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Tutorial letter 101/2/2016

First Year Chemistry Practical


Semesters 2

Department of Chemistry

This tutorial letter contains important information
about your module.


1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3
2 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE............................................................... 3
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 3
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................... 6
3.1 Lecturer(s) .................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Department ................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 University ...................................................................................................................................... 7
4 MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES ............................................................................................. 7
4.1 Prescribed books .......................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Recommended books ................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Electronic Reserves (e-Reserves)................................................................................................. 8
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE MODULE ............................................................... 8
6 MODULE-SPECIFIC STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................. 9
7 MODULE PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING .................................. 11
8 ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................... 13
8.1 Assessment plan ........................................................................................................................ 13
8.2 General assignment numbers ..................................................................................................... 14
8.2.1 Unique assignment numbers ...................................................................................................... 14
8.2.2 Due dates for assignments ......................................................................................................... 14
8.3 Submission of assignments ........................................................................................................ 15
8.4 Assignments ............................................................................................................................... 16
9 OTHER ASSESSMENT METHODS ........................................................................................... 24
10 EXAMINATION ........................................................................................................................... 24
11 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 24
12 SOURCES CONSULTED ........................................................................................................... 24
13 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 24
14 ADDENDUM ............................................................................................................................... 24


Dear Student
Welcome to module CHE1503 which is a first year Chemistry Practical module. We trust and
hope that you will find this module both interesting and rewarding. Good management of your
study time is the key to your success therefore I encourage you to start studying early in the
semester and resolve to do your assignments properly and submit on time. Learning is a
process and cannot be left to chance and last minutes.


2.1 Purpose
This composite practical module is aimed at equipping students with basic-hands-on laboratory
skills and techniques associated with some of the theoretical concepts covered in General
Chemistry. Students accredited with this module will be able to demonstrate the theoretical
concepts of General Chemistry practically. They will learn to think critically and apply basic
chemical techniques when solving problems.

2.2 Outcomes
Specific outcome 1:

Apply ethical and health and safety principles in the laboratory.

Assessment criteria 1:
1.1 Common hazards symbols are identified and interpreted.

1.2 Safety clothing such as laboratory coats, goggles and closed shoes are worn at all
times in the laboratory.
1.3 Safety precautions on labels are followed.
1.4 Adverse physical, chemical, biological and psychological effects of common
hazards to human life in the laboratory and the general environment are identified.
1.5 Waste is disposed off in appropriate and designated containers.
1.6 Ethical principles are observed and adhered to in experimental work and

Specific outcome 2:

Apply practical titrimetric methods in quantitative analysis to demonstrate analytical

chemistry concepts.

Assessment criteria 2:

2.1 Appropriate volumetric glassware for titrimetric methods is identified, selected and
used for a specific experiment.
2.2 Experimental data is collected, systematically recorded in a laboratory notebook
and interpreted.
2.3 Laboratory technique is demonstrated by correctly following procedures in a
prescribed experiment.
2.4 Quantitative transfer of liquids and measurement of mass are demonstrated.
2.5 Standard solutions are prepared and the concentration of unknown samples is
2.6 Stoichiometric ratios, dilution factors and molecular masses are applied in
quantitative calculations.
2.7 A comprehensive laboratory report demonstrating an understanding of the
practical work is compiled.

Specific outcome 3:

Classify chemical reactions and investigate precipitation reactions using experimental


Assessment criteria 3:

3.1 Laboratory technique is demonstrated by correctly following procedures in a

prescribed experiment.
3.2 Experimental data is collected, systematically recorded in a laboratory notebook
and interpreted.
3.3 Various classes of chemical reactions are differentiated.
3.4 Balanced equations for different types of chemical reactions are presented
3.5 Observation of the reactants and products before, during and after the reaction is
3.6 Precipitates of some insoluble salts are prepared.
3.7 From the characteristic colours of certain aqueous ions, unknown inorganic ions in
solution are identified.
3.8 A comprehensive laboratory report demonstrating an understanding of the
practical work is compiled.


Specific outcome 4

Apply basic principles of physical chemistry in solving laboratory practical problems.

