficiency. This framework helps to distinguish characteristics in inter-
nal and external viewpoints of a data quality management system.
Data Quality Management Athul Vijayan Nambiar and Dilip Prasad Nair
2.3.2 Conceptual Model for Data Quality Measurement (Stvilia et al., 2007)
Stvilia et al. (2007) introduced a framework which identifies sources of data or information
quality problems, types of activities involved in data management process, data quality attrib-
utes and context of those attribute’s practice. It is shown in figure five (5). The integral part of
the framework is the taxonomy of the data quality dimensions. Characteristics are divided into
three categories; intrinsic, relational and reputational. Intrinsic characteristics include general
and conventional attributes. (Stvilia et al., 2007). Relational refers to immediate context of
data quality measures and reputational taxonomy relates to organization or community. The
framework connects sources of data quality problems to these characteristics and to types of
activities. Thereby, the framework provides a meaningful mechanism to understand the data
quality issues and the reasons for it.
Figure 5: Conceptual Model for Data Quality Measurement (Stvilia et al., 2007)
Another important framework which depicts data quality standards is universal two-layer
framework developed by Cai and Zhu (2015). Their framework is shown in figure six (6). In
this framework, main dimensions are further divided into sub elements. The primary charac-
teristics, availability, usability, reliability, relevance are inherent characteristics of data qual-
ity. (Cai and Zhu, 2015). Presentation quality which is further divided into readability and
structure, relates to satisfaction of the customers. Availability includes accessibility, timeli-
ness and authorization. They together determine the degree of convenience for data access.
Usability indicates level of acceptance among users. It includes definition of the data, cred i-
Data Quality Management Athul Vijayan Nambiar and Dilip Prasad Nair
bility and metadata. Reliability which consists of accuracy, integrity, consistency, complete-
ness and auditability, refers to user’s trust on the data provided. Another dimension in the
framework is the relevance of the data. This framework covers important aspects of data qual-
ity and they are well structured in a two-level hierarchical way.
The framework by Eppler (2006) considers several factors affecting data quality and their
potential conflicts. The diagram in figure seven (7) shows the Eppler’s framework. The four-
level framework splits the characteristics as relevant information, sound information, opti-
mized process and reliable infrastructure.
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The upper two layers, relevant information and sound information, are related to the actual
information or the content itself and hence called as content quality. (Eppler, 2006). Relevant
information refers to comprehensiveness, accuracy, clarity and applicability of data and sound
information determine whether information or data is concise, consistent, correct and current.
The next two layers, optimized process and reliable infrastructure are about management of
data and therefore, they are referred as media quality. Process evaluation consist of measuring
convenience, timeliness, traceability and interactivity of the data and infrastructure reliability
is measured in terms of the accessibility, secureness, maintainability and retrieval speed of the
The potential conflicts or trade-offs between characteristics are shown in the framework. For
example, consistency and timeliness of data conflict each other. (Eppler, 2006). Data should
be consistent across the process irrespective of the time taken for the process completion.
Similarly, there is a trade-off between timeliness and accuracy. When data is provided in a
short span of time, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Proper testing of the data
may not be completed within the time limit. An infrastructure level conflict occurs between
accessibility and security. Organizations decide what data should be made accessible and
what should be protected. They also need to determine the level of accessibility in each cate-
gory of data so that it doesn’t affect the security system.
One of the important characteristics trade-off that organizations deal with is between accuracy
and timeliness. Eppler (2006, p.53) explains this trade-off as “the more current a piece of
information has to be, the less time is available to check on its accuracy”. To handle the accu-
racy-timeliness trade-off in organizations, decisions needed to be taken on using current but
inaccurate or delayed/outdated but accurate information (Ballou and Pazer, 1995). The timely
and accurate information delivery depends on the process and infrastructure used and organi-
zations are influenced by the cost involved to balance these factors (Eppler, 2006). Since the
inaccurate or outdated information will not be accepted by customer, organizations can’t use
the information for decision making if desired balance/trade-off is not met between these
characteristics (Eppler, 2006).
There are business scenarios where timeliness plays an important role in organizations. For
retail organizations, Monday morning report is crucial as it covers key information on their
business of the previous week (, 2017). A small variance in data measures is
acceptable in this case as organizations are concerned more on getting an overall trend of their
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) over the previous week. When it comes to information on
customer profiles, finance data and sales measures, accuracy becomes the key factor than
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timeliness. Therefore, organizations need to follow different trade-off rules and mechanisms
in different business situations.
“the degree to which information is up-to-date, or the degree to which the information pre-
cisely reflects the current state of the world that it represents.”
In the current data rich environment, every data warehouse system has data flowing in from
various sources including internal systems, external sources and social media sites. The con-
cept of consistency states that data that enters a data warehouse must be normalized to help
reduce data redundancy (Date, 2006). To illustrate data consistency, an example is provided
In the figure eight (8), the first table has inconsistent data in the field, Infraspecies. In some
records there exists a prefix along with the name (example: subp.bicostata). To make this field
consistent across the table, another field, Infrasp_rank is added to the table which is shown in
the second table in the figure eight (8). The prefix part of the record is separated and popu-
lated in another field and there by data consistency is achieved in the table.
The data architect creates complex scripts that help in Extracting, Transforming and Loading
(ETL) data. (El-Sappagh,2015). And, as the sources of data increases, the ETL scripts become
more and more complex resulting in time consuming and longer data load time resulting in
the conflict of interest between data consistency and currency.
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Accessibility and security are opposite poles when it comes to data characteristics and in the
trade-off between the two, compromises need to be made. When an information system is
more secure, the overall convenience to access data reduces and vice versa (Eppler, 2006).
Constructing such a system which is both accessible and secure raises many crucial questions
when it comes to balancing these data characteristics and finding the right trade-off between
the two data quality attributes is not an easy endeavour. (Braz et al., 2007). Both accessibility
and security of an information system can vary based on the context of use which includes
users, tasks, software, hardware and environments.
As far as accessibility and security of data is concerned in retail domain, Financial, HR and
Customer data are considered vital for an organization. Access is not provided to all employ-
ees and layered security is maintained so that the data isn’t hacked or tampered with by mali-
cious users. (Herath and Rao, 2009). On the contrast, Merchandising data which includes Item
data, Sales data and Inventory data is considered accessible and less secure. This data isn’t
protected as much and every employee has access to it. Accessibility for this data is crucial
because this contributes to the business.
The convenience of data is often closely related to interactivity (Eppler, 2006). “Convenience
designates the ease of- use or seamlessness by which information is produced, administered
and most importantly acquired” (Eppler, 2006, p.78). Convenience is about perceptions of
customers on usefulness and ease of use of the organization’s products and interacting chan-
nels (Aloysius et al., 2016). Eppler (2006) mentions that, too much security can reduce the
convenience and organizations need to make choices to achieve the balance between secured
and convenient information. The main concept that caters to data warehouse security is CIA;
confidentiality, integrity and availability. (Batra and Arora, 2016). Confidentiality means that
only the authorized users can access the data from the data warehouse. Integrity refers to the
originality of the data which is if the data has been received from authentic resources and
availability refers to whether data is available always to the designated users. All these three
factors have significant role in determining convenience of information usage.
The term accuracy is self-explanatory, where it can be used to designate to the notions of pre-
cision, level of detail and/or correctness of data (Eppler, 2006). Another form to represent
accuracy is to define the closeness between value ‘a’ and value ‘b’ wherein value ‘a’ being
the value in the source and the value ‘b’ is its representation in the data warehouse. (Batini et
al., 2009). In such situations, we need to consider the value ‘a’ from the source to be correct
and precise in nature.
The characteristic, Concise indicates whether the data is to the point and devoid of unwanted
elements (Eppler, 2006). According to Wang and Strong (1996) conciseness designates
whether the data is compactly presented, well formatted and aesthetically pleasing. The trade-
off between conciseness and accuracy occurs in terms of the level of detail. When more detail
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is provided, then the less concise it becomes (Eppler, 2006). Organizations should make sure
that the data is presented concisely without flouting accuracy.
The characteristic, fast or speed relates to the response time of the infrastructure or the server
of the organization (Eppler, 2006). It is the most important criterion related to information
infrastructure as it impacts the applicability of the information (Eppler, 2006). The response
time should match with the user’s expectation. The users can be the employees or the custom-
ers of the organization.
The speed of information retrieval is in turn related to the security of the information. Data
security in any domain is essential primarily due to the reasons mentioned below (Thota et al.,
Since there are multiple processes and checks involved in the data security assurance activi-
ties, the response time of the infrastructure to user can be affected. There exists a trade-off
between security and speed which eventually reflects as response time of the infrastructure.
Data being comprehensible and concise is a contradiction. (Eppler, 2006). If data is stored in
data warehouse with high level of detail, the less concise that data is going to be and this
holds in the vice versa situation as well. As the scope for the information being stored gets
higher, it gets even more difficult to present it in a concise format and the pursuit of compre-
hensive data may also lead to decrease in the clear distinction between central and peripheral
information thereby making the data unusable for business decisions.
According to Wang and Strong (1996), data quality aspects incorporates the format of data
which needs to a combination of both concise and comprehensiveness. The two characteristics
suggest that data consumers need data that is not only well represented but also require it in a
concise and non-repetitive manner which is easy to understand (Wang and Strong, 1996).
Maintainability refers to the characteristics of data where it can be stored or accessed easily,
thereby enabling fast interaction between the stored information and the users of data (Eppler,
2006). The factors that contribute to maintainable data are costs, data volume, frequency,
quality and infrastructure (Eppler, 2006). Maintainability of data can be expressed in terms of
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the probability of that a data system repaired and running within a specified period. Increased
maintainability implies shorter repair times (Asq, 2017). With the increase of comprehensive
data in a data system, the maintainability of data becomes more difficult. Therefore, maintain-
ability of data is in direct conflict with comprehensiveness of data. The more information we
have, it makes data more comprehensive but less maintainable (Eppler, 2006).
Eppler (2006) states that data clarity of information is achieved when it is understandable to
its target audience. Clear and concise data is cost effective and values the time of the audience
by reducing information overload and misunderstandings (Eppler, 2006). But, with the advent
of big data, the amount of data in every domain has been exploding and organizations require
trillions of bytes of information about their customer, suppliers and operations and there is
also data fed from sensors and social media (Manyika et al., 2011). These factors thereby con-
tribute in reducing data clarity but increasing comprehensibility.
As per the definition provided by Cappiello et al. (2004, p.71) timeliness of data or data cur-
rency is usually defined as:
“the time interval between the time instant in which data are updated and the time instant in
which data are being used”
Data currency is a crucial factor in contextual information quality and it can be referred to the
degree to which information is up to date or the degree to which the information accurately
reflects the current state of the world that it represents (Nelson et al., 2005). The more current
and real time the data is, the more business usable it becomes. But timeliness of data can
sometimes be at conflict with the correctness of data. According to Eppler (2006, p.84), cor-
rectness of data can be interpreted by the question: “Is the information free of distortions, bias
and/or error”. As stated by Pipino et al. (2002), the degree of correctness of data can be var-
ied based on the user requirement. It can be acceptable to have misspelled string in one cir-
cumstance but not in another (Pipino et al., 2002). Therefore, to get data perfectly correct it
takes time, resulting in a conflict.
An in-depth analysis of the important data characteristics trade-offs in various contexts will be
covered in the chapter 4 of this research paper.
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figure nine (9). We will be assessing how organizations deal with the important and conflict-
ing characteristics and how trade-offs are achieved while maintaining data quality.
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3 Research Method
In this chapter, we discuss the research method of our study. We give the readers an insight to
our approach and data collection methods. Later, we present how we conducted the study and
how the quality aspects like reliability, validity, ethics and research bias are maintained in the
This research covers the topic of data quality, data characteristics and data characteristics
trade-offs. It is imperative to follow a research strategy that is suitable for the nature of study.
There are multitudes of pre-existing research frameworks that help in defining data quality.
But we, in this research, are focusing on using these frameworks in defining data quality for
the retail industry and identifying which characteristics of data is more important over others
in the retail domain. There is scope for an inductive study in this field and we proceeded with
qualitative research.
“Qualitative methods depend on text which captures records of what people have said, done,
believed or experienced about a phenomenon, topic, or event” (Recker, 2013, p.88). This ap-
proach has helped us to gather insightful information from interviews, observation and docu-
mentation, for data analysis we have used techniques like coding. The interviews have helped
us in identifying the most important characteristics of data defining, data quality in the retail
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quality management experts using the questionnaire formed. Interviews provide more person-
alized data (Bhattacherjee, 2012). The interviews that we conducted were semi-structured in
nature. This kind of interviews gives flexibility to interviewer as new questions can be
brought up during the interview process (Recker, 2013). Semi-structured interviews encour-
age two-way communication and it provides opportunities for learning as the interviews pro-
vide more information apart from the answers to the pre-defined questions (Recker, 2013).
All the interviews we conducted were telephonic interviews as the interviewees were from
various parts of the world. Before interviews, we prepared an interview guide which explains
the interview structure and the topics of our research. We have sent out this guide to inter-
viewees to make them aware of our objectives with the interview. This has helped us to keep
the discussions in the interviews within our area of study. While interviewing we recorded the
audio to examine what exactly the interviewee said during the interview. We transcribed the
interviews using the recorded audio. In qualitative analysis, interview transcripts are used by
researchers to analyse the qualitative data such as text data (Bhattacherjee, 2012). After com-
pleting the data collection process, we combined both the findings. It helped us in getting a
clearer picture of the issue and thereby, arriving at the answer of our research question.
The respondents or the interviewees are from the retail domain and they are knowledgeable
about the data in the retail industry. They have experience in extracting, manipulating, min-
ing, transforming, testing and analysing data in different fields within the retail industry. They
also have a thorough understanding about these industries and its functioning as well. This
thesis primarily focuses on organizations in retail domain that handle enormous quantities and
varieties of data and uses business intelligence applications as tools to make decisions. The
main targeted companies of this work are Target, Quotient Technology, Fashionara, Super-
valu and Bluestem. The details of the contact persons and the interviews conducted are given
in the table one (1).
Kiran Kumar Target Corpo- Lead Quality 10 years 23rd April 2017
ration Engineer 44 minutes
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Sandipan Ghosh Target Corpo- Senior Data En- 12 years 24th April 2017
ration gineer 38 minutes
3.4 Pre-Study
The data quality analyst job has become vital in many organizations because of the implemen-
tation of data warehouses, particularly in the retail industry which has a lot of data to process.
Most organizations employ engineers who are experts in data extracting, mapping, transfor-
mation and loading to improve the data quality situation in their data warehouses. Therefore, a
new role called the data quality analyst was created to help ensure the correctness of the data
loaded in data warehouses (Pierce, 2003).
So, to understanding how trade-offs works within distinctive characteristics of data in the re-
tail industry, it is imperative to identify the most important characteristics that define data in
these industries. For this, we decided to conduct a pre-study to analyse the key factors that
define data. In this pre-study, we identified 10 candidates with years of work experience as a
data analyst in the retail industry. Their job profile includes:
The details of the candidates involved in the pre-study are provided below:
Table 2: Candidates of Pre-study
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Based on the study conducted by Eppler (2006), 70 data quality attributes were found to be
important and they are shown in figure three (3). These data characteristics identified were
presented to data analysts listed in table two (2) and they were asked to choose the most key
features that define data quality in the retail sector. The following factors were most com-
monly selected by the candidates.
Timeliness: Time from creation to publication: Is the information processed and delivered
rapidly without delays (Eppler, 2006).
Accessibility: Level of Access: Is there a continuous and unobstructed way to get to the in-
formation (Eppler, 2006).
Secure: Is the information protected against loss or unauthorized access (Eppler, 2006).
Consistency: Is the information free of contradictions and uniform across data processing
levels (Eppler, 2006).
From the Eppler’s framework, we identified three trade-offs between these five characteristics
and they are shown in the figure ten (10). We will be evaluating how organizations in retail
domain deal with these important and conflicting factors while maintaining data quality.
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Accuracy Timeliness
This research paper will give insights about data quality characteristics trade-offs to the read-
ers. In the introduction of this paper, we discussed about the background, problem area and
purpose of this study. The literature review gives better understanding of the research ques-
tion. Then, research method explains how we conducted this study. The analysis of the inter-
views will be presented to the readers in the next chapter. We will discuss the findings in the
chapter, discussion. Eventually, we present our conclusion and our knowledge contribution to
the field of information systems. It helps to give a closing frame for this study. To improve
quality and to keep ethics of this study, we have appended the interview transcripts in the ap-
pendix after all the chapters. We followed the guidelines from Recker (2013) to meet the
standards of a paper for publishing.
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As mentioned by Myers and Newman (2007), a qualitative interview can help a researcher in
analysing all kinds of topics, be it, positivist, interpretive or critical. The qualitative interview
is the most commonly used method in data gathering for qualitative research. The qualitative
interview has been used as an instrument for providing us with description, narratives and
texts which will be interpreted and analysed based on the interests of the research topic
(Kvale, 2006).
Helping us to contribute in our research topic, we identified a few candidates who have in
depth and extensive technical knowledge in the retail domain. For this thesis, a total of six
interviews were conducted. The informants were from India and USA and that made it diffi-
cult to have face to face interaction. To minimize this disadvantage, all the interviews were
done through telephone and audio was recorded for transcribing the interview. We believe the
interviewees were open and we could extract the required information from them.
The first interview was conducted with Kiran Kumar, who has approximately ten years of
experience in Information Technology. Out of the ten years, he has worked extensively in the
retail industry at Target corporation. He is currently employed as a Lead Quality engineer and
his job role includes maintaining data quality and assuring the right people get the right data
to make business decisions. His knowledge and expertise in data quality and retail assisted us
in obtaining clarity in our field of research.
Our second candidate of interest for our research was Sandipan Ghosh. He has a total experi-
ence in the Information Technology domain for twelve years and has worked in the retail in-
dustry for nine years in multinational companies like Target and Tesco. He has extensive ex-
perience as a database administrator, database engineer, quality analyst and Hadoop developer
in big data. He is currently working in Target corporation as Senior Data Engineer and Solu-
tion Analyst.
The third interviewee who contributed to our research topics was Suyash Kumar. He has a
total of eight years of work experience having worked in companies like Infosys, Target and
Quotient technologies. He has worked on multiple data warehouse technologies and big data
concepts and applications such as Hadoop. He is currently working as a Senior Data Quality
analyst at Quotient technologies since April 2017 and was a Data Quality analyst in target for
six years.
