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Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA (Introduction)

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Biostatistics in

Public Health

Erick L. Suárez
Cynthia M. Pérez
Graciela M. Nogueras
Camille Moreno-Gorrín
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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To our loved ones

To those who have enlightened our path throughout their knowledge.

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Preface ................................................................................................................xi
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................xiii
Authors .............................................................................................................. xv
1 Basic Commands ....................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................1
1.2 Entering Stata ..................................................................................2
1.3 Taskbar ............................................................................................2
1.4 Help ................................................................................................3
1.5 Stata Working Directories ...............................................................4
1.6 Reading a Data File .........................................................................6
1.7 insheet Procedure .............................................................................7
1.8 Types of Files ...................................................................................7
1.9 Data Editor......................................................................................7
2 Data Description ..................................................................................11
2.1 Most Useful Commands ...............................................................11
2.2 list Command ................................................................................12
2.3 Mathematical and Logical Operators.............................................12
2.4 generate Command ........................................................................14
2.5 recode Command ...........................................................................15
2.6 drop Command .............................................................................16
2.7 replace Command ..........................................................................16
2.8 label Command .............................................................................16
2.9 summarize Command ...................................................................17
2.10 do-file Editor .................................................................................19
2.11 Descriptive Statistics and Graphs...................................................19
2.12 tabulate Command ........................................................................20
3 Graph Construction .............................................................................23
3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................23
3.2 Box Plot .........................................................................................23
3.3 Histogram .....................................................................................25
3.4 Bar Chart ......................................................................................25

viii ◾ Contents

4 Significance Tests .................................................................................29

4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................29
4.2 Normality Test ..............................................................................31
4.3 Variance Homogeneity ..................................................................31
4.4 Student’s t-Test for Independent Samples .......................................33
4.5 Confidence Intervals for Testing the Null Hypothesis ...................35
4.6 Nonparametric Tests for Unpaired Groups ....................................35
4.7 Sample Size and Statistical Power ...................................................36
5 Linear Regression Models ....................................................................41
5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................41
5.2 Model Assumptions ...................................................................... 42
5.3 Parameter Estimation ....................................................................43
5.4 Hypothesis Testing ........................................................................43
5.5 Coefficient of Determination ........................................................ 44
5.6 Pearson Correlation Coefficient .....................................................45
5.7 Scatter Plot ................................................................................... 46
5.8 Running the Model .......................................................................47
5.9 Centering.......................................................................................47
5.10 Bootstrapping ................................................................................49
5.11 Multiple Linear Regression Model .................................................50
5.12 Partial Hypothesis .........................................................................52
5.13 Prediction ......................................................................................54
5.14 Polynomial Linear Regression Model ............................................55
5.15 Sample Size and Statistical Power ..................................................57
5.16 Considerations for the Assumptions of the Linear Regression Model.... 59
6 Analysis of Variance .............................................................................61
6.1 Introduction ..................................................................................61
6.2 Data Structure ...............................................................................62
6.3 Example for Fixed Effects ..............................................................62
6.4 Linear Model with Fixed Effects ....................................................63
6.5 Analysis of Variance with Fixed Effects ........................................ 64
6.6 Programming for ANOVA ............................................................65
6.7 Planned Comparisons (before Observing the Data).......................68
6.7.1 Comparison of Two Expected Values..............................68
6.7.2 Linear Contrast...............................................................69
6.8 Multiple Comparisons: Unplanned Comparisons ..........................70
6.9 Random Effects .............................................................................72
6.10 Other Measures Related to the Random Effects Model .................74
6.10.1 Covariance .....................................................................74
6.10.2 Variance and Its Components.........................................75
6.10.3 Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ...................................75
Contents ◾ ix

