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Minor constituents of the essential oil of Cyperus rotundus have been investigated. The three new sesquiterpene hydrocarbons
()-isorotundene, ()-cypera-2,4(15)-diene, ()-norrotundene and the ketone (+)-cyperadione were isolated and their structures
elucidated. The absolute configuration of ()-rotundene was derived by chemical correlation and enantioselective gas chromato-
graphy. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Cyperus rotundus; Cyperaceae; Sesquiterpenes; Norsesquiterpene; ()-Isorotundene; ()-Cypera-2,4(15)-diene; ()-Norrotundene; (+)-
was concluded. The 1H NMR and 13C NMR signal H-7 also couples with the methylene group CH2-8 (
assignments, achieved by 1H–1H-COSY and HMQC, 1.05 and 1.71) which again couples with CH2-9 ( 1.44
correlations, afforded three substructures. The methine and 1.72) to give the second substructure–CH–CH2–
proton CH-5 ( 1.99) couples with the methine proton CH–CH2–CH2–. The methylene group CH2-11 ( 2.14
CH-4 ( 1.90) which is vicinal to methyl group CH3-15 and 2.27) and the olefinic proton at d 5.85 couple with
( 0.86). The latter methine proton also couples with the each other and give the third substructure–CH2–
methylene group CH2-3 ( 1.22 and 1.68) itself coupled C¼CH2. The proton-carbon long-range coupling corre-
to another methylene group CH2-2 ( 1.46 and 1.52) lations derived from the HMBC spectrum allowed to
which further couples with the methine proton CH-1 ( identify the skeleton of the compound. Long-range
1.81) giving the partial structure–CH–CH(CH3)–CH2– coupling correlations were found between the protons
CH2–CH–. The methine proton 1.99 also couples with H-11, H-13 and carbon C-7 as well as between the
a methylene group CH2-6 ( 1.00 and 1.70) itself cou- methine proton H-7 and the carbons C-11, C-12 and C-
pled to the methine proton CH-7 ( 2.52). The proton 13, indicating a bond connecting C-7 and C-12. The
M.M. Sonwa, W.A. König / Phytochemistry 58 (2001) 799–810 801
proton H-11 also correlated with the carbons C-1, C-9, order to correlate it with (+)-g-gurjunene (9). Rotun-
C-10 and C-14 while the methyl group H-14 correlates dene (6) was submitted to ozonolysis followed by
with the carbons C-1, C-9, C-10 and C-11. From these reduction with dimethyl sulfide under nitrogen
observations it was deduced that C-10 is connected to (McMurry and Bosch, 1987). The desired aldehyde was
C-11, C-14 to C-10, and C-10 to C-1. Long-range cor- not stable and was oxydised directly the to ketoacid 28
relations were observed between the protons H-6, H-5, which could be isolated. The acid 28 was then dec-
H-4 and carbon C-1 as well as between H-1 and the arboxylated (Fristad et al., 1983) to give ketone 29.
carbons C-2, C-4, C-5, C-6 and C-10 indicating a bond Subsequently 29 was allowed to react with methylene-
between C-1 and C-5. The combination of all these triphenylphosphine in dimethyl sulfoxide (Greenwald et
informations led to a rotundane skeleton with an exo- al., 1963) to yield the hydrocarbon 30 which was
cyclic double bond. The relative configuration at the hydrogenated (Harmon et al., 1969) to give compound
chiral centres C-1, C-4, C-5, C-7 and C-10 was con- 31 (Fig. 4). Compound 31 was finally compared by
cluded from the NOESY diagram. The correlations enantioselective gas chromatography with the fully
observed between protons H-1, H-4 and H-5 indicate hydrogenated products of (+)-g-gurjunene (5) and
that these protons are on the same side of the molecule. proved to have the same retention time with the major
Furthermore, the protons H-1 and H-5 show spatial hydrogenation product (Fig. 5). The co-injection was
interactions with the proton H-11a, which is only pos- made in a column which separates (+)- and ()-g-gur-
sible if H-1 and H-5 are located at the same side as the junene (Fig. 6). Unfortunately, the small quantity of
C-11-C-12 bridge. Therefore, compound 23, which was ()-g-gurjunene (which we isolated from the liverwort
named isorotundene, has the relative configuration as Marchantia polymorpha) was insufficient for hydro-
shown in Fig. 2. genation and comparison with 31. However, it is very
To verify the rotundane skeleton a partial synthesis of probable that the used column also would have sepa-
23 by oxymercuration-demercuration (Brown and Geo- rated the hydrogenation products of the two enantio-
ghegam, 1970) of rotundene (6) to isorotundenol (27) mers. Therefore, it is very likely that rotundene has the
and subsequent dehydration (Greenwood et al., 1968) to absolute configuration as shown for 23.
