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Praise and thanks to Allah SWT who gives a lot of mercy, healty and
pleasure to all of us. Together with this too, we could finish our Automatic Flight
Control System Practical report on phase 4.
And thanks to :
And for all my friends who have gave me knowledge and helped me until i
could finish my report on Automatic Flight Control System which i have learned
before, basic information, basic practical, basic principal and procedure in
Automatic Flight Control System which in the future will be the first important
thing for my profession. Before doing the practice, all of a cadets must follow all
the procedure, rule and all work method on Automatic Flight Control System.
Last word, I realize that this report has a lot of mistakes, so we apologize for
any errors we do intentional or unintentional.
COVER ........................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL .................................................................................................... ii
A. Backgorund
The library research was applied to support the analysis of The The
Automatic Flight Control System of The Training Aids in the Avionic
Maintenance Lab & Workshop of AMTO STPI, by collecting some data and
information needed from the relevant books like Training Aid Manual, FAA
Airframe Handbok Volume 2, and AV-12 Autopilot System Manual also
Illustrated Part Catalogue or other resources and then reading and
comprehending the data, making some notes until making conclusion.
E. Source of Data
1. Search some data and information needed from the relevant books.
a. Location :
A. Introduction
An autopilot performs many function that the human pilot would perform
by using electronic, electrical and/or electro-hydraulic devices. The autopliot
could be divided into four parts: sensors, computers, controls, and loads. The
sensors detects various changes in aircraft altitude. This information is fed to the
computer, which calculates the size of its output signal and which axis to send it
Early autopilot were primarily pilot relief devices, which did little more than
hold the aircraft staright and level. Over last two decades the autopilot system
has evolved as a more versatile system having more functions and features. The
autopilot has grown to become a system that is utilized in all phases of flight and
has, as such, acquired its more modern identification as an Automatic Flight
Control System (AFCS).
The AFCS in smaller aircraft have varying degrees of complexity, from
simple single-axis ‘wing levelers” in small single engine aircraft, all the way up
to three-axis systems for corporate jet aircraft that have as many features and
functions as those systems found on jet transport aircraft. Autopilots, from
simple to complex, have undoubtedly reduced pilot workload and mental fatigue
throughout all areas of the flight envelope.
B. Classification
Autopilots are classified according to the number of aircraft axis controlled
automatically. Autopilot systems provide for one, two, or three axis control of
the aircraft. Some autopilot systems control only the ailerons (one axis), others
control ailerons and elevators or rudder (two axis). The three axis system
controls ailerons, elevetors and rudder.
The autopliot compares the desired and actual attitudes, and if there is a
difference or error, it applies correction for the error and controls the speed of
Each AFCS receives attitude and heading signals from a vertical and
directional gyro and has its own rate gyro and accelerometersystem to develop
attitude and flight path stabilization signals. The AFCS computers comprises
electronic “brain” that receives signals from its “senses” to compue the proper
responses and provides outputs to electric and/or hydarulic actuators that are then
“muscles” which move the aircrafts control surfaces.
The controller engages or disengages the autopilot and selects the operating
mode. The autopilot computer processes information about the aircraft actual
attitude versus a desired attitude as a function of selected flight mode to produce
pitch, roll and yaw servo outputs. The autopilot requires a directional gyro and a
vertical gyro for sensing the actual yaw, roll and pitch attitudes.
The servos which are the muscle of the system, move the aircrafts flight
control surfacesin response to the output signal of the computer. As the aircraft
No. Component Remark
1. Name Vacuum Regulator
Model 5KH36KNA510X
Part Number - Good
Serial Number D08J100016
Manufacture Marathon Electric
2. Name Console
Model Altimatic III C
Part Number - Good
Serial Number -
Manufacture Century Flight System Co.
3. Name Vacuum Gage
Model 103-4
Part Number - Good
Serial Number 10M
Manufacture Airborne Mfg. Co.
4. Name Vertical Speed Indicator
Model -
Part Number 5-1392 Good
Serial Number 81001
Manufacture Cessna Aircraft Co.
5. Name Gyro Computer
Model G-840A
Part Number 43080-0000 Good
Serial Number 4943
Manufacture Sperry Co.
6. Name Turn & Slip Indicator
Model TS200-2B
Part Number 509-0001-909 Good
Serial Number 4281
Manufacture -
7. Name Directional Gyro Indicator
Model 52054
Part Number 200-6 Good
Serial Number 9531
Manufacture -
Cable Installation
On this section, we will give information about characteristics of King Radio Corporstion KMA 24
Audio panel with Marker Beacon Receiver, KMA 24 is a unit containing a pushbutton audio selector
panel, speaker and headphone isolation amplifier and a marker beacon receiver.
KMA 24 models are available with or without the AUTO selection feature (at the avionics trainer
used KMA 24 with AUTO selection feature), if the installation using comm Transceiver without a
frequency transfer (KX 170series) will prefer the AUTO feature, Each of the audio panel
combination vailable, the choice is a between a third MIC function that can be either HF or TEL
and between AUTO and a second ADF.
