Boiler Efficiency, Losses and Performance Optimization: Boiler Shutdown, Emergencies, Protections
Boiler Efficiency, Losses and Performance Optimization: Boiler Shutdown, Emergencies, Protections
Boiler Efficiency, Losses and Performance Optimization: Boiler Shutdown, Emergencies, Protections
Dr. T K Ray
NTPC Limited
Boiler normal shut down to cold
• At 40% load take next upper elevation oil gun in service and
take heavy oil gun in service.
• Take heavy oil gun at lower elevation in service and take out next higher
mill from service when loading on mill is reduce to 40%.
• At 70MW load MS temp=490°C RH steam temp=490°C MS
pressure=105 kg/cm2
• Take drum level control on manual and control drum level.
• Stop one PA fan after transferring full load on running PA fan.
• Stop lube oil pumps of tripped PA fan motor and bearing after all bearing
temp reduced.
• Stop one FD fan corresponding to PA tripped.
• Check furnace draft and air flow before stopping FD fan and reduce
load on this fan to minimum.
• Stop one ID fan corresponding to stopped FD fan . check furnace draft,
transfer load from this ID fan to other and completely unload this ID fan
before stopping it.
• Switch off supply of the ESP associated with tripped ID fan, carry out
soot blowing of complete boiler.
• At unit load 30% reduce air flow to 30%. Flow below 30%check the
secondary air damper set point.
•Firing rate is reduced further and when load on mill is reduce to
40%,reduce feeder speed minimum and finally stop the feeder. Cool
down mill to 44°C and shut down it.
• When load is reduce to 40MW take low load feed control valve and
isolate main feed control valve .
• Switch off the supply to the field of ESP .
• Unit at 25-30MW with H.O. firing and change over auxiliary electrical
supply from UATs to station transformer.
• Stop PA fan, check that seal air fan trips on interlock.
• Reduce load on unit to 5-7 MW
MS pressure boiler =90ksc
MS temp=465°C
RH steam temp=465°C
•Trip the unit through MFT push buttons on FSSS console or through
•Check that boiler fire is completely out ,check that all the flame scanners
sense no flame and check boiler actually from peep hole and ensure that
fire is completely out.
• Maintain 30% air flow and purge the boiler for at least five minute and
check turbine bearing lubricating system.
•Check that all the feeders and mills are off ,break the vacuum when
turbine speed comes to zero.
• Individual burner HO, atomizing air and steam nozzle valves and Igniters
valves are closed.
•Check that Atemperation SH and RH isolating valve and its bypass valve
are closed, close isolating valve of SH and Reheater spray control valves.
•Open Reheater vents and close CBD valves.
T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
Steps for normal shut down to cold
• Close boiler main steam stop valves and their bypass valves.
• Open MS line drains valves open CRH and HRH line drains.
• Shut down HO system
• Top up the drum level up to +180 mm ,stop BFP.
• Stop hydrazine dosing pumps, stop phosphates dosing pumps if it is in
• Do not stop AP Heaters till flue gas temp at APH inlet is less than 205°C,air
flow through furnace shall be controlled to effect the desired cooling rate and it
can be controlled by:
air flow through boiler
opening SHH valve
•Boiler is to be forced cooled fast after shut down , keep ID fan and FD fan in
service. Regulate air flow to effect desired rate of cooling ,open starting vent
• Bring up drum level to +180mm when it drops to –180mm, start BFP for toping
up the level. Stop BFP after words.
•Stop FD and ID fans when flue gas temp at APH inlet is reduced below 205°C
and boiler is cooled.
T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
Steps for normal shut down to cold
T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
Emergencies in Boiler
• APH tripping
• BA system Failure
• IA Failure
• CC Pump tripping
• Turbine tripping
Mal-operation of FRS
TG Losses
9 MW
1360 MW
1684 MW
667 MW
1 MW
(m h
e e m i hi )
Hf B
K (T fg Tair )
Seigert formula: DFG Loss (%) =
AL * C pa * (T fgt Tair ) 90 * CO2 _ in
T fg T fgt CO2 _ out
C pg *100 AL 90
M 9H
[1.88(T fg 25) 2442 4.2(25 Tair )]
M a * h *1.88 * (T fg Tair )
h =kg moisture per kg dry air
3.034 N 2 C S
Ma [ Cin _ A )
CO2 CO 100 267
12 7CO C S
*[ *( Cin _ A )] * 23717
28 3(CO2 CO) 100 267
Variable/adjustable orifices