Jyothsna Raj was our fourth candidate for improving our understanding of the research topic.
She has approximately ten years of technical work experience out of which seven plus years
she has worked in the technical side of both Ecommerce and brick and mortar companies.
Jyothsna Raj has immense experience in data analysis, data reporting, data governance and
slicing and dicing data. In target, she worked as a Data Quality analyst for two years followed
by 4 years in Fashionara as a Senior Data Analyst.
The fifth interview was conducted with Santhosh Meenhallimath. He has nearly ten plus years
of technical experience in Information Technology with close to seven years of experience in
the retail domain. He has worked for 6 plus years as a data analyst in Target and is currently
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working as a Team Lead in Bluestem since January 2016. Apart from data quality, he is cur-
rently playing a lead role wherein he makes sure that data quality process and standards are
Our sixth and final interview was with Beth Benzie. She has a working experience of 20 years
in retail domain and in that, she worked in the field of data quality management for 7 years.
She currently works for Supervalu as data quality manager. Previously, she worked for other
retail companies like Target and Bluestem. Beth Benzie has the responsibility of setting up the
data quality team and building a data quality assessment framework in the current organiza-
tion she works for.
Based on our interview list, it can be clearly understood that we have obtained a wide range of
data experts and data stewards who are well versed and knowledgeable in the field of data
management in the retail domain. They are the Subject Matter Experts (SME) or Centre of
Excellence (CoE) in their field of work and have both business and technical understanding in
the various subsections that contribute to the functioning of a retail industry.
The interview guide was formed based on the results from literature review and pre-study.
Research questions were based on the field of data quality management. Our experience in the
field of retail also helped us in forming the questionnaire. The interview guide consists of four
sections. They are explained below.
Section 1: Introduction
Initially, we introduced ourselves to interviewees and asked for consent to record the audio.
We asked questions to get an overview of candidate’s experience in the field of our study.
Later, interviewees were asked to describe their role and activities in the organization they
work for.
The second section has questions on data quality. We asked the interviewees to explain their
understanding of data quality and the importance of data quality in their organization. Candi-
dates were also requested to identify the main characteristics defining data quality. This sec-
tion helps us to give an insight to candidates on the focus area of our thesis.
In this section, the questions were formed to explain the three trade-offs in data quality char-
acteristics. The trade-offs, accuracy and timeliness, consistency and timeliness, and accessi-
bility and security were discussed. Candidates were asked to explain the importance of data
characteristics and trade-offs. Thereafter, we told them to illustrate a scenario where the trade-
offs occur in their organizational business processes. This is the most important section in our
interview as it gives information regarding the trade-offs in data quality characteristics.
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This section concludes the interview. We ask candidates to give suggestions for other data
qualities and trade-offs. This section helped us in understanding if we missed out on any other
crucial data characteristics or trade-offs pertaining to the retail domain. We concluded the
conversation with our interviewees by thanking them for their valuable time and considera-
Interview transcripts were prepared using the audio recorded from the interviews. We went
through the interviews several times to make sure that we did not miss any valuable informa-
tion. We followed the steps mentioned by Bhattacherjee (2012) and Recker (2013) for tran-
scribing and analysing the interviews. “Analysing consists of examining, categorising, coding,
tabulating, testing, combining and studying the evidence collected to draw empirically based
inferences and other conclusions” (Recker, 2013, p.99). During data analysis phase, the tran-
scripts helped to get sense of the whole and to establish ‘units of significance’ (Bhattacherjee,
2012). The units of significance were put together to form a meaningful content.
The units or codes are the building blocks to create inferences from qualitative interviews
(Graneheim, 2004). The coding process was done using the coding scheme explained in the
section 3.6.4. We categorized the relevant information or content of transcript into four. The
units of significance we identified are domain, data type and context, data characteristics, and
data characteristics trade-offs. Each subunits or keywords were coded separately. Subunits
help in detailing of the information and hence lead to a quality data analysis. In the next chap-
ter, Empirical Studies (chapter 5), we are discussing the inferences obtained by the analysis of
the interviews.
The coding scheme used for our thesis is provided in table three (3).
Table 3: Coding Scheme
Domain/ Channel Data Type and Con- Data Characteris- Data Characteristics
text tics Trade-offs
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Vendor Details: VD
Merchandising Data:
Marketing Data:
Social Media: SM
Others: ODC
We have categorized the text from the transcripts into four segments and they are domain or
channel, data type and/or context, data characteristics and the trade-offs between those char-
acteristics. The abbreviations mentioned in the above table are explained below for better un-
derstanding of business and technical perspectives.
Domain/ Channel: This research work considers the following channels in the retail domain
for its analysis.
1. Retail Physical Store: This encompasses all the brick and mortar (B&M) stores that
has a physical presence to sell products.
2. Ecommerce: This refers to all the Business to Customer (B2C) transactions that hap-
pen through an online medium. This can refer to website, mobile applications etc.
Data Type and Context: The following are the different data types and contexts that are
widely used and vital in retail domain.
1. Financial Data: This refers to all the cash related information stored in the data ware-
house. This can include the financials allocated for an initiative to the salary obtained
by the company’s employee.
2. Customer/ Guest Data: Customer or guest data is the information that is stored regard-
ing the customers who visit and shop at a retail establishment or buy a product online.
3. Item Data: Item data categorizes each product located in a store or an individual prod-
uct displayed in an online medium.
4. Human Resource (HR): HR data is the personal information about the company's em-
5. Sales Data: Sales data classifies all the product sales. Every sale of a product is
tracked through sales data.
6. Inventory & Inventory relief: This comprises of all the data about the products avail-
able in a store and in the nearby warehouse.
7. Vendor Details: This consists of data about all the organizations that have business
dealing with the retail or Ecommerce chain being discussed in this research.
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8. Merchandising Data: This consists of data that contributes to the entire lifecycle of an
item or a product.
9. Marketing Data: The data related to all the advertising and product promotions.
10. Supply Chain Management: This consists of data that caters to the understanding of
goods and service flows.
11. Social Media Data: This refers to the data obtained from social networking channels
such as Twitter and Facebook.
The detailed explanation regarding data characteristics trade-offs is provided in the chapter 2,
section 2.4.
3.7.1 Reliability
Recker (2013) states that reliability of a research depends on to what extent a variable or a set
of variables is consistent in the process of its measurement. To keep up the reliability of our
research work we made sure to uphold a high level of transparency by explicitly describing
and defining our purpose and approach. This approach will facilitate future replications and
further study on this research topic.
To make this research work highly reliable in nature, we tried to explain the processes we
have chosen in doing this research and why we find it appropriate to use them. Prior to the
interviews, the interviewees were called and informed about the research topic, giving an in-
depth explanation of our research topic and what we were trying to achieve. The questionnaire
was also sent to the interviewees a few days before the actual interview, to help them prepare
and collect data points that would help them answering the interview questionnaire. During
the interview process, we have maintained a neutral objective and have not influenced the
informants in any way and the interviews were recorded only after getting consent from the
respondents. We have also made sure that all the respondents were provided the same ques-
tionnaire and were asked the same questions during the interview process as well.
After the interview was done, the interviewee's replies were considered as source of truth
which have been discovered analysing (through coding) and reporting the data (Schultze and
Avital, 2011). The interviews were transcribed with precision by listening to the recorded
audio multiple times to avoid any possible mistakes. The full interview transcript has been
provided in the appendix of this research paper.
3.7.2 Validity
Validity of a research work can be assessed using theoretical and empirical approaches and in
ideal circumstances it should be measured by using both (Bhattacherjee, 2012). We have used
both theoretical and empirical methodology to ensure validity of our research work. To
achieve theoretical validity, we have done extensive research and reading to collect appropri-
ate literatures pertaining to the topic of interest and based on which we have formulated our
questionnaire. For the empirical validity, we identified suitable interview candidates who have
immense experience in this field of work. Based on their responses we have made suitable
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observations and inferences to take us closer to answering the research question in both theo-
retical and empirical perspective and thereby ensuring overall validity.
Also, to improve the validity of our research work we discussed and questioned every step
and measures we took. We even conducted a pre-study to narrow down the factors contribut-
ing to our research question based on which we framed our questionnaire. During the inter-
view process, if any respondent had problems in recollecting context pertaining to a question
we also provided him/her time to get back through calls or mails later. This approach enriched
the validity of our research work furthermore.
3.7.3 Ethics
During our study, we made sure that we could maintain ethics in every process by not deceiv-
ing candidates and manipulating any data obtained. Ethics is defined as the normal division
between right and wrong (Bhattacherjee, 2012). It evaluates the behaviour of the study based
on certain principles and guidelines (Aguinis and Henle, 2002). The terms, ethics and moral
can be used interchangeably according to context (Gregory, 2003). The most important ethical
principles in a scientific research are provided below. (Gregory, 2003).
The participants of the study were not forced to collaborate with us. We made sure that candi-
dates had the freedom to withdraw from the study if they were not willing to. In our research,
all the informants were willing to disclose their identity as the research does not deal with any
sensitive topics. The interviews were scheduled based on the convenience of the participants.
The time schedule and medium for the interviews were decided by the participants. We have
provided some insights to candidates before the interviews so that they could decide whether
to participate in this study or not. We have made sure that while reporting the findings, we did
not manipulate or hide any negative findings. Through all these practices, we believe we have
maintained ethics in our study.
1. Gathering informants across locations: We have a wide range of informants who have
worked in both small and big retail companies. The informants have work experience
in retail chains across America and Asia. This help us in reducing the bias of having
thoughts and ideas that are localized to one region.
2. Gathering informants from multiple companies: Though majority of the informants are
currently working in Target Corporation, they had previous work experience in other
retail chains. This helped us in getting diverse perspectives of data handling in various
companies and how it differed across companies.
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3. Gathering informants of diverse industrial work expertise: Even though the informants
for this research topic were chosen from the technical background, they have immense
business knowledge of the retail domain acquired by years of experience. Also, the re-
spondents are well versed in the data life cycle management process, from the initial
stages of data generation at the source to the reporting and analysis of data. This
helped us in getting an end to end perspective of the data flow.
According to us, these measures have immensely helped us in reducing research bias and pro-
viding an impartial approach to our research work.
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4 Empirical Studies
In this chapter, we discuss the findings from the interviews. This chapter has four sections,
introduction to data quality in retail, defining data quality, data quality characteristics, and
data characteristics trade-offs. We present our ideas in accordance with the interview guide
provided in Appendix A. The transcripts of the interviews are provided in Appendix B.
Jyothsna Raj says that in Ecommerce domain, timeliness is a critical factor as it is a fast-paced
environment (4,30). In a physical store, one cannot change the entire items as quickly as it can
be done in online store (4,30). In e-commerce, companies can change the entire sorting of a
page or add new products and promotions instantly to increase the traffic and sales (4,30). If
an Ecommerce company identifies that people are logging into their page and moving out
immediately as they are not interested to buy anything, then company can instantly reformat
that page by sorting it differently, by prize or popularity, to attract the customers and keep
them in their portal (4,30). Whereas, in a physical retail store if it is identified that people are
not interested to buy the products, then you wait till end of the day to rearrange the products
or to add promotions (4, 30). Another difference in the way these domains operate is, in e-
commerce if you see that one item is selling fast, you can immediately contact the seller and
ask to increase the stock of that item (4,32). But in physical store, if a product sells out, then
you need to wait longer time to stock that item again (4,32).
“not all businesses understand how important data quality is until somebody points out where
it is causing a problem and how it is impacting the reporting and the business decisions”
It has been noticed that 40% of all the business decisions where there is lack of quality data,
led to wrong decisions and thereby, caused loss to the organizations (1,14; 1,20). It is always
the responsibility for a developer or a tester to verify that input data is loading to a warehouse
accurately (2,20). Data should be maintained at the most business usable form in the ware-
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house (3,16; 4,12). According to Suyash Kumar (3,16) data should follow and maintain the
important dimensions of data quality like accuracy, timeliness, accessibility, ability and integ-
rity. Organizations ensure that there is no data loss, data is clean, integrity between the data
tables are maintained, and there is no murky data (4,12).
In retail industry, the business depends on the data, be it sales data, inventory data, and un-
saleable data (3,20). From each stage of the operation, right from procuring the product in
overseas market as well as the local market till it reaches customer and even if it gets re-
turned, the organizations get lots of data that need to be handled (3,20). Organizations should
maintain utmost integrity and accuracy in the data and keep up with the time so that correct
inference is made of the data available (3,20). An operational delay in the store will affect the
overall operational cost of the company (1,20). Business analysts and data scientists use the
data not only to see what happened previously but also to forecast what can happen to the
business of the organization (5,16).
In retail, the decisions to procure, sell and keep an item would be helped if company knows
where the item is, when to keep it, what the procurement cost is, what the selling rate is and
whether the inventory can hold it (1,22). Therefore, data quality plays key role to get the accu-
rate data on this information.
4.3.1 Accuracy
Accuracy is nothing but the precision maintained for a particular data (3,26; 6,24). Complete
data can’t always be accurate (1,40). There can be chances that organization has all the data,
but the data is still not accurate. This may be because of the issue with a system or process
which is not in accordance with the business operations (1,40). Similarly, there are always
negotiations between merchants and the vendors about what quantity should be procured
(1,40). Until and unless the information is accurate, the data can’t be used for decision making
(1,32). Beth Benzie says that:
“Accuracy is really important to make business decisions. If you don’t have complete sales,
business will be speaking about sales thinking that it is complete and decisions will be taken
based on that” (6,22).
One of the scenarios in retail where accuracy has a vital role is when sending campaigns and
promotions to customers (5,26). Organizations don't want to send a happy birthday mail or a
greeting mail to a person who is diseased as it will be very offensive (5,26). Customers can
get upset if they get email promotions even after unsubscribing the promotions (3,18). Sim i-
larly, organizations face challenges to send the posts to exact address of the customers as
some customers keep moving from one location to other and they do not update their contact
details in company’s websites (3,18).
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4.3.2 Timeliness
Timeliness indicates the time to get the required data (3,26). In some cases, it is not the qual-
ity of the data matters but what matters is how fast the data is provided (4,14). In retail, there
are campaigns going on most of the time and companies change the campaign within an hour
if it is not working (4,14). Organizations need to get the sales data immediately after a cam-
paign is launched to see the response from the customers (4,14). During special days like
Black Friday or Christmas, sales will be more and companies look for reports which show
response of the promotions, stores that perform well, who is buying what, and product which
is selling out quickly (3,26). In these situations, timeliness is a crucial factor and organizations
don’t expect 100% accurate data (3,26). According to Beth Benzie, since timeliness is a cru-
cial factor, any delay in the operation should be notified at the earliest to the business man-
agement team and the issue should be rectified with utmost priority (6,22). To meet the expec-
tations from the business stand point, the timeliness of the data provided is important (6,22).
4.3.3 Consistency
One of the problems organizations face is inconsistency in data due to heterogeneous source
systems (2,46). If data is accurate, then it need not be consistent (2,46). Sandipan Ghosh ex-
plains a scenario in retail pertaining to data consistency. If one of the stores considers ‘OO’ as
value for out of stock in its records and another as ‘OOS’, then the issue of data consistency
arises (2,46). Organizations may miss details while reporting if the data is inconsistent. For
retail companies working with multiple vendors, inconsistency of data becomes a huge prob-
lem as they end up in wrong decisions (3,36). Santhosh Meenhallimath talks about the source
and target data consistency in the data quality processes. More importantly, sales information
must be consistent across the data processes in these industries (5,30).
Suyash Kumar says that “inventory and customer information are the key areas where consis-
tency should be maintained” (3,40).
Guest data and customer data is maintained in various places or tables in the database (3,40).
For instance, a few of the tables have captured the guest information with the exact email id,
phone number and other details and a few have data in some other format (3,40). This lead to
inconsistency in the address and other details of a guest and causes lots of issues to the or-
ganization (3,40). Similarly, in the inventory section, data needs to consistent when details on
sales, inventory stock and area are reported (3,40).
4.3.4 Security
Security is a key data dimension for any retail organization (4,58). Security is to ensure that
you don’t compromise on important data and anything that needs to be confidential or pro-
tected is not leaked out (4,58). According to Sandipan Ghosh finance and HR data should be
most secured than any other data (2,50). Security tolerance decides entire landscape of how
you design your solution or architecture of the system (2,50). Sandipan Ghosh claims that:
“Retail organizations tend to give access to supply chain information but they secure their
financial data” (2,34).
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Another instance to show the importance of security is, Ecommerce websites create a layer of
security to mask the credit card number of the customers to protect them from fraud (2,34).
Kiran Kumar mentioned that anything that organizations deal with external vendors and ex-
ternal people having access to internal systems should have the highest security (1,82).
4.3.5 Accessibility
Organizations should ensure that the data is available or accessible to the right person at the
right time in the requested format (4,58). Suyash Kumar opinions that people inside an or-
ganization can have access to see general buying pattern of a product, but when it comes to
information like customer’s name, mail id, gender, and age segmentation, it should be secured
(3,46). Similarly, when the data is available for external vendors, organizations need to ensure
that each vendor’s confidentiality is met and the accessibility of the data is granted only to the
person who is supposed to view that data (1,74). Jyothsna Raj says that any aggregate data
needs to be more accessible (4,60). For instance, total sales in a region or total sales of a
product should be accessible unlike personal information (4,60).
Along with the data characteristics mentioned in the previous sections, Suyash Kumar sug-
gests integrity, availability, return of investment percentage and completeness as important
data quality characteristics (3,22). Sometimes, reliability is also given high importance in this
domain (4,18). Depending on the department in the retail organizations, KPIs (Key Perform-
ance Indicators) also vary (3,50). For sales team, the indicator would be purchase quantity and
for inventory team, it would be stock item and area available to stock the items and the quan-
tity of returned items from customers (3,50). Vendor’s information like, their details, which
warehouse their products are landing to, and which transportation and logistics have been
provided are also important in retail business (3,50). Data Analysts get these KPIs first and
therefore, they need not fetch the historical data to come up with matrices that are reported to
higher management to make quick decisions (3,50).
