Pune Uni M.B.A. (2016 Pattern)

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Total No. of Questions :5] SEAT No.

P3854 [Total No. of Pages :7
[5265] - 1001
M.B.A. - I
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - I)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question has an internal option.
3) Each question carries 10 marks.
4) Figures to the right indicate marks for questions / sub questions.
5) Use of simple calculator is permitted.

Q1) Is there any similarity between Management Accounting and Financial

Accounting? [10]


Explain any Five accounting concepts with suitable example. [10]

Q2) The following trial balance of Mr. Shah prepare the final account as on 31st
March 2017. [10]

Particulars Dr. N Cr. N

Capital 2,00,000

Land & Building 87,000

Plant & Machinery 17,500

Goodwill 20,000

Drawings 22,600

Cash in hand 1,795

Opening stock 27,000

[5265] - 1001 1 P.T.O.

Wages 10,000
Purchases 69,000

Carriage Inward 600

Travellers commission 6,000

Insurance Premium 2,000

Motor car 3,000

Carriage outward 1,400

Sales 94,000

Salaries 15,000
Bank charges 105

RDD 1,500

Debtors 20,000

Creditors 7,500
3,03,000 3,03,000

Adjustments :-

a) On 31st March 2017 the stock was valued at N 46,000/-

b) Depreciation on Plant & Machinery 10% and Motor car 20%

c) Create a Reserve for Doubtful Debts at 10% on Debtors.

d) Insurance premium amounting to N 800 is prepaid.

e) Outstanding salaries amount to N 1000.


The following balances were extracted from the books of Mr. Ashok as on
31st March 2017. Prepare Trading and profit and loss account for the year
ended 31st March 2017 and the Balance sheet as on that date after taking into
account the following adjustments : [10]

[5265] - 1001 2
Particulars Dr. (N) Cr. (N)

Capital 3,30,000

Drawings 24,450

Opening stock 2,00,000

Bills receivable 25,000

Purchases 2,75,000

Sales 4,20,000

Bills payable 60,000

Return outwards 4,500

Return inward 5,000

Plant & Machinery 1,00,000

Loose tools 25,000

Land & Building 25,000

Sundry Debtors 1,25,000

Sundry Creditors 1,40,000

Cash at bank 77,550

Salaries & wages 50,000

Repairs & Renewals 7,500

Insurance 3,000

Power & Fuel 3,500

Printing & Stationery 2,000

General expenses 6,500

9,54,500 9,54,500
[5265] - 1001 3
Adjustments :-

a) Closing stock was worth N 1,30,000.

b) Depreciation Land & building 15% and Plant & Machinery by 5%.

c) Provide for Bad and Doubtful Debts at 5% on Debtors.

d) Insurance paid in advance to the extent of N 750.

e) Revalue tools at N 20,000.

f) Provide for outstanding expenses as follows :

Salaries N 2,500 and wages N 1,000.

Q3) a) Explain in brief classification of cost as per elements. [5]

b) From the following information prepare cost sheet. [5]

Particulars Amt.

Sales 5,00,000

Direct wages 1,10,000

Factory Rent 30,000

Direct Material 2,90,000

Showroom Rent 15,000

Direct expenses 10,000

Printing & Stationery 5,000

Audit Fees 15,000


a) Write a short note on Relevant and irrelevant cost. [5]

[5265] - 1001 4
b) From the following information you are required to calculate Prime cost,
Works cost, total cost of production, cost of sales and profit. [5]

Particulars Amt.

Sales 1,00,000

Direct Material 40,000

Direct expenses 2,000

Factory Overheads 7,000

Direct Wages 10,000

Selling & Distribution overheads 2,000

Administrative overheads 5,000

Q4) Modern company Ltd. furnishes following data for the month of July 2017.
Prepare store ledger account, pricing the material issue on the basis of LIFO
Method and ascertain the value of closing stock. [10]

Date Particulars

1 Opening stock - 100 units at N 1.80

5 Purchases - 150 units at N 1.50

8 Issues - 200 units

12 Purchases - 300 units at N 1.60

18 Issues - 250 units

22 Purchases - 400 units at N 1.70

29 Issues - 400 units

30 Spoilage - 50 units


[5265] - 1001 5
The Ultra Modern Company Ltd. is divided into four departments A, B & C
production departments and D is service department. You are required to
allocate the following common overheads expenses on the basis of information
given below. [10]

Particulars N

Power 10,700

Rent and Rates 32,000

Lighting 5,000

Insurance of Factory building 3,600

Insurance of Machinery 7,200

Depreciation of Machinery 36,000

Supervision charges 25,000

Other Information :-

Production Dept. Service Dept.


Horse Power hours ratio 25 35 30 10

Space occupied sq.ft 800 600 400 200

Value of Machinery (N) 40,000 60,000 30,000 70,000

Lighting Points 50 30 20 25

Time devoted for supervision 20% 30% 25% 25%

Q5) The sales turnover and profits during two years were as follows : [10]

Year Sales Profit

2016 45,00,000 5,00,000

2017 50,00,000 7,00,000

[5265] - 1001 6
You are required to calculate

a) P/V Ratio.

b) Fixed cost.

c) Break Even point (N)

d) Sales to earn profit of N 10,00,000.
e) Margin of safety.
From the following information, prepare a flexible budget at 60% and 80%
capacity. [10]
Particulars 70% capacity (N)
Variable overheads :
Indirect Material 5,000
Indirect Labour 15,000
Semi-variable overheads :
Electricity (60% variable) 50,000
Repairs & Maintenance (35% fixed) 5,000
Fixed overheads :
Salaries 10,000
Depreciation on machine 14,000
Insurance 6,000


[5265] - 1001 7
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3855 [5265]-1002
[Total No. of Pages : 2

(2016 Pattern) (Semester-I)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Solve any one from each question.
2) All Questions are compulsory.
3) All Questions carry equal marks.

Q1) a) What do you understand by “Basic Economic Problem”? Why it is

necessary to understand the Basic Economic Problem” in the context of
Managerial decision making ? [10]
b) What did Adam Smith mean by The Invisible Hand ? Explain with suitable
example. [10]

Q2) a) Explain the concept of “Elasticity of Demand”. Differentiate between

Price and Cross Elasticity of Demand.
b) What do you understand by the term “Market Equilibrium”? Expound
the equilibrium of Monopoly firm under different cost situations. [10]

Q3) a) “Describe “Cost Volume Profit Analysis”. What are the advantages &
dis-advantages of cost Volume Profit Analysis? [10]
b) Why does an exporter face a foreign exchange risk ? How can the exporter
hedge its foreign exchange risk ? [10]

1 P.T.O.
Q4) a) Discuss the Roles and Functions of RBI with respect to
i) Currency
ii) Credit Control;
iii) Balance of Payment. [10]
b) What is “Capital Market”? Explain the Role of SEBI in Indian Capital
Market. [10]

Q5) a) Enlighten the following terms and their singnificance in foreign trade:
ii) WTO
b) Illuminate the following terms: [2×5=10]

i) Fiscal Deficit
ii) Capital Account v/s Revenue Account


[5265]-1002 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3856 [5265]-1003 [Total No. of Pages : 2

(2016 - Pattern) (Semester-I)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All Questions are compulsory.
2) All Questions carry equal marks.
3) Justify your answer by quoting suitable examples.

Q1) a) On 14th May, 2016, P entered into a contract to purchase a motor vehicle
from D, an auto dealer, and paid Rs. 10,000/- as down payment. P
informed D that he intended to use the vehicle for comping during the
summer. The vehicle was supposed to be delivered during June, but no
delivery was made through August, P seeks to cancel the contract and to
obtain a refund of the Rs.10,000/- will he succeed? Explain in detail.
b) Explain different modes of discharging a contract in detail.

Q2) a) A agreed to sell to B 20 kg. of rice describe as ‘Dehradun Basmati’ as

per the sample shown. Although the rice supplied was in accordance
with the sample but the sample itself was of ‘Punjab sela’ an inferior
quality. The buyer refuses to make payment. What remedies are available
to the seller ?
b) Define and distinguish between ‘Condiction’ and ‘Warranty’.

Q3) a) Define dishonour of Negotiable Instrument? Explain in detail dishonour

by Non acceptance and non payment.
b) State the Meaning of Promissary Note & Bill of exchange & distinguish
between them.
1 P.T.O.
Q4) a) Define Company. Explain in detail different characterstics of Company.
b) Define share Capital. Explain the different types of shares which can be
issued by a public limited company.

Q5) Write short note (any two).

a) Rights of Consumers
b) Digital Signature
c) Trademark
d) Patent
e) Unfair Trade Practice


[5265]-1003 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3857 [5265]-1004
[Total No. of Pages : 4

(2016 Pattern) (Semester-I)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question has an internal option.
3) Each question carries 10 marks.
4) Figures to the right indicate marks for that question / sub question.
5) Support your answer with suitable live examples.
6) Your answer should be specific and to the point.
7) Draw neat diagrams & illustrations supportive to your answer.
8) Use of simple calculator permitted.
9) No graph paper will be supplied.

Q1) a) You are the marketing manager for a shampoo brand in the market. You
wish to conduct a research to find out what is current perception of
consumers about your brand vis- a -vis other brands (competitor). You
also want to know the most important factors buyers consider while
buying a brand of shampoo.
You are asked to do research on this. Prepare research proposal for the
same. [10]
b) What is Business intelligence ? Explain in detail significance of Business
Intelligence in today’s competitive business world. [10]
Q2) a) i) An automobile manufacturer observes the demand for its brand is
decreasing. Manufacturer knows that demand for its product is
linked with per capita income, interest rate & other macro economic
factors. Further, buyer purchase behavior can be linked with age,
gender, education etc. as well as competitor’s advertising product
or dealer discounts etc. Suppose manufacturer hired you as a
research consultant to solve his marketing problem.
Suggest two tentative hypotheses so as to check the same with
research data later on. [5]
1 P.T.O.
ii) “Vijay Auto” one of the leading automobile company in India, lost
market share to its competitor. In order to regain its market share,
the company plans to find out the reason for its failure in the market.
You are appointed as researcher.
1) What type of research design would you prefer ? Support
your answer with reasons.
2) State the sources through which Vijay Auto primary data.
b) Differentiate between exploratory, descriptive & experimental research
design. [10]

Q3) a) What is Secondary data ? Explain various five sources of secondary

data. Also explain advantages of secondary data in today’s business.[10]
b) A consumer durable company is planning to launch a new type washing
machine.The company would like to have information about how
consumers select a brand of washing machine.
Prepare a sample questionnaire to collect relevant data from consumers.
Q4) a) Identify with a brief reasoning each of sampling methods.
i) The population of interest is in the alphabetically order. Starting
with 7th name, every 10th member thereafter was selected as a member
of the sample. The sample, therefore, consisted of numbers 7, 17,
27, 37 and so on.
ii) A large zone was divided into 20 smaller areas. Then, four of these
areas were selected at random, and residents in these four areas
were interviewed.
iii) Executives were divided into four groups. Random samples were
taken from each of these groups.
iv) Exit interview of customer at Mall.

