Review - The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

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The Cabinet of Dr.


Fig. Original Cover art

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) was directed by Robert Weine, it’s a silent
horror film telling a story of an events that happened to. Francis (Friedrich
Feher) and his friend Alan. When they both encounter a strange man that
introduces them to his somnambulist, that the doctor claims can see into the
future. When Alan asks about his future, Cesare tells him that he has till dawn,
left. And by morning the prophecy has come true, making Francis start
suspecting that Cesare might be guilty. At
the final scenes of the film, it is implied
that it all could be Francis imagination.
Due to how the scenes are presented
within the film

Fig 1.Francis
Weine took inspiration from a Die Brucke(The Bridge) that were known as
German Expressionism school of artist’s.

Fig 2. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Street, Berlin


The movement wanted to bridge

past and the future, looking back into German’s rich artistic history. Looking at
modern use of colours from Vincent Van Gogh.Using the bright and sometimes
clashing colour’s to show different emotions in art.
In conclusion, the film expresses the felling’s of the people after the World War
one. By making its
environment’s dark
and grim, and the
twisted reality of the
characters that are
part of such a world.

Fig 3.The twisted

Fig. Original Cover art

Fig 1.Francis


Fig 2. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Street, Berlin (1913)

Fig 3. The twisted reality


considered-the-definitive-german-express (accessed 20 September) (accessed 20

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