My Scrapbook of Science by Professor Genius
My Scrapbook of Science by Professor Genius
My Scrapbook of Science by Professor Genius
Professor Genius
Extrait de la publication
Extrait de la publication
My Scrapbook
of Science
by Professor Genius
Extrait de la publication
As you open this scrapbook...
The earliest clues about the existence of science are some small bones,
several thousand years old, with notches cut into them. The scientists
who found them during excavations confirm that the notches were
used for counting. Interesting, isn't it? Since then, people who are
fascinated by nature have never stopped trying to understand how our
world works. They have developed a number of theories as well as
increasingly sophisticated instruments for measuring and observing—all to
help them answer questions that continue to probe deeper.
I have always been fascinated by the world of science. Over the
years, I've collected newspaper clippings, excerpts from books,
magazines and photographs that are witnesses to the curiosity,
imagination and determination that scientists around the world have in
common. I present all this information in "My Scrapbook of Science."
Besides revealing the incredible secrets of the world around us, this
scrapbook takes you on a trip through history, introducing you to the
geniuses who have helped science progress and the ways they have
found to solve scientific riddles.
As you already know, science is a vast universe that brings together
many different fields. They include physics, mathematics, chemistry,
geology and biology, as well as the sciences that study humans and their
behavior (the "human sciences," as they are called). Unfortunately, it is
impossible to present them all in a single scrapbook. So this time, I've
chosen to take you on a tour of mathematics, chemistry and physics.
Happy reading! And don't forget: imagination and curiosity are the
most important qualities of the scientific mind!
Professor Genius
Extrait de la publication
Quebec City, April 2, 20
Dear Genius,
While encouraging us to
discover the useful quali
demonstrate that learning ties of science, you also
science can be an endless
for giving us a taste of the source of pleasure. Than
sciences… that will have k you
us coming back for more!
Extrait de la publication
Professor Genius
329 De la Commune West
You can write to
3rd Floor
Professor Genius and send
Montreal, Quebec H2Y 2E1
your letter to the following
ated by:
s was designed and cre
nce by Professor Geniu
My Scrapbook of Scie
For ages 10 and ove T 514.499.3000 F 514.499.3010
ISBN: 978-2-7644-09
© QA International, 2007. All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording or by any information storage and
retrieval system, without permission in writing by QA International.
The characters in Professor Genius’s universe, except for Jean-Marie De Koninck and those mentioned in the Acknowledgements,
are pure fantasy. Any resemblance to actual living persons is entirely coincidental. Although the facts they contain are accurate, the
newspaper articles, old letters, books, and magazines drawn from the Professor’s personal collection are all products of the imagination
of the creators of this scrapbook.
Contents 5 2 4
1 2 4
1 3 2
1 3
SCIENCE 6 2 4 1 3
History, main areas,
scientific method
History, numbers, mathematical forms and logic
History, the elements of matter,
physical and chemical transformations
History, the forces of the universe,
different forms of energy,
the infinitely great and the infinitesimal
The future of science
Extrait de la publication
Discovering the world’s mysteries…
Why do objects fall? How does water turn to ice? Where do colors come
from? People have been trying to explain the phenomena that surround
them for a very long time by watching, listening, touching, feeling and tasting. o know]): Se
m th e L at in scientia [t rimentation
(fro , expe
That’s how science was invented! Science tries to understand how our world SCIENCE observation matics, physics,
es in which
of disciplin tion play a part. Mathe iences.
works and to know exactly what it is made of. It’s a fine quest that is stra sc
and demon geology are
em is tr y, biology and
both ambitious and fascinating!
In order for their theories to be known by the rest of the scientific community, every scientist must
follow a very strict set of procedures. Read this comic strip that I found in a science magazine for
young readers. It presents the different stages of scientific research in an amusing way..
After analyzing the results, the researcher makes a conclusion. The researcher must then find a new theory to explain the fact
he observed.
My theory is wrong!
The water is polluted, but
there is no toxic element in
the fish’s blood. The fish
did not die because of the
factory’s waste.
My theory is right!
The water is polluted. The same
toxic elements are in the
fish’s blood!
