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PSSXXX10.1177/0956797614563958Shah et al.Scarcity Frames Value

Research Article

Psychological Science

Scarcity Frames Value 2015, Vol. 26(4) 402­–412

© The Author(s) 2015
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DOI: 10.1177/0956797614563958

Anuj K. Shah1, Eldar Shafir2,3, and Sendhil Mullainathan4

Booth School of Business, University of Chicago; 2Department of Psychology, Princeton University;
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University; and 4Department of
Economics, Harvard University

Economic models of decision making assume that people have a stable way of thinking about value. In contrast,
psychology has shown that people’s preferences are often malleable and influenced by normatively irrelevant
contextual features. Whereas economics derives its predictions from the assumption that people navigate a world of
scarce resources, recent psychological work has shown that people often do not attend to scarcity. In this article, we
show that when scarcity does influence cognition, it renders people less susceptible to classic context effects. Under
conditions of scarcity, people focus on pressing needs and recognize the trade-offs that must be made against those
needs. Those trade-offs frame perception more consistently than irrelevant contextual cues, which exert less influence.
The results suggest that scarcity can align certain behaviors more closely with traditional economic predictions.

context effects, judgment and decision making, scarcity, open data, open materials

Received 6/26/14; Revision accepted 11/21/14

Economic theories of decision making assume that peo- This article examines this question. We tested how
ple have stable perceptions of value (Friedman & Savage, classic context effects change when participants experi-
1948; Keeney & Raiffa, 1976; von Neumann & Morgenstern, ence scarcity and found that scarcity reduces or elimi-
1944). The value of a $50 discount should not depend on nates several kinds of context effects. Whereas previous
what it is called or whether it is a large percentage of the work has focused on how scarcity negatively affects cog-
original price. But psychological research shows that nition (Haushofer & Fehr, 2014; Mani et al., 2013), here
people’s sense of value is often framed by normatively we document that under specific circumstances, scarcity
inconsequential contextual factors. These context effects brings decision making closer to normative predictions,
are so robust that they almost seem universal (Bettman, which suggests that scarcity has more nuanced effects.
Luce, & Payne, 1998; Kahneman & Tversky, 1979, 1984; Because the current findings rely on a series of null
Lichtenstein & Slovic, 2006; Shafir, Simonson, & Tversky, results from a subgroup of participants, we should
1993; Thaler, 1999; Tversky & Kahneman, 1981). address some potential concerns at the outset. First, how
Interestingly, classical economic predictions derive robust are these results? We found a similar pattern of
from a deeper assumption about scarcity, namely, that results across more than 10 studies with a total sample
people treat all resources as limited. However, recent size of more than 4,000 participants, and we replicated
research suggests that scarcity is not a ubiquitous psy- two studies in a large-scale U.S. sample. We also report
chological reality. When people feel that resources are studies in which we did not find that scarcity eliminated
low relative to needs, a scarcity mind-set emerges, and it context effects, to minimize the file-drawer problem.
changes how they make decisions (Mani, Mullainathan,
Shafir, & Zhao, 2013; Mullainathan & Shafir, 2013; Shah,
Mullainathan, & Shafir, 2012). This raises a natural ques-
Corresponding Author:
tion: Are perceptions of value more stable (and therefore Anuj K. Shah, 5807 South Woodlawn Ave., University of Chicago,
closer to the economic ideal) when people experience Booth School of Business, Chicago, IL 60637
the scarcity mind-set? E-mail:
Scarcity Frames Value 403

