ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) Teaching Protocol Pretest (30 Min) Context of Tutorial (2 Hours)
ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) Teaching Protocol Pretest (30 Min) Context of Tutorial (2 Hours)
ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) Teaching Protocol Pretest (30 Min) Context of Tutorial (2 Hours)
Teaching Protocol
2. Immobilization
a. In-line immobilization/ log-roll techniques
b. Cervical collar
a. Long spine Backboard
b. Scoop stretcher
c. Traction Splint
General Principles:
The concept:
Three underlying concepts of ATLS program :
Treat the greatest threat to life first
The lack of a definite diagnosis should never impede the application
of an indicated treatment
A detailed history was not essential to begin the evaluation of an
acutely injured patient
Organized team approach
Assumption of the most serious injury
Treatment before diagnosis
Thorough examination
Frequent reassessment
Primary survey (ABCDEs)
Adjuncts to primary survey & resuscitation
Secondary survey (Head to toe Evaluation)
Adjuncts to secondary survey
Continued postresuscitation monitoring and reevaluation
Definitive care
2. Low-priority areas
Soft tissue injury
Thorough Examination
When time and the patient’s stability permit.
Unconscious/ alcohol intoxicated patients
Frequent Reassessment
Dynamic process
Some injuries take time to manifest
Any sudden worsening in the physiologic status of the patients mandates a return to the
Vital signs
Pulse oximetry
Lab: ABG, Ht
Resuscitation area
Proper airway equipment
Warmed IV crystalline solutions
Monitoring capabilities
Summon extra medical assistance
Prompt response by lab and radiology personnel
Transfer route
Periodic review
Standard precautions
Based on the ABCDE priority
Airway with Cervical spine protection
Breathing and ventilation
Circulation with hemorrhage control
Disability: Neurologic status
Exposure/ Environmental control
Assessment :
Inspection / palpation /Auscultation / Percussion
Expose the neck and chest
Respiratory rate and depth
Inspect and palpate: tracheal deviation ? symmetrical chest movement ? use of
accessory muscles ? signs of injury ? subcutaneous emphysema ?
Cyanosis ?
Auscultate the chest
Percussion : dullness? hyperresonance?
Management :
Administer high concentrations of oxygen
Ventilate with BVM
Alleviate tension pneumothorax : needle decompression / Place chest tube
Indication for thoracotomy
Seal an open pneumothorax
Pulse oximeter
Important Notes :
Always check for one-lung intubation, chest X-rays should be performed
Pitfalls :
If the ventilation problem is produced by a pneumothrax, intubation with MV could
lead to deterioration.
The procedure itself may produce a pneumothorax
1. Level of consciousness
2. Skin color
3. Pulse ( quality, rate, regularity )
Presence of a carotid pulse SBP 60 mmHg
femoral pulse SBP 70 mmHg
radial puse SBP 80 mmHg
Q : What are the injuries that may acutely impair circulation status ?
These injuries are :
1. External/internal bleeding with hypovolemic shock
2. Massive hemothorax
3. Cardiac tamponade
Identify source of external hemorrhage
Identify potential source(s) of internal hemorrhage /
Pulse / skin color, capillary refill / Blood pressure
Apply direct pressure to external bleeding site.
Internal hemorrhage ? Need for surgical intervention ?
Establish IV access / central line / IO
Fluid resuscitation / blood replacement
Important Notes :
Hypotension following injury must be considered to be hypovolemic in origin until
proved otherwise.
Pitfalls :
The elderly, children, athletes and others with chronic medical conditions do not
respond to volume loss in similar manner
Assessment :
Level of consciousness in the AVPU scale
Voice illicits response
Pain illicits response
Pupils size, equality and reaction
Management :
Intubation and allow mild hyperventilation
Administer IV mannitol ( 1.5-2.0g/kg )
Arrange for brain CT
Important notes :
CT is contraindicated when the patient is hemodynamically unstable
A decrease in the level of consciousness may due to:
Decreased cerebral oxygenation (A,B)
Decreased cerebral perfusion (C)
Direct cerebral injury (D)
Alcohol / drugs
Always rule out hypoxemia and hypovolemia first.
Pitfalls :
Lucid interval of acute EDH, reevaluation is important.
Exposure / Environment Control
Completely undressed the patient.
Prevent hypothermia
Injured patients may arrive in hypothermic condition
To reverse immediately life-threatening situations and maximize patient survival
Airway 1. Jaw thrust/chin lift/
2. Suction
3. Intubation
4. Cricothyroidotomy
( with protection of C-spine )
Breathing/Ventilation/oxygenation 1. Chest needle decompression
2. Tube thoracostomy
3. Supplemental oxygen
4. Seal open pneumothorax
Circulation/hemorrhage control 1. IV line/ central line
2. Venous cutdown
3. Fluid resuscitation/Blood transfusion
4. Thorocostomy for massive
5. Pericardiocentesis for cardiac
Disability 1. Burr holes for trans-tentorial
2. IV mannitol
Exposure/Environment 1. Warmed crystalloid fluid
2. Temperature
AMPLE history
Medications currently used
Past illness/ Pregnancy
Last meal
Events/ Environment related to the injury
Mechanism/blunt/penetrating/burns/cold/hazardous environment
Physical Examination:
Table 1.
Facial edema in patients with massive facial injury or patients in coma can preclude
a complete eye examination.
