Science of Bricks: Am Overview: Chapter - Ii
Science of Bricks: Am Overview: Chapter - Ii
Science of Bricks: Am Overview: Chapter - Ii
Bricks have been used as building materials for the last 10,000 years.
Archaeologists at Ur of the Chaldees, the city of Abraham in Valley of the
Euphrates, have discovered burned and unburned bricks in the great temples
made over 5000 years ago. Primitive bricks were sun dried, but the brick kiln
was invented at an early date; temples of the near East of the Third
Millennium BC contained kiln-fired bricks. The Tower of Babel was probably a
brick structure raised above the flat valley. The original bricks used in the
Sixth century BC to build Nebuchadrezzer’s City of Babylon were later taken
from the ruins to build the towns of Ctesiphon and Baghdad. From Western
Asia, the art of brick making appears to have spread westward toward Egypt
and the Mediterranean and eastward to India and China] (McKay, 1971).
Bricks were used in antiquity, until the fall of Roman Empire. Their use then
declined, but was revived in Europe in the 12th and 13th Centuries. Bricks are
of great antiquity. They are mentioned even in the sacred writings, tower and
walls of Babylon. In the East, they backed their bricks in the sun; the Romans
used them unburnt, only leaving them, to dry for four or five years in the air.
The Greeks chiefly used three kinds of bricks: the first was called didoron (i.e)
of two palms; the second, tetradoran, of four palms; the third, pentadoran, of
five oalms. Pliny says that to make good bricks, they must not use any earth
that is full of sand or gravel, not for such as is gritty or stony; but of a greyish
marl; or whitish chalky clay of atleast of a reddish earth (Dictionary of Arts
and Science, 1945). Bricks vary according to their forms, dimensions, uses
and method of making. An American Building brick measures about 2 1/4x3 3/4
x 8 in (57x 45x 203 mm); an English brick is about 2 5/8 x 4 3/8 x 9 in (67 x
111 x 222 mm). The red colour of brick is due to iron oxides in the finished
product. Bricks may also be made of other materials. The clay may be mixed
with sand or lime, the brick being pressed and steamed. Bricks are commonly
fashioned as insulating materials, and refractory material, termed fire brick.
Bricks are chiefly made from clay and shale and are moulded either by
hand or machinery. The principal elements of clay suitable for brick-making
are alumina and silica, Alumina renders the clay plastic, and thus facilitates
the moulding process; if incorrectly proportioned, it will cause the bricks to
crack, twist and shrink excessively when being burnt. The silica may be
combined with the alumina or it may be free in the form of sand; if combined,
it has a tendency to produce shrinking and warping, but if free, it counteracts
this tendency and assists in the production of hard, durable and uniformly
shaped bricks; brittle bricks will result, if the sand content is excessive.
Iron oxides and magnesia also influence the colour of bricks. Salts may
cause efflorescence. Oraganic matter, if in excessive quantity, may contain
compounds which discolour plaster. Certain salts, particularly magnesium
may cause the bricks to decay. Suitable clays for brick-making include “reds”
“marls”, “gaults”, "loams”, “knotts” and “plastics”.
Red Clays are found in many parts of the country and are
extensively used for producing high-class bricks. As is implied,
the colour of these bricks is red in various shades, depending
upon the proportion of iron oxide present.
Gault Clays are heavy, tough and of a bluish colour, but with
sufficient chalk content to render the bricks a pale yellow or
white colour when burnt. Bricks, called gaults, made from such
clays are often perforated or have a large frog to reduce the
weight; they are very satisfactory for general building purposes.
Plastic or Strong Clays are composed chiefly of silica and
alumina in combination, and chalk of a creamy consistency
must be added to prevent distortion and excessive shrinkage in
drying and burning.
and crack in drying and warp during burning. This clay becomes very hard
when burnt. Sand and lime (to act as a flux) are added to this clay for
manufacturing bricks. Loam or sandy clay is composed of free sand and
clay. This belongs to the alluvial formation. This clay requires a flux (calcium
carbonate) to fuse and bind the particles together. If flux is not used, the
excess sand will remain in an uncombined state, The silica present in this clay
prevents shrinking, cracking and warping of bricks. For manufacturing good
bricks, plastic clay is added to this clay. Marls containing large proportion of
chalk make good bricks and are often used without addition of any other
the bricks red on burning but makes the bricks dark blue, when in excess.
Carbonaceous matters are harmful ingredients in a brick earth. When these
are present in bricks, the interior of bricks has different colours from the
exteriors and the bricks do not bear chipping. These also deface the plaster
ing by discolouration.
