Flying Returns Award Request Form
Flying Returns Award Request Form
Flying Returns Award Request Form
To avail Award Tickets on Air India, complete this form and submit at our Members Service Centre I Airport Extension Counter. Before applying for an Award
Ticket request. please ensure-that you have crossed the minimum threshold limit of 10,000 Mileage Points, (inclusive of Add On Mileage Points). If requesting
for an Award Ticket for a child below 12 years, please specify age in the space provided along with supporting proof or age,
Member's Details
Membership Number...................................Title...................................Name…………………………………………………………………………………...
Date of Birth....................................(dd Imm! yy) Telephone Number............................................................................................................................
Country Code Area Code Telephone Number
Mobile Number.....................................E-mail Id..............................
Reservation .Details:
Each passenger's name must be the same as it appears on his I her passport .It is mandatory to quote the PNR No. in the eligible class of travel on Air India
- AI and IC designated flight
Pooling: If you and your spouse are Flying Returns Members, and wish to pool your mileage points together to claim free tickets, please fill in the relevant
portions of this Form in Block letters. (Please strikeout the portions not applicable)
Membership Number.........................Title .,..:..............................Spouse Name......................................................
Top Up Mileage Points are payable at a conversion rate of Rupee One I USD 0.025 per mileage point (payable in equivalent local currency).
Award/s may be redeemed as follows:
Airline I
Title Name Sector of travel Date Class of Age PNR
No. Travel
I/We have crossed the threshold limit but do not have sufficient Flying Returns mileage points to redeem an Award Ticket I/We would like to top up the account
by purchasing Top Up Mileage Points (TUMPs). I/We, hereby authorize Flying Returns to issue the Award authority subject to the terms and
conditions of the programme.
Please submit this Award Request Form at least two working days in advance to the Member Service Centre with confirmed provisional PNR. Redemptions at
the Airport Extension Counter are applicable to outbound members subject to security clearance. Class of travel on Air India - AI designated flights to be: (First
Class = A, Executive Class = D and Economy Class = E) and on Air India - IC designated flights to be: (Executive Class = J/C and Economy Class = G/X). In the case multiple sector
journeys debit of mileage points (during redemptions) would be the sum of mileage points of each sector. Redemptions are not permitted on code-share
flights and Award Tickets may be subject to capacity control and embargo I blackout dates. Add on Mileage Points would be redeemed before mileage points,
Kindly present the duly signed original membership card while availing Award Ticket. Your representative would need to present the authorization letter signed
by you and original membership card signed on the reverse. All expiring mileage Points earned by you will automatically lapse and get deleted from your
account balance if not redeemed I ticketed by stipulated date and will not be recredited. No credits of lapsed mileage points and partially' utilized tickets is
permitted. During cancellation only applicable active mileage' points will be recredited less applicable mileage points. In case the Award Authority is not
ticketed the same to be returned to the nearest Member Service Centre I AI Office. Applicable taxes are be payable by you at the time' of ticketing. Use of
these awards must be made in accordance with conditions of carriage, procedures and terms and conditions detailed on
Please mail this form with supporting documents to: The Programme Coordinator, Flying Returns, Member Service Centre, P.O. Box 11757, Nariman Point,
Mumbai - 400 021.E-mail: or contact: Ahmedabad: Tele fax: +91-79-2658 1913 Bangalore: Phone: 91-80-22106793 Fax: 91-80 22106794 Chennai:
Phone: 91-44-2345 3388, 2852 9163 Fax: 91-44-2859 4715 Hyderabad: Phone: 91-40-23430351, 2343 0352 Fax: 91-40-23236904 Kolkata: Phone: 91-33-
22112548 Fax: 91-33-2211 9890 Mumbai: Phone: 91-22-2202 4040 Fax: 91-22-2202 8361, 2202 8363 New Delhi: Phone: 91-11 2460
3142,24699753,24652805 Fax: 91-11-2460 3143 Pune :Tele fax: 91-20-26059646 Singapore: Phone: 65.62214909 Fax: 65-62257636 [)ubai: Phone: 97-14-
4290926 Fax: 97-14-4290918