Group Theory and Relativity: 8.1 What Is A Group?
Group Theory and Relativity: 8.1 What Is A Group?
Group Theory and Relativity: 8.1 What Is A Group?
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What is a group? 261
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262 Group theory and relativity
1 We imagine here that the planes have D − 1 dimensions. A reflection in a plane maps a vector to a reflected
vector by reversing the sign of the part of the vector that is perpendicular to the plane.
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What is a group? 263
Let us list the four basic defining properties of a group first, and then following
that we will explore them in greater detail.
• A group has a binary composition rule (often called group multiplication) that
assigns an element of the group to each ordered pair of elements of the group.
• Group multiplication is required to be associative.
• A group contains a unique identity element.
• Every element of a group has a unique inverse.
The first property (or axiom) that turns a set into a group is that there is a rule
for combining any two elements of the group that gives a third element of the
group. Thus, if a and b are any two elements of a group G, then the group prod-
uct ab is also an element of G. Here we have represented the group composition
rule as multiplication. This is usually a convenient convention, though sometimes
it is more natural to represent it by addition. This property is often referred to as
closure. This simply means the set G is closed under group multiplication. Math-
ematically, group multiplication can be viewed as a map from G × G to G.
The group composition rule is not required to be commutative. This means that
we do not require that ab and ba are the same elements of G. The special class
of groups for which ab = ba for every pair of elements are called Abelian groups.
Those for which this is not the case are called nonabelian groups. (The word de-
rives the name of the mathematician Abel.) The addition notation for group com-
position is often used for abelian groups, that is, a + b = b + a.
The second defining property of a group is associativity. This is the requirement
that for any three elements a, b, c of a group G, (ab)c = a(bc). The parentheses
serve to indicate the order in which the group multiplications are carried out. Thus,
to be very explicit, (ab)c means that the multiplication ab should be carried out
first, and the resulting element of the group should then multiply c from the left.
A consequence of associativity is that the parentheses are unnecessary. One can
simply write abc. The meaning is unambiguous, because either of the two possible
interpretations gives the same result.
Multiplication of square n × n matrices is also associative and need not be com-
mutative. This fact at least raises the possibility that the multiplication table for a
group G can be realized by appropriately chosen matrices. Certainly, if we had a
multiplication rule that was not associative, we would know that this was not possi-
ble. The representation of groups by sets of matrices is an important issue to which
we will return later. As an aside, let us remark that nonassociative mathematical
systems are sometimes considered by mathematicians (and even by physicists), but
they are certainly not groups.
The third defining property of a group is the existence of an identity element.
This means that every group G contains a unique element, often called e, with
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264 Group theory and relativity
the property that ea = ae = a for every element a ∈ G. Note that e is both a left
identity and a right identity. Another possible notation for the identity element
is 1, but using the more abstract symbol e serves to emphasize that we are not
dealing with ordinary numbers. In an additive notation for group composition, it
is natural to represent the identity element by 0, though a more abstract symbol
could again be used. Thus, for an additive group, 0 + a = a + 0 = a. In terms of
transformations of a physical system, the identity transformation is the trivial one
that leaves the system untouched.
The final defining property of a group is the existence of an inverse. Specifically,
for every element a ∈ G, we require the existence of another element of G, de-
noted a −1 , with the property that aa −1 = a −1 a = e. In terms of transformations,
a −1 is the transformation that undoes the transformation a. Note that the inverse
of a −1 is a itself, since a satisfies the defining equations for such an inverse. For
an Abelian group that is described by an additive notation, the natural notation for
the inverse of a is −a.
We have now described all four of the defining properties of a group. Any set
that has a composition rule with these properties is a group. A group might satisfy
additional properties that turns it into an example of a mathematical category with
additional structure. However, in such a case, it is still a group.
