259-Article Text-1642-1-10-20140617
259-Article Text-1642-1-10-20140617
259-Article Text-1642-1-10-20140617
02 2014 33-46
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ABSTRACT Keywords:
The support of combined heat and power production systems has gained policy attention, because Techno-economic Evaluation;
these are often considered to be less polluting and more efficient than conventional energy CHP Power Plants;
conversion systems. As a consequence, the potential market for these energy systems that Carbon Emission Savings.
contribute to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to enhance energy security on a national level,
is shifting from large-scale existing units to small and micro-size emerging technologies. URL: dx.doi.org/10.5278/ijsepm.2014.2.4
This paper presents a numerical model based on a cost-benefit analysis used to design an optimal
cogeneration system for a small-scale building application, considering the Portuguese context
and the comparison with the harmonized efficiency reference values for the separate production
of electricity and useful heat. The model includes the identification of the objective function
terms (i.e., the elements involved in the financial analysis across the system lifetime and the
economic evaluation of costs) and benefits of the combined heat and power production system.
The economic viability of cogeneration systems significantly depends on system technology,
client energy requirements and support schemes implemented in the respective countries.
A strategic approach is necessary to adequately embed the new technology as a feasible solution
in terms of investment and operational costs. Only by matching the energy supply to the needs
and expectations of the energy users, it will be possible to improve the market competitiveness
of these alternative power production plants. The optimal solution disclosed a positive annual
worth, which is higher if the carbon emission savings are monetized. In addition, the optimal
system represents a more efficient way to produce useful heat and electricity (i.e. a positive
primary energy saving) and to reduce gas emissions. A cost-benefit analysis can be applied for
the techno-economic evaluation of a CHP system by assessing the monetary socio-environmental
costs and benefits of a capital investment over its useful lifetime.
1. Introduction
cogeneration systems where most of this thermal energy
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or cogeneration is is recovered as useful heat for a nearby client [1]. Thus,
well known as a thermodynamically efficient way of cogeneration brings several advantages, such as, high
energy conversion. All thermal power stations produce overall efficiency in the energy conversion process,
heat during electricity generation, which is, in reduction of fuel consumption by 20-30% and
conventional separate systems, released and lost into environmental benefits (Fig. 1).
the environment. This waste of energy in the separate Cogeneration was firstly implemented in large scale
production of electricity can be avoided by using installations (>1 MWe), nowadays in some countries it
Losses 23 units
51 units GRID
ηe = 0.55 28
Energy η e = 0.35
100 units Energy
CHP input
80 units
η = 0.90
49 units BOILER HEAT units HEAT
η th = 0.90 η th = 0.55
already represents more than 40% of the total defines the Primary Energy Savings (PES). PES is the
electricity produced. Nevertheless, a large potential index through which the power plant is classified. For
still exists for small-scale applications in the medium- large- and small-scale systems, a PES of at least 10% is
size building sector and for micro-scale applications in required, so that the system can be classified as high-
individual dwellings. Building applications include: efficiency and thus entitled for the legal support
hospitals, institutional and office buildings, hotels, and schemes. In the case of micro-scale systems, only a
single or multi-family residential buildings. For these positive value of PES is required.
buildings, the cogeneration systems have to satisfy The European Energy Performance of Buildings
both electrical and thermal demands [2]. In the last Directive (EPBD) obliges all member states to ensure
years, distributed power systems have gained some that (for new buildings with a floor area over 1 000 m2)
relevance, mainly due to the liberalization of the the economic feasibility of alternative systems, such as,
electricity market and environmental benefits [3–5]. decentralized energy supply systems based on CHP or
The competitiveness of these systems has gained a renewable energy, is considered at the building design
greater expression with the recent policies, which stage [7]. The Directive also outlines that the net grid
largely promote efficiency improvements, the energy requirements for all the new buildings should be
sustainable development of the energy sector and the near to zero by 2020.