6 Extrait de la publication
Don’t worry, the great geniuses throughout the
history of science have been people just like you
and me! You would probably be surprised to learn
Dear Professor, lik e to invent a vaccine that some of them were even poor students. That
d er , I w ou ld
When I’m ol no t th e top student in was the case with the celebrated physicist Albert
. B ut I’ m
against cancer
s. C ou ld I st ill b ecome a scientist? Einstein and the famous chemist and biologist Louis
my clas Pasteur. It was their great curiosity, their thirst to
understand and also their determination that made
Thank you for your them brilliant. Who knows? Even you may be
Vincent, age 10 one of the scientific geniuses of tomorrow! All you
need is to be curious, attentive to what’s going on
around you and, most of all, perseverant.
Date: End of fall but not yet winter
Price: As much as these stars
What would the world be without numbers?
Television listing on the page following the one in the middle.
Mathematics is present in every
field of science. Physicists, for
example, use math to measure
The Artist’s corner
| Letters | Info
the thickness that a submarine Home | Music | Arts
wall must have so that it will
resist the pressure of the water.
Chemists calculate the composition Mathematics and the ple, we find
by ma th em ati cs . In paintings, for exam
of sugar, fat and minerals in a inspired ich gives the impress
The arts are greatly s from geometry, wh
a no tio n th at co me gt h of th e str ings
piece of chocolate. Mathematics is perspective, -di me ns ion al. In music, the len
e is th ree
that the painted imag e note must play:
also present in a field you would nt s is ca lcu lated according to th s to draw
think was far removed from the in string ins tru me
ec t me as ure s len gt hs, heights and angle
An archit
C, D, E, F, G, A, B...
sciences. Any idea which area a bu ild ing .
the plan of
that is? The arts!
Extrait de la publication 9
Once there was mathematics…
Numbers and numera ls
1, 2,
Buckle my shoe,
3, 4,
This rhyme helped me to learn numbers. Have you
Knock at the door, noticed how these little signs are everywhere? On the
5, 6, TV remote control, in newspapers, on road signs… We live
Pick up sticks, in a world of numbers! But do you know where they come
7, 8, from? I asked my friend Ea Ping Kor (my neighborhood
Lay them straight... librarian) to find me some information on the first numbers in
9, 10, history.. Here’s her reply:
A big fat hen!
10 Extrait de la publication
We count using our 10 numerals.
Before z
For this reason, our counting system
As Ea Ping explainsve , ou r was inv
ented, it is based on the number 10. Why 10
nted by was rep
10 numerals were in 200 BC. r
a space esented by
. At tha
and not 8 or 14? Probably because
the India ns around proved was ver
t time, it when human beings started counting,
“5 1” (50 easy to confus
Over time, they im . In in the 4
1) with
they used their 10 fingers. It’s
their number systeme marked
th centu 1”! Starting
ry, the In
possible, you see, to write numbers
the 4th century, th o dot, and
these sp
dians differently from the base 10 way..
a little la es with a
India ns invented tw a circle. ter
The base 2 system, for example,
Watch o on, with
ingeniou s concepts: n does no ut
t always ! Zero
only uses two digits: 0 and 1.
place-va lue notatio o stand fo It’s used a lot in computer
p. 59
nothing r
: if we p
and zero. These tw u a the righ
t of
lace it t
o programs. Here is a table that
excerpts will gi ve yo it is the a number, shows numbers in the base 10 and
n multip
brief explanation. base 2 systems. Have fun re-
by 10!
M inventing your telephone number
i ng using base 2—but don’t forget to
A maz
ts… give this table to your friends, or you
a c e t hat coun ber is very may find yourself waiting a long time
a pl its in a num
sition of dig e po de up of the le, are ma for them to call you back!
ticed that th 2, for examp unt.
Have you no u m b e rs 2 5 a n d 5
d ic a te th e same amo
Th e n ll in
important? do not at a f units, tens,
it s. N e ve rt heless, they a ve va lu e s o
same dig n, digits h
o rd in g to their positio ce -value notati
A cc ll th e p la
hat we ca
etc. That’s w
Base 10 Base 2
s, Ma rch 2007
Science for Kid 0 0
1 1
2 10
3 11
4 100
When the Arabs settled in the West starting in 5 101
the year 632, they adopted Indian numeration 6 110
system and improved on it. Thanks to the Arabs, 7 111
Europe learned about this system of numeration in 8 1000
the 12th century. (before that, Europeans counted 9 1001
using Roman numerals). 10 1010
11 1011
12 1100
13 1101
14 1110
As you can see by reading the “Did you
Did you know ?
know?” column, calculation was born
om the Latin long before numerals appeared!
lation” comes fr
The word “calcu on e. ” This comes The earliest basic operations,
wh ich me ans “small st d
calcu lus, e, people counte
om th e fact that for a long tim sh ep he rd s like addition and subtraction,
fr time,
les. Once upon a
using little pebb pebb le s, on e fo r appeared 10,000 years ago.