isorotundene (23) and rotundene (6) was performed
(Fig. 3). The synthesized and the isolated compounds 23 2.2. ()-Cypera-2,4(15)-diene (24)
have identical spectroscopic data. Although rotundene
(6) has been known for a long time its stereochemistry The isolation of cypera-2,4(15)-diene (24) was
was not known as yet. The relative configuration of achieved by a combination of column chromatography
rotundene could not be derived from its NOESY dia- and preparative GC. The compound was assigned the
gram because of the overlapping of all the important molecular formula C15H22 ([M]+ at m/z=202). The 13C
signals. However, the fact that isorotundene (23) could NMR spectrum combined with the DEPT technique
be obtained from rotundene as shown in Fig. 3, proves revealed three methyl groups, four methylene groups,
that rotundene and isorotundene have the same relative one being olefinic ( 102.84), five methine groups, two of
configuration. which are olefinic ( 133.26 and 139.17) and three
The identity of the relative configuration of rotundene quaternary carbon atoms, one of which is olefinic
(6) and isorotundene (23) still leaves the question about (d 148.94).
the absolute configuration open. In order to determine The proton NMRspectrum displayed some signals
the absolute configuration of the two compounds, a common to patchoulane sesquiterpenes, namely the two
chemical transformation of rotundene was performed in
Fig. 2. Relative configuration of isorotundene with relevant NOEs. Fig. 3. Preparation of isorotundene (23) from rotundene (6).
802 M.M. Sonwa, W.A. König / Phytochemistry 58 (2001) 799–810
geminal methyl groups H-12 and H-13 (d 0.99 and 1.01) All these informations from the 13C NMR and DEPT
which are coupled to each other (W-coupling), the as well as the 1H–1H-COSY led us to propose structure
methyl group at 0.77, appearing as a doublet and 24 for the compound. Its relative configuration resulted
coupling with the methine proton H-10 ( 2.12). The from the NOESY diagram which shows NOE correla-
vinylic proton H-2 (d 6.17) couples with another vinylic tions between H-5, H-9 and H-14 at one side and
proton H-3 ( 5.69), itself coupled to the olefinic meth- between H-13 and H-10 at the other. The observed cor-
ylene group H-15 ( 4.98) and also to the methine pro- relations indicate that the methine proton H-10 is on the
ton H-5 ( 3.03) giving the substructure –CH¼CH– same side with the bridge C-1–C-7, while H-5, H-9 and
C(CH)¼CH2. Moreover, the coupling constant between H-14 are located at the opposite side of the molecule
H-2 and H-3 (J=5.60 Hz) indicates that they belong to (Fig. 7). 24 was before found as a minor product during
a five-membered ring. The methine proton H-5 also the reduction of cyperotundone (18) to the correspond-
couples with the methylene group CH2-6 ( 1.68 and ing alcohol and subsequent dehydration to 2 (Fig. 8)
2.10) which further couples with the methine proton H- (Mekem Sonwa et al., 1997).
