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and normal kidney and liver function tests. Swabs disturbance and may result in death from
from the mouth were sterile. pneumonia, septicaemia, myocarditis or renal
The potential precipitating factor could failure. Erosive changes may occur in the
be antibiotics, which was aggravated in the genitalia. Severe scarring of the genital tract may
presence of pregnancy. also occur occasionally, however there is no
On 2 nd day of admission, patient had mention of permanent damage to the female
Premaline Rupture of Membranes (PROM) and genital tract.
delivered a female child vaginally of weight 2.5kg. There has been one case report of vaginal
The intra-partum period was uneventful. stenosis following SJS in pregnancy, which was
Following delivery, she developed new active discovered 6 weeks after cesarean section for
lesions for which she was put on systemic breech presentation1 1 . However, our patient
Prednisolone which was gradually tapered. The delivered baby vaginally and there was no
lesions subsided gradually over a period of 10 problem on follow up.
days. Mother and baby were well on discharge
The management includes prompt
and follow up.
withdrawal of all potential causative drugs,
intravenous fluid replacement. Symptomatic
Discussion :
treatment are careful and aseptic handling,
SJS is marked by the rapid attack of fever,
maintenance of venous peripheral access distant
skin lesions and sores on the mucous membranes
from affected areas, initiation of oral nutrition
of eyes, mouth, nasal passage, lips and genitals.
by nasogastric tube, anticoagulation, prevention
Clusters last for about 2-4 weeks. The skin lesions
of stress ulcer.
may look like target lesions or bubble like. The
diagnosis is often obvious by the appearance of Topical antiseptics (0.5% silver nitrate
lesions and rapid progression of symptoms. or 0.05% chlorhexidine) are used to paint, bathe,
Histologic examination of sloughed skin shows or dress the patients. New dressings with
necrotic epithelium, a distinguishing feature. The Apligraft ® , Biobrane ® , TransCyte ® etc are
condition is charecterised by severe constitutional being tried. Corticosteroid use is highly debated.
Fig 1 a :Maculopapular eruptions over legs Fig 1 b : Maculopapular eruptions over hands
Tegelberg used 400 or 200 mg prednisone/ However, early diagnosis and prompt management
day, gradually diminished over a 4 to 6 week saved the mother and the child.
period, and observed a single death among eight
patients 2 . Disclosure of Interest :
It's difficult to prevent an initial attack No conflicts of interest.
of Stevens-Johnson syndrome because what
triggers it is not known. However, if Steven- References :
1. Graham R.A.C., Cochrane G.W., Swihone J.R.,
Johnson syndrome occurred once, which was
Sarkany. I., Epsztein L.J., "Vaginal Stenosis due to
caused by medication, the drug is to be avoided
Bullous Erythema Multiforme ( Steven Johnson
to prevent another attack. A recurrence is usually Syndrome)" Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1981; 88: 1156-57
more severe than the first episode and, may be
2. Tegelberg-Stassen MJ, van Vloten WA, Baart de la
fatal. Faille. Management of nonstaphylococcal toxic
Attack of SJS developing in pregnancy epidermal necrolysis: follow-up study of 16 case
can be fatal because immunity is compromised. histories. Dermatologica 1990;180:124-129.