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Boiler Efficiency, Losses and Performance Optimization: Boiler Shutdown, Emergencies, Protections

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Boiler shutdown, emergencies, protections.

Boiler efficiency, losses and

performance optimization

Dr. T K Ray
NTPC Limited

E-mail: rayt3@asme.org
Boiler normal shut down to cold

4-Sep-13 T K Ray PMI NTPC

Steps for normal shut down to cold

Shut Down Procedure:

Turbine load reduction – To reduce the loading on turbine
Pulveriser shut down – To reduce the loading and take out the
puveriser from service
Load Reduction and HP/LP bypass operation
Turbine on barring gear
Shut down of air and flue gas system –
To stop ID fan and air preheater
To stop FD fans, scanner air fans
Shut down of turbine side auxiliaries –
To stop turbine lube oil pumps
To stop control fluid pumps
4-Sep-13 T K Ray PMI NTPC
Steps for normal shut down to cold

Shut down of condensate system –

To stop the condensate pump which is in service
To stop the make pump
Shut down of circulation water system
To stop the circulating water pump
Shut down of fuel oil system
To stop the fuel oil pumps and associated system
Shut down of auxiliary steam system
To isolate the 16 ata steam header

4-Sep-13 T K Ray PMI NTPC

Steps for normal shut down to cold


Gradually reduce load on the reducing firing rate.

MS/HRH steam temperature and MS pressure shall be

reduced at the rate permitted by the turbine but not
exceeding the rate of saturated steam temp drip of 83°C/hr,
rate of load drop may be about 2MW/min.

Carefully monitor the turbine condition and adjust the

load temp, pressure drop rates such that HP/IP rotor
differential expansion vibration etc are within the limit.

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Steps for normal shut down to cold

 Load reduced to 160 MW, take HP heaters out of

 Load reduced to 150 MW approximate parameter at
turbine inlet are:
M.S. pressure=120 kg/cm2(g)
M.S. temp=520°C
HRH temp=520°C

4-Sep-13 T K Ray PMI NTPC

Steps for normal shut down to cold
• While reducing the load check that following condition are
Drum level is maintained on auto.
SH and RH steam temp are maintained at set point .
Furnace draft is maintained.
Check the boiler expansion and contraction.

• At 40% mill load reduce the feeder speed to minimum and

take upper elevation oil gun in service.

• When load on turbine is reduced to 100MW


• At 100-90 MW take out one BFP from service.

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
Steps for normal shut down to cold

• Continue reduce the firing rate ,thus temperature and

pressure will drop with drop in load.

• At 40% load take next upper elevation oil gun in service and
take heavy oil gun in service.

• Prepare to take next upper elevation mill out and reduce

feeder speed to minimum and stop feeder.

• Stop the mill after cooling down to 44°C and completely

evacuating it see the load transferred on running mills.

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Steps for normal shut down to cold

• Take heavy oil gun at lower elevation in service and take out next higher
mill from service when loading on mill is reduce to 40%.
• At 70MW load MS temp=490°C RH steam temp=490°C MS
pressure=105 kg/cm2
• Take drum level control on manual and control drum level.
• Stop one PA fan after transferring full load on running PA fan.
• Stop lube oil pumps of tripped PA fan motor and bearing after all bearing
temp reduced.
• Stop one FD fan corresponding to PA tripped.
• Check furnace draft and air flow before stopping FD fan and reduce
load on this fan to minimum.
• Stop one ID fan corresponding to stopped FD fan . check furnace draft,
transfer load from this ID fan to other and completely unload this ID fan
before stopping it.
• Switch off supply of the ESP associated with tripped ID fan, carry out
soot blowing of complete boiler.

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Steps for normal shut down to cold

• At unit load 30% reduce air flow to 30%. Flow below 30%check the
secondary air damper set point.
•Firing rate is reduced further and when load on mill is reduce to
40%,reduce feeder speed minimum and finally stop the feeder. Cool
down mill to 44°C and shut down it.
• When load is reduce to 40MW take low load feed control valve and
isolate main feed control valve .
• Switch off the supply to the field of ESP .
• Unit at 25-30MW with H.O. firing and change over auxiliary electrical
supply from UATs to station transformer.
• Stop PA fan, check that seal air fan trips on interlock.
• Reduce load on unit to 5-7 MW
MS pressure boiler =90ksc
MS temp=465°C
RH steam temp=465°C

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Steps for normal shut down to cold

•Trip the unit through MFT push buttons on FSSS console or through
•Check that boiler fire is completely out ,check that all the flame scanners
sense no flame and check boiler actually from peep hole and ensure that
fire is completely out.
• Maintain 30% air flow and purge the boiler for at least five minute and
check turbine bearing lubricating system.

