The Use of Zygotic Embryos As Explants For in Vitro Propagation: An Overview

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Chapter 17

The Use of Zygotic Embryos as Explants for In Vitro

Propagation: An Overview
Mohamed Elhiti and Claudio Stasolla

Plant propagation in vitro via somatic embryogenesis or organogenesis is a complicated process requiring
the proper execution of several steps, which are affected by culture conditions and environment. A key
element for a successful outcome is the choice of the explants. Several studies have shown that factors
such as age, ontogenic and physiological conditions, and degree of differentiation affect the response of
the explants to culture conditions. As a general rule, younger tissues, such as zygotic embryos, are the
preferred choice for tissue culturists as they have better potential and competence to produce embryos
and organs compared to more differentiated and mature tissues. This chapter focuses on how compe-
tence and commitment to regenerate embryos and organs in cultures are acquired by somatic cells and
why zygotic embryos are so often utilized for propagation practices.

Key words: Embryo, Organogenesis, Plant growth regulators, Propagation, Somatic embryogenesis

1. Introduction

The utilization of in vitro techniques to regenerate plants in vitro

has been largely used as a “propagation” tool as well as a model
system to understand basic aspects of plant development. Plant
regeneration in culture can be achieved either through embryo-
genesis, that is the formation of bipolar structures, i.e., embryos,
or through organogenesis, the generation of a specific organs,
i.e., shoots or roots. Regeneration through either process can
occur directly or indirectly, depending on whether an intervening
proliferation of undifferentiated tissue (callus) is required.

1.1. Embryogenesis Embryogenesis represents an important event in the plant life

cycle which is initiated with double fertilization, followed by the
formation of embryos which are characterized by lateral, radial,

Trevor A. Thorpe and Edward C. Yeung (eds.), Plant Embryo Culture: Methods and Protocols,
Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 710, DOI 10.1007/978-1-61737-988-8_17,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

230 Elhiti and Stasolla

and longitudinal growth. Embryonic growth, which has been well

documented in both angiosperms and gymnosperms, results in
precise morphological changes which in angiosperms define the
globular, heart, and torpedo stages of development. The final
phases of embryogenesis are marked by the accumulation of stor-
age products and, at least for the majority of species, acquisition of
dormancy. Proper execution of these events is ensured by an
intrigued genetic network contributing to the expression and
interaction of factors which regulate histodifferentiation and tissue
patterning. Perturbations of this signaling often results in aberrant
growth and ultimately embryo abortion. In higher plants, embryo-
genesis can also occur through apomixis, which involves the asex-
ual formation of embryos from the maternal tissues. This process,
executed without intervening meiotic and fertilization phases, has
been described in a variety (more than 400) of species included in
40 different families (1). As suggested by Feher (2) the apomictic
process suggests that fertilization is not a determinant factor for
embryogenesis and that cells other than gametes have the poten-
tial to regain embryogenic potential and form embryos. Both
notions have been demonstrated in vivo by the early realizations
that embryos can often arise from the leaf margins of several spe-
cies, including Bryophyllum or Malaxis (3, 4).
Applications of these concepts have been extrapolated in vitro
where somatic embryogenesis, the process whereby somatic cells,
i.e., cells other than gametes, change their developmental fate and
embark on an embryogenic pathway culminating in the forma-
tion of somatic embryos, has been implemented successfully in
many species. The history of somatic embryogenesis starts with
the pioneering work of Levine (5) who reported the regeneration
of carrot embryos from tissue culture in the presence of low levels
of auxins. This work was later followed by Steward et al. (6) who
documented embryo-like structures originating from cultured
carrot cells. Since then these studies have been replicated in other
systems resulting in numerous species able to form somatic
embryos in culture. For a historical perspective of in vitro embryo-
genesis the readers are encouraged to consult a recent review (7).
The process of somatic embryogenesis is successfully carried out
by a proper selection of the explant, medium, growth substances,
and the control of the physical culture environment. Thorpe and
Stasolla (8) proposed that the limited production of somatic
embryos for several species is ascribed to the failure to achieve the
proper balance and order of the above factors.
Embryo development in vitro is generally divided into an induc-
tion phase, in which somatic cells must be reprogrammed to embark
into a new fate, followed by a developmental phase characterized by
the growth of the embryo. A lot of information concerning the latter
phase is available in literature as many structural, physiological, and
molecular studies have been conducted during the different phases
The Use of Zygotic Embryos as Explants for In Vitro Propagation 231

of embryo development (8). However, the inductive phase has not

been investigated in details given the ­difficulties in identifying cells
within the explant undergoing somatic-embryogenic transition.

1.2. Organogenesis Besides embryogenesis, plantlet formation from cultured cells can
occur through the formation of primordia, which subsequently
undergo organogenesis. In many instances, shoot primordia are
formed first followed by leafy vegetative shoots, which are then
rooted via root organogenesis. The organogenic process was first
documented by White (9) who obtained shoots from tobacco
hybrids and Nobecourt (10) who observed root formation from
carrot callus. During the following years several other plant spe-
cies were shown to form de novo shoots and roots from callus,
thanks to the finding of Skoog and Miller (11) who identified the
auxin/cytokinin balance as the main regulatory mechanism con-
trolling organogenesis. In addition to phytohormones, other
metabolites have shown to stimulate organogenesis in different
species. These metabolites include adenine, amino acids, uracil,
uridine, nicotine, and phenolic acids (12). However the interac-
tions among all these compounds are in agreement with the
notion postulated by Skoog and Miller (11); a concept which still
leads the majority of research dealing with organogenesis. An
updated review on the physiological and molecular events occur-
ring during the organogenic process is provided in (13).
This chapter provides an overview on the use of zygotic
embryos to initiate somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis
in vitro. Factors regulating embryogenic/organogenic potential
and competence are first discussed in order to appreciate why
immature and mature zygotic embryos are the preferred choices
of explants for many species.