6.11 Example of a Random Effects Model.............................................75

6.12 Sample Size and Statistical Power ..................................................78
7 Categorical Data Analysis ....................................................................81
7.1 Introduction ..................................................................................81
7.2 Cohort Study .................................................................................82
7.3 Case-Control Study ...................................................................... 84
7.4 Sample Size and Statistical Power ..................................................86
8 Logistic Regression Model ...................................................................89
8.1 Model Definition ...........................................................................89
8.2 Parameter Estimation ................................................................... 90
8.3 Programming the Logistic Regression Model ................................91
8.3.1 Using glm..........................................................................92
8.3.2 Using logit ........................................................................92
8.3.3 Using logistic .....................................................................93
8.3.4 Using binreg......................................................................93
8.4 Alternative Database ......................................................................94
8.5 Estimating the Odds Ratio ............................................................95
8.6 Significance Tests ..........................................................................96
8.6.1 Likelihood Ratio Test .......................................................96
8.6.2 Wald Test .........................................................................96
8.7 Extension of the Logistic Regression Model...................................97
8.8 Adjusted OR and the Confounding Effect...................................100
8.9 Effect Modification......................................................................101
8.10 Prevalence Ratio ..........................................................................102
8.11 Nominal and Ordinal Outcomes .................................................103
8.12 Overdispersion.............................................................................109
8.13 Sample Size and Statistical Power ................................................109
9 Poisson Regression Model ..................................................................113
9.1 Model Definition .........................................................................113
9.2 Relative Risk ................................................................................ 114
9.3 Parameter Estimation .................................................................. 115
9.4 Example....................................................................................... 115
9.5 Programming the Poisson Regression Model ............................... 116
9.6 Assessing Interaction Terms ......................................................... 117
9.7 Overdispersion.............................................................................121
10 Survival Analysis ................................................................................123
10.1 Introduction ................................................................................123
10.2 Probability of Survival .................................................................126
10.3 Components of the Study Design ................................................126
10.4 Kaplan–Meier Method ................................................................127
x ◾ Contents

10.5 Programming of S(t) ..................................................................128

10.6 Hazard Function ........................................................................132
10.7 Relationship between S(t) and h(t) .............................................134
10.8 Cumulative Hazard Function ....................................................135
10.9 Median Survival Time and Percentiles .......................................136
10.10 Comparison of Survival Curves .................................................137
10.11 Proportional Hazards Assumption .............................................138
10.12 Significance Assessment .............................................................139
10.12.1 Log-Rank Test ..........................................................140
10.12.2 Wilcoxon–Gehan–Breslow Test ...............................141
10.12.3 Tarone–Ware Test.....................................................142
10.13 Cox Proportional Hazards Model ..............................................143
10.14 Assessment of the Proportional Hazards Assumption................. 145
10.15 Survival Function Estimation Using the Cox Proportional
Hazards Model ..........................................................................146
10.16 Stratified Cox Proportional Hazards Model ...............................146
11.1 Regression Models with Correlated Data ...................................149
11.2 Mixed Models ............................................................................154
11.3 Random Intercept ......................................................................156
11.4 Using the mixed and gllamm Commands with a Random
Intercept ..................................................................................... 157
11.5 Using the mixed Command with Random Intercept and Slope. ..161
11.6 Mixed Models in a Sampling Design .........................................163
12.1 Introduction ...............................................................................167
12.2 do-files .......................................................................................167
12.3 program Command ....................................................................168
12.4 Log Files.....................................................................................170
12.5 trace Command..........................................................................170
12.6 Delimiters ..................................................................................171
12.7 Indexing .....................................................................................172
12.8 Local Macros ............................................................................. 174
12.9 Scalars ........................................................................................175
12.10 Loops (foreach and forvalues) ...................................................... 176
12.11 Application of matrix and local Commands for Prevalence
Estimation .................................................................................179
3FGFSFODFT ....................................................................................................... 