Second, are these results limited to a narrow range of and instead rely on his or her own standards. They pro-
values? We replicated the pattern of results across several vide an internal frame of reference that more steadily
amounts, ruling out the possibility that these results are guides evaluations.
simply due to the fact that the poor and rich are accus- Our main prediction was therefore that scarcity leads
tomed to thinking about different price ranges.1 Third, can to more consistent valuation and reduces certain context
the results be attributed to confounding factors rather than effects. In addition, we expected that these effects of
to scarcity specifically? We show that monetary scarcity scarcity are partly due to greater trade-off thinking under
reduces a diverse array of context effects. We then focus scarcity. We tested these predictions via a series of stud-
on a particular mental-accounting effect and show that the ies involving classic context effects. There are many kinds
results generalized across other forms of scarcity. Finally, of context effects. We focus on a particular kind in which
we show that the results held when we experimentally inconsistencies arise because people have only a vague
manipulated scarcity to isolate it from other factors. sense of what items are worth. To value an item, people
In what follows, we describe why scarcity might make look for useful cues.2 The scenarios we focused on pro-
valuation more consistent. We then report our experi- vide accessible but normatively irrelevant cues (e.g.,
ments, which focused primarily on establishing the where the beer is purchased). We selected scenarios that
breadth and robustness of this consistent valuation, but have produced robust context effects and that have high-
also provided evidence for our proposed mechanism lighted the role of contextual cues in generating counter-
(see the next section). Finally, we discuss how this work normative decision making. We tested how various forms
can reconcile psychological and economic theories of of scarcity affected valuations in these scenarios. Scarcity
decision making, and how it can inform policymaking for either resulted from preexisting variation (e.g., partici-
the poor. pants’ income) or was experimentally induced. Parti­
cipants in the scarcity conditions were not abjectly
poor—just budget constrained. This provided a rather
Scarcity and Valuation conservative test of our hypotheses (and underscores
To appreciate how scarcity might influence context that scarcity is not an absolute, but rather a subjective,
effects, consider the classic beer-on-the-beach scenario, matter). We first examined whether the original findings
in which people report their willingness to pay (WTP) for could be replicated in a nonscarcity condition and then
a beer that is purchased at either a fancy resort or a gro- tested whether the effects diminished under scarcity.
cery store (Thaler, 1985). It is the same beer, consumed Our sample sizes were determined by, and were set to
on the same beach, and yet people offer more money be larger than, the sizes of the samples in the original
when they know it comes from the resort. Why? studies. In each case, data collection was stopped when
Human judgment is inherently relative. People use the target size was reached or when several days had
contextual cues to interpret everything from color to size passed without new participants completing the study.
to value; when the context changes, so does their judg- Analyses were conducted after data collection termi-
ment. Visually, an object’s perceived size depends on nated. For all studies except Studies 1d and 2c, partici-
whether smaller or larger objects surround it. Likewise, pants were recruited from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk.
numeric estimates are influenced by irrelevant anchors, Participation was restricted to U.S. residents.
and valuation depends on contextual cues. In the beer- Participants in most studies indicated their age, gen-
on-the-beach scenario, point of purchase is a cue for der, and ethnicity, as well as the highest level of educa-
pricing. Compared with a grocery store, a fancy resort tion they had completed. They also reported their total
brings to mind a higher price. annual household income on a scale with bins ranging
But scarcity generates different cues for deciding value. from “less than $10,000” to “more than $150,000.” Finally,
Under conditions of scarcity, pressing needs capture they reported the number of people living in their house-
attention (Aarts, Dijksterhuis, & de Vries, 2001; Radel & hold. Total household income was coded by taking the
Clément-Guillotin, 2012; Shah et al., 2012). When money midpoint of the participant’s income bin (or $150,000 for
is short, the utility bill and rent payment are on the top of the highest bin) and then dividing that value by the
one’s mind. These concerns make trade-offs, or opportu- square root of the participant’s household size, in accor-
nity costs, highly accessible: Buying one thing means giv- dance with the OECD (2008) equivalence transformation.
ing up other things (Spiller, 2011). Someone contemplating Our analyses are based on log-transformations of this
purchasing a beer compares the beer with other budgetary metric because it is positively skewed.
demands, like tomorrow’s lunch or bus fare. And these In our first study, we tested whether people are more
trade-offs do not depend on where the beer is purchased. likely to think about trade-offs when they experience
They lead the person to ignore irrelevant contextual cues scarcity than when they do not.
404 Shah et al.