All the interviewees had the same opinion that the trade-off between accuracy and timeliness
is the most important trade-off in the retail domain. Kiran Kumar says Monday morning re-
port in retail is crucial as it provides details on previous week’s sales and it helps in making
marketing decisions for the current week (1,46). In this case, 100% accuracy in report is not
expected, but the report should be timely delivered (1,44). There might be a situation where a
few of the stores have gone completely out of stock. Even if that information is less accurate
and there were still some stock left, since it gives a hint that there needs to be a constant sup-
ply of that item, organizations can be little low on accuracy but very prompt on the timeliness
(3,26). As far as information on unsaleable products concerned organizations require exact
figure as it affects profit percentage calculation in the retail industry (3,30).
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One of the cases in Ecommerce where accuracy is important than timeliness is, when reports
are taken to investigate user’s navigation through website (5,22). Ecommerce companies
check ‘clicks data’ which is information regarding the customer clicks in a URL of the web-
site (5,22). Organizations don't need this information to be timely, but they need it accurate to
see which all pages the customer navigated to and what products were checked (5,22). But
during holiday seasons like Christmas and Thanksgiving, timeliness becomes crucial as the
transactions are more and promotions and campaigns need to be changed every hour (4,40;
5,22). Companies want the in-hand data or item data in your store to be more timely than
accurate in these scenarios. The competition from other retail companies is more and you
need the information on sales quickly in a timely manner (4,40).
Kiran Kumar illustrates an important scenario where inaccurate data report can badly affect
the organizations. Accuracy is key when retail companies report for vendors or 3rd parties for
two reasons (1,52). Companies are dealing with external agents who are from outside the or-
ganization and they are the ones who supply the items (1.52). Kiran Kumar says if a vendor
doesn’t agree to a policy after accepting the purchase order, then the vendor is legally charge-
able 3% of their income (1,52). Similarly, if the retail company is publishing an inaccurate
data report after the sales to vendor, the vendor can sue that company. When there is a pay-
ment or cash transaction involved with vendors, accuracy is given more importance rather
than timeliness (1,52). Instead of urging to charge the vendors, organizations make sure that
data is complete and accurate so that they don’t lose any profit (3,32).
Sandipan Ghosh who works in supply chain department of the retail organization points out
that accuracy is not a concern in supply chain and they accept even if the data is only 80%
accurate (2,38). In supply chain where companies are calculating the forecast based on some
attributes, there can be 20 % as limit of tolerance whereas in finance it should be 0%, (2,26).
Everyone agrees the fact that financial data should be 100% accurate. For instance, if the sala-
ries of the employees are entered wrong in the records, then it badly affects the company
(2,32). Usually, the pay slip of an employee is generated a few days later, after the salary has
been credited (2,32). This is because of the multiple processes involved to check the accuracy
of the information (2,32).
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Kiran Kumar states that consistency of data is paramount in the financial world in the retail
domain (1,56). Beth Benzie explains the reason for consistency as:
“when there are many sources and there are inconsistencies within them and if we try to
combine them, consistency will become worse” (6,34).
Financial data comprises of capital resources, monetary results of operations, assets, mergers
and acquisitions information, stocks, positive or negative trends in market fluctuations, infla-
tion and other uncertainties (1,56). Since financial data is something that affects the function-
ing of an organization and it is also information that incorporates certain legalities associated
with, it is checked thoroughly (1,56). Also, consistency needs to be maintained w.r.t when to
publish the financial data, how to publish it and who are the required audience of the data
Item data should also be consistent if not complete. According to Kiran Kumar, in Target,
item data plays a crucial role as upstream data and are loaded from the source systems before
all the other tables. Consistency of item data assures consistency of the other downstream
tables. Hence, thorough checks for inconsistencies like duplicates, trends and other checks are
incorporated as monitors to prevent incorrect data (1,70). Jyothsna Raj claims that forecasting
data or any data that helps retailers in predicting the future, such as sales prediction, need to
be consistent (4,50).
Santhosh Meenhallimath emphasises that customer data should always be consistent across
different tables. In most retail companies, customer information is stored to send marketing
information such as vouchers, sales coupons or catalogues (5,28). If the data across tables are
not consistent, this might result in the wrong person getting the marketing information leading
to a failed strategy. Extra precautions are taken to make sure that customer data across tables
are consistent and complete.
On the contrary, it is unanimously agreed upon that the sales data needs to be timely, particu-
larly in the Monday Morning reports. Kiran Kumar states that sales information needs to be
on time for the business users, and they are ready to compromise with a small variance in
consistency and accuracy if the sales information is on time (1,70). So, based on the sales fig-
ures, the business users decide whether to continue with products or marketing and advertis-
ing strategy and for this sales data needs to be timely (4,44). Similarly, inventory and inven-
tory relief data needs to be timely; most importantly for perishable items. If an item is fast
depleting in a store, inventory data should get reported on a timely manner for business to
replenish it from the closest warehouse (1,70). Timely reporting of perishable items is manda-
tory to prevent decaying of the items in stock.
Kiran Kumar mentions that sometimes non-timely inventory can lead to not only loss of sales
but also loss of reputation to a retailer (1,72). According to a context provided by him, there
can be a new product launched and lot of marketing and advertisements associated with its
launch. But due to the delay in the inventory data, business is not able to decide whether the
product is in the shelf of stores or not. This can also lead to dissatisfied customer, if they
come and see empty shelves (1,72).
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Kiran Kumar states that all members of the data quality team should have access to data that
helps to build business (1,76). He clarifies that every retail establishment runs on item data
and hence it is imperative that accessibility to item data must be granted to all users. All the
downstream users such as sales, inventory, vendor and supply chain should have access to
item data so that they will get to know how the item information will affect their tables (1,78).
In simpler terms, all of merchandising data can be permitted to be accessible across the data
analysts of the organization.
Sandipan Ghosh states that social media information i.e. data obtained from social media sites
such as twitter and Facebook regarding marketing or product response can also be accessible
to all (2,50). He worked on a project where feeds from multiple social media channels are
taken to analyse consumer sentiments to products and marketing activities. He mentions that
sales data should be provided to all but exporting it to other devices or formats must be
strictly controlled.
As for secure data, every respondent felt that Financial and HR related data need to be pro-
tected with layers of security (2,50). This is to prevent hacking of data from malicious users.
Also, Financial and HR data should be available only to those users who work in it (2,50).
This is because Financial data consists of crucial information like stocks and merger and ac-
quisitions. If leaked or in the wrong hands might cause unspeakable losses (2,50). Beth Ben-
zie states that “anything that has personal information type data has to be secure and how-
ever needs to access, it needs to prove the identity” (6.38). Sandipan Ghosh asserts that Hu-
man Resource tables that holds employee information such as address and pay should also be
secure (2,50). This should be mandatory so that an employee’s salary and address details is
not shared with other employees (2,50).
Security is also crucial in the case of customer or guest data. Every retail establishment has
their own customers and are very private about it. (5,44). Customer data includes data regard-
ing their shopping patterns, credit card details, their physical location like address, phone
number, email ID and Social Security Number (SSN). This information is highly crucial for a
retail organization and loss of this information to hackers and malicious elements can not only
lead to loss of reputation but also cause many legal issues. Santhosh Meenhallimath says that
multilayer security is provided to the customer and guest tables and very limited access is also
provided to those employees working on it.
Sandipan Ghosh has reaffirmed Santhosh’s thoughts regarding customer data and he claims
that when handling social media related data, they make sure that their location and ID are
kept secure when using other details like shopping patterns and likes and dislikes (2,52). F i-
nally, Santhosh Meenhallimath claims that brand information should be available to all users
working in retail establishment, but one vendor should not be able to see the brand informa-
tion about another vendor (5,38). This can accentuate wrong usage of data.
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5 Discussion
In this chapter, we compare our empirical findings with our research questions and the theo-
retical framework. The discussion will provide a clearer picture about how organizations ac-
complish data characteristics trade-offs to maintain data quality.
Most of the data quality attributes for both physical stores (Brick and Mortar) and online
stores are identical, but there are a few data characteristics that vary. As stated by Otto and
Chung (2000), the primary difference between physical and online retailers are the data col-
lection patterns. Substantial amounts of information can be collected from online shoppers
directly (such as name and address) and indirectly (through browsing and buying patterns)
and an online retailer is able to personalize the shopping experience of a customer (Otto and
Chung, 2000). The same thought has been collaborated by one of the interviewees who stated
this as a fundamental difference between data in online and physical retail (4,60). Secondly,
the arrangement of the items or products in an online retail varies drastically from physical
retail. There is space and economic limit to the product that can displayed in a physical retail
in contrast to an online retail where unlimited product information can be displayed (Otto and
Chung, 2000). To add on to this, our respondents claim that online retailers can change the
entire sorting of a page or add new products and promotions instantly to increase the traffic
and sales (4,30).
The time and marketing strategies varies between physical and online retailers. Online retail-
ers can provide their offers and advertisements to anyone who can access the internet,
whereas traditional retail establishment have their marketing strategies concentrated on one or
few physical stores (Otto and Chung, 2000). This can be attributed to the time factor since,
inventory can be stocked faster in online retail whereas in physical retail one need to wait a
longer time (4,32). Therefore, timeliness and pace of decisions are key in Ecommerce (4,14).
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But it has been clearly stated by Beth Benzie (6, 16), that not all the business users understand
the importance of data quality until someone (data analysts) points out the problem area and
the impact it might have on business decisions. This is clearly iterated by Bulger et al. (2014)
who says that it is paramount for a retail business user to have a better understanding of its
data by interacting across different channels and sources, including social media, internet,
mobile and internal systems. Only when stakeholders understand the importance of data, its
quality can be improved.
This gives rise to the importance of data quality analysts in organizations dealing with vast
amount of data and the challenge they face is to develop a model to achieve quality of the data
that is being sourced from various servers (Lee et al., 2002). Another major impediment
which data quality analysts face is in educating the business users and other stakeholders the
importance of data quality for business. Once this balance is achieved, data quality manage-
ment for an organization will improve, there by leading to increased productivity and height-
ened customer satisfaction (Geiger, 2004).
5.3.1 Accuracy
Accuracy is expressed as the degree of closeness to which the information or data in the data
warehouse matches with the values in the real world (Batini et al., 2009). Therefore, when
discussing accuracy, organizations consider the quality of data and the number of errors rep-
resented in a dataset in contrast to its source (Batini et al., 2009). Our informants also stated
similar definitions for accuracy. Accuracy is about data precision (3,26; 6,24) and complete
data need not be accurate always (1,40). Literature also indicates that, just because a field has
a value in it, doesn’t mean it is correct (Geiger, 2004).
An example of how accuracy can affect data is when we consider a single record or data in its
entirety (Friedman and Smith, 2011). If the age of a single person is wrongly recorded as 40
instead of 15, then it is a drastic change in the demographics for that individual, but the accu-
racy of the average age in a population of millions is very minutely affected (Friedman and
Smith, 2011). Our findings put forward a few scenarios in retail where accuracy of data plays
a crucial role. Organizations should be cautious while sending promotions and mail cam-
paigns to the customers (5,26; 3,18). Sending unrelated promotions or delivering mail to in-
correct address can upset the customers and it will harm the brand credibility (5,26; 3,18).
5.3.2 Timeliness
In data quality management the terminology, timeliness of data or data currency is frequently
used in relation with the ‘use-by’ period of data and could be related to when the data was last
checked and/or updated (Chapman, 2005). From our study, we could understand timeliness as
the time to get the required data (3,26). In some cases, it is not the quality of the data but the
currency of the data provided matters (4,14). It is a known fact that the quality of data in de-
generates over time and according to Fan et al. (2011), it is estimated that nearly 2% of re-
cords in a database become obsolete every month. Extensive investigations reveal that the
time factor holds extreme importance in data quality management and it plays a significant
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role in determining the validity of data in the database (Fan et al., 2011). There are 6 impor-
tant factors that contribute to data currency in a database and they are normalization, interval
scale, interpretability, aggregation, adaptability and feasibility of data (Heinrich and Klier,
We could identify that timeliness plays a significant role in campaigns and promotions of or-
ganizations. Companies need to change the campaigns immediately if they do not create any
impact in customers (4,14) and during festive seasons companies look for frequent sales re-
ports to analyse the trading and effectiveness of promotions (3,26). We identified that the lit-
erature and the interviews lead to similar inferences on the importance of timeliness.
5.3.3 Consistency
Literature says consistency of data is, preventing more than one state of information system
matching a state of the real-world system and inconsistency of data would translate to repre-
sent one to many mapping of data between the real world and the data systems (Batini et al.,
2009). Sandipan Ghosh mentioned that inconsistency of data is due to heterogeneous source
systems and it can’t be said that, data which is accurate need not be consistent (2,46). The
consistency dimension can be viewed from another perspective of having consistent or the
same data values across tables or sometimes across databases (Pipino et al., 2002). According
to Chapman (2005), there are two aspects about data consistency and they are Semantic con-
sistency and Structural consistency. Semantic consistency is one where the view of the data
should be clear, unambiguous and consistent and in structural consistency data and metadata
need to have the fundamental structure and format (Chapman, 2005).
Most database and data warehouse architects use a concept called the data normalization to
organize attributes and relations of a database to reduce data redundancy and thereby improve
data integrity and consistency (Date, 2006). Normalization can also be called as a process that
aids in simplifying the design of a database for it to achieve its optimum structure by eliminat-
ing and removing redundant and ambiguous data (Date, 2006). Most of the interviews dis-
cussed about the importance of having the source and target data consistency in the data qual-
ity processes. Our findings show that the information such as sales data, customer data and
inventory data should be consistent when reported.
5.3.4 Security
Security and privacy settings are paramount in an organization handling data and easy access
to information may conflict with requirements of security, privacy and confidentiality (Eppler,
2006). From our study, we could establish the role of security as, to ensure that organizations
don’t compromise on important data and anything that needs to be confidential or protected is
not leaked out (4,58). Developing consistent policies and procedures for security are crucial to
any organization (Eppler, 2006). Kaufman (2009) has rightly claimed to ensure data confiden-
tiality, integrity and availability, the data custodians must offer capabilities that at the least
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Consistent data backup to prevent loss of data during outages and system crash and
proper security features for the backups as well.
The information is secure when both the information and the users are protected and devoid of
any manipulation (Eppler, 2006). We could find that finance and HR data should be most se-
cured than any other data (2,50). It is evident that anything related to the organization that is
accessible to external vendors should have the highest security (1,82).
5.3.5 Accessibility
Accessibility describes whether there is any continuous or unobstructed mechanism for ac-
cessing the data (Eppler, 2006). Presence of data in the warehouses without access is equal to
not having it (Chapman, 2005). Stakeholders consider data accessibility as a pre-condition
(Wang, and Strong, 1996). Organizations have the responsibility of ensuring that data is
available and accessible to the intended person at the right time in the requested format (4,58).
Findings from our study show that in retail, people inside an organization should have access
to see buying pattern of customers but the individual contact details should not be accessible
(3,46). Also, organizations should keep the confidentiality of the external vendors and acces-
sibility of the data is granted to only the people who are supposed to access the data (1,74).
It has been identified that within data manufacturing systems, there are 3 important categories
or roles. (Strong et al., 1997). They are data producers, data custodians and data consumers.
Data producers are people, groups or others who source or generate the data. Data can be
sourced from other applications as well. Data custodians are people, groups or others who aid
in storing, processing, maintaining and protecting data. Data Consumers are people, groups or
others who are the stakeholders to whom the data makes meaning in a business perspective.
Each role is associated with a process and accessibility of data is determined by the data cus-
As mentioned earlier, accuracy and timeliness have conflicting characteristics and it is in the
best interest of data analysts to identify which data needs to be timely over accurate and vice
versa. As stated by Baškarada and Koronios (2014), it is a fine balance between these charac-
teristics that need to be addressed carefully. The more current a piece of information is, there
has been less time to check if that data is accurate (Eppler, 2006).
Based on the literature analysed and interviewees responses, firstly, it can be clearly stated
that any data with information about people needs to be accurate. Information about people
can include Customer/Guest data, Human Resource data and Vendor information. Customer/
Guest data is the most crucial data to any retailer and maintaining accuracy of this data is
paramount (4,38). Customer data comprises of information about the customers such as
Name, Gender, Social Security Number, Address etc. A mismatch or inaccurate information
can lead to loss of trust among the customers (4,38). Similarly, Customer data incorporates all
the purchasing information of a customer. This needs to be accurate, since this information is
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used in analysing what sort of marketing and promotional vouchers need to be sent to that
customer and any wrong campaign done can make a customer lose interest (4,38).
Secondly, Human Resource data or information about company employees need to be accu-
rate. This is crucial information about employee’s names, SSN number, Bank details and pay-
roll details. Immense accuracy must be maintained to ensure no mismatches occur in the em-
ployee details. Thirdly, Vendor data needs to be maintained with high accuracy. It has been
stated by one of the interviewees that incorrect information submitted to the vendor can either
cause loss in money or can give rise to legal problems (1,52). So, retailers tend to maintain
accuracy in vendor data even if it is delayed slightly. Finally, in the ECommerce world
‘Clicks Data’ information needs to be highly accurate rather than timely. This helps a retailer
identify a user’s navigation through a website. Organizations need this information to be ac-
curate to identify what are the customers turning on and offs about a website and what causes
maximum conversion rate (5,22)
Timeliness is crucial for items and sales (merchandising) data. According to one of the inter-
viewees, the Monday Morning report that consists of sales and marketing information, need to
be timely even if it isn’t 100% accurate (1,44). Sales data generally needs to be timely and as
per our interviewees and it needs to be timelier in nature during the festive seasons. During
the holiday seasons like Christmas and Thanksgiving, when the sales are high, retailers would
like to see the sales data in a timely manner to analyse if their promotions and marketing
strategies are working (4,40; 5,22). In such cases retailers are ready to compromise on small
deviation in accuracy over timeliness. Finally, our findings suggest that advertisement and
marketing data need to be timely. This is to constantly check whether a promotional activity is
providing its desired results.
Data consistency refers to how useable the data is and its replicability with respect to the pre-
vious data as well as the real-time data (Wand and Wang, 1996). Organizations want the data
to be consistent and constant over time for them to be able to use and show the data in multi-
ple ways without needing to change the structure (Wand and Wang, 1996). In the real-time
database management system, the trade-off between consistency and timeliness of the system
holds significant importance.
