Rezumat Engleza

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This paper is structured in three chapters. In the first chapter I chose to talk about the
methodology of research on climatic risk phenomena. Risk involves disorder, undetermination,
unpredictability, triggering of energy, to achieve a new state of equilibrium in the evolution of
natural systems. Gambling is the "source of an extreme energy-discharging event at a time and
scale that is hard to predict. The hazard is not limited to accidental, unpredictable manifestations,
but far exceeds this condition, being a fundamental mechanism in evolutionary processes. The
risk was characterized by the existence of three potential forms: the specific risk, the risk items
and the total risk.
The second chapter contains information on meteorological risk phenomena and the
third chapter on climate hazard management options. The way of manifestation of short-term
phenomena is varied, due to the diversity of factors that generate them. Included in this category
are the following dangerous phenomena, which may occur in different climatic zones:
cumulonimbus (frontal and thermal convection) phenomena - tornadoes, windstorms, electric
discharges, hailstones; solid deposits - bruma, polia, strong smell, frozen wet snow; avalanches
of snow.
Medium-term climate phenomena - cyclones are dangerous atmospheric phenomena
that have an average duration of duration generally ranging from 3 to 10-15 days.
The palette of phenomena is very diverse, some of which are also found in the previous
category, that of short-term climatic phenomena. In fact, certain phenomena are difficult to fit
exclusively into a temporal or other category, given the concrete ways in which the phenomena
in question are manifested (intensification of wind speed, intense precipitation, fog, etc.). These
climatic phenomena are of the greatest importance for navigation.
In the climatic climatic phenomena associated with intense non-periodic winds, several
wind types are typically included, which are typically in less extensive regions (local winds), and
their occurrence frequency is less regular (non-periodic winds) . The climatic risk phenomenon
defined as long-term is manifested in time intervals such as the month, season, year, multiannual
period. This category may include rainfall overflow periods and their opposite, deficient rainfall
periods. In order to assess the degree of risk caused by abundant rainfall and rainfall, several
methods can be considered, depending on the length of the time interval analyzed. Thus, in the
case of very short or short-term risks, we can study the maximum 24-hour sums, precipitation
intensity (estimated on the basis of Hellman, Berg, etc.), depending on which rainfall can also be
estimated. If we consider longer periods of time, we can appeal to the analysis of evolutionary
trends or the study of deviations, positive and negative, to the reference environments,
considered "normal climates". Various criteria or climatic indexes can be used to quantify these
Until today, neither globally nor in Romania, there is no unanimously accepted
terminology in defining extreme natural phenomena. At the end of the 1980s, when the issue of
risk phenomena was strongly imposed in the scientific world and beyond, the terminology used
was based, in principle, on the definitions existing in various internationally recognized
dictionaries (Larousse, etc.).
Among the terms used, the Anglo-Saxon literature favored the term "natural hazard,"
and the French used the notions of "disasters" and "disasters". As part of the Graduation Project,
we paid maximum attention to the analysis of each manifestation phenomenon, highlighting the
factors by which the phenomenon is defined as dangerous, its spatial distribution (including in
Romania, where applicable) and the prevention and control measures of the negative effects
associated with the phenomenon analyzed. We have presented the most important risk effects
with a negative impact on navigation, giving each risk phenomenon proper analysis,
terminology, causality and especially unwanted effects, mainly on navigation. It is of particular
importance to know these phenomena of risk in order to prevent and combat the disastrous
effects, known worldwide in navigation, in the idea that information can control, avoid, improve
sustainable navigation.
In the management of tropical cyclones and tornadoes, both prediction and prevention
and alarm operations are considered. Tropical cyclones are considered as a significant source of
risk due to time and space power, the strongest being able to cause an average of 15,000
casualties and damages of $ 1.5 billion. Their devastating effect lies in the strength of the winds
on the densely populated coastal regions and their vicinity, but they can also impose other
different risk "faces": torrential rains, floods that are most damaging to river basins, landslides,
and so on.
Tornadoes, though running on narrower areas, are extremely dangerous due to the
special force of the wind. Dedicated maps are an important element in your voyage planning.
They show, month's function, weather status and information about ice, ocean currents, area
charging lines, and some recommended routes and distances. Each map is published in 12
versions, one for each month of the year. To get the right maps, contact your authorized dealers
and consult the Admirality Charts. The Catalog, as well as the annual Summary of Notices,
offers the addresses of all authorized dealers worldwide. Gnomonic maps are indicated and easy
to use for drawing orthodromic "paths." Covering these maps (Occidental, Occidental,
Occidental, Pacific).

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