Upstream CAE Test 2
Upstream CAE Test 2
Upstream CAE Test 2
(Time 50 minutes)
2 The band gave a rousing ............ of the 9 The city was under ............ for six months
Stones' classic ‘Brown Sugar’. before it finally fell.
A translation C rendition A blockade C closure
B execution D edition B cordon D siege
3 His voice was barely ............ above the loud 10 It’s impossible to travel in the ............ heat
music. of the desert.
A listened C loud A bubbling C blistering
B audible D clear B smoldering D sizzling
4 I think you need a jacket, there’s a ............ 11 I enjoy taking a ............ bath as soon as I
breeze blowing outside. get home from work.
A chilly C frigid A restful C soothing
B frosty D glacial B gentle D mild
5 He stood on the ............ of the ship and 12 Frank has been the ............ of the local
watched the seagulls dive for fish. history museum for over 10 years now.
A floor C platform A curator C dean
B ground D deck B escort D conductor
6 The resort boasts a ............ beach and 13 He found the fact that Susan had been
crystal clear sea. saving money secretly quite ............ .
A pristine C faultless A discordant C disconcerting
B pure D untouched B discontenting D discouraging
14 The ceiling-high bookcase swayed for a few 2 Eight out of the ten sentences
seconds, then crashed to the floor with contain spelling or punctuation
a ............ noise. mistakes. Write the correct words
A vociferous C boisterous in the spaces provided. If a
B raucous D deafening sentence contains no mistakes, put
a tick () next to it. There are
15 Use the ............ to drain the spaghetti, but three examples (0).
make sure that you do it quickly enough so
that it doesn’t go cold. 0 The need to watch escapist
A whisk C saucepan movies has it’s origins in
B colander D grater childhood. its
0 Whatever, you say, I will
16 After congratulating his team, the coach left, not change my mind about
allowing the players to let their ............ this. Whatever you
down for a while. 0 Terry would like to go to the party, but it
A hair C hearts might not be possible.
B heads D souls 1 There’s been a lot of resistence to the new
no-smoking policy. ………………..
17 Turn to page 24 to find out at a ............ 2 Childrens' worlds are
which courses are available to you. inhabited by imaginary
A look C stare friends and foes. ………………..
B glance D glimpse 3 Most people can't concieve
of living in such poverty. ………………..
18 Mrs Robinson ............ great pride in her 4 I was born in England, but
cooking. my parents are Scottish. ………………..
A gets C has 5 There are many diffcultys
B finds D takes involved in setting up your
own business. ………………..
19 Sleep is ............ to our health, and lack of it 6 Most women say they
can lead to many illnesses. aren’t happy with their
A needed C essential looks. ………………..
B required D desirable 7 They gave us their
asurance that they
20 The aircraft experienced severe ............ would be ready on time. ………………..
during the final approach, but the pilot kept 8 Frank and Doris have
his cool and landed it safely. gone to visit their daughter,
A turbulence C unsteadiness Tina, in Australia. ………………..
B instability D wavering 9 “Whats going on in here?”
he asked. ………………..
Marks ____
220 40
10 Mike hasn't heared from
his eldest brother in years. ………………..
Marks ____
210 20
3 Underline the correct word. 4 Fill in the gaps with ONE word.
1 The road was very slippery / slick / slimy / 1 We’re putting .............................. our
greasy as a result of the overnight frost. summer holidays until the weather gets a bit
2 Following the accident, Sheila has been better.
advised to take it careful / slow / gradual / 2 That car must have set
easy for a while. Joe .............................. quite a bit, it’s top of
3 The company is into / under / on / in the range.
investigation for suspected tax evasion. 3 I thought I’d like living in the country, but it
4 How do you suppose / presume / wasn’t long before boredom
hypothesise / believe that he got that job set .............................. and I was back to the
without any experience? city.
5 The organisers expressed their dissention / 4 Parents aren’t always to
disturbance / discourse / dismay at the blame .............................. their children’s
poor attendance figures. bad behaviour.
6 The notion of organ transplant avoids / 5 The film is based .............................. the
warns / repels / rebukes most people. book of the same name.
7 Visiting the famine victims was a harrowing / 6 If you’re allergic .............................. nuts you
worrying / stressing / terrorising should stay clear of Chinese food.
experience. 7 Let’s get going before the rain
8 Job retraining in middle age is a(n) sets .............................. .
unapproachable / disheartening / 8 They’re setting .............................. early to
daunting / demoralising task for most beat the rush hour traffic.
people. 9 I’ll never forgive her for what she put
9 Asking the staff to take a pay cut was a(n) me .............................. .
absurd / abstract / abnormal / absent 10 Karen’s husband is always putting
suggestion. her .............................. in public, it’s so
10 Negotiations between the union and the embarrassing!
management are at a stoppage / pause /
hurdle / standstill. Marks ____
210 20
Marks ____
210 20
Marks ____