Assessment criteria 4:

4.1 The laboratory manual is correctly interpreted and experiments are planned and
set up.
4.2 Laboratory technique is demonstrated by correctly following procedures in a
prescribed experiment.
4.3 Experimental data is collected, systematically recorded in a laboratory notebook
and interpreted.
4.4 Enthalpy of fusion of water is determined.
4.5 Changes occurring in chemical equilibria are observed, interpreted and applied in
answering questions.
4.6 A comprehensive laboratory report demonstrating an understanding of the
practical work is compiled.

Specific outcome 5

Perform prescribed experiments in organic chemistry and report results

Assessment criteria 5:

5.1 Laboratory technique is demonstrated by correctly following procedures in a

prescribed experiment.
5.2 Experimental data is collected, systematically recorded in a laboratory notebook
and interpreted.
5.3 Fractional distillation experiments are carried out.
5.4 Basic hands on experiments are carried out in order to distinguish between
functional groups.
5.5 Selected synthetic reactions are carried out.
5.6 Melting points of products are determined.
5.7 A comprehensive laboratory report demonstrating an understanding of the
practical work is compiled.

3.1 Lecturer(s)
General enquiries with regard to this course may be directed Professor S Dube, the module coordinator
and her contact details are given below:

Lecturer’s name: Professor S Dube

Building and office number: Eureka – KM 033, Florida Science Campus

E-mail address:

Telephone number: (011) 670 9308

3.2 Department
In the absence of your lecturer enquiries relating to academic studies might also be directed to
the departmental secretary, Mrs M Mokiri on (011) 670 9318 or Ms B Gini on (011) 670 9327.

Enquiries in connection with practical work and applications for exemption from practical work
should be directed to:

The Head of Department

Department of Chemistry
Private Bag X 6
Florida Campus

If you want to contact us via e-mail, please make sure that you give us the module code and
your student number. Lecturers work on a number of modules each and it is therefore important
to be very specific.

All queries that are not of a purely administrative nature but are about the content of this module
should be directed to the lecturer.


3.3 University
Communication with the University
If you need to contact the University about matters not related to the content of this module,
please consult the publication myStudies @ Unisa that you received with your study material.
This booklet contains information on how to contact the University (e.g. to whom you can write
for different queries, important telephone and fax numbers, addresses and details of the times
certain facilities are open).

Always have your student number at hand when you contact the University.

Please note that all administrative enquiries should be directed to the following contact details:

 Fax number (RSA): 012 429 4150

 Fax number (international): +27 12 429 4150

 E-mail:

 Online address:

4.1 Prescribed books
The only prescribed textbook for this module is; VIRTUAL CHEMLAB- General Chemistry
Laboratories version 2.5, Brian F. Woodfield, Matthew C. Asplund and Steven Haderlie,
Pearson Prentice Hall
This textbook is a manual which comes together with a Virtual ChemLab CD.
Please note that any newer versions than 2.5 will also be acceptable.
The prescribed textbook can be purchased at the following bookshops:
Van Schaiks, Protea, Juta, Armstrong, On-line via or other University‟s official
booksellers. If you have difficulty in locating your book at these booksellers, please contact the
Prescribed Book Section at Tel: 012 429-4152 or email
The University does not provide copies of this book. Students are expected to obtain their own
copies. As most of the study material for this module is included in this book, it is essential to
have access to a copy. Arrangements must therefore be made immediately to obtain a copy.
4.2 Recommended books
Please note that the textbooks used for CHE1501 and CHE1502 or any General Chemistry
textbooks are recommended for theoretical concepts covered in this module.

4.3 Electronic Reserves (e-Reserves)
There are no e-Reserves for this module.


For information on the various student support systems and services available at Unisa (e.g.
student counselling, tutorial classes, language support), please consult the publication
myStudies @Unisa, which you received with your study material.