Study 1a: Trade-Off Thinking Under .05 (see Fig. 1a). These results confirm that people facing
Scarcity scarcity naturally think of trade-offs, thus generating their
own comparison standards (similar observations can be
Method found in Mullainathan & Shafir, 2013). We turn now to
our main question: Are people more consistent in their
In this study, there were 103 participants (mean age =
valuations when they are experiencing scarcity?
29.3 years; 44 females, 59 males; median household
size = 3 people; median household income = $35,000).
Participants read Thaler’s (1985) beer-on-the-beach Studies 1b–1d: Consistent Valuations
scenario, framed with either the text in the parentheses Under Scarcity
or the text in the brackets; portions of the scenario have
been omitted for conciseness): Method
In Study 1b, there were 151 participants (mean age = 32.9
You are lying on the beach on a hot day. . . . you years; 76 females, 75 males; median household size = 3
have been thinking about how much you would people; median household income = $45,000). In Study
enjoy a nice cold bottle of your favorite brand of 1c, there were 604 participants (mean age = 29.9 years;
beer. A companion . . . offers to bring back a beer 246 females, 358 males; median household size = 2 peo-
from the only nearby place where beer is sold (a ple; median household income = $45,000). Study 1d was
fancy resort hotel) [a small, run-down grocery conducted with a large, representative sample drawn
store]. He . . . asks how much you are willing to pay from Survey Sampling International’s panel of U.S.
for the beer . . . he will buy the beer if it costs as respondents. There were 2,015 participants (mean age =
much or less than the price you state. But if it costs 39.1 years; 1,022 females, 993 males; median household
more than the price you state he will not buy it. . . . size = 3 people; median household income = $55,000).
there is no possibility of bargaining with the In Study 1b, participants read the beer-on-the-beach
(bartender) [store owner]. What price do you tell scenario and indicated their WTP for the beer. Studies 1c
him? and 1d directly replicated Study 1b. Because WTP was
elicited with an open-ended scale, some participants
After reading the scenario, participants were asked, named unreasonably high prices. We describe our exclu-
“As you think about what price to tell your friend, what sion rules for these responses in the next section. These
goes through your mind? Of the options below, which is rules were determined before we conducted the signifi-
most likely to influence how you decide on a price?” The cance tests.
response options were “where the beer is being pur-
chased,” “how hot it is on the beach and how relaxed I
am,” “other things I won’t be able to buy if I use the Results
money for beer,” “the brand of the beer,” and “the most In Study 1b, we excluded 2 participants whose WTP was
recent time I had a beer.” For our analyses, we focused more than 3 standard deviations from the mean. We first
on the two responses of interest: those that reflected report analyses based on a median split of the income
trade-off thinking (“other things I won’t be able to buy”) metric; participants who fell at or below the median were
and those that reflected context (location) considerations grouped as lower income, and those who fell above the
(“where the beer is being purchased”). median were grouped as higher income. Higher-income
participants showed the classic effect, offering a higher
price for beer from the resort (M = $6.09, 95% confidence
Results interval, CI = [$5.21, $6.98]) than for beer from the gro-
One participant was excluded as an outlier on income cery store (M = $4.21, 95% CI = [$3.64, $4.79]). But lower-
(more than 3 SD from the mean). We conducted binary income participants’ WTP did not differ significantly
logistic regressions to compare how frequently partici- between beer from the resort (M = $4.44, 95% CI = [$3.81,
pants cited each of the two considerations of interest $5.08]) and beer from the store (M = $5.37, 95% CI =
(trade-offs vs. location) as a function of income. Higher- [$4.35, $6.39]). The interaction between income and con-
income participants were more likely than lower-income text was significant, F(1, 145) = 11.18, p < .01, ηp2 = .07
participants to name location as the main consideration, (see Fig. 1b). The interaction was also significant when
β = 2.52, Wald-test χ2(1, N = 102) = 5.54, p < .05, but income was treated as a continuous variable, β = 2.27,
lower-income participants were more likely than higher- t(145) = 2.17, p < .05.
income participants to name trade-offs as the main con- Two follow-up studies help rule out potential con-
sideration, β = −1.62, Wald-test χ2(1, N = 102) = 4.67, p < founds (for details, see Additional Methods and Results,
Scarcity Frames Value 405

a b
Lower Income Higher Income Grocery Resort
.60 $8.00

Proportion Endorsing Reason


.30 $4.00


.00 $0.00
Trade-Offs Location Lower Income Higher Income

c d
Grocery Resort Grocery Resort
$8.00 $8.00

$7.00 $7.00

$6.00 $6.00

$5.00 $5.00

$4.00 $4.00

$3.00 $3.00

$2.00 $2.00

$1.00 $1.00

$0.00 $0.00
Lower Income Higher Income Lower Income Higher Income
Fig. 1.  Summary of results from Studies 1a through 1d: (a) the proportion of lower- and higher-income participants citing trade-off and location
considerations in Study 1a and the amount lower- and higher-income participants were willing to pay (WTP) for beer at the grocery store and
resort in (b) Study 1b, (c) Study 1c, and (d) Study 1d. For presentation here, participants were divided into lower- and higher-income groups
on the basis of a median split. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals.

in the Supplemental Material). First, perhaps lower- and average lower than for the grocery/resort scenario, but
higher-income participants had different expectations again, higher-income participants offered higher prices in
about how the price of beer varied between the loca- the expensive-frame condition than in the cheap-frame
tions. We asked a separate group of participants what condition, whereas lower-income participants did not.
they expected the beer to cost. Both lower- and higher- We replicated the results of Study 1b with larger sam-
income participants expected the price to be higher at ples in Studies 1c and 1d. In Study 1c, we excluded 2
the resort than at the grocery store. Second, perhaps the participants with missing responses, 5 with unreasonably
resort frame did not influence lower-income participants’ high WTPs (over $100), and 19 additional outliers on
WTP because the expected price was outside the range WTP, which left 578 participants. Dividing participants
of what they would consider paying. We modified the according to a median split on income, we found that
scenario to shift prices downward, so that participants higher-income participants offered a higher price for
indicated their WTP for a beer from a small bar (expen- beer from the resort (M = $6.81, 95% CI = [$6.34, $7.28])
sive frame) or from a group of fellow beachgoers who than for beer from the grocery store (M = $5.41, 95% CI =
had extra beer (cheap frame). Prices offered were on [$5.04, $5.78]). Lower-income participants’ WTP did not
406 Shah et al.