2. The Embryo­
Pathway from
Somatic Cells Induction of embryos and/or organs from somatic cells within an
explant is a complex process, which is exemplified as consisting of
three conditions (2, 14). First, the explant must have the
“­potential” to produce embryos or organs. Second, some cells
within the explant must be “competent” to respond to endoge-
nous or exogenous signals. Third, these competent cells must be
“induced” by specific signals and become “committed” to initiate
the embryogenic/organogenic pathway.

2.1. Acquisition Acquisition of potential is determined at several levels with the

of Embryogenic/ genotype being the most important factor. This concept is easily
Organogenic demonstrated by the variation in embryogenic response, which is
Potential often observed among different genotypes within the same ­species.
232 Elhiti and Stasolla

Several studies in alfalfa have also reinforced this notion (15). In

an elegant experiment (15), it was possible to express ­embryogenic
potential in a nonregenerative alfalfa clone through the introgres-
sion of “favorable” alleles isolated from an embryogenic clone.
Although the genetic makeup of the explant plays a determinant
role on embryogenic potential, it is also true that the inability to
initiate the embryogenic process might be due to suboptimal cul-
ture conditions. Therefore, a recalcitrant clone might indeed have
the genetic potential to regenerate embryos in culture but would
fail to do so because of unsuitable in vitro conditions. Feher (2)
further elaborated on the importance of the genotype suggesting
that “genetic determinants” specify the temporal and spatial abil-
ity of the explant to express competence to regenerate embryos,
which is, however, affected by both developmental and environ-
mental cues. This statement implies that not all the tissues of a
genotype with embryogenic potential are able to respond in cul-
ture and thus the choice of the explant has to be carefully
In the case of embryogenesis, various plant tissues have been
employed in culture to regenerate embryos. For some species,
including alfalfa, somatic embryo formation can be initiated from
all organs within the seedling, including hypocotyls and cotyle-
dons (16). Excised cotyledons of soybean cultured with their
abaxial epidermis in contact with the medium produce a large
number of embryos (17). For other species, however, the explant
is limited to a specific ontogenic stage. In grasses, for example,
only zygotic embryos, inflorescences, and leaves can be used to
generate somatic embryos, and all these explants contain mer-
istematic cells that can be maintained and propagated in culture by
applications of exogenous auxin (18). In pea, only the embryonic
axis, and not the cotyledons from seed embryo explants, is embryo-
genic (19). Ewans et al. (20) reported that in about 40% of crop
species undergoing somatic embryogenesis, the cultures were
derived from either hypocotyls or zygotic embryos. For many spe-
cies the explant of choice is the zygotic embryo which, according
to Neumann (21) is at the top of the hierarchical gradient of tis-
sues responding to embryogenesis (embryo > hypocotyl > peti-
ole > leaf lamina > root). It is not surprising that the embryogenic
potential is highest in zygotic embryos since they consist of cells
already possessing embryogenic fate and therefore would respond
better in culture. Other more differentiated plant tissues can, how-
ever, be induced to acquire embryogenic or organogenic potential
through a reprogramming into the embryonic state.
An important factor which would advance the field of plant
propagation would be understanding differences existing between
embryogenic and nonembryogenic phenotypes. Physiological
studies revealed that alfalfa embryogenic genotypes are more
­sensitive to auxin compared to nonembryogenic genotypes (22).
The Use of Zygotic Embryos as Explants for In Vitro Propagation 233

In the former, the expression of auxin-responsive genes was

affected by low concentrations of auxin which did not have any
affect on the nonembryogenic genotypes. In the same study, it
was shown that auxin concentrations which arrested callus cell
proliferation and induced embryo development in embryogenic
genotypes promoted callus growth in the nonembryogenic geno-
type. These studies clearly indicate that possession/acquisition of
embryogenic or organogenic competence make cells and tissues
more receptive to environmental stimuli required to initiate the
embryogenic process.

2.2. Acquisition Expression of the embryogenic/organogenic potential only

of Competence occurs if cells within the explant are “competent” or responsive to
and Induction specific culture cues which allow them to differentiate into
embryos or organs. In general, zygotic embryos can be consid-
ered competent explants, whereas others require an inductive sig-
nal to acquire a competent status. This concept is further
complicated by the notion that it is often difficult to discriminate
between cues promoting morphogenesis in competent cells and
those inducing competence. Over the years several systems have
been developed to study the nature of competent cells. Using car-
rot cultures, Nomura and Komamine (23) isolated small embryo-
genic cells able to differentiate into embryos in response to
changes in auxin levels. Tracking experiments revealed that these
cells have unique structural features which make them easily dis-
tinguishable from other cells. They tend to be small, highly cyto-
plasmic, generally contain a few small vacuoles and undergo
asymmetric cell divisions (24). Cytological studies in maize fur-
ther documented that competent cells have characteristic patterns
of microtubule arrangements (25). These structural features are
accompanied by a unique physiology. Independent studies (22,
26) indicated that competent leaf-protoplast-derived cells have a
faster rate of DNA biosynthesis resulting in faster cell division.
These events were accelerated by an experimental acidification of
the medium which also promoted the formation of embryogenic
cells in the presence of low 2,4-D levels, which under normal
conditions prevent the process. In the same line, embryogenic
cell formation was abrogated if the pH of the cultured was main-
tained high (2, 26). For more detailed information about com-
parative physiological studies between embryogenic and
nonembryogenic cells the reader can consult Feher (2). A key ele-
ment for the initiation of the embryogenic or organogenic pro-
cess is represented by the inductive signals which trigger competent
cells to form embryos or organs. These signals include stress and

