4.SSA Video Lecture-1

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EC : Electronics and Communications

Signals & Systems
1. Consider the following statements for
continuous-time linear time invariant (LTI)
I. There is no bounded input bounded
output (BIBO) stable system with a pole
in the right half of the complex plane.
II. There is no causal and BIBO stable
system with a pole in the right half of
the complex plane. [EC2017]
Which one among the following is correct?
(A) Both I and II are true
(B) Both I and II are not true
(C) Only I is true
(D) Only II is true
2. Consider a single input single output discrete-
time system with x[n] as input and y[n] as
output, where the two are related as
 n x[n] , for0n10
y[n] = 
 x[n]x[n1], otherwise
Which one of the following statements is true
about the system? [EC2017]
(A) It is causal and stable
(B) It is causal but not stable
(C) It is not causal but stable
(D) It is neither causal not stable
3. A continuous time signal x(t) = 4 cos(200
t) + 8 cos(400t), where t is in seconds, is
the input to a linear time invariant (LTI)
filter with the impulse response [EC2017]
 2sin(300t)
 , t0
h(t) =  t
 600, t0
Let y(t) be the output of this filter. The
maximum value of | y(t) | is _________.
4. An LTI system with unit sample response
h[n] = 5[n]  7[n  1] + 7[n  3]  5[n
 4] is a [EC2017]
(A) low-pass filter
(B) high-pass filter
(C) band-pass filter
(D) band-stop filter
5. The input x(t) and the output y(t) of a
continuous-time system are related as
y(t) = t T x(u)du .
The system is
(A) linear and time-variant
(B) linear and time-invariant
(C) non-linear and time-variant
(D) non-linear and time-variant
6. Consider an LTI system with magnitude
response [EC2017]
 |f |
1  , | f |20
| H(f) | =  20
 0, | f |20
and phase response
arg {H(f)} =  2f.
If the input to the system is
     
8cos  20t 16sin  40t  24cos  80t   ,
 4  8  16 
then the average power of the output signal
y(t) is ________.
7. Consider the parallel combination of two
LTI system shown in the figure.

The impulse response of the systems are

h1(t) = 2(t + 2)  3(t + 1)
h2(t) = (t  2)
If the input x(t) is a unit step signal, then
the energy of y(t) is ________.
8. Which one of the following is an eigen
function of the class of all continuous-time,
linear, time-invariant systems (u(t) denotes
the unit-step function)? [EC2016]
j0 t
(A) e u(t) (B) cos (0t)
j0 t
(C) e (D) sin (0t)
9. A continuous-time function x(t) is periodic
with period T. The function is sampled
uniformly with a sampling period Ts. In
which one of the following cases is the
sampled signal periodic? [EC2016]

(A) T = 2Ts (B) T = 1.2 Ts

(C) Always (D) Never
10. A first-order low-pass filter of time
constant T is excited with different input
signals (with zero initial conditions up to
t = 0). Match the excitation signals X, Y, Z
with the corresponding time response for
t  0: [EC2016]
X: Impulse P: 1  e
Y: Unit step Q: t  T(1  e )
Z: Ramp R: e
(A) X  R, Y  Q, Z  P
(B) X  Q, Y  P, Z  R
(C) X  R, Y  P, Z  Q
(D) X  P, Y  R, Z  Q
11. The energy of the signal x(t) = is
_________ [EC2016]
sin(t) sin(t)
12. If the signal x(t) = * with *
t t
denoting the convolution operation, then
x(t) is equal to [EC2016]

sin(t) sin(2t)
(A) (B)
t 2t
2sin(t)  sin(t) 
(C) (D)  
t  t 
13. The result of the convolution
x(t)  (t  t0) is [EC2015]

(A) x(t + t0) (B) x(t  t0)

(C) x(t + t0) (D) x(t  t0)
14. The waveform of a periodic signal x(t) is
shown in the figure. [EC2015]

 t1 
A signal g(t) is defined by g(t) = x  .
 2 
The average power of g(t) is _______.
15. The pole-zero diagram of a causal and
stable discrete-time system is shown in the
figure. The zero at the origin has
multiplicity 4. The impulse response of the
system is h[n]. If h[0] = 1, we can conclude
(A) h[n] is real for all n
(B) h[n] is purely imaginary for all n
(C) h[n] is real for only even n
(D) h[n] is purely imaginary for only odd n
16. Let the signal f(t) = 0 outside the interval
[T1, T2], where T1 and T2 are finite.
Furthermore, | f(t) | < . The region of
convergence (RoC) of the signal's bilateral
Laplace transform F(s) is [EC2015]
(A) a parallel strip containing the j axis
(B) a parallel strip not containing the j
(C) the entire s-plane
(D) a half plane containing the j axis
17. Input x(t) and output y(t) of an LTI system
are related by the differential equation y(t)
 y(t)  6y(t) = x(t). If the system is
neither causal nor stable, the impulse
response h(t) of the system is
1 3t 1 2t
(A) e u( t) e u( t) [EC2015]
5 5