TABLE : 2.1
Ingredients Name of brick earth
Present Plastic Clay Loam Marl
Alumina 34.5 27 43
Silica 49.5 66 -
Test of Brick Earth: By virtue of experience, one can easily assess the
quality of a brick earth by visualising its colour, appearance and physical
properties. GRITS, pebbles and vegetable matters present in a brick earth
can easily be detected by fingers. Too much of stickiness to fingers indicates
the necessity of adding, sand to it. On the other hand, if the prepared brick
earth crumbles when rolled, it means excess sand is present in it. To find out
the proportion of ingredients present in a brick earth, it is always advisable to
analyse it chemically in a laboratory. The quality of brick earth can also be
tested by making a few bricks out of it and by exposing them to sun and wind.
If the bricks crack on drying, the brick earth is very plastic and if it breaks
easily by dropping, the brick earth contains too much of sand.
BRICK FIELD: The brick field should be situated on a plain ground. The site
should be selected such that good brick earth is readily available near the
brick field. For easy conveyance of materials, it should not be far away from
the communicating roads. There should be all sorts of facilities for the
Stiff-plastic process: This process, which is being adopted to an increasing
extent, is similar to the above, except that the water content of the material is
increased and therefore less powerful machinery is required to mould the
bricks. A separate drying plant is not always necessary. The process is
usually applied to hard, dry clays, such as marls, and certain shales; it may
also be applied to wetter clays, provided they have been partially dried before
being crushed.
Plastic process: The clay suitable for this process contains a large
proportion of moisture, and is used for making wire-cut and hand-made bricks.
The bricks must be carefully dried before being burnt.
The manufacture of bricks involves the following four major operations such
as Preparation of brick earth; Moulding of bricks; Drying of moulded bricks;
and Burning of bricks.
MOULDING OF BRICKS: When the brick earth is prepared, it is moulded
either by hand or by machine.
Ground moulding: In 'ground moulding', the brick moulder places the mould
on a levelled ground and sprinkles over with sand, if the bricks are to be sand-
moulded. He (moulder) then takes a lump of prepared clay and pushes it into
the mould with hand pressure so as to fill all the corners of the mould. The
superfluous clay is scrapped off from top of the mould with the help of a
wooden or steel strike or a framed wire. The mould is then lifted up leaving
the brick on the ground. Next, the mould is placed again close to the brick
moulded and the second brick is moulded. Thus, the process goes on. A brick
moulder can mould about 450 to 600 bricks per day in 8 hours working period.
Table moulding; In 'table moulding’ the moulder stands behind a table and
places the mould either on the table or on the stock board bearing the
projection for the ‘frog’. The mould is filled up with clay, pressed, and the
superfluous clay is removed from top. A pallet board is then placed over the
mould and the mould with the pallet board is skillfully taken off and inverted.
The mould is lifted up for its reuse and the brick lying on the pallet is carried
and allowed to drv on edge As the bricks require l e s s space and they dry
quicker and better. Stock boards may also be used in ground moulding for
providing frogs.
In dry clay machines, the mould is fed with powdered clay which takes
the shape of the brick when subjected to a very high pressure. The
consolidation becomes perfect and the bricks become hard and well-shaped,
if the powdered clay is in moist condition. These bricks are called “pressed
DRYING OF BRICKS: Prior to burning, the bricks are dried under the sun or
under the shed. In ground moulding, when the bricks become sufficiently
hard, they are placed on their edges for further drying. If the brick are not
properly dried before they are burnt, they may get cracked and distorted
during the burning process. The hack or the drying ground should be raised to
drain out the rain water. After a day or two of sun-drying when the bricks
become a little harder for safe handling, they are stacked on hacks in an open
order with spaces in between them for free air circulation. The best form of
stack is of width equal to two bricks placed longitudinally with gaps between
the bricks, the alternate layers being laid along and across the stack, all on
edge. About eight to ten layers of bricks on edge with spaces of 1 m, between
them may safely be built up in each stack. If all. the stacks are made of the
same length and height, it facilitates in counting the number of raw bricks kept
in stacks for drying. The bricks are allowed to dry for three days after which
they may be restacked diagonally (skintled) which is not usually done to save
the labour cost and to avoid breakage of raw bricks. To protect bricks from
unpredictable storms and rains, the stacks should be made under a shed.
(Ghose, 1989),
Burning of Bricks
The burning of dry bricks is done either in a clamp or in a flame kiln. In-
India, both clamp and kiln burning are practiced. Clamp burning is adopted
when bricks are manufactured on small scale; and for large scale
manufacture of bricks, kiln burning is preferred.