Group representations
In the preceding we have given the abstract definition of a group. As physicists,
we are mainly concerned with specific physical realizations of groups, where they
act as transformations of specific physical systems. Such systems usually are de-
scribed in some coordinate basis, and so the effect of the transformation is to make
a linear change of the coordinates. This can be described as multiplication by a ma-
trix. Thus, it is natural from a physical point of view to represent group elements
by matrices. This also turns out to be useful for understanding the mathematical
structure of groups.
By definition, a group representation is an explicit realization of the group multi-
plication rule in terms of matrices made out of ordinary numbers (real or complex).
Let us consider square matrices with n rows and n columns. The integer n is called
the dimension of the group representation. In the special case of a one-dimensional
representation, the group elements are represented by ordinary numbers, which can
be viewed as matrices with just one row and one column. Given a group G, sup-
pose that we have a rule for assigning a matrix to every element of the group.
Specifically, to each element a ∈ G we assign an n × n matrix D(a). More explic-
itly, D(a) consists of n 2 numbers Di j (a), where i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n label the rows
and columns.
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What is a group? 265
The matrices D(a) are not completely arbitrary. Rather, they are supposed to
be chosen in such a way as to capture the group multiplication rule. This means
that multiplying the matrices should correspond to multiplying the group elements.
Expressed as an equation, the rule is
Displaying the row and column labels, this equation takes the form
Dik (a)Dk j (b) = Di j (ab). (8.2)
k =1
Such a rule for assigning matrices to group elements is called a group representa-
tion. More specifically, when the matrices have n rows and columns, it is called an
n-dimensional representation.
There are a couple of simple facts about group representations that should be
noted. First of all, since D(e)D(a) = D(ea) = D(a), the identity element is rep-
resented by the unit matrix I :
Di j (e) = δi j = Ii j i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n. (8.3)
Similarly, since D(a −1 )D(a) = D(a −1 a) = D(e) = I , we deduce that the inverse
element is represented by the inverse matrix
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266 Group theory and relativity
2 Let us recall the definitions. The adjoint of a matrix M, denoted M † , is the transpose and complex conju-
gate, that is, (M † )i j = (M ji )∗ . A unitary matrix is one for which the adjoint is the inverse, that is, M M † =
M† M = I .
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Finite and infinite groups 267
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Finite and infinite groups 269
multiplication in the first place. For such a group we get one faithful representation
for free – namely, the defining representation, which simply assigns each matrix to
itself. There will also be other representations, of course.
Let us begin by defining the Lie group O(N ). This is the group formed by
all N × N real orthogonal matrices. By definition, an orthogonal matrix A, with
matrix elements denoted Ai j , is one that satisfies the equation
Aik A jk = δi j . (8.8)
k =1
In matrix notation this takes the more compact form A A T = I . Here I denotes the
unit matrix (Ii j = δi j ), and A T denotes the transpose matrix ((A T )k j = A jk ).
Let us prove that orthogonal matrices form a group. First we note that the asso-
ciativity axiom is satisfied automatically, since it is always valid for multiplication
of finite-dimensional matrices made from numbers (real or complex). Then we
note that the N × N matrix I is an orthogonal matrix, and it is obviously the iden-
tity element of the group. Next we must show that the product of two orthogonal
matrices is itself an orthogonal matrix. This requires checking whether, for any
two N × N orthogonal matrices A and B, it is true that (AB)(AB)T = I . This
is verified easily using the identity (AB)T = B T A T and associativity to rearrange
the parentheses. The final requirement that needs to be checked is that every or-
thogonal matrix has an inverse, and that this inverse is itself an orthogonal matrix.
To prove this we note that the inverse of an orthogonal matrix A is A T . Therefore
we need to check whether A T (A T )T = I . This is true, because (A T )T = A.
As we have said, any element A of the Lie group O(N ) satisfies the equation
A A T = I . Let us take the determinant of each side of this equation. To do this we
recall the following facts: det I = 1, det (AB) = det A det B, and det A T = det A.
Applying these facts to the equation A A T = I , one deduces that (det A)2 = 1.