•Check that all the feeders and mills are off ,break the vacuum when
turbine speed comes to zero.

• Individual burner HO, atomizing air and steam nozzle valves and Igniters
valves are closed.

•Check that Atemperation SH and RH isolating valve and its bypass valve
are closed, close isolating valve of SH and Reheater spray control valves.
•Open Reheater vents and close CBD valves.
T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
Steps for normal shut down to cold
• Close boiler main steam stop valves and their bypass valves.
• Open MS line drains valves open CRH and HRH line drains.
• Shut down HO system
• Top up the drum level up to +180 mm ,stop BFP.
• Stop hydrazine dosing pumps, stop phosphates dosing pumps if it is in
• Do not stop AP Heaters till flue gas temp at APH inlet is less than 205°C,air
flow through furnace shall be controlled to effect the desired cooling rate and it
can be controlled by:
air flow through boiler
opening SHH valve
•Boiler is to be forced cooled fast after shut down , keep ID fan and FD fan in
service. Regulate air flow to effect desired rate of cooling ,open starting vent
• Bring up drum level to +180mm when it drops to –180mm, start BFP for toping
up the level. Stop BFP after words.
•Stop FD and ID fans when flue gas temp at APH inlet is reduced below 205°C
and boiler is cooled.
T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
Steps for normal shut down to cold

• If required stop APH otherwise keep them rotating , check

that APH lube oil pump stop on interlock when oil temp
goes below 40°C.
• When boiler water temp goes below 94°C, drain the boiler
or preserve it according to the circumstances.

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Emergencies in Boiler
• APH Fire
• Mill Fire
• Drum Level Hi / Lo
• Furnace Pres Lo / Hi
• Flame Failure
• Tripping of Mills
• ID Fan tripping
• FD Fan tripping
• PA fan tripping

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
Emergencies in Boiler
• APH tripping
• BA system Failure
• IA Failure
• CC Pump tripping
• Turbine tripping

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

APH (Trisector type)

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13 16

Regenerative APH

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
Drum Internals
The steam drum
contains steam
equipment and
internal piping for
distribution of
chemicals to the
water, for
distribution of
feedwater and for
blowdown of the
water to reduce

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Drum Internals

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Causes of boiler tripping
 All ID fans off
ID Fan Tripping Conditions
 Fan / motor /HC temp. > 85 deg.cel.
 HC oil temp at cooler inlet >100 deg.cel & outlet >75 deg. cel.
 Hydraulic coupling oil pressure < 0.5 ksc
 Discharge damper / gate does not open fully
 Electric protection trip
 Emergency push button pressed

 All FD fans off

FD fans Tripping Conditions
 No ID fan is running
 Fan / motor bearing temperature > 85 deg.cel.
 Discharge damper / gate does not open fully
 Shaft vibration high > 200 microns
 Flame Failure Trip
 Loss of Fuel Trip
 Inadequate water wall circulation
Trip Conditions of CC pumps
 Discharge valves not open fully
 Motor cavity temperature more than 55 deg.cel for more
than 5 sec
 Electric protection trip
 Emergency push button pressed
 DP across pump < 10 psi.
Furnace Pressure Very High (+325 mmwc)
Cause of high furnace pressure
 Tripping of ID fans
 mal-operation of regulating vanes of fans
 closing of damper from flue gas side
 Unstable flame due to improper combustion

 Furnace Pressure Very Low(-325 mmwc)

Cause of low furnace pressure
 Tripping of FD fans

 closing of damper from air side

 Sudden tripping of mills

 mal-operation of regulating vanes of fans

 Drum Level Very High (> + 250 mm, > 10 sec)
Causes of Drum Level High
 Mal-operation of FRS
 Over feeding
 Sudden decreasing of firing rate
 Tripping of CC pumps
 Opening of the bypass