Clamp burning: In clamp burning, both bricks and fuels are placed
alternatively in layers. The shape and internal arrangement of clamp vary
from place to place. The plan of the clamp is usually trapezoidal and it is built
with one side nearly vertical. The floor is 30 m long with 10 m and 20 m wide
ends and it is inclined at an angle of 15° with the horizontal. The smaller end
is a little dug out and the larger is a little raised above the ground. The first
layer is a fuel of 0.8 m thickness and the second layer is a course of four to
five bricks set on edge with small spaces between them. The second layer is
15 cm less in thickness than the first layer of fuel under it. The proportion of
fuel of bricks is gradually reduced towards the top of the clamp. The fuel used
is dried cow dung, grass, litter, rice husk, coal dusts, wood chippings, and
sometimes cheap quality wood. When one-third of the intended quantity of
bricks and fuel is loaded, the clamp is fired at the lower end. When the fire
burns gently, loading goes on. On setting the clamp to its desired shape and
height, the surfaces are plastered over with mud to keep in the heat for its
circulation from the smaller end to the larger end. During burning of its own,
any violent flame coming out may be choked by throwing earth or rubbish on
the spot. The clamp is not liable to injury from high wind or rainfall. This type
of clamp is used for burning 30,000 (a small clamp) to 3,00,000 bricks (a large
one). The time taken in loading a clamp vanes from 2 to 3 months for
1,00,000 bricks. A large clamp takes 6 moths to burn and to cool. Once the
clamp starts burning the fire cannot be regulated and the bricks are liable to
uneven burn. When tamarind wood is used as fuel, the clamp burns slowly
and bricks are not liable to be attacked with saltpeter.
Kiln Burning : For the purpose of burning bricks, bricks kilns or flamed kilns
constructed are rectangular, circular or oval buildings-over ground or under
ground, open to sky, with very thick side walls and wide d o o r w a y s for taking
in and out the bricks. The side walls are built of old bricks set in clay, by
keeping opening for fire holes. The fire holes are built in fire brick and clay
opposite to one another. The door ways are built up with some dried bricks
set in clay while the kiln starts burning. A temporary roof or covering may be
placed over the kiln to protect the raw bricks from rain while stacking. The
covering or the roof should be removed when the kiln is fired. The flame kiln
may be intermittent or continuous and over ground or under ground as
mentioned earlier.
Temperature during burning: Light coloured bricks are often the result of
the temperature of the gases in the kiln being too low, or the duration of the
maximum temperature being too short, whilst, at the other end of the scale.
Blue bricks require a temperature which may reach 1200° C.
Brown and purple bricks may have a similar iron
content to reds, but the difference in the colour is due to
smoking and special firing.
(on an average) are 6000 tonnes/sq. m and 200 tonnes/ sq. m, respectively.
The shearing strength of bricks is about 1/10th of their crushing strength. In
practice, bricks are not subjected to tensile stresses.
Sizes and weights of bricks: Bricks are made of different sizes according to
the custom of the country, requirement of the consumer, and the fancy of the
manufacturer. The size of the bricks should be such that they can be easily
lifted and placed with one hand and they can be properly burnt to the core.
The breadth of the brick should be 3 mm less than half the length of the brick
so that the two breadths joined by a 6 mm thick mortar will make the length of
the brick. This means one stretcher along the wall will cover two headers
placed across it with a joint between them.
The old Indian bricks (30 cm X 15 cm X 6 cm) and old Bengal bricks
(25 cm X 12.5 cm X 7.5 cm) were too large and heavy to be handled by the
brick layers with one hand. It was also difficult to burn these large size bricks
properly. The standard sizes of bricks are: 19 cm X 9 cm X 4 cm or 19 cm X
9 cm X 9 cm .The specific gravity of bricks is about 2; one eft weights 112 lbs.
The number of bricks required for 100 eft of brickwork is 1100 including
breakage and wastage. Smaller bricks (10 cm X 7.5 cm X 2.5 cm) are easy to
burn, but they require more mortar and labour. So, brickwork with small size
bricks becomes more expensive.
enumerated above and, if used as facings, should conform to one or other of
the colours and texture.
Strength: It is only necessary to specify the strength of bricks when they are
required for the construction of walls, piers etc., which have to support heavy
concentrated loads. The reason for this is that the comprehensive strength of
brickwork constructed of relatively inferior bricks will be quite adequate to
resist the normal weight which it will be required to support. The average
crushing strength of bricks serves as an approximate index only of the
compressive strength of brickwork, as much depends upon workmanship,
height in relation to thickness, etc. A rough approximation of the strength of
brickwork built in cement mortar (1 : 3) and good hydraulic lime mortar (1 :3)
is respectively one-third and one-fifth that of the individual bricks.
Frost Action: External walls constructed of porous under burnt bricks are
particularly vulnerable to damage by the action of frost. Such damage is due
to the absorbed water expanding (to about one-eleventh of its volume) as it
freezes and exerting pressure on the pore walls which the comparatively soft
material is unable to resist. Disintegration thus results, and when this is
repeated during severe winters, disfigurement due to pitting and cracking of
the surface and damage arises may become very pronounced. Brickwork of
poor quality bricks with overhand struck joints, that below the ground level,
and copings are particularly subject to damage by frost. It does not affect
brickwork of sound, hard-burnt bricks.