[5265]-1004 2
b) Define the following with example.
i) Sampling frame
ii) Census
iii) Sampling error
iv) Non - sampling error
v) Sampling unit [10]

Q5) a) i) The following table gives the number of good & defective items
produced by each of the three shifts in a factory:
Shift Good Defective
Day 900 130
Evening 700 170
Night 400 200
Test the hypothesis whether there is any association between the
shift & the quality of the parts produced ? Use a 0.05 level of
Given that Calculated chi - square = 101.86
Tabulated chi - square = 5.991 [5]

ii) In a study of job satisfaction, a series of tests was administered to

50 subjects. The following data were obtained; higher scores
represent greater satisfaction.
87, 76, 67, 58, 92, 59, 41, 50, 90, 75, 80, 81, 70,
73, 69, 61, 88, 46, 85, 97, 50, 47, 81, 87, 75, 60,
65, 92, 77, 71, 70,74, 53, 43, 61, 89, 84, 83, 70,
46, 84, 76, 78, 64, 69, 76, 78, 67, 74, 64.
Construct a stem and leaf display and interpret. [5]

[5265]-1004 3
b) Interpret the following findings of the study.
i) Average shirt size of Indian male is 40
ii) Correlation coefficient between Indian consumer’s income &
expenditure is 0.73
iii) Median salary of IT employee in India is Rs. 6,00,000 per annum.
iv) Regression equation is Y = 2+3X
where Y : Customer satisfaction
X : Quality of product
v) Consider data related to customer satisfaction.
Category of Customer No.of Customers
Highly satisfied 200
Satisfied 75
Unsatisfied 50
Highly unsatisfied 25


[5265]-1004 4
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3858 [5265]-1005
[Total No. of Pages : 1

(2016 Pattern) (Semester - I)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) a) “Organisational theories studies organisations to identify how they solve

problems and how they maximize efficiency and productivity” Do you
agree or disagree with this statement? Why? [10]
b) Define organisational Behaviour. Explain various models of organisational
Behaviour. [10]

Q2) a) Explain Big five factor model of personality with reference to any sports
personality as an example. [10]
b) Define content theories of motivation. [10]

Q3) a) Explain ‘transformational leadership’ with relevant example. [10]

b) “Group Dynamics is a system - of behaviours and psychological
processes occurring within a social groups or between social groups”
comment with relevant explanation. [10]

Q4) a) Explain the influential factors, which contribute in creating positive

organisational culture. [10]
b) Explain various stress management strategies adopted in organisations
of modern era for individuals, groups and organisation benefit. [10]

Q5) a) ‘Now-a-days, innovative approach is used as synonym for change

management? Do you agree or disagree, justify your answer with suitable
example. [10]
b) Explain Katter’s eight-step plan for implementing change. [10]

[5265]-1005 1
Total No. of Questions :5] SEAT No. :
P3859 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5265] - 1006
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - I)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question has an internal option.
3) Each question carries 10 marks.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) Choose any 1 kind of retail shop of your choice. Discuss the way it uses
4 P’s of marketing mix to position itself to as a successful business.[10]
i) Electronic store.

ii) Mobile store.

iii) Grocery store.


b) Selling and Marketing : these two terms are the one we often hear in our
day to day life, but infact they are two different functions. Distinguish
and explain selling and marketing concept in the light of above statement.

Q2) a) Consumer wants to purchase a refrigerator. Explain the consumer buying

behavior process in the context of above situation. [10]


b) Explain the comparison between organization buying behaviour and

consumer buying behaviour. [10]

[5265] - 1006 1 P.T.O.

Q3) a) What are the various elements in a Macro Environment. Explain them by
justifying how do they affect any business organization with a suitable
example. [10]

b) Undertake micro environmental analysis for any one of the following
markets. [10]
i) Beauty parlour/salon.
ii) Fast food Restaurant.

Q4) a) Explain what is market segmentation? Which segmentation variables do

you think Godrej is using for Hair dyes? [10]
b) Write short note on : (Any 2) [10]

i) USP (Unique selling proposition).

ii) Niche marketing.

iii) Differentiation and positioning.

Q5) a) What do you understand by Goods - service continuum. Explain with a

diagram and appropriate example. [10]


b) What do you understand by Product Mix. Explain its elements in context

with any FMCG product of your choice. [10]


[5265] - 1006 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3860 [Total No. of Pages : 4
[5265] - 2001
(CBCS) (2016 Pattern) (Semester - II)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question has an internal option.
3) Each question carries 10 marks.
4) Use of simple calculator is permitted.
Q1) a) Describe the finance functions as divided into three broad categories.
b) Define Financial Management. Explain goals of Financial Management.

Q2) a) i) Write a note on importance of Capital Structure. [5]

ii) Compute (WACC) Weighted Average Cost of Capital based on
following for a Company. [5]
Source Rs. in Lakh
1) Equity Share Capital (20,000 shares) 40
2) 16% Preference share capital 10
3) 14% debentures 30

The company pays dividend at 10%.

b) i) Explain various factors affecting Capital Structure of the
organization. [5]
ii) The entire capital structure of a company is provided. Determine
the after tax Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), assuming
the tax rate of 25%. [5]
Components of Capital Amount (Rs.)
Equity Capital (Expected dividends 11%) 15,00,000
10.5% Preference shares 10,00,000
9% debentures 20,00,000

Q3) a) The following is Balance Sheet on 31st March 16 of the company. [10]
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Equity shares of Fixed Assets 35,00,000
Rs. 10 each 6,00,000 Less : Depreciation
Reserve fund 4,00,000 5,00,000 30,00,000
Proft & Loss A/c 5,00,000 Stock 6,00,000
Long term loans 20,00,000 Debtors 5,00,000
Creditors 4,50,000 Cash 1,00,000
Other current liabilities 2,50,000
42,00,000 42,00,000
Additional Information :
i) Profit earned during the year is Rs. 4,50,000.
ii) Market price of share is Rs. 500.
iii) Ignore provisions regarding taxations.
Calculate the following ratios :
1) Debt - Equity Ratio.
2) Current Ratio.
3) Acid Test Ratio.
4) Earning per Share.
5) Price Earning Ratio.
b) From the following balance sheets prepare fund flow statement & also
prepare statement showing changes in working capital.
Balance Sheets
Liabilities 31/12/1994 31/12/1995 Assets 31/12/1994 31/12/1995
Equity Share Capital 1,00,000 1,20,000 Building 55,400 1,13,200
Preference share capital - 10,000 Machinery 35,600 51,300
General Reserve 6,000 11,000 Furniture 2,400 2,500
Profit & Loss A/c 7,500 20,700 Stock 36,500 38,000
5% Debentures - 26,000 Debtors 32,100 38,000
Sundry Creditors 43,500 48,400 Bank 4,800 4,000
Bank Overdraft 9,800 10,900
1,66,800 2,47,000 1,66,800 2,47,000
Depreciation written off during the year on machinery Rs. 12,800 &
furniture Rs. 400. [10]

Q4) a) From the following information of a Company suggest which of the

machine to be purchased Expected earnings after tax are given below.
Each machine requires investment of Rs. 4,00,000. [10]
[5265] - 2001 2
Year Machine A Machine B
Cash Flow Cash Flow
0 (4,00,000) (4,00,000)
1 40,000 1,20,000
2 1,20,000 1,60,000
3 1,60,000 2,00,000
4 2,40,000 1,20,000
5 1,60,000 80,000
Cost of Capital is 10%. Calculate Net present value & profitability Index.
b) M/s. Balkrishna Industries Ltd. has following investment proposal which
requires investment of Rs. 53,00,000 & has following income as cash inflows;
Year Cash Inflows
1 16,00,000
2 18,00,000
3 20,00,000
4 15,00,000
5 15,00,000
6 10,00,000
Assume cost of capital as 10% Calculate payback period, Net Present
Value and Profitability Index. [10]

Q5) a) Prepare a statement showing working capital requirement to finance a level

of activity of 10,400 units per year. The cost structure is provided below;
Particulars Cost / unit (Rs.)
Raw material 10
Direct Labour 5
Overheads 7
Profit 5
Additional Information :
i) Average raw material in stock-one month.
ii) Average material in process - 2 weeks (Assume 50% of completion
stage with full material consumption).
iii) Average finished goods in Stock-one and half month.
iv) Credit allowed by suppliers - one month.
v) Credit allowed to debtors - one month.
vi) Time lag in payment of wages - 2 weeks.
vii) Time lag in payment of overheads - 1 month.
viii) Cash basis sales - 25%.
ix) Cash balance is expected to be Rs. 15,000.
The production is carried out evenly throughout the year. [10]
[5265] - 2001 3
b) From the following information, you are required to estimate the net
working capital
Particulars Cost per Unit (Rs.)
Raw material Rs. 400
Direct Labour Rs. 150
Overhead (Excluding depreciation) Rs. 300
Total Cost 850
Additional Information :
• Selling price : Rs. 1000 per unit.
• Output - Rs. 52,000 units per annum.
• Raw material in Stock-Average 4 weeks.
• Work in progress (Assume 50% of completion stage with full material
consumption) - Average 2 weeks.
• Finished goods in stock - Average 4 weeks.
• Credit allowed by suppliers - Average 4 weeks.
• Credit allowed to Debtors - Average 8 weeks.
• Cash at Bank - Rs. 50,000/-.
Assume that production is carried out evenly throughout the year. Assume
52 weeks equal to one year. All sales are on credit basis. [10]


[5265] - 2001 4
Total No. of Questions :5] SEAT No. :
P3861 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5265] - 2002
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - II)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Answer 5 Questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks(10).
3) Draw neat diagram if required.