2.2.1. Stress-Induced Cell fate acquisition and maintenance is determined by positional

Competence information cues existing within the organism’s body. Excision of
234 Elhiti and Stasolla

cells, tissues, or organs alters these cues and induces inevitable

stress conditions. These events are observed in culture where the
excised and wounded tissue is exposed to media providing
­suboptimal levels of nutrients and plant growth regulators.
As  suggested by Feher in (2), the response to stress conditions
is dependent upon two key factors: the level of stress, which does
not have to exceed the tolerance of the explant or cells will die,
and the “physiological state” of the explant which mediates cel-
lular responses. The imposed stress is important for promoting
dedifferentiation of cells within the explant (2). The first notion
is exemplified by the formation of callus observed when tissue is
removed from its original in vivo environment and placed in arti-
ficial growth conditions. Grosset et  al. (27) showed that the
majority of genes expressed by tobacco mesophyll protoplasts are
indeed induced by wounding. Similarly, in leaf-protoplast-derived
cells the imposition of oxidative stress initiates the differentiation
process, as estimated by the acidification of the culture medium
(26). Besides dedifferentiation, wounding is also required for the
activation of the embryogenic program. Extreme examples
include the improved somatic embryogenesis observed in Quercus
suber cells cultured by alternating between proliferation and star-
vation-stress media (28), and suspension cultures produced from
mature explants of Phoenix dactylifera grown in media without
sucrose (29). Inclusions of heavy metal stress were also used to
induce somatic embryogenesis (without the applications of
growth regulators normally needed to promote the process) from
apical shoots of carrot seedlings (30). Although these experiments
show the effects of extreme stress conditions, it must be men-
tioned that the simple dissecting of tissues/organs, including
zygotic embryos, induces tremendous stresses which per se might
be enough to elicit a response.
The mechanism(s) whereby stress affects embryogenesis and
organogenesis has not been fully elucidated, although there is evi-
dence that multiple cellular responses are triggered. Krishnaraj and
Thorpe (31) showed that salt stress might be required for altering
cellular energy status and reducing power which increase the rate
of the pentose phosphate pathway. Activation of this pathway has
been associated with in vitro morphogenesis. Stress has also been
implicated in the production of arabinogalactan proteins, which
have been found to promote somatic embryogenesis. In a study
(32), it was shown how nonembryogenic cultures can acquire
embryogenic competence if exposed to arabinogalactan proteins
produced from embryogenic cells. A similar promotive effect was
also observed by chitinases, which also tend to accumulate in
response to stress conditions (33).
Oxidative stress plays a key role in the acquisition of embryo-
genic competence. Feher et al. (34) showed that compounds pro-
moting oxidative stress are able to produce embryogenic cells
The Use of Zygotic Embryos as Explants for In Vitro Propagation 235

from alfalfa leaf protoplasts. Although the inducting mechanisms

remain elusive, it has been suggested that oxidative stress might
be connected to mitogen-activated protein kinase (MPAK)
­phosphorylation cascade which plays a central role in cell division
­processes (2).

2.2.2. Hormone-Induced Competent cells can produce embryos or organs in response to

Competence internal and external stimuli often represented by changes in plant
growth regulators. For embryogenesis the most effective inducer
is generally auxin, the level of which increases during the early
stages of carrot fertilization in vivo (35). As indicated in (2, 34),
it is difficult to discern whether this growth regulator is only
needed for the acquisition of cell competence or also for the ini-
tiation of the embryogenic process. Experiments conducted by
Kitamiya et al. (36) on Medicago cells suggest that auxin is impor-
tant in promoting the embryogenic program, which however can
proceed in the absence of growth regulators. 2,4-D is the most
commonly used auxin and its exact mode of action still remains
elusive. It has been suggested that the direct effect of 2,4-D is less
significant compared to the effect that this synthetic growth regu-
lator has on the endogenous IAA content (2).
Inclusions of 2,4-D in the culture medium stimulate native
IAA production, which has been associated to increased embryo-
genic response (37). A peak of endogenous IAA levels has been
observed in immature zygotic embryos during the induction of
somatic embryogenesis (38), as well as in alfalfa leaf protoplasts
able to generate embryos in culture (26). The role of endogenous
IAA as an inductive signal for the initiation of the embryogenic
process was further confirmed by localization studies conducted
during the induction of somatic embryos from cultured sunflower
embryos (39).
Besides IAA, applications of 2,4-D increase the expression
levels of ethylene and ABA biosynthetic genes: 1-aminocyclopro-
pane-1-carboxylic acid synthase and 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dehy-
drogenase, respectively (40). The fact that both ethylene and
ABA are considered “stress” hormones, reinforces the importance
of stress for the initiation of the embryogenic process and also
suggests a link between auxin and stress.
The auxin-increase of ABA levels might per se be responsible
for promoting embryogenesis. It is well established that ABA
induces somatic embryogenesis in many systems. Charriere et al.
(38) showed that applications of this hormone to sunflower
zygotic embryos stimulate somatic embryo initiation under levels
of sucrose not suitable for embryogenesis. A developmental arrest
of somatic embryos as a result of ABA depletion was observed in
Nicotiana plumbaginifolia; this arrest was overcome if ABA was
reapplied in the culture medium (41). It is worth mentioning that
besides auxin, stress can increase the endogenous ABA content.
236 Elhiti and Stasolla

Therefore, the level of this plant regulator also is altered as

explants are dissected and placed on culture media.
Exposure to auxin increases DNA methylation level, which is
involved in gene silencing (42). As reviewed by Feher (2)
­alterations in methylation level occur during the initiation of
somatic embryogenesis. The author suggested that it may be pos-
sible to start the embryogenic process of recalcitrant species by
experimental modifications of the methylation pattern. In the
carrot system, the removal of 2,4-D results in a rapid drop in
methylation and this pattern is reversed as the embryos develop
(43). The regulation of methylation level by auxin appears to be
mediated by S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and S-adenosylcysteine
(SAH). As reviewed by von Aderkas and Bonga (44), a reduction
of auxin results in a reduction in ethylene production and this
increases SAM levels, thereby favoring a high SAM/SAH ratio
which in turn promotes methylation. Therefore a depletion of
2,4-D from the culture medium, which in many systems such as
carrot promotes embryogenesis, increases the methylation level.
These conditions are required for triggering embryogenesis. The
role of methylation during embryogenesis was also observed dur-
ing tobacco androgenesis. The methylation level in the degenera-
tive cells decreased to values lower than those observed in the
vegetative cells which are the only ones able to generate haploid
embryos (45). Besides promoting the acquisition of the embryo-
genic potential SAM might also be required for the progression
of embryo development (46). Since preferential synthesis of auxin
in plants occurs in young and developing tissues and organs, it is
assumed that zygotic embryos have higher levels of this growth
regulator compared to more mature explants. This physiological
condition would therefore render zygotic embryos more respon-
sive to the culture environment and enable them to initiate
somatic embryos at higher frequency.