capacity of matching electrical and thermal load Nowadays, the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG)
profiles. The European Directive 2004/8/EC [6] emissions is one of the highest concerns in Europe and
defines “small-scale cogeneration” as those units with cogeneration produce heat and power in such a way that,
an installed capacity bellow 1 MWe and “micro- as less primary energy is required, therefore a reduction
cogeneration” as those with a maximum capacity of GHGs emissions is also achieved. In 2010, the
bellow 50 kWe. Portuguese Decree-Law 23/2010 [8] finally established
This directive aims at the promotion of high- the guidelines for high-efficiency cogeneration based on
efficiency systems led by useful heat demand and useful heat demand, which is considered a priority due
to its potential primary energy savings and consequently sources. In addition, a growth of the energy usage
reducing CO2 emissions. This Decree-Law also occurred until 2006, although Portugal has a lower
established the remuneration scheme for the cogenerated level of electricity consumption per capita when
electricity. Besides PES, another parameter commonly compared with the EU’s average [13]. However, the
used to analyse the energy and environmental benefits power consumer needs suffered an increase in recent
from using cogeneration systems, is the equivalent CO2 years, mainly in the building sector. These two aspects
avoided emissions. However, for its calculation, the lead to a growing dependence on foreign energy
adopted mix of energy for that region/country must be sources. In 2007, according to Eurostat, Portugal was
considered [9, 10]. one of the European Union (EU) countries with the
Most European member states created support highest energy dependence, importing in that year
schemes based on electricity Feed-In-Tariffs (FIT). 82% of the total primary energy consumed, when
These grid-selling tariffs are usually fixed throughout compared to the EU-27 average (of about 53%) [14].
the day, and typically represent a premium Energy demand has been increasing slightly faster
comparatively to the buying-back prices. So, all the than the rate of economic growth, and consequently
electricity produced can be sold to the national network, the energy intensity is 4% higher than it was in 1991,
although the thermal energy produced should not exceed being 10% above the EU 15-average. Thus, the
the required demand. Portuguese energy scenario is characterized by a huge
In the Portuguese scenario, the government has import of primary fossil sources, which justifies the
been promoting energy efficiency policies. The high energy dependence. In fact, the energy costs of
cogeneration has been benefiting from this political imported fuel has been suffering a significant growth,
orientation, namely via feed-in-tariffs, and presently and together with the external factors, notably those
represents approximately 13% of the total National which cause variations of exchange rates in the
electricity production. According to the Portuguese international markets as well as the energy price
Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE) [11], variations, lead to the research and development
between January 2008 and May 2011, the average FIT of cleaner and more efficient alternatives of
was 108 €/MWhe for large-scale CHP systems. energy production.
Nevertheless, the FIT is monthly calculated via a Portugal has significantly shifted its electricity
rather complex formula that involves, among other production system by introducing natural gas power
factors, fluctuations of the oil market prices. The FIT plants, some new hydroelectric power plants and a huge
for these large systems varies depending on the hour investment in wind energy. Electricity production from
of the day, but is always higher than the buy-back natural gas has increased from zero to near 12.3 TWh
electricity price. A recent law [12] guarantees a fixed between 1996 and 2006. The total installed capacity of
FIT at any time of the day or night, for micro- production from all types of renewable energy sources
cogeneration systems with a grid power connection has doubled from 1995 to 2009 and has reached 9.2 GW
not exceeding 3.7 kWe in the case of single dwellings, in March 2010. Plus, in 2020, it is expected that
or 11 kWe in case of apartment blocks. For renewable renewable electricity will represent almost 60% of the
micro- cogeneration systems (e.g. using biogas), the total electricity generation [15].
FIT is 280 €/MWhe during the first 8 years after The use of renewable sources, as well as the rational
commissioning, followed by 168 €/MWhe from years use of energy has become an important objective of
9 to 15. In the specific case of non-renewable many countries. They represent a sustainable approach
cogeneration, the corresponding FITs are 160 and to energy production, by helping to ensure the security
96 €/MWhe (or market value if above). Considering of energy supply and contribute to the accomplishment
the Portuguese scenario, it is expected that this fixed of the Kyoto Protocol objectives. The appropriate
hourly FITs will be soon extended to small-scale policies and regulations on the rational use of energy
cogeneration systems up to 250 kWe. are, therefore, very important to achieve a sustainable
The current national energy scenario is development [16].
characterized by a strong external dependency, with Considering the potential of cogeneration technology
an energy sector heavily dependent on fossil fuels in producing energy through an efficient way and with
(e.g. fuel oil, natural gas and coal) as primary energy environmental benefits, several studies and theoretical
approaches for their techno-economic optimisation have efficiency and the type of energy sources that the CHP
been developed. Some of these approaches include a plants work with.
few key concepts of thermo-economics, such as, sizing The main objective of this paper is the development of
constraints through component costing equations and a numerical optimization model for a cogeneration
the identification of thermodynamic variables system based on a micro-gas turbine. This technology
(e.g. power, mass rate, heat rate, enthalpy, entropy, heat was chosen because it is one of the most mature and has
loss, efficiency, heat exchanger effectiveness) [5]. a high potential for cogeneration applications [23, 24].