7 (d 1.85) itself coupled to the methylene group CH2-8
(d 1.51 and 1.86) which again couples with the methyl- 2.3. ()-Norrotundene (25)
ene group CH2-9 (d 1.03 and 1.29) itself coupled to the
methine proton CH-10 (d 2.12). From these informa- The isolation of 25 was performed by the combina-
tions the substructure CH–CH2–CH–CH2–CH2–CH– is tion of many separation methods including CC at low
derived. temperature (20 C), CC over silver nitrate precoated
M.M. Sonwa, W.A. König / Phytochemistry 58 (2001) 799–810 803
Fig. 5. Chemical transformation of rotundene and GC comparison with the hydrogenation product of (+)-g-gurjunene.
silica, preparative TLC and GC. The compound has the should consist of three rings since it has a total of four
molecular formula C14H22 in agreement with its mass unsaturations, one being a double bond. The constitu-
spectrum ([M]+ at m/z =190). The 13C NMR and tion of 25 was derived from interpretation of the 1H
DEPT spectra revealed 14 carbon atoms, two methyl NMR spectrum and the phase-sensitive 1H–1H-COSY
groups, five methylene groups, six methine groups from spectrum together with the HMQC and the HMBC
which two are olefinic ( 129.15 and 139.10) and one diagrams.The methine proton CH-1 ( 2.20) couples
quaternary carbon atom. Therefore the compound with the methylene group CH2-2 ( 1.61 and 1.54) which
804 M.M. Sonwa, W.A. König / Phytochemistry 58 (2001) 799–810
Fig. 9. Important proton-carbon long-range correlations in the HMBC spectrum of norrotundene (25).
three carbon–carbon connections C-1–C-2, C-1–C-10 The biosynthesis of cyperene and rotundene may
and C-1–C-5 were deduced. Moreover, the methyl pro- involve two successive cyclisation steps of farnesyl di-
tons H-12 and H-13 are long-range correlated to C-1, C- phosphate FDP leading via a cyclodecadienyl to a
7 and C-11, establishing the two connections C-11–C-1 cationic azulane type intermediate. At this stage two
and C-11–C-7. All these considerations led to structure pathways a and b may take place: Path a proceeds by a
26 (Fig. 11), with a skeleton related to the patchoulane 1,2- proton shift followed by a deprotonation leading to
skeleton of cyperene (4). To confirm structure 26 we a-guaiene from which cyperene is formed by subsequent
performed an ozonolysis of cyperene (4) (Fig. 12). The protonation, cyclisation and deprotonation. Path b
reaction product displayed the same spectral data as the proceeds by ring formation followed by a deprotonation
isolated compound. yielding rotundene or isorotundene (Fig. 13).
3.3. Capillary GC
Fig. 13. Proposed biogenetic pathway for cyperene, rotundene and isorotundene.
3.4. Column chromatography at low temperature an oven. An ethanolic solution of sulfuric acid (10%)
was used as a spray reagent.
Prefractionations of essential oils were performed on
a silica gel column equipped with a condenser and con- 3.6. Essential oil
nected to a Kryoflex KF 40 cooling system from Mess-
geräte-Werk Lauda at20 C. Ethanol was used as The essential oil of C. rotundus was a gift of K.-D.
cooling liquid. Protzen, Paul Kaders GmbH, Hamburg.
Thin layer chromatography was effected using glass A preliminary separation of the essential oil was per-
and aluminum plates of silica 60 F254 (Merck). Silver formed by column chromatography at low temperature
nitrate coated plates were prepared by immersing the (20 C). This resulted in a fractionation of the oil into
plates into an ethanol–water (4:1) solution of silver a hydrocarbon and an oygenated fraction. One gram of
nitrate (5 mg AgNO3 in 50 ml of solvent). After 30 min the hydrocarbon fraction was then separated by TLC
the plates were removed from the solution and dried in using petroleum ether as eluting solvent. The aim of this
808 M.M. Sonwa, W.A. König / Phytochemistry 58 (2001) 799–810
separation was to eliminate the major hydrocarbon 3.9. Preparation of isorotudene (23) from rotundene
(cyperene) from the sample before any other operation. (6)
Three bands were obtained, the first two containing
mainly cyperene and a-copaene. Only the third fraction 3.9.1. Hydration of rotundene by oxymercuration-
(Rf=0.45) was interesting because it contained the demercuration
unknown products. This fraction was further separated In a 50 ml flask, fitted with a magnetic stirrer, 48 mg
by preparative GC (column 6T-2,3-Me-b-CD, tempera- of mercuric acetate were placed. To this, 3 ml of water
ture programme: from 110 to 180 C, heating rate 2 / were added followed by 3 ml of THF. After addition
min). Fraction 5 of the chromatogram contained (+)- of 30 mg (0.148 mmol) of rotundene the reaction mix-
ylanga-2,4(15)-diene (8). Fraction 8 was analysed by ture was stirred for 15 min at room temp. to complete
GC–MS and three major products were present: a-seli- the oxymercuration. 3 ml of 3.0 M sodium hydroxyde
nene (5), valencene (7), and an unknown product. This were added followed by 3 ml of a solution of 0.50 M
sample was further separated by preparative TLC on sodium borohydride in 3.0 M sodium hydroxide.