1 3t 1 2t
(B)  e u( t) e u( t)
5 5
1 3t 1 2t
(C) e u( t) e u(t)
5 5

1 3t 1 2t
(D)  e u( t) e u(t)
5 5
18. A zero mean white Gaussian noise having
power spectral density is passed
through an LTI filter whose impulse
response h(t) is shown in the figure. The
variance of the filtered noise at t = 4 is
3 2 3 2
(A) A N 0 (B) A N 0
2 4

1 2
(C) A N 0
(D) A N 0
19. Consider the function g(t) = e sin(2t)
u(t), where u(t) is the unit step function.
The area under g(t) is __________.
 n
20. The value of  n   is _________.
n 0  2 
21. The impulse response of an LTI system can
be obtained by [EC2015]
(A) differentiating the unit ramp response
(B) differentiating the unit step response
(C) integrating the unit ramp response
(D) integrating the unit step response
22. Consider a four-point moving average filter
defined by the equation
y[n] =  i0 i x[ni]. The condition on

the filter coefficients that results in a null at

zero frequency is [EC2015]
(A) 1 = 2 = 0; 0 = 3
(B) 1 = 2 = 1; 0 = 3
(C) 0 = 3 = 0; 1 = 2
(D) 1 = 2 = 0; 0 = 3
23. Two sequences x1[n] and x2[n] have the
same energy. Suppose x1[n] =  0.5 u[n],

where  is a positive real number and u[n]

is the unit step sequence. Assume
 1.5 forn0,1
x2[n] = 
 0 otherwise
Then the value of  is __________.
24. A discrete-time signal x[n] = sin( n), n
being an integer, is [EC2015]
(A) periodic with period .
(B) periodic with period  .

(C) periodic with period /2.

(D) not periodic.
25. A periodic signal x(t) has a trigonometric
Fourier series expansion [EC2017]

x(t) = a 0  (a n cosn0 tb n sinn0 t)
n 1

If x(t) = x(t) = x(t  /0) we can

conclude that
(A) an are zero for all n and bn are zero for
n even
(B) an are zero for all n and bn are zero for
n odd
(C) an are zero for n even and bn are zero
for n odd
(D) an are zero for n odd and bn are zero
for n even
26. Let x(t) be a continuous time periodic
signal with fundamental period T = 1
seconds. Let {ak} be the complex Fourier
series coefficients of x(t), where k is
integer valued. Consider the following
statements about x(3t): [EC2017]

I. The complex Fourier series

coefficients of x(3t) are {ak} where k is
integer valued
II. The complex Fourier series
coefficients of x(3t) are {3ak) where k
is integer valued
III. The fundamental angular frequency of
x(3t) is 6 rad/s
For the three statements above, which one
of the following is correct?
(A) only II and III are true
(B) only I and III are true
(C) only III is true
(D) only I is true
27. Two discrete-time signal x[n] and h[n] are
both non-zero only for n = 0, 1, 2, and are
zero otherwise. It is given that

x[0] = 1, x[1] = 2, x[2] = 1, h[0] = 1

Let y[n] be the linear convolution of x[n]

and h[n]. Given that y[1] = 3 and y[2] = 4,
the value of expression (10y[3] + y[4]) is
__________. [EC2017]
28. Let h[n] be the impulse response of a discrete-
time linear time invariant (LTI) filter. The
impulse response is given by
1 1 1
h[0] = ; h[1] = ; h[2] = ; and
3 3 3
h[n] = 0 for n < 0 and n > 2.
Let H() be the discrete-time Fourier transform
(DTFT) of h[n], where  is the normalized
angular frequency in radians. Given that H(0) =
and 0 < 0 < , the value of 0 (in radians) is
equal to _________. [EC2017]
29. Consider the signal
x[n] = 6[n + 2] + 3[n + 1] + 8[n] + 7[n
 1] + 4[n  2].
If X(e ) is the discrete-time Fourier
transform of x[n],