differ significantly between beer from the resort (M = you that a store thirty minutes away sells the same tablet
$5.89, 95% CI = [$5.48, $6.31]) and beer from the store computer for $50 less. Would you go to the other store to
(M  = $5.56, 95% CI = [$5.06, $6.06]). The interaction buy the tablet computer or would you buy it at the cur-
between income and context was significant, F(1, 574) = rent store?” Participants were randomly assigned to the
5.68, p < .05, ηp2 = .01 (see Fig. 1c). The interaction was $300, $500, or $1,000 condition.
also significant when income was treated continuously, Previous studies have found that people are more will-
β = 1.65, t(574) = 3.27, p < .01. ing to travel for the discount when the tablet is cheaper
In Study 1d (the nationally representative sample), a (i.e., when the discount is proportionally higher). Because
large number of participants reported unreasonably high they have only a vague sense of what $50 is worth to
WTPs, and exclusions based on the rules set for the smaller them, people look at the total cost to gauge the discount’s
samples in the previous studies would have left many value. But we expected lower-income participants to
unreasonable prices in the data set. We therefore included value the discount more consistently. As in Study 1a, we
in analyses only those participants with a WTP of $20 or tested whether lower-income participants engaged in
less, which seemed like the upper bound of a reasonable more trade-off thinking than higher-income participants.
price. This set a cutoff price similar to the cutoff price Participants were asked, “As you consider the discount,
based on standard deviations in Studies 1b and 1c. After what do you think about as you try to determine how
this exclusion and the exclusion of 4 additional partici- large $50 feels and whether it is worth traveling for?” They
pants who were outliers on income, the final sample were allowed to select only one of the following response
included 1,898 participants. Dividing participants accord- options: “what percentage it is off the tablet’s regular
ing to a median split on income, we found that higher- price,” “how much I plan to use the tablet,” “other things
income participants offered a higher price for beer from I won’t be able to buy if I don’t save money on the tablet,”
the resort (M = $6.80, 95% CI = [$6.41, $7.18]) than for beer “how long I have been waiting to buy the tablet,” and
from the grocery store (M = $5.46, 95% CI = [$5.13, $5.79]). “what day of the week it is.” For our analyses, we focused
Lower-income participants’ WTP did not differ significantly on the two responses reflecting the considerations of
between the resort (M = $6.21, 95% CI = [$5.83, $6.60]) and interest: those that reflected trade-off thinking (“other
the store (M = $5.71, 95% CI = [$5.31, $6.11]). The interac- things I won’t be able to buy”) and those that reflected
tion between income and context was significant, F(1, proportional thinking (“what percentage it is off”).
1894) = 4.82, p < .05, ηp2 = .003 (see Fig. 1d). This interac-
tion was marginally significant when income was treated
continuously, β = 0.50, t(1894) = 1.85, p < .07. Results
The beer-on-the-beach scenario provides a canonical One participant was excluded as an outlier on income.
example of the difficulty people have in translating utility We conducted binary logistic regressions to compare the
into value. People have a sense of how much they would frequency with which participants cited each of the two
enjoy the beer, but they have difficulty representing this considerations of interest (trade-offs vs. proportional dis-
enjoyment with a price. However, under conditions of count) as a function of income. Higher-income partici-
scarcity, people base their price not merely on antici- pants were more likely than lower-income participants to
pated enjoyment, but also on anticipated trade-offs, and use proportional thinking, β = 0.87, Wald-test χ2(1, N =
those are more consistent guides for valuation. Could 237) = 4.02, p < .05, but lower-income participants were
scarcity also lead to more consistent valuation of a dollar more likely than higher-income participants to use trade-
itself? The next set of studies addressed this question. off thinking, β = −0.96, Wald-test χ2(1, N = 237) = 4.69,
p < .05. This again suggests that scarcity leads people to
generate their own comparison standards, and Studies 2b
Study 2a: Proportional Versus Trade-
through 2d tested whether this leads to more consistent
Off Thinking preferences.
In Study 2a, there were 238 participants (mean age = 30.7 Studies 2b and 2c: Valuing Discounts
years; 96 females, 142 males; median household size = 4
people; median household income = $25,000).
This study tested a classic demonstration of propor- In Study 2b, there were 705 participants (mean age = 30.0
tional thinking (adapted from Tversky & Kahneman, years; 290 females, 415 males; median household size =
1981, and Hall, 2008). Participants read the following sce- 3 people; median household income = $45,000). The par-
nario: “Imagine that you go to the store to buy a tablet ticipants in Study 2c were the same participants as in
computer that costs $300/$500/$1,000. The clerk informs Study 1d (and analyses were limited to the same
Scarcity Frames Value 407