uch filled with
were given a po me ev en ing , wh en
had to watch. Co By the way, do you know the
each animal they took a pebble
t ba ck their flock, they story behind the symbols that
th ey br ou gh al went into the
each time an anim
out of the pouch ved from the ba
g, identify these operations? Here is an article and a few
pebble was remo
stable. If every we re mi ss in g.
ne of the animals notes that explain the origin of +, -, x and ÷.
it meant that no
Know It All, May 20
1 0 90 = 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mea suring
Feet, inches... Scientists were often inspired by
Numbers have always been at the heart of our the human body to create the earliest units
measu ring systems. The excerpt below is an of measurement. The Egyptians, for example,
interesting example! measured distances with their palms, thumbs,
hair, etc.
12, the “star” in measu ancient times,
urement, inherited from
Many systems of meas e it is a
se d on the nu mb er 12 . Why 12? Simply becaus (the smallest unit)
are ba ry practical
ided by 2, 3 and 4. It’s ve FINGER
number that can be div am ple, are
Feet and inches, for ex
for making calculations! mber 12:
that are based on the nu
Anglo-Saxon linear units THU
12 inches = 1 foot
e. See for
er 12 is als o kin g in the measurement of tim
The numb (5 × 12) minutes
× 12) hours in a day, 60
yourself! There are 24 (2
nds in a minute.
in an hour and 60 seco
Amazing Mathematics, p. 28
000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
Mathematical quirks… 2, 3, 5, 7 or 22,091… These numbers are allyPRI only be
NUMBERS. What ma kes them special? Theingcan any amount
The study of numbers and their divided by 1 and by themselves without hav ticia ns because
properties is fascinating, isn’t it? left over. Prime numbers fascinate mathemabuilding blocks
It reveals numbers to us that are they represent nothing less tha n the basic other whole
unusual, mysterious and sometimes in the universe of numbers. That’s right, anyserve careful ly:
simply bizarre! Here’s a look at the number is a product of prime numbers! Ob est prime
4 = 2 × 2; 6 = 3 × 2 or 249 = 83 x 3. The larg
most famous ones... 32, 582, 657 - 1, which contains
number we know today is 2
9,808,358 digits!
Extrait de la publication 17
reaction, chemical 27, 29, 34, 39, thermometer 55
40, 49 thunder 47, 53 Latin square:
reaction, physical 34, 38 tide 45
Recorde, Robert 12 transformation, chemical 27, 38 3 5 2 4 1
rectangle 18 transformation, physical 27, 34,
reflection (of a wave) 51, 53 35, 36 1 3 5 2 4
refraction 51 trapezoid 18 4 1 3 5 2
repulsion 48 triangle 18, 19, 20, 21
resonance 53 triangle, rectangular 20 2 4 1 3 5
root 12 ultrasound 53 5 2 4 1 3
ruler 20 ultraviolet 56
rust 38 VWXYZ
STU vaporization 35 Logic grid:
salt 32, 35, 37, 39, 40 volume 20, 42
soap 39 water 32, 35, 38 F C I
sodium hydroxyde 39 wave 50, 52, 53, 55, 56 A H B
solid 34, 35, 36, 37, 52, 54 wave, sound 53
solidification 35 wavelength 50, 52 E D G
sound 43, 46, 52, 53 waves, radio 56
space probe 56, 57 weight 42, 44
speed of light 50, 53 Widmann, Johannes, 12 Riddles:
square 18, 19, 20 wind turbine 49
star 34, 50, 56, 57 X-rays 56, 57 - MIX = 1009 in Roman numerals
statistics 17 zero 11 - All the months have 28 days.
straight plane 18 - The age of the captain is the same as the age of the person
sublimation 35 who reads the problem!
subtraction 8, 12, 24 - The missing dollar: the calculation given is wrong! In the amount
Sun 34, 35, 44, 55, 57 of $27, the $2 tip is already included ($25 for the room and
symmetry 21 $2 for the tip). To find the $30, all you have to do is add the
telescope 51, 56, 57 $3 the friends collected. Try it with $1 bills or coins and you'll
temperature 35, 55 see that there is no money missing!