Q1) Define ‘Quality’. Explain ‘Lean management’.

Discuss ‘TQM’ and ‘Quality circle’.

Q2) Explain the ‘continuous flow system’ and ‘intermittent flow system’.
Discuss ‘process’ and ‘production’ Lag - out.

Q3) What is the concept of Demand Forecasting? Explain Forecasting as a planning

Explain the role and functions of production planning and control (PPC).

Q4) Write short notes on (any two)

a) ABC Analysis.
b) Types of Inventory.
c) Inventory planning.

[5265] - 2002 1 P.T.O.

A manufacturing co. needs 2500 unit of a particular component every year.
The order processing cost for this part is estimated at Rs. 15 and the cost of
carrying a part in stock comes to about Rs. 4 per year. Determine the EOQ
and the optional number of order in a year.

Q5) Define the concept of ‘SCM’. Explain the key issues of supply chain


Write the functions of SCM. Describe the evolution from physical distribution
to logistics to ‘SCM’.


[5265] - 2002 2
Total No. of Questions :10] SEAT No. :
P3862 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5265] - 2003
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - II)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question carries 10 marks.
3) Draw neat and suitable diagram, if necessary.

Q1) “MIS is a system designed to provide selected decision oriented information

that emphasizes business performance.” Elaborate this statement.


Q2) For the back office for 400 plus computers, IT manager wants to design a
highly reliable computer network with better expandability. Suggest a right

Q3) “DBMS has strengthened the foundation of MIS”. Justify this statement.


Q4) The owner of a Aniket Loundry wants to develop an online app. Forecast the
phases of SDLC model for the app.

Q5) “Artificial intelligence will change the face of businesses in next decade”.
Comment on the statement with various examples.


Q6) “A data mining process must be reliable and must be repeatable by business
people with little or no knowledge of data mining background”. Do you agree?
Justify your answer.

[5265] - 2003 1 P.T.O.

Q7) “BPOs and KPOs in India: Here to stay for a decade and more”. Justify this


Q8) Mobile Computing has emerged as a different technology. Explain how mobile
computing will be useful for organizations?

Q9) How MIS is applied in Hospital Management? Discuss in detail its critical
control application.


Q10)A mobile company is developing mobile billing system. The company is

offering more than one mobile to a customer. The mobile company offers
facilities like music on demand, internet, alerts and messages, electricity bill
payment, etc. Customer can choose facilities he wants customer can pay bills
either in cash, using credit card or through ECS. The bill shows details about
tariff, facility charges and rent. As an MIS officers suggests a proper billing
system having

a) Input screen for application for new mobile number.

b) Format of Pending Bill Report.

c) Format of service wise customer report.

** Don’t draw any respective format


[5265] - 2003 2
Total No. of Questions :5] SEAT No. :
P3863 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5265] - 2004
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - II)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions carry equal marks.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Explain the nature and scope of HRM.


Discuss the Devanna et.al SHRM matching model.

Q2) What is HRP? Explain the process of HRP in detail.


Discuss various internal and external sources of recruitment.

Q3) What are the different methods of implementing training programms?


What is Training Need Assessment (TNA)? Explain the process of TNA.

Q4) Define performance. Why is it important to measure performance?


Explain the various methods of performance Appraisal.

[5265] - 2004 1 P.T.O.

Q5) Define Industrial Relations and explain the importance of having sound Industrial


Write short notes on any two of the following :

a) Flexible work arrangements.

b) Organisational Entry.

c) Lay off.

d) Employee surveys.


[5265] - 2004 2
Total No. of Questions :5] SEAT No. :
P3864 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5265] - 2005
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - II)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Answer five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks(10).
3) Write suitable examples where needed.

Q1) What do you mean by ‘new product development’? Explain the new product
development process on FMCG Goods as detergent powder.


Explain the concept of PLC and strategies across stages of the PLC with an
example of Luxurious Goods.

Q2) Define ‘setting of pricing’. Describe the factors influencing pricing decisions.


Explain the ‘Differentiated pricing’ and ‘Promotional pricing’ with example.

Q3) Explain the major consideration in the selection of distribution channel for any
durable goods with example.


Write the ‘marketing channel levels’. Illustrate the channel flow of the product
as Durable goods with example.

[5265] - 2005 1 P.T.O.

Q4) What is the concept of ‘Direct marketing’ and Integrated Marketing
Communication (IMC).


What do you mean by ‘Target Audience’? Illustrate the factors in setting the
effective marketing mix for any FMCG product as example.

Q5) What is the ‘marketing plan’? Explain the contents of marketing plan.


What is the concept of ‘Marketing Audit’? Explain its proper implementation

in marketing.


[5265] - 2005 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3865 [Total No. of Pages : 3
[5265] - 2006
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - II)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Each question has an internal option.
2) Each question carries 10 marks.
3) Graph paper will not be provided.
4) Non Scientific calculator is allowed.
Q1) A project manager has 4 subordinates and 4 task. His estimate of the time that
each would take to perform each task is given in the matrix below. How
should be the task allocated, so that the total man hours are minimized. [10]
1 8 26 17 11
2 13 28 4 26
3 38 19 18 15
4 19 26 24 10
Find the initial feasible solution for a given transportation matrix to reduce the
cost using VAM method. [10]
D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply
01 5 3 6 2 19
02 4 7 9 1 37
03 3 4 7 5 34
Demand 16 18 31 25 90

Q2) Solve the given LPP using graphical method to maximize Z = 100x + 150y,
Subject to, 2x + y ≤ 30,
x + 3y ≤ 45
Where, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0. [10]

A bakery keeps stock of branded cake. Daily demand based on the past
experience and its probability is given below.
Demand 0 15 25 35 45 50
Probability 0.01 0.15 0.20 0.50 0.12 0.02
Consider the following sequence of random number - and
48, 78, 9, 51, 56, 77, 15, 14, 68 and 09.
a) Simulate the demand for next 10 days.
b) Find the Average demand of Cake.
c) Find the stock situation of cake at the end of each day, if the owner of
bakery decides to make 35 cakes every day. [10]

Q3) For the given profit matrix, find the optimal strategy using, [10]
a) Max Mini criteria.
b) Laplace criteria.
c) Hurwicz criteria (α = 0.7).
N1 N2 N3 N4
S1 30 10 10 8
S2 40 –15 5 7
S3 50 20 –6 10
Solve the following game using dominance rule. [10]
Player B
Strategy 1 2 3 4 5
I 1 3 2 7 4
Player A

II 3 4 1 5 6
III 6 5 7 6 5
IV 2 0 6 3 1

Q4) We have 5 jobs each of which must go through the machines A, B & C. in the
order ABC. Processing time in (hrs.) is as follows : [10]
Job 1 2 3 4 5
Machine A 5 8 6 9 5
Machine B 2 1 4 5 3
Machine C 3 7 5 6 7
Determine the sequence of the jobs that will minimize the total elapsed time.
Also find the idle time for all machines as well.
[5265] - 2006 2
Write short notes on (any Two) : [10]
a) Concept of PERT and CPM.
b) Concept of Network diagram with example.
c) Dummy activities and events with example.
d) Floats and its types with example.

Q5) A box contains 6 white and 8 red balls. The Second box contain 9 white and
10 red balls. One ball is drawn at random from the first box and put in the
second box without noticing its colour. A ball is drawn at random from Second
box. What is a probability that it is red? [10]
In an intelligence test administered to 1000 students, the average score was 42
and the standard deviation 24. [10]
Find -
a) The number of students lying between 30 and 54 marks.
b) The value of score exceeded by top 100 students.
(Given Z at 0.5 = 0.1915, Z at 1.28 = 0.4).


[5265] - 2006 3
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :

P4346 [Total No. of Pages : 4

M.B.A (Semester - III)
(2016 Pattern)
Time : 2.15 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All Questions are compulsory.
2) Each question carries 10 marks.
3) Each Question has an internal option.
4) Support your answers with suitable examples.

Q1) a) Case Study:

Bihar Prashasanik Sudhar Mission’s SMS based monitoring System With
a vision to improve Governance and increase citizen’s participation in
development. Government of Bihar (Go B) launched ‘Bihar Prashasanik
Sudhar Mission Society” (BPSM). Having a goal to inform the additional
way, the government works in order to deliver better quality services to
its entire citizen. BPSM is Committed to get positive change all around.
The Department for International Development (DFID) is financing the
administration of BPSM and is also providing resources to help Govt.
Of Bihar to implement administrative reforms, modernize administrative
Process, strengthen human resource management and increase
accountability under Bihar Government and Administrative Reforms
Program (BGARP).
The key challenge for BPSMS was to ensure that it converts itself
from lean, flexible and agile Govt. Organization to an organization
constantly evolving IT and administrative reform strategies. It required
innovation in the areas of training, organizational development and work
organization. The scale and scope of the challenge became apparent
when the tasks of data collection from blocks were taken by the Bihar
Prashasanik Sudhar Mission Society. One of the major hurdles in
achieving success for BPSM was the proper monitoring of the daily
works and achieves the different Govt. Funded schemes and projects.