participants, but including all participants did not change 3 people; median household income = $25,000).
the results). Note that participants completed Studies 1d Participants responded to versions of the scenarios used
and 2c in a counterbalanced order. Participants in Studies in Studies 2a through 2c (but in this case, involving an
2b and 2c responded to the same scenario as did partici- appliance instead of a tablet). In the small-amount condi-
pants in Study 2a, but they stated whether they would tion, participants could save $10 on either a $100 pur-
travel for the discount. chase (larger proportional discount) or a $200 purchase
(smaller proportional discount). In the large-amount con-
dition, participants could save $150 on either a $1,500 or
a $3,000 purchase.
In Study 2b, 1 participant was excluded for missing
responses, and 2 were excluded as outliers on income. The
analyses conducted were based on a median split on Results
income. Confirming earlier findings, these analyses revealed
No participants were excluded from analyses. We
that higher-income participants were more willing to travel
regressed willingness to travel on income (categorized
when the discount was proportionally larger (i.e., the tablet
by a median split), proportional size of the discount
cost less): Specifically, 86%, 75%, and 58% would travel
(large vs. small), absolute size of the discount ($10 vs.
when the tablet cost $300, $500, and $1,000, respectively.
$150), all two-way interaction terms, and the three-way
Lower-income participants were less sensitive to the pro-
interaction term. Higher-income participants were sig-
portional size of the discount: The corresponding percent-
nificantly more willing to travel for a proportionally
ages of lower-income participants willing to travel were
larger discount (60%) than for a proportionally smaller
78%, 67%, and 67%. The interaction between income and
discount (41%), but this was not true for lower-income
context was significant in a binary logistic regression, β =
participants (50% vs. 61%). The interaction between pro-
−0.48, Wald-test χ2(1, N = 702) = 4.93, p < .05, and was
portional discount and income was significant, β = −1.90,
marginally significant when income was treated continu-
Wald-test χ2(1, N = 301) = 4.11, p < .05. Note that this
ously, β = −0.57, Wald-test χ2(1, N = 702) = 3.32, p < .07.
interaction did not depend on the absolute amount of
Five participants were excluded for missing responses
the discount, as the three-way interaction was not sig-
in Study 2c, so 1,893 participants were included in the
nificant, β = −0.89, Wald-test χ2(1, N = 301) = 0.28, p > .6.
analyses. Analyses based on a median split on income
When income was treated continuously, the interaction
revealed a more muted trend than in the previous study.
between proportional discount and income also
Among higher-income participants, 71%, 67%, and 51%
emerged, but was not significant, β = −2.13, Wald-test
were willing to travel when the tablet cost $300, $500, and
χ2(1, N = 301) = 2.21, p < .15. These results replicate an
$1,000, respectively; among lower-income participants,
earlier study by Hall (2008), who documented similar
the corresponding percentages were 70%, 69%, and 55%.
effects among participants recruited in a soup kitchen
When income was treated continuously, the interaction
versus a wealthy suburb.
between income and context was clear, β = −0.39, Wald-
Perhaps these results would not hold for extremely
test χ2(1, N = 1,893) = 6.13, p < .05.
small or large sums of money. But for moderate amounts,
Perhaps $50 is too large an amount for poorer partici-
those most relevant to everyday life, lower-income par-
pants to forgo. If so, floor or ceiling effects would result in
ticipants exhibit more consistent preferences. Whereas
illusory consistency among lower-income participants. But
Studies 2b through 2d provide an indirect measure of a
notice that higher-income participants, compared with
dollar’s value, the next study revealed a similar pattern in
lower-income participants, were actually more willing to
direct reports of subjective value.
travel when the discount was proportionally large, and less
willing to travel when the discount was proportionally
small, particularly in Study 2b. Floor or ceiling effects there-
Study 3: Valuing a Dollar
fore cannot explain the consistency among our lower-
income participants. Still, to be sure that the effect is robust, Method
we tested it across a range of dollar amounts in Study 2d.
In Study 3, there were 505 participants (mean age = 33.0
years; 208 females, 297 males; median household size =
Study 2d: Consistency Across Amounts 3 people; median household income = $45,000).
Study 3 revisited Slovic, Finucane, Peters, and
Method MacGregor’s (2002) documentation of how dominance
In Study 2d, there were 301 participants (mean age = 30.2 relationships can be violated. In this scenario, partici-
years; 120 females, 181 males; median household size = pants rated the attractiveness of one of two gambles:
408 Shah et al.

