SW Electrical Tutorial ENG 2015

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Engineering Design

and Technology Series

SolidWorks® Electrical

For use with SolidWorks® Educational Release 2015-2016

For Technical Education - Europe Only
SolidWorks Electrical is not intended for home electrical wiring use.

This tutorial is designed and written by;

Fine tuning for education and realization: Jack van den Broek, consultant Educational Technical Electrical. Interpretation: Gerald te Wierik consultant Electrical.

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Starting up SolidWorks Electrical for a new project in

domestic installations.
In this exercise you will get to know the basics of SolidWorks Electrical. We start with a first project, a part of a
domestic installation.

A work plan: When you’re going to design a product in SolidWorks Electrical, a good habit is to
make a work plan: how are you going to do this? That’s why you must examine
the exercise carefully.

First, you will make this exercise exactly like you would do on the board in the
electro workshop. For a project, it means you’ll make the following steps:

1. First, take a mounting board of 800 x 1200 mm.

2. Place with the aid of Solid Works:
a. The flush mounting box in the right places
b. The PVC pipes end the cable gutter with the right dimensions and
shapes in place
c. The wall mounting clips in the right place
d. The energy saving lamp and the sphere light in the right place
• Make use of the assignment drawing that contains all necessary

In this startup tutorial we have already put this in place.

1 Start Solid Works. This is
done by clicking the
SolidWorks in the start
menu of Windows. Perhaps
there is already a
SolidWorks shortcut on the
desktop that can be used
by double clicking it.
Double click the icon:

After SolidWorks is
running, you will see a
screen like the one on the
left here. Depending your
settings, it might look a
little different.

2 SolidWorks Electrical is
installed. The first step is
to check if SW Electrical is
active within SolidWorks.

1.To check, go to:

2.and click:

The list (folder)
will open. In this
environment you can
activate many different
options within SolidWorks.

1. Check if the tick box for

“SolidWorks Electrical” is

2. If this is not the case:

Check it. Both left and
right checkboxes

3.To save these settings,


3 1.Click the button:

In this menu you can find

the SolidWorks Electrical
projects manager.
2. Open:

From the SolidWorks

Electrical tab.

If this goes well, the

Projects Manager screen
will display.
See step 4.

4 It worked, the:

screen is open.

1.Klick “New”

5 1.Select the template:

6 1.Check if the template is

actually selected, then

7 Project:

Is open. In this widow you

can fill in the necessary
requirements for this
1.Fill in “assignment1" in
the name field:


8 1. At the right side of the

screen there is an extra
tab visible which contains
SolidWorks Electrical.

2.Click the “+” sign for


3. Then click the “+” sign

for the 1.

9 By clicking the “+” sign

next to the 1, the following
screen will be displayed:

assembly “07” “Location 1”

2.Do this by double

clicking “Location 1”

10 If all goes well, you will
see the following screen:

11 Now, start “SolidWorks

Electrical Schematics”. This
is done by finding
SolidWorks Electrical in the
Windows Start-up menu.
Perhaps, there is a
shortcut on your desktop.
Double click it.

After SolidWorks Electrical

has started up, you will
see a screen as displayed
on the right. Depending on
your settings, it might look
a little different.

12 After SolidWorks Electrical
started up, the following
screen will be displayed.

13 1.Open tab:

2.Double click op:


14 You will get a notification

that the file is already
opened by another user.

Click op:

15 The following page will

In the “Documents”
palette click the “+” sign
for: “1 - Document book”

16 Now open:
“05 – Electric Scheme” by
double clicking it.

17 We will now place the
switch. You can do this by
clicking the command:
“Insert Symbol”.

Go to:
1. Click Schematic:

2. Click Insert Symbol:

18 You will now see a palette
where the last placed
symbol is displayed.


If this is the very first time
that SolidWorks Electrical is
used on your system, you
will automatically see the:
“Symbols Selector”

19 In the “Symbols Selector”

1. Navigate to the class

“Buttons, switches”


The result will be visible on

your screen.

20 1.Select the:
“Manual NO Button” Do
this by double clicking the
icon, or select it with a
single click and then click:

21 1.

