September 2010 Newsletter

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Glad Tidings St.

Matthew UCC/ (504) 861-8196

The Newsletter of Central St. Matthew UCC September, 2010

From Pastor Cheryl:

The National Council of Churches urges
What does the Mosque in New York have to Christians to remember that Muslims, Jews,
do with us? Christians, Hindus and others lost their lives
on 9.11.01. Churches are urged to embody
“And I should like to assure you, my Christ’s teachings as the basis for denouncing
Islamic friends, that under the American anti-Muslim sentiment. Christ calls us to love
Constitution, under American tradition and your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39).
in American hearts, this Center, this place
of worship is just as welcome as could be Locally, the Rev. Travis Norvell, Pastor of St.
a similar edifice of any other religion. Charles Avenue Baptist Church, published an
Indeed America would fight with her whole editorial opinion in the Times-Picayune of
strength for your right to have here your August 25, 2010 entitled “Liberty and the
own church and worship according to your Mosque.” Rev. Norvell reminded his readers
own conscience. This concept is indeed a of “the uniquely American tradition of liberty of
part of America, and without that concept conscience, without threat of persecution or
we would be something else than what we promise of aid by the government.” Rev.
are.” President Dwight D. Eisenhower at Norvell stated further “As rhetoric against the
the dedication of the Islamic Center on building of a Muslim community center and
Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, DC, mosque in lower Manhattan moves from civil
1957. to vitriolic, as American citizens question the
right of American Muslims to freely practice
But that was long before 9/11! What does our their religion, our nation’s foundational
denomination, the United Church of Christ, principles are not only threatened but under
have to say about the controversy surrounding attack. It is in the vital interest of every
building an Islamic Center where worship will American to let the community center and
occur near the footprint of the World Trade mosque be built.”
Burn the Koran as some have suggested? A
Our national leaders have joined with the horrible thought. Rather let us commit
National Council of Churches to ask Christians ourselves to what Rev. Norwell called “the
to increase understanding and respect for our liberty of conscience” on which this country
Muslim neighbors. The Rev. Geoffrey A. was founded. “Let us all stand firm in support
Black, UCC General Minister and President, of our Muslim brothers and sisters, our fellow
said the following: American citizens. Let the community center
and mosque be built and let our grand
“The United Church of Christ has a long tradition of the liberty of conscience prevail.
commitment to seeking dialogue with members of (Norvell, 2010)
the Muslim community. Our 1989 General Synod
affirmed God’s call for Christians to be agents of Is it time for Central St. Matthew to learn more
reconciliation, breaking down walls of division. We about the Muslim faith and to become
must remain true to this vocation of peacemaking
acquainted with the local Muslim community?
and reconciliation, standing firm amid voices of
intolerance and fear.”
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Our new Minister of Music

As a part of the music faculty, Dr. Zidaru

We are pleased to introduce and welcome
performed (piano/organ) at all religious and
Dr. Lucian Zidaru as our new Minister of
artistic events that took place at Lawless
Music. Dr. Z, as he is fondly called by his
Chapel at the Dillard University campus.
students, is an Assistant Professor at Dillard
Dillard University is affiliated with the United
University in New Orleans.
Methodist Church.
He graduated from Louisiana State
As the pianist and accompanist for the
University in August 2005, with a D.M.A.
Dillard University Choir, he has been on all
degree in Piano Performance, minor field
the choir Spring tours since 2005. Dr. Z has
Music Theory.
had the privilege of accompanying the
Dillard University Choir in New Orleans and
Dr. Z has taught piano, music analysis,
around the country in the last five years.
music theory, choir and voice coaching /
These tours are planned and practiced
accompanying at Dillard University for five
during the whole year and cover a large
years. He is also the coach / accompanist
number of performances in a large variety of
for all voice major students.
African-American churches of many
denominations. These artistic events
Dr. Zidaru has been serving as a music
represented a wonderful opportunity for him
minister playing piano, organ and
to become familiar with African-American
accompanying/coaching the choir at New
sacred and spiritual repertoire and African-
Beulah Baptist Church in Hammond for
American tradition and heritage.
more than ten years. He has served as a
music minister performing piano and organ
Dr. Zidaru and his lovely wife, Aurelia are
for years at Methodist and Presbyterian
originally from Rumania. They have been in
churches in the Hammond / Baton Rouge
the United States for about eleven years.
area, and for more than two years at a
They have one son, Andre, who is a
Catholic church.
freshman attending Southeastern Louisiana
Prior to 2005, Dr. Z taught at Southeastern
Louisiana University and Louisiana State
When you see the Zidarus during coffee,
University and accompanied the S.L.U.
please give them a warm CSM welcome.
North Shore Choir. He has performed with
the Southeastern Louisiana University
Symphonic Orchestra.