3. Morphology
and Physiology
of Embryogenic/
Organogenic Cells As indicated in the previous section, studies by Toonen et al. (24)
on carrot cultures revealed that several cell types can generate
embryos in culture, although maximal embryogenic frequency
was observed for small, highly cytoplasmic cells. Structure of
embryogenic carrot cells was further investigated by Nomura and
Komamine (23) who using fractionation studies identified single
cells (state 0) which were able to form small cellular aggregates
and developed into embryos upon removal of auxin. State 0 cells
were also small and highly cytoplasmic, thereby confirming previ-
ous observations. Accurate identification of competent cells was
rendered possible by the development of cellular markers, ­including
The Use of Zygotic Embryos as Explants for In Vitro Propagation 237

the JIM8 cell wall epitope and somatic embryogenesis receptor

kinase (SERK) (47, 48). The JIM 8 epitope was located on the
wall of single carrot cells and specific to embryogenic cultures
(47). The authors suggested that JIM 8-targeted cells represent a
transitional state. These cells can undergo two distinct develop-
mental pathways: either elongate and eventually die, or divide and
form the initial cell of the somatic embryos. Cells expressing the
JIM-8 epitope were also small and cytoplasmic rich. A different
morphology of competent cells was reported by Schmidt et  al.
(48) who employed “SERK” as a marker to identify embryogenic
cells (discussed below). Using hypocotyl explants of carrots as a
model system, the authors demonstrated that cells competent for
embryogenesis were large and elongated. A similar conclusion was
also reached by Somleva et al. (49) who using a similar approach
in Dactylis glomerata showed that the SERK marker was also
expressed by a group of large, vacuolated cells; although only
small, cytoplasmic cells were able to produce embryos.
Despite these isolated studies, it is accepted that embryogenic
cells are generally round, small and highly cytoplasmic, whereas
their nonembryogenic counterparts are elongated and contain
large vacuoles. This notion is supported by several independent
studies using angiosperm and gymnosperm systems (50). Another
feature of embryogenic cells is the accumulation of starch, the
presence of small vacuoles characterized by low transparency, as
well as the high levels of proteins, possibly storage, as estimated
by the strong staining with toluidine blue O (51). The small size
and the highly cytoplasmic nature observed in the embryogenic
cells are also featured by cells committed to undergo shoot
organogenesis (12). These cells undergo high mitotic activity
forming meristemoid centers which will subsequently form uni-
polar primordia.
Differences in pH and calcium level were also observed
between embryogenic and nonembryogenic cells. Compared to
their nonembryogenic counterparts, the symplast of embryogenic
cells is characterized by an higher pH (52). This notion was
­experimentally proven by culturing carrot zygotic embryos in the
presence of NH4Cl, which increased the cellular pH. These con-
ditions guaranteed a continuous production of somatic embryos
(53). It was postulated (2) that the difference in pH observed
between embryogenic and nonembryogenic cells is related to
vacuolar function, with a storage role in the former and a lytic
function in the latter cells. Alkalinization of competent cells can
also be linked to the initiation of cell divisions, leading to somatic
embryo formation. Despite the paucity of information regarding
the functional role of pH changes in plant cells, Pichon and
Desbiez (54) showed that cellular alkalinization induced cell divi-
sions in meristematic and hypocotyl Arabidopsis cells, whereas
cellular acidification had opposite effects. This notion is not new
238 Elhiti and Stasolla

since the role of high pHs in promoting cell cycle progression in

yeast cells has been well documented (55).
As reviewed in (2), competent cells respond to embryogenic
inductive conditions by increasing the endogenous Ca++ level.
The role of calcium as a key regulator for a variety of physiological
events in plant cells is well recognized. Calcium level generally
increased during the initial phases of fertilization in both animal
and plant zygotes (56). In carrot cultures an experimental increase
in Ca++ level in an auxin-free environment increased somatic
embryo yield, whereas a decrease in Ca++ effected by ionophores
and channel blockers had an opposite effect (57). A similar depen-
dence of embryo initiation and calcium level was documented
during sandalwood somatic embryogenesis. As reviewed in (2)
calcium signal might be mediated by calmodulin and other Ca++-
dependent protein kinases and results in the establishment of cell
polarity which is one of the first events in embryo initiation.

