198809IS Aisan2Barrel
198809IS Aisan2Barrel
198809IS Aisan2Barrel
This Aisan carb appears on 1981-86 Toyota Tercels.
Although many technicians consider this unit to be
Remember that due to the way its vacuum supply
is controlled, the AAP only works when the engine's
bulletproof, some problems do occur with it. Probably cold. But a leaking AAP diaphragm can cause the
the most common breakdown on this carb is auxiliary engine to load up fairly quickly and often fouls out
accelerator pump (AAP) failure. Some techs argue that number one spark plug.
as long as the AAP holds vacuum, it's okay. Others You may also encounter hesitation problems, er
say that any sign of fuel residue in its vacuum nipple ratic hesitation problems, an erratic idle, or a slightly
or vacuum line is reason for replacement. Experience rougher-than-normal idle on a Tercel. If you do, check
has shown that a good-working AAP may have some the vacuum modulator valve next to the EGR valve.
fuel residue present. Usually, it pays just to replace This valve helps control EGR operation.
it to prevent a potential comeback.
—By Dan Marinucci
If the auxiliary accelerator pump
(AAP) diaphragm fails, the engine
sucks fuel through it and loads up
when cold. AAP failure usually
causes a fuel-diluted crankcase, so
plan on changing the oil and filter
too. Toyota does sell the AAP
See the daub of yellow paint on the
screw in the AAP cover? Whenever
you find yellow paint on part of an
Aisan carb, it means it's a factory-
set adjustment. Disturb such an ad
justment at your own risk!
I've found it's worth a few extra minutes to remove Remember that the single-wire solenoid on the choke-
these wires from the harness connector. That way, you spring side of the carb is the idle cut-off solenoid.
don't twist them up or break a connection when you're When the engine won't idle, check this solenoid and
removing or reinstalling a solenoid. Who wants to risk its circuit first.
an intermittent connection here?
See the mark I made near the end of this rod? That's The slot in this brass idle mixture screw will distort
all the space you have (about %6 inch) between the plug and open up easier than you think. Be sure your
and the idle mixture screw. Stop drilling as soon as screwdriver fits snugly in the slot. Also, the quicker
you feel the bit go through the plug or you'll drill right you complete your mixture adjustment, the less
into the mixture screw! chance you have of distorting the slot.