His activities include playing sacred

repertoire from classical composers. He
performed Chamber music recitals and
concerts, alone and with his colleagues, at
all church services where he served as a
music minister.
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Volunteer Opportunity

The Central St. Matthew Social Action and Mission Committee would like to let our
membership know of volunteer opportunities in our community. We know that many of
you are already involved in individual volunteer work but there may be many of you who
have a little extra time and are ready to jump into a project or make a commitment to an
organization that needs your help. We will be spotlighting some of the opportunities in
our community in the newsletter over the next couple of months and hope that you will
find a match for your interests and talents.

Volunteer Spotlight: Canon Hospice

Canon Hospice is looking for volunteers for its program. The volunteers are the
backbone of the hospice team. They allow Canon Hospice to provide services that
comfort and encourage families and patients as they work through the difficult stages of
terminal illness. Volunteers play a special role sharing their time, energy and expertise
and are absolutely vital in fulfilling the hospice mission to care for patients and families
facing the end of life.

Ways you can help:

Run errands for a family

Provide emotional support and friendship
Give a caregiver some much needed rest
Spend time holding a hand, talking or listening
Visit patients at the in-patient setting or a nursing facility
Be a phone buddy for a patient who lives alone.
Assist with clerical work
Provide office support for many departments
Help with fund-raisers, community activities and special events.

If you would like to volunteer, call the New Orleans office at 818-2723 and tell them you
are interested in volunteering some of your time.

Anyone who has an interest in the planning and beginning of a community garden at
the Bienville campus please call or email Marie Weatherspoon
( 251-9079) or Arlean Fermanis (
866-8908). It is an exciting idea for the community and we need your help in getting the
idea off the ground.
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Vital Signs
Financial Update: Our revised 2010 budget calls for us to collect an average of $22,575 per
month to meet our expense and outreach obligations.

As of the end of August, this would amount to about $180,600. Between our tithes, offerings and
rental income, we have collected $176,262 for the eight months ending August 31, 2010.

Thank you for your generous gifts, tithes and offerings in support of our church’s ministry and
outreach. By the way, please make all checks payable to Central St. Matthew UCC. Envelope
numbers are no longer necessary. Credit for cash donations will be given when money is in any
envelope, identified, and designated. Envelopes are provided on the Welcome Table and/or from the

Should you require a check, please submit your voucher to the office by Wednesday morning for
Sunday availability. Our new procedures do not allow for checks on a same day basis.

Please try to stay up to date with your pledge. Currently, we are behind in that portion of our giving.

If you have any questions, please see Carol or Dale.

Prayer List

Please continue to pray for:

-victims of earthquakes in Haiti and Chile and China

-victims of floods in Pakistan
-no more oil leaking into the Gulf
-no more oil moving on shore
-Melvin Chaix -Al and Ethel Creel
-Mary Graves -Eleanor Lauer
-the family of Mike Engelbracht, Sr. -Lavera Kelly
-the family of Mattie Braden -Eddie Gebhardt
-Jeffrey Moore -Ricki Lynn Myers
-Ben Johnson and family -Pat Godfrey
-Rev. Gary and Karen Arndt -the family of Traig H. Thomas
-Curry Miller -the family of Dorothy Puderer
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UCC Issues $300,000 Appeal for Pakistan Flood Relief

