Interview William Barry Hale
Interview William Barry Hale
Interview William Barry Hale
W H Y D O E S T H E D I S C A R D E D C A R P E T P R E T E N D T O B E A M U T I L AT E D P O S S U M ?
M O N D A Y, J U L Y 8 , 2 0 1 3 FOL L OW BY EM AIL
The artist William Barry Hale is producing some of the most
compelling work in the magickal/occult field. Plenty has
been written on his colourful upbringing, and it is not the with Google Friend Connect
intent of this piece to re-tell the stories of the experiences Members (19)
that have led him to his current position. Moreover this
article focuses on his views on art and ritual, two areas that
are deeply connected in his work.
Having been a Thelemite for over twenty years, I ask what
led him to this particular path; “I think it pretty much found
me, really. I was interested in occultism – I’ve always had a
fascination with that kind of thing since I was quite young –
and then I stumbled across Crowley, and I pretty much
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crashed into the O.T.O in a pub.” He laughs as he recollects
the memory, adding “And then the next thing I knew I went
to a Gnostic Mass then went away for a year or so and read
and thought about things. It was kind of interesting because
I was really at a stage in my life when, I was involved in a ▼ 2013 (44)
few different things when I was younger.” I interject to ask if ▼ July (2)
this involved ‘witchy-poo’ stuff (a technical term for those Interview with Barry
unfamiliar with the subject). “Not really witchy stuff. I grew William Hale
up in the suburbs and was hanging out with old women from Interview with Trevor
the spiritualist churches and the Theosophical Society and Strnad of The Black
people who had their own thing going on; divining for Bach Dahlia M...
Flower remedies; astral travelling and things like that, and
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Pop Goes The Weasel: Interview with Barry William Hale
the years, and they’re not always cool with the question, A LB E RT P E TE RS E N
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Pop Goes The Weasel: Interview with Barry William Hale
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Pop Goes The Weasel: Interview with Barry William Hale
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Pop Goes The Weasel: Interview with Barry William Hale
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Pop Goes The Weasel: Interview with Barry William Hale
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Pop Goes The Weasel: Interview with Barry William Hale
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