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Department of Technical Education, Karnataka


(Final end examination will be in Sixth Semester)

Contact Hrs/Week: 3 Hrs .in V semester Contact Hrs: 48 Hrs + 48Hrs

3Hrs .in VI semester

As far as possible students should be given application oriented project problems with a view to:

1. Develop an understanding regarding the size and scale of operations and nature of field work in
which students are going to play their role after completing the course of study in Automobile
2. Develop an understanding of subject based knowledge given in the classroom in the context of
its application at work places.
3. Provide first hand experience to develop confidence amongst the students to enable them to use
and apply acquired technical knowledge and skills to solve practical problems of the world of
4. Develop special skills and abilities like interpersonal skills, communication skills, attitudes and
5. Practical exposure to an industrial activity

For the fulfillment of above competencies, polytechnics may establish close linkage with
8-10 relevant organizations for providing such an experience. It is necessary that each organization is
visited well in advance by respective teachers and activities to be performed by students are well
defined. The chosen activities should be such which are of curricular interest to students and of
professional value to industrial/field organizations.

Each Project batch must have Maximum of SIX students.

Effort should be made to identify actual field problems to be given as project work to the
students. Project selected should not be too complex which is beyond the comprehension level of the
students. The placement of the students for such a practical cum project work should match with the
competency profile and interest of students.

Students may be assessed both by industry and polytechnic faculty.

The suggested performance criteria are given below:

a) Punctuality and regularity (Log book - mandatory and to be produced during IA verification)
b) Initiative in learning/Demonstration and fabrication of model
c) Level/proficiency of practical skills acquired
d) Originality
e) Scope for patentability
f) Sense of responsibility
g) Self expression/Communication skills
h) Interpersonal skills.
g) Report writing skills
h) Viva voce
Some of suggested projects are given below: These are only guidelines, teacher may take any project
related to Automobile/Mechanical and allied area depending upon the availability of projects.
Preference should be given to practical oriented projects.

1) Industrial Visit and Report

Students are required to undergo an industrial visit in V semester. After completion of their visit each
student should submit a hand written report independently in view of his own observation in industry
to their respective project guides..
The comprehensive report should focus on study of plant/ product /process/ along with intensive
in-depth study of the topics such as processes, methods, tooling, plant layout and equipment,
highlighting aspects of quality, productivity of the system.
The comprehensive report should be submitted to their respective guides for sessional marks
evaluation in Vsemister itself..

2) Project work

According to the local needs, the following projects are suggested:

Automobile related area

Cut sections models of different Automobile components
Working demonstration models of various Automobile systems.
Reconditioning of Automobile components
Application of Electronics in Automobile field
Fabrication of Automobile batteries
Repainting of vehicles
Modification on existing vehicles.
Design and fabrication of Test rigs
Performance study of IC engines for different fuels
Design and fabrication of battery operated, Hybrid vehicle
Working model of Power steering
Regenerative braking system
Steering controlled headlight
Engine/motor vibration checker
Seat belt automatic locking system
Hydraulic braking
Electro magnetic shock absorber
Digital auto speed limiter
Design and Fabrication of various types of lab equipments useful to polytechnic
Repair and overhauling of various machine tools and lab equipments available at

The Project Report should consist of following items.

1. Introduction
2. Review of Literature
3. Study Area
4. Methodology/Design/fabrication/Tests
5. Result and Discussion
6. Conclusion and scope for future study
7. References.


1. Project reports should be typed neatly in Times New Roman letters with font size 14 for titles and 12

for text on only one side of the paper with 1.5 line spacing on a A4 size paper (210 x 297 mm). The

margins should be: Left - 1.5", Right - 1", Top and Bottom - 0.75".
2. The total number of reports (Soft bound) to be prepared are

 One copy to the department /library

 One copy to the concerned guide(s)

 One copy to the candidate.

3. Before taking the final printout, the approval of the concerned guide(s) is mandatory and suggested
corrections, if any, must be incorporated.

4. Every copy of the project report must contain

 Inner title page (White)

 Outer title page with a plastic cover

 Candidate declaration and Certificate in the format enclosed both from the institution and the
organization where the project is carried out.

 An abstract (synopsis) not exceeding 100 words, indicating salient features of the work.

6. The organization of the project report should be as follows

1. Inner title page

2. Abstract or Synopsis
Usually numbered in
3. Acknowledgments
4. Table of Contents
5. List of table & figures (optional)

Chapters (to be numbered in Arabic) containing Introduction-, which usually specifies the
scope of work and its importance and relation to previous work and the present developments, Main
body of the report divided appropriately into chapters, sections and subsections.

The chapters, sections and subsections may be numbered in the decimal form for e.g. Chapter
2, sections as 2.1, 2.2 etc., and subsections as 2.2.3, 2.5.1 etc.

The chapter must be left or right justified (font size 16). Followed by the title of chapter
centered (font size 18), section/subsection numbers along with their headings must be left justified with
section number and its heading in font size 16 and subsection and its heading in font size 14. The body
or the text of the report should have font size 12.