 Drum Level Very Low (< - 375 mm, > 5 sec)

Causes of Drum Level Low
 Tripping of BFPs

 Mal-operation of FRS

 Sudden closing of turbine control valves

 Sudden releasing of coal from the choked mills

 All BFP Trip (>10 sec)
Trip Conditions of TDBFP
 Lubricating oil pressure < 1 ksc
 Exhaust steam pressure > 0.7 ksc
 Live steam pressure >10 ksc
 Governing oil pressure < 4.5 ksc
 Exhaust steam temperature > 120 deg.cel
 Axial shift > 0.7 mm
 Eccentricity > 200 micron
 Bearing temperature > 105 deg.cel.
 Turbine speed > 6330 rpm
 Seal quench water pressure < 10 ksc
 Suction and discharge differential temperature of main
pump >16 deg.cel
 Emergency trip from UCB
 Emergency trip from LCB
Trip Conditions of MDBFP
 Lubricating oil pressure < 0.8 ksc
 Suction and discharge differential temperature of main pump >15
 Working oil pressure < 2.2 ksc
 Working oil temperature > 130 deg.cel
 Suction valve closed
 Seal quench water pressure < 10 ksc
 Reheat protection
 Emergency trip
 Air flow less than 30%
 All secondary air preheater off
 Loss of 220V DC (>2 sec)
 Loss of 110V AC (>2 sec)
 Loss of critical control supply (15V AC)(> 2
Results of Boiler Trip Command
 Close of HOTV
 Close of HONV
 Trip all feeders
 Trip all mills
 Close attemperation block valves
 Close all hot air gates
 Trip all PA fans
 Open all cold air dampers
Boiler efficiency and losses

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Energy flows
180 MW
505 MWe

Boiler 2864 MW Turbine G

TG Losses
9 MW
1360 MW
1684 MW

667 MW

1 MW

4-Sep-13 T K Ray PMI NTPC

Unit Heat Rate

 Unit HR (test) =(Test GTCHR)/(Test Boiler Efficiency)

 Unit HR (Cor.) =(Cor. GTCHR)/(Cor. Boiler Efficiency)

 GTCHR is corrected to design CW inlet temp.

- ASME PTC 6: Steam Turbines, PTC 6A

 Boiler Efficiency is corrected to

- design ambient condition, Coal quality

- ASME PTC 4, PTC 4.2 (Pulverizers), PTC 4.3 (Air Heaters)

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Typical plant losses

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Boiler Efficiency determination
The % of heat input to the boiler absorbed by the working fluid

(i) Input /output method

  (m h
e e  m i hi )
Hf B

(ii) Heat Loss method

  100  *100
Hf B

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Parameters required for evaluation of Boiler Efficiency

AH inlet and exit FG O2 / CO2 /CO

AH inlet and exit FG temp
Primary / Secondary air temp at AH inlet
Dry/Wet bulb temperatures
Ambient pressure, bar (abs)
Proximate Analysis & GCV of Coal
Combustibles in Bottom Ash and Fly ash

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Boiler Losses Typical values
Dry Gas Loss 4.56
Unburnt C Loss 1.50
Hydrogen Loss 3.29
Moisture in Fuel Loss 2.53
Moisture in Air Loss 0.12
CO Loss 0.04
Radiation/Unaccounted Loss 0.89
Total Heat Loss 12.93
Heat credit 0.44
Boiler Efficiency 87.51

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

DFG Loss (kJ/kg of fuel) =
100 C S
[ (   Cin _ A )] * 30.6(T fg  Tair )
12(CO2  CO) 100 267

K (T fg  Tair )
Seigert formula: DFG Loss (%) =
AL * C pa * (T fgt  Tair ) 90 * CO2 _ in
T fg   T fgt CO2 _ out 
C pg *100 AL  90

CO2 _ in  CO2 _ out

AL  * 0.9 *100
CO2 _ out
O2 _ out  O2 _ in
 * 0.9 *100
21  O2 _ out
O2 in / CO2 in measured, AL known
K ~0.63 for bituminous coal
T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
Combustible in Ash Loss