Contact with fellow students

Study groups: It is advisable to have contact with fellow students. One way to do this is to form
study groups. The addresses of students in your area may be obtained from the following
Directorate: Student Administration and Registration
P O Box 392

If you have access to a computer that is linked to the internet, you can quickly access resources
and information at the University. The myUnisa system is Unisa‟s online campus that will help
you communicate with other students, your lecturers and the administrative departments of the

To go to the myUnisa website, start at the main Unisa website, and then
click on the „Login to myUnisa‟ link on the right-hand side of the screen. This should take you to
the myUnisa website. You can also go there directly by typing in
consult the publication myStudies @ Unisa which you received with you study material for more
information on myUnisa.

Video Conference classes

If a video conference class is arranged for this module, you will be informed via myUnisa
announcements as well as via a sms.



Second semester

Assignment Due date Remarks

1 6 August Compulsory.
Must be in by 6 August in order for you to
have sufficient preparation for the
practical. It also contributes to the year
mark. Students who complete and pass this
assignment usually excel in the practical

2 5 September Compulsory.
Must be in by September and contributes to
year mark

3 30 September Compulsory.
This is the practical portfolio made up of your
practical reports. Failure to submit will mean
that you fail the module. Please note that
students will be expected to have submitted
on the final day of the practical.

An assignment is designed to be a product of your own study and your own thought. It is not
intended to be a piece of work which merely reproduces details, information or ideas from a
study guide, from books or articles, or from the Internet.

If you do this, you commit plagiarism. Plagiarism is the act of copying word for word with or
without acknowledgment from study sources (e.g. books, articles, the Internet). In other words,
you must submit your own ideas in your own words, sometimes interspersing relevant short
quotations that are properly referenced.

Yes, simply copying a few pages from the prescribed book is plagiarism. Pasting paragraphs
from Wikipedia into your assignment is plagiarism. And it does not stop being plagiarism if you
mention the source.

Skilled scientific writers can use direct block quotations to make a specific point. They know
what they are doing. You still need to develop your own voice, your own style of arguing the
point. Do not plagiarise.
Note that you also commit plagiarism if you copy the assignment of another student. We do
encourage you to work together and form study groups, but you are expected to prepare and
submit your own assignments.

When we receive two or more identical assignments, we are not able to work out who copied
from whom. We will therefore penalize both students.

If you commit plagiarism you will be penalized and given no marks for your assignment.
This will have a serious effect on your chances to succeed in your studies because you
will have no semester mark.

Furthermore, you may be penalised or subjected to disciplinary proceedings by the University.

Plagiarism is also an offence in terms of the law.



7.1 Admission to the Practical
Admission to the practical is reserved ONLY to those students who would have registered for
the CHE1503 module and have completed and submitted assignment 01. Please note that
submitting blank pages for the assignment will not be accepted. It is very important for you to
attempt all the questions. In addition to this, you must have already passed CHE1501 to be
admitted to the practical. If you have not completed CHE1502 you are at least expected to have
registered for it concurrently with CHE1503.

7.2 Practical Work at UNISA

Students are required to attend a compulsory practical course for two weeks in the Department
of Chemistry at the UNISA Florida Science Campus. Since Chemistry is an experiential
discipline it is not possible to complete it without doing any practical. Students are
therefore urged to make time and attend this practical.

7.3 Dates for Practical Work and Duration

CHE1503 is a semester 2 module and it will be offered in two sessions: session 1 which takes
place from 15 – 26 August 2016 and session 2 which is from 19-30 September 2016. This gives
you a choice to do your practical either in August or in September thus minimizing clashes with
other examinations or practical work. Note that you are only allowed to be in one session and
not both. A session runs for two weeks and it is important that you arrange for leave in advance
if you are employed. Also note that reserving a place for the practical is not a guarantee for
admission. During this time, about 12 experiments will be covered which are compulsory for
your examination mark. Failure to complete all experiments will result in you failing the module.
Please note that you will be attending daily for the entire period (weekends excluded) hence
take this into consideration as you apply for your leave. Please refer to the Table below for a
detailed schedule:


Week 1 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

15 16 17 18 19

CHE1503 Group A- Titrations

Group B- Specials

Week 2 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

22 23 24 25 26

CHE1503 Group B- Titrations

Group A- Specials


Week 1 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

19 20 21 22 23

CHE1503 Group A- Titrations

Group B- Specials

Week 2 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

26 27 28 29 30

CHE1503 Group B- Titrations

Group A- Specials

Booking for a practical slot on myUnisa

You will be expected to book for a slot on myUnisa using the Sign Up tool. Login to myUnisa
and click on the Sign Up tool and the follow the instructions. Please note that we will inform you
when the slots are available for booking on myUnisa.


