The Summarized of European Association For The Study of The Liver 2017 Clinical Practice Guidelines On The Management of Hepatitis B Virus Infection
The Summarized of European Association For The Study of The Liver 2017 Clinical Practice Guidelines On The Management of Hepatitis B Virus Infection
The Summarized of European Association For The Study of The Liver 2017 Clinical Practice Guidelines On The Management of Hepatitis B Virus Infection
Cite this article as: Idilman R. The summarized of European Association for the Study of the Liver 2017 clinical practice guidelines on
the management of hepatitis B virus infection. Turk J Gastroenterol 2017; 28: 412-6.
Hepatitis B virus is a major health problem, and the The prevalence of HBV infection has been decreasing in
main cause of liver-related morbidity and mortality in several endemic countries as a result of universal vac-
Turkey. The morbidity and mortality are linked to the cination programs, improvements in the socioeconomic
persistence of the hepatitis B virus replication and evo- status, and effective antiviral treatment approaches. How-
lution to end-stage liver disease. Viral suppression ever, the migrations of populations from outside Europe
with antiviral therapy has achieved clinical benefits, has been changing the incidence and prevalence of HBV
such as preventing the disease progression and infection in several low endemic rate countries (1,2).
reducing the hepatic decompensation in chronic
hepatitis B pa-tients. The current optimal management In 2012, the European Association for the Study of the Liv-er
of hepatitis B virus infection is summarized here in a (EASL) published Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) on the
brief report based on European Association for the management of HBV infection, which were recently modified.
Study of the Liver 2017 Clinical Practice Guidelines on The aim of the present paper was to summa-rize the EASL
Quick Look to Guidelines
the manage-ment of hepatitis B virus infection. 2017 CPGs updating the recommendations for the optimal
management of an HBV infection.
An estimated 350 million individuals are chronically Natural Course of Disease
infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) in worldwide (1,2). Chronic HBV infection is a dynamic process and
From 1990 to 2013, the number of HBV-related deaths not all patients with chronic HBV infection have
due to cirrhosis and its complications and/ or chronic hepatitis B (CHB). The natural course of
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) increased by 33% in a chronic HBV infection can be classified into five
worldwide (3). Around 1 million individuals die as a phases based on biochemical, serological, and
result of HBV-related end stage liver disease and its histological evaluations (Table 1);
complications each year (3,4). The spectrum of HBV-
related diseases is variable, ranging from an inactive • Hepatitis B e-antigen (HBeAg)-positive
HBV carrier state to progressive disease, which may chronic in-fection,
evolve to cirrhosis and its complications, such as por- • HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis,
tal hypertension or HCC. • HBeAg-negative chronic infection,
• HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis and
In Turkey, the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) posi- • HBsAg-negative phase,
tivity is 4%, based on the results of an epidemiological
study (5). HBV infection is present in approximately 50% The phases of a chronic HBV infection are not nec-
of all patients with HCC, most of whom have cirrhosis. In essary sequential; therefore, serial monitoring of the
2013, HBV-related end-stage liver disease with/with-out biochemical and serological tests is required. Some
HCC accounted for approximately 40-50% of all liver individuals fall into an indeterminate area, and each
transplantation (LT) cases (6). treatment needs to be individualized (2).
Turk J Gastroenterol 2017; 28: 412-6 Idilman R. Clinical Practice Guideline for HBV infection
Table 1. New nomenclature of the natural course of chronic HBV infection (2)
HBeAg Positive HBeAg Negative
Chronic infection Chronic hepatitis Chronic infection Chronic hepatitis
Old name Immune tolerant Immune reactive Inactive carrier Chronic hepatitis
HBsAg High High/intermediate Low Intermediate
HBeAg Positive Positive Negative Negative
HBV DNA Very high High Low >2000 IU/mL
>107 IU/mL 104-107 IU/mL <2000 IU/mL
ALT Normal Elevated Normal Elevated
Histology None/minimal Moderate and severe None Moderate and severe
liver disease liver disease liver disease
HBeAg: Hepatitis B e-antigen; HBsAg: hepatitis B surface antigen; HBV: hepatitis B virus; ALT: alanine aminotransferase
The risk of progression to cirrhosis and HCC is variable. notransferases levels. The ultimate goal of effective antiviral
The 5-year cumulative incidence of cirrhosis ranges from treatment is HBsAg loss and seroconversion to anti-HBs, which is
8% to 20% of untreated CHB patients, and the annual risk described as a functional cure. HBsAg seroclearance can be
of HCC in cir-rhotic patients ranges from 2% to 5% (1,2,7). achieved after interferon (IFN)-based antiviral treatment, but it is
rarely achieved with the current oral antiviral agents.