4. Molecular
Events Related
to Embryogenic/
Organogenic Extensive reprogramming of gene expression accompanies the
Competence transition from somatic cells into embryogenic competent cells in
response to inductive signals. Extensive effort has been focused
on the identification of “master” genes required for this transition
although it is now apparent that the induction of the ­embryogenic
pathway is not governed by a single gene, but it is under the
­control of an intrigued genetic network. It was documented (58)
that ectopic expression of SERK resulted in a fourfold increase in
embryogenic production from Arabidopsis seedlings. The
­expression of this gene, which is generally higher in cell cultures
with enhanced embryogenic capabilities (59), is unique to cells
­showing a rapid response to hormonal signals and competent to
produce somatic embryos (58). Two other genes involved in the
­somatic-embryogenic transition encode the transcription factors
Leafy Cotyledons 1 (LEC1) and Baby Boom (BBM) (60, 61).
Overexpression of both genes is sufficient to induce embryo
development from Arabidopsis vegetative tissue.
As suggested by Feher (2), embryogenic competence might
not be necessarily due to an induction of genetic events, but
rather to release from a suppression state. This notion is sup-
ported by studies conducted on pickle mutants in which embryos
form from root meristems. This gene encodes for a chromatin-
remodeling ATPase which is required to suppress the expression
of several embryogenesis-related genes, including LEC1, in
somatic cells (62). Therefore, embryogenic competence might be
acquired from a release of specific factors from a silencing condi-
tion mediated by the organization of chromatin (2). This notion
The Use of Zygotic Embryos as Explants for In Vitro Propagation 239

is not new as in eukaryotes the overall gene expression pattern has

been shown to be controlled by the presence of compact or loose
regions within the chromatin (63).
Information on the genetics related to the acquisition of
competence for shoot organogenesis is reviewed in (13). A candi-
date gene during the early dedifferentiation phases is CYCD3,
whereas competence acquisition and shoot formation are related
to changes in expression of CRE1 and CKI1 (involved in cytoki-
nin reception and perception) as well as shoot meristem genes,

5. Zygotic Embryos
as the Preferred
Explant for In Vitro
Propagation Based on the above studies it emerges that the majority of
­structural and physiological features needed for inducing somatic
embryogenesis and organogenesis in culture are present in zygotic
embryos. Zygotic embryo cells already express the “embryogenic
potential” with many of the genes required for the induction pro-
cess already expressed. Therefore, their fate is already committed
and does not need to be redirected toward a new developmental
path. This is why in many species embryogenic tissue can be
­readily obtained using immature or mature zygotic embryos. Of
interest, a degree of response in culture is also related to the
developmental stage of the zygotic embryos. He et  al. (64)
divided wheat embryos in several developmental stages and
showed that the higher yield of embryogenic tissue was obtained
using stage II and III embryos. A similar specificity was also
observed in conifers where immature zygotic embryos are more
responsive then their fully mature counterparts (7). Over the last
few years the number of species regenerated in culture using
somatic embryogenesis or organogenesis from zygotic embryos
has increased and includes both conifers and angiosperms
(Tables 1 and 2).

5.1. The Use Several reports describe the use of zygotic embryos as initial
of Zygotic Embryos explants for inducing somatic embryogenesis in both conifers and
for the Initiation angiosperms. In the majority of the species, the generation of
of Somatic somatic embryos comprises five steps: induction, maintenance,
Embryogenesis development, maturation, and conversion. During the induction
phase, embryogenic tissue is generated from zygotic embryos
(immature or mature), and this step usually requires high levels of
auxins and cytokinins, as well as high osmoticum. In white spruce,
for example, BA and 2,4-D are used at a concentration of 5 and
10  mM, respectively (65). These requirements are also needed
during the induction process of other species (8), although auxin
alone is often sufficient (66, 67). It is not clear which regions of
Table 1

Samples of species exhibiting somatic embryogenesis from zygotic embryos over the past decade

Family Species Source IM MM M/GM References

Apocynaceae Catharanthus Immature zygotic MS + 4.52 mM 2,4-D + MS + 4.52 mM MS basal salt (73)
roseus embryos 3% sucrose + 100 mg/L 2,4-D + 3% sucrose
myo-inositol + 0.4 mg/L
Elhiti and Stasolla

Anacardiaceae Buchanania Immature zygotic MS + 4.53 mM 2,4-D + – MS + 2.24 mM (74)

lanzan embryos 5.32 mM NAA + 4.48 mM BA + 15 mM ABA
Spreng BA + 100 mg/L + 100 mg/L
casein hydro-
lysate + 100 mg/L adenine
sulfate + 100 mg/L
Mangijera Cotyledons of MS basal + 5 mg/L – B5 macroelements +  (75)
indica immature zygotic 2,4-D + 5 mg/L MS microelements +
embryos GA3 + 500 mg/L 100 mg/L myo-
glutamine + 300 mg/ inositol + 2 mg/L
L casein hydrolyzate + glycine + 0.4 mg/L
20% coconut water + 1 g/L thiamine-HCl +
AC + 30 g/L sucrose 0.5 mg/L nicotinic
acid + 0.5 mg/L
pyridoxine-HCl +
5 mg/L kinetin +
500 mg/
L glutamine +
100 mg/L casein
hydrolyzate + 20%
coconut water + 1 g/L
AC + 40 g/L sucrose
Family Species Source IM MM M/GM References
Arecaceae Bactris Mature zygotic MS + 10 mM Picloram + MS + 40 mM MS + 24.6 mM (76)
gasipaes embryos 1 mM AgNO3 + 3% sucrose 2,4-D + 10 mM 2-iP + 0.44 mM NAA
2iP + 1.5 g/L
AC + 1 g/L
glutamine +
0.5 g/L hydrolyzed
casein + 3% sucrose
Araliaceae Kalopanax Radical tips of MS + 4.4 mM 2,4-D +  – MS free hormones ® (77)
pictus immature zygotic 0.5 mM TDZ + 3% sucrose ½ MS + 14.4 mM
embryos GA3 + 2% sucrose
Asteraceae Helianthus Immature zygotic MS-B5 + 12% sucrose + 1 g/L – – (78)
(Compositae) annuus embryos casein hydro-
lysate + 100 mg/L myo-inosi-
tol + 500 mg/L
MES + 6.6 mM BAP
Bixaceae Bixa orellana Immature zygotic MS basal + B5 vitamins + MS basal + B5 vita- – (79)
embryos 2.26 mM 2,4-D + 4.52 mM mins + 2.26 mM
Kinetin + 100 mg/L myo- 2,4-D + 4.52 mM
inositol + 87.6 mM Kinetin + 100 mg/L
sucrose + 1 g/L AC myo-inositol +
87.6 mM sucrose +
1 g/L AC
Cupressaceae Cryptomeria Immature zygotic SMSG + 0.01% (w/v) myo- SMSG + 0.01% (w/v) LEMM + EMM vitamins + (80)
japonica embryos inositol + 0.15% glutamine + myo-inositol + 0.15% EMM amino acids + 5%
3.2 mM 2,4-D + 1.8 mM glutamine + 3.2 mM polyethylene glycol
BA + 3% sucrose 2,4-D + 1.8 mM 4,000 + 3% maltose +
BA + 3% sucrose 100 mM ABA. ®
3/5-strength EMM
vitamins + 400 mg/L
glutamine + 260 mg/L
The Use of Zygotic Embryos as Explants for In Vitro Propagation