Scheme such a MNREGS, Scholarship Distributions, Indira Awas Yojna
and distribution of dress/bicycle are needed to be closely monitored as
they are directly concerned with the upliftment of poor and mostly
excluded citizens. The need of the new system was an output of highly
centralized and orthodox processes of our administrative system. The
wait for the report from the block level officers, prevents from quick
reviews and actions against the defaulters. Delay in reporting results delay
in taking decisions. Since, these schemes and projects are executed at
the lowest administrative level of government, i.e. in blocks, and the
infrastructure of our blocks is in pitiful status. To overcome this problem,
our need was to establish a system whose requirements for successful
implementation are lost but has a large coverage area. Due to improper
monitoring the poor and needy people couldn’t get the actual benefits of
these schemes. Use of mobile phone technology was an innovative idea.
It demanded less exploration and could provide quick result. It’s simple
and cheap technology. A plain simple text message was found capable
of moving data from one end of the world to another. it also adheres
many advantages like low cost monitoring and fastest mode for
information access. In, ten schemes/projects were initially selected.
The block level officers of the different schemes viz. NREGS, Pension,
Dress/ Bicycle distribution, Scholarship distribution, ICDS, Health, Food,
Indira Awas Yojana, Mutation, and rainfall status, send their daily progress
report through a simple text SMS. Every Scheme is given a particular
code, such as NREGS- BLI, BL denotes Block Level report and I is the
scheme code for NREGS; similarly Pension - BL2, Dress/Bicycle - BL
3 and so on. A particular reporting format was also designed for each
monitored schemes. In NREGS, the daily progress of tolal expenses in
block, no. of presently running schemes and count of today’s beneficiary
labors were required for the block. The following two character code
format was designed for NREGS (BLI), EX - Expense (in Lacs), SC -
No. of Schemes and NL - No. of labors working today. A simple text
message of BLI, EX2.24, SC 10, NL123 from Program Officer of
NREGS was sufficient for acquiring his per day work progress. The
SMSs are sent to a centralized SMS server where it is decoded and on
the basis of receiving data, different types of reports as well as Graphs
are generated. The server keeps tracks of all the received SMSs. Reports
are generated on the basis of the Report submitted by the Block Officer,
therefore wrong information signed by them result in generation of wrong

[5265]-3001 2
Thus the responsibility of data rests upon the sender. "Just because that
these SMSs are to be sent every day, the efficiency of the blocks has
been surprisingly increased”, as quoted by a District Magistrate. The
reports are published on the internet for the public to bring transparency
in the system. Thus, people can know how much dresses & bicycles
were distributed in their blocks and the numbers of schemes currently
being carried out by NREGA. Thus, the final achievement of this new
system is that it generates a noticeable shift towards daily accountability
that can enhance performance of Govt. Functioning.
i) Explain how big IT Companies are neglecting their focus from the
basic technological use.
ii) Explain the role of strategy formulation in above case.
b) Elaborate Porter’s 5 forces model of competition. State how these 5
forces influence external environment of an organization.

Q2) a) Explain the strategic options of the firms operating in emerging and growth
stage industries? Illustrate with examples.
b) Explain BCG Matrix in detail? Explain how GE Nine Cell model is
advantageous over BCG Matrix.

Q3) a) Why do firms enter into strategic alliances? How can organizations manage
strategic alliances successfully?
b) Write short notes on.
i) Merger and Acquisition Strategies.
ii) Low Cost Strategies.

Q4) a) Explain relevance of Mintzberg’s 5Ps for strategy implementation.

Illustrate with suitable example.
b) “Balance Score card is a superior tool for strategy evaluation”. Justify.

[5265]-3001 3
Q5) a) Explain the characteristics and principles of Blue Ocean and Red Ocean
strategies in detail.
b) Write short note on any two:
i) Strategy Canvas
ii) Triple bottom line
iii) e-Commerce Business Models.


[5265]-3001 4
Total No. of Questions :5] SEAT No. :
P3866 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5265] - 3002
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question carries 10 marks.
3) Use of non - programmable calculators is allowed.

Q1) a) The ‘Balanced Score Card’ is a performance measurement system which

attempts to create a blend of financial and non - financial measures in a
balanced manner. Explain with suitable example.
b) Tech Patni is heavily decentralized. Division A has always acquired some
components from division B. However division B has intimated increase
in its price to Rs 150/pc. Manager of division A has opposed the same
since similar product is available in outside market @ 120/pc. Division B
has supported its price rise as it is bearing heavy depreciation charge on
specialized equipment they have bought specially for the component.
Additional information is as follows :-
Total capacity of Division A : 10,000 pcs p.a.
B’s variable costs : Rs 100/pc
B’s fixed costs : Rs. 30/pc.
Suppose there is no alternate use of division B’s capacity,
i) Will the company as a whole benefit if A buys the component from
outside @ Rs 120/pc.?
ii) Suppose outside market price of the component drops by 30/pc;
what would you suggest to the manager of division A?
iii) If B can earn rent of Rs 5,00,000, if it is not manufacturing the
component, will the company as a whole benefits if A buys the
component from the outside market?

[5265] - 3002 1 P.T.O.

Q2) a) Write short notes on :

i) Technical performance Measurement.

ii) Post completion Audit.


b) Explain the concept, need and process of capital budgeting.

Q3) a) Justify the need and importance of parameters like NPAs and credit
appraisal for measuring a bank’s performance, in current banking scenario
in India, in particular.

b) Evaluate the performance of a retail organisation in the context of
i) Sell through analysis.
ii) Multiple attribute method.

Q4) a) Elaborate in detail the steps involved in performance evaluation of a

b) What is an NGO? Explain the need for evaluatory performance appraisal
of an NGO.

Q5) a) Explain auditing as a performance measurement tool in the light of Internal

Audit and Cost Audit.


b) Write notes on :-

i) Financial Audit.

ii) Objectives of Audit.

[5265] - 3002 2
Total No. of Questions :5] SEAT No. :
P3867 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5265] - 3003
M.B.A. - II
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Define entrepreneur and explain the role of entrepreneur in economic

development. [10]
An entrepreneur could be a manager but a manager cannot be an entrepreneur-
Discuss. [10]

Q2) A product is anything that can be offered to a market for procurement, use or
consumption. What are the criteria for product selection? [10]
Write short note on
a) Franchising. [5]
b) Sponsorship & Acquisition. [5]

Q3) Explain the role of SME in economic development of India. [10]

Discuss economic viability and market feasibility as some of the factors
considered by financial institutions while appraising a project. [10]

[5265] - 3003 1 P.T.O.

Q4) Explain the role of small Industries Development corporation. [10]
Write short note on

a) Sale of Goods Act. [5]

b) Shops and Establishment Act. [5]

Q5) Discuss the case of any successful entrepreneur you know. Explain the factors
that made him/her successful. [10]


Discuss the case of any unsuccessful entrepreneur you know and explain the
factors that made him/her unsuccessful. [10]


[5265] - 3003 2
Total No. of Questions :5] SEAT No. :
P3868 [Total No. of Pages :4
[5265] - 3004
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question has an internal option.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Use of simple calculator is allowed.

Q1) a) What is a commercial bank? What are the main functions performed by a
commercial bank? [10]
b) Discuss the role of banks in a developing economy. [10]

Q2) a) Explain the important role of Reserve Bank of India in regulating the
banking system in India. [10]
b) What is a NPA? Explain the provisions for NPA. [10]

Q3) a) Explain the following terms in brief. [10]

i) RTGS.
ii) ATM.
iii) MICR.
v) Internet Banking.

[5265] - 3004 1 P.T.O.

b) Explain the procedure for preparation of Bank Reconciliation statement
when balance as per cash book. [10]

Q4) a) From the following particulars of R Bank Ltd. prepare profit and loss
account for the year ended 31st March, 2016. [10]

Interest on loan 69,800

Interest on Fixed Deposit 73,000

Rebate on Bills Discount 9,600

Commission charged on customer 1,820

Office expenses 31,000

Discount on bills discounted 38,800

Interest on cash deposit 44,800

Interest on overdraft 25,600

Rent & Taxes 3,600

Other expenses 360

Printing & stationery 780

Postal expenses 300

Interest on saving deposit account 13,800

Directors remuneration 840

Balance of profit and loss account 2,400


b) From the following figures taken from the books of JG Bank Ltd., you
are required to prepare profit & loss account and Balance sheet as on
31st March, 2017. [10]

[5265] - 3004 2
Particulars Amount (Rs.)
10,000 shares of Rs. 200 each, Rs. 100 paid 10,00,000
Reserve Funds 7,00,000
Fixed deposit account 19,00,000
Saving Bank account 60,00,000
Current account 1,60,00,000
Money at call and short notice 6,00,000
Investment at cost 60,00,000
Interest accrued and paid 4,00,000
Salaries (including salary to GM Rs. 48,000 &
Directors fee Rs. 10,000) 1,60,000
Rent 40,000
Profit & loss (Cr.) 1/4/2016 4,20,000
General expenses (including stationery Rs. 10,000 &
Auditors fees Rs. 4,000) 20,000
Dividend for 2015 - 2016 1,00,000
Premises (after depreciation up to 31.3.2016 Rs. 2,00,000) 24,00,000
Cash in hand 1,20,000
Cash with RBI 30,00,000
Cash with other banks 26,00,000
Borrowed from banks 14,00,000
Interest and discounts 15,00,000
Bills discounted and purchased 12,00,000
Bills payable 16,00,000
Loans overdrafts and cash credits 1,40,00,000
Unclaimed dividend 60,000
Bills for collection 2,80,000
Sundry creditors 60,000
Acceptance & endorsements on behalf of customers 4,00,000

[5265] - 3004 3
Additional information:

i) Rebate on Bills discounted and purchased for unexpired term Rs.


ii) Allow 5% depreciation on premises on original cost.

iii) Provision for doubtful debts amounting to Rs. 60,000 is required.

iv) Create a provision of Rs. 2,00,000 for taxation.

v) The bank has no business outside India.

Q5) a) i) Mr. R recently purchased a bond with a Rs. 1000 face value, a 10%
coupon rate, and four years to maturity. The bond makes annual
interest payments, the first to be received one year from today. Mr.
R paid Rs. 1032.40 for the bond.

What is the bond’s yield to Maturity? [5]

ii) Mr. X has borrowed a home loan of Rs. 10,00,000 at an interest

rate of 9% p.a. for 15 years.

Calculate the EMI. [5]


b) Mrs. A has deposited Rs. 6,000 in a saving account on 1st June 2016.
Bank pays interest at a rate of 9% p.a.

Compute the amount of Interest that will be earned over 12 years period

i) if the interest is simple?

ii) if the interest is compounded annually?


[5265] - 3004 4
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :

P4347 [Total No. of Pages : 2

M.B.A (Semester - III)
(2016 Pattern)
Time : 2.15 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All Questions are compulsory.
2) Each Question has an internal option.
3) Each question carries 10 marks.
4) Your answers should be specific and to the point.
5) Support your answers with suitable live examples.