Some authors established that the introduction of The thermodynamic cycle of Micro-gas is more complex
CHP systems in the building sector requires the than with conventional large-scale simple-cycle gas
development of compact, cost efficient and systems of turbines. The low pressure-ratio compressor (typical
easy installation. In fact, it is believed that only with the of these machines due to cost reasons), implicates the
development of more energy-efficient systems, which inclusion of an internal regenerator to reduce fuel
are able to reduce life-cycle costs, primary energy consumption (thereby substantially increasing
savings and CO2 emissions, it will be possible to efficiency), although it introduces internal pressure
increase their market competitiveness [17]. Lazzareto losses that moderately lower efficiency and specific
and Toffolo [18] developed a study with the objective of power. The thermal energy contained in the exhaust gas
identifying the best option to optimize thermal systems, improves system economics heat can be recovered and
where single- or multi-objective optimization used to, for instance, water or space heating, which
approaches were discussed. The study was performed represents an economic gain. These power plants with
using evolutionary algorithms to optimize the design internal regeneration can achieve 30% of electrical
parameters of a CHP plant, and by defining an efficiency and the overall efficiency is in the range of
assessment model based on energy, economic and 75–85% (based on Low Heating Value – LHV).
environmental issues. De Paepe et al. [19] compared The numerical model should be able to get the
different commercially available cogeneration systems optimal values for different physical variables (e.g.,
and concluded that the system cost is the main obstacle compressor pressure ratio, turbine inlet temperature,
against the introduction of these plants in the residential pre-heater effectiveness) providing the best economic
sector. Pilavachi et al. [20] defend that the development, output. A set of cost equations were defined for each
construction and operation of small and micro-CHP system component, in order to compose the economic
systems must be evaluated according to economic, model. The thermo-economic model was based on a
social and environmental aspects in an integrated way cost-benefit analysis, which is established on the
and that evaluation results should be compared by economic balance between the incomes and the costs
means of the sustainability scores. Alanne et al. [17] from the system operation. In the paper, two case studies
presented a techno-economic strategy to evaluate the are presented in order to understand the weight of the
performance of different configurations for a Stirling carbon emission savings and if its monetization is a
engine residential micro-cogeneration system in order to relevant income in the thermal-economic model.
minimize the annual thermal losses of the system. In the The next section of this paper presents the description
evaluation procedure, the variables considered were the of the cogeneration system that was optimized. Then,
annual costs, primary energy use and CO2 emissions. In the third section describes the formulation of the
their study, the economic viability of the system is based mathematical model, including the definition of the
on the capacity to recover the capital investment cost by objective function, decision variables, constraints and
the annual savings during a certain period of time (i.e. the optimization method. The two last sections
payback period). Pehnt [21, 22] studied the correspond to the results and discussion and the main
environmental impacts of distributed energy systems for conclusions of the paper, respectively.
micro scale applications. In his research, the potential of
different cogeneration systems was investigated by
2. CHP plant descritption
evaluating their impacts throughout a life-cycle
assessment. The author concluded that the performance The problem presented in this study aims to optimize
of micro cogeneration with respect to environmental and size a small-scale cogeneration system by
concerns depends mainly on the overall conversion producing electrical power, and simultaneously be able
to fulfil both the heating and the domestic hot water The high temperature combustion gases expand in the
needs, for a building of residential apartments. For this Turbine (T). The EG, leaving the turbine, are firstly used
scale of application, the system must operate, in the IPH to pre-heat the incoming compressed air and
approximately, 4000 h which corresponds to a heat subsequently for the production of hot water in the
output of 125 kW. The building consists of a external heat recovery system, before exiting to the
52 individual dwellings with an individual floor area of atmosphere. The latter is a Water Heat Exchanger
150 m2 (or 7800 m2 in total). The annual thermal power (WHE), where a fixed flow rate of water is heated from
duration curve of the building was calculated 313 K to 353 K.