Od! For He has crafted me and He has blown

The United Church of Christ issued a special disaster appeal seeking

$300,000 to support the emergency relief and long-term rehabilitation initiatives of Church World Service in
Situation - The torrential rains and flooding that have affected Pakistan in recent weeks continue, with at an
estimated 1,600 dead and 17.2 million affected. Some 1.5 million people are now homeless.
The floods which began in the northern parts of country have spread to four provinces covering over 132,000
square kilometers, or about 82,000 square miles. (Pakistan's total square miles: 340,132.)
As the rains continue, the waters are moving downstream like a rolling earthquake affecting Punjab and Sindh
provinces further south. In Sindh, villages in the area of Dadu and Mehar Taluka have been flooded. Thus far,
some 186 villages in Sindh have been affected in seven local municipalities, affecting 38,656 individuals,
according to CWS staff in Pakistan.
Response - CWS is coordinating a response in a wide geographic area, including the distribution of
emergency food packets and shelter kits. Mobile medical clinics are providing emergency health care.

You Can Help Now:

1. Pray for the people of Pakistan, their leaders, and all emergency response workers.
2. Please help the people of Pakistan by sending gifts payable to your congregation marked for "Pakistan
Flood Relief" with the request they be sent through your Conference office on to Wider Church Ministries.
Send gifts, made out to Wider Church Ministries and marked in the memo portion "Pakistan Flood Relief" to
Wider Church Ministries; 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115.
Make a secure online donation to Pakistan Flood Relief. Checks payable to United Church of Christ marked
for 'Pakistan' may be sent to: UCC, Pakistan Flood Relief, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-1100.

Thank you for your compassion and support.

100% of donations received by the UCC will be utilized for relief and recovery initiatives. Administrative costs
are covered by generous donations to Our Church's Wider Mission (OCWM).


Our Vacation Bible School children and teachers donated enough cans of food to bring our total up to about
548 lbs. of food donated to Second Harvest! Thank you for your generosity. Our commodities for the rest of
the year are as follows:

SEPTEMBER Canned vegetables

OCTOBER Dried and canned beans
NOVEMBER Canned fruit (including pumpkin)
DECEMBER Cereals (whole grain, low sugar)
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Places We Can Go and Things We Might Do!

On Thursday, September 23, 2010, at 6:00 PM, Central St. Matthew United Church of Christ will host the
Central Carrollton Association in a town meeting on Carrollton Area drainage issues. Representatives from
the S&WB and US Army Corps of Engineers will be present to discuss the pending drainage excavation of
Claiborne Ave. through Carrollton----plus related concerns that expansion of drainage under Claiborne
might worsen overflow flooding from the connecting Monticello Canal in Hollygrove area. Present ,also, may be
representatives from City Public Works which now handles clogged street drain and street /
sidewalk flooding complaints. Interested parties are invited to attend.

Our very own James Oakes, Pianist will be playing at St. Charles Presbyterian Church.
(corner of State St.) Sunday, September 26th, 2010, 3:00PM
Jim's program celebrates the 1810 births of Schumann and Chopin, and also contains a variety of pieces
composed in the year 1910.
It's free, so come on out.

Congregational Meeting
On Sunday, September 26, 2010 there will be a meeting of the congregation immediately following worship. We
will vote on using funds to begin renovation of 329 N. Tonti St. This building is located next to Hume Child
Development Center and will be used to start outreach ministry at the Bienville campus. One use has already
been identified. The facility will be used to resurrect the dream of Dr. Joseph Davis by giving his “Good Gang”
program a place to meet. Other uses will be considered, when brought to the Governing Council for approval.
Please take a few minutes to stay and participate in this important decision.

First Christian Church will have a free workshop its church on

Saturday, October 9, 2010, from 9 am until 2 pm entitled
"Take Time to be Holy: Becoming a Christ Centered Church".
The workshop will be presented by Rev. Dr. Michael Elmore, Regional Pastor of the Great River Region of the
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
In order to make this a free workshop, each participant needs to provide their own lunch, either "brown bag" or
from one of many nearby fast food restaurants.
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Greater New Orleans is located at 8121 Airline Drive in Metairie.
Office phone in 504-467-6984

CSM would like to notify you of a new “city wide crime statistics and alert” system that has been implemented
by the NOPD.
This is an alert system that allows City Officials to contact you during an emergency by sending text messages to
E-mail account (work, home, school, etc.)
Cell phone, pager
Smart phone or hand held device

In addition, the following information will also be made available as needed:

Life-threatening weather Boil water notices

Highly disruptive road shutdowns Evacuation or Shelter in Place information
Information about emergency shelters Other emergency information

So if you are interested, please visit and register.