The figures and tables must be numbered chapter wise

The last chapter should contain the summary of the work carried, contributions if any, their
utility along with the scope for further work.
Reference or Bibliography: The references should be numbered serially in the order of their
occurrence in the text and their numbers should be indicated within square brackets for e.g. [3]. The
section on references should list them in serial order in the following format.

1. For textbooks – Dr.Paramar S, Welding process and technology, Khanna publishers, New
Delhi, 2 Edition, 2003.
2. For papers – Y.Javadi and I.sattari, Welding distortion in pipes, Journal of pressure vessels
and piping, Vol 85, Aug 2008, pp 337-343
Only SI units are to be used in the report. Important equations must be numbered in decimal form for
e.g. V = IZ .......... (3.2)
All equation numbers should be right justified.
Separator sheets, used if any, between chapters, should be of thin paper

PROJECT EVALUATION ( At the end of 6th semester):

1. Project concept 10 marks
2. Project Report 20 marks
3. Fabrication of the model/Data collection/repair and Overhauling work 30 marks
4 Demonstration/calculation/result 20 marks
5. Project Viva-voice 20 marks
TOTAL 100 mark
I A Marks:

Scheme of Evaluation

1 Log record 05
2 Synopsis 10
3 Presentation 10
Total 25

The candidate declaration and certificate sample copy are enclosed here for incorporation in
final project report

I, ------------------------------------------ a student of Diploma in ------------------------------ Department

bearing Reg No---------------------------------------of ---------------------------------------------- hereby
declare that I own full responsibility for the information, results and conclusions provided in this
project work titled “----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “submitted
to State Board of Technical Examinations, Government of Karnataka for the award of Diploma in
To the best of my knowledge, this project work has not been submitted in part or full elsewhere in any
other institution/organization for the award of any certificate/diploma/degree. I have completely taken
care in acknowledging the contribution of others in this academic work. I further declare that in case of
any violation of intellectual property rights and particulars declared, found at any stage, I, as the
candidate will be solely responsible for the same.


Place: Signature of candidate

Name: --------------------

Reg No-------------------
Address with pin code
Department of ……………………………………………………..

Certified that this project report entitled --------------------------------------------------------------------

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------”which is being submitted by

Mr./Ms. ………………………….……………….., Reg. No…..……………, a bonafide student of
…………………………………….in partial fulfillment for the award of Diploma in
-----------------Engineering during the year ……………………... is record of students own work
carried out under my/our guidance. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for internal
Assessment have been incorporated in the Report and one copy of it being deposited in the polytechnic

The project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Project
work prescribed for the said diploma.

It is further understood that by this certificate the undersigned do not endorse or approve any
statement made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn there in but approve the project only for the
purpose for which it is submitted.

