Gases and The Gas L
Gases and The Gas L
Gases and The Gas L
Procedia Engineering 96 (2014) 338 – 344
The article deals with two alternatives of semi active suspensions of a seat of working machine. A magneto-rheological damper is
used in the first case and in the second case the suspension of the seat is a combination of magneto-rheological damper and
dynamic absorber. The dynamic absorber is composed from passive elements. In both cases, the dampers are controlled by the
well known Sky hook algorithm. The dynamic analysis is focused on the influence of the applied passive dynamic absorber on
the reduction of the seat displacements. The passive parameters of the seat suspension and the dynamic absorber were evaluated
based on the optimization process using genetic algorithms according the defined minimization function.
© 2014
© 2014The TheAuthors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier Ltd.
Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the Modelling of Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems MMaMS
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the Modelling of Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems MMaMS 2014
1. Introduction
Operators of earth-moving machines, bus and truck drivers during their work are exposed to vibration due the
unbalanced rotating parts of the machines or by the road surface unevenness. The biggest problem of operators and
drivers of earth-moving and mining machines is that they are exposed to vibrations in a frequency range from almost
1877-7058 © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the Modelling of Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems MMaMS 2014
Martin Orečný et al. / Procedia Engineering 96 (2014) 338 – 344 339
0 to 20 Hz [1]. This kind of discomfort causes that operator to lose concentration, get tired early and after several
years it can have dramatic effects on their health.
݉ suspended mass
ݔ mass displacement
ݔሶ mass velocity
ݕ kinematic excitation
ܾ coefficient of damping
݇ spring stiffness
ܨ௦ MR damper generated force
ܿௗ velocity and current dependent coefficient of damping for MR damper
ߙ shaping parameter of the hysteresis loop
ݖǡ ݖሶ evolutionary functions of the hysteresis loop
A hysteresis parameter
Ȗ hysteresis parameter
ȕ hysteresis parameter
݇ௗ spring stiffness of the MR damper
I electric current
݀ effective value of displacement
݀௦ displacement
T computation time
It is well known that some of the human viscera have their natural frequencies in the range from 4 to 10 Hz [2,3].
The suspension of an operator’s seat in mining machines or agricultural machines is sometimes the only way how to
reduce transitionsof vibration on anoperator. In a working condition with low frequencies of vibration passive seat
suspension are not suitable, due to fact that they can amplify the amplitudes of vibration with frequencies close to
the natural frequencies. Therefore several proposals were made to improve the passive seat suspension by applying
dynamic absorbers to the seats. A solo dynamic absorber is good for only reducing vibrations in narrow frequency
ranges, therefore Li in work [4] proposed a multiple tuned mass damper. The natural frequencies of the absorbers
were distributed non-uniform. This enabled the absorbers to reduce the vibrations in a wider frequency range. Eason
in work [5] proposed a dynamic absorber composed from passive and semi active elements aligned in series. This
enabled reduction of the vibration of the investigated three degree system of freedom in a wider frequency range.
The authors showed that if the mass of the semi active absorber is four orders lower it reduces vibration greatly in a
wide frequency range. The application of semi active dampers led SegĐa in work [6] to investigate the influence of a
dynamic absorber on a semi active suspended seat. The reduction of vibration using an idealized semi active
suspension with a dynamic absorber improved the reduction of vibration only for about 7%. A lot of research was
made in the field of suspending the seats, and cars by using semi active dampers and their results showed great
improvements of reducing vibrations [7-9]. Idealized models of semi active dampershaveno use in real conditions,
because the properties of these dampers such as time delays and the damper hysteresis have to be considered. The
hysteresis of the damper can be formulated using parametric or non-parametric equations as it can be seen in [10].
The semi active damper has to be controlled. Several well know control algorithms were proposed such as sky hook,
balance control, ground hook control and other. The right choice of a control strategy has to be made, because not
every control will help to reduce the vibrations is the dangerous 4-10 Hz frequency zone. Park in his study of a smart
seat [11] used a magneto-rheological damper controlled by a Lyapunov type robust control considering the dampers
time delay. He reduced the transitions of vibration on the operator seat in an extremely wide frequency zone from 20
to 140 Hz. Only a small reduction of vibrations in the area from 4-10 Hz was observed. Gugliemino used in his
research [12] a hybrid balance control strategy. This enabled him to reduce the vibration transmitted on the truck
drivers cabin and also a high reduction of the forces transmitted to the road. The right choice of and semi active
damper and the control strategy does not give us a 100% chance that the suspension is designed right. Therefore it is
340 Martin Orečný et al. / Procedia Engineering 96 (2014) 338 – 344
necessary to optimize the suspension parameters according the chosen objective function or functions, and also the
method of the optimization process as it can be found in [13,14].
The aim of this paper is to study the influence a dynamic absorber applied on an operator seat, which is
suspended by a magneto-rheological damper. The parameters of the seat suspension and the dynamic absorber were
evaluated using optimization based on genetic algorithms.