silver nitrate precoated plates, using petroleum ether as Reduction of the mercurial complex is almost instan-
eluting solvent. Two bands were obtained, the second of taneous. The mercury is allowed to precipitate. Sodium
which (Rf=0.35) was taken up in petroleum ether and chloride was added to saturate the water layer. The
purified by preparative GC. Spectroscopic analysis upper layer of THF was removed and purified by pre-
resulted in the structure of isorotundene 23. parative GC, yielding 26 mg (80%) of isorotundenol
3.8. ()- Isorotundene (23)
3.9.2. Isorotundenol C15H25OH (27)
H NMR (500 MHz, C6D6): see Table 1. 13C NMR 1
H NMR (500 MHz, C6D6): 0.75 (3H, d, J=6.61
(100 MHz, C6D6): 16.10 (q, C-15), 25.20 (t, C-2), 27.53 Hz), 0.76 (3H, s), 1.02 (3H, s), 1.08-1.54 (12H, m), 1.57–
(t, C-8), 29.28 (t, C-9), 31.48 (t, C-3), 32.28 (q, C-14), 1.65 (2H, m), 1.75 (1H, m), 2.15 (1H, m). MS (EI, 70
33.15 (t, C-6), 34.38 (s, C-10), 38.25 (d, C-4), 38.64 (d, eV), m/z (rel. int.) : 222 (5), 204 (19), 189 (27), 175 (7),
C-7), 41.52 (d, C-5), 44.36 (t, C-11), 56.19 (t, C-1), 161 (14), 147 (12), 133 (13), 121 (33), 108 (100), 93 (57),
107.98 (t, C-13), 151.08 (s, C-12). MS (EI, 70 eV), m/z 81 (39), 67 (24), 55 27), 41 (35).
(rel. int.) : 204 (33) [M]+, 189 (84), 175 (25), 161 (64),
144 (45), 133 (41), 119 (54 ), 108 (100), 93 (91), 79 (71), 3.9.3. Dehydration of isorotundenol
67 (46), 55 (51), 41 (82). Phosphoryl chloride (0.5 ml) was added to a pyridine
solution (1 ml) of isorotundenol (10 mg). The mixture
was stirred for 10 h and pyridine was then removed by
Table 1 distillation at low pressure. The remaining residue was
H NMR spectral data for compounds 23 and 25a taken up in hexane and separation by prep. GC yielded
H 23 25
3 mg of isorotundene and 3 mg of rotundene.
1 1.81 ddd (9.5, 9.5, 5.9) 2.20 dddd (13.5, 6.6, 6.4, 7.0) 3.10. Ozonolysis of rotundene
2 1.46 dd (9.5, 3.2) 1.54 m
1.52 m 1.61 m
3 1.22 dddd (13.6, 11.4, 11.4, 6.7) 1.42 dddd (13.5, 11.0, 11.0, 6.7) A solution of rotundene (50 mg) in dichloromethane
1.68 m 1.87 m (20 ml) was treated at 78 C with a stream of ozone
4 1.90 dddd (13.6, 6.9, 6.6, 6.4) 2.10 m until a persistant blue colour was observed. The solu-
5 1.99 dddd (13.2, 6.4, 6.4, 5.9) 1.80 dddd (13.2, 6.4, 6.4, 6.4) tion was then purged with nitrogen for 5 min. After
6 1.00 t (13.2) 0.95 dd (13.2, 13.2)
addition of dimethylsulfide (3 ml) the solution was
1.70 m 1.66 ddd (13.2, 9.1, 6.4)
7 2.52 m 2.56 m washed with ice-cold sodium bicarbonate solution (25
8 1.05 dd (12.9, 9.5) 1.12 ddd (13.8, 11.7, 5.1) ml), water and brine. The organic layer was dried
1.71 m 1.91 ddd (13.8, 9.4, 5.0) (NaSO4) and the solvent was evaporated. Purification of
9 1.44 m 1.52 ddd (11.7, 9.4, 6.1) the residue by prep. GC gave the keto-acid 28 (45 mg).