This book is intended to serve as a guide to applied statistical analysis in public

health using the Stata program. Our motivation for writing this book lies in our
years of experience teaching biostatistics and epidemiology, particularly in the aca-
demic programs of biostatistics and epidemiology. The academic material is usu-
ally covered in biostatistics courses at the master’s and doctoral levels at schools of
public health. The main focus of this book is the application of statistics in pub-
lic health. Because of its user-friendliness, we used the Stata software package in
the creation of the database and the statistical analysis that will be seen herein.
This 12-chapter book can serve equally well as a textbook or as a source for con-
sultation. Readers will be exposed to the following topics: Basic Commands, Data
Description, Graph Construction, Significance Tests, Linear Regression Models, Analysis
of Variance, Categorical Data Analysis, Logistic Regression Model, Poisson Regression
Model, Survival Analysis, Analysis of Correlated Data, and Advanced Programming
in Stata. Each chapter is based on one or more research problems linked to public
health. We have started with the assumption that the readers of this book have taken
at least a basic course in biostatistics and epidemiology. Further, for those readers
who are new to Stata, the first three chapters should be read sequentially, as they
form the basis of an introductory course to this software.

Erick L. Suárez
University of Puerto Rico

Cynthia M. Pérez
University of Puerto Rico

Graciela M. Nogueras
MD Anderson Cancer Center

Camille Moreno-Gorrín
University of Puerto Rico

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We thank Dr. Kenneth Hess, professor of biostatistics at MD Anderson Cancer

Center in Houston, Texas, for his kind comments and suggestions aimed at improv-
ing different aspects of this book. We also thank Bob Ritchie for his excellent work
in editing this book. We want to acknowledge the support we received from the
Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology of the Graduate School of Public
Health, University of Puerto Rico, in the writing of this book. We are very grateful
to the many students—particularly Marc Machín and Kristy Zoé Vélez of the MPH
program in Biostatistics—who collaborated by reading material for this book.
This book would not have been possible without the financial support that
we received from the following grants: CA096297/CA096300 from the National
Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health and 2U54MD00758  from
the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities of the National
Institutes of Health.

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Erick L. Suárez is a professor of biostatistics in the Department of Biostatistics and

Epidemiology at the University of Puerto Rico Graduate School of Public Health.
He has more than 25 years of experience teaching biostatistics at the graduate level
and has co-authored more than 75 peer-reviewed publications in chronic and infec-
tious diseases. Dr. Suárez has been a co-investigator of several NIH-funded grants
related to cancer, HPV, HCV, and diabetes. He has extensive experience in statisti-
cal consulting with biomedical researchers, particularly in the analysis of microar-
rays data in breast cancer.

Cynthia M. Pérez is a professor of epidemiology in the Department of Biostatistics

and Epidemiology at the University of Puerto Rico Graduate School of Public
Health. She has taught epidemiology and biostatistics for over 20  years. She has
also directed efforts in mentoring and training to public health and medical stu-
dents at the University of Puerto Rico. She has been the principal investigator or
co-investigator of research grants in diverse areas of public health including diabetes,
metabolic syndrome, periodontal disease, viral hepatitis, and HPV infection. She is
the author or co-author of more than 75 peer-reviewed publications.

Graciela M. Nogueras is a statistical analyst at the University of Texas MD

Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. She is currently enrolled on the PhD
program in biostatistics at the University of Texas—Graduate School of Public
Health. She has co-authored more than 30 peer-reviewed publications. For the past
nine years, she has been performing statistical analyses for clinical and basic science
researchers. She has been assisting with the design of clinical trials and animal
research studies, performing sample size calculations, and writing the clinical trial
reports of clinical trial progress and interim analyses of efficacy and safety data to
the University of Texas MD Anderson Data and Safety Monitoring Board.

xvi ◾ Authors

Camille Moreno-Gorrín is a graduate of the Master of Science Program in

Epidemiology at the University of Puerto Rico Graduate School of Public Health.
During her graduate studies, she was a research assistant at the Comprehensive
Cancer Center of the University of Puerto Rico where she co-authored several arti-
cles in biomedical journals. She also worked as a research coordinator for the HIV/
AIDS Surveillance System of the Puerto Rico Department of Health, where she
conducted research on intervention programs to link HIV patients to care.
Chapter 1

Basic Commands

Aim: Upon completing the chapter, the learner should be able to

understand the general form of the basic commands of Stata for read-
ing and saving databases.