Our findings show that financial data which includes capital resources, monetary results of
operations, assets, mergers and acquisitions information, stocks, positive or negative trends in
market fluctuations and inflation, should be consistent across the processes than timelier
(1,56). Other important information that need to be consistent are item data (1.70) and data
used for forecasting or prediction of sales (4,50). Santhosh Meenhallimath pointed out that
customer data should always be consistent across different tables as the data is used to send
marketing information such as vouchers, sales coupons or catalogues (5,28). If the data is not
consistent, then the promotions and advertisements reach the unintended customers.
From our study, we could find that inventory and inventory relief data need to be timely
(1,70). Inventory data should get reported on a timely manner to identify the items that are
fast moving and to replenish them from the closest warehouse (1,70). Both in brick and mor-
tar and online trading, it is important to know constant inventory details for keeping an item in
stock and thereby, satisfy the customer (1,72).
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Accessibility and security is an important trade-off that organizations should deal with. Find-
ing a balance between these two characteristics is a difficult endeavour (Braz et al., 2007).
Our findings show different scenarios where one characteristic is compromised over other.
Our informants stated that financial and HR data should be protected with multiple layers of
security measures (2,50). Similarly, data security is critical in the case of customer or guest
data. Every retail establishment has their own customer database which includes data regard-
ing customer’s shopping patterns, credit card details, physical location like address, phone
number, email ID, and Social Security Number (5,44). As this information is highly critical
for a retail organization and loss of this information to hackers and malicious elements can
lead to loss of reputation and cause legal issues (5,44). It is evident that information regarding
a vendor should not be disclosed to other vendors (5,38).
The findings suggest that the merchandising data can be accessible across the data analysts of
the organization (1,78). Similarly, the social media information or response on products and
advertisements can also be accessible to all (2,50). But the same time, when handling social
media data, organizations make sure that customer detail like personal ID is kept secured and
other details like shopping patterns and likes and dislikes towards the posts made by the com-
pany are made accessible (2,52). Therefore, we could conclude that customer information
should be maintained with utmost security and transactional data can be more accessible.
Human Resource
Inventory & Inventory Relief
Supply Chain Management
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Human Resource
Inventory & Inventory Relief
Stock Information
Supply Chain Management
Human Resource
Inventory & Inventory Relief
Social Media (Comments)
Social Media (Identity & Location)
Supply Chain Management
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6 Conclusion
The following section summarizes the thesis, providing an understanding in relation to the
research question. In this section, the key findings from our study and the limitations associ-
ated with it are discussed. Eventually, this section is concluded by analysing how future re-
search can be done to improve the discussions on our research question.
Firstly, we defined data quality and identified the importance of data quality in organizations,
focus being on the retail domain. We categorized how data quality measures can differ be-
tween the two channels, physical and online, of retail business. In our literature review, we
analysed multiple data quality management frameworks which can explain our field of study.
Based on the frameworks and pre-study, we identified three key pairs of data characteristics
for which organizations need to find trade-offs while maintaining data quality. The trade-offs
we identified for this research are accuracy & timeliness, consistency & timeliness and acces-
sibility & security. Our findings help to recognise how crucial customer information is for
every retailer and why highest prioritization of accuracy and consistency is given to that. It is
evident that timeliness of sales and merchandising data is critical to make quick decisions to
keep the transactions happening. It can be also seen that financial and HR related information
need to be secured while sales and merchandising related data can be more accessible for de-
cision making.
After the analysis, we arrived at a summary illustrated in a tabular form where we have shown
the prioritization of the data characteristics for various data types and contexts. We believe
that this can be used by our intended audience to get insights to identifying trade-offs and
prioritizing data content based on these trade-offs. We conclude by suggesting further re-
search in this topic to extend to other domains apart from retail.
Retail organizations: Our research is focussed on the data characteristics and content
for retail organization. Using the literature review and our key findings from the inter-
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view analysis, we have categorized data content based on data quality characteristics.
Physical Retail or Ecommerce organizations can use this to identify where to preserve
which data characteristic for what type of data.
Data quality aspirants and practitioners: This research can be helpful for new aspirants
who are interested in the field of data quality and data analysis. They can use this a
template to identify the importance of one data characteristic over other in various data
Business users and stakeholders: As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of incorrect de-
cision made by business users and stakeholders due to their lack of knowledge in data
quality. This research work would help them to understand the importance of data
quality in decision making and to emphasise the importance of one data characteristic
over other based on the context.
As mentioned earlier, based on our literature review there are ten pairs of data characteristics
trade-offs that have been identified. Our pre-study helped us narrow this down to three pairs,
but our interview respondents have expressed that there are a few more data characteristics
trade-offs that would be interesting and suitable for this field of study. Hence, further research
works can be on identifying other data characteristics trade-offs and how data content catego-
rizes into them.
The data types and contexts are based on the response provided by the interviewees and dif-
ferent people have different understanding of data context based on the area they are working
in the retail industry. It would be interesting if future researchers of this topic include business
users and decision makers in their research to identify data content from their perspective too.
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7. How would you characterize trade-offs between different data characteristics in your
field of work?
8. According to you, how important are Accuracy and Timeliness of the data that you
handle in your organization.
9. What kind/variety/class of data would you classify as more important to be timely than
accurate in nature and vice versa.
10. Could you explain a context where you felt data needs to be more important to be
timely than accurate and vice versa?
14. Based on your opinion, what is accessible data and what is secure data?
15. What kind/variety/class of data would you classify as more important to be accessible
than secure in nature and vice versa.
16. Could you explain a context where you felt data was more accessible but less secure
and vice versa?
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17. What data would you or other data analysts in your organization consider most impor-
tant to retrieve during a system crash.
18. From your experience, could you suggest any other trade-offs which would be crucial
for data quality management and how?
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Duration: 44 minutes
1. D, A Hi Kiran
3. D Currently you know the situation that what our thesis is based on right? We
are working on data quality attributes for the retail domain and yours is our
first interview. Can you give us a brief introduction about yourself?
4. K Myself Kiran, I have been in retail domain for 10 years. Worked majorly with OD
Target Corporation which is the second largest retail chain in US. Worked
majorly into data quality in engineering, worked into different aspects of ana-
lysing data and their accessibility and how to improve business decisions
based on data. Giving a clarity on what data quality is, maintaining govern-
ance and ensuring the right data is captured and right data is reported. Is that
5. D Yeah, that’s perfect. So, you had a chance to go through the initial first page
of the questionnaire that we sent you right? In the introduction, we have men-
tioned about how we are going to do a comparative study of the trade-off
between different data characteristics. The things we are focusing here are
accuracy & timeliness, consistency & timeliness and accessibility & security.
And few brief ideas about each attribute is also mentioned which are accu-
racy, timely, accessibility, secure and consistency. So, the first question in the
introduction, I think you have covered more or less on what you are doing in
the company. So, second question is how many hours of experience do you
have in the retail domain?
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8. K Yes.
9. D Could you please elaborate about your role in the retail organization that you
work for? Like what is your designation and what you do for that?
10. K My designation is lead data quality engineer currently. My roles and respon- REC
sibilities involve understanding data that is generated from the source system
in the retail domain. Analysing and connecting data at different level taking AS
timeliness into account to ensure that there is no delay. If there is any delay
reporting it, they do data governance which obviously involves data analysis
and reporting. Accessibility is also part of it. We ensure that the right people
get access to the right data at the right time to make business decisions. Say
for example, if we have a Monday morning report through which I change
my sales plan, retailing cost, purchase order cost, we ensure that we capture
what is currently reported and accurate.
11. A So that’s kind of like a brief introduction about you and the organization that
your work for and the role that you play. In the retail domain, what role – we
know that you are a lead data analyst - what area do you work on?
13. A Okay, let’s come to the next category, its defining data quality. So, the 4th
question that we would like to ask you is about your understanding about data
quality. What is data quality according to you?
14. K According to me, the high-level data quality is generally considered as the AC
quality of the data. So, it is like it can be defined as data that is fit to be re-
ported, fit to be analysed, fit to be taken based on – the correct data to take TL
the correct decision at the right time. What we have noticed is 40% of all the
business decision where there is no data quality may lead to a wrong decision
making and thereby a wrong strategy and thereby a loss to the organization.
So what we try to do here is, we try to link data and look at the data at differ-
ent aspects. Like as we call pillars of data quality – accuracy, timeliness, con-
stancy and so on - to ensure at least it passes the initial layer where we ensure
that the data that is presented is as true as possible.
15. D So, what I understood from what you said is like how good the data is and
how fit the data is for reporting and analytical purposes.
16. K Data quality is all about generalized consideration of high quality data.
17. A Okay and how good the data is for the company.
18. K yeah, you can always tell that it is used for operational and decision making
and planning i.e. data that is used for operational decision making and plan-
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19. D That leads us to the next question. How important is data quality in your or-
ganization? Or what this questions means is that – how important is data
quality that is the first question I would like to know about, and the second
one is about, is there any situation that you have faced where data quality has
been compromised and the repercussions of that.
20. K In our organization data quality is given the highest importance. It is similar MD
to a development of an enterprise warehouse. You can have data which has
no meaning and make wrong decisions which may lead to losses both creden-
tials and strategically. I can take several cases into account, one case being in
grocery department where the purchased fruit - maybe banana - in KGs or in
Pounds and sold individually – this is a scenario that can happen in any retail
domain. Your purchasing quantity and your selling quantity may not match.
The issue here is, I may buy the same item, if I go buy single item by item,
what it would result in this scenario is, if a buy a product/grocery item in
Pounds, and sell it individually, there is a chance that I may pay a cost of
procurement higher than the selling/retail cost. Secondly, due to the fluctua-
tions in product cost, I may buy one item at a huge margin and another item
at a lower margin, when I mean margin my difference between what is my
procurement cost and my selling cost. If you do not balance it out when I sell
this item, it may lead to an issue – issue in the sense loss. Issue in the sense of
losses because selling an item at a cheaper rate than market value. Secondly,
there can been situations because of some marketing issue what I am trying to
tell here is because of item set up or because of some internal issue. Not fo-
cussing on external. I miss out on a chunk of all my item from labelling and
printing. So, there is an operational delay in the store, which would lead to
the overall operational cost of our company.
21. A So, if you would take the case of fruits or something like bananas which are
perishable that can also be an issue right.
22. K Yes, exactly. When do I sell, when do I keep, when do I procure, these deci- ID
sions we could help by tracking what is the item, where is it, what is my pro-
curement cost, what is my retail cots, looking into it, clubbing all of it to-
gether and ensuring we inform merchants or the sales managers about what is
my current inventory and where we can just improve the supply chain.
23. D So, these are the crucial factors of data quality in retail domain.
24. K Yeah, this is one example. Second example is related to the same principle of
how do you measure. Say for example I have a product which I am importing
from some other countries. There are different measuring units for each of the
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26. K Yeah. Meat when I import, I import in KGs and when I sell it generally inside ID
US I sell it in Pounds. If my conversion rates and my costs per conversion is
not taken care into picture. We have seen that there is a chance that 40% we
are under loss because of conversion issues.
27. D So that is the importance of data quality in your organization. So that takes us
to the next question. In words how would you describe the main characteris-
tics that define data quality? So, what are all the attributes that define data
quality in your organization according to you?
29. D I have one question in that. By validity do you mean the validity of data as
the data itself or is it valid because of the time frame?
32. K Correct. At inventory levels of an item which am not selling but is still there IR
in the warehouse which is not of my concern, right? I need the current item
from the current source. The older transaction may not be captured now AC
which have no impacts. So, completeness is, do I get everything related to
that or is this something that is in progress. Say for example, I have a pur-
chase order. There are always negotiations between merchants and the ven-
dors about what quantity has to be procured and so on. Until and unless it is
not complete, the transaction is not complete consuming that data is wrong.
33. D Yeah, consuming that data means you are giving half data to the reporting
and analysis team, correct?
35. A So, as you said you mentioned about the data characteristics now.
36. K Similarly, we can talk about item as well in completeness. Item when it is set ID
up we need to consider the item only if it passes all its criteria.
37. D Okay, so we will go to the next category that is data trade-off characteristic
trade-off. The next question as you can read from the sheet is, how would you
characterize trade-off between different data characteristics trade-offs in your
work. So, what we are trying to achieve in this question is, your knowledge
about trade-offs between data characteristics. I wouldn’t call it as word of
conflicting. But there are certain data characteristics as you have mentioned
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38. K There is always interdependency between different pillars, they go hand in CST
hand. In an ideal situation, everything is to be met. But there are cases where
we have not seen ideal situations. Like I had a difficulty in setting up 6 items. ID
Because of my 6 items I am not able to proceed completely, 100 percent
along with my timeliness. But consistency is good. In such cases, there is
always a trade-off between timeliness and consistency with a marginal im-
pact. So, we do accept a 5% variance. So, given a situation for me where
constancy is more than timeliness, I go with constancy and ensure that there a
minimal impact because of that.
39. A Okay so is there any other trade-offs that you could think of?
40. K For me accessibility of the data is the top priority, in terms of integrity, accu- AS
racy and completeness. I cannot always define by completeness but com-
pleteness is always accurate. So, there can be a chance that I have all the data, OC
but it is still not accurate. This may be because of a system issue or probably
because of a functionality being introduced which is not according to the
business operations. I such cases we ensure that accuracy is maintained and
completeness is not taken into account. In which case those transactions
which we feel is not accurate, we take it out from completeness to ensure that
we only take the right data. For a particular example, I have 4 transactions on
the same timestamp. Retail price has fluctuated plus or minus 5 in these 4
transactions. So, if I consider all 4, then I can consider that is the complete-
ness. Now, since it is not aligned according to the data warehousing where I
can at least by time identify which is the latest. I go with a sample example
and consider that is being completeness, thereby ensure accuracy is main-
tained. Removing and just take the one which is relevant. So, there is trade-
off between completeness and accuracy.
41. D We here have provided three trade-offs, right? Accuracy, timeliness; consis-
tency, timeliness; and accessibility & security. Apart from that is there any-
thing that comes to your mind regarding trade-off?
43. A Okay now let’s go to the next one which is accuracy and timeliness. We here
in this section would like to try to get out of you the maximum amount of
contextual knowledge that you have and you have faced in your company
working with both these data characteristics and where you have given prior-
ity over another. So that’s what we are trying to get out of you. So according
to you, how important are accuracy and timelines of data that you handled in
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your organization?
44. K Timeliness is a key in my organization because all critical decisions are taken TL
on Monday morning and we ensure whatever we report is up to the mark and
accurate to the team. So, we do accept some flaws, my accuracy need not be ACT
100% even I report 95% accuracy. Because the decisions are based on timeli-
ness and not the accuracy. The merchants or the buyers do add in their ex-
perience to negate the accuracy issue. Say for example, if I have a situation
on my Monday morning reporting in my company, I see some accuracy is-
sues. I try to reach my deadline on timeliness, so that I could at least give
reporting view to the merchants and communicate the cautionary accuracy
issue that we have faced for that week so that he could cross verify the data
against what typically it would have been for last year or previous years and
make a useful decision. Thereby ensuring that when it comes to an issue
where accuracy and timeliness are not met - one of them, we give importance
to timeliness.
45. D Okay, the next question that we would like to ask you is about what, what
kind, variety or class of data would you classify as more important to be
timely than accurate in nature or vice versa. So, what this question implies is
that, like for example you work in the retail industry, like you said the situa-
tion on Monday morning. You expect the data to be more timely than accu-
rate. Accuracy can dip a little, not too much but it can dip a little, the data
needs to be timely. So, what kind of data that are you expecting to be timely
and little accuracy fault is not an issue? For example, say item information is
there, you wouldn’t mind much if for a daily reporting to the managers if the
brand or the size or the colour goes wrong right, if the data is not accurate.
So, I would like to know from you regarding the kind, class and variety of
data that you have worked with to understand what needs to be more impor-
tant to be timely and accurate and vice versa.
47. D Okay, this is the situation where timeliness is more important that accuracy.
48. K Yeah.
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51. D A vice versa situation where like you said timeliness is more important than
accuracy right now right? I need where accuracy is more important, even if
data is late it's fine but I need 100% accuracy. What kind of data do you work
52. K Coming to the second scenario, where there are financials or financials that FD
needs to be published or reported or viewed by different people who are out-
side organization. Let’s take data reporting that we do for vendors. In this VD
case for me, accuracy plays a very vital role that is because of two reasons.
One primarily because we are dealing with someone outside the organization,
we are dealing with someone we procure the item from and the typical pur-
chase order or the agreement that we sign with the external agents who sup-
ply the item. There is a law of violation charges. If the vendor doesn’t agree
to a policy after accepting the purchase order he is legally chargeable 3% of
his income. Now in this scenario, if I am not able to report current week’s
data because of an accuracy problem even if accuracy error is 3%, I do not go
ahead and publish this data. The reason being the vendor can sue us it's simi-
lar to your telephone bill. If I have a facility account, I cannot publish this
data to the vendors. Because they can sue and it would lead us to much more
problems. When there is a legal issue with finance and vendor’s payments
and so on, we don’t mind re-checking all the data and ensuring accuracy is
met rather than timeliness.
54. K Yeah.
55. D So, we will go to the next one which is constancy and timeliness. So, there is
a very fine line that differs between accuracy and constancy, I think you
know that, right? We will go ahead with the same procedure that we did pre-
viously. Similarly, how significant is consistency of data in the retail domain?
56. K In the financial world in the retail domain, consistency plays a vital role. This FD
is basically we publish our financials to stock market. And any change that
we need to record has to be validated before we publish. In that case, we need OC
to be consistently reporting what the organization is doing and ensure the
completeness is not taken into account.
57. D For you and for your organization you would say consistency and complete-
ness go hand in hand.
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58. K Yes, they go hand in hand but completeness. We cannot wait for all the data CS
to come to me to publish something. Here consistency in terms of when to
publish, how to publish if there is some…Say for example, I opened a new OC
store and this new store data has not flown into my annual revenue. Now, my
data that I am publishing is not complete. Because some of the aspects that I
have invested are not yet given priority or I have not yet considered it. That’s
why we have a concept called as mature store’s reporting only.
60. K It is specific to target. So, in such cases we wait for a year for it to fully oper- FD
ate and give me a clear picture for me to consider in my financials. In which
case I am fine with not complete data. But I am consistently publishing only
those stores which are mature.