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Conference Minister’s Musings

While at Eden Theological Seminary I was approached by person who said "You're Doug Anders,
aren't you?

It was a clergy (wearing a collar) near my age with entirely grey short hair and wearing a pair of the
notoriously studious black framed eyeglasses. I didn't have a clue as to who this person was. He
said don't you remember me and when he said his name, I did.

He was a seminary classmate (that is 33 years ago), a UCC student, who went on to get his Ph.D. in
theology (never taught) and served churches for a short while after seminary and then dropped out.
He didn't attend church or was involved in church (he sort of dropped out) he worked in retail selling
men's clothing. I had not seen him in about twenty years. The last time I did saw him was at a Gap
store in a St. Louis mall.

Well, along the way he never lost the call to ministry and so he eventually found his way to the
ELCA church, which required of him a two year period before they would authorize him as an ELCA
Pastor. And so today, he is serving an ELCA church in the metro St. Louis area and is very happy
at once again being able to be a Pastor.

We chatted over lunch following the Convocation in the seminary Commons and I asked him what
convinced him that he needed to find a place to do ministry. He said to me that he never lost that
sense of call but that he had a long period of just being stuck, unhappy and doing what he really
didn't' want to do with his life. And eventually, he found his way back to doing what God called him
to do: be a Pastor.

My friend's story is a testimony to the power of call. That sense of call is a part of everyone's life
and the question is how one responds to God's call in your life. People often ignore it, dismiss it,
minimize it or simply put it on hold in the recesses of their mind. But God's call is persistent (like the
persistent widow in the Bible, who never gives up) and stays with you, waiting until you are ready to
act on that call. For my friend there was not a deciding moment that said he needed to go back to
being a Pastor and doing parish ministry but it was long, slow process of persistent reminding that
he did have a call to serve and minister in God's church.

I share this story to remind all that God may be calling you to do something new and different. God
may be calling you to respond to a call that you have carried all your life but never really thought you
could respond to that call. God may be calling you to serve and do ministry that most of your friends
would never think of you doing.

It's never too late to respond to God's call. It's a shame if you carry God's call with you all your life
but never find the courage to step out and say, with God's help, I am willing to respond and follow
the call.

The sense of joy and personal happiness in my friend was evident and overflowing (I kept asking
myself, can anyone serving in authorized ministry be this happy), but having denied that sense of
call for so long, I think my friend (like the Prodigal Son) had found a way back home and
rediscovered his true calling.

Whatever God is calling you to do, may that sense of call move you to faithful ministry and a true
life-giving sense of call in your life. It is never too late to respond to God's call in your life.
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Mailing Address: CALENDAR

1333 S. Carrollton Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70118 Tuesday, September 21, 6:00 p.m Board of Trustees Meeting
Phone: 6:30 p.m. Board of Christian Education Meeting
(504) 861-8196
Saturday, September 25 , 5:30 Music Worship Concert hosted by MCC
Fax: (everyone is invited to attend)
Sunday, September 26 Women of Central St. Matthew Mtg.
E-Mail: Tuesday, September 28, 6:30 p.m. Governing Council Meeting

October 8-24, weekends ABCT performance of “Ceremonies

Office Hours: and Dark Old Men”

Church Secretary: Saturday, October 9, 10:00 a.m. Board of Deacons Meeting

Mrs. Brandy Perez
Mon., Wed., and Friday Tuesday, October 19, 6:00 p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting
9 am to 2 pm 6:30 p.m. Board of Christian Education Meeting

Interim Pastor: Tuesday, October 26, 6:30 p.m. Governing Council Meeting
Rev. Cheryl Q. W. Cramer

We’re on the Web!

See us at:


1333 S. Carrollton Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70118

CITY, STATE, 00000

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