No-loss gamble: There is a 7/36 chance of winning We studied Morewedge, Holtzman, and Epley’s (2007)
$9. accessible-accounts effect. In this paradigm, participants
Loss gamble: There is a 7/36 chance of winning $9 first consider either a small or a large mental account.
and a 29/36 chance of losing 5 cents. They then rate how expensive an item seems. Typically,
when people evaluate items against the backdrop of a
People usually rated the second gamble as more attrac- small mental account, the items seem more expensive.
tive than the first gamble (on a scale from 1, least attrac- But we expected that scarcity would mitigate this effect
tive, to 20, most attractive), even though the second because people would judge value against the backdrop
gamble is dominated by the first gamble. It seems that of accessible trade-offs rather than momentarily primed
people are unsure of how attractive $9 is when they con- accounts.
sider it in isolation. But having the small loss as a com- In the small-account condition, participants were
parison standard makes the $9 easier to evaluate (and asked, “What is currently in your wallet or purse?” and
renders the gamble more attractive). In contrast, if scar- were instructed to click the checkbox next to each cor-
city creates its own comparison standards, then we would rect item. They made selections from the following
expect lower-income participants to value $9 more con- options: pictures, photo ID, library card, credit card, and
sistently. In the current study, participants were assigned cash. In the large-account condition, participants were
to rate the attractiveness of either the no-loss or the loss asked, “What kind of financial accounts do you use or
gamble, using the original 20-point rating scale. possess?” and were instructed to click the checkbox next
to each type of account that they had. They made selec-
tions from the following options: checking, savings,
Results bonds, stock, and certificates of deposit.
One participant was excluded for missing responses, After completing this priming manipulation, partici-
and another was excluded as an outlier on income. pants were asked to think about purchasing a newly
Analyses based on a median split on income replicated released DVD available at Best Buy. They were asked to
earlier results. Higher-income individuals rated the loss rate how expensive the DVD felt on a scale from 1 (not
gamble as significantly more attractive (M = 11.63, 95% expensive at all) to 11 (very expensive). Participants also
CI = [10.56, 12.69]) than the no-loss gamble (M = 8.33, indicated how many minutes they would wait in line if
95% CI = [7.62, 9.04]), but this difference was smaller for the DVD were being given away for free. This latter ques-
lower-income individuals (loss gamble: M = 10.38, 95% tion was used to measure whether greater perceived
CI = [9.38, 11.38], no-loss gamble: M = 9.18, 95% CI = expensiveness would translate into greater willingness to
[8.31, 10.05]). The interaction between gamble and give up something to receive the item. This secondary
income was significant, F(1, 499) = 5.04, p < .05, ηp2 = relationship was not observed and is not discussed
.01. The interaction was also significant when income further.
was treated continuously, β = 1.13, t(499) = 2.21, p < .05.
The fact that wealthier participants gave both the highest Results
and the lowest average attractiveness ratings speaks
against the possibility that floor or ceiling effects drove Four participants were excluded for not completing the
these results. prime question. When we analyzed the data using a
It seems that across a wide array of scenarios, lower- median split based on income, higher-income participants
income participants are less susceptible to context effects rated the DVD as significantly more expensive when they
than higher-income participants are. But are these results thought about a small account (M = 5.74, 95% CI = [5.04,
due to some other factor confounded with income? To 6.44]) rather than a large account (M = 4.47, 95% CI =
address this concern, we focused on how one specific [3.93, 5.01]), whereas the evaluations of lower-income
mental-accounting effect is influenced by monetary scar- participants did not differ significantly between the condi-
city and then looked at how it is influenced by nonmon- tions (small account: M = 5.55, 95% CI = [4.92, 6.18]; large
etary forms of scarcity as well. account: M = 5.75, 95% CI = [5.03, 6.48]). The interaction
between income and condition was significant, F(1, 255) =
4.96, p < .05, ηp2 = .02. The interaction was also significant
Study 4: Consistent Accounting when income was treated as a continuous variable, β =
2.43, t(255) = 3.39, p < .01. In our next study, we tested
Method whether these results would generalize to another form of
In Study 4, there were 263 participants (mean age = 31.6 scarcity. Specifically, we examined whether dieters (peo-
years; 102 females, 161 males; median household size = ple experiencing caloric scarcity) show more consistent
3 people; median household income = $45,000). valuation of calories than nondieters do.
Scarcity Frames Value 409

Study 5: Caloric Scarcity Time scarcity was manipulated by giving participants

different amounts of time in which to play the game.
Method “Poor” participants were given 75 s overall. “Rich” partici-
In Study 5, there were 234 participants (mean age = 31.8 pants were given 250 s overall. Participants played until
years; 107 females, 127 males). Participants were primed they exhausted their time budget or reached the end of
to think of either a small caloric account (calories con- five rounds, whichever came first.
sumed in a day) or a large caloric account (calories con- After playing Family Feud, participants were primed to
sumed in a week; Morewedge et  al., 2007). They then think about either a small account (their time budget per
rated how fattening a large order of McDonald’s French round) or a large account (their overall time budget for
fries felt on a scale from 1 (not fattening at all) to 11 the game). They then indicated how expensive or costly
(very fattening). Finally, participants also responded to it would feel to lose 10 s, on a scale from 1 (not expensive
two questions about their dieting habits: “How often do at all) to 11 (very expensive). The proportional loss was
you go on a diet?” and “To what extent are you dieting clearly different for the poor and rich participants. But
right now?” Answers were on a 7-point scale, with higher the relative difference between the percentage lost in the
numbers indicating greater dieting (Herman & Mack, small-account condition and the percentage lost in the
1975). We expected that dieters, compared with nondiet- large-account condition was similar for the poor and rich,
ers, would be less sensitive to which account was primed. which made it possible to examine the interaction of