then X(e )sin 2
(2 ) d is equal to
 
_________ [EC2016]
30. The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of
the 4-point sequence
x[n] = {x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3]} = {3, 2, 3, 4}
X[k] = {X[0], X[1], X[2], X[3]} = {12, 2j,
0, 2j}.
If X1[k] is the DFT of the 12-point sequence
x1[n] = {3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0}, the
value of is __________ [EC2016]
 2 
31. A signal 2 cos t   cos(t) is the input
 3 
to an LTI system with the transfer function
s s
H(s) = e + e
If Ck denotes the k coefficient in the
exponential Fourier series of the output
signal, then C3 is equal to [EC2016]
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 3
32. A continuous-time speech signal xa(t) is
sampled at a rate of 8 kHz and the samples are
subsequently grouped in blocks, each of size N.
The DFT of each block is to be computed in real
time using the radix-2 decimation-in-frequency
FFT algorithm. If the processor performs all
operations sequentially, and takes 20 s for
computing each complex multiplication
(including multiplications by 1 and −1) and the
time required for addition/subtraction is
negligible, then the maximum value of N is
_________ [EC2016]
33. The magnitude and phase of the complex
Fourier series coefficients ak of a periodic
signal x(t) are shown in the figure. Choose
the correct statement from the four choices
given. Notation: C is the set of complex
numbers, R is the set of purely real
numbers, and P is the set of purely
imaginary numbers.
(A) x(t)  R
(B) x(t)  P
(C) x(t)  (C  R)
(D) the information given is not sufficient
to draw any conclusion about x(t)
34. Consider two real sequences with time-
origin marked by the bold value,
x1[n] = {1, 2, 3, 0}, x2[n] = {1, 3, 2, 1}

Let X1(k) and X2(k) be 4-point DFTs of

x1[n] and x2[n], respectively.
Another sequence x3[n] is derived by
taking 4-point inverse DFT of
X3(k) = X1(k) X2(k). The value of x3[2] is
____________. [EC2015]
 n 
35. Let x[n] = 1cos   be a periodic
 8 
signal with period 16. It DFS coefficients
are defined by
1 15
  
ak =  x[n]exp   j kn  for all k. The
16 n 0  8 
value of the coefficient a31 is __________.
36. The complex envelope of the bandpass
 sin(t 5)   
signal x(t) =  2 sin  t   ,
 t 5   4
centered about f = Hz, is

 sin(t 5)  j 4
(A)  t 5  e
 

 sin(t 5)   j 4
(B)  t 5 e
 

 sin(t 5)  j 4
(C) 2 e
 t 5 

 sin(t 5)   j 4
(D) 2 e
 t 5 
37. The Laplace transform of the causal
periodic square wave of period T shown in
the figure below is [EC2016]
(A) F(s) =  sT/2
1 e
(B) F(s) =
  sT

s 1  e 2 
 
 
(C) F(s) =  sT
s(1  e )
(D) F(s) =  sT
1 e
38. The response of the system
G(s) = to the unit step input
(s  1)(s  3)
u(t) is y(t).
dy +
The value of at t = 0 is _________
39. The bilateral Laplace transform of a
1if atb
function f(t) =  is
 0otherwise
ab e (a  b)
(A) (B)
s s
 as  bs s(a  b)
e e e
(C) (D)
s s
40. Let x(t) =  s(t) + s(t) with s(t) =  e
u(t), where u(t) is unit step function. If the
bilateral Laplace transform of x(t) is
X(s) = 2 4Re{s}
 4;
s 16
then the value of  is __________.
41. The state variable representation of a
system is given as
0 1  1 
x=  x ; x(0) =  
0 1 0 
y =  0 1 x
The response y(t) is [EC2015]

(A) sin(t) (B) 1  e t

(C) 1  cos(t) (D) 0

42. A network is described by the state model
is [EC2015]
x1 = 2 x1  x2 + 3u
x 2 = 4x2  u
y = 3x1  2x2
 Y(s) 
The transfer function H(s)   is
 U(s) 
 35
 35
 38
 38
43. Consider the sequence
n n
x[n] = a u[n] + b u[n], where u[n] denotes
the unit-step sequence and 0 < a < b < 1.
The region of convergence (ROC) of the
ztransform of x[n] is [EC2016]

(A) z  a (B) z  b
(C) z  a (D) a  z  b
44. A discrete-time signal x[n] = [n  3] +
2[n  5] has z-transform X(z). If Y
(z) = X(z) is the ztransform of another
signal y[n], then [EC2016]

(A) y[n] = x[n] (B) y[n] = x[n]