Q1) a) What is meant by the term organizational design? Describe organizational

structure. [10]
b) Discuss in detail essentials of the Classical Organizational Theories.[10]

Q2) a) What is job enlargement &job enrichment? Discuss its importance &
purpose with illustration. [10]
b) Define Authority. Explain theories of authority. [10]

Q3) a) What is Geopolitics? Elaborate theories of international politics. [10]

b) Describe theory of Heartland by Mackinder and theory of Rimland.[10]

Q4) a) What do you mean by National Security? Explain its traditional &
contemporary meaning. [10]
b) Describe the components & elements of National Power. [10]

Q5) a) What do you mean by Environment Scan? Discuss the techniques of

carrying out Net Assessment. [10]


b) Write note on (05 Marks each) [10]

i) BMC Analysis

ii) PESTL Analysis


[5265]-3005 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3869 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3006
(Semester - III) (2016 Pattern)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All Questions are compulsory.
2) Each Question has an internal option.
3) Each question carries 10 marks.
4) Your answers should be specific and to the point.
5) Support your answers with suitable live examples.

Q1) a) Explain in detail different types of Innovation. [10]

b) Define creativity and innovation. How do you differentiate creativity and
innovation? [10]

Q2) a) What is Brainstorming and explain in detail Nominal Group Technique

(NGT). [10]
b) Which are the main cognitive factors that may predict creative
achievement? Use examples from your personal life to illustrate your
points. [10]

Q3) a) Differentiate between a Manager and a leader? [10]

b) Which are the key ingredients of leadership? [10]

[5265] - 3006 1 P.T.O.

Q4) a) Discuss in detail Goal Setting and reward Systems. [10]
b) Explain in detail an Organizational Structure. [10]

Q5) a) Discuss in detail the situational approach to change management. [10]

b) Why is culture an important determinant of organizational creativity and
innovation? Discuss. [10]

l l l

[5265] - 3006 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3870 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3007
(FBM Specialisation)
(Semester - III) (2016 Pattern)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All Questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) Discuss in brief succession and continuity in family business. [10]

b) Comment upon the dilemmas & challenges are encounters in family
businesses. [10]

Q2) a) What is the best way of seeking a balanced approach in family business.[10]
b) Bring to light the life-cycle stages of family businesses. [10]

Q3) a) What are the constituents of successful planning in family businesses.[10]

b) What are the unique characteristics beholded by effective business
families. [10]

Q4) a) How should the next generation carry forward their businesses. [10]
b) Bring about the importance of outside experience in shaking the family
business. [10]

[5265] - 3007 1 P.T.O.

Q5) a) Write Short Note on : - (Any 2) [10]

i) To join or not to join.

ii) Women in family business.

iii) Strengths of family businesses.


b) How do the professional advisors and consultants help in shaking the

family business. [10]

l l l

[5265] - 3007 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3871 [Total No. of Pages : 7
[5265] - 3008
(Semester - III) (2016 Pattern)

Time : 2 ¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Use of simple calculator is allowed.
3) Figures to right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) Define and explain following Terms : - [10]

i) Person

ii) Assessment year and previous year.

iii) Assessee

iv) Direct Tax and Indirect Tax.


b) Explain the concept ‘Residential Status’ and Discuss how residential

status of an individual assessee is decided. [10]

Q2) a) Mr. GST is employed in a universal Pvt. Company at Mumbai. He gives

following information about his salary for the previous year 2016-17.[10]

i) Basic salary - Rs. 15,000 p.m.

ii) Dearness Allowance - Rs. 6,000 p.m. (out of which Rs. 2,000 p.m.
is forming part of retirement benefits).

iii) Bonus for the year = Rs. 40,000.

[5265] - 3008 1 P.T.O.

iv) Advance salary for April 2017 which is drawn in March 2017 = Rs.

v) Interest on R.P.F. at 13% = Rs. 39,000.

vi) Employer’s contribution to R.P.F. is 15% of salary.

vii) He is provided with furnished accommodation at Mumbai which is

owned by employer.

The fair rental value of accommodation is Rs. 10,000 p.m.

Cost of furniture is Rs. 50,000 and rent paid for accommodation

by Mr. GST is Rs. 2,000 pm.

viii) Hospital bill reimbursed by the employer Rs. 32,000.

ix) He has been provided with 1800CC car for both official and private
purpose. The entire expenses of Rs. 45,000 on running and
maintenance of car are met by employer, and employer is owner of
the car.

x) Professional Tax paid = Rs. 2,500 p.a. Compute taxable income

from salary for the A.Y. 2017-18.


b) Mr. Chintamani who is general manager at Bharat - India Pvt. Ltd. Pune,
receives following salary and other benefits from his employer for the
previous year 2016-17. [10]

i) Basic salary Rs. 15,000 p.m.

ii) Dearness Allowance Rs. 2,000 p.m.

(Do not form part of retirement benefit)

iii) Employer’s contribution to R.P.F. @ 14% of salary.

iv) City compensatory allowance Rs. 100 p.m.

v) House Rent Allowance = Rs. 1,000 p.m.

(Rent paid by assessee for the house Rs. 1500 p.m.)

[5265] - 3008 2
vi) Travelling Allowance Rs. 2,000 p.a. and he spent Rs. 1800 p.a.
vii) Entertainment Allowance = Rs. 1,000 p.m.
viii) He is supplied with free gas, water and electricity, for which the
employer pays Rs. 1,000 p.m.
ix) Professional Taxpaid Rs. 225 p.m.
Compute taxable income from salary for the A.Y. 2017-18.

Q3) a) Mr. Sam owns a house which is let out. He has given following information
for the previous year 2016-17. [5]
i) It’s Municipal Valuation is Rs. 60,000 and has been let out at a rent
of Rs. 6,000 p.m.
ii) For this house, he pays municipal taxes Rs. 6,000.
iii) The house remained vacant for 2 months.
iv) Rs. 20,000 could not be recovered from the defaulting tenant during
this year.
Compute taxable income from house property for the A.Y. 2017-18.
b) Explain the concepts long term and short term capital gain. [5]
a) Mr. Gyan Furnishes following information about his house for the previous
year 2016-17 [5]
i) This house is let out for residence.
ii) I’s fair rent is Rs. 2,32,000 and Municipal valuation is Rs. 2,35,000.
iii) Municipal Taxes Rs. 5,000 are outstanding.
iv) Annual Rent is Rs. 2,35,000.
v) Interest on capital paid Rs. 1,14,000.

Compute taxable income from House property for the A.Y. 2017-18.

b) Give a note on ‘Income from other sources’ along with examples. [5]

[5265] - 3008 3
Q4) The following is the Profit and Loss Account of Mr. Abhinav for the year
ending 31st Mar.2017. [10]

Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.

To Salaries 1,60,000 By Gross Profit 4,20,000

To Rent and Taxes 60,000 By Commission Received 42,000

To Commission 16,000 By Other receipts 4,200

To advertisement 15,000 By Interest on fixed deposits 35,000

To Reserve for futurelosses 8,000 By Gift from friend 2,900

To Depreciation 20,000

To Legal expenses

on Income Tax proceeding 2,000

To Conveyance 8,400

To Stationery Expenses 15,200

To Bonus 16,000

To Contribution to R.P.F. 12,500

To Interest on capital 13,000

To Net profit 1,58,000

5,04,100 5,04,100

Additional Information

a) Depreciation allowable as per Income Tax Rule is Rs. 18,000.

b) Rent and taxes includes Rs. 8,000 as property tax on residential house
of Mr. Abhinav.

[5265] - 3008 4
c) Advertisement includes Rs. 12,000 as the cost of permanent sign board
Fixed on the premises.

d) Sundry receipts Rs. 4,000 are in respect of recovery of personal loan

given to a friend of Mr. Abhinav.

e) Contribution by the employer to RPF is due on 31/03/2017 Rs. 4,000,

which was deposited on 25/06/2017.

Compute taxable income from business for the A.Y. 2017 - 18.


Following is the receipts and payments account of medical practitioner for

the year ending 31st March 2017. [10]

Receipts Rs. Payments Rs.

To Balance b/d 1,10,000 By Clinic Rent 2,20,000

To Visiting Fees 2,55,000 By Staff Salaries 1,80,000

To Consultation Fees 2,75,000 By Electricity and Water 9,000

To Sales of Medicines 1,25,000 By Medical Books 4,000

To Sale of old equipment By Purchase of

at Book Value 8,000 Medicines 80,000

To Operation Theatre Rent 1,15,000 By Motor car expenses 60,000

To Interest and Dividend 20,000 By Audit Fees 20,000

By Staff welfare expenses 8,000

By Entertainment
Expenses 6,000

By Surgical equipments 1,30,000

By Bal c/d 1,91,000

9,08,000 9,08,000

[5265] - 3008 5
Additional Information:

a) Depreciation as per Income Tax rules on Motor car for professional use
is Rs. 6,000.

b) One - Third of Motor car expenses relate to his personal use.

c) The rate of Depreciation on Surgical equipment is 15%. The Written

Down Value (WDV) of equipment brought forward from earlier year
was Rs. 23,000.

Compute the taxable income from profession for the A.Y. 2017-18.

Q5) a) Mrs. Dasgupta who is professor at ‘Vision Institute of Management’ at

Pune, a private employee, gives following information about her yearly
income (Previous year 2016-17). [10]

i) Gross salary including Basic, DA and HRA is Rs. 6,05,300.

ii) Remuneration for conducting oral examinations from S.P. Pune

University Rs. 4,000.

iii) Royalty from Book on ‘GST’ Rs. 16,300.

iv) Taxable income from House Property Rs. 22,800.

v) Interest on government securities Rs. 4,000.

vi) Interest on deposites with Amol and Co. Rs. 2,600.

vii) She paid tuition fees of her son studying in engineering college.
Rs. 60,000 (including development fee of Rs. 10,000).

viii) Her contribution to Recognised provident, Fund is Rs. 11,000.

ix) She deposited in PPF account Rs. 10,000.

x) Mediclaim insurance premium on the health of dependent mother

(age 68 years) Rs 15,500.

[5265] - 3008 6
xi) Donation to approved charitable institution Rs. 5,000.

xii) Professional Tax Rs. 2,700 and income tax Rs. 35,000 are deducted
from her salary.