arginine + 20 mg/L
praline + 0.2% activated
charcoal + 10 mM GA3

Table 1


Family Species Source IM MM M/GM References

Euophorbiaceae Manihot Mature and 1/3 MS + 0.01 mg/L – – (81)
esculenta immature zygotic NAA + 0.01 mg/L
embryos GA3 + 1.0 mg/L thiamine-
HCl + 100 mg/L inositol + 2%
Elhiti and Stasolla

sucrose + 25 mg/L commer-
cial fertilizer containing: N
10, P 52. K 10
Fagaceae Quercus robur Mature and WPM or MS + 200 mg/ WPM or MS + WPM or ½ MS + 8% (82)
immature zygotic L glutamine + 500 mg/ 0.1 mg/L BA + sucrose + 3 mg/
embryos L casein hydrolysate + 2% 0.1 mg/L IBA L ABA ® WPM or
sucrose + 2 mg/L IBA + ½ MS + 0.1 mg/L
1 mg/L BA BA + 2% sucrose
Icacinaceae Nothapodytesfo Torpedo stage of MS + 9.05 mM 2,4 D + 4.44 mM MS + 9.05 mM MS free hormones (83)
etida zygotic BA + 2.32 mM 2,4-D + 4.44 mM
embryos Kinetin + 20 g/L sucrose BA + 2.32 mM
Kinetin + 20 g/L
Malvaceae Tilia cordata Cotyledons of MS + 0.56 mM myo-inositol + MS + 1 mM IBA ® – (84)
immature WPM vitamins + 87.6 mM MS + 131.5 mM
embryos sucrose + 4.5 mM 2,4D sucrose + 5 mM ABA
Myrtaceae Eucalyptus Mature zygotic MS + 30 g/L sucrose + 3 mg/L – MS + 30 g/L sucrose (85)
globulus embryos NAA + 100 mg/L ascorbic
Meliaceae Melia Immature zygotic MS + 13.62 mM TDZ + – – (86)
azedarach embryos 3% sucrose + 2 mg/L AC
Family Species Source IM MM M/GM References

Poaceae Triticuma Scutella of imma- MS + 9.96 mM 2,4-D + 10 mg/L – – (87)

(Gramineae) estivum ture zygotic casamino acids + 3% sucrose
Paspalum Mature zygotic N6 + 100 mM 2,4-D + 2% MS free hormones (88)
scrobicula- embryos sucrose
Proteaceae Protea Mature zygotic MS + 3% sucrose – ½ MS + 3% (89)
cynaroides embryos sucrose + 0.3 mM GA3
Pinaceae Abies concolor Immature zygotic SH + 1 mg/L ABP SH + 1 mg/L SH + 10 mg/L (90)
embryos BAP + 1,000 mg/L ABA + 30 g/L
casein hydrolysate + maltose + 75 g/L
500 mg/L PEG + 500 mg/L casein
l-glutamine hydrolysate + 500 mg/L
l-glutamine ® ½ MS
macro + MS micro +
2.5 mg/L thiamine-
HCl + 20 g/L sucrose
Larix sibirica Mature and MSG + 1.45 g/L l-glu- MSG + 1.45 g/L – (91)
immature zygotic tamine + 0.1 g/L mesoinosi- l-glutamine +
embryos tol + 2 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L 0.1 g/L mesoinosi-
BAP + 3% sucrose tol + 2 mg/L 2,4-D +
0.5 mg/L BAP +
1.5% sucrose
Pinus pinea Zygotic embryos MLV + 9 mM 2,4-D + 4.5 mM MLV + 9 mM ½ MLV + 60 g/L (92)
BAP + 0.5 g/L l-glu- 2,4-D + 4.5 mM sucrose + 10 g/L
tamine + 1 g/L casein BAP + 0.5 g/L AC + 80 mM ®
hydrolysate + 10 g/L sucrose l-glutamine + 1 g/L AFC + 30 g/L sucrose
casein hydrolysate +
10 g/L sucrose

The Use of Zygotic Embryos as Explants for In Vitro Propagation
Table 1


Family Species Source IM MM M/GM References

Rosaceae Prunus avium Immature zygotic MS basal + 100 mg/L myo- The same induction MS basal + 100 mg/L (93)
embryos inositol + full – strength morel myo-inositol +
vitamins + 250 mg/L full – strength morel
glutamine + 2 mg/L gly- vitamins + 250 mg/L
Elhiti and Stasolla

cine + 500 mg/L casein glutamine + 2 mg/L

hydrolysate + 88 mM glycine + 500 mg/L
sucrose + 0.54 mM casein hydro-
NAA + 0.46 mM kine- lysate + 88 mM
tin + 0.44 mM BA maltose + 10 mM ABA
® WPM + 2 mg/L
glycine + 2 mg/L
glutamine + 44 mM
Schisandraceae Schisandra zygotic embryos WV5 medium + 50 mM WV5 medium + 4 mM WV5 + 3% of polyethyl- (94)
chinensis 2,4-D + 2% sucrose + 2 mM BA + 10 mM ene + glycol 4,000
glutamine 2,4-D + 2% (PEG) + 3%
sucrose + 2 mM sucrose + 30 mM
glutamine (±)-ABA ® WV5 + 0.1%
activated charcoal (AC)
® WV5 + 1.5%
sucrose + 0.1%
AC + 0.05 mM IBA ®
½ MS + 1.5%
sucrose + 0.1% AC
Solanaceae Capsicum Immature zygotic MS + 2 mg/L 2,4-D + 10% MS + 2% sucrose (95)
annuum embryos CW + 10% sucrose
Vitaceae Vitis vinifera Immature zygotic NN + 1.0 mg/L 2,4-D NN + 1.0 mg/L NN + 0.03 mg/L (96)
embryos NAA + 0.5 mg/L NAA + 0.5 mg/L BA
For previous years see Thorpe (97)
IM induction medium, MM maturation medium, M/GM maturation/germination medium
Table 2
Samples of species exhibiting shoot organogenesis from zygotic embryos over the past decade

