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9/23/2018 Eureka City Schools Mail - Library trip photos

Library trip photos

2 messages

Edith Filomeo <filomeoe@eurekacityschools.org> Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 12:33 PM

To: Jennifer Johnson <johnsonj@eurekacityschools.org>

Jasper met the librarian, Janine landcaster. Together they put away books and did a small tour of the children’s section. After putting away
books Jasper picked out a few books for us to read together and then checked out three books.
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Eureka City Schools Mail - Library trip photos

Edith Filomeo

Ela/Special Education Teacher Eureka High School

Jennifer Johnson <johnsonj@eurekacityschools.org> Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 12:44 PM

To: Edith Filomeo <filomeoe@eurekacityschools.org>

Great pictures, thank you for making this happen!!

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Jennifer Johnson
Eureka High School
Inspiring academic Excellence, Creativity, and the confidence to Succeed

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