Forloans PDF
Forloans PDF
Forloans PDF
September 2009
The approval/registration process helps control the size of the country’s obligations
and keep debt service burden at manageable levels, channel loan proceeds to priority
purposes/projects supportive of the country’s development objectives and promote
optimum utilization of the country’s foreign exchange (FX) resources.
All foreign/foreign currency denominated borrowings of the public sector require prior
BSP approval except for short-term foreign currency deposit unit (FCDU) loans listed
under Section 24.4 of the FX Manual.
For foreign borrowings of the private sector, prior approval and/or registration by the BSP is
required only if the loans:
• are guaranteed by the public sector or covered by foreign exchange guarantees
issued by Authorized Agent Banks (AABs); or
• will be serviced with FX to be purchased from AABs and their subsidiary/affiliate
forex corporations (AAB-forex corps); or
The FX Manual replaced Circular No. 1389 dated 13 April 1993, as amended.
• are obtained by private non-bank financial institutions with maturities of more than
one year for the purpose of relending.
3. What is the difference between a foreign loan and a foreign currency denominated
Foreign loans refer to all obligations (regardless of currency of denomination and form,
i.e., cash or in kind) owed by Philippine residents to non-resident entities, including
advances from foreign parent companies, shareholders and affiliates and peso-
denominated loans from non-residents. Foreign currency denominated loans refer to
obligations owed by Philippine residents to FCDUs of banks operating in the Philippines.
Yes, in line with international standards, the classification of a loan into foreign or
domestic is determined by the residency of the creditor and not by the currency in
which it is denominated. Hence, foreign currency denominated loans (such as FCDU
loans) obtained from a resident creditor are considered domestic borrowings. On the
other hand, loans obtained from non-resident creditors, even if denominated in pesos
(even if repayable in the equivalent foreign currency), are considered foreign loans.
6. What is the rationale for limiting foreign loans that are approved and/or registered
by the BSP to fund only eligible projects listed under Section 25 of the FX
This is to ensure that funds are channeled to priority projects in line with the
country’s development plan.
FX requirements to those payable in foreign currency to non-residents.
Includes peso costs/expenses which are administrative in nature, such as: payroll; utilities; taxes.
7. How long does it take for the BSP to process and approve an application for
foreign loans?
Processing time will depend on the complexity of the proposal as well as volume and
complexity of applications pending as of the date of receipt of the application.
Generally, however, it will take about one month from date of receipt of all
documents/information required to process the application and prepare the appropriate
recommendation to the approving authority.
8. Are foreign loan proceeds required to be inwardly-remitted and sold for pesos?
Loan proceeds intended to fund local costs (those payable to residents) shall be inwardly-
remitted and sold for pesos to the banking system. Amounts intended to finance FX
costs (those payable to non-residents) need not be inwardly-remitted, but may either
be paid directly to the offshore or non-resident supplier/beneficiary concerned or
deposited in a foreign exchange account pending utilization of the funds, subject to
the provisions of the FX Manual.
For public sector loans/bond/note issues, proceeds are required to be deposited with
the BSP, pending utilization of the funds, pursuant to Section 113 of Republic Act No.
7653 (The New Central Bank Act) dated 14 June 1993.
Private sector inter-company loans generally do not require prior BSP approval
provided loan terms are market-oriented, the project/purpose is eligible for foreign
financing and there is no guarantee from any government entity or a bank operating in
the Philippines. Loans granted by foreign subsidiaries that are not wholly-owned by the
parent company must have full guarantee of the parent company. However, these
loans should be registered with the BSP after the loans have been drawn and utilized to
qualify for servicing using foreign exchange purchased from AABs and AAB-forex corps.
Application for registration of short-term loans shall be filed with BSP within 10 banking
days from drawdown date, while for MLT loans, the application should be filed 3 months
from utilization of loan proceeds.
Further, inter-company loans intended to refinance existing loans of the borrower or
for re-lending require prior BSP approval to allow the BSP to evaluate the eligibility of the
existing loans/projects to be refinanced.