Family Species Source CIM SIM RIM References

Asteraceae Helianthus annuus Cotyledons of – MS + 100 mg/L myo- – (98)

(Compositae) zygotic inositol + 2 mg/L
embryos glycine + 1.5 mg/L
acid + 0.5 mg/L
HCI + 0.5 mg/L
HCl + 0.5 mg/L folic
acid + 0.25 mg/L
Immature zygotic – MS-B5 + 3% – (78)
embryos sucrose + 1 g/L casein
lysate + 100 mg/L
tol + 500 mg/L
MES + 6.6 mM BAP
Alliaceae Allium cepa The embryonic MS + 30 g/L MS + 30 g/L sucrose – (99)
shoot apex and sucrose + 1 mg/L
the lower part 2,4-D
of the
Allium Mature zygotic MS + 30 g/L MS + 1 mg/L kine- – (100)
ampeloprasum embryos sucrose + 1 mg/L tin + 30 g/L sucrose
The Use of Zygotic Embryos as Explants for In Vitro Propagation

Table 2


Family Species Source CIM SIM RIM References

Cycadaceae Cycas revoluta Zygotic embryos – SH + 3% sucrose + 9 mM ½ SH + 5.4 mM NAA (101)
BA + 0.04 mM 2,4-D
Cupressaceae Thuja occidentalis Mature embryos ½ QP + 1 mM BA + 3% ½ QP + 10 mM zeatin – (102)
Elhiti and Stasolla

sucrose + 100 mg/L
asparagin + 100 mg/L
myo-inositol + 5 mg/L
nicotinic acid + 5 mg/L
pyrodoxine-HCl +
5 mg/L thiamine-HCl
Fabaceae Arachis hypogaea Mature zygotic MS + 30 g/L MS + 30 g/L – (103)
(Leguminosae) embryos sucrose + 4 mg/L sucrose + 0.5 mg/L
NAA + 1 mg/L BAP BAP + 0.5 mg/L
Acacia mangium Embryo axes and MS + 9.05 mM MS + 4.55 mM MS + 10.75 mM (104)
cotyledons of 2,4-D + 13.95 mM TDZ + 1.43 mM NAA + 2.33 mM
mature zygotic KT + 100 mg/ IAA + 100 mg/ KT + 100 mg/
embryos L casein enzymatic L casein enzymatic L casein enzymatic
hydrolysate +  hydrolysate + hydrolysate +
100 mg/L ascorbic 100 mg/L ascorbic 100 mg/L ascorbic
acid + 150 mg/L acid + 150 mg/L acid + 150 mg/L
glutamine + 150 mg/L glutamine + 150 mg/L glutamine +
asparagine + 150 mg/L asparagine + 150 mg/L 150 mg/L asparag-
proline + 30 g/L proline + 30 g/L ine + 150 mg/L
sucrose sucrose proline + 30 g/L
Cajanus cajan Mature zygotic MS + 10 mM MS + 0.05 mM – (105)
embryos TDZ + 30 g/ TDZ + 30 g/
L sucrose L sucrose
Family Species Source CIM SIM RIM References
Lamiaceae Salvia sclarea Cotyledons of MS + 9.05 mM MS + 7.22 mM MS + 0.57 mM (106)
(Labiatae) immature 2,4-D + 30 g/ GA3 + 4.44 mM IAA + 0.54 mM
embryos L sucrose BA + 2.69 mM NAA + 20 g/
NAA + 30 g/L sucrose L sucrose
Oleaceae Fraxinus Mature embryos ½ MS microele- DKW + 20 g/L DKW + 20 g/L (107)
angustifolia ments + MS microele- sucrose + 4.4 mM BA sucrose + 4.4 mM
ments and BA + 0.4 mM 2,4-D
organic + 20 g/L
sucrose + 4.4 mM
BA + 0.44 mM 2,4-D
Pinaceae Larixo ccidentali Mature zygotic ½ QP + organic SH – Aqueous solution (108)
embryos (LVSH) + 2% of 0.1% IAA and IBA
sucrose + 10 mM BA
Pinus massoniana Mature zygotic – DCR + 0.5 mg/L 1/2 GD + 2% sucrose + (109)
embryos BA + 0.05 mg/L 2 mg/L IBA +
IBA + 3% sucrose 0.05 mg/L BA
Pinus strobus Embryonic TE + 5 mM IAA + 3 mM PS + 8 mM PS + 0.5 mM (110)
cotyledons and IBA + 3 mM → TDZ + 0.01 mM BA + 0.01 mM IAA
hypocotyls TE + 3 mM IAA + 6 mM IAA + 500 mg/L
BA + 6 mM TDZ + 0.4% CH + 600 mg/L
phytagel glutamine
Pinus elliottii Mature zygotic TE + 12 mM TE + 2 mM IBA + 3 mM TE + 0.01 mM (111)
embryos NAA + 15 mM BA + 9 mM IAA + 0.01 mM
2,4D + 6 mM TDZ + 30g/L IBA + 400 mg/L
2iP + 30 g/L sucrose + 500 mg/L Glutamine +
sucrose + 500 mg/L Glutamine + 500 mg/L 250 mg/
Glutamine + 500 mg/L myo-Inositol L myo-Inositol
Taxaceae Taxus wallichiana Zygotic embryos ½ WPMSH + 0.5 mg/L ½ WPMSH + 2.5 mg/L 1/5 MS (112)
BA + 1 mg/L BA + 30 g/L sucrose
The Use of Zygotic Embryos as Explants for In Vitro Propagation

