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ASTROLOGER’S APPRENTICE CHEAT SHEET Heaventy Boptes/PLaNets © SUN leadership, ego, will power, creativity, vitality, spirit, purpose, identity D__ MOON responses, habit pattems, feelings, receptivity, sensitivity, nurturing ¥% MERCURY rational mind, thinking processes, all forms of communications, local teavel/ transportation mates VENUS offections, attraction, aesthetics, desire for beauty, balance, values, harmony MARS aggressiveness, assertiveness, initiative, independence, pioneering, competition CERES harvest, fertility, obundonce, nurturing JUPITER growth, philosophy, higher eduction, long distance travel or communicotion SATURN structure, definition, limits, restriction, responsibility, organization, authority, maturity g c ? 4 D & CHIRON (osteroid) “Wounded Heoler" hurts, sh ¥ gy g healing, innovation, teaching URANUS the unusual or unexpected, uniqueness, individuality, revolution, reform NEPTUNE imaginotion, psychic sensitivity, confusion, fears, spirituality the orts, PLUTO (plutoid) finances, shored resources, transformation, deoth, re-birth, afterlife, sex ERIS (plutoid) chaos, discord, strife, rivalry SIGNS followed by their ruling planets) T ARIES [ruler: Mars] enthusiastic, outgoing, self-centered, energetic, pioneering, ossertve % TAURUS fruler: Venus] stable, steadfast, patient, practical, stubborn, jealous, orsy TL GEMINI jruler: Mercury] communicative, inquisitive, adoptable, versatile CANCER (ruler: Moon] sensitive, nurturing, receptive, home/family-oriented, emotional = 8 % LEO fruler: Sun} generous, showy, dramatic, creative, « leader, egotistical, fun-loving VIRGO [ruler: Mercury] onolyfca, discriminating, ciitical, detail-oriented, service-minded, useful LIBRA [ruler: Venus} diplomatic, other-oriented, peace-loving, refined, fly, indecisive SCORPIO [ruler: Pluto] magnetic, power, intense, persevering, passionate, extreme SAGITTARIUS (ruler: Jupiter] idealistic, optimistic, scotiered, honest, exaggerative, restless CAPRICORN [ruler: Saturn] ambitious, responsible, economicol, efficent, disciplined, insensitive AQUARIUS [ruler: Uranus] impersonal, detached, criginel, humanitorian, independent, rebellious bo 2 KEG NB PISCES [ruler: Neptune] sympathetic, sentimental, caring, responsive, psychic, spiritual, escapist Please note: Planets and signs are related to many more matters than the most common associations listed here. ASPECTS (Angular distance between planets, linking their influences; multiple aspects can form patterns) CONJUNCTION (0° [Planet joins/posses nother) powerful emphosis, strength in the sign SEMISEXTILE (30°) (one-tveolfth of the sky opari) like sexile but weaker, favorable combo SEMISQUARE (45°) Jone-eighth of the sky aport) similar fo Square, grating SEXTILE (60°) [one-sixth ofthe sky apo] ease, putin effort for best results SQUARE (90°) fo quarier of the sky aport} conflicting desires, inner struggles lead to action TRINE (120%) [o third of the sky oport) ‘automatic benefits, harmony, ease a a [J SESQUIQUADRATE (135% [three-cighths of the sky opar! similar to Square, fiction, tension Q_QUINTILE (72°) and Q? BIQUINTILE (144°) [one-fifth ond two-fifths ofthe sky par! « talent or a choice to make between planets influences KK QUINCUNX (150°) five-twellths of the sky apart] a disconnect, need adjustment or compromise & OPPOSITION (180%) [hail ofthe sky apor cortlc, dificubies from outside oneself or differences requiring resolution, brings awareness © 2015 Janet Booth | 1-877-293-1607 | AstrologyBooth.comSigns are grouped according to three chorecteristics - Modes, Elements and Polarity — indicating shared traits. ModE (also called Qualities) CARDINAL (beginning of each season) [Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn] clive, energetic, dmamic, inating, thrives on crisis FIXED (middle of each season) (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius} stable, persistent, wilful, stubborn, resistant to chenge MUTABLE (end of each season) [Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) adoptable, variable, restless, easy-going, scattered ELemenrs FIRE Aries, Leo, Sogittarius] impulsive, inspiretiona, enthusiast, inuitve, energetic EARTH [Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn] proctical, materialistic, dependable, utilitarian, conservat AIR (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius] intellectual, communicotive, abstrod,ideclistic, cooperative WATER [Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces] emotional, sensitive, protecive, responsive, nurturing, psychic Look for squares and oppositions in the same mode, trines in a shared element, or sextiles