Inter-company loans refer to those granted by foreign parent companies/head offices to their Philippine
Borrower-firms are required to file with the BSP their application for loan approval prior
to signing of loan documents and/or drawdown of loan proceeds. For loan registration, such
application should be filed within ten (10) banking days from drawdown date for short-
term loans and three (3) months from utilization of loan proceeds for medium and long-
term loans using the prescribed forms.
• Payment of processing fee required under BSP Circular No. 32 dated 19 July 1994.
For loan registration:
• Prior BSP approval of the loan, if such is required (Please see item 2 for
categories of private sector loans requiring BSP approval);
• Unnotarized copies of the covering loan documents; and
• Proofs of utilization of loan proceeds which should be in accordance with the approved
purposes under Section 25 of the FX Manual.
12. What is the difference between BSP approval and registration of a private
sector loan?
The BSP approval gives the borrower the authority to finalize negotiations with the
prospective creditor/s and sign the covering documents. The BSP registration, which
is done after signing of the covering agreements and full utilization of loan proceeds will
allow the borrower to repay the loan using FX to be purchased from AABs and AAB
forex corps. The BSP registration document (BSRD) will be issued by the International
Operations Department upon the applicant’s submission of the prescribed application
form and supporting documents which should show compliance with the terms and
conditions of the BSP approval of the loan/existing policy (for those loans not subject to
prior BSP approval).
13. What is the basis for requiring a 75/25 long-term debt-to-equity ratio?
The 75/25 long-term debt-to-equity ratio is a prudential limit on private sector borrowers
during the life of the loan to prevent an over-leveraged position where they incur excessive
borrowing that may adversely affect ability to service obligations.
A soft copy of the application form may be downloaded from the BSP website
( xls)
14. What is the difference between a project loan and a program loan of the National
Project loans refer to foreign loans which are used to finance specific projects of public
sector borrowers. Compliance with the NEDA Board/Investment Coordination Committee
guidance/rules and regulations is a pre-requisite for MB approval of the proposed project
Program loans refer to foreign loans which are used by the National Government on an
unrestricted basis for general development purposes or for the development needs of the
specific sector that is the focus of the program loan. Development Budget Coordination
Committee approval is a pre-requisite for MB approval of the proposed program loan.
15. What are the basic requirements for approval of public sector foreign loans?
Public sector borrowers are required to file with the BSP their application for loan approval
prior to commencement of actual negotiations or issuance of a mandate of commitment to
foreign funders/arrangers. Terms of the loans to be obtained by the National Government
and other public sector entities shall be in accordance with the provisions of pertinent
laws/regulations governing public sector borrowings.
Pursuant to R.A. 8182 (ODA Law), an ODA refers to a loan or a loan and grant facility
which contains a grant element of at least 25 percent. In addition, the loan/loan and grant
should also meet the following criteria pursuant to Section 2 of the ODA Law: (a) it must be
administered with the objective of promoting sustainable social and economic development
and welfare of the Philippines; (b) it must be contracted with governments of foreign
countries with whom the Philippines has diplomatic, trade relations or bilateral agreements
or which are members of the United Nations, their agencies and international or multilateral
lending institutions; and (c) there are no available comparable financial instruments in the
capital market. The interest rate on the loan shall in no case exceed 7 percent per annum.
17. What is the Inter-agency Committee for Review of Foreign Loan Documents
18. Are all loan documents covering public sector foreign loans required to be reviewed
and cleared by the IAC-RFLD?
No. The IAC-RFLD does not review agreements covering loans from the International Bank
for Reconstruction and Development, the Asian Development Bank and other ODA loan
creditors with standard loan agreements. Instead of an IAC-RFLD clearance, a copy of the
agreed minutes of negotiations between the Philippine negotiating panel and lenders
concerned is submitted as one of the requirements for final MB approval of the loan.
19. Is there a fee to be paid for the IAC-RFLD review and clearance?
Yes. Pursuant to MB Resolution No. 1436 dated 8 October 1999, GOCCs are required to
pay a regular processing fee of P20,000.00 to the IAC-RFLD through the IOD on all
applications for review of loan agreements and related documents and double processing
fee for agreements/documents requested to be reviewed on a rush basis.