7.4 Practical Work at Other Universities

Students who are unable to attend the practical at the scheduled time may do the practical work
at another university nearer to them. Such students have to request permission from the Head
of Department of Chemistry at UNISA to ascertain whether a particular practical course offered
by the other institution will be accredited by UNISA. However, gaining access to a specific
institution is solely the responsibility of the student. If a student chooses this option it is their
responsibility to identify a lecturer from the other institution who will assist them with the
practical and also be available to assess the work. Please note that you are still expected to
complete both assignments even if you opt to take your practical work at another institution.

7.5 Exemption from Practical Work and Practical Examination

Under certain circumstances, students may be granted exemption from the practical work and
practical examination. All applications for exemption must be made in writing to the Head of the
Department of Chemistry.

8.1 Assessment plan
Year Mark
Both assignment 01 and 02 contribute to your semester mark. Assignment 01 carries 60% of
the year mark while assignment 02 carries 40%. The semester mark (assignment 01 and
assignment 02) will contribute 20 percent of the final mark for the practical examination. Please
note that it is important for you to do both assignments and submit them on time.

Practical Mark
It is important to note that whatever practical mark is accumulated during the practical sessions
will be taken as the practical mark. The practical session consist of several experiments (about
12) which you should carry out successfully in order to pass. You are expected to attempt and
complete all the scheduled experiments and submit the practical reports during the laboratory
session. Note that these practical reports constitute the practical mark which is assignment 03
on the assessment plan. Your practical mark is therefore a contribution of all the experiments
that you would have successfully completed and is worth 80% of the final mark.

Final Mark
Year Mark (20%) + Practical Mark (80%) = Final Mark (100%)

8.2 General assignment numbers

Please refer to my Studies @ Unisa for the general assignment information and rules.

Assignments should be addressed to:

The Registrar
PO Box 392

8.2.1 Unique assignment numbers

In addition to the general assignment number (e.g. 01), assignments completed as written
assignments must also have their own unique assignment number. Please make sure that
you use to correct unique number and complete the information as required. The unique
assignment numbers for module CHE1503 are provided below.


Assignment Unique Assignment Number

01 732718

02 784265

03 880855

8.2.2 Due dates for assignments


Assignment Due date

1 5 August 2016

2 09 September 2016

3 30 September 2016


8.3 Submission of assignments

Students may submit written assignments and assignments completed on mark-reading sheets
either by post or electronically on myUnisa. Assignments may not be submitted by fax or e-
mail. Note that the practical reports or portfolio (assignment 03) will be submitted during the
practical sessions. No reports should be submitted at a date later than that indicated on the
schedule above.

For detailed information and requirements as far as assignments are concerned, see the
brochure my Studies @ Unisa that you received with your study material.

To submit an assignment via myUnisa:

 Go to myUnisa.

 Log in with your student number and password.

 Select the module.

 Click on assignments in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

 Click on the assignment number you wish to submit.

 Follow the instructions.

8.4 Assignments

Assignment 1

Due date: 5 August 2016

Unique no: 732718

Answer all the four questions in this assignment

Question 1 and 2 can be answered from your general chemistry knowledge (i.e. CHE1501). Please feel
free to refer to your notes and textbook for CHE1501 to answer the questions. Question 3 and 4 are
derived from the Virtual ChemLab CD. Use the Virtual ChemLab “General Chemistry Laboratories v
2.5” [BF Woodfield, MC Asplund and S Haderlie] to answer Questions 3 and 4.


a) Define the term “meniscus” and explain how you use it for marking volumetric measurements.

b) Define the following:

I. standard solution [2]
II. standardization [2]
III. titration [2]
IV. equivalence point [2]
V. end point [2]


(a) Calculate the mass of potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) needed to prepare a 0.1 M
solution in a 250.0 ml volumetric flask given that the molar mass of potassium hydrogen
phthalate is 204.23 g/mol. [4]

(b) A 25.00 mL aliquot of KHP prepared in (a) required 23.85 mL of NaOH solution to reach the
end point during titration

(i) Write a balanced equation of the reaction [2]

(ii) What is the exact concentration in moles/Liter of your NaOH solution? [4]

(iii) Which one between KHP and NaOH is the primary standard and why? [3]

(iv) Which indicator is suitable for a weak-acid strong-base titration and why? [3]


(c) Suppose we titrate 20 mL of 0.100M HCHO2 with 0.100M NaOH. Calculate the pH:

I. Before any base is added.

II. When half of the HCHO2 has been neutralized.
III. After a total of 15.0mL of base has been added. [15]

Hint: Read Brown and Lemay (Topic: acid and base equilibrium)

The dissociation constant for formic acid is, Ka = 1.8 x 10-4


This question is based on 2-2: Writing Balanced Precipitation Reactions of the Virtual ChemLab CD.
Refer to page 41 of the Virtual ChemLab “General Chemistry Laboratories v 2.5” [BF Woodfield, MC
Asplund and S Haderlie] for the procedure. Carefully read through the procedure and carry out the
experiment according to the instructions and then answer the following questions:
a. After addition of Na2CO3 to a solution of Ag+:
(i) What colour is the precipitate? [2]
(ii) Write a correct balanced net ionic equation for the reaction [2]

b. After addition of NaCl into the Pb2+ solution:

(i) What colour is the precipitate? [2]
(ii) Write a correct balanced net ionic equation for this reaction [2]

c. After addition of Na2S into a solution containing Sb3+

(i) What is the colour of the precipitate? [2]
(ii) Write a correct balanced net ionic equation for the reaction [2]


Titrations provide a method of quantitatively measuring the concentration of an unknown solution. In an

acid-base titration, this is done by delivering a titrant of known concentration into an analyte of known
volume. Refer to page 141 of the Virtual ChemLab “General Chemistry Laboratories v 2.5” [BF
Woodfield, MC Asplund and S Haderlie] for the procedure of this experiment. Complete the experiment
and answer the following questions.

a) Record your unique unknown sample number? [1]

b) What volume of 0.2564 M NaOH was required by the titration to reach the equivalence point?
c) Calculate the molarity of the HCI using 25.00 mL of HCI solution and the volume of the 0.2564 M
NaOH from your titration. [5]


Carry out experiment 2-4: Precipitation Reactions, from Virtual ChemLab CD. Please make sure that you
carefully read instructions on page 45 of the Virtual ChemLab “General Chemistry Laboratories v
2.5” [BF Woodfield, MC Asplund and S Haderlie] for the procedure prior to attempting the experiment.

i) Complete the data table on page 45 [15]

ii) Write balanced net ionic equations for all precipitation reactions you have observed












Total marks: [100]


Assignment 2

Due date: 09 SEPTEMBER 2016

Unique no: 784265

Some questions in assignment 02 are based on the VIRTUAL CHEMLAB CD. PRACTICE THE


Match each of the instructions given below with the correct reason e.g. A5, B2, etc. (Note: these are
examples, not correct answers)


A Place a clean, dry 1 You do not want to

weighing bottle..... weigh anything other
than your sample. If you
also weigh water or
impurities the correct
mass of the sample will
not be known

B ... onto the top loader 2 You need this mass to

balance ( which weighs subtract it from the first
accurately to 0.01g ). mass you recorded in
Press the “Zero order to give you the
button”on the balance actual mass of sample
transferred from the
weighing bottle into the
volumetric flask.

C Add approximately the 3 You need this mass

required amount of before weighing the
sample into the emptied bottle in order
weighing bottle on the to calculate the total
top loader balance. mass which has been
transferred to the
volumetric flask.