 Unburnt carbon loss (kJ/kg of fuel) =

* 33820
C= % of carbon in ash

 A= Mass of ash kg/kg of fuel

 Carbon burnt to CO2 =33820 kJ/kg (8077 kcal/kg)

 Compute Boiler efficiency loss % due to C in Ash

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Wet Flue Gas Loss (kJ/kg of fuel) =

M  9H
[1.88(T fg  25)  2442  4.2(25  Tair )]

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Moisture in combustion air loss (kJ/kg fuel)=

M a * h *1.88 * (T fg  Tair )
h =kg moisture per kg dry air

M a =Dry air for combustion kg/kg of fuel

3.034 N 2 C S
Ma  [   Cin _ A )
CO2  CO 100 267

N2, CO2, CO=% volume in dry gas

C, S=% in fuel

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Incomplete gas (CO) loss (kJ/kg fuel)=

12 7CO C S
*[ *(   Cin _ A )] * 23717
28 3(CO2  CO) 100 267

23717 kJ/kg = CV of burning 1 kg of carbon in CO to CO2

CO2, CO=% volume in dry gas

C, S=% in fuel

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Heat credit

Heat Credit due to Coal Mill Power

= [MP * 859.86 * 100] / [Coal FLOW * GCV * 1000]

Coal Flow Rate Coal FLOW Tons/Hr

Total Coal Mill Power MP kWh
GCV of Coal Kcal/Kg

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Probable measurement errors and resulting
errors in efficiency calculations
Measurement Error in calculated SG
Parameter error, % Efficiency, %
Heat value (coal) 0.50 0.03

Orsat analysis 3.00 0.30

Exit FG temp 0.50 0.02

Inlet air temp 0.50 0.00

Ult. anal. of coal (C) 1.00 0.10

Ult. anal. of coal (H) 1.00 0.10

Fuel moisture 1.00 0.00

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Unburnt Carbon Loss (Controllable)

• Cunburnt is a measure of effectiveness of comb. process

• Cunburnt includes the unburned constituents in FA and BA

• Focus to be on FA due to uncertainty in repeatability and


• +50 PF fineness fractions to be < 1%

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Influencing Factors - Unburnt Carbon Loss
• Type of mills and firing system
• Furnace size
• PF fineness (Pulveriser problems)
• Coal FC/VM ratio, coal reactivity
• Insufficient excess air in combustion zone
• Air damper / register settings
• Burners design / condition
• Burner balance / worn orifices
• Primary Air Flow / Pressure
T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
Coal particle size distribution

 If 1-2% is +50 in BS mesh sieve (300 m), most of

this coarse coal will not burn and end up in C in BA
− It also frequently causes slagging around the burners

 If -200 mesh (75 m) fineness is poor, results in high

C in FA

 If the coal is not properly ground, the distribution to

the burners may not be even

− Resulting in air-fuel imbalances at one or more burners

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Fuel line balance
Mill discharge pipes offer different resistances to the flows
due to unequal lengths and different geometry/layouts.

Fixed orifices are put in shorter pipes to balance velocities,

dirty air / PF flows.

 The sizes of the orifices are normally specified by equip. supplier

 Variable/adjustable orifices

Dirty air flow distribution should be within +/- 5%

Coal distribution within +/- 10% of the mean value

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

Dry Gas loss reduction requires
 Boiler operation at optimum excess air
 Cleanliness of boiler surfaces
 Reduction of tempering air to mill
 Reduction in air ingress
 Cleaning of air heater surfaces and proper
heating elements / surface area

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

The Diagnostic Tests
- Representative & accurate performance data
- RCA , Identify reasons for inefficiency
- Verify online FB

• Dirty Airflow Tests

• Iso-kinetic Coal Sampling
• PA Flow Calibration
Mill Discharge Pipes
• Clean Airflow Tests CAF/DAF, PF Samples
• Furnace Exit HVT
• Air In-Leakage survey PA traverse
• Insulation survey
Turbine Cycle Heat Rate Test
• Furnace temperature survey Turbine Cylinder Efficiency Test
• Boiler Efficiency Tests Condenser Performance Test
Condenser Air in-leak Test
• AH Performance Tests
Heater Performance Test
 Boiler Tuning & Optimization
T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
Boiler Performance Optimization

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13
T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13


T K Ray PMI NTPC 4-Sep-13

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