61. D So, we will go to the next one now. Again, on a similar line, what kind, class
and variety of data would you consider to be more important to be consistent
rather than timely and vice versa? So, the question as previously, what kind
of data has to more consistent than timely and what data needs to be more
timely than consistent.
62. K Sales data needs to be timely. Inventory data can be consistent. Financial data SD IR
has to be complete. FD
64. K Yes, I cannot consider a store in one cycle and not in the next cycle. If I am FD
doing a company level financials it has to be against all….
65. A Okay, now I get it. So, in the report no column should be blank.
66. K Yes. But it has to be accounted against something. We cannot financially say FD
I don’t know what this is. If you do not know something what it is, better not
report it.
67. D So that leads us to the next question. Could you explain the context where
you felt where data needs to be more consistent but less timely and vice versa
so on similar lines can you explain a context where consistency plays more
importance and another situation where timeliness plays more importance?
69. A And what needs to be more timely than consistent, as you said sales data. Can SD
you think of any other context that implies to this situation? You told me
about financials and sales. Is there anything else?
70. K Item data has to be consistent but not timely whereas inventory management IR
and Inventory Relief. Because based on that I will decide what to be pro-
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71. D Okay, based on your report they will make future calls and changes to be
72. K Exactly, to redesign my store, to redesign my inventory based on the market- ODC
ing that I have done. Say for example, there is a new DVD movie released
and I do not have inventory at all. So that’s a bad situation because I have MKT
marketed for it. In such cases timeliness plays an important role to say I do D
not have data to fulfil all your requirements/marketing needs then we procure
and ensure that we are completely available for sales.
73. A I think we are done with consistency and timeliness. So let’s go to the next
which is accessibility and security. As far as I have understood it’s one of the
most important thing.
74. K Accessibility is a crucial thing. Say for example, anything that is dealt inter- VD
nally can be accessible for everyone. When the data is available for external
vendors/users – say for example there are 2 vendors who are selling the same
item. The procurement cost for each of them can be same or different. But we
need to ensure each vendor’s confidentiality is met and the security of the
data is only pertaining to the person who is supposed to view that data.
75. D So we will go to the question now. Based on your opinion what is accessible
data and what is secure data.
76. K Accessible data, within the organization whatever business decisions and AS
financials can be accessed by everyone within the organization. When I mean
within the organization, a team member or an employee of that organization. FD
77. A What kind, variety or class of data do you consider to be more accessible than
secure? So, the first question is what data you would consider to be more
accessible that more people can see it than security.
78. K I would say item data in the retail domain needs to be accessible by everyone ID
because retail domain runs on items. So, this is one data that needs to be ac- FD
cessed by each and every one. Be it financials, be it vendor management, and VD
be it supply chain. Everyone needs to have access to item data. SCM
79. D So how about other fields like presentation, inventory and stuffs like that?
80. K They all go hand in hand. I you do not know what item to keep in what loca- AS
tion, how can you plan about it, how can you procure it, how can you market
it, how can you collect financials, how can you collect margins, how can you
identify profitability. How can you report to the outside world this is my
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81. A So more or less 80-90% of your data in retail domain should be accessible to
everybody. So, security is the most important thing. So, what kind of data
would you classify as secure data?
82. K Anything that you publish financially needs to be secure and anything that FD
you deal with external vendors, external people having access to internal sys-
tems, those will have the highest security. VD
83. D And when you mean security, who gets to see those data?
84. K Yeah, who gets to see, who gets to view what decisions they can take and so VD
on. There is dedicated secured teams formed, like vendor operations team in
case of vendor, who deal with external vendors itself. Such people look at HR
secure data. To give another example HR of the company and financials team
are the only people who look at financial members. Before publishing it
probably to the stock market.
85. S So, 80% of the data like inventory, presentation and item all those data are
accessible whereas the financial and the vendor related information are more
87. D Now the last question in that category. What data would you or other data
analysts in your company consider most important to retrieve during a system
crash. I am thinking this would be a very unlikely situation since you could
have all the things backed up, but consider a system crash happening and
people are trying to retrieve data back to your data warehouse. What would
you consider most crucial? What would be the first thing that you would
88. K In a retail domain, every decision can be made out of sales. I would ensure all SD
my sales data being captured accurately and also financials. So, at the time of
an event where I cannot report my inventory levels or I cannot report my item FD
set of data info, I am still fine and ok to operate in hazard situation where
there is a calamity. I can still live with the financials data and the sales data.
89. S So, the most important data that you would retrieve would be finance data
and sales data. So, we will go to the last question now.
90. K I will add on to the last question. Whatever data that I am obligated to publish VD
to the outside world, be it my vendors, be it my customer or be it my stock
market, those data I will retrieve first.
91. D No question 18, this is kind of a suggestion from you as you have worked for
quite a long in retails. We would like to know from you experience, could
you suggest any other trade-offs which would be crucial for data management
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and how? Like we suggested three right, apart from that is there anything that
you would suggest to us? Completeness was one you said, right? So, you
would counter completeness with what?
92. K I would counter completeness with a better and smoother operational proc- ODT
94. K Yes. Consistency and completeness are all based on the functionality of the ODT
retail domain. When I mean functionality the core merchandising operation
data. The need of the hour is that there will always be changes but we need to CS
streamline our process to follow a single process and not have multiple proc-
ess for the same set up. So, in such cases, my consistency and completeness
plays a very vital role to tell the operational team that ‘look because of these I
am not able to consume the data and it is not consistent’. There are variations
because of different channels or different streams.
95. S So, like you said, multiple processes might result inconsistency of data as
well right? So, as you said to improve data quality, you can reduce the num-
ber of process also.
96. K Yeah.
97. D I think the questions are over with this. It was quite helpful Kiran and thank
you for the interview.
Duration: 38 minutes
1. D Hi Sandipan, thanks for the interview you are giving us. Hope you have gone
through the document that we sent you. So, you might have got what we are
doing for our master thesis. Basically, it’s about understanding data quality
management in the retail industry. What we are doing is we are trying to un-
derstand the trade-offs between different characteristics of data quality. So,
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for example there are many trade-offs that can happen. Primarily we are fo-
cusing on three that are mentioned in the questionnaire which is accuracy &
timeliness, consistency & timeliness and accessibility & security. We found
these three to be most interesting and without it would most appropriate for
the retail domain as well. So, you have an idea what each attribute are right?
So, we will go on to the questions now. The first is a very generic question.
We separated the questionnaire to different categories. The first three are
from the introduction part. The first question is, please provide us a brief
introduction about yourself and your work experience.
13. A Could you please elaborate about your role in the retail organization that you
work for? So, you can go ahead because we are concentrating on the retail
domain, you can go ahead and tell us what you did in Tesco and what you did
in Target as a senior data engineer.
14. S Let’s start with Tesco. There majority of my work was in the database admin- REP
istrating part. In the phase like design and develop a data warehouse to hold
that data. It is a classic data warehouse problem, we followed the dimension REC
modelling. Majority was how you flow your source system to a data ware-
house so that you can capture all the attributes and make meaning out of the
data. Put into cubes so business can be a bisectional analysis and find a major
business outcome from that. The problem what we were finding solution was
with classic data warehouse problem. So basically, the solution was how you
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are going to store data in a very effective manner so that you can capture all
the attributes including sales, time, customer, every other information. Target
was quite different. I joined as a data quality engineer. So, the majority of the
focus was not developing a data warehouse it was rather supporting the data.
Not the technology part but the data part. My major role was in finance. My
major role was try to figure it out if the data I am seeing is correct, if the data
is loaded perfectly and loaded on time. If tomorrow manager comes and see
the report. Are they seeing the correct data and if they drill down are they
doing a right drill down? With that comes the automation, so basically in-
stead of doing everything manually we try to automate everything. So, every-
day morning and you see a report that tells you how your data is behaving.
How data is against a certain limit or certain change, how is the data. You are
seeing the health of the data.
15. A And so, in Target which domain or which subject area are you working on
17. D So, you would be working with lot of data which you would require certain
data characteristics. Like for example certain places you would want the data
to be timely, certain places you would be okay to compromise on timeliness
but you would want the data to be accurate. Such trade-offs, you would be
working on such things, right?
18. S Yeah.
19. D The introduction part is over, let me go to the next part which is defining data
quality. Could you explain according to you what is data quality based on
what you worked on in Tesco and Target.
20. S When I worked in Tesco, data quality never existed there. Data quality was CS
always a responsibility for a developer or tester to see that input data is flow-
ing correctly and timely fashion to a warehouse. Do I ever check the informa- TL
tion and see in the warehouse if correct or not? Not in the source system I am
talking about the business perspective. So, if you see a source having 10 dol-
lars, you see 10 dollars flowing.
22. S Exactly, I always do source to destination. But I do not know if the 10 dollar SD
is correct, I do not know if actually sales or not. I do not know or I never
care about it.
24. S Exactly. For me what is important is if I am loading the correct file with all FD
the data. Then figuring out if the meaning of the data is correct or not. So
that’s for the Tesco part. For Target, it’s completely different, I think there
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was a time where data quality was skating up and people slowly realized that
quality of data is most important part. There as I told you I was in finance
that is the place where you want your data to be correct and you can actually
compromise on the timeliness. Obliviously, how much salary you pay to your
employee has to be correct to a minute details than if the file is loaded to little
late. So that’s my feeling of data quality. I think business slowly realized that
quality of the data has to be correct, has to be timely, and you are seeing the
correct data and you are not missing out anything.
25. A One side question to this is, what is the accepted percentage of data quality?
Do you know how much is the error percentage that you can allow for qual-
26. S I think it varies from company to company based on subject area. For sales FD
and finance it’s good to be zero like zero tolerance. You don’t want mess up
with the data part. Something like inventory or supply chain where you are SCM
calculating the forecast base on some other attribute. So probably that you
could say 20% is your limit of tolerance. Finance as in 0%, officially it used
to be .5-10%, but in supply chain I am seeing the tolerance is around 20-30%.
29. A So, I think you have covered the next question as well. Just for informing the
next question is how important the data quality in your organization. Do you
have anything additional to tell in that?
30. S I can give you a scenario. What is happening right now targeted to figure it ODC
out how they can minimize the last-minute delivery? If I order from tar-, will Target send me in a fedex or will it use its own track or will is
use UPS which the government postal service. Say I am calculating a risk
whether my data is wrong i.e. I capture a wrong data for customer that how
many people have ordered from and where people have ordered.
If people who have ordered from is higher than any other area
right. I do not capture data correctly my entire calculation goes wrong and my
entire risk of taking that decision is going for a toss. That is the importance of
data quality right now.
31. D One thing I would like to say here is, if you could give us examples like you
told right, that will be very helpful for us. Because we are trying two scenar-
ios where one attribute is greater over the other. So that is our aim. So, the
next question is, what you think are the main characteristics that define data
quality? So, what this question implies is, you are working in a specific area
right, you worked in finance and you worked in supply chain management.
So, the data characteristics in finance will be a little bit different from the
data characteristics in supply chain management under the overall umbrella
of retail domain. What are the different characteristics that you will use to
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identify data?
32. S I will concentrate from the quality perspective. So, in finance accuracy has to FD
be high. If you load a wrong value for an employee salary will screw up the
entire organization maybe more. I think you noticed on every pay slip you SCM
will probably get after two days, right? They have multiple processes for the
accuracy to be there. Supply chain is the other way around we too bother
about timeliness not accuracy that much. Like I was telling 80% is the accep-
tance level. My data is not accurate on-hand or backroom targeted for the
store. That is not exactly accurate. But I need in timely manner because I am
calculating for the next two frames. So, let’s say I got 10 items and I missed 2
item. So, I still can go ahead and do a calculation for 10 items. But let’s say
my data came late. I did not load that stores data at all. So, the next week the
planning for the store went missing, right? So, the stores stock goes haywire.
There your timeliness is more important than accuracy.
33. A Any other data characteristics that you would like to mention?
34. S Probably I can in depth security part a little because finance is a very secure SE
domain. Not everyone can have the access. So that’s changed the entire land-
scape of how you design your solution or architecture of the software. Let's FD
say some other team needs such a report from a finance. You would probably
create a layer of views/attributes to mask the credit card number/employee
number. So there so many design goes in to mask the data, to expose the re-
port to people. Supply chain do not care about the security that much because
this is open data and it’s open for everybody. Every one of us in Target have
actually the access to the entire supply chain data not everybody in Target has
read access to the finance data. Retail organizations tend to give access to
supply chain information but they secure their financial data. Security is also
quite different.
35. D The next question – data characteristic trade-offs. Apart from the three we
have taken – accuracy & timeliness, consistency & timeliness and accessibil-
ity & security. Is there any other trade-off o that you can think of in your field
of work?
37. D Next set of questions is about accuracy and timeliness. According to how
important are accuracy and timeliness of the data in the organization that you
handle? For example, how accuracy and timeliness plays a picture in supply
chain management data.
38. S Supply chain accuracy does not matter that much. You will accept the data if SCM
it's 80% correct. Timeliness is little important than finance, the example I TL
gave right. Then again that truck movement. Instead of having accurate data FD
you need timely data. It’s okay if you miss a carton, that’s also fine than OC
missing an entire truck schedule. So that is certain percentage you can expect. ODC
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39. A In supply chain management what variety, kind or class of data would you
consider more important to be timely rather than accurate. Is there any sepa-
rate set of data that you would think needs to be more timely than accurate
and vice versa?
40. S Probably on hand, in the sense how many items you have in your warehouse OC
that information if I do not get 100% correct, it's fine. But it certainly I want
to get it every day. So, we capture the information twice a day but unsure if ODC
it's 100% correct but we do capture the information twice a day. Because we
really want to know what is happening and if you try to tie that with sales it
may not tie. Because there is a difference in data. So, what we are trying to
say is timeliness is more important than accuracy.
41. D That is for on hand data, right? Can you define what on hand data is?
42. S On hand is basically consider selling an iPhone. So, there is iPhone in the ID
store in the display. But I also have lot of iPhone in the stock in warehouse.
So once the iPhone in the store gets sold, I order a new one from the ware-
house. The warehouse information or how much I have in the stock is called
43. A Is there any data in supply chain management that you want to be more accu-
rate than timely? It’s okay if it if its reaches late in your system but it needs to
be 100% accurate.
44. S A good example is sales. The sales data gets loaded in a week’s delay. So, I SD
probably get the information of sales in a week’s delay. There is a delay of a
week in the data which is actually acceptable. But I would like to know how TL
much I have sold. I am having my business on sales so I want it to have 100%
accuracy. But timeliness is fine. I can relive with a week of delay but I would
like to know how much I am selling. ACT
45. D As far as I have understood here, you want the in-hand data/item data in your
store to be more timely than accurate and you want to your sales data to be
more accurate than timely. So now we will go to consistency and timeliness.
Accuracy means data is coming accurately and consistency is the information
contradiction frame. Like for example there is a column which gender, is it
coming as male/female or m/f or 0/1, there is a difference in data. If it’s con-
stantly coming as male/female it’s consistent. So, the same 3 questions again
how important is the consistency of data in the retail domain and what kind of
data needs to be more consistent than timely and vice versa and some context
where you have felt the same.
46. S In the project I am working now, we are facing this same issue that you ex- CS
plained, consistency v/s accuracy. We are getting accurate data but it is not
consistent. I am talking about a couple of flags, we are getting the correct AC
data about the flags - yes, but the problem is there are a lot of source systems
and they are not consistent with each other. So, one of the store probably
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talks about out of stock as OO and some others use it as OOS. I am getting
the correct data but it is not consistent. So, when I am trying to forecast or try
to generate how much item they need next week, I am not able to figure it out
which store is saying which item is out of stock. If I consider OO as out of
stock, then I am probably serving some of the stores. But the stores which are
using OOS for out of stock, am not serving them. That is a classic example.
47. A This is data that is accurate but not consistent. Do you have anything to com-
pare consistency with timeliness?
49. D You have given an example of comparing consistency and accuracy. I think
we can add that as well in the questionnaire, it’s a good comparison. Consis-
tency and accuracy are sometimes thought to be the same but they are not.
The next set of questions is regarding accessibility and security. How impor-
tant is accessibility and security? As far as data is concerned, which data ac-
cording to you is accessible and which data needs to be secure in the data that
you work with.
50. S I think finance and HR has to most secure than any other data. I do not know ACS
whether you are aware, where certain people got read access to the HR data-
base and they copied entire data to their local and made everybody know SC
everybody’s salary. So, I would say for a company or any other organization
HR data is quite important and finance as well. Same thing goes when you
are designing it. There were a couple of report where you need data that is HR
masked, you cannot use customer name, customer credit card number. Even
that goes in your design. So, accessibility limited there. If the company puts OD
that norm everywhere and thinks they need to secure all the data, not only HR
and finance. Let’s say they have secures sales information, customer, booking OC
information, twitter information, Facebook information, social media infor-
mation. If I am working on a project where I do not need the secure informa-
tion but need the open information, I eventually end up delaying my project.
Publicly available details have to be available publicly, do not go and over
secure those. I think this is a classic example.
51. D So, taking you to the next question. What variety, kind and class of data
would you classify as more important to be accessible than secure and more
secure than accessible.
52. S yeah HR and finance has to be more secure than accessible and you should HR
have layer after layer security to get that access. And other information like,
sales, items like what is the all item sale in Tesco or target, what is my sales, FD
how is my inventory, where I get most of the order. That information has to
be open. That is the core business for company like Target. So, if you don’t
give information to right people at right time. You are eventually delaying the SM
project. One is publicly available data, like people tweeting, that is publicly
available, you do not have to secure that data. But let’s say you got informa-
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tion about your twitter handling id, your location – those are not publicly
available and needs to be secure.
53. A So, what you share in twitter is public info less security but things like shar-
ing location on target store is more secure.
54. S Yes, Facebooking or tweeting is publicly available and you don’t need to SM
secure that data. But If i buy a data from certain user, their username, location
those thing is not publicly available.
56. S You can buy data from Facebook and from twitter. Target has bought 3 years SM
of data from twitter like anything about Target in twitter is given to Target
from twitter. Some information is obviously public- that I talked about Tar- ID
get. But who am I being not public that needs to be more secure. I will give
an example, one of the company needed a marketing basket analysis. They
are a beauty product company so they want to launch a new eyeliner. So, they
need to see whom they should reach to make this eyeliner famous. The eye-
liner should be made for customer who goes to beauty parlour and let’s say I
got 3 years of twitter, Facebook data. I did an analysis and I got the beauty
parlours where they have got huge amount of customer who can afford this
product. So, will get catch hold of these locations and I would advertise and
go and talk to those owners to promote my product. This can be done only if
we get certain information like where their actual location is. This is some
information which you will get locally, so you have to buy it and there is
disclosure that you need to sign that you cannot disclose this information.