and oppositions in a polarity. Potarity YANG [Fire ond Air signs] extroverted, out-going, osseriive YIN [Earth and Water signs] introverted, possive, receptive ‘Opposite signs share the same polarity. They often relate to a common theme, reflecting both ends of a spectrum RetroGrape Motion R A planet's apparent backward motion. Shows a need to re-experience, review, or re-do according to sign and aspects. Lunar PHases Voi of Course Moon Ecuipses @ New Moon ‘A period of fime when the Moon has finished @ Solar Eclipse Fir : Moon its aspects in its current sign. Until entering the © First Quarter Moor next sign, motivation is low and actions “run Lunar Eclipse ©) Full Moon D Third Quarter Moon ut of steam.” I's not a good time to make major purchases or begin important activites. Read about lunar cycles con poge 90. Moon's Nobis (intersection of the Moon’s orbit around the earth with the earth’s orbit of the Sun) 2% NORTH NODE ciection for progress, what is dificult to do but growh-producing, what one needs to develop W SOUTH NODE poth of least resistance, not growth-producing, traps from old habits Aspect PATTERNS FINGER OF GOD (YOD): 2 planets sextile, both quincunx o third ~ strange twists of fate with a po: GRAND TRINE: 3 planets in on equilateral triangle al rine one another (usually with components in he same Element) an easy flow of energy between planets, may yield luck in crcumstonces related to planets & signs involved GRAND CROSS (GRAND SQUARE): « cross or square box formed by 2 perpendicular oppositions, contains 4 squares [usuolly has components in same Mode) ~ big difficulties for planets & signs involved outcome KITE: Grand Trine with @ planet opposite | point, sexfile the other 2 — a challenge maximizes the Grand Trine. MYSTIC RECTANGLE: sextiles and trines on the sides, diagonal oppositions — cooperative and complementary energies mix QUINTILE TRIANGLE (“QT”): o triangle comprised of quintiles and biquintiles — multiple talents or fortunate circumstances STAR OF DAVID (Grand Sextile): 2 overlapping Grond Trnes, with 6 sexiles and 3 oppositions (= 3 connected Kites) T-SQUARE: 2 planeis in opposition, both square o third - problems and dilemmos that force decisions or action {© 2015 Jane! Booth | 1-877-293-1607 | AsrologyBooth comAREAS OF LIFE ASSOCIATED WITH THE TWELVE HOUSES House of the Self, personaly, outlook on life, outward behavior, self-awareness, self concern, mask ("persona”), build, health, ‘oppecrance, vitality, individuality Possessions, values, resources, personal financial security, how you make money or ‘meet obligations, material end non-material resources, self-worth Conscious mind, communications, near environment, short journeys, early education, how you learn, self-expression, siblings, neighbors, ground transportation Roots, home, parents (pertculerly mother), heredity, traditions, subconscious, places of ‘esidence, reol estate, property, conditions in early ond lote life Creativity, personol self-expression, pleasures, objects of alfection (children, pels, lovers, vacations, hobbies, games, speculation, talents, need for attention Work, employment, co-workers or subordinaies, working conditions, heath, the work you do on your body, dit, hygiene, service, duties, doily tasks eursbh®eN a NA @ Sy ® *% 10 17 12 TURAL RULERS ‘1st House Tth House ‘Aries/Mars Libro/Venus 2nd House Be 8th House Taurus/Verus | ~£ Scorpio/Pluto 3rd House 12 oth House cebrisss, | ix gh howe a Ath House es 10th House Cancer/Moon 8 Copriconn (Saturn 5th House 11th House ‘Leo/Sun ‘Aquarius/Uromus 6th House 3) 12th House Virgo/Mercury Pisces/Neptune Partnerships, elationships, marriage, close ossociates, concern for others, peers, agents, ‘open enemies, contracts, close associates, negotiations, lower courts Birth, death, ceproduction, transformation, your money mixing with other people's money (credit, tax, insurance, joint finances, investment, inheritance), big business, sex, spirituality Foreign environments end languages, long journeys, the Higher Mind, philosophy, religion, higher education, ethics, higher courts, publishing, in-laws, media, the internet Public standing, reputation, stotus, worldly ottoinment, ambition, sense of mission, profession, career, responsibilities, uthoriy, father, guardion, boss Hopes ond wishes, gools, ideals, humanitorionism, essociotes, acquointances, groups, friends, business contects, money ‘made from career Spiritualiy, subconscious, sleep, unseen or hidden couses, limitations, secrets, fears, need for withdrawal or privacy, hidden enemies, confinement, House of Self:Undoing © 2015 Janet Booth | 1-877-293-1607 |
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