according to the Portuguese regulation for the thermal
behaviour of buildings (RCCTE, Decree Law 78/2006)
3. Development of techno-economic
[25], by summing the hourly heating load and the
optimization model
hourly hot water needs. The domestic hot water needs
calculations were performed considering an occupation A fundamental basis for an economic assessment of a
of 4 people per dwelling with a daily domestic hot CHP system is a complete methodology that takes into
water consumption of 40 L per person, at a temperature account all relevant decision variables. When
of 60 °C. The building hourly heating loads were assessing the potential of a CHP system, it should be
calculated considering a class B minus building and noted that both economic-environmental costs and
local climate (i.e. north of Portugal). benefits affect the decision-making process.
This study is based on a small-scale cogeneration Therefore, the implementation of CHP systems
system designed under the Joule-Brayton cycle. Fig. 2 requires a cost-benefit analysis, which includes:
illustrates the layout of a micro turbine based CHP investment, operation, maintenance and environment
system. The turbo machinery and the electric generator costs. The evaluation of the economic feasibility of a
are connected to a common shaft rotating at high speed. CHP system can be processed in three main steps:
An inverter decouples the high frequency of the (1) assessment of the technical data, (2) costing
produced current from that of the grid, thus enabling methodology, and (3) evaluating the economic
variable speed operation. For so small applications with viability of the CHP residential system. The
a low-pressure compressor, gas turbines require an information on the economic costs and the
Internal air Pre-Heater (IPH) or regenerator, to provide environmental benefits shall lead to a decision
a satisfactory electrical efficiency. The thermal energy concerning the economic viability. Cost estimation
of the Exhaust Gases (EG) is recovered as useful heat has to be made considering the investment associated
for heating water. with the installation of the CHP system. The cost
Atmospheric air is compressed (C) and fed to the IPH methodology allows the user to define the costs in a
before entering the Combustion Chamber (CC) where it transparent manner, so that options can be validated
is mixed with Natural Gas (NG). and compared in an equitable manner. Firstly, there is
the need to gather and validate the cost data. For this,
one can collect cost data from literature, technology
suppliers and consultants. Secondly, the cost
8 WHE 9 components have to be defined and allocated into:
investment cost, operation and maintenance costs,
7 5
revenues and avoided costs. Finally, it is necessary to
CC use some parameters (e.g. exchange rates, inflation,
2 3 4
and discount and interest rates) in order to enable a
IPH Fuel 5
fair comparison of different CHP residential systems.
These data are used to estimate whether the annual
Compressor Turbine worth (AW) of the investment is positive or negative.
A positive AW indicates that investment in the CHP
Air 1
system is, actually, cost effective.
Figure 2: Schematic representation of the micro gas turbine Thus, the maximization of the AW was defined as a
CHP system. nonlinear objective function with nonlinear constrains.
Most of those constraints account for the physical and electrical power generation. Therefore, the avoided
thermodynamic limitations of system operation. Six cost (Cavoided) to produce the same useful thermal
decision variables were selected for the optimization energy by the CHP system (QCHP), to fulfil thermal
algorithm, which was solved in MatLab® environment. needs of the building (space heating or hot water), can
In this section, the mathematical formulation of the be considered as an economic advantage in the model,
optimization model is presented, as well as, the as expressed by Eq. (3):
numerical solution adopted. The model is further
described in [26]. ⎛Q ⎞
Cavoided = p fuel ⋅ ⎜ CHP ⎟ (3)
⎝ ηb ⎠
3.1. Mathematical model formulation
The optimization model comprises the definition of the where pfuel represents the fuel price for the boiler
objective function, the constraints and the decision operation and ηb is the efficiency of reference for
variables. In this study, the objective function was conventional boilers.
defined as the maximization of the AW of the system The residual value of the equipment at the end of its
operation, as expressed by Eq. (1): useful lifetime (Rres) should be considered as revenue.
From the economic point of view, the residual value of
Max AWCHP ⇔ equipment is usually estimated as a percentage (ψ) of
the initial system investment cost, as in Eq. (4).