This information needs to be very secure. But twitter posts like ‘I use this
eyeliner’ is very great, so you leave it publicly.
57. A Now it is widely use right, using twitter information to see how well the
product is going right?
58. S I will tell you the company name, Tiara beauty. They used twitter information ID
and the eyeliner was pretty successful.
61. A We can go to the last one. What data would you or other data analyst in your FD
organization consider most important to retrieve after a system crash. So, let
financial data go since we know that is very important and no company will SCM
let go of that. But apart from that now that you are working in supply chain
management, what is the most crucial data that you would consider retrieving
during a system crash? You would look for the first to be reconstituted in
your data warehouse?
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62. S Any data in the company, any company has multiple backups. Even when
there is a system crash I don’t think there would be a data loss.
63. D It will take some time to put back the data in your system, right? So there will
be an order in which you consider to be more crucial to be loaded first?
64. S Right now, everybody uses multi node, multi latency systems where when HR
one goes down other will be up, so basically, we do not experience that prob-
lem. But definitely HR and finance is most important information in Target. FD
Now if I do not have backup of one month sales data, I can still survive. But
if I do not have stock information like how much item I have in stock. So that
information get lost then I am in pretty much in pressure because I cannot
replenish my store next week right.
66. S So, when system crashed you definitely want to do backup of your online
information as well.
Duration: 48 minutes
1. D Hi Suyash. Thanks for the call that we are having right now. I hope you have
read through the questionnaire that we had sent you. Athul and I are working
on the thesis to understand different trade-offs between in data quality charac-
teristics in the retail industry and we are trying to create a template that will
help in understanding the trade-offs. As far as the thesis is concerned the
trade-offs that we have considered basically are accuracy and timeliness,
consistency and timeliness and accessibility and security. With your experi-
ence that you have you would basically already know what these fields are.
2. S Yeah Dilip, I know these are data dimensions and I can surely help you on
your thesis.
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3. D Thanks. We have divided the questionnaire into different sections. The first
part is introduction. Can you provide a brief introduction about yourself and
you work experience?
4. S I am Suyash. Right from Infosys I was working in BI and the QA aspect of REP
that. After that I joined Target in 2011 and then I started working for the data
quality architect of the warehouse they are maintaining. Their warehouse is REC
actually spending right from IBM to Teradata to Hadoop system so they have
vast subject area in all of these systems. I was taking care of the data quality
aspect of those all. So, have neatly 7 years of data quality experience all of it
in retail industry. One month back I joined Quotient technology which was
initially known as based on California and there also my role
leads to the same data quality aspect in the warehouse they are maintaining in
the Hadoop system. In Infosys, also I was dealing with the same DQ data
aspect of the business intelligence like, reporting services or the analysis ser-
vices, so all in Infosys, Target as well as Quotient Technologies.
6. S Yeah.
7. D The next question you have already answered, how many years of experience
do you have in the retail industry.
11. D Could you elaborate the role in the retail organization that your work for –
what your worked on and which all areas you worked on and your designa-
12. S Target is the 2nd biggest retail industry in US. It is US based and its complete REP
business is in US. Target maintains all relay big warehouse of data that they
capture from the sales, inventory, guest, unsaleable and there are different REC
other domains. In the 6+ experience that I have in Target, I have worked in
almost all the subject areas. So be it inventory, sales, unsaleable, it is nothing
but consumer coming and buying the product. So, I have detailed domain
knowledge from all of these subject areas. When I joined Groupon, it is actu-
ally into the coupons. So, these are the different domains that I have worked
upon and my role was data quality analyst. I have involved right from the
requirement gathering of the creation of the warehouse till its delivery in
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production and it is getting into support and maintenance phase. So, I have
out and out knowledge of how retail domain maintains their warehouse.
14. S My designation in Target, I joined as a data quality analyst. I then got pro-
moted as senior data quality analyst and in Quotient also I am senior data
quality analyst.
15. D The next question is about your understanding or how you would explain
what data quality is
16. S I would explain data quality as what we are maintaining our data for any of OC
the organization or any of other domain, whatever data we are maintaining is
providing the complete picture and the complete business information that the
client wants. It should follow all the 5 dimensions of data quality which is
accuracy, timeliness, accessibility, ability, integrity – all should be main-
tained. Data should be able to take the correct decision that when we are im-
plementing it in the organization we are taking the correct decision based on
the correct data. That is what quality means to me – maintain the at most
business usable data in the warehouse.
17. D Could you give me context where you have faced issues in data quality and
how it affected business?
18. S I will give a most recent example. There are a lot of complaints from the CD
guest- we call consumers as guests in Target. So, we have faced a lot of prob-
lems where quest is reaching out to us asking that they have already opted out AC
for the email notification or mail coming to their place that they don’t want
Target circular coming to their place. But Target mails telling about their
recent launch or the digital promotion they are doing, they don’t want. They
have already opted out but it is still getting delivered to their place. Some-
times even if they have changed the address and they are the recent occupiers
of the house but they mail is coming in the name of old occupants’ in the
house. And those people who ate dead, that is also a frustrating situation. This
kind of data is still coming and we have a lot of complaints. That is happen-
ing because both from the MDM side that is providing the quest data and the
data warehouse that we are marinating for the quest. There are some gaps
between how we are maintaining. I have worked extensively on those aspects
and it is somewhat looking good now.
19. D Is there anything that you want to add on to say how data quality is important
to Target.
20. S It is very important. In retail industry, it is all about data. It is about sales REC
data, inventory data, and unsaleable data. Every stage of your operation right
from procuring the product in overseas market as well as your local market REP
till it reaches your guest and even if it is returned and all, you get a lot of
data. You need to maintain the utmost integrity and accuracy in your data and
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with time factor so that the correct information is being made at every area of AC
your operation. Right from procurement, till it reaches warehouse, till it
reaches guests and if it is returned too. You need to maintain data quality at
every aspect of your operation and then and there you are a successful or-
ganization. You must have seen retail in Australia, America, Canada, UK lot
are getting closed because they are taking wrong decision based on the wrong
data they have. So, data quality is very important for any organization and
Target because it has competition in the market.
21. D What do you think are the main characteristics of data that you have handled
in the organization that you work?
22. S It is spanned with all the data dimensions that data quality aspect deals with. OC
Let’s start with accuracy, integrity, timeliness, availability, maintain the RI,
maintain the completeness of the data. So, these are all important aspects.
23. D There is this model that we have used called the Eppler’s model wherein he
talks about conflicting data ideas. For example, if you take accessibility and
security, you can’t make data accessible and secure at the same time right. If
accessibility goes high then security goes low and when security goes high,
accessibility goes low. So, we are trying to find out a relationship were which
data needs to be more accessible when compared to security and which data
needs to be more secure than accessible. You have worked across different
areas in Target handling different data. So, you will be able to tell us more
about that. The question is how you would characterize trade-offs between
data characteristic in your field of work?
24. S You have answered accuracy and timeliness, consistency and timeliness and
accessibility and security of the data. There are more like cost of maintaining
data and the quality of it, accessibility of the data and the timeliness of it.
There can be multiple different aspects. But those three which you have men-
tioned along with cost and quality because that is also a big trade-off the re-
tail industry goes with, I think that covers most.
25. D You can spend millions of dollars on maintaining a warehouse and its quality
but to what extend you can put money and how much ROI you are getting is
the question. We will mention these two as well. When we had an interview
with Sandipan he was mentioning about accuracy and consistency which was
also interesting. So, we will go with the first trade-off considered here which
is accuracy and timeliness. According to you how important are accuracy and
timeliness of data that you handle in your organization and if you could give
me an example as well.
26. S Accuracy is nothing but the data precision like we maintain a particular data, AC
how accurate is it to take business decisions. Timeliness is nothing but when I
need the data I should get it. In different subject area, my need of data might
be different. So, for the sales data for a particular black Friday or holiday
season there will be lot of sales happening. What I want is, every 15/20 min-
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utes every half an hour, I should as a leader should get or report out of that.
Which store of mine, what product of mine, what promotion of mine, which
are those guests, what are their segmentation, who is buying what. Do I ever
cater to all of their needs, all of their want in a proper manner? If there is lot
of return happening, I need that information very promptly. So, timeliness is a
big factor now. I want to take decisions right away, if the promotion is work-
ing, let's increase it, if the promotion is not working let’s kill it. If inventory is
getting out of stock somehow get the inventory from somewhere because
guests are stocking a lot of that so I want it to be provided. So, at that timeli-
ness is very important. During holiday season, out of stock is very important
matrix for me. I can be very much interested to understand in all of the stores,
what is the current situation of the stock for a particular item if it is selling TL
like a hot cake. There might be a situation where a few of the stores have
gone completely out of stock. But that was not an accurate information. There
were still some stock left but that is giving me a hint that I need constant sup-
ply of that item of I want to catch hold on buyers. I can little low on accuracy
not completely but very prompt on the timeliness. But let’s see a situation
where I want a weekly report of a particular promotion on how it has worked
for particular area. But since it is a weekly report I am not very much con- ACT
cerned on time. You give me Saturday morning; Friday evening or Monday
morning I am okay. I will take a decision based on the last week complete
data that you have provided me. But if it is not accurate, if it is not very pre-
cise and if it is not giving me a correct information, that’s going be a big pain.
Here I cannot trade-off accuracy, can little trade-off on the timeliness. You
give me later but you give me accurate.
27. D It helps us to understand which data needs to be accurate and which data
needs to be timely. Can I ask a question here, what happens to the weekly
reports that happen in the festive season?
28. S During the holiday season, that is one quarter where all the US/European ACT
companies make a big chunk of their sales/profit. So, lot of things are getting
sold. That weekly reporting if you are giving me, some matrix I will be inter-
ested, like how the sales is happening, overall organizational perspective,
some high-level information like how much return is happening, how much
defectives are coming in the store. Those if you give weekly report, will be
seeing. But how the sales is happening, how the inventory stocking is hap-
pening those things are very critical. I don’t want a weekly report out of that,
I want an hourly if not in minutes. I want as soon as the sales is happening
that sales have happened. That level also people work, so if not that at least
hourly I should be aware of how our inventory is turning out to be, how our
guests are buying the things and how sales is happening in the store.
29. D I think you have answered the entire set. What kind of data would you con-
sider more required to be more timely than accurate and vice versa. So what
kind of matrix or data would you consider to be accurate to the dot but time-
liness I can adjust and the other way around as well?
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31. D Can you think of any other context regarding when data needs to be timely
and accurate? Any other situation where you felt one is important over an-
32. S Accuracy and timeliness is a good trade-off. When you have items in your ACT
warehouse, maybe you have procured that overseas or locally or some of the
guest return happening and all. So, when you reach out to the vendor for AC
charging it back or some of the return which is happening that is causing a lot
of dent in the actual profit margin you are getting out of the sales. So, you are
reaching out to the vendor, so those are the situation where based on the ac-
tual item that has returned or the warehouse that you are maintaining with the
items and all. You are talking to the vendor, you are doing marketing return,
at that time you should have accurate/precise data so that you can charge
back, you can make your profit good, and you don’t lose out a lot on that. So
those here you have to think that whether the data needs to be timely so that
you can charge it back fast to the vendor and get your money back fast or you
should be completely having accurate data whether it's maintaining the time
or not so that when you are reaching out to the vendor, you are not losing
anything. So those are the tricky situation which you have to think whether
the data should be accurate or it should be timely.
33. D So as far as I understand from what you said, handling vendors you would
need the data to be more accurate than timely, it’s okay there is delay of
one/two days but if it is inaccurate it is a loss to the retail company.
34. S Yeah, my suggestion would be the data to be more accurate than timely. But AC
that depends how you have signed license with the vendor because if you are
very late, maintaining of accuracy actually breach the license since they will TL
have a time period which they will be taking and charging it back. So those
are the tricky situation, it should be more accurate rather than the timely fac-
tor. But according to the vendor, you have to take a decision.
35. D Timeliness is not a major trade-off here when compared to the other context
that you gave. Now we will go into consistency and timeliness. Consistency –
if data coming from different sources have been normalized/ de-normalized.
Like if gender has male/female and there is no other value like m/f, 0/1.
36. S In the retail industry when they are maintaining the warehouse, they are get- CS
ting different kinds of data – sales data, inventory data. Not only that, if some
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retail industry will be actually not selling the product but partially getting it
and working with different retailers. Like in Quotient where I am working
now we have to deal with lot of retailers – Walmart, Target, Quotient. Now
when they are sending the data, if they are maintaining for a particular field
the same kind of information like you said the gender code. It should not be
coming like yes/no, 0/1, tick something like that. So that when you look at
your inventory, you know the information correctly. So, consistency is a very
important factor otherwise there will be a big problem in reporting your in-
formation from the warehouse.
37. D Is there any inconsistency that you have seen in Target data or in your new
company Quotient? Can you tell me in what kind of data you have seen the
38. S In all of the warehouse it is a very big problem, consistency in the data. Both CS
in Target and Quotient, I have seen many inconsistency in data. I will give
you some example. In sales information, when you are dealing with a com- SD
pany like Target where there are millions of transactions happening every day
across US and in and different digital platforms where the guest is
interacting with us. You have different platforms where the company is cater-
ing to the guest. We are getting different kind of data, something when they
come and buy directly, through and mobile app. So sometimes
few of the information misses and when they come to us sometimes it will
come yes/no sometimes it will come 0/1. As a data warehouse, we have to
maintain consistency around all of the information which we are capturing
from any of the sources. What happens is, in the sales we will be getting
transactional types which is nothing but the sales information, return informa-
tion and exchange information. So, what we were seeing in the queries that
we were writing for the returning perspective is that, for few the return data
was quite high. So, when we drilled down further to find the real reason be-
hind that, what we found is that we were provided the class coded which is
nothing but the transactional codes, – Target was maintaining like 0,1,2,3
something like that in which 0 and 1 was for sales, 2 was for return and 3 for
dealing with the exchanges – for mobile sales or all the DEV interaction with
the guest were coming with some other codes. So, the data was inconsistent
from the different platforms we were capturing.
39. D Okay, but there we some data that needs to be very consistent/regular. For
example, when I was working in Target there was an issue where some peo-
ple used to enter location with some spelling and some others with some
other spelling. So, when you pull records those record which are entered with
some other spelling doesn’t come into the report at all. According to you in
the different areas that you have worked on, which area very crucial to be
consistent so that your report is consistent and which data is okay/relaxed in
case of consistency.
40. S Inventory and customer information are the key areas where consistency CS
should be maintained. For example, guest data which we are maintain in dif-
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ferent tables, those are the real data on which we are interacting with the
guest. Few of the tables we have captured the correct guest information with
the correct email id, phone numbers whatever we are capturing are very clear TL
and capture exactly the way it is. These are not consistent since somewhere
we will be maintaining some address and somewhere else we will have some
other address for a single guest and all related information will be inconsis-
tent. Then it is bad and will lead to a lot of issue not only in the organization
that we are dealing with but for those the particular guest also. So, consis-
tency is very much required. Same in the inventory area, I want consistently
good information. I should not give something like in the web world I have a
laptop for sale but in the store, I don’t have a single one, I don’t want that. I
want a uniform warehouse – how much inventory is there in stock and I want
the information consistently to make the right decision. But some data like
sales, those have already happened, little bit of inconsistency will also be
there but I want the timely reports to take the decisions there based on that. I
want a timely information coming to me, there I can deal with consistency
not with timeliness and in the data like guest inventory I cannot tolerate the
inconsistency – it is okay if the mail is delayed but it should reach the right
person, a person should not get baby product for digital promotion.
41. D There is this major news that happened in Target about the baby product that
made headlines. Now that you have covered the context as well about consis-
tency and timeliness. The last set of questions is about accessibility and secu-
rity. You would have worked with data that needs to be accessible and avail-
able to all the people and some other data which should be secure and not
available to all the people. Based on your opinion, what is accessible data and
what is secure data in the areas that you have worked with.
42. S When we are exposing something like what is the sales happening in a store SD
and what kind of item is getting solved without giving any context on that
like who is buying, what he is using to buy, where he lives, how we can con-
tact him. Until then, accessibility should be important. Everyone who is doing
reporting, who is doing analysis on that data, who is maintain the data quality
aspect of that, who is doing data quality validation of that, our managers,
quality guys will be accessing the sales data. But as soon as the guest infor-
mation or finance information like salary comes, those are very secure. Those
are not exposed to the people who should not be seeing that. Finance guy can
look at your salary but not your colleague. So, that information is very secure
while the information related to sales, inventory should be easily accessible
as a lot of people are looking at the data.
44. S Those are also secure data. Their mail ids, or number of males/females in the SE
family, age, phone information, those are critical information. And the finan-
cial details like their buying pattern history that is also secure.
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45. D As far as guest is concerned what data is accessible, like their buying pat-
46. S I think if we can do a general buying pattern/segmentation and all without the SE
uniquely identifying information about the guest that should be okay. But as
soon as it goes to name, mail id, gender, age segmentation, it should be AS
47. D Yeah things need to be separated that way because personal information
about guest should not leak out.
48. S Yeah, it's very secure and we do not maintain much. We maintain the surro- SE
gate key and we do not maintain the actual details. Guest name was initially
there in some warehouse exposed to some people, now it is very much se-
cured and very few people have exposure to that data.
49. D Now you have covered accessibility and security as well. We know that data
is backed up multiple times and a system crash would not cause any loss of
data. But hypothetically assuming a situation of system crash and you are
trying to retrieve the data. What data would you concentrate more in the sub-
ject area that you worked with.
50. S Yes, we back up everything. The important matrices or important key per- REP
formance indicators for which we need the data like sales I want the dollar
amount or quantity purchased. In inventory, it would be stock. Out of stock REC
items and in guest area it would be segmentation, lifestyle and quantity get-
ting returned. In item area is all about different dimension of the item attrib-
utes that we maintain or different items that we have. Vendor information
related who are our important vendors, what are things that they are selling to
us, which warehouse it is landing to, which transportation and logistics has
been provided for the warehouse to be distributed towards all the warehouses
and stores. Those are the information/ important matrices and the key per-
formance indicator which is being reported to, I will get that first rather than
getting the legacy data of sales for 4 years/inventory for 4 years. It is impor-
tant to get the matrices that is reported to higher level to make decision needs
to be reverted fast.
