Vacuum Stepper Motors: Arun Microelectronics Limited
Vacuum Stepper Motors: Arun Microelectronics Limited
Vacuum Stepper Motors: Arun Microelectronics Limited
AML stepper motors are specifically designed for use in UHV environments making them ide-
ally suited for precision in-vacuum manipulation without the use of motion feed throughs. The
considerable reduction in mechanical complexity, absence of metal to metal sliding surfaces
and low outgassing characteristics make these motors especially suitable for sensitive han-
dling applications.
The model C motors are two phase hybrid stepper motors, available in a range of standard
NEMA sizes and with torque ratings from 75 to 200 mNm. All motors have a step angle of
1.8° providing 200 full steps per revolution.
The performance shown on the graphs was obtained
using an SMD2 drive operating with standard settings
for step division.
Torque (mNm)
Torque (mNm)
0.4A 0.4A
0 0
10 100 1000 10000 10 100 1000 10000
Step Frequency (Hz) Step Frequency (Hz)
Design mechanisms with balanced rotating loads and/or friction to maintain position with zero (or reduced) phase cur-
rent for minimum outgassing. Use ministep only to smooth transitions: increase resolution by reduction gearing.
Ensure ice cannot form in the motor if testing at low temperature in air. Avoid thermal shocks.
The shaft end-float-control compression spring is fully exercised with an axial force of 3kg towards the rear of the mo-
tor. In linear mechanisms use gravity and/or apply an opposite axial pre-load to avoid adding end-float to backlash.
Motors are supplied pre-baked at HV. They will absorb water in storage and handling. A 24-hour self bake by SMD2,
with adequate pump, will achieve UHV-compatibility.
For detailed operation guidance & performance data please refer to AML Application Notes:-
No. 18 - “Operation of Stepper Motors in Vacuum.”
No. 11 - “Motor Vacuum Performance.”
C14.1 22.0 25.5 14.0 1.5 26.0 6.5 35.0 Rear 10.0
C17.1 22.0 34.0 24.0 2.0 31.0 9.5 42.0 Top N/A
C17.2 22.0 45.5 24.0 2.0 31.0 9.5 42.0 Top N/A
Dimensions in mm
Ordering Information:
C14.1 75mNm UHV Stepper Motor
C17.1 100mNm UHV Stepper Motor
C17.2 200mNm UHV Stepper Motor Arun Microelectronics Ltd.
Fitzalan Road
Suffix R for Radiation Hard to 1 x 107 Gy Arundel
West Sussex BN18 9JP
Suffix X for Shaft Modification. (Provide a Sketch) England.