Chanani WG
Chanani WG
Chanani WG
Tana River County is named after the Tana River itself. It has
an area of 38,446 km² and a population of 180,901 according to
the 1999 census. The county headquarters is Hola (sometimes
called as Galole).
The major ethnic groups are the Pokomo, many of whom are
farmers, and the Orma and Wardei, who are predominantly nomadic.
The district is generally dry and prone to drought. Rainfall is
erratic, with rainy seasons in March-May and October-December.
Conflicts have occurred between farmers and nomadic peoples over
access to water. Flooding is also a regular problem, caused by
heavy rainfall in upstream areas of the Tana River.
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Chanani imani women group.
Chanini women group since its inception has carried out HIV/AIDS
awareness in the community reaching over 1000 women with the
information. The group has also carried out vegetable farming
and sold this in the local market greatly benefiting the
members. The group also carries out a merry go around for the
group members.
1. Farmers green house: 8X15 mini Green house tunnel
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2. Drip irrigation System: The family Drip System suitable
for a 1/8th of an acre.
3. Collapsible water Tank: 600litres collapsible water tank.
4. Farmer’s sprayer: 16 Liter Knapsack Sprayer.
5. Fertilizers: One season worth of required fertilizer.
6. Agrochemicals: One season worth of required agro-
7. Health and safety: For the usage of the chemicals
8. Training: Training offered on usage of the kit and a
certificate awarded upon completion.
The AFK is a tailor made kit designed to meet the needs of the
specific farmer or group of farmers by adapting the components
of the kit to suit the climate, terrain and agricultural
experience of the farmer. Further, the group would require a
donkey cart for their transport needs that is ferrying produce
from the shamba to the market center. Farmers elsewhere in Kenya
have observed that yields from greenhouse farming are four to
ten times higher than those of field farmers. They have also
admitted that crops are of [a] better quality since they are
shielded from winds and rains which can give rise to blemishes
on vegetables.” Growing crops under greenhouses has many
advantages, among them the ability to produce huge quantities on
a small piece of land and continuous harvesting. The tomatoes
have a shelf-life of 21 days compared with 14 for those grown in
the open.
The plant vines are supported inside the greenhouse with sticks
and strings, growing up to 50 metres in height. If well looked
after, the minimum plot of land under greenhouse production can
yield up to 25,000 tonnes of tomatoes.
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Tomatoes are generally highly susceptible to diseases requiring
heavy application of pesticides but under the greenhouse growing
techniques, which come with basic training on hygiene, most of
common infections are easily kept at bay. Also kept at bay are
insects and other pests known to invade plants as well as weeds.
The group has been allocated land by the community where they
are carrying out their farming activities. Therefore the green
house shall be set up on this piece of land which will
accommodate the green house comfortably. Some of the group
members have visited green houses in other parts of Kenya to
learn and see firsthand how they initiative works.
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The group members meet regularly that is once a week and they
keep records of their minutes. Group members are farmers with
over ten years and have the experience of growing difference
crops and are conversant with the weather patterns in the area.
The group receives technical support from the agricultural
extension officers and also from the social development officer.
The group will open a bank account to save atleast 30% of the
net income. This will cushion the group against environmental
and other unforeseen shocks that affect farmers. The group will
shop for stable markers like schools in the community so that
they get constant markets for their products. Further, the group
will seek for markets from outside the county in Malindi and
Mombasa and Garissa. Mombasa is seen as having a huge potential
for the technique since the Coast province imports more than 75
per cent of its food from upcountry and Tanzania.
Our group has not received any funding previously and this will
be our first funding if it goes through.
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11. Name of contact person and group officials?
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