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Data Quality Management Athul Vijayan Nambiar and Dilip Prasad Nair
Duration: 45 minutes
1. D Hi Jyotsna, thank you for the interview that you are giving us. I hope you
have gone through the document that we had sent. As you know we are work-
ing on our thesis to understand data trade-offs between the characteristics in
the retail domain and the characteristics that we have chosen are accuracy and
timeliness, consistency and timeliness and accessibility and security. We
have mentioned the basic definition of each of these in the questionnaire. The
questionnaire has been divided into few sections - the first section is introduc-
tion, second is defining data quality, third is data characteristics trade-offs
and fourth, fifth and sixth are about the trade-offs itself and finally your
thoughts and suggestions. Let’s start with the introduction, can you give a
brief introduction about yourself and your work experience.
3. A How many years of work experience do you have in the retail domain and in
the retail domain which areas you have expertise and which all companies
have you worked for?
4. J I have a little more than 6 years in the retail domain, 2 years in brick and REP
mortar and 4 years in e-com retail. I have worked across huge inventories,
sales data. Ecommerce data is simple daily data, it is not huge amount of data REC
whereas brick and mortar data was very huge data.
6. J The two retail related organizations that I have worked for are Target and REP
Fashionera. Target is brick and mortar retail which I worked around inven-
tory, sales and inventory release. Ecommerce pretty much I did end to end. I REC
was managing the data and the quality.
8. J Yes.
9. D Now the 3rd question, can you give me an elaborated view of what role you
play, the designation in both Target and Fashionera?
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10. J I will start with Target, there I was a senior data quality analyst and I was OD
working in projects in inventory release and inventory. My role there was to
ensure that the quality of data is prefect so used to run, write monitors, ensure
the data, work with testing team to ensure that there test cases are fine. We
used to also prepare reports. Basically, we used to sign-off to business if the
data is usable or if it is not usable. We used to understand how the data flows
from the foundation tables up to the mart tables and ensure that there is not
loss of data or integrity loss of data and that every aspect of the data is good
to go and can used by business. We make sure that business can rely on the
data. So that was my role as a senior data quality analyst. In Fashionera I was
head of QA and head of data quality. I had a team for QA and the data part i
used to manage alone. So, I used to work with investors, give them the re-
ports, also to different teams. We had logistics team, studio teams, marketing,
sales; so, I used to get on the different reports, different matrices to see how
the site is performing, site traffic conversion, sales, demographic, geographic
location vs sales, all these data we used to segregate, slice and dice and give
different reports to all these people. So that they could use the data to increase
the sales or to change the campaign/techniques. Also, investors use the data
to decide whether to invest on the company or not.
11. A So, we now we will go to the next set of questions which define data quality.
Could you explain what your understanding of data quality is?
12. J According to me data quality is ensuring that the data is business ready and ODC
reliable. For me step number one would be to understand the data completely,
only if you understand the data end to end you can understand what quality
means for that data. Quality basically means that the data needs to be reliable
and business ready and can be used further for anything. So, you ensure that
there is no data lost, the data is clean, integrity between the tables are fine,
and there is no murky data. You also ensure that when people are reading the
data, they are reading correctly that is also the job of data quality analyst be-
cause all the data maybe right but people may be reading it wrongly, with the
wrong joins or fetching data from the wrong table.
13. D So, you worked in 2 companies, how important is data quality in the organi-
zations that you have worked for and in the domain.
14. J Target used to consider data quality very seriously because it handles massive ODC
amount of data and any miss-information in inventory may lead to wrong
forecast. So basically, it is out of control. Wrong inventory will lead to wrong
forecast which will lead to wrong sale which will affect the sale if the com-
pany, its revenue. There is a huge problem if there is any problem with data
quality. There are so many different fields and so many different aspects
depending on this to ensure that the data is correct. Data quality was a very
integral part and unless the data quality team give sign-off nothing used to go
to production or would be given to business or the CEO. And start up was a
totally different experience and e-commerce was also totally different. Be-
cause in e-commerce is not daily, it’s hourly. It not more about quality, it
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needs to be fast because there are campaigns running and the change cam-
paign within the hour if it is not working. You are competing with Amazon
and other e- commerce chains so if it doesn't work in one hour you will lose
lots of sales. When you analyse the sales from 12 to 2 and first 15 minutes
you realize that something is wrong when you are looking at the sales data.
Suppose you are selling t-shirts and you know that black t-shirt is being sold,
fast, you know you need to increase the inventory that sales data should come
to you in the next 5 minutes. It has to be quick, fast is the keyword in e-
15. A The major factor in e-commerce you would say is timeliness of data?
16. J Absolutely.
17. D Next question is, what are the main characteristics that you would use to de-
fine data? So, we have taken accuracy, timeliness, accessibility, security and
consistency, apart from these do you have any adjectives that define data
18. J These are the once that are important. The reliability of data as well. These
are the key aspects. The other once would be complete.
19. D Completeness and consistency is not the same but can be claimed to be the CS
same. Few others like cost is also one, right? You can have all of these but
the company should be able to afford it right?
20. J Cost is and all is not very difficult nowadays but yes cost is a factor. Cost of
storage, retrieval, and archive. I think cost of archival is the biggest issue in
most organizations. Because there would be lot of data and you need a differ-
ent server to archive.
21. D Now we will go to the next question. How would you characterize trade-offs
between different data characteristics in your field of work? Which are the
most important trade-off that you have worked on in your field of work.
22. J The biggest trade-off perhaps would be accuracy v/s timeliness. In a start-up ACT
cost was a huge issue. Because in a start-up what used to happen is, we used
to have a database and we used to have slaves? Because large number of
people would be continuously accessing the data. So why it is important for
us to continuously read the data, there used to have multiple slaves due to
which there would be delay also. While it used to reduce the load on different
servers. So basically, we used to have slaves so that everybody can read the
data without putting too much load. Slave is a constant application from the
master, it didn't know what to prioritize. We needed the slaves so that the
load could be reduced, but different slaves caused more replication which in
turn increase the load and time to retrieve the data. So that is kind of a unique
scenario which most start-ups and ecommerce companies face.
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23. A Okay, so we will go to the next set of questions. According to you how im-
portant are accuracy and timeliness of data that you handle in your organiza-
24. J Accuracy is absolutely important, maybe not immediately but at least at the ACT
end of the day when we pass on the number to the investors and other people.
Because unless the data is absolutely accurate there is chance that you miss
out something or you miss calculate. If you are running a campaign and you
put ‘X’ amount of money for the marketing and for some reason the data is
not accurate. We will end up spending so much money which will be a waste
because we are not using the right target. If your data is inaccurate it can lead
to huge amount of loss. It need not be immediate accurate but the end of day
so that you can plan for the next day - campaigns, marketing, budgets. So
basically, wherever money is involved, accuracy is absolutely important
whereas for in some demographics like state vise, absolute is okay.
26. J If you want to say how many men are shopping vs how many women are AC
shopping and even if i say 60-40, 69-39 I am okay, approximately you know
more men than women or more women than men. General number is okay.
27. A Whereas where finance is involved, you want to know the correct amount.
28. J Wherever money is involved, there is no change to that; I can’t say 5 million
today and say that it was 5.5 million tomorrow.
31. A Timeliness is more important for the e-commerce than the brick and mortar
32. J Yeah, in e-commerce if you’re seeing that one item is selling fast, you can
contact the seller and tell to increase the stock. But in store, if you don't have
the product, you don't have the product you stock out.
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33. D So, the next question is what kind, variety and class of data would you clas-
sify as more important to be timely than accurate in nature and vice versa.
You gave one example that finance/money related data should be more accu-
rate than timely and how e-commerce data needs to be more timely than ac-
curate. Any other data that is important in one or the other accuracy and time-
34. J Ad-related data. You will put on ad that there is sale and the ad is across dif- ACT
ferent places. You don't care about the accuracy there you just need to know
if the ad is working or not- conversion rate. You need to know immediately
if the ad is working or you need to change that ad. This is not only about e-
commerce. If you put a billboard and you know that after putting the board
the sales is increasing, you don't need an accurate data that 10 people saw the
billboard and 8 people came to store. You just need to know that I am able to
see a conversion the moment I put the bill board. So there, timeliness is im-
35. D You need to know it in a timely manner so that you can remove or keep the
ad. So, marketing is more on timely scale than on the accuracy level.
36. J Correct.
38. J Any information that you send back to your client/customer. There is some- AC
thing called upselling information where they have bought something previ-
ously we say that your buying pattern looks like this so why don't you buy ACT
this. Here you need to be accurate. So okay even if it is a little late but when
you are sending back any information to the client, it needs to be accurate.
Any information like their buying pattern, items in the cart, password reset or
any information that goes back to the customer needs to be accurate, it’s okay
if it goes a little late but it has to be 100% accurate. You should not send in-
correct information to your customer.
39. D Question number 10 is regarding any context related to accuracy and timeli-
ness. Is there any context where you felt that data needs to be timely and an-
other where data needs to be accurate?
40. J I will give an example. From the US perspective let’s say Thanks Giving ACT
sales is going on. There timeliness is number one. Data has to come quickly;
the CEO wants to know how the sales is going. So, it has to be timely, it can
be approximate numbers but it has to be timely. You can say store ABC is
doing better that store DEF or electronics is doing better than toys – it doesn’t
need to be exact but needs to be timely. At the same time for the very famous
google organized sale or any online sales day at that time all the ecommerce
sites are participating in the sale. There is also a US equivalent day online
shopping day, the day after Thanksgiving, it is called Cyber Monday. That
day similarly all ecommerce sites are competing to grab attention to ensure
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that they get the maximum sale. That time when you are competing or when
quick sales is happening, you need information quickly in a timely manner. I
don’t need exact data, I need to know if the product is getting sold more than
other products so I need to concentrate more on that.
41. A No, we will go to the next one, consistency and timeliness. How important is
consistency of data in retail/e commerce domain?
42. J Consistency is important at a later point of time when you are building the
dashboards or analytics point of view.
45. A What kind of data needs to be more consistent and what needs to be timelier
according to you?
46. J Mart data needs to be consistent, and foundation data can be timely.
47. D So, you are talking on a technical level and not on the business level.
48. J Yes, the reporting data has to be consistent whereas the base data that you are
getting should be timely. Semantic/mart layer needs to be consistent.
49. D On a business level, what data needs to more consistent that Timely and vice
50. J For example, forecasting data has to be consistent even if it is not timely. You CS
are forecasting for the next year/month/quarter, the forecast has to be consis-
tent with the previous forecast, it has to consistent with the sales, inventory. TL
So, this kind of data needs to be consistent any data that you are using for
prediction. Anything that needs to extrapolate, otherwise your extrapolation,
projection, and forecast all these things will go wrong.
51. D So, for futuristic data we need consistency and timeliness you have already
mentioned. Is there any context that you have worked on where consistency
and timeliness plays hand in hand? Or accuracy?
52. J Usually we do forecast quarterly, but at one point in Target they were trying CST
to do daily forecast in inventory project wherein you forecast today for to-
morrow. Here it was important that it was timely, it was important that it was
accurate and it was important that it was consistent. Because trying some-
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53. A Since it is such a short span of time you cannot give up on timeliness also.
54. J Yes, because it is a short span it has to be timely, accurate and consistent.
57. D Now we will go to next one which is accessibility and security. Accessibility
and security varies a lot between retail brick and motor and ecommerce and
you have worked in both, right? According to what is accessible data and
what is secure data in both these areas?
58. J Accessible is to ensure that data is available to the right people at the right ACS
time ensure that everything that a person needs to function is available at the
right time in the right format for them to assimilate. Whereas security is key SE
for any organization. Security is ensuring that you don’t compromise on con-
fidential data at any point. Security is to ensure that anything that needs to be
confidential/protected should never be leaked out.
59. D So, what kind, variety or class of data would you consider to be accessible
than secure and vice versa?
60. J Any aggregate data needs to be more accessible, it is okay if it’s not secure. ACS
Say the total sale in a region is so much and in another region, is so much
such details have to be secure. But if I am giving out details at individual
level like person name, e-mail that data have to be secure. Customer informa-
tion, email, and address all these has to be secure. Retail companies, be it
brick & mortar or online, they get customer information through various
channels. Customer passwords are always encrypted and stored but even cus-
tomer emails we give it to logistic companies. But even when we do that we
give it in a pdf and not in an excel so that it cannot be exported and shared.
The location of stay of the customer, what each customer is buying, all are
61. A But at a cumulative level like this many people bought this, that is fine?
62. J That needs to be accessible. The merchants need to know that their product is ACS
selling and what kind of people are buying it. That is where demographics
come into picture. So, they are saying like people from this region/age group
are buying the product and so many has been sold. It okay to release that kind
of numbers but you cannot say that this person bought this item on this day
and he shifted to this address. That information should not be shared with
63. D That kind of information comes in what tables Jyotsna? For example, we
know inventory, item and all those things. Does this come in sales? In sales is
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it at individual level?
64. J Yes. When you are giving invoice, people swipe their Target red card or
whatever and you store that information. So, you know which customer
bought what because they swipe their Target card and then we immediately
know their details because we have that information.
65. A So, information at individual level should be secure over accessible and what
do you say about financial and HR information?
67. D Even if they can access they still won’t know how to understand the data.
68. J Exactly. The key will be in one and the hashed key will be in another one. It’s
not even directly encrypted.
69. D The last question is, is there any context/example where data needs to be
more accessible than secure and vice versa?
70. J There will be no scenario where security will be compromised. It is only ACS
when aggregate or when we give the details to investors because we trust the
investors. We give them accessibility to data even if we compromise secu-
72. J Yes.
73. A This is a hypothetical question. We know that there will be so many backups
and the retrieval of data will be very simple. But under a hypothetical circum-
stance that a system crash has happened and you lose most of your data. What
is the first data that you would retrieve and why?
74. J Customer data because if we have customer data we can send them reminders
and other stiff so that they will come and shop with us. If we lose the cus-
tomer data, we don’t know who our customers are. So, whom will we target,
how will you tell them what is happening at the store, how will you send
them mailers/campaigns, tell them there is sale in the store. For any retail
customers are the key. So, moment you lose customer information we will
not be able to target them and every company will pride on their customer
information they have. There are lots of people who sell customer informa-
tion from one company to another.
75. D I have always have had a doubt with that. If individual information is very
secure, how is that possible? Isn’t that a breach of contract/trust?
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76. J It is but people find ways. Because we send mailers out and there are always SE
external agencies that run email campaigns. Nobody has an inbuilt email
campaigns. So, when you send these emails out some other organizations get
the details and identify the customers.
77. A So however secure you make the details, it is still not secure, is it?
78. J There are chances. Because you won’t build your own email sending tool. SE
They won’t know who this customer is or where they live, they just get their
email ids. So that they can use it to campaign their companies.
79. D So, you can snatch a customer from one retail to another?
80. J Exactly.
81. A Now to the last question, from your experience could you explain any other
trade-offs that will be crucial for data quality management. These were the
three that we felt important for retail. Is there anything else that you would
like to add on as a trade-off which will be important in retail or ecommerce?
84. J Yes. Say for example I am sending out a mail which has these different col- SE
umns. I need to have all the columns’ information before I send the email. It
is important that the data is complete, it is okay if a few fields are inaccurate AC
but I need every single columns’ data to come and the entire information
needs to be there.
86. J Yes.
Duration: 34 minutes
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Data Quality Management Athul Vijayan Nambiar and Dilip Prasad Nair
1. D Hi Santhosh, thank you for the interview that you are going to give us. As an
introduction, can you give a brief introduction about yourself and your work
3. A Can you elaborate about your previous experience in the retail domain?
5. D Can you give me your total years of experience that you have in the retail
7. A Can you elaborate what your role/designation was in both the companies?
10. S It’s an e-commerce company. We actually target the customers who have REC
very low credit score, we give some credit so that they can buy an item from
us and monthly pay the amount at very lesser prize. So, over the year of time,
they can build the credit score too which helps them to get better credits or
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11. A So, this is also on the retail line but on the website, right?
12. S Yes, exactly. We have lot of branch and only couple of them have stores.
Other than that, 99% is online.
13. D So, you have worked both in retail and in e-commerce. Can you explain your
understanding on data quality and how it has changed while working in Tar-
get and Bluestem?
14. S Basically, data quality is a set of values or quantitative or qualitative variables REP
that we go and test the data and make sure that the data that we give to busi-
ness is business usable and they can make decision out of it. So, whether it is REC
Bluestem or Target they obviously go with giving better data to the business
so they can come with the decisions. The only difference is the type of data
that we are dealing with. For example, Target, we had store and we used to
get sales that happened at store as well as online. So, we had to deal with as well as Target stores. Whereas in Bluestem what happens is
99% of the sales that we get is online. From the data structure perspective that
is different and it also applies to the business rules. The business rules that we
apply to the .com and Target stores are different compared to the business
rules that we apply in Bluestem.
16. S It is very critical and important. The reason is, if the data that we are provid-
ing to the business is incorrect/not good and they make a decision out of it,
then definitely you can say that the decision that they have made is not a right
decision. So, data is the base for everything. The more the data the business
analyst and data scientist have lot of leverage too. We look at the data and
come up with good decisions. Not only the decision to see what happened
previously but not predict what can happen so that they can have a good fore-
17. A Is there any variation between the data quality between e-commerce and re-
18. S The level of data quality in both is the same. The only thing as I said before is
the business rules, the way we do it.
19. D According to you what are the main characteristics that define data quality?
20. S We call them as data quality dimensions. Some of them are accuracy, com-
pleteness, accessibility, integrity, consistency across the data sources and
21. A Next set of questions are on the trade-offs. According to you how important
are accuracy and timeliness of data that you handle in the organization? And
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22. S Definably there are trade-offs when we go to different dimensions. For ex- ACT
ample, what we do in online is, clicks data, i.e. whenever a customer logs in
and he clicks in one URL and goes to the next URL that we call as a clicks
data. We don't need it to be timely but we need it accurate, like where the
customer navigated, which product he saw. For that what we do is, we don't
do an hourly load but we do an end of day load and say this customer went to
this site, he accessed through desktop or through iPad or whichever device
and what he was looking for. That is the data that we give to the data scientist
team, they have algorithms. They say, this particular customer is looking for
this particular item. So that's when they call the call centre and say this cus-
tomer is looking for this, can you try to get some marketing out of it. We
need accuracy there. Some other cases timeliness is important. For example,
during the holiday season like Thanksgiving and Christmas, we get lots of
transactions every minute. There we need timeliness and every minute we
need to make sure that the sales is loaded and keep track of that. Yes, we go
for accuracy at dollar level but is product code or something is missing we
don't care that. We do care but at that timeliness is important. If our website is
down that has to be fixed immediately, that is also critical.