tetrahedron 19
Thales 22
Photo credits
p. 3 br: Jean-Marie De Koninck © Matilde Matkovic / p. 11 c: Laboratory © 2007 Jupiter Corporation / p. 11 bc: Border © 2007 Jupiter Corporation /
p. 15 bl: Elevator © Oleksandr Gumerov/ / p. 18 tr: Landscape © Dan Cooper/ / p. 19 c: Nile © Todd Bingham/ / p. 21 tl: Tiger © Stephen Meese/ / p. 21 br: Fern © Matthew Scherf/ / p. 22 br: Magnifying glass © 2007
Jupiter Corporation / p. 27 tr: Antoine de Lavoisier © The Hundred Greatest Men. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1885 / p. 29 br: IBM initials © IBM
Research, Almaden Research Center/ p. 34 cl: Bottle and glass © 2007 Jupiter Corporation / p. 36 br: Salt shaker © 2007 Jupiter Corporation /
p. 39 tr: Acid rain, Copyright free / p. 40 bl: Shoelaces © Josée Noiseux / p. 41 tr: Nylon © 2007 Jupiter Corporation / p. 42 bc: Archimedes © Archimedes
by Domenico Fetti, 1620 / p. 43 tr: Tower of Pisa © Lawrence Sawyer/ / p. 44 bl: Astronaut © NASA / p. 45 tl: Hopewell Rocks at low tide ©
New Brunswick Department of Tourism and Parks / p. 45 tl: Hopewell Rocks at high tide © New Brunswick Department of Tourism and Parks / p. 45 bc: Isaac
Newton © Shuster, Arthur and Arthur E. Shipley. Britain's Heritage of Science. London: Constable & Co. Ltd., 1917 / p. 47 br: Electric hair © Josée Noiseux /
p. 52 bl: Explosion © Björn Kindler/ / p. 56 c: Very Large Telescope © European Southern Observatory / p. 57 tr: Spiral galaxy © NASA/JPL-
Caltech/K. Gordon (University of Arizona) & S. Willner (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) / p. 57 cr: Elliptical galaxy © NASA, ESA, and The Hubble
Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)/ p. 57 cl: Lenticular galaxy © Dr. Elinor Gates, courtesy of University of California / p. 57 c: Irregular galaxy © NASA, ESA, and
The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) / p. 57 br: Crab pulsar © NASA/CXC/HST/ASU/J. Hester et al. / p. 59 tr: Border © 2007 Jupiter Corporation /
p. 59 bl: Collision of particles © CERN.
In the absence of supplementary information, the photographs are situated as follows : t top b bottom c center r right l left
Extrait de la publication 63
Many thanks to everyone who helped put together this scrapbook that is so
dear to me…
To Martine Podesto, for her confidence, support and dedicated work, as always.
To Claire de Guillebon, for her choice of words that expressed my thoughts
so well.
To Josée Noiseux, for suggesting an appealing and original layout and for her
precious artistic advice.
To Alain Lemire, Pascale Dupré and Daniel Games, for their skill and grace
with a drawing pencil. To Jean Morin, for his wonderful cartoon drawings.
To Émilie Bellemare, for her creativity and her assistance to Josée.
To Mathieu Douville, for his precious help.
To Anne Tremblay, for her sharp eye.
To Gilles Vézina, for gathering all the photos I needed.
To Nathalie Fréchette, for her magnificent management of the production of
this scrapbook.
To Donna Vekteris, for translating my text into English.
To Veronica Schami and Jo Howard, for proofreading the English text.
To Michel Lyons, co-founder of the "Défi mathématique" manuals, for his
enlightened advice and for validating this scrapbook's mathematics content.
To Vincent-Xavier Saint-Laurent, mathematics, science and music teacher at
École Secondaire Monseigneur-Richard, for his help and for validating the
chemistry content.
To André de Bellefeuille, physics professor at Cégep Édouard-Montpetit, for
validating the physics content.
I would also especially like to thank the people who shared their sensible
advice with me on how to present these fields of science in an attractive way:
Patrice Baril, pedagogical counsellor at the Commission scolaire du
Val-des-Cerfs in Granby.;
and Louis Taillefer, director of the Regroupement québécois sur les
matériaux de pointe and the Quantum Materials Program of the
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research.
To my friend, Jean-Marie De Koninck, who did me the great honor of
writing the preface to this scrapbook.
To my friends, Jacques Fortin, François Fortin and Caroline Fortin, who
have given me their constant support from the very beginning.
Finally, many thanks to all the kids at École Les Marguerite in Varennes
for their marvelous masterpieces.
Extrait de la publication
My scrapbook of
Professor Genius
Extrait de la publication