Hence det A = ±1. The orthogonal matrices that satisfy det A = 1 form a sub-
group of O(N ), which is denoted S O(N ). The letter S stands for “special,” mean-
ing that the determinant is unity, or the matrix is unimodular.
The physical interpretation is as follows: orthogonal matrices with det A = 1
can be interpreted as rotations of an N -dimensional Cartesian space. (The N-
dimensional rotation group was discussed previously in Chapter 5.) Those with
det A = −1 can be interpreted as reflections of the same N -dimensional Cartesian
This construction has a straightforward generalization to N × N complex ma-
trices. As mentioned in an earlier footnote, a complex N × N matrix A is unitary
if and only if it satisfies the equation A A† = 1. Here A† is called the adjoint (or
Hermitian conjugate) of A. It is the complex conjugate of the transpose. In terms
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270 Group theory and relativity
of components (A† )i j = (A ji ) . The claim is that the set of all such matrices form
a group called U (N ). The proof that the axioms of a group are satisfied works the
same way as before, and we leave it as an exercise. Note that, as a special case,
the matrix A is allowed to be real. For such a matrix, adjoint and transpose are the
same thing. Therefore O(N ) is a subgroup of U (N ).
Let us identify an important subgroup of U (N ) by the same method we used
for O(N ). We form the determinant of both sides of the equation A A† = 1. By
the same reasoning as before, this leads to the equation |det A|2 = 1. Therefore
|det A| = 1, and det A is a phase. As before, the unimodular (det A = 1) unitary
matrices form a subgroup denoted SU (N ).
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Rotations form a group 271
case of rotations in three dimensions. The basic conceptual fact is that in the case
of a continuous group the structure of the group in an infinitesimal neighborhood
of the identity element contains all the essential information required to understand
arbitrary finite group transformations. The only caveat is that different groups can
be identical in the neighborhood of the identity. When this happens, the two groups
are distinguished by their global topology. As we will see, the two groups have the
same Lie algebra. A pair of groups that are related in this way, which we will
describe in detail, are S O(3) and SU (2).
Recall that rotation matrices are orthogonal matrices with determinants of +1,
and an orthogonal matrix is one that satisfies A A T = A T A = I . Here I denotes
the unit matrix. Since we wish to focus on rotations in three dimensions, we will
be interested in the case that A is a 3 × 3 matrix. For example, a rotation by an
angle θ in the x–y plane is given by the matrix
cos θ −sin θ 0
Rz (θ) = sin θ cos θ 0. (8.9)
0 0 1
Now suppose that the rotation angle θ is very small. Expanding to first order we
1 −θ 0
Rz (θ) = θ 1 0 + O(θ 2 ) = I + θ L̃ z + O(θ 2 ), (8.10)
0 0 1
0 −1 0
L̃ z = 1 0 0. (8.11)
0 0 0
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272 Group theory and relativity
which is the inverse of the original matrix. In a completely analogous way we can
derive infinitesimal generators for rotations about the x and y axes:
0 0 0
L x = −i 0 0 −1, (8.15)
0 1 0
0 0 1
L y = −i 0 0 0. (8.16)
−1 0 0
The infinitesimal generators of a Lie group form an algebraic system called a
Lie algebra. The closure of the group under multiplication translates into closure
of the vector space spanned by the infinitesimal generators under commutation.
Explicitly, for the example at hand, one has the commutation relation
[L x , L y ] = L x L y − L y L x = i L z , (8.17)
as is easily verified. Two similar formulas are obtained by cyclically permuting the
indices x, y, z.
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Rotations form a group 273
subject to the restriction that det U = |a|2 + |b|2 = 1. As the reader can verify,
this specific parametrization ensures that the matrices are unitary (U †U = 1). If
one separates real and imaginary parts by writing a = a1 + ia2 and b = b1 + ib2 ,
then the determinant condition takes the form (a1 )2 + (a2 )2 + (b1 )2 + (b2 )2 = 1,
which is the equation for a three-dimensional sphere S 3 . Therefore, one says that
the group manifold of SU (2) is S 3 .