Max ( Rsell + Cavoided + RCO2 + Rres (1)
Rres = ψ ⋅ Cinv (4)
− Cinv − C fuel − Cmaintenance )
As an environmental benefit, the monetization of the
The AW value results from the balance between the carbon emission savings from the CHP unit was
revenues and the costs from the CHP system operation. considered. The quantification of avoided carbon
In terms of revenues, one of the main advantages of emissions was calculated by Eq. (5), assuming a
CHP systems is the possibility of selling the energy to constant price (pCO2) per ton of CO2 that is saved [27]:
the power distribution network, which is appropriate to
the “producer-consumer” profile. In this study, it is RCO = pCO ⋅ FECO ⋅ t ⋅ E prod (5)
considered that the client sells all the produced 2 2 2
electricity (Eprod) to the grid, being the income (Rsell) The reference values and CO2 emission factors
from selling power to the net grid by the CHP system, depend on the technology used to produce electricity
expressed in Eq. (2): and heat. So, considering that the NG is the fuel used to
run the CHP system, and according to data from DGEG,
Rsell = E prod ⋅ pe (2) the NG emission factor (FECO2) was assumed as
64.1 gCO2/GJ, during the micro-CHP system working
where pe represents the electricity price. Accordingly to period (t).
the current legal framework in Portugal, the selling price In terms of costs, the following elements may be
of electricity to the grid (i.e. FIT) of the micro- considered: the purchase cost of each component of
cogeneration energy systems (with the exception of micro-CHP system, which corresponds to the
biomass cogeneration systems) is equal to the purchase annualized investment costs (Cinv) that should include
prices of the tariff applicable to the consumer. the acquisition and installation of the cogeneration
When the combined production, by the CHP system; and the total operational costs (Cop) resulting
system, is compared with the conventional power from the sum of the maintenance costs (Cmaintenance) and
generation, it is clear that a full separate system the fuel costs for the micro-CHP unit operation (Cfuel).
(typically a boiler) to produce heat is not required. In The annual system investment cost is calculated
fact, one of the most important economic benefits of according to the annualized capital cost. Annualizing
micro-CHP systems, over conventional ones, is the initial investment cost corresponds to the spreading
related to their capacity to use the waste heat from of the initial cost across the lifetime of a system, while
accounting for the time value of the money. The initial Cmaintenance = ϕ ⋅ Cinv (9)
capital cost is annualized as if it was being paid off a
loan at a particular interest of discount rate over the The appropriated optimization models, in this type of
lifetime of the option. The Capital Recovery Factor application, are very complex and therefore, some
(CRF) is used to determine the equal amounts of n cash assumptions have to be made for the success of the
transactions for an investment and can be expressed computational modelling:
as in Eq. (6): I. The heat provided by the cogeneration plant
should never exceed the user demand;
ie (1 + ie )n II. The thermal efficiency of the boiler should be
CRF = ( P → A, ie , n) = (6) considered equal to the reference value of the
(1 + ie )n − 1
conventional boilers (ηB = 90%) [7];
III. The plant should operate in steady state,
where A is the annuity (a series of equal amount cash
according to the thermal load profile of the user;
transactions); P is the present value of the initial cost; ie
IV. A period of 15 years is reasonable for the plant
is the effective rate of return, and n is the number of
years of the lifetime operation. For thermal-economic
V. The maintenance costs are assumed as a fraction
optimization, the effective rate of return can be
of the annualized investment cost (ϕ = 0.15),
approximated as: nominal rate of return (i.e. interest
roughly equivalent to 6 €/MWhe [26];
rate), minus inflation rate, plus owners’ risk factor and a
VI. The residual value of the power plant, at the end
correction for the method of compounding. Thus, the
of its useful lifetime, was assumed as (ψ = 0.10)
Cinv can be calculated according to Eq. (7):
of the annualized investment cost of the
cogeneration plant [29];
Cinv = ∑ Ci ⋅ CRF (7)
i 3.2. Decision variables
Six physical parameters were selected as decision
where Ci is the purchase cost of each component of the variables of the optimization model: the compressor
CHP system. The mathematical expression that pressure ratio (rC); the isentropic efficiency of the air
defines the cost of each CHP component Ci→(Cc; Ccc; compressor (ηC); the isentropic efficiency of the gas
CT; CIPH; CWH) accounts for the physical parameters, turbine (ηT); the air temperature at the internal pre-heater
which are based on works from literature [28, 29], (T3); the temperature of the combustion gases. at the
adjusted for small-scale units and real data from turbine inlet (T4) and the electrical production (W ). The
