Universal Foods and Drinks Limited

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The Universal Foods and Drinks Limited (UFDL) is a company, manufacturing different types of
packaged foods and drinks. The product range consists of more than 50 items and 200 packaging units.
The company’s products are popular throughout the country and the company is known for its quality
The Universal Foods and Drinks Limited have processing plants in the various parts of the country
like Jammu &Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra and Kerala. It has a wide
network of Distributors and dealers, who stock the UFDL products and deal with all the types of
customers. The company through this network reaches to over 50,000 retail points in the urban and the
rural markets.
Some of the products of the UFDL are produced throughout the year and are sold through this
wide network. Some products are seasonal in production but are sold throughout the year. And some
products are popular in certain seasons and not in demand at all in the other seasons.
The business performance of the company is assured good, if the UFDL produces the products as
per the varying demand pattern of the customers. Since, the company has established its strength in the
distribution dealer network, the success comes through the appropriate decisions in the purchase of fruits,
vegetables, cereals and pulses and putting them through processing and packaging, and dispatching them
to the various locations where the distributors are located.
It is the policy of the company to launch each year at least one new product in the country. This
policy has paid rich dividends, to the company in the terms of its image and the customers have always
looked forward for such an announcement from the company’s end. The UDFL uses, well in advance, the
different advertising media such as the newspaper, hoardings, magazines, sample tests and demos, T.V.,
etc. for announcing and promotion of its new products from time to time. However, the selection of the
media is based on the product range and the targeted market segment.
In spite of considerable strength in many aspects of business, the company has failed in the
launching of new products. It was not able to meet the demand owing to the inadequate purchases of raw
materials, the wastage of the raw materials as the processing plant of the company was not available due
to its maintenance schedule or it was scheduled for some other food processing operation. The company
also faces the problems of high seasonal inventory which, if not disposed of in time, becomes a non-
moving and sometimes a non-saleable inventory.
The UFDL has its Marketing Division headed by a Manager-Marketing supported by the Product
Manager for a group of its products.

1.1 Introduction:
UFDL a well established company has a very good range of products. It has a policy of introducing
new products every season. It makes it popular by its various marketing strategies. However, it fails to
achieve its goals due to lack of efficiency in the purchase and utilization of raw materials.

1.2 Statement of Problem:

It fails to achieve its goals due to lack of efficiency in the purchase and utilization of raw materials
and improper scheduling of maintenance activities.

1.3 Setting Objective:

To recover the losses and boost the profits involved after launching new products every season.
1.4 Choice of Alternative:
1) To make changes in the existing systems.
2) To update the system and making employees aware of the changes.
3) To implement new system altogether and train the employees regarding the system.


1. Identify the different decisions which the management of the company is making during the course
of the business execution?
The different decisions which the management of the company is making during the course of the
business execution are:
1. Purchase of fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses
2. Putting them through processing and packaging
3. Dispatching them to the various locations where the distributors are located
4. Cum up wid new ideas every year
5. Resource allocation..finance , manpower
6. Distr

2. Classify these decisions in terms of the type-certainty, risk & uncertainty?

Types are:
Certainty: Purchase of fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses
Risk: Dispatching them to the various locations where the distributors are , finance supply chain
management located
Uncertainty: Putting them through processing and packaging, mktg, r nd d

3. Which of these decisions can be converted into the programmable decisions? Give a model of one
programmable decision, and suggest a support system(DNS) for the same?
All the decisions can be converted into programmable decisions.
If we take the example of purchase of goods, if the goods is purchased in the right manner keeping
the quality and profits in mind then it can come into programmable decision.

4. Which of these decisions will be taken by the top, the middle, and the operational management of
the UFDL?
The decisions are taken in the following manner:
Top Management takes the decision of purchase of fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses
Middle management takes the decision of putting them through processing and packaging
Operational management takes the decision of dispatching them to the various locations where the
distributors are located.

5. Suggest the different Decision Support System which the management of the UFDL may use for
strategic management of the business?
An alternative solution could be that the company sets up an external monitoring committee which
would give the managers updates on the happenings of the market and various seasonal changes.


Thus we have studied the importance of effective managerial skills in corporate world.

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