1.1 Introduction
Stata is a computer program designed to perform various statistical procedures.
Among the basic statistical procedures that can be performed are the following:
calculation of summary measures, construction of graphs, and frequency distribu-
tion using contingency tables. Furthermore, using Stata, you can perform param-
eter estimation in generalized linear models and survival analysis models using
uncorrelated and correlated data. The program also has the ability to perform arith-
metic operations on matrices. Its ability to export and import databases in the Excel
format gives Stata great versatility. This program is regularly used in biostatistics
courses in public health schools in different countries. It is also often cited as one
of the main programs used for statistical analysis in scientific publications related
to public health research.
This chapter will provide an introduction to the Stata program, version 14.0.
We assume that readers of this book have a basic knowledge of both biostatistics
and epidemiology.

2 ◾ Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA

1.2 Entering Stata

After selecting the Stata icon on your computer, the program responds with five
windows (Figure 1.1), which have the following utilities:

1. Command: In this window the user can write or enter “commands” or

instructions to perform various operations with an active database. Not all
commands can be executed in this area; there is also a taskbar with executable
2. Results: This window shows the results obtained after the execution of the
commands introduced or requested via the taskbar.
3. Variables: In this window the variables of an active database are displayed. If
this window is blank, that is an indication that there is no active database.
4. Review: This window lists all the commands used during the current open
session of the program and allows them to be repeated without rewriting
them in the command area.
5. Properties: This window displays the properties of the user’s variables and dataset.

1.3 Taskbar
The taskbar provides common access to all windows-based program commands, such
as File, Edit, Data, Graphics, and Statistics; these options can be found at the upper part
of the main window. The most frequently used icon is the Data Editor icon, with which

Figure 1.1 Main Stata 14 window.

Basic Commands ◾ 3

Figure 1.2 Taskbar and icons.

it is possible to enter values and identify the variables in a given project. The Graphics
button provides access to the window used to generate different types of graphs. The
Statistics option allows the user to perform statistical mathematical operations through
the execution of the commands. Below the taskbar are icons that allow the user to open,
save, and print, along with icons that facilitate the observation of graphics (Figure 1.2).

1.4 Help
One of the most useful attributes of Stata is its support system, which allows the
user to find the commands and their ways of execution, according to that user’s
specific needs. The help menu can be accessed by clicking on the “New Viewer”
icon on the toolbar or by typing either help or the letter h in the command area
and following that with a keyword that represents the topic about which the user
requires more information (see Figure 1.3).
4 ◾ Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA

Figure 1.3 Help window.

For example, if we want to learn how to perform an analysis of variance

(ANOVA), we can use one of the following commands:
help anova

h anova

Upon entering those commands, a specific window for ANOVA will appear (see
Figure 1.4).

1.5 Stata Working Directories

When working with Stata, files and results can be saved to a specific directory, which
is defined during the installation instructions. For example, to view the working
directory for a project, enter the command pwd (path of the current working direc-
tory), and the following results will be displayed:
. pwd
Basic Commands ◾ 5

Figure 1.4 Help ANOVA.

It is important to keep the working files in a directory that is different from the
default directory that Stata assigns, because during the regular program updates
files located in the default directory may be removed.
To create a particular file, the mkdir and cd commands must be used to navi-
gate to that directory again. The sequence of commands to create a directory is
as follows:

cd C:\ Navigate to the main directory of your hard drive or to

the location where you wish to create your home

mkdir new_folder Create a new working directory

cd new_folder Navigate to the new working directory

To use Stata in the new working directory, you need to restart the program
and immediately move to the desired directory. For example, assuming that the
name of the working directory is “students” and assuming, as well, that this
6 ◾ Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA

directory is located in your computer’s Documents folder, the following will take
you to that folder:

cd “/Users/Documents/students”