Let us now consider SU (2) matrices that differ from the identity matrix by an in-
finitesimal amount. Such matrices can be written in terms of three real infinitesimal
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274 Group theory and relativity
parameters αx , α y , αz as follows
1 + iαz iαx + α y
U= + O(α 2 ) (8.22)
iαx − α y 1 − iαz
This corresponds to a1 = 1, a2 = αz , b1 = α y , and b2 = αx , which satisfies the
determinant condition to order (α)2 . This expression can be recast in terms of a
basis of three 2 × 2 matrices σ called Pauli matrices:
U = 1 + i σ · α + O(α 2 ), (8.23)
and two more equations given by cyclic permutation of indices. Aside from the
factor of 2, these are the same commutation relations that we found in the preced-
ing subsections. Thus the three matrices σ /2 have the same commutation relations
as the three operators L that generate S O(3). This demonstrates that the two Lie
groups have the same Lie algebra.
Let us now consider finite SU (2) transformations. We described one way of pa-
rameterizing them above, but let us now introduce another one. Consider a matrix
of the following form
U = exp (i σ · α ), (8.26)
where now the vector α represents three finite real numbers. This agrees with the
previous expression to first order in α, but it is exactly unitary. To show this, note
that the Pauli matrices are Hermitian, and therefore the adjoint of U is equal to its
The relationship between SU (2) and S O(3) can be obtained by considering the
traceless Hermitian matrix
z x − iy
X = σ · x = . (8.27)
x + iy −z
If one performs a unitary transformation, by an element of the group SU (2) one
obtains a transformed matrix
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Rotations form a group 275
Note that X is also Hermitian and traceless, and therefore x consists of three
real numbers that are related to x by a real linear transformation. Furthermore
this linear transformation is a rotation. To see this, we note that −det X = x 2 +
y 2 + z 2 , and det X = det X . Therefore the vectors x and x have the same length.
In this way one associates a unique rotation to each element of the group SU
To understand this better, let us specialize to the case of transformations gener-
ated by σz , which will correspond to rotations about the z axis. One has
e 0
U = exp (iασz ) = . (8.29)
0 e−iα
corresponds to a rotation about the z axis by an angle 2α. In particular, the matrix
U = −I , corresponding to α = π, corresponds to a rotation by an angle of 2π ,
which is the identity element of S O(3).
We can now understand the two-to-one relationship between the two groups.
Given an SU (2) matrix U , there is a another distinct SU (2) matrix −U , which
corresponds to the same S O(3) rotation. A fancier way of saying this is that the
two SU (2) matrices I and −I form an invariant subgroup of SU (2), and S O(3) is
isomorphic to SU (2) modulo this invariant subgroup. Another way of saying the
same thing is that the map from SU (2) to S O(3) described above is a two-to-one
Spinor representations
Because of the two-to-one relationship between the two groups, the three-
dimensional matrices that define S O(3) provide a three-dimensional representa-
tion of SU (2), whereas the two-dimensional matrices of SU (2) do not provide a
two-dimensional representation of S O(3). More generally, it turns out that SU (2)
has irreducible representations of every positive dimension, whereas only the ones
of odd dimension are also representations of S O(3). The even-dimensional repre-
sentations of SU (2) are sometimes called spinor representations.
It is customary to label the irreducible representations by their “spin” j. The
spin is related to the dimension n of the representation by n = 2 j + 1. Thus
the irreducible representations of S O(3) are labeled by j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , and the
spinor representations of SU (2), which are not representations of S O(3), have
j = 1/2, 3/2, 5/2, . . . .
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Lorentz transformations form a group 277
surprisingly, the answer is yes. The covering group of S O(D) is called Spin(D).
In particular, in the case of three dimensions, Spin(3) = 4SU (2). In general, there
is not another equivalent name for Spin(D), though it does turn out that Spin(5) is
isomorphic to the symplectic group USp(4) and Spin(6) is isomorphic to SU (4).
Thus, in these two cases the minimal spinor representations are four-dimensional.