2. Mathematical model
The operator seat will be considered as a simple suspended mass. The suspension is realized in the first case by a
coil spring and a magneto-rheological (MR) damper, the second investigated alternative is a suspended seat with a
MR damper with an application of a dynamic absorber (DA) as it can be seen in Fig. 1 a) and b).
a) b)
mx Fs k x y 0 . (1)
The magneto-rheological damper used in the study is RD 1097-01 manufactured by Lord Corporation. This type
of damper is appropriate for cases where a high degree of controllability is needed. As is known the MR dampers
have their hysteresis. In this study a Bouc-Wen model was adopted, which captures the hysteresis of the damper
properly when the coefficients that affect the shape and magnitude of the hysteresis loop are chosen properly. This
can be a difficult task and the evaluation has to be done numerically, because the Bouc-Wen equations are non-
linear. The generated MR damper force Fs is in this case dependent on two parameters. The first one is a velocity
and the second is an applied electric current on the MR coil. Therefore numerical results had to be verified
Martin Orečný et al. / Procedia Engineering 96 (2014) 338 – 344 341
Fs cd x y Dz , (4)
z Ax y J x y z n1 z E x y z n , (5)
In both cases the same kinematic excitation y(t) is considered. The kinematic excitation was measuredin the
vertical direction of working machine cabin floor. The kinematic excitation is documented in Fig. 3.
6 x 10
Displacement y [m]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time [s]
3. Optimization
The parameters of the MR damper were obtained according experimental results from [14]. The parameters of
stiffness and coefficient of damping, the mass of the DA and the stiffness of the DA were evaluated using genetic
algorithms in Matlab/Simulink workspace. The objective function was the minimization of the seat absolute
f ob min(x) . (9)
MR damper of the seat was controlled by the well known sky hook control strategy. The strategy was set as an
on-off control. The current of the damper in the off state is 0 A. In the on state the current is at a maximal set value
0.4 A. The sky hook control law depends on the absolute and relative velocities of the sprung mass and it can be
formulated as follows
0,4 A if x y x ! 0
I (10)
0 if x y x 0
5. Numerical results
The input of the optimization process was the kinematic excitation y(t). The task of the optimization was to
evaluate the values of the suspension and DA parameters so that the absolute displacement of the seat would be
minimal. For faster evaluation lower and upper bounds were added in the genetic algorithms. The lower and upper
bounds are shown in Table1 for the seat without DA and for the seat with an applied DA in Table 2.
From the optimized results it is clear that the DA affected the parameters vastly. The spring stiffness of the seat
spring was almost 3x smaller compared to the seat without a DA. But this didn’t affect the absolute displacements of
the seat in a wide range. The results of the absolute displacements of the seats are shown in Fig. 4.
Martin Orečný et al. / Procedia Engineering 96 (2014) 338 – 344 343
14 x 10
With DA
12 Without DA
Displacement [m]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time [s]
From Fig.4 is not possible to evaluate the affectivity of the applied dynamic absorber. In some intervals the
applied DA reduced the amplitudes of the displacements, in some interval the amplitudes raise. For better
understanding the effective values of displacements had to be evaluated according equation
d ef dis 2 (t ) dt ,
³ (9)
The effective values of displacements for both investigated cases are documented in Table 3.
From the effective values of displacements it is clear that the applied DA reduced the vibration only for about 5%.
The better reduction of the applied DA is disputable. From the effective values of displacements it is clear that the
DA helped reduce the vibration only by 5% but on the other hand, from Fig. 4 it can be seen that in some intervals
the maximal amplitudes of displacements raise. In both cases the behavior of the MR damper was affected by the
optimized parameters and by the control law and vice versa. For illustration the change in the electric current in both
cases is illustrated in Fig. 5.
a) b)
0.4 0.4
0.35 0.35
0.3 0.3
0.25 0.25
Current [A]
Current [A]
0.2 0.2
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time [s] Time [s]
344 Martin Orečný et al. / Procedia Engineering 96 (2014) 338 – 344
6. Conclusion
In this paper the affectivity of a DA on seat suspended by a MR damper was studied. From the results of the
optimization it is clear that the application of the DA can vastly changes the values of the identified parameters. The
change in the seat spring stiffness changed about for 3x, but the effect of the applied DA helped to reduce the
effective values of displacements only for 5%. From the time response of the seat displacements it is clear that the
responses were affected by the objective function and by the control strategy of the MR damper control. In this case
the effect of the applied DA is negligible because the MR dampers reduced the maximal amplitudes to values that
are almost unnoticeable for the operator situated on the seats. The maximal amplitude of the displacement was less
than 1.5mm in both investigated cases.
The research, which is presented in this paper has been financially supported by VEGA 1/1205/12
"Numerical modeling of mechatronic systems."
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