1.6 Reading a Data File

After creating the working directory in which, outside the Stata program, we have
previously copied a data file (i.e., the file named “Cancer.dta”), we proceed to open
the file. This can be done in two different ways: using the command area or using
the icon on the toolbar. For the former, we would write the following command

cd “C:\new_folder” Command to navigate to the new working directory

dir Command to browse the contents of the folder
use cancer The use command indicates the name of the file that
will be used

For the latter, on the other hand, it is necessary to click , the Open icon, and
browse the folder that contains the working file. The describe command can be
used to view the information contained in the data file, which might include the
number of observations, variables, and file size, among others, as shown below
(assuming that the active database being used contains the anthropometric mea-
surements of 10 subjects):



. describe
Contains data
obs: 10
vars: 5
size: 200
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
var1 float %9.0g
var2 float %9.0g
var3 float %9.0g
var4 float %9.0g
var5 float %9.0g
Basic Commands ◾ 7

1.7 insheet Procedure

Another way to read a database in Stata is to import existing databases created
in other formats. Delimited text files using the .txt (can be opened by most text
editors), .raw (a raw image file), and .csv (an MS Excel file) extensions can be
imported into Stata. The most commonly used is .csv, which, as indicated, is cre-
ated using MS Excel. In Excel, you must save the data file using the .csv file exten-
sion instead of the .xls extension. When you have the data saved with .csv, you can
then proceed to use the insheet command in Stata:

insheet using “c:/data.csv”, replace

The replace option that has been placed after the comma (above) is used to
clear the program if another database was being used. Stata does not open
a  database if there is another one that is already open. The clear command can
also be used in Stata to remove a database, therefore clearing the way to use a
new one.

1.8 Types of Files

Below is a list of the different types of archives that can be created in Stata; the left-
hand column contains the file extensions that correspond to each archive.

.dta data files

.do command files

.ado programs

.hlp help files

.gph graphs

.dct dictionary files

1.9 Data Editor

In the Data Editor window, you can input data for the creation and identifi-
cation of the study variables. One advantage of Stata’s data editor is its ability
to import databases built in Excel. This is done by the simple operation of select-
ing the  entire  database in Excel and copying and pasting it into the Stata data
8 ◾ Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA

Figure 1.5 Data Editor window.

To access the Data Editor window (Figure 1.5), click the “Edit” icon, , on
the taskbar located in the main window.
At the beginning of the data entry process, the program automatically assigns a
name to the column that defines each variable (var1, var2, …, vark). This name can
be changed in the Variables Manager window after clicking the Data Editor icon,
using the box “Name” (Figure 1.6). To return to the main window of Stata, you
close or minimize the Data Editor window.
Constructing a user-friendly database requires that each variable be named in
such a way as to be easy to identify. This can be done using the “Label” box in the
properties window. When building a database, it is possible for the values assigned to
the variables to be represented by codes. The coding of the variables can be done using
the “Value Label” option. With this option you can assign numerical values to alpha-
numeric variables, thereby allowing better management of the database. This coding
can be done in the Variables Manager window. The steps to do this are as follows:

1. Click “Manage” in the Variables Manager window, and a new window appears
(Figure 1.7). Then click “Create Label” to assign each code a label.
2. After creating the value labels, return to the Variables Manager window, in
which you will be able to assign labels to each variable in the “Label” box (if they
were not assigned previously in the Properties window) (Figure 1.8).
Basic Commands ◾ 9

Figure 1.6 Variable name change.

Figure 1.7 Assigning value label.

10 ◾ Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA

Figure 1.8 Assigning labels to each variable.

To continue working in Stata after having created a database, the user needs to
ensure that the data have been saved. To that end, the user will need to assign a
name to the file to continue working on the database. Clicking on “File” (on the
toolbar) followed by “Save As” (on the subsequent dropdown menu) begins this
process. After that, select the working folder or directory and assign a name to the
database. The default file extension is .dta.
Chapter 2

Data Description

Aim: Upon completing the chapter, the learner should be able to

describe a database with the specific commands of Stata.

