Pre Lab Questions
Pre Lab Questions
Pre Lab Questions
Prelab questions
Nucleophilic sucstitution refers to the reaction wherein a nucleophile, electron pair donor, is reacted
with an electrophile. The electrophile contains a leaving group for the reaction to occur.
The two types of nucleophilic substitution are Sn1 and Sn2. In the Sn1, the carbon becomes a carbocation.
Enabling the nucleophile to attack the carbocation. In the other hand, S n2 is a backside attack making
the inversion of configuration.
Secondary and tertiary alcohols undergo S n1 reactions with hydrogen halides while S n2 is favored in
primary alcohols. Tertiary and secondary can’t undergo Sn2 due to steric hindrance and unstable primary
carbocations can’t undergo Sn1.
4. Are there any competing reaction under specified conditions? Describe in detail.
Sn1 competes with E1. Therefore, Sn2 competes with E2. Elimination takes place under the similar
conditions as substitution reactions.
Postlab questions
1. What is t-butyl alcohol more reactive than isopropyl alcohol under Lucas’ conditions?
2. Draw the mechanism of the synthesis.
3. Why use conc. HCl and not dilute HCl solution?
4. What is the purpose of adding brine during the work-up?
5. Can you suggest other methods to purify the crude chloroalkane?
Experiment 3
Prelab questions
Postlab questions
Experiment 4
Prelab questions
Postlab questions
Experiment 5
Prelab questions
The ring will have carbocation and the ring will be deprotonated by the base to transfer the
bond of hydrogen into the positively charge carbon as soon as the nitro group was bonded to an
aromatic ring.
Postlab questions
1. Why is it important to cool down sulfuric acid while nitric acid is being added?
Commercial concentrated nitric acid is 68% HNO3. The remainder is water. When concentrated
nitric acid is added to concentrated sulfuric acid, the sulfuric acid is in excess, and the bulk of the
heat generated comes from the hydrolysis of H2SO4.
UV-spectra that the nitro group causes a pronounced shift of l max to longer
wavelengths when conjugated to unsaturated p systems, a bathochromic shift. This
is why nitro compounds are often yellow.
4. What is the reason of washing the petroleum ether solution with saturated sodium
Saturated sodium bicarbonate was used for purification of the solution and the petroleum ether
was used for recrystallization.
Experiment 7
Prelab questions
Postlab questions
Were the side products of an aldol reaction with ketone as the starting material.
5. What impurities are washed away with water?
Water was used to wash away the water soluble impurity such a catalyst acid.
Experiment 8
Prelab questions