The reason we have written the formulas this way is to emphasize that the trans-
formation preserves the “metric” I , which corresponds to the matrix δi j . These
formulas just represent the fact that the vectors x and x̃ have the same length s,
where the length squared is given by the usual formula, namely s 2 = i (x i )2 =
i j δi j x x .
i j
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278 Group theory and relativity
s 2 = −(x 0 )2 + i (x
i )2 . We can rewrite this in the convenient form
s2 = ηµν x µ x ν , (8.35)
where the matrix η is the Lorentz metric. We use lower case Greek indices to
label spacetime directions, with µ = 0 corresponding to the time direction and
µ = i corresponding to the spatial directions. Specifically, the Lorentz metric η
is a diagonal matrix, whose diagonal components are η00 = −1 and ηii = 1 for
i = 1, 2, . . . D. The usual case is D = 3, of course.
Let us now consider a linear transformation of spacetime given by x̃ λ =
λ̃ ν
ν L ν x , as before. The only difference from before is that the indices now range
from 0 to D rather than from 1 to D. We require that this transformation preserve
the invariant interval s 2 , since this is the defining property of a Lorentz transfor-
mation. Expressed in terms of matrices this yields the condition L T ηL = η. This
can be written in terms of coordinates as
L ρ̃µ ηρ̃ λ̃ L λ̃ν = ηµν . (8.36)
ρ̃ λ̃
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Lorentz transformations form a group 279
components (1) and (4), and −1 for components (2) and (3). The “proper Lorentz
group” is defined to consist of transformations belonging to component (1) only.
They form a subgroup of O(D, 1). This subgroup is usually denoted S O(D, 1).
Note that this is a more severe restriction than requiring that the determinant is
+1, since that would also allow transformations of the fourth type.3 Components
(1) and (2), taken together, form the subgroup of the full Lorentz group that pre-
serves the direction of time. The Lorentz transformations with this property are
sometimes called orthochronous Lorentz transformations.
In thinking about Lorentz transformations, it is sometimes helpful to try to visu-
alize their effect on light cones. For example, time reversal clearly interchanges the
forward and backward light cones, whereas spatial reflections preserve light cones.
3 An alternative notation in which this does include the fourth component is also used. In that case, some addi-
tional symbol, such as a vertical arrow, is needed to represent the restriction to the first component.
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280 Group theory and relativity
Here we find it convenient to write the row index ρ as a subscript and the column
index λ as a superscript. This ensures that when we multiply matrices the summa-
tion combines a subscript with a superscript. This is a convenient way to ensure
that the Lorentz metric is properly taken into account. Note that for this choice
of L µν the only nonzero elements of the matrix L i j are those that are given in
Eq. (8.37). However, this equation does more. It also gives the infinitesimal gen-
erators for Lorentz boosts. A boost in the x i direction is generated by the matrix
L 0i . From Eq. (8.38) we can read off that the only nonzero elements of the matrix
L 0i are (L 0i )i0 = (L 0i )0i = −i.
The Lie algebra of S O(D, 1) is obtained by computing the commutators of the
matrices that describe the infinitesimal transformations. The result of this compu-
tation is
Again generalizing what we did previously for rotations, the infinitesimal gen-
erators of S O(D, 1) can be represented by differential operators that act on the
coordinates. This yields
ρ ∂ ρ ∂
L µν = −i ηµρ x − ηνρ x . (8.40)
∂xν ∂xµ
In this equation it is understood that the repeated index ρ is summed. In particular,
for the generators of Lorentz boosts we have
i ∂ 0 ∂
L i0 = −i x +x . (8.41)
∂x0 ∂xi
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Lorentz transformations form a group 281
One can verify that these differential operators satisfy commutation relations given
To illustrate these equations, consider an infinitesimal boost in the x 1 direction
generated by L 10 :
0 0 0
x x x + θ x1
= (1 + iθ L 10 + O(θ ))2
= + O(θ 2 ). (8.42)
x 1 x1 x1 + θ x0
Exponentiating this to give a finite Lorentz boost gives
0 0
x x cosh θ x 0 + sinh θ x 1
= exp [iθ L 10 ] = . (8.43)
x 1 x1 cosh θ x 1 + sinh θ x 0
We recognize these as the standard formulas for a Lorentz
boost. The velocity
v= βc associated to the boost is given by cosh θ = 1/ 1 − β and sin h θ =
β/ 1 − β .