D Transfer the weighing 4 Only the approximate

bottle + sample to the amount of solute is
analytical balance required for preparing a
(which weighs standard solution
accurately to 0.1 mg )
and record the mass in
your notebook

E Tip as much sample as 5 It is easier and faster to

possible of the sample measure off an
from the weighing bottle approximate amount on
into the volumetric flask. a top loader balance
before weighing it more


F Prevent spillage of 6 Some of the sample

sample and... may stick to it - and this
is not allowed for by the
weighing by difference
method you are using

G not use a spatula to 7 Any amount of sample

transfer the sample into that is lost in the transfer
the volumetric flask will not reflect in the
calculation of the mass
in the volumetric flask

H Accurately weigh the 8 It is not necessary to

weighing bottle with its know the mass of the
remaining contents and weighing bottle
record the mass.


Question 2 is based on the VIRTUAL CHEMLAB CD. Refer to page 153 of Virtual ChemLab textbook for
procedure on how to do this experiment.


Acid-Base Standardization

a. Record your unknown NaOH sample number # ___________ [1]

b. Data Table:

NB: Please repeat the procedure five times (and not twice as indicated in the book) and
enter your data in the Table below.

Trial Mass KHP (g) Volume NaOH (ml) Molarity NaOH (mol/L)



c. Write a balance chemical equation for the reaction of KHP and NaOH

d. What is the average molarity of the unknown NaOH for your closest three titrations? [2]


Question 3 is based on the VIRTUAL CHEMLAB CD. Refer to page 67 of Virtual ChemLab textbook for
procedure on how to do this experiment.


Endothermic vs. Exothermic

In various chemical processes such as reactions and the dissolving of salts, heat is either absorbed or
given off. We call these events either an endothermic (heat in) or exothermic (heat out) process. It is
usual to detect these heat events by measuring the temperature change associated with the process. In
this problem, you will dissolve several salts in water, measure the resulting temperature change, and
then make deductions about the nature of the process.

a. Record your results in the Table below.

Data Table

Mixture T1 T2 ∆T(T2 –T1)

NaCl (s) + H2O (l)

NaNO3 (s) + H2O (l)

NaCH3COO (s) + H2O (l)


Use your experimental data to answer the following questions.

I. Calculate ∆T(T2 –T1) for each mixture and record them in the data Table. [3]

II. An exothermic process gives off heat (warms up). An endothermic process absorbs heat (cools
off). Which solutions are endothermic and which are exothermic? What is the sign of the change
in enthalpy (∆H) in each case? [5]

III. Which solution(s) had little or no change in temperature? [2]


(a) Write the solubility equilibrium expression for Ca(OH)2 [2]

(b) Briefly state Le Chatelier‟s principle [2]

(c) Consider the following reaction:

CO (g) + H2(g)  C(s) + H2O (g) H = -131 kJ mol-1

Explain what would happen to the following equilibrium position and the concentration of H2

i. More C is added? [2]

ii. The concentration of CO is increased? [2]

iii. The concentration of H2O is increased? [2]

iv. The temperature is reduces? [2]

(d) Aqueous chromate ion, CrO42-, exists in equilibrium with aqueous dichromate ion, Cr2O72- in
acidic solution. What effect will (i) increasing the dichromate ion, and (ii) adding HCl have on
the equilibrium?






a) Define the following terms:

(i) Nucleophile [2]
(ii) Electrophile [2]

(b) Why boiling stones should be used when boiling liquids? [3]

(c) Sometimes after obtaining a crude product we recrystallise it. What is meant by recrystallization
and what is its purpose on the crude product? [4]

(d) What is esterification?? [2]

(e) Aspirin is synthesised on an industrial scale by combining the following reactants:

i. salicylic acid
ii. acetic anhydride
Draw the structures of (i) and (ii) above [4]

(f) 1.22 g of acetylsalicylic acid was obtained from 2.00 g of salicylic acid by reaction with excess
acetic anhydride. Calculate the percentage yield of acetylsalicylic acid. [3]

TOTAL: [90]

There are no other assessment methods for this module.

There is no examination for this module. The experiments completed together with the practical
reports will contribute to the module mark.


The my Studies @ Unisa brochure contains an A-Z guide most relevant study information.





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