Compute total taxable income and tax liability for the A.Y. 2017-18.


b) Mr. Singhania who is Senior Citizen (age 64) and who is handicapped
(50% disability) of pune and employed at Namo Pvt. Ltd gives you
following information for the previous year 2016-17. [10]

i) Net Taxable Salary Rs. 4,37,100.

ii) Loss from Self occupied house property Rs. 30,000.

iii) During the year, he has received interest on government securities

Rs 18,000 (Gross) and Family pension of his wife Rs. 3,000 per

iv) During the year, he has made investment in National Saving

Certificates of Rs. 20,000 and has paid Rs. 18,000 as premium on
Life Insurance of his son.

v) He also donated Rs. 24,000 to the prime Minister’s National Relief


vi) Income from Business as per Income Tax rules Rs. 2,00,000.

vii) Company has deducted TDS of Rs. 4,000 compute total taxable
income and tax liability for the A.Y. 2017-18.

l l l

[5265] - 3008 7
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3872 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3009
(Semester - III) (2016 Pattern)

Time : 2¼Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All Questions are compulsory.
2) Each Question has an internal option.
3) All Questions carry equal marks. Each Question carries 10 marks.

Q1) a) Explain Centralised and De-Centralised Management in a Hospital setup.


b) Explain the difference between Hospital Management and Hospital


Q2) a) What are Hospital Services? Explain.


b) Highlight the functioning of the various chemical services Departments

of a Hospital.

Q3) a) Explain the role of the members in the Hospital Planning Team.


b) Elucidate, explain the theory involved in Organisational Development

with reference to a Hospital.

[5265] - 3009 1 P.T.O.

Q4) a) Why is there a Resistance to change and what are the causes for


b) Differentiate between the classical and contemporary models of

Managerial Behaviour.

Q5) a) What are the different support services Department involved in managing
a Hospital - Explain.


b) Classify and Explain the Hospital Services.

l l l

[5265] - 3009 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3873 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3010
(Semester - III) (2016 Pattern)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions carry equal marks.
2) All questions are compulsory.

Q1) a) Explain Indian Constitution and Labour Legislation in brief.


b) What are the challenges and problems under labour legislation?

Q2) a) The Factories act 1948 is an social welfare legislation. Comment with
special referance to welfare provisions under this act.


b) Explain in brief the health provisions from section 15 to Section 20 under

the Factories act 1948.

Q3) a) Define “Wages”. Discuss the provisions related to deductions under

payment & wages act 1936.


b) Explain the employer’s obligation to pay minimum and maximum bonus

under payment of bonus act. 1965.

[5265] - 3010 1 P.T.O.

Q4) a) Elaborate main provisions of the payment of gratuity act 1972. (Any
Five Provisions).


b) Explain the term ‘dependant’ under the workmen’s compensations act


Q5) Attempt any two:

a) Sickness and funeral benefits under ESI.

b) Latest Amendment of the maternity benefits act 1961.

c) Family pension fund scheme under PF.

d) Forfeiture of gratuity.

l l l

[5265] - 3010 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3874 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3011
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Solve any one from each question.
2) All questions are compulsory.
3) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) a) What is ‘Balance of Payment’? Explain the causes of disequilibrium of

balance of payment?


b) Explain the nature and scope of International Business.

Q2) a) Critically examine Hecksher-Ohlin theory of international trade.


b) Discuss the implications of international trade theories.

Q3) a) What is fixed exchange rate? Discuss the merits and demerits of fixed
exchange rate?


b) What is exchange arbitrage? Distinguish between spot and forward

exchange rates.

[5265] - 3011 1 P.T.O.

Q4) a) Describe the role of Multinational Corporations?


b) Explain the purchasing power parity theory of exchange rate determination.

Q5) a) Explain the objectives and Functions of World Bank.


b) What is Special Drawing Rights? How is it determined? What is its role

as international reserve asset?

l l l

[5265] - 3011 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3875 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3012
IT Specialization
(Semester - III) (2016 Pattern)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks (10 marks each).

Q1) Explain in detail how do you do Hardware and Network Management for
Passport Department, Govt., of India as you have got an opportunity to play
a role of IT head for the same department. [10]


What do you mean by managerial considerations like Aquisition, maintenance,

controlling and replacement of Hardware with reference to any reputed Bank.

Q2) Write a note on any two of the following: [10]

a) Programming Languages

b) ERP

c) E-Commerce

d) CRM


Define operating system and write the importance of Database Management

Programs, server and system utilities for an organisation. [10]

[5265] - 3012 1 P.T.O.

Q3) How do you protect computer crimes by using security management tools,
security Defences, System controls and Audit. [10]


Explain how a large IT organisation do selection and Recruitment, training,

Retention and performance measurement for their people (Employees). [10]

Q4) Define Encryption and explain with examples Symmetric cryptography,

Asymmetric cryptography. [10]


Explain the need of Digital Signature, creating and verifying a Digital Signature.

Q5) What do you mean by Digital Signature, Certification, Generation, Suspension

and Revocation of Digital Signature Certificate. [10]


Write the need for certifying Authority and his powers, and functions of a
controller in detail. [10]

l l l

[5265] - 3012 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3876 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3013
(Semester - III) (2016 Pattern)

Time : 2 Hours & 15 Min.] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Explain in detail Five - Step Strategic Planning Process.


Discuss in detail ‘Role of advertising agencies in IMC’.

Q2) Explain in detail types of advertising.


Discuss in detail consumer sales promotion for,

a) Smart phone.

b) Packaged Drinking Water.

Q3) Elaborate role of direct marketing in IMC [Integrated Marketing



Explain public relations, along with its advantages & disadvantages.

[5265] - 3013 1 P.T.O.

Q4) Discuss in detail brand awareness creative tactics.


Design a print advertisement copy for ‘upcoming cafe’.

Q5) Explain in detail IMC planning process.


Develop a media plan for (Any one from the following)

a) Air conditioner.

b) Fairness cream.

l l l

[5265] - 3013 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3877 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3014
(Semester - III) (2016 Pattern)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) a) What is Research Design? Explain types of Research Design with suitable


b) Write Short Notes (Any 2)

i) Consumer Panels.

ii) Media Audience Tracking Studies.

iii) Retail Shop Audit.

Q2) a) Design a questionnaire to study customer satisfaction of one of the select

fast food chain outlet.


b) Explain content and construct validity in detail.

Q3) a) What is test marketing? Discuss its applications in detail.


b) Discuss different types of sampling methods.

[5265] - 3014 1 P.T.O.

Q4) a) On the basis of information about the treatment given to 200 patients,
state whether there are difference in the effectiveness of the treatment.
(Given the critical value of chi-square for 1 df, 5% level of significance is

Treatment Favourable No Total

Response Response

New 50 50 100

Conventional 30 70 100

Total 80 120 200


b) What is ANOVA? Discuss application of ANOVA.

Q5) a) Discuss the concept of multi-dimensional scaling and its use in marketing


b) Discuss the concept of cluster analysis and its importance in marketing


l l l

[5265] - 3014 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3878 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3015
Specialization : Operations Management
(Semester - III) (2016 Pattern)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question has an internal option.
3) Each question carries 10 marks.
4) Figures to the right indicate marks for that question/sub questions.
5) Draw neat diagrams and illustrations supportive to your answer.
6) Your answer should be specific and to the point.

Q1) a) Explain in detail Planning and Control of Operations. Elaborate the Needs
and Importance of PPC. [10]


b) Explain the process of Dispatch in production control-documentation.

Discuss PPC Operations. [10]

Q2) a) i) Write note on Design of forecasting systems. [5]

ii) Write note on Extrapolative methods using time series. [5]


b) Explain Forecasting as a planning tools. Discuss with suitable example.


[5265] - 3015 1 P.T.O.

Q3) a) What is Aggregate Production Planning? Explain need for Aggregate
Production Planning. [10]


b) Explain in the details about Master Production Scheduling. Discuss.[10]

Q4) a) Explain in detail Resources Planning. Discuss Dependent Demand

attributes. [10]


b) What is MRP system? Discuss Capacity Requirements Planning. [10]

Q5) a) Explain in detail Scheduling and Operations. Discuss Need for

Scheduling. [10]


b) i) Explain Input - Output Control. [5]

ii) Write note on Loading of Machines. [5]

l l l

[5265] - 3015 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3879 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5265] - 3016
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Solve any one from each question.
2) All Questions are compulsory.
3) All Questions carry equal marks.

Q1) a) Evaluate the progress of Indian Agriculture during the period of five year


b) What is Green Revolution? Explain the nature and recent development in

green revolution.

Q2) a) Critically examine the working of Public Distribution System.


b) Critically examine the recent improvements in Irrigation system in India.

Q3) a) What are the causes of low productivity of Livestock in India.


b) Describe the development of Dairy Industry in India.

[5265] - 3016 1 P.T.O.

Q4) a) Critically examine land reforms of India.


b) Analyze the tenancy reforms measures.

Q5) a) Discuss the economic conditions of agricultural labourers in India. What

are the reasons behind it?


b) Examine the recommendations of National Commissions on Rural Labour



[5265] - 3016 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3880 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3017
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions carry equal marks.
2) All questions are compulsory.

Q1) "A retailer is a key component of the Supply Chain". Explain the statement
giving role & functions of retailer.
Discuss need and scope of Retail Marketing giving suitable examples.

Q2) Describe bottlenecks in the growth of modern retailing in India.

Discuss changing trends in Retail Scenario with reference to Indian Retail

Q3) An international Coffee Retail Chain is planning to enter Indian market through
franchising. Which factors should the company consider before selecting a
List out various 'Store retailing formats'. Explain them briefly.

Q4) List out and briefly explain the factors that affects in the decision of fixing a
store location.
Information Technology has revolutionized the modern retailing. Comment
and justify your answer.
Q5) Compare the top 10 Global & Indian Retailers on the basis of distribution
channels used by them.
List out the economic significance of retailing and explain them in brief.


[5265] - 3017 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3881 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5265] - 3018
M.B.A. (Supply Chain Management)
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question has an internal option.
3) Each question carries 10 marks.
4) Figures to the right indicate marks for that question / sub question.
5) Draw neat diagrams and illustrations supportive to your answer.
6) Your answer should be specific and to the point.

Q1) a) Define Supply Chains. Explain Physical Distribution of Supply Chain

with example. [10]
b) What is Supply Chain Management? Describe the concept 21st Century
Supply Chains. [10]

Q2) a) Explain the structure of a supply chain. Described as a shift from

enterprise to network. [10]
b) i) Commodity cost and centric Supply Chain. [5]
ii) Tradeoff between Push and Pull. [5]

Q3) a) Explain the elements of customer service. Discuss Globalization and

information technology in and supply chain management. [10]

[5265] - 3018 1 P.T.O.
b) Explain the total Supply Chain Management. Discuss Demand for
flexibility of partnerships. [10]

Q4) a) Define Inventory Management? Explain concept and types of inventory

management in detail with suitable example. [10]


b) Explain in detail about the customer focused and demand resources.