As many as three transceiver and six receivers including the internal marker beacon receiver can be
controlled by the KMA 24, the unit has two unswitched input for use as altimeter warning and
telephone ringer, the KMA 24 has outputs for ramp hailer and passanger address or intercom as
An 8 ohm tap is provided on the secondary of the audio transformer to provide maximum power
transfer in installation using 8 ohm speakers.
Separate isolation amplifiers are provided for headphone and speaker to provide isolation even when
the same source is selected for both headphone and speakers, Aircraft power for the headphone and
speaker isolation amplifier is derived from separate source to provide a high degree of audio
Power to speaker amplifier can be switced off from the front panel but the headphone amplifier is
always on, the speaker output is muted when the MIC key is pressed to transmit.
In the INT (internail or intercom as applicable) and EXT MIC selector modes, all the audio inputs
are muted to the speaker while the microphone is keyed, a PA mute output is provided to mute
passenger background music system in the INT MIC selector position, three isolated 16 ohm resistor
are provided for transceiver speaker output loads.
The KMA 24 Marker Beacon receiver presentation uses three colored lenses (white, blue, and
amber) with the letter designation A-O-M engraved on the lens for visual station pasage indication.
In addition, the appropiate marker audio tone can be selected, HI-LO sensitivity and lamp test may
be selected on pushbutton adjacent to the marker beacon lights, provision is mad for driving remote
marker beacon light such as those in the king KI 285 Autopilot Panel or KA 40 Remote Marker
KMA 24 will operate from either 14VDC or 28VDC aircraft power system with no wiring change
required, the panel lighting (other than the marker beacon lights) is powered by the aircraft light
dimmer bus, both 14 VDC or 28 VDC light dimmer systems are accommodated by installation
wiring options.
For KMA 24 models equipped with the AUTO receiver Audio select feature, the transmitter selected
with the microphone slector switch will be matched automatically with the appropriate COMM
receiver audio on either headphone or speaker, or both, by simply pressing the desired headphone
and/or speaker AUTO push botton, (COMM 1 and COMM 2 push buttons should disengaged unless
is desired to additionally listen to a COMM receiver other than the one slected with the microphone
selector switch,) Thus, on AUTO you may change the rotary microphone switch back and forth, as
needed, without having to reselect the corresponding COMM, TEL, or HF receiver buttons in order
to hear the receiver, Both models of the KMA 24H have AUTO COMM capability and always
provide automatic headphone audio selection to match the transceiver in use, The selection of
speaker audio can either be made automatically by pulling out the speaker AUTO switch or
manually with the row of speaker audio slect push buttons, The complete TSO‘d 3-light marker
beacon receiver built into the KMA 24 gives you an accurate visual and aural signal when you pass
over a 75 MHz beacon, The blue, amber, and white lights on the faceplate—as well as the audio
tone—identify the beacon type (outer, middle or airway/innes marker), Either the speaker or
headphone MKR buttons or both must be “in“ for the marker beacon receiver to provide an
audiosignal at beacon passage, The horizontal push button labeled SENS on the lower left side of
the console gives you the choice of two receiver sensitivities, When button is “in,“ the sensitivity is
on HI, During an approach, this setting should permit you to hear the outer marker tone about the
one mile out, At this point you may select LO to dampen the tone, It will start to sound again when
you are closer to the marker, giving you a more precise indication of its location, Pressing the top
horizontal button marked “TST“ simply applies voltage to all three lamps to show that they are
functioning, Note: The TST button should not be pressed to test the lamps when autopilot coupled
on an ILS approach inside the outer marker, This iis due to the fact that some autopilots (including
Bendix/King autopilots) use the marker annunciation to change the sensitivity of the autopilot, A
photocell in the console automatically dims the lamps for night operation, The “INT“ position on
the KMA 24 and the “PA“ position on the KMA 24H permit the flight crew to addresscabin
occupants over the cabin speaker, To do this, select “INT“ or “PA“ with the microphone switch,
When the mike is keyed, the receiver audio is muted and you may talk normally into the microphone
to broadcast over the speaker, The KMA 24H also has an “EMG“ position on the microphone
A. Conclusion
An autopilot can be capable of many very time intensive tasks, helping the
pilot focus on the overall status of the aircraft and flight. Good use of an autopilot
helps automate the process of guiding and controlling the aircraft. Autopilots can
automate tasks, such as maintaining an altitude, climbing or descending to an
assigned altitude, turning to and maintaining an assigned heading, intercepting a
course, guiding the aircraft between waypoints that make up a route programmed
into an FMS, and flying a precision or nonprecision approach. You must accurately
determine the installed options, type of installation, and basic and optional functions
available in your specific aircraft.
An aircraft autopilot with many features and various autopilot related
systems integrated into a single system is called an automatic flight control system
(AFCS). These were formerly found only on high-performance aircraft. Currently,
due to advances in digital technology for aircraft, modern aircraft of any size may
have AFCS.
The function of AFCS is controller for the movement of aircraft so that the
aircraft can fly same as the setting of pilot. And aircraft can maintain the straight
level fly.
B. Suggestion
1. In this practice we can study about the system auto pilot of the aircraft but we
can’t do maximum practice because of the trainer has trouble in the system. The
trainer is not available because in the indicator of the trainer can’t work like a
truly aircraft so that we can’t practice maximum.