2.1 Most Useful Commands

Although specific reference is made to the use of the menus and dialog windows of
the program, it is important to understand how to manage the different conditions
and options that are available for each Stata command. Most Stata commands fol-
low the same basic sequence:

<command> <variable or variables list> <condition or use of

if>, <options>

A list containing several of the commands and their corresponding descriptions

follows below:
list Lists the values of the variables
describe Produces a summary of the dataset in memory or of the data
stored in a Stata-format dataset
codebook Examines the variable names, labels, and data to produce a
codebook for describing the dataset
generate Creates a new variable in the dataset
recode Changes the values of the numeric variables according to the
rules specified

12 ◾ Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA

replace Changes the contents of an existing variable

label Can be used for several purposes, but is mainly used for
attaching labels to data, variables, or values
drop Eliminates variables or observations from the data that are in
the memory
summarize Calculates and displays a variety of univariate summary
tabulate Produces one-way or two-way tables of frequency counts
table Calculates and displays tables of statistics

2.2 list Command

The list command displays the values of all the components of the database
requested in the command line. If the user wants to view a specific variable of the
database, the user must first write the word list, followed by the condition in and
then write the number of observations to be viewed on the screen, as shown in the


. list in 5/10
| var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 |
5. | 5 45 56 1.52 1 |
6. | 6 36 87 1.46 1 |
7. | 7 30 78 1.44 1 |
8. | 8 29 77 1.56 1 |
9. | 9 27 67 1.52 0 |
10. | 10 29 63 1.52 1 |

Only observations 5–10 of the active database are displayed.

2.3 Mathematical and Logical Operators

To carry out different mathematical or logical operations with numbers or variables
of the active database, the following symbols are available:
Data Description ◾ 13

Symbol Definition

== Equal to (double equal sign)

!= or ~= Not equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
+ Addition (e.g., 2 + 3)
− Subtraction (e.g., 2 − 3)
* Multiplication (e.g., 2 * 3)
/ Division (e.g., 2/3)
^ Exponentiation (e.g., 2 ^ 3)
& and (assuming two conditions, the symbol & is used to
indicate that both conditions are occurring simultaneously.)
| or (assuming two conditions, the symbol | is used to indicate
that one or the other or both conditions are occurring; that
is, that at least one of them is occurring.)

Usually, these operators are associated with the conditional command If for specific
variables. For example, to display only those observations in which the age is below
30, the command line is as follows:

list id age weikg heimt if age<30


| id age weikg heimt |
1. | 1 28 59 1.55 |
3. | 3 25 76 1.6 |
4. | 4 26 65 1.78 |
8. | 8 29 77 1.56 |
9. | 9 27 67 1.52 |
10. | 10 29 63 1.52 |
14 ◾ Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA

The symbol of asterisk (*) is also used to make any comment during the Stata pro-
gramming; for example:

*Displaying observations in which the age is below 30

list id age weikg heimt if age<30

2.4 generate Command

The generate command (or gen) is used to define new variables in an existing data-
base. For example, let us suppose that you have a database of anthropometric mea-
surements (corresponding to the hypothetical participants of your study), such as
weight in kilograms (weikg) and height in meters (heimt), and you want to calculate
the body mass index (bmi) of each participant, with bmi being defined as the ratio
of weikg over heimt squared. Suppose, further, that the following database is active
in Stata:

| id age weikg heimt sex |
1. | 1 28 59 1.55 0 |
2. | 2 32 35 1.35 0 |
3. | 3 25 76 1.6 0 |
4. | 4 26 65 1.78 0 |
5. | 5 45 56 1.52 1 |
6. | 6 36 87 1.46 1 |
7. | 7 30 78 1.44 1 |
8. | 8 29 77 1.56 1 |
9. | 9 27 67 1.52 0 |
10. | 10 29 63 1.52 1 |

To compute and display the bmi of each participant, the following commands are

gen bmi = weikg/(heimt^2)

list id bmi

You can see that a new variable, named bmi, has been created as a result of using
the list command:
Data Description ◾ 15


| id bmi |
1. | 1 24.55775 |
2. | 2 19.20439 |
3. | 3 29.6875 |
4. | 4 20.51509 |
5. | 5 24.23823 |
6. | 6 40.81441 |
7. | 7 37.61574 |
8. | 8 31.64037 |
9. | 9 28.99931 |
10. | 10 27.26801 |