(C) y[n] = x[n] (D) y[n] = x[n]
45. The ROC (region of convergence) of the
z-transform of a discrete-time signal is
represented by the shaded region in the
z-plane. If the signal x[n] = (2.0) ,
 < n < +, then the ROC of its
z-transform is represented by
(A) (B)

(C) (D)
46. The direct form structure of an FIR (finite
impulse response) filter is shown in the
figure. [EC2016]
The filter can be used to approximate a
(A) low-pass filter
(B) high-pass filter
(C) band-pass filter
(D) band-stop filter
47. Consider the signal s(t) = m(t) cos(2fct) +
m̂(t)sin(2fct) where m̂(t) denotes the
Hilbert transform of m(t) and the
bandwidth of m(t) is very small compared
to fc. The signal s(t) is a [EC2015]
(A) high-pass signal
(B) low-pass signal
(C) band-pass signal
(D) double sideband suppressed carrier
48. Two causal discrete-time signals x[n] and
y[n] are related as y[n] =  m0 x[m]. If the

z-transform of y[n] is , the value of
z(z  1) 2

x[2] is __________. [EC2015]

49. Consider the differential equation = 10
 0.2x with initial condition x(0) = 1. The
response x(t) for t > 0 is [EC2015]
(A) 2  e (B) 2  e 0.2t
(C) 50  49e (D) 50  49e 0.2t
50. Suppose x[n] is an absolutely summable
discrete-time signal. Its z-transform is a
rational function with two poles and two
zeroes. The poles are at z =  2j. Which
one of the following statements is TRUE
for the signal x[n]? [EC2015]
(A) It is a finite duration signal
(B) It is a causal signal
(C) It is a non-causal signal
(D) It is a periodic signal
51. A random binary wave y(t) is given by

y(t) =  X n p(tnT)
where p(t) = u(t)  u(t  T), u(t) is the unit
step function and  is an independent
random variable with uniform distribution
in [0, T]. The sequence {Xn} consists of
independent and identically distributed
binary valued random variable with
P{Xn = +1} = P{Xn = 1} = 0.5 for each n.
The value of the autocorrelation
 3T     3T  
R yy  E  y(t)y t   equals
 4    4 
________. [EC2015]
52. The signal x(t) = sin (14000t), where t is
in seconds, is sampled at a rate of 9000
samples per second. The sampled signal is
the input to an ideal lowpass filter with
frequency response H(f) as follows:
 1, | f |12kHz
H(f) = 
0, | f |12kHz
What is the number of sinusoidal in the
output and their frequencies in kHz?
(A) Number = 1, frequency = 7
(B) Number = 3, frequencies = 2, 7, 11
(C) Number = 2, frequencies = 2, 7
(D) Number = 2, frequencies = 7, 11
53. A continuoustime sinusoid of frequency
33Hz is multiplied with a periodic Dirac
impulse train of frequency 46Hz. The
resulting signal is passed through an ideal
analog lowpass filter with a cutoff
frequency of 23Hz. The fundamental
frequency (in Hz) of the output is
________ [EC2016]
54. Consider the signal x(t) = cos(6t) +
sin(8t), where t is in seconds. The Nyquist
sampling rate (in samples/second) for the
signal y(t) = x(2t + 5) is [EC2016]

(A) 8 (B) 12
(C) 16 (D) 32
 
55. The signal cos 10t  is ideally
 4
sampled at a sampling frequency of 15 Hz.
The sampled signal is passed through a
filter with impulse response
 sin(t)   
 cos  40t . The filter output
 t   2
is [EC2015]
15  
(A) cos  40t 
2  4
15  sin(t)   
(B)  cos 10t 
2  t   4
15  
(C) cos 10t 
2  4
15  sin(t)   
(D)  cos  40t 
2  t   2
56. X n n is an independent and identically
n 

distributed (i.i.d.) random process with Xn

equally likely to be +1 or 1. Yn n is
n 

another random process obtained as

Yn = Xn + 0.5 Xn1. The autocorrelation
function of Yn n , denoted by RY[k], is
n 

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
57. Consider a continuous-time signal defined

 sin(t 2) 
x(t) =    (t10n)
 (t 2)  n

where '' denotes the convolution operation

and t is in second. The Nyquist sampling
rate (in samples/sec) for x(t) is
___________. [EC2015]
58. A continuous-time filter with transfer
2s  6
function H(s) = 2 is covered to a
s  6s  8
discrete-time filter with transfer function
2z  0.5032z
G(z) = 2 so that the impulse
z  0.5032zk
response of the continuous-time filter,
sampled at 2 Hz, is identical at the sampling
instants to the impulse response of the
discrete time filter. The value of k is
_________ [EC2016]

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