4R6Lab3 Dead Time 2017
4R6Lab3 Dead Time 2017
4R6Lab3 Dead Time 2017
The production of radioisotopes depends upon the characteristics of nuclear reactions.
These are described by the appropriate cross-section (E). At a specific energy, the
reaction rate per target nucleus is the product of the cross-section and the flux density (or
fluence rate) of incident particles. Reactions are never carried out at a specific energy
however because the kinetic energy is distributed. This is taken into account by defining
the flux density spectrum (E) so that the flux density for particles with energies in the
interval between E and E+dE (or v and v+dv) is given by
d = n ( v ) vdv (v)dv (E)dE (n(v): number density spectrum) (1)
The reaction rate is then given by
n = g 2
2 (3)
(E Er ) 2
In equation (3), the quantities introduced are defined as follows:
2 Jr+1
g = where Jr, Jt are the resonance and target spins,
2(2 J t + 1)
Er is the resonance energy,
n = n
E / E0 is the neutron width,
is the reduced wavelength of the incident neutron
2 mv
For very low energies, E<<Er, equation (3) becomes
1 v
n n = o o (4)
E v
Equation (4) illustrates the important fact that at very low energies the capture
cross-section varies inversely with the speed of the neutron. By convention a standard
cross-section o is defined as the capture cross-section at the speed vo = 2200 m/sec.
where E is in MeV. In the reactor, collisions between the fast neutrons and light nuclei
begin to moderate the neutron energy spectrum. The moderation process tends to produce a
flux density spectrum
r (E) r / E (6)
referred to as the resonance (or epithermal) neutron spectrum. This component is important
in the energy region from ~ 0.5 eV to 10 keV.
After the moderation process ceases, neutrons are characterized by thermal equilibrium
and diffuse out from the source exhibiting essentially ideal gas behaviour. The neutron
density spectrum in equilibrium condition is characterized by the Maxwell’s distribution:
dn / nt Bv 2 e-mv
/ 2 kT
dv (nt: total density) (7)
The thermal (equivalent) flux is defined as
th = v 0 dn nt v 0 (8)
It is supposed that an energy Ec exists such that for E<Ec the thermal component is
dominant while for E>Ec the resonance component dominates. We also consider the usual
case that for E<Ec the cross-section varies inversely with speed. Then
= oEc o o n(v)vdv = o th (10)
where (v) = n(v)v is the Maxwellian flux density spectrum.
Equation (9) can now be written
R = o th + I r (11)
where I = Ec dE (12)
The quantity defined in equation (12) is referred to as the resonance integral. For the case
of a pure 1/v variation throughout
o v o dE = 2 Eo
I = Ec o (13)
v E Ec
I r = 2 g 2r
which must be added to equation (13) to give the total resonance integral.
The measurement of the resonance flux is based on the use of a cadmium filter. The
neutron absorption cross-section of Cd is extremely high for E<Ec, then decreases very
rapidly, so that the material can be considered to absorb all neutrons with E<Ec while being
transparent to all neutrons with E>Ec (Ec = 0.5 eV).
In this experiment identical samples of gold are irradiated under the same conditions
except for the presence of a cadmium filter. The rates with and without filtering are
proportional to Ir and R of eq. (11) respectively.
The relative activities produced are determined using a NaI(Tl) well detector coupled to a
single-channel analyzer. This detector provides high efficiency and may be tightly shielded
so that small samples may be used to meet the requirement of infinite dilution. At the same
time the response is insensitive to small geometry changes, facilitating relative
Four samples consisting of microgram quantities of gold are evaporated on and sealed in
polyethylene sheets provided. Use a 50 l aliquot of stock solution. Place two samples in
each plastic vial for irradiation. Sample irradiation will then be carried out using the
pneumatic delivery system in the INAA facility. Two carriers will be provided, one of
which is lined with cadmium, to act as a neutron filter. Irradiations must be carried out
under the direction of INAA staff.
PMT Preamp SCA
HV bias Delay Y2
The photomultiplier tube (PMT) anode output is coupled to the preamplifier. The output of
the preamp is shaped and amplified by the shaping amplifier. The single channel analyzer
signal is coupled to the Y1 oscilloscope input. The trigger source of the oscilloscope is
the Y1 signal during the experiment.
Another branch of the amplifier output is delayed by 2 sec with the external delay box
before being presented to the Y2 input.
To set up the system, insert the source in the well, and apply the high voltage (100 V step,
Do NOT exceed 1,000 V !!) to the PMT until you can get a good signal amplitude. Set the
oscilloscope to trigger positively on the Y2 input, at 1 or 2 sec/cm sweep rate. You should
now obtain triggered operation, displaying the entire pulse spectrum. Vary the high voltage
until an intense pulse appears in the spectrum. This corresponds to the full-energy
Set the oscilloscope to trigger as in the figure and observe the effect of varying the
single-channel analyzer threshold and width. Also vary the amplifier gain controls, and
observe the effect.
1) Calibrate the single channel analyzer by determining the threshold setting which
produces maximum intensity for the set of calibration sources provided. [114mIn (190 keV)
, 198Au (411 keV), 137Cs (662 keV), 60Co (1173, 1332 keV)]
2) Place one of the gold samples in the test tube provided, and set the single channel
analyzer to accept the pulse-height region encompassing the full energy peak at 0.411
Connect the analyzer output to the signal input of the counter unit.
Determine the relative activities of all gold samples. The time of measurement should be
recorded as well.
(1) Explain briefly how the oscilloscope arrangement functions. In particular, why is
the 2 sec delay introduced between the amplifier output and the oscilloscope
(2) Make a graph of the threshold setting against gamma-ray energy using the
calibration data.
(3) Calculate 197Au resonance integral from equations (13) and (14) arising from the
lowest energy resonance with parameters:
Er = 4.906 ± 0.01 eV, = 139 ± 3 meV,
n = 15.6 ± 0.5 meV, = 124 ± 3 meV,
Jr = 2+, Jt = 3/2+
(4) Calculate the ratio of resonance flux density constant r to thermal flux density th
from your measured relative activities using o = 98.8 ± .3b and I from question (3).