micro-turbines available in the market (Capstone® 65). simulation was performed considering upper and lower
The physical model that calculates the thermodynamic bounds for the decision variables as Eq. (10) to (15):
relationships is fully described in [26]. This model
allows the calculation of the temperatures evolution,
3.0 ≤ rC ≤ 6.0 (10)
the mass flow rates, the heat transfer areas and all
parameters needed to build the numerical model that
describes the power plant operation. Cfuel is calculated 0.70 ≤ ηC ≤ 0.90 (11)
through the cumulative fuel consumption during the
micro-CHP system working period, considering the
fuel price per energy unit and the fuel mass flow rate 0.70 ≤ ηT ≤ 0.90 (12)
(mfuel), usually LHV basis. The Cfuel can be expressed by
the Eq. (8):
500 ≤ T3 ≤ 1000 (13)
The limits for the electrical production variable were where ηthCHP is the cogeneration heat efficiency,
based on the actual heat-to-power ratio (λ) that defines defined as the annual useful heat output divided by the
the relationship between the amount of useful heat fuel energy input. The terms ηthref and ηeref are the
(considered to be a fixed value in this study) and the efficiency reference values for the separate production
electricity produced by the CHP system. Typically, the of heat and electricity, respectively. Finally, ηeCHP is
heat-to-power ratio of micro-gas turbines is the electrical efficiency of the cogeneration
approximately 1.25. production defined as annual electricity from
cogeneration divided by the fuel input used to produce
3.3. Constraints the sum of useful heat output and electricity from
Seventeen inequality constraints were formulated in cogeneration power plant.
order to give physical significance to the mathematical
model. These constraints bound the variables within 3.4. Numerical solution
feasible limits of the system operation. For instance: The problem is solved with resource to the Pattern
the inlet temperature of the air (T1) is lower than the air Search (PS) algorithm, a search method without the
temperature at IHP inlet (T2); the turbine inlet need of analytic derivatives. Generalized Pattern
temperature (T4) is the highest temperature reached in Search (GPS) algorithms are derivative free methods
the system; the high-pressure air is pre-heated for the minimization of smooth functions [31]. At each
upstream the CC, and hence, it is required that the step the algorithm generates a set of points, called
temperatures (T2) and (T3) are lower than that of the mesh. The mesh is generated by creating a set of
exhaust gases (T5). vectors based on the pattern (Pk), multiplying each ith
The difference between the inlet and outlet direction vector (Pki ) by a scalar that corresponds to the
temperatures in each heat exchanger flow should be mesh size, Δk. The pattern vector that defines a mesh
limited to ensure the effectiveness heat transfer process point is considered its direction. The algorithm polls
between the fluids. In order to allow an effective heat the points in the current mesh by computing their
transfer in the IPH and in the WHE, lower and upper objective function. If the algorithm fails to find a point
limits were defined to guarantee a temperature that improves the objective function, the poll is called
differential between the two streams. Moreover, it is unsuccessful, remaining the current point as the best
also important to make sure that the exit gas temperature for the next iteration. After polling, the algorithm
(T7) is above 363 K, in order to prevent condensation in changes the value of the mesh size, expanding or
the heat recuperating system. contracting its size. The mesh expansion depends on
Besides the constraints related to the evolution of the the polling step. Chosen the initial point (xk), a trial
temperature in the system, PES was also included in the step is defined considering at iteration k the
model as the eighteenth inequality constraint in order to convergence tolerance (ξ ), the length of search step
guarantee that the system may be classified as high- and the initial direction.
efficient CHP power plant. Thus, PES allows to estimate Considering that the poll option controls how the
the total primary energy savings that are possible to algorithm “vote” the mesh points at each iteration, the
achieve by a cogeneration unit (considering the simulation was carried out considering the complete
combined electric and thermal efficiencies) when poll “on” in order to choose the point with the best
compared with the conventional power production objective function value by checking all the points in
process [3]. The amount of primary energy provided by the mesh at each iteration. The poll method chosen was
cogeneration production (in percentage) is calculated the GPS Positive Basis 2N algorithm and the search
according to the Eq. (16): method was defined as the Nelder-Mead. The
maximum number of function evaluations was defined
⎛ ⎞ as 20 000.