1.72 m 1.83 m 1
H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3): 1.10 (3H, d, J=6.61
11 2.14 dt (17.0, 2.5, 2.5) 6.02 m
2.27 dd (17.0, 2.2) Hz), 1.30 (1H, m), 1.35 (3H, s), 1.65–1.92 (9H, m), 2.11
12 6.02 m (1H, m), 2.20 (1H, m), 2.29 (3H, s), 2.58–2.85 (2H,m).
13 5.85 m 1.13 s C NMR (100 MHz, CDCl3): 16.73, 25.10, 25.66,
5.85 m 27.47, 28.30, 30.07, 31.09, 31.60, 39.64, 41.70, 48.56,
14 0.80 s 0.99 d (6.6)
48.64, 50.55, 184.59, 212.01. MS (EI, 70 eV) m/z (rel.
15 0.86 d (6.6)
int): 252 (13) [M]+, 234 (7), 206 (15), 191 (11), 163 (36),
All the measurements were done in C6D6. The assignments were 149 (7), 133 (10), 121 (18), 107 (25), 95 (68), 81 (43), 67
established by 13C–1H HMBC and HMQC (22), 55 (28), 43 (100).
M.M. Sonwa, W.A. König / Phytochemistry 58 (2001) 799–810 809
3.11. Decarboxylation of keto-acid 28 under normal pressure for 15 min. The solvent was
removed under reduced pressure and petroleum ether
The keto-acid (40 mg, 0.16 mol) and silver nitrate (1 was added, since most of the catalyst remains undis-
mg) were dissolved in acetonitrile (6 ml) and water (2 solved. Filtration through a column of alumina afforded
ml) and heated to reflux. To this solution potassium the pure alkane 31. MS (EI, 70 eV), [M]+ m/z=208.
peroxosulfate (K2S2O8) (0.32 mg) in water (5 ml) was b. The hydrogenation of (+)-g-gurjunene (9) followed
slowly added. Refluxing was continued for another 5 the same procedure as that of the alkene 30 except the
min before the reaction mixture was cooled and extrac- catalyst was replaced by nickel on charcoal.
ted with a saturated sodium bicarbonate solution (10
ml, three times), dried (MgSO4) and purified by prep. 3.14. Isolation of cypera-2,4(15)-diene and
GC to give 14 mg of ketone 28. norrotundene
H NMR (500 MHz, CDCl3): 0.96 (3H, dd, J=6.62
Hz), 1.06 (3H, s), 1.40 (1H, m), 1.60–1.84 (7 H, m), For the above described chemical transformation, a
1.97–2.1 (2H, m), 2.13–2.24 (3H, m), 2.27 (3H,s), 2.44 (1 relatively large amount of rotundene had to be isolated
H, m), 2.69 (1H, dd, J1=13.87 Hz, J2=6.94 Hz). 13C from the essential oil of C. rotundus. For the isolation 5 g
NMR (100 MHz, CDCl3): 15.10 (q), 21.52 (q), 26.09 (t), of the hydrocarbon fraction of the oil were separated by
26.80 (t), 27.85 (q), 30.26 (t), 33.25 (t), 37.46 (t), 37.99 column chromatography over silver nitrate precoated
(d), 38.04 (d), 46.82 (d), 56.70 (d), 61.65 (d), 207.93 (s). silica using a petroleum ether–chloroform gradient for
MS, (EI, 70 eV), m/z (rel. int): 208 (5) [M]+, 190 (7), 175 elution. The eluent from the column was monitored by
(6), 161 (5), 150(8), 135 (9), 123 (27), 109 (23), 95 (100), capillary GC and 16 fractions were collected. Fractions
81 (31), 67 (25), 55 (29), 43 (52). 1–6 obtained by elution with petroleum ether contained
only known hydrocarbons. Fractions 7–10 were obtained
3.12. Reduction of ketone 29 by elution with petroleum ether–chloroform (7/3) and
contained the rotundene. It could be proved by GC–MS
In a three-necked flask sodium hydride (0.45 mmol) of fraction eighth that the sample also contained an
was washed with several portions of pentane to remove unknown minor component. The separation of this frac-
the mineral oil. The flask was then equipped with rubber tion was performed by prep. GC (column: 2,6-Me-3Pe-b-
stopper, a reflux condenser and a magnetic stirrer. The CD; temp. programme: 100–140 C, heating rate 2 C/
system was alternately evacuated and filled with nitrogen; min). The chromatogram displayed five peaks the fifth
3 ml of dimethyl sulfoxide was introduced via a syringe containing the pure unknown product which was char-
and the mixture was heated at 75–80 C for 45 min. The acterized as cypera-2,4(15)-diene (24). Fractions 11–15
resulting solution of methylsulfinyl carbanion was cooled were eluted with petroleum ether–chloroform (1/1).
