Reviewer in Ucsp

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REVIEWER IN UCSP  Conflict Theory / Historical

– Karl Marx
/SOCIETY/ – conflict
– view society as an arena; social
Sociology – study of society actors are fighting for their very lives
– conflict brings about a new set of
Europe – where the industrial revolution
relations and interactions which
of the society started
produces new dynamism in society
August Comte – Father of Sociology
Emile Durkheim – Father of Modern
 Symbolic Interactionism
– George Herbert Mead, Charles
Cooley, and Herbert Blumer
– meaning making
Society (as a concept) – a tool to
– humans as social beings have the
grasp the complexity of the
capacity to generate meaning from
phenomenon it represents and a means
its surrounding
to explore its many other dimensions
– the constellations of meaning
hidden by its normative use
assigned to an object, event, or
– it represents an ideal type, which more person become the basis of social
or less depicts the form, process and interactions, and they are
dynamics of the social reality it constitutive of events and social
embodies phenomenon

Society (as a facticity) – it is formally RULES (Invisible Hand of Society)

defined as constituting a fairly large
- are guides in the performance of
number of people who are living in the
roles and in everyday actions and
same territory, are relatively
interactions; it provides order in a
independent of people outside their
area, and participate in a common
- written rules and unwritten rules
- almost 90% of our day-to-day
– it only exists if there are people actions are governed and shaped
interacting and their interactions by these invisible rules
constitutes the process that defines

 Structural Functionalism
– August Comte
– social order
– argues that society is made
possible by cooperation and
– view society as a system with parts
and these parts have their respective
functions to perform

Omniscience Omnipotence Omnipresence

(All-knowing) (All-Powerful) (Everywhere)

In the God Its library creates,

Its agents occupy
Metaphor collects, stores, Its spies are present
and control all the
retrieves, and in the four corners of
“Society of influential position
manipulates human the territory.
God” in its domain.

In the Socialization agents

language of Symbols system,
Machineries and are present
sociology language rules, and
armory of social everywhere, even at
set of language for
“Society as a control the very start of a
Fact” person’s life

Laws, norms,
Examples in Family, peers,
Language, symbols, values, belief
Social Science school, church,
arts, science system, religion
Concepts government
 WHAT – contains the actions,
Anthropology – study of culture artifacts, language, and behavior that
Child of Colonialism – Spain and characterized a given culture
Portugal – actions, language, attitude

Universal Culture – it means having  HOW – identifies the processes that

one culture for everyone; no guarantee the transmission and
Culture Universal – it means having dissemination of the contents
one common culture among all – learned, shared, communicated
differences; yes
 WHY – pinpoints the reasons why
individuals comply and the
E.B Taylor – English Anthropologist, mechanisms that facilitate the
was the first to coin the term ‘culture’ in performance if expected behavior
the 18th century – socialization/enculturation,
conformity, social control
– culture is that complex whole which
includes knowledge, belief, art, morals,
law, custom, and any other capabilities Socialization – life long experience of
and habits acquired by man as a by which people develop their human
member of society potential and learn culture; ‘womb to
– culture is a unique possession of tomb’
man. Man is born and brought up in a Enculturation – gradual acquisition of
cultural environment. the characteristics and norms of a
culture by aother culture, etc.; i.e.
culture shock
Ralph Linton (society and culture) – a
society is an organized group of
individuals. A culture is an organized CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURE
group of learners.
Explicit Culture – refers to similarities
– A society cannot exist apart from in words and actions which can be
culture. A society is always made of directly observed; i.e. the adolescent
persons and their groupings. cultural behavior can be generalized by
looking at the way teens dress, their
mannerisms, and conversations
B. Malinowski– the handiwork of a man
and the medium through which he Implicit Culture – exist in abstract
achieves his end. forms which are not quite obvious; i.e.
beliefs, unwritten rules

R. Redfield– an organized body of

conventional understandings manifest in 1. Culture is social because it is the
art which, persisting through tradition, product of behavior
characterizes a human group 2. Culture varies from society to

V. de Robert– the body of thought and 3. Culture is shared

knowledge, both theoretical and 4. Culture is learned
practical , which only man can possess
5. Culture is transmitted among are dependent on their cultural context
members of society and should be treated as such
6. Culture is continuous and – it promotes greater appreciation of the
cumulative cultures one encountered along the way
7. Culture is gratifying and idealistic – it means that the function and
meaning of a trait are relative to its
cultural setting; a trait is neither good
nor bad in itself
– i.e. fur clothing are good in the arctic
but not in the tropic
1. Culture defines situations. RELTIVISM
2. Culture defines attitudes, values, Appreciation of other cultures may come
and goals. about for two complementary reasons:
3. Culture defines myths, legends, 1. Acquisition of sufficient
and the supernatural. knowledge about the culture in
4. Culture provides behavior question
patterns. 2. Direct exposure to other cultures

ETHNOCENTRISM – refers to the XENOCENTRISM – refers to a

tendency of each society to place its preference for the foreign; it is the exact
own culture patterns at the center of opposite of ethnocentrism
– a strong belief that one’s own
– it is the belief that your native culture products, that styles or ideas are inferior
is the most natural or superior way of to those which originate elsewhere
understanding the world
– i.e. our preference for imported goods
– William Graham Sumner coined the
term ethnocentrism
– i.e. ‘My toys are better than your toys.’ XENOPPHOBIA – is the fear of what is
‘You think of other cultures traditional perceived as foreign or strange
food as weird or gross.’
– i.e. fear of losing identity, suspicion of
other groups activity, aggression

1. encourages the solidarity of a

2. hinders the understanding or the
cooperation between groups /POLITICS/
(likely to promote conflicts)
Political Science – study of politics
3. conflict leads to social change
– power struggle, study of governance,
human rights


idea that all norms, beliefs, and values
Executive – puts law into action
– president, vice president, cabinet
Legislative – makes and changes law
– senate, congress
Judiciary – make judgements on law
– chief justice, supreme court,

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