The symbol is now

attached to your crosshair,
place it on: X,Y position

2.You can see the

coordinates in the left
bottom corner of your

3.Place the symbol by

clicking the left mouse

Tip! If you cannot see what you’re doing clearly, try zooming in on the area
where you want to place the symbol. Make sure you can still see the
columns in the upper section of your window. Remember:
• Zooming in and out can be down by rotating the scroll wheel on your
• Moving the drawing can be done by pressing down the scroll wheel
button, and moving the mouse simultaneously.

22 The following screen will
be displayed. This
shows amongst other
information the Component

1.We will now connect a

component tot his symbol.

2.Click the tab:

“Manufacturer part and

23 A new page will open.


24 1.Select in the
manufacturer drop down
menu, select:

2.If the checkbox:

not checked: check it.

3.Automaticly, filtration on
the selected manufacturer
will be applied.
4.If not, click the:

button to refresh product


25 1.Select:
“Changeover Switch”

and click the


2.Now click

26 1.Then click:

27 Now the old menu

1.Again click:


28 Automatically we see the

1.In the:
“Symbols Selector” we
navigate to class:
“Signaling, Alarm”

29 1.Now select:

Do this by double clicking

the thumbnail or by
selecting the thumbnail.

To confirm, click:

30 The symbol is now
attached to the crosswire.

1.Place the symbol on

position: X,Y: 110,150.

2.You can see these

coordinates in the left
lower corner of your

3.Place the symbol by

clicking the left mouse

31 The following screen
For a lamp, you can see
that the component coding
starts with an H

32 We will now couple a

specific item to the

1.In the manufacturer tab,

“Manufacturer part and

33 Select “CBO” in the
manufacturer drop down

1.Select: “LAMP_STD”

1. Click the button.

2.Now click:

35 1.Then click:

36 We will now draw and

place the wires
1.You can do this by
clicking the command:
“Draw single wire type”

Go to:
1. Schematic
2. Draw single wire type

37 Go to and select :

1.You can do this by

clicking the

38 The dialogbox appears:
Select style:

Then click

39 Go to:
XY-position 110,250
Then left-mouse-click to
start the wire from this

Then move the mouse to:

XY-position 110,220.
At this point, again click
the left mouse button.


Now click the


Click the
Button to change the wire
style. Select style:

Then click:

42 Go the the:
XY-position 110,210
Click the left mouse

Move the mouse to: XY-

position 110,150.

Again, click the left mouse


TIP. Look at the left lower

corner of your screen to
see your mouse


Now click the


Click the button
to change the wire style
again.Now we will select
style: ~230V_N

Then click:

45 Go to:
XY-position 110,150
Click the left mouse
Move the cursor to:
XY-position 110,125.

Click the left mouse


To confirm, click OK.

Click the
button to change thw wire
style again. Now select
wire style “PE”


47 Go to:
XY-position 115,150
Click the left mouse

Go to: XY-position

Again, click the left mouse


Move the cursor to XY-

position 150,115.

Click the left mouse


Now click .

Click to close the

49 We will now select what
we have drawn, and then
copy the selection.
We do this by moving the
cursor to XY-position
Press and hold the left
mouse button, and move
to XY-Position 160,105

Let go the left mouse


You have now selected the

symbols and wires.

50 Go to:



Move your mouse so the
items you copied move into
column 5, so that the wires
are connected properly.

Click the left mouse


The circuit you have just

drawn is now copied, and
newly numbered.
Components and materials
are also copied.

52 We will now edit the
component properties of
the lamp, to an energy
saving bulb. You can do
this by right mouse clicking
the lamp “H2”

Then, select the option:

“Component properties”

53 Click on the tab:

“Manufacturer part and

54 Select:

Then click:

55 Now click:

Select: “Energy saving


Click the button.

Now click .

Then click

57 Now we return to
SolidWorks electrical 3D.

Here you will place the

symbols you just drew in
2D, in a 3D environment.

58 1.Select lamp “H1” in the
left side of your screen.

Click the right mouse

button and select option:

59 Move the mouse to the
upper PVC tube and place
the lamp on the end of the


61 Select lamp “H2” in the left

side of your screen.

See step 58!

Right mouse click on it and

again, select option:

62 Place the lamp according
to the drawing on the left.



60 Go to Assembly and click

“Rotate Component” to
rotate the lamp.

61 Select the energy saving
bulb band rotate it 180

Then click:

62 Select switch S1 in the left

side of your screen.