The tests to be carried out to know the quality of good bricks are
regularity of form; uniformity in size; uniformity in colour; texture and
soundness; hardness; absorptive power; and strength of bricks.
Clay bricks may be divided into ordinary bricks and fire bricks. Ordinary
bricks which are rectangular parallelepipeds are again classified into four
classes according to their qualities, such as, First class, Second class, Third
class and Zhama bricks.
First class bricks: These are well-burnt and sound bricks of proper rect
angular shape and size with sharp, well-defined edges. The surface should be
clean and smooth and free from cracks and flaws. A first class brick should
not absorb more water than one-sixth of its weight when kept immersed for 16
hours. No mark can be made on it with finger nails. This should not break into
pieces when dropped on ground from a height of 1 m. This should produce a
metallic ringing sound when struck against another brick. It should show a
uniform compact texture when fractured. The colour of the brick should be
uniform and bright.
Second class bricks: The qualities of these bricks are almost same as those
as first class bricks. But, these bricks are irregular in shape and size with
spots on the surface. They may have fine hair cracks and the edges may not
be sharp and uniform
Third class bricks: These are usually the under-burnt bricks, which are soft
and light in colour. They produce a dull sound when struck against each other.
Zhanna bricks: These are over burnt bricks having deformed shape and size.
During the process of burning, if the temperature is not maintained
accordingly, the bricks melt and sometimes these are converted into porous
irregular masses having no definite shape and size.
First class and second class bricks are used for all sorts of sound work,
especially of permanent nature. These are extensively used in construction of
buildings, dams, bridge piers and abutments, roads, sewers, tunnels, lining
and pitching works and water structures. First class bricks are specified for
architectural compositions and face work of structures, where the bricks are
kept exposed for beauty. The masonry work with second class bricks is
usually plastered in order to hide the irregular shape and size of bricks. In
using second class bricks more mortar is required. Third class and sun-dried
bricks are used in constructions of temporary character. These bricks should
not be used, in damp situations and in places subjected to heavy rains.
Zhama bricks are used as road metal and as aggregates in foundation
Bricks for interior purposes: Common bricks are invariably specified for
internal walls, as neither strength, durability nor appearance is important.
commons being sufficient for this purpose. They should have sufficient suction
capacity to ensure the thorough adhesion of the mortar. The crushing strength
is not material unless heavy loads have to be supported, as any durable brick
will safely support the load which has to be normally resisted. Bricks to be
used below the horizontal damp proof course should be carefully selected, as
these are subjected to the greatest frost action, and absorption of certain salts
from the soil may cause deterioration, if the bricks are not durable.
Cant brick and bull nose bricks are for use at corners of a
brick work where sharp edges are liable to be damaged;
Gutter bricks, Channel bricks and Drain bricks are used for
draining water from sloped roofs, stables and pavement;
Hourdi bricks are similar to the tabular bricks, but they are flat
instead of round;
Pistol bricks are used for forming circular or coved angles
between walls or between a well and a floor;
Cogging bricks are used for making the indented works, the
caping of wall built with great bricks;
Flemish bricks are used to pave yard, stables and for soap
boilers vaults and cisterns.
Great bricks are those twelve inches long, six inches broad
and three inches thick, used to build fence wall;
retorts etc. They are made from fire clay; silica rocks; and
silica rock together with ganister;
Fire clay bricks are associated with coal fields and are
usually obtained by mining a distinct from quarrying. The clay
contains 55.0 to 75.0 per cent silica and 22.0 to 35.0 per cent
Silica bricks contain 95.0 to 97.0 per cent of silica and 1.0 to
2.0 per cent lime.
Rubbers or cutters are soft red, white or buff coloured bricks
consisting of washed loamy clay containing a large proportion
of sand and are usually hand made in a box mould and
backed in a kiln;
The following are the principal defects to which bricks are subjected:
Black core or Hearting: This is fairly common in bricks made of red clays
which have been heated too rapidly in the kiln, causing the surface to vitrify
and the interior to remain black.
Chuffs or Shuffs: These are badly cracked and mis-shapen bricks produced
by rain falling on them when hot. They are useless.
Grizzling: Common bricks, though of good shape, which are under burnt
(indicated by a light colour and a dull sound when struck), and therefore weak,
are called grizzles; only suitable for inferior internal partition walls when little
strength is required.
Iron spots: These are surface dark spots, due to the presence of iron
sulphide in the clay, which render the bricks unsuitable for facings.
Laminations: These are generally caused by the air in the voids between the
particles of clay not being eliminated in the grinding, pugging, etc., processes,
and producing the formation of thin laminae on the faces of bricks which may
scale off on exposure to the weather
walls which are to be plastered, as the lime will expand when water is
absorbed, causing cracking or disintegration.