Software Development Life Cycle: 2 Weeks

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Software Development life cycle

Concept Evaluation/Initiation Phase

Define/Planning Phase 2 weeks

Analyze 3 weeks

Design/ Build 4 weeks

Test 4 weeks

Release/Warranty 4 weeks

Concept Evaluation/Initialization

 High level planning is discussed( duration , allocation of PM)

 Business cases are created
 High level development estimates are generally requested
 Decisions are made whether to proceed with a new project
 At this point of life cycle, potential or impacted systems have been identified, PM has
been assigned for project and preparation is ready to begin for the define /planning phase.

Business cases:

Techniques for good business cases:

SWOT Analysis (Before and After)

Financial Valuation

Cost-Benefit analysis

Activity Based costing

Identifying and migrating risks at early stage

Requirement Management:


Elicitation (Research/Model Diagram)


Verification (Testing)


Define/Planning Phase (Business needs comes here)

 Make informed decisions

 Define the project details
 Define the scope
 Identify the level of technologies involved
 Determine any constraints( Time & Cost)
 Deliverables and sign off project charter or equivalent(Project report) with technology
and business sign off

Analyze (Analyze the SDLC)( Business Requirement comes here)

 Gather and model the requirements ( user, quality and security) into a requirement
 Capture the events
 Create data models as applicable
 Define/update the business processes as well as the quality
 Review decommissioning evaluation and recommendation
 Document decommissioning requirements
 Update the business case to identify the affect of the decommissioning benefits and cost
 Complete risk based testing ; create test strategy and test plan
(Risk based test scores are given to the requirements eg: 1,2,3 and there is a formula
to calculate the risk ( using Excel)
 The first set of task in the Analyze phase involve Gathering user and quality
requirement which are aligned to the business needs of the project
 The prompt and appropriate approval of phase end documentation is a prime review
point for the internal and external audits(Including Sarbanes-Oxley Reviews)

All these are the requirements to design process

 Analyze phase also begin the creation of testing strategy and test conditions

Test conditions/ Test cases -----> Test scenarios ---> Test Strategies

Design Phase

 Leverage analysis model as the basis of the system design in conjunction with the
existing development, executives and operation architectures
 Review decommissioning impact and document the general approach and procedures
required to accomplish the decommissioning
 The info gathered in the design phase ensures the detailed user interface, database
and processes are defined and documented for use in the build phase. Additionally
the test strategy and conditions are further refined.

Build phase

 write and validate the code

 Prepare test data including actual/expected results(Here we are setting up the test
 Execute all applicable tests eg: unit, component or assembly test
 Document decommissioning impact on business and testing needs

(Output of the build phase is to ensure that all test errors are corrected, produce executable
code, procedures, training and system test component)

Test Phase

 Validate the code

 Prepare test data including expected results
 Execute integration, user acceptance and any stress, performance, regression and
operational readiness tests as required by the project
 Compare actual test results with the expected results
 Correct all errors
 Produce tested and executable code, procedures ,training and system test components
 Perform all appropriate decommissioning tests.

Release phase

 The work environment reflects only the new system and those remnants of the old system
which are still in use.
 Redundant elements of the old system are removed
 Review and analyze the system to verify that is performs the functions stated in design
 Document any changes or enhancements identified during the initial production cycles
that would make the new system more responsive to user and business needs

Warranty phase

 Monitor the production environment to ensure it is performing as designed

 Perform root cause analysis and problem resolution for any errors
 Complete the turnover of a stable production environment to the maintenance team.

Business Requirement Document (contents)

1. Requirement reports
2. Flow diagram(As is ,To be  Power point or visio )
3. Data Modeling( if present in the project)
4. Event description
5. Appendix


Waterfall method:

 Inception phase, developers define the scope of the project and its business case

Elaboration phase, developers analyze the project's needs in greater detail and define its
architectural foundation

Construction phase, developers create the application design and source code

Transition phase, developers deliver the system to users

RUP provides a prototype at the completion of each iteration.


 Agile development is good for reducing overheads and for small teams
 In Agile, Bugs are tested for every stage and also tested finally

Agile XP

 Communication between customers and other team members and stresses more on
customer satisfaction
 XP emphasizes in team work( Customers, manager,developer)
 Feedback given on Day 1 of software testing to the customers and implement changes as
 Early delivery and implementation of suggested changes


Spiral ( Prototype + Waterfall)

RAD (Iterative+ Prototype)


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