23. D So according to you finance/ things that deals with money, sales need to be
accurate rather than timely and timely is when dealing with websites and
click ratios, right?
24. S Yes.
25. A So, you have answered all the 3 questions. The next question that we would
have asked is, what kind, variety or class of data that you would consider to
be timelier than accurate and vice versa. If you could also give a context
which you have come across.
26. S Sales is something we need timely because every day we send out a report to ACT
executives on what was yesterday's sale compared to the forecast - are we
doing good or bad or neutral. If we don't send that report by 8AM in the
morning, we immediately get mails regarding why it was not sent, was there
any issue. On the other hand, suppose we have customer data - who are our
existing customer, how long have they been with us, who are our new cus-
tomers- that is not something critical. Definitely it is not critical to be re-
ported every minute. But they need to be accurate. We need to make sure we
have the right information but it need not be updated every minute. One im-
portant thing which we note here is whether the person is diseased. We don't
want to send a happy b'day mail or a greeting mail to a person who is dis-
eased, it will be very offensive. So, we make sure it is accurate.
27. D The next set of trade-offs is consistency and timeliness, you can also talk
about consistency and accuracy as well. How important is consistency of data
in the e-commerce and retail domain that you are working for?
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28. S Consistency I will give an example. We have customer databases across. CST
Some use it for marketing the catalogues, some use it for SMS. So, we have
customer data at couple of places. They all have you be consistent. So, if we
say that we don't want this customer or the customer is out of place, we don't
want to send them any mails or anything without their consent. That is up-
dated in one database and not in another, it will be an issue for us. So, it has
to be consistent.
29. A So, data across different database has to be consistent regarding voucher
sending and stuff like that?
30. S Marketing or sending the alerts, in that perspective it has be consistent. And CS
even the credit card information and their personal information should also be
consistent. We have security over there to ensure that such data is not repli-
cated in multiple places but wherever it is, it has to be consistent. The second
thing is consistency between source and target. For example, wherever the
actual sales happen, they have the sales number. That sales information they
send it to us and we load the data finally to data warehouse and create micro
strategy report out of it. The sales dollar amount that reflected in the report
and the source file should be marginally close. There might be some differ-
ence due to timing but it should be marginally close.
31. A Is there any inconsistency in data that have had affected the reports or data
32. S Whenever marketing team sends out a mail or catalogue, they always want to CS
track that because of their marketing how much sales the company got. So,
we have something called sending the catalogue or mailing the catalogue or
somewhere referred that, we all them as communications. So how did we
communicate and how was the sales? So, what actually happened is, we were
not getting proper communication codes from the vendors. So, most of the
dollar amounts that we were getting was send through walkthrough means
they just browsed and they brought it. So that was affecting the marketing
people because they were doing their work but not getting the credit. When
we started looking at it we got to know that the source from the vendors, they
were not sending the proper code- communication codes. So, once we fixed
it, we could see that the dollar amount showing in communication catalog and
mails increased showing that these people got the mails/catalogs before they
brought the item. That actually gave positive result on the marketing team.
35. A So, is there any example regarding data that needs to be more consistent over
timeliness or vice versa?
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37. D Now we will go to accessibility and security. What sort of data according to
you is accessible and what needs to be secure? Any context that you have in
38. S Any data in the database should be accessible and definitely secure from the ACS
outside world but it is at different levels. For example, the technical team will
never have access to the HR database which is related to the employees, their
medical benefits or any of their credit card details. That is completely secure.
Yes, we develop it but once we develop it and deploy it, we won't be able to
see the actual production data. We work with the test data but we never get to
see the actual production data. So that is secure. Is it accessible, yes only to
certain level of people and not to everyone? And they also can’t see at data-
base level, can only see the reports. Some of the cases like, we have different
brands, as a technical person i can go and see the data. But one brand cannot
see the other brands data. We keep a strict line there. Each brand should ac-
cess only their data.
39. A So, as a technical person you can see all the brands, right?
40. S Yes, we have access because if there is any issue we can work on it. But we
cannot share it to the other brands. We maintain the ethics and they cannot
ask someone else's information.
41. D How about other information like financial data and guest related data?
42. S We don't have guest concept, we call everyone as customer. Regarding finan- FD
cial, it is same as HR. Financial information some of the case we do have
access, for example sales since we do have to generate report. We have a very CD
high level access there but not at company, executive level. For example, how
some brand is doing, are they doing bad - that we don’t have access to so we
don't send a wrong message to the outside world how the company is doing.
43. A And customer information, what are the things that are accessible and what is
44. S At customer side, I can have access to first name, last name, address, and AS
phone numbers. In some cases, I can access the DOB - only the data and
month and not the year - that is only for the leads. I can do it, my reporters SE
can't, and we don't give them access in production data. I cannot go and ac-
cess their SSN, it is completely restricted, even their credit card numbers.
46. S Yes, that is click data. We do check that, not at customer level but in a pattern
like most customers buy this item.
48. S We do have that level of access, but we look at the pattern. It's very rare that
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49. D It doesn't make much sense to get at customer level and check, right?
50. S Yes, we have like millions of customers, unless someone has hacked some-
one's account and we see a change in the regular pattern. At that time only we
go at customer level details.
52. S We have faced one situation, but it was not hacking. We have person who
manually give discounts. We saw that one person gave $787,000 which is not
appropriate. So that was a mistake it should have been $78 and he types as
56. S Yes.
57. D The last but one question is about system crash. I know every company now
has a lot of backups. But in case of a system crash, what is the first data that
you would want to retrieve?
58. S The first data we would want to retrieve is financial and customer personal FD
information. That is something we want secure, we won’t keep multiple
backups but we want to secure that.
59. D So, the first information that you would take is the customer information and
financial information.
60. S Customer information includes everything, including their credit card infor-
62. S Yes, and we do not have access to take backups. There is a completely differ-
ent tea, the data governance team and they take the backups. So, which one
should be backed up we offer and we do have audits on data that is backed
63. D The last question is, apart from the three trade-offs that we have considered,
what would you consider as other trade-offs?
64. S Some cases integrity. For example, we get that this customer bought this item
and when we look for the customer he will not be in our database. So that's an
integrity issue. But we keep the sales record since it is important.
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Duration: 47 minutes
1. D Hi Beth, thank you for the interview. Could you start with a brief introduction
about yourself and your work experience?
2. B I have been working in data quality for 7 years. But prior to that I was in the OD
business side, I have worked very closely with IT and I really understand
what data quality means from a business stand point. I worked at Target for
4.5 years and then I was at Bluestem which is an online company and now I
am working at Supervalu where they have both the wholesale and retail side
with limited online presence.
7. D Can you elaborate the roles that you have played in the companies that you
have worked for?
8. B In Target, I started as a lead data quality analyst and then got promoted, so OD
when I left I was a data solutions consultant. Bluestem I managed and started
up a data quality team on the BI side and at Supervalu I started as a Principle
BSA – Business System Analyst. Now I am transitioning into a data quality
manager and I am setting up a data quality team which they don’t have and
they desperately need it.
9. D Can you elaborate on the role that you are doing as a data quality manager at
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10. B I am just building it. We are at the transition phase so I am doing some analy- REP
sis around all the information and all the tables that they have. They have an
old environment and a new environment, basically since quality was not REC
something that they were focused on, they have lot of issue. So, I am trying to
find out what data is out there, where we have issue and trying to get it as OD
much fixed as possible. So, from data quality stand point now, I am trying to
put the building blocks in place now. I am studying the set up and monitor
process so that we can get back going and get the team up and running and
understanding well on the technical side, the data quality dimensions and how
to analyse tables, how to analyse how things go together across different
business/subject areas and across different tables. I started the same thing in
Bluestem, so I have the framework in place which I am just using now.
14. B For me, it is making sure that data is ready for business consumption. Ready
and accurate, it accurately reflects what happens from a business stand point
for the business consumption.
15. D You have worked across retail and e-commerce in 3 companies now. In your
opinion, how important is data quality in the organization that you have
worked for and how has it been different across different organizations
16. B It is very apparent that if somebody isn’t watching it, data quality can become OD
very poor. Generally, there is a difference between QA and data quality. Most
of the companies that I have been in have either just QA or Supervalu didn’t
have it either. So, at Supervalu it is extremely important and that is the first
thing I started doing. I started finding many financial issue and many issue
across all the tables. I think I have been able to portray the impact and the
issue out there and how it is impacting their business. Because of that they
are well aware and they have decided it is very important. So, they key here
is not all businesses understand how important data quality is until somebody
points out where it is causing a problem and how it is impacting the reporting
and the business decisions.
17. D What are the characteristics that define data or data quality according to you?
18. B Accuracy is kind of a question, I will tell you. I went to a data quality confer- AC
ence and they had many debates about whether accuracy was a true character-
istic or not. At a BI side accuracy means if it is accurate from source side but CS
you don’t really know if a source is accurate. To me accuracy is critical as
long as it needs to accurately reflect what has been provided. Timeliness is
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19. D Trending and duplicates come under consistency? What do you say?
20. B Kind of, it depends on how you look at consistency. To me consistency is all CS
things being consistent across all the tables. So, you could put them under
consistency I would hold them out separately. Duplicates in particular are the
most important because if you have those you know there is some problem.
21. D Now the question is about data characteristics trade-offs. Do you have any
example of data characteristics trade-offs in your work?
22. B I would call them balancing rather than trade-offs. I usually look at the busi- ACT
ness impacts to determine where you can find the best balance. So, if I know
there is a problem and I know if I try to fix that is going to negatively impact
something else in the business, I would look at the impact of both and figure
out which one is the least impactful or try to meet them in middle so that is
not impacting as much. So, for example, you have timeliness and accuracy.
Accuracy is really important to make business decisions. If you don’t have
complete sales, business will be speaking about sales thinking that it is com-
plete and decisions will be taken based on that. When you run into that situa-
tion, you really cannot trade-off completeness over timeliness or accuracy
because if you do, you are misinterpreting the information. The only way you
can is when you are telling the business that you have not fully loaded every-
thing yet and it is delayed. So, it is key to make sure you are carefully moni-
toring those, since they are business critical. And if there are any delays you
need to actively work on it and update it with the business. So basically, those
are the keys to me, making sure you are balancing it. Some of them I won’t
really think what the trade-off is I am going to take actions over timeliness. In
either case where it is not as critical, where the business is not waiting, I will
definitely wait for timeliness, 1 week for everything to complete. Sales is
always a critical one because you have got the dashboards, every company
wants to know the sales of the previous day. That is the first and foremost in
their mind and what I found is that the businesses are okay with it being de-
layed as long as you communicate it. So, it’s all about how you manage the
expectation from the business stand point as you are working through the
problems. Usually you don’t have to do the trade-off as much, you basically
just wait for the accuracy.
23. D So, the business users want sales to be accurate, it is okay to be a little de-
24. B Yes, completeness and accuracy go hand in hand. Accuracy is making sure AC
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everything is accurate and completeness is, did you get everything. That’s TL
where timeliness and completeness kind of contradict at one another. Because
you may in the middle of the load, if you don’t have a complete load at the
right time, you need to balance that with the business. Business needs to
know you are actively working on it, you need to set that expectation. When I
was working in Cristopher & Banks and I started a data warehouse there. We
had lots of delays as a start-up because we were bringing sales for the first
time and again it was all about managing the expectation with the business.
From a technical stand point, there will be some give and take that you need
to do. Maybe you need to start earlier on the day to monitor this and if there
is a problem making sure that we are going to get this resolved as quickly as
25. D So, one case wherein the sales data needs to be both accurate and timely, is
26. B Sales data always needs to be accurate, if not your company will be making SD
wrong decisions out of it. Sales is critical to be accurate and if there is an
issue it needs to be addressed immediately.
27. D You have spoken about that needs to be accurate but can be relaxed in timeli-
ness. Is there any data that needs to be timely but accuracy can be tolerated to
an extend?
28. B Accuracy is always going to win over timeliness. Simply because if you say ACT
that you are data can be of 5 or 10 percent of errors, business better not be
using it for business decisions. So, if the business is not using it for business AC
decisions, then I don’t know why I have the data in the data warehouse. If
there is some flow that comes in and basically says it is not business critical TL
information. Its information that the business wants to know what the status
is at 10’ o clock in the morning. You can somehow say, at 10’o clock in the
morning we have 5 million dollars and we are about 80% done with the flow.
We can do some maths to figure out that the rest 20%. You can do things
like that as long as the business understands that it is not complete and not
fully validated. As long as they are okay with that. It is going to break when,
with the 20% they say it would be around 6 billion dollars and it actually
comes around only 5.1 billion, then it is going to be a problem. You guessti-
mated but for some reason it was not right. Timeliness usually means they are
making decisions at that time. And if they are making them at that ti, you
have got to make sure that you have done those estimates and they are inline
and they are okay with it. So, the key of all of it is managing the business
expectations. They are the once who tell what is timely, what they need, how
accurate they need so you can work based on those guidelines.
29. D So, wherever business decisions are made accuracy is more important than
timeliness. But one question I have is, how much of a delay can you give the
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business users?
30. B If it is sales you are not allowed have a big window. For example, in Cristo- AC
pher & Banks we had a special discount day and sales literally up and run-
ning by 5 in the morning. It was a weekend and the sales literally ran or 12 TL
hours past because there we lots. In this case, they can tolerate a delay be-
cause there is a lot of sales coming in, there is a higher volume than normal.
But if there isn’t a lot of sales and it is a technical problem, they are not nec-
essarily going to be okay with it. If it’s a critical flow the delay has to be top
prioritized and figured out as quickly as possible. It is not as critical and it is
not affecting any other flows or any other fields that are critical, you can
probably let them know, they are usually going to be okay with it.
31. D You have covered the entire set of questions in accuracy and timeliness. Now
the next set is on consistency and timeliness. When you want the data to be
completely consistent you have to give up on timeliness. Do you have any
such contexts/examples/data?
32. B Anything with timeliness is kind of the same. If you don’t have consistency TL
especially if you are considering trending and duplicates under consistency or
if there are problems with the data, the business is again going to make busi- CS
ness critical information and hence timeliness is going to be secondary if
there is issue in the data. The key is again communicating it with the business CST
as quickly as possible and getting it fixed as quickly as possible. Duplicates
from a business stand point, say duplicates in sales they might think that there
were great sales and it was just a misinterpretation. So, in the end, the data
that you are providing is for business consumption. So, in order for them you
have to be aligned with them if there is any issue in the data or consistency, it
has to be completed. So, depending on norms you can decide how to balance
the monitoring and the fixing of any data flows that have issues. Timeliness
for me is somewhat secondary for critical flows.
33. D How about consistency and accuracy, your thoughts on that? For example,
New Jersey can be given as either NJ or as New Jersey, this is accurate data
but not consistent.
34. B That is data quality on the source side and it is working with the business CS
team and saying there is too much flexibility in how people can put the in-
formation. So, you have drop downs instead of free text. You need to work AC
with the source side to get them to understand the data quality. They are not
consistent but they are both accurate. If I look from a business perspective ODT
then I would work with the source side, but once the business view this, they
will be behind you and getting any other changes made. Data quality to me is
you are 100% with the business, 100% of the time and that really is the key.
So, in this scenario, source system is allowing to do that, so if you put control
on the source side you would be able to bring things in. When there are many
sources and there are inconsistencies within them and if we try to combine
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them, consistency will become worse. So, in that scenario our resolution
would be to create a master out of it, a master data and we will bring together
and we will clean up. We will send it back to source but we will also do some
cleaning up. Consistency takes time to be cleaned up. At accuracy stand
point, you are fine. And always accuracy over consistency, if you have dupli-
cates you need to clean I up.
35. D Communicating with the people in source system about issues that you are
facing in your data warehouse, you can bring up consistency as high as accu-
racy as well, over the course of time.
37. D The last set of trade-offs is accessibility and security. What data according to
you need to be accessible and what data needs to be secure?
38. B Anything that has personal information type data has to be secure and how- SE
ever, if needs to access, then have to prove the identity. So, accessibility I
really is not a factor there. To me a highly secure data set shouldn’t be acces- AC
sible. If you have highly secure data, you don’t want it to be accessible to
people. So, if you are talking about accessibility at function stand point, it is ACS
different but if you are talking about who has access and who does not have
access at a secure stand point, it is completely different. Security rules are put
in there for a reason, you know that everybody should not access at a legal
stand point. So, secure is always going to win because of legal ramifications.
40. B I don’t think if there is anything that everybody needs access to. Because if AC
they do not use it, they don’t need access. But to me accessibility is just
around what is your use for in your job and then from there determine who
should or should not have access. All areas will have some level of legality
around them that not everybody should have access.
42. B Sales is kind of need to know basis. If not PII data its company data, if you SD
share what the company is doing with somebody else. That is a security risk
as well. So, sales is another one that not everybody should have access to. If ACS
people have access to something that they should not have access to, sales for
example, how sales is doing in their company because they have access to it.
They can actually give information to other persons, like insider trading. So,
accessibility for me is always going to go away over security.
43. D One last question, assuming that a system crash happens what is the first data
that you would want back in your system?
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44. B It is always going to be how is the company doing, so the sales probably.
From the company perspective, you need to get whatever is in front of the
customer up and running as fast as possible – websites or whatever it is. You
have to look at how it is impacting your business.
46. B It depends, data quality really runs from source to BI. You can manage it at OD
source side or BI side. But a system crash happens in the company and you
are strictly looking from the BI stand point, then your information of how you
are doing from a business stand point is what you have to retrieve first, which
will be sales. If you are looking from a company stand point then the first
what you have to do is what is impacting your business-like websites. Be-
cause if those are gone, you are not generating any sales.
47. D I think we covered everything. Beth, thank you; it was very helpful.
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