SL(2, C)
The proper Lorentz group for four-dimensional spacetime, S O(3, 1), contains the
rotation group S O(3) as a subgroup. As we explained in Section 8.3, S O(3) has a
covering group, SU (2), which contains two elements (of opposite sign) for every
element of S O(3). This extension of the rotation group is required to describe
fermions in quantum theory. Suppose now we want to construct relativistic (that is,
Lorentz-invariant) quantum theories that contain fermions. What is the appropriate
symmetry group in such a case? Clearly, we require a covering group of S O(3, 1)
that contains SU (2) as a subgroup. Fortunately, such a group exists, and it is called
S L(2, C).
The group S L(2, C) consists of all 2 × 2 complex matrices M with det M =
1 (unimodular matrices). This group has three complex dimensions (or six real
dimensions). A generic element has the form
a b
M= ad − bc = 1, a, b, c, d ∈ C. (8.44)
c d
Since there are six independent real parameters, there are six independent infinites-
imal generators. One can show that they give precisely the same Lie algebra as
S O(3, 1).
The relationship between S L(2, C) and S O(3, 1) can be described by an exten-
sion of the reasoning that we used to explain the relationship between SU (2) and
S O(3). For this purpose, we associate the Hermitian matrix
x + x3 x1 − i x2
X= (8.45)
x1 + i x2 x0 − x3
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282 Group theory and relativity
4 These representations are not unitary, but that’s okay, since the group is noncompact.
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The Poincaré group 283
Euclidean group E(D), which was discussed earlier. It does not require relativity,
so it is also a symmetry of nonrelativistic theories.
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284 Group theory and relativity
[Pµ , Pν ] = 0 (8.53)
To complete the characterization of the Poincaré algebra, we must also specify the
commutators of the translation generators with the Lorentz generators. Using the
representation in terms of differential operators, it is straightforward to compute
this algebra. One finds that
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Exercises 285
8.1 Describe the transformation of the plane given by an arbitrary element
g of the group E 2 (described in Section 8.1). Let g1 and g2 denote two
elements of the group E 2 . Compute the transformation that is described
by the group product g1 g2 .
8.2 Work out the multiplication table for the group Dn described in
Section 8.1.
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286 Group theory and relativity
8.3 Which of the following form a group under ordinary multiplication: the
nonzero integers, the nonzero real numbers, the nonzero complex num-
bers? Why have we excluded zero?
8.4 Enumerate the elements of the group S3 . Is this group Abelian? Which
elements are even and which are odd? Verify that the even elements form
a subgroup.
8.5 Prove that the set of all unitary N × N matrices form a group.
8.6 Prove that the mapping A → det A is a one-dimensional representation of
the group U (N ).
8.7 Show explicitly that the matrix in Eq. (8.12) satisfies Eq. (8.13).
8.8 Verify that the differential operators L i = ii jk x j ∂k satisfy the same Lie
algebra as the 3 × 3 matrices in Eqs. (8.12), (8.15) and (8.16).
8.9 Verify that the map from SU (2) to S O(3) described in Eqs. (8.27) and
(8.28) is a two-to-one homomorphism.
8.10 Verify that the differential operators in Eq. (8.33) satisfy the commutation
relations in Eq. (8.32).
8.11 Using the representation in Eq. (8.41), show that the commutator of two
boost generators [L i0 , L j0 ] gives a rotation generator.
8.12 Construct the infinitesimal generators of SL(2, C). Show that they give the
same Lie algebra as S O(3, 1).
8.13 Verify the commutation relations in Eq. (8.55).
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