Blunt injury to the neck may produce injuries in which clinical signs and symptoms
develop late.(e.g. Injury to the intima of the carotid a.)
The identification of cervical n. root/brachial plexus injury may not be possible in
the comatose patient.
Decubitus ulcer from immobilization on a rigid spine board/cervical collar.
Children often sustain significant injury to the intrathoracic structures without
evidence of thoracic skeletal trauma.
A normal initial examination of the abdomen does not exclude a significant
intraabdominal injury.
Patients with impaired sensorium secondary to alcohol/drugs are at risk.
Injury to the retroperitoneal organs may be difficult to identify.
Female urethral injury are difficult to detect.
Blood loss from pelvic fractures can be difficult to control and fatal hemorrhage may
Fractures involving the bones of extremities are often not diagnosed.
Most of the diagnostic and therapeutic maneuvers increase ICP.
The trauma patient must be reevaluated constantly to assure that new findings are not
A high index of suspicion
Continuous monitoring of vital signs and urinary output is essential.
ABG/cardiac monitoring/ pulse oximetry
Pain relive- IV opiates/anxiolytics.
Transfer to a trauma center or closest appropriate hospital.
Recognition of Shock :
Early: Tachycardia and cutaneous vasoconstriction
Normal heart rate varies with age, tachycardia is present when
Infant: >160 BPM
Preschool age child: >140 BPM
School age to puberty: >120 BPM
Adult: >100 BPM
The elderly patient may not exhibit tachycardia because of the limited cardiac
response to catecholamine stimulation / use of medications
Differentiation of shock:
Hemorrhagic shock hypovolemic shock
Nonhemorrhagic shock:
a. Cardiogenic shock: Blunt cardiac injury, cardiac tamponade, air embolus,
myocardial infarction.
b. Tension pneumothorax
c. Neurogenic shock
d. Septic shock
The normal blood volume of adult is 7 % of body weight. Whereas that of a child is 8-9%
of body weight.
Fluid Therapy:
Fluid bolus: 1-2 liters for an adult and 20mL/kg for a pediatric patient
3:1 rule
39 C ( 1 liter fluid, microwave, high power, 2 minutes )
Blood Replacement:
PRBC/Whole blood
Crossmatched/type-specific/ type O blood
FFP ( 1U FFP for every 5 U PRBC)
CVP monitoring
Thoracic Trauma
1. Hypoxia: a. Hypovolemia (blood loss); b. Pulmonary ventilation / perfusion
mismatch (contusion, hematoma, alveolar collapse); c. Changes in intrathoracic pressure
relationships (tension pneumothorax, open pneumothorax)
2. Hypercarbia: a. Inadequate ventilation due to changes in intrathoracic pressure; b.
Depressed level of consciousness
3. Metabolic acidosis: Hypoperfusion of the tissues (shock)
Recognition of: Neck vein distention, respiratory effort and quality changes,
Major problems:
1. Tension pneumothorax:
Clinical diagnosis
Chest pain, air hunger, respiratory distress, tachycardia, hypotension, tracheal
deviation, unilateral absence of breath sounds, neck vein distention,
cyanosis. (V.S. cardiac tamponade)
Hyperresonant percussion.
Immediate decompression: Needle decompression/ chest tube.
2. Open pneumothorax:
2/3 of the diameter of the trachea – impaired effective ventilation
Sterile occlusive dressing, taped securely on 3 sides.
Chest tube (remote)
3. Flail chest:
2 ribs fractured in two or more places.
Severe disruption of normal chest wall movement.
Paradoxical movement of the chest wall.
Crepitus of ribs.
The major difficulty is underlying lung injury ( pulmonary contusion)
Adequate ventilation, humidified oxygen, fluid resuscitation.
The injured lung is sensitive to both underresuscitation of shock and fluid
4. Massive hemothorax:
Compromise respiratory efforts by compression, prevent adequate ventilation.
Assessment: Pulse quality, rate and regularity. BP, pulse pressure, observing and
palpating the skin for color and temperature. Neck veins.
Important notes: Neck veins may not be distented in the hypovolemic patient with
cardiac tamponade, tension pneumothorax,or traumatic diaphragmatic injury.
Monitor with: Cardiac monitor/pulse oximeter.
Major problems:
Massive hemothorax:
Rapid accumulation of > 1500 mL o blood in the chest cavity.
Neck veins may be flat secondary to hypovolemia
Absence of breath sounds and/or dullness to percussion on one side of the chest
Management: Restoration of blood volume and decompression of the chest cavity.
Indication of thoracotomy: a. Immediately 1500 mLof blood evacuated. b.
200mL/hr for 2-4 hrs. c. Patient’s physiology status. d. Persistent blood
transfusion requirements.
Cardiac tamponade:
Beck’s triad: venous pressure elevation, decline in arterial pressure, muffled heart
Pulsus paradoxicus.
Kussmaul’s sign.
Management: Pericardiocentesis.
Left anterior thoracotomy
The therapeutic maneuvers that can be effectively accomplished with a resuscitative
thoracotomy are:
Evacuation of pericardial blood causing tamponade.
Direct control of exsanguinating intrathoracic hemorrhage
Open cardiac massage
Cross cramping of the descending aorta to slow blood loss below the diaphragm and
increase perfusion to the brain and heart.