in an ice-water bath, and 108 mg of methyltriphenylpho- GC–MS revealed the presence of an unknown product
sphonium bromide in 100 ml of warm dimethyl sulfoxide of molecular weight 190 among many known sesqui-
were added. The resulting dark red solution of the ylide terpene hydrocarbons. In order to isolate the unknown
was stirred at room temperature for 10 min before 7 mg of compound, the joined fractions 14 and 15 were first
the ketone 29 in two ml of dimethyl sulfoxide were added. separated by prep. TLC over silver nitrate precoated
The reaction mixture was then heated at 56 C for 16 h plates, using petroleum ether–chloroform (7/3) as elut-
after which the solution was allowed to cool and 10 ml of ing solvent. Three bands were obtained and the third
water were added. The two phases were extracted three one, which contained the norsesquiterpene as major
times with n-pentane (40 ml). The n-pentane fractions product was separated by preparative GC (column: SE
were combined and washed with 10 ml of a (1/1) water/ 30, temp. 125 C). Spectroscopic data permitted the
dimethyl sulfoxide solution and then with 30 ml of 50% characterization of the compound as norrotundene (25).
saturated sodium chloride solution. The pentane layer
was then dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate and pur- 3.14.1. ()-Cypera-2,4(15)-diene (24)
ification by preparative GC gave 2 mg of the alkene 30. H NMR (400 MHz, C6D6): see Table 2. 13C NMR
MS (EI, 70 eV), m/z (rel. int): 206 (12) [M]+, 191 (18), (400 MHz, C6D6) : 17.32 (q), 19.61 (q), 26.36 (q), 26.64
177 (6), 163 (51), 149 (25), 122 (39), 107 (56), 95 (60), 81 (q), 27.70 (t), 28.48 (s), 30.16 (t), 32.58 (t), 44.96 (d), 47.66
(100), 67 (57), 55 (66), 41 (79). (d), 61.93 (s), 102.84 (t), 133.26 (d), 139.17 (d), 148.94 (s).
MS (EI, 70 eV) m/z (rel. int.): 202 (83) [M]+, 187 (24),
3.13. Hydrocarbon 31 173 (6), 173 (6), 159 (46), 145 (24), 131 (37), 118 (85), 106
(100), 91 (78), 77 (33), 69 (17), 65 (18), 55 (26), 41 (61).
a. 30 (1 mg) was dissolved in a mixture of ethanol (1
ml) and benzene (1 ml). The catalyst [(Ph)3P]3RhCl (1 3.14.2. ()-Norrotundene (25)
mg) was added and the solution turned orange. A gentle H NMR (500 MHz, C6D6):see Table 1. 13C NMR
stream of hydrogen was then passed through the solution (125 MHz, C6D6) : 14.73 (q), 22.95 (t), 28.00 (t), 28.67
810 M.M. Sonwa, W.A. König / Phytochemistry 58 (2001) 799–810