Discuss with example. [10]

Q5) a) Explain the role of Customer Relationship Management for supply chain
management. Discuss Considerations for Supply Chain Customer
Satisfaction. [10]


b) i) Explain Value added Service. [5]

ii) Explain Customer value requirement mapping. [5]


[5265] - 3018 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3882 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5265] - 3019
SM - 305 : Services Business Management
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III) (Theory)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All Questions carry equal marks.
2) All Questions are compulsory.

Q1) Explain service life cycle. Differentiate between product life cycle and service
life cycle.


What is service location? State the importance of location in services with

suitable examples.

Q2) What are the reasons for the failure of some new service products? Give

Explain the concept of Physical Evidence.State the Role of Physical Evidence

in Hotel industry.

Q3) Describe Macro and Micro service Environment.


What is Segmentation? Describe various bases of segmentation for Automobile


[5265] - 3019 1 P.T.O.

Q4) Describe the buying decision making process for (Any one).

i) Flight Ticket.

ii) Insurance Policy.


Describe the following concepts. (Any two).

i) Customer retention.

ii) Customer delightment.

iii) Value of customer.

Q5) What is Research? What are challenges faced by service industry in India in
conducting Research.


Explain New Economic Policy in details and it’s impact on services sector.


[5265] - 3019 2
Total No. of Questions : 10] SEAT No. :
P3883 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5265] - 3020
305 - THM : Fundamentals of Hospitality Management
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Discuss importance of tourism industry in India.


Q2) Discuss origin and growth of tourism industry in detail.

Q3) Define components of tourism infrastructure with examples.


Q4) Explain the relationship of hospitality industry with tourism.

Q5) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of management contract in Hotels.


Q6) Write Short Notes on: (Any 2)

a) Hotel Franchises.

b) Major Department of Hotel.

c) Global Standards of Hotels.

[5265] - 3020 1 P.T.O.

Q7) Define travel agency. Elaborate growth and present status of travel agency.


Q8) Explain the role of travel agencies with airlines and transport services.

Q9) Explain role of E-commerce in Hospitality sector in India.


Q10)Discuss and elaborate recent trends in Hospitality Industry with suitable



[5265] - 3020 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3884 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5265] - 3021
305 - TM : Fundamentals of Technology Management
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt all questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks. i.e 10 marks.

Q1) Explain the following-

a) Role & Importance of Technology Management.

b) Management of Technology at National & Governmental level.


Discuss levels of development of technology. Explain its impact on Business,

society and at global context.

Q2) Discuss in brief relationship between technology and the National Economy.


Explain production technology and product technology evolution with relevant


Q3) Explain link between Science & Technology in technology management.


Discuss the factors for managing the technology & innovation.

[5265] - 3021 1 P.T.O.

Q4) Explain the changes happening in organizational forms & structures in
development of Technology.


Describe Project Planning & Management. How MOT principles are helpful
for managing enterprises.

Q5) Discuss & Compare features & competitiveness strategies of Japan & India.


Write Short Notes on: (Any 2)

a) Practical Issues in Technology Management.

b) Productivity Indexes.

c) Intellectual capital & competitiveness of firms.

d) Emergence of Tigers.


[5265] - 3021 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3885 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5265] - 3022
306 - BIM : Principles and Practices of Insurance
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Answer Five Questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) a) Discuss the importance of Insurance. What role does it have in the financial
system of an Economy?


b) Define Risk. Describe various types of Risk and process of risk


Q2) a) Differentiate between Life Insurance and General Insurance.


b) Explain in detail the various types of insurance.

Q3) a) What are the various essentials of Insurance Contract?


b) ‘Proximate cause is not very essential in case of Life Insurance Contract’,

Explain in detail.

[5265] - 3022 1 P.T.O.

Q4) a) Explain Claim Management and discuss its process.


b) Write short note on (Any two)

i) Functions of IRDA.

ii) Types of Reinsurance.

iii) Principle of insurable interest.

iv) Underwriting.

Q5) a) What are the Key challenges faced by the Indian Insurance Industry?


b) Discuss the Overview of Indian Insurance Market and scope of Insurance

business in India.


[5265] - 3022 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3886 [5265]-3023
[Total No. of Pages : 2

(2016 Pattern) (Semester-III)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Explain important elements of strategic management process?

What are the important characteristics of mission statement? Explain with
suitable examples

Q2) Explain existential model in management of defense organization.

Understanding Perception process is important for functioning of defense
organization. Explain.

Q3) What is emotional Intelligence. Discuss various elements of emotional

What is the impact of culture on human behavior and how it can influence
formulation of strategies?

1 P.T.O.
Q4) What is organizational climate? How it influences development of organization.
How EVR model helps in developing strategic effectiveness.

Q5) Explain SWOT analysis for strategic defense taking suitable examples.
What is Scenario building? How it helps in formulation of strategies.

µ µ µ

[5265]-3023 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3887 [Total No. of Pages :3
[5265] - 3024
306 ED : Finance For Entrepreneurs
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)
Time : 2 ¼ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question has an internal option.
3) Each question carries 10 marks.

Q1) a) Explain any two from the following with suitable example
i) Dual Aspect concept.
ii) Seperate entity concept.
iii) Going concern concept.
b) “cost may be classified in a variety of ways according to their nature,
function and variability.” Explain the statement giving examples of
classification for different purpose.

Q2) a) Explain the methods of evaluating project on the basis of payback period
and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) with it’s merits and demerits.
b) XYZ ltd. is considering the purchase of new machine. Two alternatives
of machine are available having cost price of Rs.1,00,000 each. The
following inflows are expected during the 5 years.
Year Machine A (Rs.) Machine B (Rs.)
1 20,000 60,000
2 30,000 40,000
3 40,000 50,000
4 1,20,000 60,000
5 40,000 20,000
[5265] - 3024 1 P.T.O.
The company is expecting 10% return on it’s capital. The net present values
of RS.1/- @ 10% are given as follows.
1st Year - 0.909 2sd Year - 0.826 3rd Year - 0.751
4th Year - 0.683 5th Year - 0.620
You are required to evaluate the project on the basis of
i) Net Present value Method.
ii) Profitability index Method.

Q3) a) Define the concept of working capital. Explain in detail various ways of
financing working capital.
b) The management of ABC ltd. has called for a statement showing
working capital needs to finance a level of activity of 90,000 units of
output for the year. following are the details provided related to cost
Particulars cost Per unit (RS.)
Raw materials - 20
Direct Labour - 5
overheads - 10
cost of Production - 35
Profit - 15
Selling Price - 50
Additional Information.
i) Minimum desired cash balance Rs. 20,000/-
ii) Raw materials are held in stock, on an average for 2 months
iii) Finished goods remain in warehouse on an average for 1 month
iv) Suppliers of materials extend 1 month credit. Also, Debtors collection
period is 2 months. Cash Sales are 25% of total sales.
v) Time logs in payment of wages & overheads are of 1 month.
You are required to estimate the working capital requirements of the
company with assumption that production is carried on evenly throughout
the year.
[5265] - 3024 2
Q4) a) Elaborate the concept of risk. Explain various risks in business.
b) “Insurance is a modern business tool to manage risks in business”.

Q5) a) Elaborate Tax planning with reference to Nature of New Business.

b) Explain Tax planning for financial management decisions.

² ² ²

[5265] - 3024 3
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3888 [5265]-3025
[Total No. of Pages : 2

M.B.A. - II
306 - FBM: Managing Innovation - I
(2016 Pattern) (Semester-III)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question has an internal option.
3) Each question carries 10 marks
4) Figures to the right indicates marks for question sub question
5) Answer should be specific and point to point.
6) Support your answer suitable example.

Q1) Define changing business world explains with suitable example. [10]
Design innovative business model for your ABC Pvt. Ltd business. [10]

Q2) Explain in brief Incremental versus Radical Innovation. [10]

What is technology life cycle elaborate with example? [10]

Q3) What is Relationship between Competencies and Assets? Justify. [10]

What are the sources of Assets and competencies? [10]

1 P.T.O.
Q4) What is vision of organization? How it includes the portfolios and Feelings.[10]
Needs creating emotional Appeal Justify. [10]

Q5) What are sources of innovation explain with example. [10]

What is Creative destruction explain. [10]

µ µ µ

[5265]-3025 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :

P4348 [Total No. of Pages : 2

(2016 Pattern)
Time : 2.15 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each questions has an internal option.

Q1) The growth and development of country can increase becauses of a proper
financial system only. Justify. [10]


Elucidate the structure and components of Financial System in India.

Q2) Explain the structure and functions of Forward Market commission of

India. [10]


Explain the objectives, functions and powers of SEBI.

Q3) Explain the structure and components of money market. [10]


"Capital market plays a vital role in adequate capital formation for a speedy
economic development". Explain.

Q4) Define merchant banking. Explain the types and functions of merchant
banking. [10]
Write short notes on:
a) Crowd funding.
b) Asset Backed Finance.
c) Depository Services.

Q5) Define the term Banking. Explain the functions of banking in detail. [10]


What do you mean by credit rating agencies? Discuss its merits and demerits.


[5265]-3026 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3889 [5265]-3027
[Total No. of Pages : 2

(2016 Pattern) (Semester-III)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question has an internal option/ Solve any one from each question
3) All questions carry equal marks/ Each question carries 10 marks.

Q1) What are the objectives of a Hospital Information System?

What are the building blocks of an IT system in a hospital?

Q2) What is the difference between LAN & WAN? Explain with reference to a
Hospital setup.
What Hardware components are needed for implementing a Hospital
Information System?

Q3) Explain the need for Management Information System (MIS) in a Hospital?
Differentiate between Data & Information by providing examples related to a

1 P.T.O.
Q4) Explain in detail on how the Hospital Information System will be useful for
effective hospital administration?
Differentiate between Data & Information by providing examples related to a

Q5) Compare the Paper - based system and the Electronic System for data
collection in a Hospital setup.
Differentiate between the different systems being used by Hospital Management
and Hospital Administration?