2.5 recode Command

The recode command allows the user to change or regroup the values of any variable.
For example, let us assume that a user wants to regroup the values of the bmi variable
of the previous database in the following three groups: (1) Group 1 contains the val-
ues ranging from 18.5 to 24.9, (2) Group 2 are those that range from 25 to 29.9, and
(3) Group 3 are the values that are 30 or greater. The commands sequence is as follows:

gen bmig=bmi
recode bmig 18.5/24.9=1 25/29.9=2 30/max=3
list id bmig


| id bmig |
1. | 1 1 |
2. | 2 1 |
3. | 3 2 |
4. | 4 1 |
5. | 5 1 |
6. | 6 3 |
7. | 7 3 |
8. | 8 3 |
9. | 9 2 |
10. | 10 2 |
16 ◾ Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA

2.6 drop Command

The drop command allows us to eliminate from one to several variables from our
active database. For example, to eliminate the bmi variable, the following com-
mand must be used:

drop bmi

2.7 replace Command

This command allows you to change the value of an existing variable according to
the rule specified. For example, let us assume that a user wants to categorize bmi into
the following groups: Group 1 (persons with a bmi from 18.5 to 24.49), Group 2
(persons with a bmi from 24.5 and 29.9), and Group 3 (persons with a bmi from 30
onward). The command sequence to create these categories of bmi, assuming that
bmi was not already created, is as follows:

gen bmi= weikg/(heimt^2)

gen bmig=bmi
replace bmig=1 if bmi >= 18.5 & bmi < 24.5
replace bmig=2 if bmi >= 24.5 & bmi < 30
replace bmig=3 if bmi >= 30
list id bmig

After the list command, the results will be the same as that reported with the replace

2.8 label Command

The label command defines a name to the variables of the active database; for exam-
ple, the label variable command assigns a label to the variable bmig as follows:

label variable bmig “body mass index categories”

In addition, the label command decodes the categories of the variables, combining
label define and label value commands. The label define command is used to create a
label for different codes to be attached to a legend. Then, the label value command
is used to relate the categories of 1 variable to the labels defined in label define
command. For example, the command lines that are used to label the codes of the
variables sex and bmig are as follows:

label define sexc 0 “Male” 1 “Female”

label value sex sexc
Data Description ◾ 17

label define bm 1 “Normal” 2 “Overweight” 3 “Obese”

label value bmig bm
list id sex bmig

After using the list command, the following output will be displayed:

| id sex bmig |
1. | 1 Male Overweight |
2. | 2 Male Normal |
3. | 3 Male Overweight |
4. | 4 Male Normal |
5. | 5 Female Normal |
6. | 6 Female Obese |
7. | 7 Female Obese |
8. | 8 Female Obese |
9. | 9 Male Overweight |
10. | 10 Female Overweight |

If you want to eliminate a label that was previously assigned to a variable, the drop
command must be used, as follows:

label drop sex

And to eliminate all of the assigned labels, write the following:

label drop all

2.9 summarize Command

If we want to summarize the variables in a database, we must write summarize
(or sum) in our command window. After we do this, a table containing a summary
of all the variables in our database appears. It is recommended that this command
be used with quantitative variables. For example, in the previous database, age,
weight (weikg), height (heimt), and bmi are defined as quantitative variables; there-
fore, the command would be as follows:

sum age weikg heimt bmi

18 ◾ Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA


Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max

age | 10 30.7 5.9264 25 45
weikg | 10 66.3 14.62912 35 87
heimt | 10 1.53 .1127435 1.35 1.78
bmi | 10 28.45408 6.925241 19.20439 40.81441

