Wint Gens 2003
Wint Gens 2003
Wint Gens 2003
Received 3 May 2002; received in revised form 14 January 2003; accepted 16 January 2003
Within the presented study a model to describe the filtration performance of submerged capillary hollow fibre modules in
membrane bioreactor applications for wastewater treatment was developed. The model was implemented in a software platform
for simulation and calibrated using operating data of the full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant Rödingen, which is
operated by the Erft River Association (Erftverband) and equipped with activated sludge treatment and microfiltration units
for biomass retention. Mathematical expressions for filtration resistances like cake layer forming and fouling are presented and
combined with an activated sludge model (ASM) to describe the biological treatment processes. The model proved successful
in simulating the long-term decrease in permeability of the membranes and the final effluent quality in terms of standard
© 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Membrane bioreactor; Wastewater treatment; Fouling model; Microfiltration; Simulation
0376-7388/03/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
56 T. Wintgens et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 216 (2003) 55–65
of enhanced mass transfer induced by slug flow based submerged, the suction pressure p (Pa) applied by
on computational fluid dynamics. The highly turbu- the permeate suction pump, and the pressure losses
lent wake region of the gas slug is supposed to create caused by the permeate flow through the hollow
a peak in wall shear stress [13]. fibres.
In contrast, the approach introduced here accounts The effective trans-membrane pressure difference
for average hydrodynamic shear effects upon mass pTM (TMP) for a membrane element is composed
transfer and consequently concentration polarisation, of three pressure components as follows (Fig. 3):
while an accurate description of the geometric con-
straints is not possible in case of submerged capil- pTM = phydro + ppump − pax
lary hollow fibre systems without fixed flow channels
between the membranes. As the diffusivity of parti- Cake resistance RC is assumed to be dependent on
cles and macromolecules encountered in membrane a cake layer forming component at the membrane sur-
filtration of activated sludge is low, back-transport of face, where cM represents the corresponding concen-
species accumulated on the membrane surface to the tration at the membrane surface:
bulk flow can only be shear-induced. RC = kC cM
Formally, the model is based on the resistance-in-
series model, describing the area specific permeate The concentration cM at the membrane surface de-
flux F as the ratio of driving force pTM and a sum of pends on the concentration profile at the membrane
resistances, comprising the hydraulic resistance of the and is expressed in another relation, accounting for
clean membrane RM , a cake layer resistance RC , and a concentration polarisation effects:
fouling resistance RF , multiplied by the temperature-
dependent dynamic viscosity of the permeate ηP : F = kP ln
F = This expression describes the deviation between
(RM + RC + RF )ηP
the bulk concentration cb and the concentration at the
The pressure gradient along the fibre is deter- membrane surface of cake layer forming components,
mined by the depth H (m) to which the module is which depends on the local mass transfer coefficient
Fig. 3. Submerged capillary hollow fibre modules and idealised trans-membrane pressure [15].
60 T. Wintgens et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 216 (2003) 55–65
The general system behaviour in terms of biomass simulated by the integration of membrane and ac-
concentration and effluent parameters, e.g. chemical tivated sludge models for a steady-state case. The
oxygen demand (COD), ammonia–nitrogen (NH4 –N), simulation was based on average feed characteris-
nitrate–nitrogen and nitrite–nitrogen (NOx –N), was tics and using standard ASM3 parameters with COD
[13] S.J. Judd, P. Le-Clech, T. Taha, Z.F. Cui, Theoretical and [15] B. Günder, Das Membranbelebungsverfahren in der
experimental representation of a submerged MBR system, kommunalen Abwasserbehandlung, Dissertation, Stuttgart
Membr. Technol. 135 (2001) 4–9. University, Stuttgart, 1999.
[14] C. Wisniewski, A. Grasmick, A. Leon Cruz, Critical [16] N. Engelhardt, W. Firk, W. Warnken, Integration of membrane
particle size in membrane bioreactors—case of a denitri- filtration into the activated sludge process in municipal
fying bacterial suspension, J. Membr. Sci. 178 (2000) 141– wastewater treatment, Water Sci. Technol. 38 (4–5) (1998)
150. 429–436.