No participants were excluded from the analyses. We first
analyzed responses using a median split on participants’ One participant was excluded because of a computer
dieting behavior. Nondieters rated the fries as more fat- malfunction during the game. Time-rich participants
tening when they thought about a small account (M = rated the loss as more expensive when they thought
8.64, 95% CI = [8.20, 9.07]) than when they thought about about a small account (M = 8.31, 95% CI = [7.78, 8.84])
a large account (M = 7.80, 95% CI = [7.21, 8.38]), but this than when they thought about a large account (M = 6.50,
was not true for dieters (small account: M = 8.86, 95% 95% CI = [5.42, 7.58]), whereas time-poor participants’
CI = [8.29, 9.43]; large account: M = 9.13, 95% CI = [8.66, evaluations did not differ between the small-account
9.60]). The interaction between dieting status and condi- condition (M = 8.33, 95% CI = [7.14, 9.52]) and the large-
tion was significant, F(1, 230) = 4.40, p < .05, ηp2 = .02, account condition (M = 8.83, 95% CI = [7.97, 9.69]). A 2
and the interaction was also found when dieting behav- (scarcity condition) × 2 (account condition) analysis of
ior was treated continuously, β = 0.43, t(230) = 2.11, p < variance revealed a significant interaction, F(1, 69) = 5.16,
.05. It appears that greater scarcity in general can elicit p < .05, ηp2 = .07.
more consistent valuations. But the studies we have
reported thus far all relied on preexisting differences General Discussion
between groups. In our next study, we investigated
whether scarcity can be manipulated directly to elicit this Combined with earlier work, these studies reveal a con-
shift in mind-set. sistent pattern (see Table 1 for a summary of results; also
see the scatter plots in the Supplemental Material).
Various forms of scarcity bring trade-offs to the top of the
Study 6: Time Scarcity mind (Mullainathan & Shafir, 2013; Shah et  al., 2012;
Spiller, 2011), and when these trade-offs frame one’s val-
uation, one relies less on the external context. Although
In Study 6, 74 participants (mean age = 32.0 years; 46 scarcity may not change the fact that valuation relies on
females, 28 males) were told that they could win $25 gift contextual cues, it does change the cues that people con-
certificates on the basis of their performance playing a sult. Instead of looking to external factors that shift hap-
game. We adapted a procedure from a previous study hazardly, people experiencing scarcity look to internally
(Shah et  al., 2012) in which participants played Family generated standards that provide a more stable frame.
Feud, a trivia game in which players try to guess the five These findings seem robust. The same pattern of
most popular responses (from a panel of 100 people) to results was found across a fairly wide range of values.
prompts such as “name things you take on a picnic.” And lower-income participants were not more consistent
Participants earned 1 point for every correct response merely because the contextual cues were outside the
(i.e., maximum of 5 points per round). These points were range of prices they normally considered. Rather, their
converted into lottery entries for the gift certificates. consistency seems to have been grounded in their greater
410 Shah et al.

Table 1.  Summary of Studies

Paradigm and study Resource Resultsa

Beer-on-the-beach scenario (Thaler, 1985): People value an item on the basis of its  
irrelevant point of purchase.
  Study 1b (N = 151, n = 149) Money Median split*, regression*
  Study 1c (N = 604, n = 578) Money Median split*, regression*
  Study 1d (N = 2,015, n = 1,898) Money Median split*, regression†
Proportional thinking (Tversky & Kahneman, 1981; Hall, 2008): People value the  
same absolute quantity less if it seems like a smaller proportion of a larger amount.
  Study 2b (N = 705, n = 702) Money Median split*, regression†
  Study 2c (N = 2,015, n = 1,893) Money Median splitn.s., regression*.
  Study 2d (N = 301, n = 301) Money Median split*, regressionn.s.
Dominance lottery (Slovic, Finucane, Peters, & MacGregor, 2002): People value a  
lottery more if there is a relatively small loss to go along with a larger gain.
  Study 3 (N = 505, n = 503) Money Median split*, regression*
Accessible accounts (Morewedge, Holtzman, & Epley, 2007): People value an item  
differentially depending on whether a small or large mental account is accessible.
  Study 4 (N = 263, n = 259) Money Median split*, regression*
  Study 5 (N = 234, n = 234) Calories Median split*, regression*
  Study 6 (N = 74, n = 73) Time 2 × 2 analysis of variance*
Mental budgeting (Tversky & Kahneman, 1981): People value a purchase differently  
depending on whether it is compared with a within-budget cost.
  Study S8 (N = 101, n = 101) Money Median splitn.s., regressionn.s.
Anchoring willingness to pay (Ariely, Loewenstein, & Prelec, 2003): People value an  
item on the basis of an arbitrary anchor.
  Study S9 (N = 95, n = 95) Money Median splitn.s., regressionn.s.