2,4-D + 30 g/L sucrose
Table 2


Family Species Source CIM SIM RIM References

Umbelifereae Cuminum Mature embryos B5 + 30 g/L B5 + 30 g/L – (113)
cyminum sucrose + 0.2 mM sucrose + 1 mM
BAP + 0.2 mM NAA BAP + 0.2 mM
NAA + 0.4 mM IAA
Elhiti and Stasolla

Zamiaceae Ceratozamia Immature – B5 macroelements + MS B5 macroelements + MS (114)

mexicana embryo microele- microele-
ments + 400 mg ments + 400 mg
glutamine + 100 mg glutamine + 100 mg
ascorbic acid + 100 mg ascorbic
casein hydrolys- acid + 100 mg casein
tate + 100 mg argin- hydrolystate + 100 mg
ine + 100 mg arginine + 100 mg
asparagine + 60 g asparagine + 60 g
sucrose + 9 mM 2,4-D sucrose + 9 mM
2,4-D + 13.9 mM
Alstroemeriaceae Alstroemeria (A. Mature zygotic MS-B5 + 3% MS-B5 + 3% – (115)
pelegrina x, A. embryos sucrose + 40 mM sucrose + 20 mM
psittacina) NAA + 20 mM kinetin NAA + 20 mM kinetin
Poaceae Pennisetum Immature zygotic L3 + 2.5 mg/L L3 + 2.5 mg/L – (116)
(Gramineae) glaucum embryos 2,4-D + 30 g/L 2,4-D + 0.1 mg/L
maltose BAP + 30 g/L maltose
For previous years see Thorpe (97)
CIM callus induction medium, SIM shoot induction medium, RIM root induction medium
The Use of Zygotic Embryos as Explants for In Vitro Propagation 249

the zygotic embryos are responsive to the induction process,

although several studies indicate that embryogenic tissue forma-
tion is initiated from the upper hypocotyl (8). As indicated
­previously, the level of maturity of the zygotic embryos is a very
important factor since differences in induction frequencies are
often observed. As a general rule, immature (early cotyledonary)
embryos are more responsive than their fully mature counterparts.
Embryogenic tissue is generally easily recognizable from nonem-
bryogenic tissue. In conifers, for example, embryogenic tissue is
translucent and composed of immature, filamentous-shaped
embryos characterized by a well-developed suspensor region and
an embryo proper, which is formed by small highly cytoplasmic
cells. This is in contrast to the nonembryogenic tissue which has a
green/brown coloration, and it is mainly composed of paren-
chyma cells without any recognizable structure (65). Embryogenic
tissue produced from zygotic embryos can be maintained on solid
or liquid medium for a long period of time. Often the mainte-
nance step also requires some auxins or cytokinins, although at
lower concentrations to those used for the induction phase.
In some instances, however, the hormonal requirements for induc-
tion and maintenance are identical (68). The time of subculturing
during maintenance is strictly genotype dependent with some cell
lines requiring a higher subculture frequency. Growth of the
somatic embryos is encouraged on development medium, the
composition of which is species dependent. In some species,
including maize, embryo development can be achieved in the
absence of plant growth regulators (68), whereas for others auxins
or abscisic acid are required (65, 66). Physiological maturation is
not necessarily a prerequisite found in fully developed embryos.
In  some instances, a desiccation period is required to terminate
the developmental program and initiate the germination process.
This maturation step is very common in conifers where embryos
must experience a water stress prior to postembryonic growth. In
spruce this can be achieved using a partial treatment, in which
embryos are slowly dried in a high relative humidity environment.
Inclusions of osmoticum agents in the development medium are
also used to increase the tolerance to desiccation (65). It must be
mentioned, however, that for the majority of species this desicca-
tion step is not required and embryos can be transferred directly
from the developmental medium onto the germination medium
(68). The final step of the somatic embryogenic process is germi-
nation, in which embryos start their postembryonic growth and
regenerate viable plants. This step is usually achieved in a medium
devoid of plant growth regulators (65, 68).

5.2. The Use of Zygotic A general shoot organogenic process comprises three distinct
Embryos for Inducing steps: callus induction, shoot induction, and root induction. The
Organogenesis last two steps are collectively called regeneration.
250 Elhiti and Stasolla

Induction of callus can be initiated using both mature and

immature embryos (69, 70) and is usually achieved on media
containing either auxins and cytokinins (69) or auxin alone (69,
70). The incubation time is species dependent and the callus
responsive to organogenesis can be often recognized by its non-
embryogenic counterpart. In rice, for example, responsive callus
is creamy and become visible after only 2 weeks of incubation in
the dark. Generation of shoots from the callus is achieved in the
presence of cytokinins which stimulate the formation of meriste-
moids, i.e., organized cellular aggregates which will further
develop into shoots. Compared to somatic embryogenesis, ­studies
on the initial phases of the organogenic process are scarce in
­literature. Once developed, shoots are transferred onto rooting
medium, which is generally devoid of plant growth regulators
(71, 72), or it may contains low levels of auxins (70).

6. Conclusions

Plant regeneration in vitro via embryogenesis or organogenesis is

a multistep process, the success of which is dependent upon the
proper execution of each step. A key element for both propagation
techniques is the choice of the explant. Overall young tissues,
especially immature and mature embryos, represent the preferred
choice since they are composed of cells early in their developmental­
path and able to dedifferentiate and embark on a new fate.


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