Name and signature

Head of Department
Dept. of ----------------

1. The project work is proposed to be carried out during the V and VI semesters so that learners
prepare during the V semester, do some field work based on the preparation during the mid
semester vacation and report the analysis and inferences during the VI semester.
2. The learners would reach a level of maturity by the time they reach V semester and so a
meaningful project lasting for a year can be executed by them.
3. To execute the project with involvement needs constant guidance and monitoring of the
progress of the learners by the guide.
4. This does not mean teacher has to advice learners.
5. Be confident about the ability of the learner and “intellectually provoke” them with challenging
questions. These questions should prompt the learners to search information and update
themselves (to be carried out during the first two weeks).
6. Do not feed information to learners. Instead crate a ‘cognitive dissonance’ (a challenging
question or situation that the learner is not able to find an immediate answer but feels the need
to search for information to find a solution).
7. Defer judgement on learners and give them identified sources if required like a journal article,
book or a web site.
8. Even if the learners report their inability to solve do NOT give or prescribe a solution.
9. Be patient and give time for the learner to construct his knowledge.
10. Give corrective feedback to the learner by challenging his solutions so that his logic is
questioned and it develops further.
11. This leads to the first activity viz., literature survey and conceiving a project.
12. During this phase meet the project team in a group and create a healthy competition among the
learners to search different sources and synthesise their findings in the group.
13. Aim for bringing out a workable innovative project conceived within the first eight weeks as
given in the schedule attached.
14. During these two phases and the third phase the teacher should assess the strengths and
weakness of the members of the group and allocate differential work to team members on the
remaining tasks to be carried out during the next thirty weeks.
15. This is to ensure active participation of all the members of the team.
16. By the end of the twelfth week finalise the project and a schedule of further activities for each
member indicating the time frame in which his activities are to be executed may be made ready.
A soft copy of this schedule may be collected from each learner by the guide to follow up.
17. This schedule prepared by each learner need to be documented for checking further progress of
the project.
18. The next few phases of the project may require active guidance of the guide especially
regarding the sources of collecting data, if a sample data is to be collected the number of units
has to be decided, collating the data/fabricating, tryout/analysis and finally coming out with
meaningful conclusions or models or application.
19. Data like models, designs, technical specifications, source code, protocols and original records
need be collected from one authentic source as there will not be any variation. The teacher may
guide the learners to authentic source.
20. Data having limited variability like product/service quality, processes and standards, procedures
need to be collected from a sample as there is a variation. The number of units from whom
(source) the data is to be collected is called sample. The sample needs to be representative of
the expected variation. The decision on the size of the sample and the number of units need
guidance from the teacher. For example, data regarding the quality of a product/service need be
collected from 3 to 5 personnel at different levels of a service provider or dealers of a product.
The numbers given are suggestive but a guide based on his experience has to make valid
21. Data having a wide range of variation like customer satisfaction where the customers are
members of the public need a larger number of units to accommodate the diversity. A tool like
questionnaire with predetermined questions need to be prepared, tried out on a small sample
and finalise the questions. Data may be collected from at least 30 units. This number is
suggested to apply statistical analysis for meaningful conclusions. Guides may decide on the
sample size depending on the accessibility of data.
22. The intention of the above three points viz., 19, 20 and 21 is to ensure objectivity in data
collection i.e., to reduce the subjectivity of the human mind.
23. All the above activities need to be completed before three to four weeks before the end of V
semester (refer the spread sheet related to scheduling).
24. The learners may be instructed to collect data objectively with identified sample during the next
4 to six weeks which includes the mid semester holidays. This would enable the learners to
visit the field and collect data without the constraint of reporting to institution and attending
classes on a regular basis.
25. The collected data need to be organised and entered to spread sheets or similar formats for
analysis. Qualitative data may be converted to quantitative using a rating scale or similar data
organisation procedures.
26. The result of most analysis on spreadsheet could be obtained in tables or graphs as per the
27. Activities mentioned in points 24, 25 and 26 may be carried out by learners during 4 to 8 weeks
after commencement of VI semester.
28. Interpretation of the analysed tables and graphs to arrive at meaningful inference. The guide at
this stage may defer his ideas on interpretation allowing the learners to do this. In case the
learners err in the process they may be given corrective feedback.
29. A report of the whole process of doing the project may be written, word processed and
submitted in triplicate.
30. Guides may contact industries and try to solve their problems so that the learners get a field
experience and they get ready for the industry.
31. Innovations and innovative practices may be encouraged among the learners to be pursued as a
project. Developing prototypes, (in simulation or real) trying out feasibility of new ideas,
changing existing systems by adding modules, combining, assembling new modules and
developing new systems may be given higher priority over routine bookish projects.
32. The schedule of events proposed is for an investigative project as a model. Guides may alter
the prescribed schedule to suit the kind of innovative projects sited in point No.31 above.
33. Industry personnel may be involved in conceiving, executing and evaluating projects. This
gives credibility to the institute and acceptance of learners for absorption into the company.


1. Carry out the project work through the V and VI semesters. Preparation must be done during
the V semester and based on this, field work should be done during the mid semester vacation
and reporting of analysis and inferences should be done in the VI semester.
2. You have the ability and the level of maturity needed to conceive an innovative and meaningful
project accomplishing which gives you recognition by the industry and empowers you with the
power of knowledge.
3. Understand your strength and weakness and make an effort to find the strength and weakness of
other peers in the team.
4. Complement each other’s strength rather than compete with peers within the team. This will
enable you to complete a comprehensive and innovative project relevant to the industrial needs
rather than doing a routine copy of what others have done.
5. Seek guidance from the teacher and update him/her about the progress.
6. Be confident about your ability and that of other members of your group. Take extra efforts to
collect information, share with your peers and synthesise your knowledge.
7. Question everything including the ideas of your teacher. Accept the ideas and instructions
which are internally consistent (logical).
8. Involve actively in group activities and contribute towards the tasks.
9. Do not depend too much on the teacher as a source of information, search on your own and
build your knowledge structure. Search for authentic sources like journal articles, books and
authentic sites rather than blogs and tweets.
10. Though brief, record your thoughts and activities including searches immediately.
11. Prepare a schedule for your work on a spread sheet and encourage your peers to do the same.
12. Show your schedule and that of others to the teacher and get his feedback.
13. Keep reviewing the schedule every fortnight and take corrective steps if needed. For doing this
keep the general guideline schedule given in the curriculum as a backdrop.
14. Tools used for data collection like instruments, testing machines, questions to be asked and
software may be tried out and standardised by the twelfth week of the project. Seek the
teacher’s help who is experienced in doing this.
15. Collect data dispassionately or objectively (without applying your personal prejudice).
Complete this task before the VI semester begins.
16. While entering data into the spread sheet ask your peer member to verify. This will ensure
accuracy of data entry.
17. Use appropriate mathematics/statistics for calculations. Seek help from external sources (other
than your teacher) if required.
18. The results of your analysis need to be graphically represented and documented. You may also
add photographs and video clips to increase the validity.
19. This task needs to be completed within 8 weeks after commencement of VI semester.
20. Interpret the data (after analysis) and arrive at meaningful inferences on your own in
discussion with your peers. Get it ratified by your teacher. Suggestions from the teacher may
be discussed among your peers and incorporated if they are internally consistent.
21. The project report may be word processed (videos, photographs attached in soft copy) and
submitted in triplicate two weeks before the end of VI semester.
22. Involve passionately in the team work, make constructive contributions and come out with an
industry friendly project which will equip you in your professional development.

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