As a result, in the command window, a table is displayed containing the number of

observations, mean (Mean), standard deviation (Std. Dev.), minimum (Min), and
maximum (Max) for each variable. If the user is interested in displaying descrip-
tive statistics for certain conditions, the conditional command if can be used. For
example, a statistical description of the bmi in subjects less than 30 years old, the
following procedure can be used:

sum bmi if age < 30


Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max

bmi | 6 27.11134 4.01918 20.51509 31.64037

The detail command can be written at the end of the command line to obtain
information, which is more detailed, about quantitative variables in the database.
For example, assuming we want the detailed information of the distribution of the
variable bmi, the following command line can be used:
sum bmi, detail


Percentiles Smallest
1% 19.20439 19.20439
5% 19.20439 20.51509
10% 19.85974 24.23823 Obs 10
25% 24.23823 24.55775 Sum of Wgt. 10

50% 28.13366 Mean 28.45408

Largest Std. Dev. 6.925241
75% 31.64037 29.6875
90% 39.21507 31.64037 Variance 47.95897
95% 40.81441 37.61574 Skewness .4458304
99% 40.81441 40.81441 Kurtosis 2.272217
Data Description ◾ 19

2.10 do-file Editor

A do-file is a set of Stata commands that can be stored for later use. In the Stata
toolbar, click on the icon to create a do-file. A window will open (Figure 2.1),
and you can either type or paste a series of commands and then save this as a file
for later use. To execute these commands, totally or partially, click on the Do icon,
, in this editor, which is located in the extreme right corner.
Once the sequence of Stata commands is defined for the first time, a name has
to be assigned to this do-file for later use. Stata assigns the extension .do to this
file name.

2.11 Descriptive Statistics and Graphs

To generate a table of descriptive statistics, on the main taskbar, click Statistics Æ
Summaries, tables, and tests Æ Other tables Æ Compact table of summary
statistics (Figure 2.2).
When you click this sequence, a window opens that lets you select the variable
of the active database that will be analyzed and choose the statistical procedure of
interest. Within this window, we can assess (in terms of mean, standard deviation,
coefficient of variation, 25th percentile [p25], 75th percentile [p75], and interquar-
tile range [p75–p25]) the statistical distribution of a quantitative variable, as shown
for bmi from the previous database (Figure 2.3).
If the Statistics icon is used, Stata displays the command and the results. The
output above indicates that the value of the sd (standard deviation) is only 24.3%
of the mean, which might suggest a relatively moderate variability in the bmi

Figure 2.1 do-file editor window.

20 ◾ Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA

Figure 2.2 Creating a table to display summary statistics.

Figure 2.3 Window for displaying a table of summary statistics.

distribution. Based on the iqr (interquartile range), the output indicates that 50% of
the bmi around the median value is not greater than 7.4.

2.12 tabulate Command

The tabulate (or tab) command provides a table with the frequency values of the
corresponding variable. For example, to obtain the frequency distribution of the
grouped bmi (bmig), the user needs to write the following:

tab bmig


bmig | Freq. Percent Cum.

Normal | 3 30.00 30.00
Overweight | 4 40.00 70.00
Obese | 3 30.00 100.00
Total | 10 100.00
Data Description ◾ 21

In this example, 30% of the study group was categorized as being obese and 40%
as being normal.
The tab command can be used to report contingency tables that, in turn, can be
used to report the frequency distribution, with the option of including percentages
by column and row. For example, to describe the association between the variables
bmig and sex (see the previous database), use the tab command, as follows:
tab bmig sex, co


| Key |
| frequency |
| column percentage |
| sex
bmig | Male Female | Total
Normal | 2 1 | 3
| 40.00 20.00 | 30.00
Overweight| 3 1 | 4
| 60.00 20.00 | 40.00
Obese | 0 3 | 3
| 0.00 60.00 | 30.00
Total | 5 5 | 10
| 100.00 100.00 | 100.00

The results show that 80% of women are categorized as being either overweight
or obese, while 40% of men are categorized as being overweight, with none being
categorized as being obese. Only 30% of the subjects (both sexes) are categorized as
being of normal weight.

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