µ µ µ

[5265]-3027 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3890 [5265]-3028
[Total No. of Pages : 2

(2016 Pattern) (Semester-III)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Solve any one from each question.
2) All questions are compulsory.
3) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) a) Explain HR accounting and state its objectives and development.

b) Define Human Resource Accounting & discuss Balance Score card with
reference to HRA.

Q2) a) Explain the concept of HR value with reference to recruitment & training
b) Discuss the investment in HR as part of Human Capital investment.

Q3) a) Explain the procedure and process of HR audit.

b) Discuss the classification of various cost in HR accounting

1 P.T.O.
Q4) a) Explain the concept of compensation and discuss the wage theories.
b) Discuss the various challenges encountered in designing executive
compensation in MNC’s.

Q5) a) Explain the concept of Dearness Allowance and discuss various

determinants affecting dearness allowance.
b) VRS has proved to be win-win situation for employees and employers.


[5265]-3028 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3891 [5265]-3029
[Total No. of Pages : 2

(2016 Pattern) (Semester-III)

Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions carry equal marks.
2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.

Q1) a) What is Aligned Documentation System (ADS) methodology in export

business? What are the various documents covered under ADS system?


b) Explain any 5 INCOTERMS used in international business. [10]

Q2) a) Explain the role of forwarding agent the movement of goods. [10]


b) What is a letter of credit? What are the types of letter of credit? [10]

Q3) a) Discuss the role of EXIM Bank. [10]


b) Discuss about the documentary collection of export bills. [10]

1 P.T.O.
Q4) a) Explain various promotion schemes of export. [10]
b) Describe any 3 commodity boards in export. [10]

Q5) a) Explain the provisions of Customs Act, 1962. [10]

b) What are the regulations under FEMA, 2000. [10]


[5265]-3029 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3892 [Total No. of Pages : 1
[5265] - 3030
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) What is E-Business? Explain in brief the technologies that enable E-Business.
What is the concept of information publishing technologies? How does it
importance to the business?

Q2) Explain the E-Business security/payment services and online community

building System.
What is Capacity planning? Explain E-Business Models in detail.

Q3) Explain in detail "Launching e-Business : From Idea to Realization".

What is E-Business Strategy? What are the challenges in implementing E-
Business Strategy?

Q4) Define Business Intelligence. What is the need for Business Intelligence in
modern trade?
What is Business Intelligence? What are the building blocks of Business
Intelligence system?

Q5) In this increasingly competitive age, managing and retaining customer is the
key to business success. How can Business Intelligence be used in CRM to
gain competitive advantage?
Discuss the application and advantages of Business Intelligence System in HR.
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3893 [Total No. of Pages : 1
[5265] - 3031
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) a) What is Internet Marketing? Discuss benefits of Internet Marketing in

b) What is E-commerce? Explain significance of E-commerce.

Q2) a) Explain different components of internet micro-environment in detail.

b) Elaborate and discuss concept of internet macro-environment.

Q3) a) Internet strategy is a channel marketing strategy. Comment.

b) Discuss the role of internet marketing from a generic strategic approach.

Q4) a) Discuss new pricing approaches under internet marketing.

b) State the significance of brand online.

Q5) a) Who are the online customers? Discuss motivation of customers buying
b) Explain in detail the implications of e-retail marketing strategy.

Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3894 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3032
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question has an internal option.
3) Each question carries 10 marks.

Q1) a) "Consumerism is shame to marketing". Analyse the statement.

b) What is a family? Explain in brief family life cycle & its influence on
purchasing decision.

Q2) a) Explain the types of involvement? Explain Recall & discuss the different
types of recall.
b) Explain inherent, emotional & psychological buying motives.

Q3) a) What types of information do consumers seek and what are the possible
sources of information?
b) Explain the concept of post purchase dissonance & suggest ways to
reduce consumer dissonance.

Q4) a) Elaborate Engel Blackwell and Miniard Model (EBM) with a graphical
b) Explain the Howard Seth model of buying behaviour with an appropriate
graphical representation.
Q5) a) What do you understand by 'BOTTOM OF PYRAMID (BOP)'? What
are the factors you will consider while designing the marketing mix for
BOP consumers.
b) Write short notes on :
i) Demographic profile.
ii) Living Standards Measures (LSM).


[5265] - 3032 2
Total No. of Questions : 10] SEAT No. :
P3895 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3033
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks (10).

Q1) Define Inventory. Explain various costs associated with inventory & behaviour
of such costs.
Q2) What are the pressures for low inventory & high inventory?

Q3) What is ABC analysis? Explain advantages and disadvantages of ABC analysis.
Q4) Discuss the application. of P & Q system in inventory control in manufacturing

Q5) Explain basic EOQ model. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
Q6) Write note on :
a) Safety Stock.
b) Service Level.

Q7) Explain the principles of JIT with its benefits.


Q8) What do you understand by Kanban system as control tool? Give its types in

Q9) Write note on :

a) Material Management in JIT environment.
b) FSN analysis.
Q10)Write note on :
a) HML analysis.
b) XYZ analysis.


[5265] - 3033 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3896 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3034
Rural & Agribusiness Management
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks (10).

Q1) a) Discuss in detail Growth Model. [10]

b) What is the impact of Rural Economy on Indian Economy? [10]

Q2) a) Enumerate precisely the experiences and learnings from "Case of Colgate
Education". [10]
b) Enumerate precisely the experiences and learnings from "ITC-e choupal".

Q3) a) Explain in detail buying decision process with example. [10]

b) Write a note on Buyer characteristics and Buying behaviour patterns.[10]

Q4) a) Explain significance of information. What are the sources of information?

b) Explain difference between Rural Marketing Research and Urban
Marketing Research. [10]

Q5) a) How will you segment & position the following products : [10]
i) Agriculture Equipments.
ii) Tractor.
b) Write a short note on (Any two) : [10]
i) Segmentation in rural marketing.
ii) Targeting in rural marketing.
iii) Positioning in rural marketing.


[5265] - 3034 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3897 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3035
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Explain in detail factors affecting store location with suitable illustrations.


Design organisational structure for FMCG Sector.

Q2) What is merchandising? Explain role of visual merchandising.


Write short notes on (Any two) :

a) Traffic flow pattern of store.

b) Style presentation.

c) Interior display.

Q3) Write in brief responsibility of Store Manager.


Explain in detail - Challenges faced by Store Manager.

Q4) Comment on manufactures brand & private brand lable.

Discuss in detail market basket analysis.

Q5) What is mall management & discuss various challenges in mall management?


Comment on - Role of information system in today's retail industry.


[5265] - 3035 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3898 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3036
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Define and discuss logistics management. Explain the activities of logistics.
Explain the concept of value addition from logistics perspective. Discuss the
role and importance of logistics in today's economy.

Q2) Explain the problems associated with integrating logistics within organisation.
Discuss the micro dimensions of logistics. Explain its interfaces with operations,
manufacturing, marketing and supply chain.

Q3) What is short run or static analysis? Explain long run or dynamic analysis.
Write short notes on any two :
a) Logistic channel.
b) Cost perspective.
c) Level of Optimality.

Q4) What is logistics outsourcing? Explain the concept of 3PL and 4PL.
Discuss collaborative approach in logistics relationships. Give examples.

Q5) Describe the strategies for managing capacity and waiting time in services.
Write short notes on any two :
a) Service delivery system.
b) Service location and layout.
c) Service strategy development.


[5265] - 3036 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3899 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3037
306 - SM : Services Performance Management
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) a) If you are manager of Service Organization, Enumerate the challenges

you would face related to managing demand & supply of services.
b) What are the challenges in Customer Service? Determine the Cost of
Poor Service.

Q2) a) Explain Service Flow Chart for following Services :

i) Hospital.
ii) Insurance.
b) Draft a Service Blueprint for passport or Aadhar Card Service

Q3) a) Explain the concept of TQM in Services. What are the effects of TQM?
b) Write a short note on :
i) Market Perceived Quality.
ii) Service Guarantee.

Q4) a) State and explain an example of Zero-defection-Service deletion in Service
Industry to achieve quality goals.
b) What is SERVQUAL model items & dimensions?

Q5) a) What are the strategies for growth which Service firm can adopt?
b) Hotel Hill point view located in Lonavala was famous for it's services.
Till 2001, the tourist in seasons had to make advance booking for
accommodation. Now few more hotels established recently have started
attracting tourist because of their pro-active policies. The Business of
Hotel Hill Point declined Considerably. Even after few policy changes,
the decline could not be arrested. Hotel Hill Point View has decided to
go for a professional Director Services, who would be Solely responsible
for formulating new strategies to bring business on stream.
Questions :
i) You are appointed as Director-Services, what challenges do you
think, you have to face from Competitor?
ii) What value added Services would you offer?


[5265] - 3037 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3900 [Total No. of Pages : 2
[5265] - 3038
306 - THM : Tourism and Travel Management
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks (10 marks).

Q1) Define Toursim. Explain the various types of Tourism.

What are various components of Tourism?

Q2) Write a short note on (any 2) :

a) IATA.
b) Package Tour.
c) Eco System.
What is a Travel Agency? What are the functions of Travel Agency?

Q3) Classification of Tour packages & explain the importance of it?

What are the various types of costs?

Q4) Explain the importance of Eco Tourism in India.

What are the trends & functions of Eco Tourism themes.
Q5) How are tour cost calculated? Explain with suitable example.
Explain alternative forms of Tourism with Tourism products and types.


[5265] - 3038 2
Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No. :
P3901 [Total No. of Pages : 1
[5265] - 3039
(2016 Pattern) (Semester - III)
Time : 2¼ Hours] [Max. Marks :50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Define Creativity. Explain the difference between Innovation and Invention.[10]
Explain sources of Innovation? Explain the Internal value Chain in detail.

Q2) What is the difference between Static models and Dynamic models in Innovation
with example? [10]
Explain Tushman-Rosenkopf technology life cycle model & Foster's Curve
in detail.

Q3) Explain competencies in Innovation? Explain the Assets and Knowledge in

Innovation. [10]
Explain the various sources of Assets and competencies with example.

Q4) Define Innovation portfolio. Explain Process of Innovation in brief. [10]

Explain Searching for Innovation opportunities & Creating Emotional Appeals
in brief.

Q5) Define Innovator's Dilemma. Explain sustaining Versus Disruptive Technologies.

Explain process of managerial decision making & role of technology in Decision
making in brief.

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