⎜ ⎟ A feasible initial point is required to start the
⎜ 1 ⎟ iteration process, in this study the initial
PES = ⎜ 1 − ⎟ ⋅100 (16)
ηth ηe approximations for the six decision . variables were:
+ CHP ⎟ rC = 4.0, ηT = ηC = 0.85, T3 = 850 K, W = 100 kWe and
⎜ ηth ηe ⎟
⎝ ref ref ⎠ T4 = 1 200 K.
Relative capital cost (103 €)
c cc T IPH WHE
CHP applications is estimated to vary within the range Table 3: Efficiencies and performance results.
of 1 000 to 1 700 €/kWe [24]. The optimization model
Efficiencies & Performance Criteria for Case 1 (%)
disclosed, for each case scenario, an investment cost of
1 205 €/kWe (Case 1) and 1 242 €/kWe (Case 2). Electrical efficiency, ηel 35.1
Total efficiency, ηtotal 74.4
Table 2 shows the optimal values for the six
Primary Energy Savings, PES 13.7
decision variables. The results for the decision Carbon Emission Savings, CES 28.7
variables corresponded to similar power plants,
meaning that there is no significant difference for the
optimal values of the decision variables. The main
difference lies on the size of the micro gas turbine, (25–31%). The total efficiency of 74.4% is a reasonable
larger in Case 1, in order to deliver a higher electrical value for the use of micro turbines on cogeneration
power (higher mass-flow of air - affecting the size of applications. The performance of a cogeneration system
all components - and comparatively larger regenerator can be evaluated by comparison with the separate
with higher T3 and lower T6 ). For instance, in Case 1, production of heat and electricity. In this study, PES and
the results show a compressor pressure ratio of CES were calculated considering the guidelines that
rC = 5.74 and a Turbine Inlet Temperature of T4 = 1 established harmonized efficiency reference values for
385 K. These two decision variables, together with the separate production in application of Directive
regenerator effectiveness, are the most important 2004/8/EC.
parameters in micro gas turbines cycles. Both results The calculations included the correction factors
are higher than the values for the models currently regarding the average local climate and the avoided
available in the market (an rC of 4 and a T4 of grid losses. The optimal configuration allows a PES
approximately 1 200 K). A possible explanation for of 13.7%.
this difference is the use of low cost materials in Considering that the cogeneration reduces the amount
the equipment manufacturing, which imposes some of primary energy used to produce the same energy
boundaries to these operational variables. output (when compared with the conventional
The compressor and turbine isentropric efficiencies production), carbon emissions are saved and its
(~84.0% and 86.9%, respectively) seem to be within the quantification represents an environmental and
expected values for this kind of systems. According to the economic benefit. Also, it is possible to avoid ~29% of
results for the optimal solution, the resulting CHP system carbon emissions. Thus, this result confirms that the
is able to produce about 111.6 kW of electrical power. cogeneration plants are systems that improve the
Considering the electricity production output, the optimal efficiency in the energy production and that bring
system has a heat-to-power ratio of λ = 1.12. noteworthy environmental benefits.
In Table 3, the results of efficiencies and the Figure 4 presents the trends of carbon emission
performance criteria for the optimized solution are savings as a function of heat-to-power ratio and
revealed. Considering the results for the various electrical efficiency.
operational variables, an electrical efficiency of 35.1% The carbon emission savings were calculated for
was obtained that is slightly higher than the current different values of electric efficiency for the typical
values observed with the real micro-gas turbines range of micro-gas turbines: 26%, 28%, 30% and
Table 2: Results for the decision variables of the small CHP
Results show that carbon emission savings are
higher for turbines with higher heat-to-power ratios.
Also, the carbon emission savings increase for
Decision Variables Case 1 Case 2 systems with higher electrical efficiencies. Trends in
rc 5.743 5.630 CO2 emissions from fuel combustion illustrate the
ηc (%) 83.99 83.44 need for a more sustainable energy paradigm. It seems
ηT (%) 86.92 86.67 that the use of more efficient energy conversion
T3 (K) 982.2 976.6 systems, such as cogeneration power plants,
. 4 (K) 1385.0 1381.8
contributes for a more sustainable energy production
W (kWe) 111.6 89.4
Electric efficiency 26% Electric efficiency 28%
Electric efficiency 30% Electric efficiency 32%
0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
Heat-to-power ratio
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