A careful assessment of an individuals with a chronic HBV in-
fection is necessary. The initial evaluation should include a Indications for Antiviral Therapy
complete history, a physical examination, biochemical and The indications for treatment are basically the same for
serological evaluations and an assessment of the liver disease both HBeAg-positive and -negative CHB patients. They
activity and severity. All first-degree relatives should be advised are based mainly on the combination of following criteria:
to be tested for the HBV serological markers. Any co-infections
with other hepatic viruses and co-morbidities (other causes of • Serum HBV DNA levels,
chronic liver disease) should be identified. In addition, testing for • Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels and
Treatment Approaches files of all NAs are identical, and they can be given in both
Currently, two different types of antiviral agents can be used in non-cirrhotic and compensated cirrhotic CHB patients (1,2).
the treatment of CHB: pegylated IFN alpha (PegIFNa) and
nucleoside (lamivudine [LMV], telbivudine, emtricitabine and Long-term ETV or TDF therapy has been demonstrated to pre-
entecavir [ETV]) and nucleotide analogs (adefovir dipivoxil [ADV], vent disease progression, and can also result in a significant his-
tenofovir disoproxil fumarate [TDF] and tenofovir alaf-enamide tological improvement (1,2,10). Moreover, the complications of
[TAF]). The main advantage of treating patients with potent cirrhosis can improve or even disappear and the necessity of a
nucleoside or nucleotide analogs (NAs) (ETV, TDF, and TAF) is LT is dramatically decreasing (1,2,10). Unfortunately, HCC may
the predictable with long-term antiviral efficacy leading to HBV still develop. Previous studies have shown that long-term ETV or
suppression in the vast majority of CHB patients (1,2,9). TDF monotherapy appears to favorably affect the inci-dence of
HCC (8,10,11), especially in those patients, who have received
The PegIFNa-based treatment approach is used to induce long- more than 5 years of antiviral therapy (11). Since HCC seems to
term immunological control with a finite duration of treatment. be the only predictive factor affecting long-term sur-vival in-
PegIFNa can be considered as an initial treatment approach for treated patients, the main clinical challenge is to iden-tify the
HBeAg-positive or negative CHB patients with mild to moderate patients at risk of HCC who require close surveillance. The
disease. However, the high variability of the treatment response PAGE-B score (low, medium, and high risk of HCC) can
and its unfavourable safety profile are the main disadvantages of accurately predict the risk of HCC in Caucasian CHB patients
such therapy. Baseline treatment pre-dictors, including the low treated with NAs (12). A long-term, effective NAs treatment can
serum HBV DNA level, high serum ALT levels (>2-5 times ULN), also improve the patient’s overall survival (1,2,9,10).
the presence of HBeAg, HBV geno-type (A and B), and stage of
disease (high activity scores on liver biopsy), and on-treatment All CHB patients treated with a NAs should undergo periodi-cal
predictors (i.e., declining of the HBsAg and HBV DNA levels at 12 monitoring. At the baseline, a complete blood count, se-rum liver
weeks of treatment) can be helpful indicators to predict the injury and function tests, renal function tests (serum creatinine,
treatment response (1,2,9). phosphate levels and creatinine clearance [eGFR]), and an HBV
DNA levels by PCR assay should be performed. The baseline
The combination therapy with two NAs with high barrier renal risk includes an eGFR < 60 mL/min, poorly con-trolled
to resistance is not recommended in the treatment of hypertension, proteinuria, uncontrolled diabetes, ac-tive
CHB. In ad-dition, a NA and PegIFNa combination glomerular disease, concomitant nephrotoxic drugs, solid organ
Quick Look to Guidelines
treatment is currently not recommended. transplantation, and decompensated cirrhosis, which should also
be assessed for all patients.
Treatment Responses
Treatment responses can be divided into virological, biochemi- During treatment, liver injury tests should be performed ev-
cal, serological and histological responses. The definitions of a ery 3-4 months during the first year of treatment, and every
virological response varies according to the timing and type of six months thereafter. The serum HBV DNA should be
therapy. It is generally defined as an undetectable serum HBV assayed every 3-4 months in the first year and every 6-12
DNA using a sensitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR, <10 IU/ months there-after. The HBsAg should be checked at 12-
mL) assay during NA therapy, while it is defined as serum HBV month intervals if the HBV DNA is negative. The anti-HBs
DNA levels <2.000 IU/mL at 6 months and at the end of the should be tested when HBsAg is lost.