20. What are the implications of the “negative pledge clause” in the credit agreement
of public sector borrowers?
The purpose of the “negative pledge clause” is to ensure that a borrower’s assets
will remain unencumbered and available to satisfy the claims of all general unsecured
creditors should the borrower get into financial difficulties. The basic rationale of the
clause is that whenever an asset of a borrower is pledged in favor of only one creditor
or some of the creditors, the position of the borrower’s unsecured lenders may be
21. What is the purpose of the “collective action clause” or “CAC” in the
credit agreements of public sector borrowers?
“CACs” would allow the borrower to restructure its debt payments under its
international bonds during financial difficulties by permitting a specified supermajority to
bind all bondholders within the same issue to the financial terms of restructuring. Such
clauses are designed to facilitate communication and coordination between an
issuer and its bondholders and make it easier for the parties to recontract, and to make
it more difficult for a minority of holdout investors to slow down or disrupt the debt
restructuring process.
Break-funding cost refers to the amount that sufficiently compensates a Lender for all
losses or costs that the Lender reasonably determines in accordance with market
standards to be attributable to terminating, liquidating, obtaining or re-establishing any
deposit, related trading position or funding arrangement entered into by it as a result of the
Borrower’s voluntary prepayment of a loan whether partially or in full.
Public sector loans extended final approval by the Monetary Board are deemed registered,
however, purchase of FX from AABs and AAB forex corps for public sector loans that
have been extended final approval by the BSP require prior specific BSP authority.
While the repeal of the Uniform Currency Law authori zes Philippine residents to
denominate transactions in currencies other than the Philippine peso, existing policies
on FX transactions prohibit resident-to-resident FX transactions from being funded with
FX to be purchased from AABs and AAB-forex corps. Foreign loan proceeds, used for
payments to residents (other than banks) in foreign currency are not eligible for
registration and repayment with FX from AABs and AAB-forex corps.
25. Are there reports required from borrowers relating to their loans?
Pursuant to BSP Circular No. 32 dated 19 July 1994, all foreign borrowings, regardless of
maturity, creditor, source of FX funds, and whether or not approved/registered by the
BSP, are required to be reported monthly to the BSP, through the International
Operations Department, using prescribed forms (Form 2 for medium and long-term loans
and ST-2 for short-term loans). Borrowers are required to submit the said report,
whether or not there are transactions for the current reporting period.
26. Why does BSP require submission of foreign borrowing plans? Who are required
to submit these and when?
The BSP requires resident companies/entities intending to obtain medium- and long-
term foreign loans (including issuance of bonds/notes/debt securities offshore) to submit
to the BSP-International Operations Department (BSP-IOD) their annual foreign
borrowings plan for monitoring and programming purposes as follows:
The timetable and any changes on the submitted foreign borrowings plan shall be
communicated to the BSP-IOD within two (2) weeks upon availability of information for
monitoring and programming purposes.
Private sector loans that are submitted to the BSP for approval or registration that were not
included under a foreign borrowings plan as required shall be assessed an additional
ten percent (10%) of the applicable processing fee.
A resident non-bank may, without prior BSP approval, extend a loan to a non-resident
provided that funding for the loan is not purchased from AABs and AAB-forex
corps required to be sold to AABs for pesos. Prepayments on such loans are likewise not
eligible to be sourced from AABs/AAB-forex corps.
• Guarantees for the account of the private sector to be issued by: (a) local banks, financial
institutions (FIs) including government financial institutions that are not foreign
currency/foreign loan-related; and (b) foreign banks, FIs and other foreign entities to
secure peso/FCDU loans of residents from resident bank creditors, need not be
individually applied for BSP registration but must be reported by banks to the BSP
to be considered as registered.
29. Can the BSP grant financing to local firms and/or provide a guarantee for
The BSP is not authorized under its charter to grant loans or provide any form of
30. Can a company convert its peso receipts into FX on a regular basis, i.e., buy FX from
AABs and AAB-forex corps on monthly, quarterly, etc. basis and deposit such FX
purchased in an offshore account as required by the creditors?