Note: For each study, the table indicates the total number of participants (N) and the number of participants included in the analyses (n). Studies
S8 and S9 are described in the Supplemental Material available online (see Additional Methods and Results).
This column indicates which analyses revealed significant differences between the decisions of richer and poorer participants (†p < .10, *p < .05).

use of trade-off thinking. Moreover, this consistency gen- higher-income participants responded similarly to the sce-
eralized across several forms of scarcity. nario presented in this study (and lower-income partici-
Might poorer participants have been thinking more pants did not reason more systematically on the Cognitive
carefully in general (and not necessarily thinking about Reflection Test; see Study S7 in Additional Methods and
trade-offs)? If this careful-thinking hypothesis is true, Results, in the Supplemental Material).
then scarcity should lead to more consistent preferences We tested two other effects that did not reveal a differ-
even when trade-off thinking is not involved. In contrast, ence between higher- and lower-income participants:
we would not expect the scarcity mind-set to make all mental budgeting and anchoring (see Table 1 and Studies
choices more stable. Inconsistent preferences can arise S8 and S9 in Additional Methods and Results, in the
from many psychological processes, ranging from deci- Supplemental Material). We tested mental budgeting
sion conflict to identity salience. Our account is specific using the lost-ticket scenario (Tversky & Kahneman,
to circumstances that require valuation of items whose 1981) and found that low-income and high-income par-
worth is vague. We argue that in these circumstances, ticipants responded similarly. Perhaps this happened
scarcity leads people to rely on relatively consistent, because mental budgets did not frame perceptions of
internally generated standards. value (e.g., “How expensive does this ticket feel?”) but
There are certainly context effects that we would not instead helped participants decide whether to buy an
expect to diminish under scarcity. For instance, we ran item again after having lost it. We were more surprised to
another study involving the pseudocertainty effect find that scarcity did not interact with anchoring to influ-
(Tversky & Kahneman, 1981). In that effect, preferences ence participants’ WTP for a variety of items (procedure
reverse not because of inconsistent valuation, but because adapted from Ariely, Loewenstein, & Prelec, 2003).
of how probabilities are evaluated. In these circumstances, Perhaps first asking a question such as “Would you pay
our theory would not predict greater consistency among more or less than $X?” fundamentally shifts the decision
the poor than among the rich, but the careful-thinking process. To answer this question, people may not draw
hypothesis would. In fact, we found that lower- and on accessible trade-offs to construct a sense of value.
Scarcity Frames Value 411

Instead, they may most immediately think of other items Acknowledgments

that cost $X or reasons why one would pay more or less We thank Marianne Bertrand, Nick Epley, Daniel Kahneman,
than $X (Strack & Mussweiler, 1997). Or perhaps anchor- Josh Schwartzstein, Jesse Shapiro, Richard Thaler, and George
ing does not shift the representation of value, but merely Wu for insightful feedback on this manuscript.
distorts the scale used to express it (Frederick & Mochon,
2012). Further research might clarify when accessible Declaration of Conflicting Interests
trade-offs guide various evaluations. The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with
This work offers a novel perspective on important respect to their authorship or the publication of this article.
questions surrounding policymaking for the poor.
Policymakers often use framing and subtle contextual Funding
changes to nudge behavior in a number of domains, from The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the National
energy (Allcott, 2012) to health (Banks et al., 1995) to vot- Science Foundation (Award 0933497), the Sloan Foundation
ing (Bryan, Walton, Rogers, & Dweck, 2011). But recent (Grant 2014-6-16), the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research,
research highlights the boundaries of such interventions. and the Neubauer Family Faculty Fellowship (University of
For example, a framing intervention might seem ideal for Chicago).
highlighting the benefits (and increasing the use) of bed
nets to keep out mosquitoes. But in fact, framing has been Supplemental Material
found to have little impact on poor individuals’ use of bed Additional supporting information can be found at http://pss
nets. Bed-net prices matter far more. Perhaps, in the con-
text of that market, the evaluation of bed nets depends
not on external frames, but rather on accessible trade-offs Open Practices
(Dupas, 2009). Likewise, policymakers might expect that
describing the fee for a payday loan in terms of an annu-
alized, instead of a biweekly, interest rate would shift the All data and materials have been made publicly available via
loan’s perceived costs. People often balk at annualized Open Science Framework and can be accessed at https://osf
interest rates that exceed 500%, which are typical of pay- .io/vyibm/files/. The complete Open Practices Disclosure for
day loans. But if trade-offs guide how money-poor bor- this article can be found at
rowers think of the fee, then the rates in the alternative supplemental-data. This article has received badges for Open
time frames will have little influence because they do not Data and Open Materials. More information about the Open
Practices badges can be found at
represent actual expenses (Collins, Morduch, Rutherford,
view/ and
& Ruthven, 2009). Instead, as Bertrand and Morse (2011)
have shown, the concrete fees to be paid will have more
impact, presumably because these are judged against
competing expenses. 1. We thank a reviewer for suggesting studies to rule out this
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2. For a recent psychological model of these effects, see the
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