PegIFNa therapy. A biochemical response is defined as the nor-
malization of the serum ALT levels based on the traditional ULN Nucleotide analogs treatment can be used safely in all CHB
(approximately 40 IU/L). A serological response is defined as an pa-tients, and minimal renal function declines have been
HBeAg loss and HBeAg seroconversion to anti-HBe in HBeAg- reported during long-term ETV and TDF therapy. The
positive patients, and an HBsAg loss and HBsAg seroconversion nephrotoxic poten-tial of TDF is higher than that of ETV;
to anti-HBs in all CHB patients. Finally, a histological response is therefore, renal function tests (eGFR and serum phosphate
defined as a decrease in the necroinflammatory activity by ≥ 2 levels) should be monitored in CHB patients at high renal risk
points without a worsening in the fibrosis, when compared to the receiving any NA therapy ev-ery 3-4 months during the first
baseline liver biopsy findings. year and every 6 months there-after. Previous studies have
demonstrated that TAF is superior to TDF in its effects on
NA Treatment for CHB Patients several biomarkers of renal function and bone turnover (1,13).
ETV, TDF, and TAF are currently recommended as monotherapy
in the treatment of CHB infection. These drugs are potent in- NA Discontinuation
hibitors of HBV polymerase and reverse transcriptase with min- Nucleotide analog therapy does not usually achieve HBV eradi-
imal or no resistance. They have led to an undetectable serum cation. The ultimate goal of effective NA therapy is an HBsAg loss
HBV DNA in the vast majority of CHB patients within months or a and seroconversion to antiHBs. The loss of HBsAg may occur in
few years of therapy. The efficacy and long-term safety pro- a minority of CHB patients; it is approximately 10-12% after 5-8
Turk J Gastroenterol 2017; 28: 412-6 Idilman R. Clinical Practice Guideline for HBV infection
years of NA therapy in HBeAg-positive patients, but it is less than mL when compared to the nadir HBV DNA level on therapy. A
2% in HBeAg-negative patients (1,14). Moreover, long-term anti- virological breakthrough is mainly related to the development of
viral treatments are given in the majority of CHB patients. HBV drug resistance. Preventing the emergence of drug re-
Nucleotide analogs can be discontinued in HBeAg-positive CHB sistance is based on the use of NAs with high barriers to resis-
patients if they achieve HBeAg seroconversion to antiHBe and tance, including ETV and TDF. When a virological breakthrough
reach HBV DNA undetectability and have completed at least 12 is identified, it should be confirmed one month later to prevent
months of consolidation therapy. Unfortunately, viro-logical subsequent hepatic flare-ups and disease progression (1,2,9).
remission will be maintained in only 50% of those pa-tients during
the 3 years after NA cessation (9). Long-term NA therapy is The risk of antiviral drug resistance is associated with high
usually given in HBeAg-negative patients. However, NA therapy baseline serum HBV DNA levels, a slow decline in the serum
should be discontinued if such patients achieve an HBsAg loss HBV DNA levels, and previous suboptimal treatment. During
with or without anti-HBs seroconversion. The dura-tion of on-NA the emergence of resistance, an appropriate rescue therapy
therapy HBV DNA undetectability is an important factor for should be started with a potent NA agent that does not share
predicting the probability of off-therapy virological remission (15). cross-resistance. The ETV and TDF combination therapy ap-
Unfortunately, the optimal duration of on-NAs remission before pears to be a safe option as a rescue therapy.
discontinuation remains unclear. NAs may be discontinued only in
those patients who can be followed very closely with biochemical Management of Decompensated Cirrhotic Patients
and serological tests. The retreatment criteria may be also Decompensated cirrhotic patients should be treated immedi-ately
applied based on the treatment indications for naïve CHB with ETV or TDF and referred for LT. ETV and TDF have been
patients. shown to be effective, safe, and tolerable in such patients
(1,2,9,16-18). Those patients with an earlier treatment initiation
Treatment discontinuation is currently discouraged in had better clinical outcomes than those with delayed treat-ment.
patients with cirrhosis. Treatment with ETV or TDF treatment in decompensated cirrhotic
patients has achieved clinical benefits as a result of the
Management of Patients with NA Failure prevention of disease progression, reduction in hepatic
The combination of NAs with low barriers to resistance decompensation and HCC development, and avoidance of LT.
include LAM or TBV with ADV may lead to inappropriate HBV ETV or TDF modifies the natural course of the disease and in-
suppres-sion and the emergence of multidrug resistant creases survival (1,2,9,16-18)
Idilman R. Clinical Practice Guideline for HBV infection Turk J Gastroenterol 2017; 28: 412-6
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