Now right mouse click and

select option:

63 Place the switch
underneath the lowest
mounting box.


65 Select switch “S2” in the

left side of your screen.
Right mouse click on it and
select option:

66 Place the switch under the
middle mounting box.


68 Select wall socket “X2” in

the left side of your screen.

Now right mouse click and

select option:

69 Place the wall socket
behind the right mounting


71 All components have been

placed. We will now
connect them with the

You can find this function

in the “SolidWorks
Electrical 3D” ribbon.
Click: “SolidWorks Electrical
3D” and subsequently
click: “Route Wires”

72 In the “Routing
Parameters”, change the
values to:

In “Select route type”,

select option:

In “Select renderer type”,

select option:

And in: “Components to

route” select option:

Then click:

73 Congratulations! You have
now made your first
electric scheme with the
aid of SolidWorks Electrical
and SolidWorks.

What are the most In this very first exercise you got acquainted with SolidWorks Schematics
important lessons you and SolidWorks Electrical. You’ve learned a few things you should remember
have learned? well:

• Functionality of SolidWorks Electrical is under the right mouse button.

By means of extruding you can add or remove material.
• All properties are easily changed. In the next tutorials we will show you
more complicated changes.

Could you have made Yes indeed. Almost every scheme you make in SolidWorks Electrical can also
this scheme in a be made in a different sequence. Most of the time, there is no good or bad
different sequence? way to do it.

For example, you could have drawn the wires first, and placed the symbols
in later. In the next exercise we will take a closer look at this.

SolidWorks works in education.
3D CAD is essential in todays engineering world. the use of network licences. If any problem may
Whether your branch is Technical engineering, Metal, occur, a qualified helpdesk is available who will help
Metal-Electro, Industrial product design or automotive you solve your problem quickly.
technology, 3D CAD is the tool for the designer and
engineer of today.
Of all 3D CAD programs on the market today,
SolidWorks is most used in the Benelux. This is due If you have sufficient knowledge of SolidWorks, you
to a unique combination of properties: it’s user can take part in the CSWA exam. CSWA stands for
friendliness, large field of applications, and an Certified SolidWorks Associate. When you passed
excellent support. In yearly updates, many whished this exam, you will receive a certificate that states you
from the industry are implemented to expand have sufficient knowledge of SolidWorks. This is very
functionality continuously and to simultaneously usefull when soliciting for a job or internship. After
optimize functions, which are already present. finishing these tutorials for lower and mid level
technical education, you will have sufficient
knowledge to take the CSWA exam.

Many educational institutions at all levels already Finally

chose SolidWorks as their main tool for 3D CAD
modeling. Why? For a long time, SolidWorks has committed itself to
education. By supporting teachers where possible: by
For a teacher, the choice for SolidWorks means the providing educational material, by updating the
choice for user-friendly software, which is easily learnt software on a yearly basis, and by supplying the
by students. That is why SolidWorks is very well students with the Student Kit. The choice for
suited for problem-orientated education. For various SolidWorks is a choice for the future. The future of
levels of education, free tutorials are available, such education that can rely on wide support and the future
as a series for lower and mid level technical education of students who want to get the best chances after
where step-by-step, the basics of SolidWorks are their education.
educated. But also tutorials for advanced modeling
are available, like for example modeling of double
curved surfaces. All tutorials are free and can be Contact
downloaded at www.solidworks.com Do not hesitate If you have any questions regarding SolidWorks, feel
to point out these free possibilities of SolidWorks to free to contact solidworks.education@3ds.com.
your colleagues and students.

For a student, learning SolidWorks is a very pleasant

and challenging experience. By using SolidWorks,
engineering becomes more understandable, which
makes working on assignments more realistic and
more fun. Besides that, students know that job
opportunities rise when they can add SolidWorks
skills, the most sought after CAD skills in the industry,
tot their resume. To further simplify the use of
SolidWorks, a Student Kit is available. If your school
or university uses SolidWorks, students can download
this for free! The Student Kit is a full version of
SolidWorks, and may only be used for educational
purposes. The required data for obtaining the student
kit can be obtained by your teacher. Do not hesitate to
attend teachers and students to the free material
provided by SolidWorks on their website!

For the ICT department, the choice for SolidWorks

means that purchasing new computer systems can be
postponed a little, because SolidWorks has relatively
low hardware demands. Installation and maintaining
SolidWorks in a network environment is easy with of


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